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Davison, A. R. - Death (part)

Date 18xx p-c
Davison, A. R. Appointed on Executive Committee 4th of July celebration & barbacue at Brownville, Nebr. Nebraska Advertiser 6-19-73 2-2
Davison, A. R. Bought 1 share of Centennial stock (Brownville). See Exposition Nebraska Advertiser 11-25-75 3-4
Davison, Capt. A. R. Of Brownville delegate St. Joseph Bridge Celebration & Saengerfest. Nebraska Advertiser 6-5-73 2-2
Davison, Miss P. E. Teacher of Brownville school salary at $50 to $60 per month. See Schools Nebraska Advertiser 8-19-69 3-2
Dawane, ___ Has bought a car load of cattle from Wheeler County farmers. See Livestock Nebraska Advertiser 3-16-76 3-4
Dawson, Alice Nemaha County, Nebraska and James Million, same County, Married by Judge A. W. Morgan. See Marriage Nebraska Advertiser 12-9-69 2-5
Dawson, J. W. and S. Somers, partners in flour mill. Nebraska Advertiser 12-25-73 3-3
Dawson, W. S. Erected a new home near Brownville Nebraska Advertiser 3-30-71 3-3
Dawson, W. S. Brownville property for sale. Nebraska Advertiser 1-15-74 3-3
Dawson County investment in school facilities Nebraska Advertiser 2-26-74 1-4
Day, Asa Was appointed trustee of the Hooper estate. See Judciary. Hooper Estate Nebraska Advertiser 1-6-76 3-4
Day, Benjamin B. Is sued for divorce by Sophia B. Day Nebraska Advertiser 8-25-70 2-8
Day, Sophia B. Filed for divorce from Benjamin B. Day Nebraska Advertiser 8-25-70 2-8
dayton, Wm Is preparing to go to the Black Hills with several others. See Black Hills Nebraska Advertiser 3-16-76 3-2
Deak, Mr. Edward Analysis sentences. at the teachers Institute at Lafayette Precinct. Nebraska Advertiser 8-20-73 1-6
Dead Man's Run On line of Union Pacific railroad, 40 miles west of Cheyenne, eight nuggets worth $1 to $1.25 each washed from a bucket of earth taken from top ground. See Gold near Cheyenne Nebraska City News 2-21-68 2-1
Death, suicide Otto Verhoff, a young German citizen of Nebraska City, shot himself last week over financial troubles. Nebraska Advertiser 8-4-70 2-3
Death August 2, 1869 of dysentery, Maud, infant daughter of H. M. and Kate Atkinson, age 5 months and 14 days. Nebraska Advertiser 8-5-69 2-1
Death The body of a man was found floating in the Missouri river opposite this landing, last Sunday, say the Hamburg Times and an inquest held. The Nebraska News says a lumberman was drowned at that City while attempting to land a raft, and the body was not recovered. It is possible that this may be the same man. Nebraska City News 7-15-67 3-2
Deaths Julia, daughter of Adolph and Lizzie Albright, died at the residence of her parents April 30, 1868. Nebraska City News 5-4-68 1-2
Death Of Oakes Ames, who as a financier and financial diplomat has few equals. Nebraska Advertiser 5-15-73 2-2
Death The Desert News of Provo. July 13 received the following telegram--Provo, July 12, 8.30 A. M. Bro. Sidney Bailey and wife of this city were fording Provo river last night; the wagon came uncoupled and sister Bailey fell out. Her husband jumped into the water after her--they succeeded in catching the ferry rope but the wagonn that had floated, struck them, and sister Bailey was drowned. Nebraska City News 7-29-67 2-4
Death Capt. Baker of the steamer Cornelia was shot by the discharged mate of the boat at the St. Louis levee. The mate made three attempts to fire the boat and then fired four shots at the Captain, two taking effect. The mate then jumped in the river to escape arrest and was drowned. Nebraska City News 7-1-68 3-2
Death Alfred Erwin, the young man who was accidently shot a day or two ago was buried yesterday morning. His remains were followed to the grave by a large circle of friends. Nebraska City News 4-10-67 3-1
Death Louis C. Lauer, aged 19 years, died June 3, 1867, at the residence of his brother-in--law, the Hon. H. D. Hathaway, in Plattsmouth. He was for a long time engaged in the Typographical Department of this paper, says the Press but for sometime has been in poor health. His brother, Dan Laner, of the News left to be at his bedside, but feared too late. Press Nebraska City News 6-5-67 3-2
Death Gen Thomas Francis Meagher, Secretary and acting Governor of this territory, says a report from Virginia City, M. T. July 5, fell from the steamer Thompson, at Fort Benton, July 1, and was drowned. He had been absent for a fortnight on public business and had succeeded in procuring arms for the troops engaged in the defense of the territory and transacting other military business. His death is generally lamented and the public demonstrations in honor of his distinguished character and services are felt. At last reports his remains had not been found. - Nebraska City News 7-12-67 2-3
Death Mr. William Boutman's home was struck by lightning, 2 1/2 miles south of Aspinwall and Mrs. Missouri Allumbaugh was instantly killed. Nebraska Advertiser 9-1-70 1-3
Death Of Henry Frank at Clifton. Age 90 years Nebraska Advertiser 4-27-71 2-7
Death Horrible Tragedy, Missouri Brothers. Occurred at Larcoxie, Missouri, growing out of an old fued between two brothers Jacob and Johnston Barnock, of high standing and education. The younger brother Johnston had been attacked by the elder when on a visit to home of the elder and terribly maltreated, with the younger brother sending word for his brother to arm himself as he intended to shoot him at sight. Friends tried to reconcile them, but the two went armed and finally met on the highway and commenced firing, each empting two revolvers, then clinched and beat each other with the pistol butts. When found along the roadside, the elder brother was dead and younger still alive but with no hopes for his recovery as he was terribly wounded in five places and raving like a maniac. Nebraska City News 3-18-67 2-1
Death On Saturday evening the 19th day, infant son of John H. and Sarah Bauer. Nebraska Advertiser 3-24-70 2-5
Death General W. Baumer of the first Nebraska, died at Omaha this week. Nebraska Advertiser 10-28-69 2-2
Death Of Consumption, April 6th, in Brownville, James Berry, age 41 years. Nebraska Advertiser 4-7-70 2-5
Death At. Corning Hold County Missouri Feb. 19, 1870 of fever. Lucy eldest daughter of A. J. and Margery H. Berry age 3 years 2 months and 15 days. Nebraska Advertiser 3-3-70 2-2
Death Mrs. Mary G. Birchfield at Nebraska City April 30, 1867, aged 36 years. L funeral sermon will be preached in her memory, by her pastor in the Cumberland Presbyterian Chapel next Sabbath at 11. A. M. - R. S. Reed. Nebraska to City 5-3-67 3-5
Death Levi Bradley, an old citizen of Nemaha county, died at his residence on the Nemaha, a day or two ago. Nebraska City News 1-17-68 3-3
Deaths Mr. Samuel Brown, the Junior partner of Brown & Son near Clarinda, and Mr. Miller who formerly kept the Stage Station west of Clarinda were killed and a son of Mr. Miller is seriously hurt. Iowa South-West Nebraska City News 3-9-68 2-2
Death, Suicide Mrs. Brown, 58 years old, of Decatur, Nebr. recently committed suicide by cutting her throat. Nebraska Advertiser 3-30-76 2-3
Death Of Ino Brusha, a well known citizen of Phelps died of erycipelas recently. Nebraska Advertiser 5-15-73 3-4
Death Of Chief Justice Chase who died of paralysis of Ohio, whether as U. S. Senator, Governor of Ohio, Secretary of the Treasury, or Chief Justice of U. S. he developed remarkable breadth of mind and legal acumen. Nebraska Advertiser 5-15-73 2-2
Death In Nemaha City, Daniel B. Clark, a native of Waterbury, Connecticut. Nebraska Advertiser 12-28-70 2-5
Death In Nemaha, Nebraska, October 9, Delia A. wife of Daniel B. Clark, Esq. Age 58, formerly of Waterbury, Connecticut. Nebraska Advertiser 10-14-69 2-5
Death Dr. Asa Coleman, of Troy Ohio, one of the earliest settlers of Miami County, 84 years old. The remains of Dr Coleman will be buried at 2 P. M. to-morrow afternoon by the Knights Templar of Coleman Commandry associated by the Dayton Commandry. Nebraska Advertiser 3-10-70 2-1
Death On May 15th Lizzie Graves, married daughter of Mrs. Collins of Brownville died at Ames, Iowa aged 22 years 9 months. Nebraska Advertiser 5-22-73 3-4
Death Richard K. Crandall was killed instantly when his shotgun discharged as he pulled it from his wagon. Nebraska City Chronical Nebraska Advertiser 9-15-70 4-2
Death Montgomery Dobson of Nemaha County accidentally shot himself. Nebraska Advertiser 10-27-70 2-7
Death A correspondence of the Denver News writing from Fort Lyons, announces the death of General Christopher Carson, at that post on the 23rd of heart disease. Gen. Carson was 65 years old and leaves 4 sons and a daughter, all under 15 years of age. Kit Carson was the famous trapper, scout and guide - his name figures in almost every book of explorati :n of the Rocky Mountains and many leading American Novels. He commanded a regiment of Mexicans during the late war and was a good soldier. Nebraska City News 6-1-68 2-1
Death Harvey Cowles, one of the first white settlers of Otoe county, died at Omaha yesterday. His remains were brought down on the steamer Colorado this morning, and taken to his late residence in Hamburg, Iowa. Mr. ow1es several years ago was the owner of the track of land adjoining Nebraska city, known now as Greggsport. Nebraska City News 7-31-67 3-1
Death Accident at Fontenelle, 5 children drowned in the Elk Horn, on Friday morning. Two were the daughters of Rev. O. C. Dake of Fremont, Mary aged 10 and Sarah 5 years; the other three were the children of Mr. John Ray of Fremont, two sons aged 11 and 6 years, and a daughter aged 4 years. Mrs. Dake and her sister, Miss Eaton and Mrs. Ray with an infant child, and one other narrowly escaped a watery grave. Henry C. Campbell who reached Omaha late last evening brings the particulars. Mr. Dake and Mr. Ray with their familes went to Fontenelle to attend a picnic on July 4th. Returning on morning of the 5th in a two horse wagon, they drove on to the ferry-boat of the usual construction, guarded at the sides but the ends open. Mr. Dake with Miss Eaton with Mr. D's two children; Mr. & Mrs. Ray with 5 children, were in the wagon--the 3rd child of Mr. Dake standing outside on the boat. When about one-third across the river the horses started to back, going off into the water, 4 to 10 ft deep. All went down; Mr. Ray rescued his wife and child. Mrs. Dake and Miss Eaton floated to shallow water--Miss Eaton rescuing one of the Ray children while five little ones went down. Omaha Herald Nebraska City News 7-10-67 2-2
Death, Noted Scout Bill Comstock, at Camp of Black Kettle; a cheyenne chief. See Military. Nebraska City News 9-2-68 3-4
Death On November 6, 1869 near Glen Rock, Nellie F., only daughter of Reede and Susan Daily, age 2 weeks. Nebraska Advertiser 11-11-69 2-4
Death George W. Davenport. Real estate sold at auction in Nebr. City Otoe Co. on May 23, 1868. G. W. Groat, Administrator. See Legal Notice Nebraska City News 5-13-68 3-4
Death James Demmeck, an Atchison freighter, was killed near Moore's ranch, 60 miles beyond Julesburg about July 2nd by the Indians. He was in advance of the train at the time looking for a camping ground, when the Indians got between him and the train--the teamsters went to his rescue but only succeeded in bringing him to camp. He was shot with two arrows and died in a few hours. The deceased's train composed the left wing of Dick Miller's train. Nebraska City News 7-19-67 3-1
Death That Louis Davenport of Nebraska City had been killed by Indians. The News have traced the rumor and find it originated in Council Bluffs. An Individual in that city told a citizen of this city that a man named Davenport or from Davenport, Iowa, had been killed by the Indians. We give the rumor no credit whatever. Nebraska City News 6-7-67 3-2
Death July 5, Minna, infant daughter of J. C. and C. M. Deuser. Nebraska Advertiser 7-7-70 2-5
Death At his residence in Brownville of injuries received when he was thrown from his wagon when his horse ran away, J. P. Deuser age 72 years, 8 month. Nebraska Advertiser 5-26-70 2-5
Death Hon. Charles O. Dewey of Sidney, Iowa, died at Charleston, Indiana Dec. 25, says the Fremont Times. He was elected Representative from Fremont County last fall but resigned owing to ill health. Nebraska City News 1-15-68 3-2
Death The remains of J. H. Evans, were followed to the grave this morning by the Masonic fraternity of this City. Nebraska City New 4-15-68 3-2
Death Otoe County. Carman, William H. Probate Court vs Claims, estate of. See Legal Notice Nebraska City New 3-13-78 2-5
Death Jermima E., late consort of . J. Fisher, and daughter of Thomas Howell Sen. of St. Charles County, Missouri, died at Glen Rock, Nebraska, June 22 of Hemeorage, aged. 39 years, 6 months, and 22 days. Nebraska City News 6-29-68 3-2
Death Thos. M. Chivington funeral sermon, will be preached in his memory by Rev. T. B. Lemon, P.E. of Omaha district, at the Methodist Church in Nebraska City on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Nebraska City News 3-8-67 3-1
Death Otoe County. Chivington, Thomas M. Probate Court vs Claims, estate of. See Legal Notice Nebraska City News 3-13-67 2-5
Death Up to this evening the body of Mrs. Chivingt�n's daughter, who fell from the steamer Gallatin and was drowned, has not been recovered. Nebraska City News 5-3-67 3-1
Death St. Vrains. Clifford, Mr. Murdered in camp at Boulder County. See St.Vrain Nebraska City News 5-8-67 2-1
Death Otoe County. Davenport, George W. Probate of estate. See Legal Notice Nebraska City News 3-13-67 2-5
Death Nebraska City, Davenport, George W. Final settlement, estate of. See Legal Notice. Nebraska City News 10-21-68 1-3
Death Wm. Flannery of Fremont County, Iowa who was shot a day or two ago in a shooting affray in Nebraska City by Orem Ransford, died from the effects of his wound, Saturday evening, at the Seymour House. His remains were taken to Iowa yesterday, morning for interment. He leaves a mother, two sisters and two brothers to mourn his untimely end. Nebraska City News 4-1-67 3-1
Death On April 29, near Freeport Illinois, Mrs. Anna C. Fowler, Age 20, daughter of J. W. Hales, Esquire of Pawnee County, Neb. Nebraska Advertiser 5-11-71 2-5
Death At the residence of her son-in-law, L. D. Robinson on May 24th of old age and general debility, Hannah Ferguson, age 85 years and 29 days. Nebraska Advertiser 5-26-70 2-5
Death The wife of Hon S. B. Galey of Lincoln died at her mother's home in Iowa last week. Nebraska Advertiser 6-12-73 3-2
Death Nebraska City. Garrow, David. Final settlement, estate of. See Legal Notice Nebraska City News 10-21-68 1-2
Death John Geary who lived on a homestead fourteen miles south of Lincoln was killed by his neighbor Maril Callavan. Nebraska Advertiser 3-9-71 2-4
Death Graham, John. Son of Jesse Graham, one of Glen Rocks first settlers, died Jan 25. Nebraska Advertiser 2-2-76 3-6
Death Joseph Grunteral of Butler County was scalding hogs last week when a kettle upset scalding three of his children. one of them died from the effects. Nebraska Advertiser 1-27-76 3-5
Death Of S. B. Harrington of Beatrice, formerly of Brownville, died at Beatrice fromexcessive use of intoxicating drink, the Express says. Nebraska Advertiser 9-1-70 2-4
Death A. H. Hallowell Formerly one of the editors of the St. Joe Herald died at Jefferson. Nebraska Advertiser 9-15-70 2-6
Deaths Hacker, Francis J. Son of James M. and Mary H. Hacker on the 26th Inst. age 12 years. Nebraska Advertiser 10-28-75 3-2
Death Of Jonas Hacker, age 64. Born in Harrison County, Virginia and moved to Nebraska after war of 1812. Served as Sheriff in Nemaha Co. Representative in 1859. Member of M. E. Church since 1830. Nebraska Advertiser 1-5-71 2-5
Death Letta J. Handley died March 23, 1868, at the residence of her grandfather, I. V. Willman one and a half miles southwest from Nebraska City, aged 8 years, 2 months and 1 day. Nebraska City News 3-23-68 2-4
Death Of William Harris near London in Nemaha County last Friday. Heart decease cause. Nebraska Advertiser 5-1-73 3-4
Death Mary, youngest daughter of M. J. and Eliza B. Hawley, on Sept. 14, aged one year, eight months and sixteen days. Nebraska City News 9-16-68 3-5
Deaths Henry, ___ at Wilber Mills last week a little boy, only son of a newcomer named Henry, was caught in the machinery and killed. Nebraska Advertiser 1-27-76 3-5
Death Sunday May 9th Mrs. Hillers, wife of Obert Hillers, of Benton Precinct. Mrs. Hillers leaves a child born just before her death. Nebraska Advertiser 5-13-69 2-4
Death Thos Hodkin of Franklin Precinct, one of the first settlers of Richardson County died last Thursday. Came here 16 years ago. was buried by the Patrons of Husbandry March 12, 1876. Leaves wife & 6 children. Nebraska Advertiser 3-16-76 3-4
Deaths Dr. F. G. Holmes whose residence was near nemaha City died Dec. 28. He was 48 years old and had lived in the county 19 years. Nebraska Advertiser 12-30-75 3-2
Death Of Joseph Howard, age 78. Lived in Ohio and Indiana before he came to Nebraska four months ago. Leaves a wife and five children. Peru, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 1-5-71 2-5
Death Seymour Howe Sr. near Nemaha City on 22nd Inst. Nebraska Advertiser 10-28-75 3-1
Death Otoe County. Hulin, Sarah A. Probate Court vs Claims, estate of. See Legal Notice. Nebraska City News 3-13-67 2-5
Deaths Hon. E. M. Hungerford, a State Regent at Orleans, Harlan County, died Jan 3d. He was editor of the Sentinel, 27 years of age. Nebraska Advertiser 1-6-76 2-1
Death The remains of Maj. James Hyslop were followed to the grave yard this morning by the members of the lodges of Good Templars and a large number of friends. Nebraska City News 8-2-67 3-1
Death R. J. Inskeep, at the residence, of his brother-in-law B. J. Johnson, on the 26th. Funeral services at the First C. P. Church. Nebraska City News 8-26-68 3-4
Death Anthony James, of Nebraska City, died from effects of injuries at battle of White Stone Hill in September 1863. Was a noble Irish soldier of Company F, Second Nebraska Cavalry. Nebraska Advertiser 6-2--70 2-2
Death Otoe County. Jasen, Andrew. March 22, 1867. Administration, estate of. See Legal Notice. Nebraska City News 4-3-67 3-2
Death Andrew Jasen, one of the earliest settlers in Otoe County, died this morning at 1.30 o'clock. By his industry and integrity he always commaned the respect of the entire community and the kindest feelings of his immediate associates. Few citizens were more prosperous, no farmers more successful, and no man more honest. His death is a public calamity. Nebraska City News 3-22-67 2-1
Death Mr. Joy, father of Mrs, J. S. Morton from the Chicago Republican of the 27th. "Death of Ex-Alderman Joy of Chicago, died at his residence at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon. He had been suffering from paralysis for past eighteen months. He was about 56 years of age, a native of Maine but has resided in Chicago many years. Burial at Detroit." Nebraska City News 8-31-68 3-3
Deaths George Kimball, an elderly farmer, and his horse were found frozen to death near York recently. Nebraska Advertiser 1-27-76 3-5
Death Hon. Wm. A. Little, Chief Justice of Nebraska died. at Aurora, Illinois on the 22nd. Nebraska City News 5-29-67 3-1
Death William A. Little of Nebraska, died on Tuesday at the residence of his brother, in Clinton, DeKalb County, Illinois, of consumption, aged about 35 years. Judge Little was formerly a student in the law office of Judge Parks of Aurora, Illinois. Removing to Omaha in 1856, he commenced the practice of law there and. soon rose to the highest eminence in the profession. He was elected. Chief Justice of Nebraska last fall. Chicago Times He represented. this country in the Legislature for several years and, when the election for officers took place, the Democracy placed him on the ticket for Chief Justice, and. he was the only Democrat elected over the frauds perpetrated in that contest. - Omaha Herald Nebraska City News 5-31-67 2-1,2

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