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Commission and Forwarding - Cook, W. C.

Date 18xx p-c
Commission and Forwarding Gets, Hatton & Col., Denver, Colo. Territory. Wholesale Commission Merchants. Nebraska City News 3-4-67 1-4
Compton, E. B. Otoe Lodge No 4. Independent Order, Grand Templars. Strawberry Festival. July 4. Committee on lights. See Societies & Organizations. Nebraska City News 7-1-67 3-4
Compton, J. B. Counted 21 wagons loaded wiht lumber between Nebraska City and the Nemaha, bound for Lincoln. See Freighting Nebraska City News 2-17-68 3-2
Compton, J. B. Nebraska City, Nebr. See Wells Nebraska City News 4-19-67 3-2
Compton, J. B. Merchant of Lincoln, Nebr. See Buildings Nebraska City News 5-6-68 2-3
Compton, J. B. Nebraska City, Nebr, Manufacturer and retail dealer. See Hardware Nebraska City News 6-15-68 1-3
Compton, Wm Defendant Hickman & Sipple plaintiff, forclosure, sale confirmed, deed ordered to be made. Nebraska Advertiser 4-17-73 2-6
Compton and Compton Real Estate Dealers Nebraska Advertiser 5-19-70 1-6
Comstock, Bill Noted Scout, Death of. See Military Nebraska City News 9-2-68 3-4
Comstock, C. W. (Rev) Appointed to the Republican District by the Nebraska Conference of Methodist Churches Nebraska Advertiser 4-13-71 2-1
Comstock, Walter H. Formerly of Norwalk Connecticut, married to Amine C. Scoville of Nemaha City. See Marriage Nebraska Advertiser 5-12-70 2-5
Conant, John Enrolled in the Teachers Class Peru Normal Nebraska Advertiser 3-10-70 1-4
Confectionery C. Schumacker. Successor to M. T. Johnson & Co. Nebraska City, Nebraska. Confectionery, toys, fruit, nuts & etc. Also violins, guitars, banjos, and selected stock of china. Nebraska City News 11-25-6 2-4
Confiscation Bill. Stevens. Delcares all public lands belonging to ten rebel States forfeited to the United States. Sec. 2. directs the President to seize such property belonging to the belligerent enemy as is deemed forfeited by Act of July 17, 1862, and hold same as the enemy's property. Sec. 1 to 9 inclusive. Disposal of confiscated property, etc. Nebraska City News 4-3-67 2-2
Conger, Dr. Of McWilliams precinct. 25 bu. wheat to the acre. See Agriculture Nebraska City News 6-26-68 3-2
Conger, Dr. Of Syracuse precinct aided in the amputation of Mr. Bray's arm. See Nathaniel Bray. Nebraska City News 9-25-68 3-3
Conger, J. W. From Otoe County elected to the House in State Legislature. Nebraska Advertiser 10-20-70 2-4
Conger, J. W. Democratic candidate for House of Representatives of Nebraska. See Political parties, Democratic. Nebraska City News 8-7-68 2-1
Conger, J. W. McWilliams precinct, Otoe Co. See Otoe County Nebraska City News 6-7-67 3-1
Conger, O. T. Pastor of the Baptist Church is a hard working faithful man, zealous of Baspties interests at Lincoln. He is at present chaplain of the Representatives. Nebraska Advertiser 3-20-73 4-1
Conger, S. Received 2,074 votes for Attorney of the Third District. Nebraska Advertiser 1-19-71 4-2
Congress List of Standing Committees in the Senate Nebraska Advertiser 1-12-71 2-2
Congress. Senate The Senate is confronted with the problem of whether to advise and consent to confirmation of Rebel james Longstreet for surveyor of Customs at Port of New Orleans Senator Tipton declares him unsafe and dangerous. Nebraska Advertiser 5-20-69 1-5,6
Congressional Recent speech by Congressman Wentworth in which he says "the country is in more danger today from extravangance and corruption than it ever was from the rebellion" and "never were the times son ominous of a powerful combination to increase the public debt and postpone its payment." See Debt, National Nebraska City News 3-8-67 3-1
Congressional Adoption of Pease policy toward the Indians by U. S. Government. See Indian Policy Nebraska City News 7-29-67 3-2
Congressional Impeachment resolution passed the lower house by a vote of 126 to 47. Nebraska City News 2-26-68 3-4
Congressional At the last session of 29th Congress, $23,387,971 were appropriated for the Army for the fiscal year, ending June 30, 1868. At the recent session of the 40th Congress $14,775,140.66 was appropriated to cover the deficiencies in that branch of the service for the above period. They have also appropriated $3,806,231 for that purpose for the present year and will come in with another deficiency at the next session. World. Nebraska City News 8-19-68 1-2
Congressional Legislation Senator Hitchcock's bill provides that the Indian department be turned over to the army. Nebraska Advertiser 2-10-76 2-6
Conkling, J. T. Received 7,308 votes for Superintendent of Public Instruction Nebraska Advertiser 1-19-71 4-2
Conlee, A. W. Dealer in agricultural implements, lumber, clothing and general commission business. Nebraska Advertiser 9-15-70 1-4
Conlee, J. H. Dealer in agricultural implements, clothing, lumber and general commission business in Johnson County. Nebraska Advertiser 9-15-70 1-4
Conlee, (Miss) Nellie Elected Rec. Secretary of the Teachers Association at the meeting in Tecumseh Nebraska Advertiser 6-1-71 1-3
Connell, Captain Of Douglas County was elected on the executive committee of the Old Soldiers Association. See Societies and Organizations Nebraska Advertiser 7-14-70 1-5
Connely, Wm. Terribly wounded in a railroad accident near Fremont Saturday morning. See Accident, Railroad Nebraska City News 8-21-68 3-3
Conner, M. M. Elected E. Scribe of Brownville R. A. M. See Societies and Organizations Nebraska Advertiser 12-23-69 2-2
Conner, M. M. Elected Judge of Election Brownville Precinct. See Election Returns Nebraska Advertiser 10-21-75 3-4
Connor, M. M. For Coroner of Nemaha County on the Democratic Ticket. Nebraska Advertiser 10-7-69 2-4
Connor, M. M. Grand Juror. Nebraska Advertiser 4-10-73 3-6
Conner, Aaron Of Brownville delegate to St. Joseph Bridge Celebration and Saengerfest Nebraska Advertiser 6-5-73 2-2
Conoyer, Charles Of Omaha, Nebr. Candidate for treasurer on the democratic city ticket. See Election Candidates Nebraska City News 2-28-68 3-3
Constitution Gov. Garber's proclamation in relation to the adoption of the new constitution. Nebraska Advertiser 11-4-75 2-1
Constitution, Nebraska As to elective franchise of a citizen. Concerning refusal of register persons as qualified voters who served in the late rebel army. See Election. Registration. Nebraska City News 9-16-68 2-4
Constitution, Nebraska Only extends the right of voting to white men. Congress and a raedical legislature tried to amend but it stands unamended. See negroes Nebraska City News 3-11-67 2-1
Contractor F. W. Wood, Nebraska City, Nebraska. See Buildings Nebraska City News 4-17-68 3-2
Convention Governor Butler appointed G. W. Ambrose, J. H. Lacy, A. P. Cogswell, R. R. Livingston, E. S. Dundy and A. Saunders delegates to the National Capitol Convention to be held at Cincinnati. Nebraska Advertiser 10-20-70 2-3
Convention List of counties and dates of Teachers Institutes Nebraska Advertiser 8-11-70 1-3
Convention Methodist Sabbath School of Nebraska CIty District in chapel of Normal School June 8. Peru, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 6-23-70 1-6
Convention Teachers Institute met at St. Deroin, Nebraska Official Proceedings. Dec. 9, 1870 Nebraska Advertiser 12-22-70 2-4
Convention County Republican Convention met in Brownville September 25, 1869. List of Delegates from precincts Nebraska Advertiser 9-30-69 1-5,6
Convention The Nebraska District Sunday School COnvention met at the M. E. Church in Brownville, October 13 Nebraska Advertiser 10-21-69 2-5
Convention Of County Superintendents met in the Supreme Court room and organized at Lincoln, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 2-2-71 1-4
Convention Sunday School Convention held at Pawnee City last year. To be held at Brownville September 15, 1869. Nebraska Advertiser 8-19-69 2-2
Convention Sunday School Convention met at the Presbyterian Church and elected officers. Dr. J. W. Blackburn, President. Rev R. Foster Vice President. O. H. Irish Second V. P. E. E. Elright Third V. P. T. J. Wheeler Fourth V. P. Rev E. Hubler Fifth V. P. W. R. Bentley, Secretary of Sunday School. Geo F. Lehmer, Treasurer of Sunday School. Executive Committee, Col. W. R. Smith, T. F. Wheeler, E. E. Ebright, Dr. Snowden, Rev. F. Huber, and J. H. Kellom. Nebraska Advertiser 6-3-69 1-6
Convention A narrow gage railroad convention will be held in Lincoln January 6 to organize a company to construct a railroad from Lincoln to Denver through Lancaster, Seward, Saline, Fillmore, Gage, Jefferson, Thayer, Nuckols, Webster, Franklin, Harlan, Furnas, Red Willow, Hitchcock and Chase Counties. Nebraska Advertiser 12-3--75 2-1
Conventions National Railroad Convention. Hon. H. C. Lett of Brownville has been appointed by Gov. Garber as delegate to attend the National Railroad Convention to be held at St. Louis on 23d Inst. Nebraska Advertiser 11-4-75 2-1
Convention Teacher's Institute. A meeting was held at Hillsdale for the purpose of organizing a precinct Teachers Institute for Aspinwall and St. Deroin Precincts. Nebraska Advertiser 2-10-70 1-4
Convention Juvenile Musical. Which commenced at McLennon's Hall under the direction of Prof. Britton of New York bids fair to be a success. The class will finish organizing tomorrow. Nebraska City News 8-28-68 3-2
Convention Medical. Delegates from the Medical Profession in the various counties of the State, met at Omaha, to take action toward the organization of a State Medical College. Dr. Monell of Omaha was elected President, and Dr. Livingston of Plattsmouth, Secretary. Nebraska City News 5-15-68 2-2,3
Convention, Democratic At a meeting of the City Central Committee April 4, it was resolved that the Democracy of Nebraska City be requested to assemble in War meetings April 9, for the purpose of choosing delegates to a City nominating Convention and for nominating candidates for the City Council, and the delegates chosen, assemble at Court House April 16, for the purpose of nominating candidates for Mayor, Recorder, Treasurer, Marshal, and Assessor to be supported at the election on May 3, 1868. Aug. M. Harvey, Chairman. Nebraska City News 4-6-68 2-2
Convention, Democratic At the primary meetings held in the different wards of Nebraska City to select delegates to the nominating convention, the First Ward selected Messrs. Herman Bueter, Martin Hawley, George Lincoln, John Heth, Thomas Thomas, F. Morgan, and F. Bowers. Second Ward selected L. M. Lloyd, James Kennedy, B. Kinney, A. Albright, J. W. Moore, Maj. Newsome and W. W. Wardell, and selected as their Alderman A. Aibright. Third Ward selected Messrs. B. Johnson, W. A. Lamkin, R. D. Simpson, J. H. Croxton, J. B. Northcut, Rich Dickens and Dr. Ralph. W. B. Miller and Geo. W. Sroat were chosen Aldermen. Nebraska City News 4-10-68 3-2
Convention. Democratic. J. Sterling Morton, J. B. Kesterson, and John W. Gilmore were elected delegates to represent Bellmont at the Democratic Convention. Nebraska City News 7-20-68 3-2
Convention. Democratic. Mr. Smith of Richardson County, Nebraska delegate to the Democratic National Convention is in the City and informs us much enthusiasm is manifested for the ticket in the East. The Nebraska delegates were a unit for Pendleton. Nebraska City News 7-15-68 3-2
Convention. Democratic County. Will be held at the Court House in Nebraska City July 25th for the purpose of electing seven delegates to represent Otoe County in the State Convention to be held at Omaha August 5th, 1868, By order of Central Committee, O. Stevenson, Mills S. Reeves, James Thorn, Andrew Stout. Nebraska City News 7-8-68 3-4
Convention. Democratic State. At Nebraska City one of the best attended and harmonious of the Democracy that ever convened in Nebraska. Election of delegates to the National Convention, each by separate ballot was accomplished by unamious voice of Convention. Convention addressed by Hon. E. Wakely of the issues of the impending contest and the wrongs of destructive radical rule portrayed. National Convention Delegates: Capt. Charles F. Porter G. N. Crawford, J. Sterling Morton, Dr. Black of Cass and Mr. Smith of Richardson. Nebraska City News 1-15-68 1-2
Convention. National Democratic. Nebraska stood by Pendleton in the convention as a unit for thirteen straight ballots, and until his nomination was hopeless, then in obediency to what they conceived to be the wish of the Democracy of this State they cast their united vote for Thomas A. Hendricks of Indiana. When the Ohio thunder clap came for Seymour, they fell into line for the unanimous choice of the Convention. Omaha Herald Nebraska City News 7-20-68 2-4
Convention. National Democratic. Will be held in New York City July 4th. Nebraska City News 2-24-68 3-2
Convention, State. Democratic. S. B. Harrington of Gage County and Abraham Cox of Saline County, delegates to he convention left for Omaha. Nebraska City News 8-5-68 3-2
Convention, State. Democratic. Held in the Academy of Music at Omaha Aug. 5, and called to order by Hon. James G. Megeath Chairman of the Democratic State Central Committee and on whose motion Hon. T. W. Bedford of Nemaha was unanimously chosen temporary President of the Convention. T. H. Robertson of Sarpy, nominated Chas. F. Porter as temporary Secretary and was unanimously agreed upon. Committee on credentials appointed by the Chair: Thos. L. Griffy - Dacotah County. P. T. Smith - Richardson County. P. G. Cooper - Washington County. T. H. Robertson - Sarpy County. H. Johnson - Douglas County. D. P. Rolfe - Otoe County. H. C. Lett - Nemaha County. Committee submitted list of delegates. Permanent officers of the convention - President, John Black of Cass County; Vice President, E. A. Ellsworth of Johnson; O. P. Hall of Lincoln; J. C. Crawford of Ci.nrnning; John Hart of Richardson; J. C. Briscoe of Sarpy. Secretaries - Edwin S. Towle of Richardson; W. H. Platt of Hall. Committee on resolutions, C. H. Brown, Douglas; S. H. Calhoun, Otoe; T. W. Bedford, Nemaha, T. H. Robertson, Sarpy; Geo. Turner, Dodge. Nebraska City News 8-7-68 2-2,3
Convention, Democratic City. Democratic electors of Nebraska City will meet in their respective wards April 25, to choose delegates to a city convention. Each ward nominates two candidates for city council, one to serve one year, and one for two years. The Delegate City Convention will meet at McLennans' Hall May 1st for purpose of nominating candidates for Mayor, Recorder, Treasurer, Marshal Assessor and Board of Education. A. F. Harvey. Chr. Nebraska City News 4-19-67 2-1
Convention, City. Met in mass convention at McLennan's Hall at Nebraska City. Committee report their choice. Mayor R. H. Dickey Treas. W. A Ware Marshal E. Saunders Assessor, J. S, Guthrie School Corn. Dr. Grant N. L. Simpson. S. H. Calhoun. Alderman 1st Ward--J. C. Campbell John B. Bennet. Alderman 2nd Ward-- A. Aibright, Heth Nuckolls. Alderman 3rd Ward-- H. H. Petring, J. W. Minor. Nebraska City News 5-3-67 3-2
Convention. Democratic. At Plattamouth John H. Croxton was placed in nomination for Chief Justice of Nebraska by the Democratic State Central Committee. Nebraska City News 9-28-68 2-2
Convention. Democratic Primary. Of Otoe County met in mass convention Jan. 4, 1868 to select delegates to the State convention at Nebraska City next Wed. James Thorn called meeting to order and moved that Dr. J. W. Conger be chosen chairman, On motion A. F. Harvey, J. Dan Lauer was elected secretary. J. Sterling Morton, James W. Moore, and P. Martin, I. M. Shambaugh, H. S. Calhoun, G. D. Foglesong, Jas. Gilmore were elected delegates. Nebraska City News 1-6-68 3-2
Convention, Radical. Mr. Irish, editor of the radical newspaper of this City left for the Chicago Convention wity Col. Chivington, and General Bill McLennan. Nebraska City News 5-13-68 3-4
Convention. Radical. U. S. Assessor Von Renner left for the Chicago Convention where he will endeavor to have the German plank in the Radical Platform which the radicals of Nebraska threw overboard at their late Sanhedri in this State. Nebraska City News 5-18-68 3-3
Convention Republican State. Proceedings Nebraska Advertiser 8-18-70 1-4 to 6
Convention Republican State Convention in Lincoln August 10th to nominate one candidate for member of Congress, Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer, State Superintendent, State Prison Inspector and Attorney General. Nebraska Advertiser 6-2-70 2-3
Convention County. Republican. Contest was upon the candidate for Congress, Mr. Taffe being an aspirant for renomination and John I. Redick an opposing aspirant for Congressional honors. Total vote polled was 1228; Taffee ticket received 790, and the Redick ticket 438. Delegates elected are Gen. C. A. Strickland, John B. Furay, Fred Metz, Joseph Fox, Geo. R. Smith, J. B. Bailey, John N. Howard, and A. R. Hoel. Alternates H, Grey, Geo. W. Roman, Philip Metz, Louis A. Walker, Fred Krug, John Smiley, J. �. Corwin and E. L. Seward. Omaha Republican Nebraska City News 4-13-68 1-2
Convention. Republican. The Blue Valley Record says "that the convention Which met at that place on the 22nd, nominated for Representative, Hon. Nathan Blakely; for County Commissioner J. M. Pettigrew; Assessor, G. Gale. Delegates to the Senatorial Convention, W. B. Rogers, J. B. Weston, Wm. Wild, Phillip Gascoigne." Nebraska City News 8-31-68 3-3
Convention. Republican Cass Co. Nominated the following: Senator for Cass - H. D. Hathaway; Senator for Cass, Sarpy, Saunders, Seward and Butler - Wm. F. Chapin. Members of the House for Cass - George Seybold, D. McCaig, J. McF.Hagoody and Jas. MoKinnon. County Commissioner - J. B. Moore. Nebraska City News 9-21-68 3-2
Convention, Republican State. Meets in Nebraska City on the 4th day of next March. Nebraska City News 1-6-68 3-2
Converse, ___ Dr. Has written to Nemaha saying he has all the iron purchased for his railroad. Nebraska Advertiser 1-6-76 3-1
Converse, J. M. Elected Vice President, General Superintendent adn Director of Nebraska Railroad Company. See Railroads. Nebraska Advertiser 11-4-75 3-5
Cook, M. Elected delegate to the Republican County Convention Nebraska Advertiser 9-22-70 2-3
Cook, Mrs Insturmental music, Song "Little Brown Church" St. Dervin District School excercises. Nebraska Advertiser 5-8-73 2-5
Cook, Mr. & Mrs. and others in "Frog Hollow Licum" was well acted and was very amusing to the audiance at St Dervin District School exercises Nebraska Advertiser 5-8-73 2-5
Cook, Agnes Deceased. Estate of. Otoe County See Legal Notice Nebraska City News 8-2-67 2-5
Cook, Andrew For County Commissioner of Third District, on Republican Ticket. Nebraska Advertiser 10-7-69 2-1
Cook, Charles One of the pioneers on the 5 day buffalo hunt killed 3. Nebraska Advertiser 11-4-69 1-5
Cook, Jno Constable. Bonds filed and approved. See Nemaha County. Commissioners' Proceedings Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-76 3-4
Cook, John Elected Constable and Supervisor District No. 2, Glen Rock Precinct. See Election Returns Nebraska Advertiser 10-21-75 3-4
Cook, John Supervisor. Annual settlement made. See Nemaha County. Commissioners' Proceedings Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-76 3-4
Cook, Lawson Otoe County. Application for administrator of Agnes Cook estate. See Legal Notice Nebraska City News 8-2-67 2-5
Cook, Mrs. M. G. has bought the county right to G. R. Houghton's patent dress trimming machine. See Patent machine Nebraska Advertiser 1-6-76 3-3
Cook, Mrs. M. E. Bought 1 share of Centennial stock (Brownville) See Exposition Nebraska Advertiser 11-25-75 3-4
Cook, M. W. For Surveyor of Nemaha County on Republican ticket Nebraska Advertiser 10-7-69 2-1
Cook, M. W. Teacher of Hillsdale School District No. 55. Pupils on the roll. 38. Nebraska Advertiser 5-5-70 1-5
Cook, Minnie G. Real estate transfer from Walter C. Cook W 1/2 lot 8, block 1, Emerson Addition to Brownville and lots 9, 10 and 11 block 2 Middle Brownville $800. Nebraska Advertiser 6-26-73 3-6
Cook, Rudolph Petit Juror Nebraska Advertiser 4-10-73 3-6
Cook, Walter C. to Minnie G. Cook warrantee deed, W 1/2 lot 8, block 1, Emerson Addition to Brownville and lots 9, 10 and 11 block 2 Middle Brownville $800. Nebraska Advertiser 6-26-73 3-6
Cook, W. C. Is erecting a two-story building on College Street for his Tailor shop. Nebraska Advertiser 12-15-70 3-1

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