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NSHS Territorial Newspaper Extraction Project

Delay, John - Dirks, John

Date 18xx p-c
Delay, John Crop Prospects. See Agriculture. Nebraska City News 6-29-68 2-2
Delay, John Is fattening 300 beeves in Lafayette Precinct. Nebraska Advertiser 4-24-73 3-7
Delay, William Is fattening 60 beeves in Laffayette Precinct. Nebraska Advertiser 4-24-73 3-7
De Lay, Willis Taken up 2 miles North west of Brownville on Oct. 22d. 1 white stag stear 5 years old short tail. Nebraska Advertiser 11-11-69 2-8
De Mary, C. S. Elected G. M. 1st V. of the Masonic Lodge. See Societies and Organizations. Nebraska Advertiser 6-30-70 2-3
Demdas, Wesley Vice-President of the 4th of July celebration and barbacue at Brownville, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 6-19-73 2-2
De Meter, George Ex-county clerk of Richardson county. See Richardson County. Nebraska City News 6-12-67 2-2
Democratic Party Meeting at Cassels' grave Friday, number of radicals present. See Political Parties. Nebraska City News 8-31-68
Democratic Party Passed resolution concerning general conditions of trade, press, money, etc. See Political Parties Nebraska Advertiser 12-23-75 2-2
Demdas, Wesley Vice-President of the 4th of July celebration and barbacue at Brownville, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 6-19-73 2-2
Den, James "The Manleist man" the schools exhibitions at the Hall Nebraska Advertiser 4-3-73 3-5
Den, W. T. Appointed on committee of arrangements of 4th of July celebration. Nebraska Advertiser 6-12-73 3-4
Den, W. T. 10 years and still has to sell goods for a living. Nebraska Advertiser 6-26-73 2-1
Den, W. T. Brownville. Director, First National Bank. Nebraska Advertiser 1-15-74 3-2
Den, W. T. Nemaha Co., elected county commissioner. Nebraska Advertiser 10-16-73 2-6,7
Deneen, Rosette I. Married to Wm P. Bruce, all of Nebraska City, on August 13, 1868 by Rev. Mr. Huger at his residence. See Marriage Nebraska City News 8-19-68 3-4
Denise, J. C. Elected Corresponding Secretary of the State Medical Society. Nebraska Advertiser 6-16-70 2-3
Denman, H. B. Supt. of Indian affairs for Northern Superintendency. See Bids Nebraska City News 5-3-67 2-5
Denman, hon. H. B. Superintendent of Indian affairs for Nebraska was in Nebraska City looking after welfare of the Otoe Indians. The Otoes have a small annuity of $9000, and have been upon verge of starvation for some weeks. Superintendent Denman provided them with a supply of food and they will soon return to their Big Blue Reservation. See Indians Nebraska City News 6-12-67 2-2
Dennison, Governor Of Ohio, bought land at the public auction at Lincoln, Nebraska. See land Nebraska Advertiser 10-14-69 2-4
Dennis, Washington I. Real estate transfer from United States Patent. Nebraska Advertiser 11-5-73 3-3
Denny, John Y. Co-partnership, Denny & Elliott. See Dissolution. Nebraska City News 3-16-68 3-4
Denser, J. P. Appointed on Committee of Ways and Means of 4th July Celebration. Nebraska Advertiser 6-12-73 3-6
Denser, Mrs. J. C. Appointed on Ladies Committee of Cemetery Association Nebraska Advertiser 7-21-70 3-3
Denser, J. C. Elected to Board of Directors of State Bank of Nebraska. See Banks Nebraska Advertiser 9-1-70 2-2
Denser, J. C. Elected Vice President and Director of State Bank of Nebraska. See Banks Nebraska Advertiser 11-4-75 3-5
Denser, J. P. (Sr) A German born September 12, 1797 in Minsfelden, Limburge County, Herzogthum, Nassau. Emigrated to America March 15, 1849 and setteled in louisville, Kentucky and came to Nebraska June 24, 1868. Leaves a wife and 7 children. Nebraska Advertiser 5-26-70 2-5
Denser, J. P. Have dissolved partnership with Joseph Huddart. Nebraska Advertiser 4-14-70 2-5
Denser, John C. Brownville. Elected Director of the State Bank. Nebraska Advertiser 11-5-73 3-2
Denser, Minna Died on July 5th. Was infant daughter of J. C. & C. M. Denser. Nebraska Advertiser 7-7-70 2-5
Denser, Phil Came by rail to the St. Joseph Bridge Celebration and the Saengerfest. Nebraska Advertiser 6-5-73 2-2,3
Denser and Shurts Dissolved partnership by mutual consent. Mr. Denser has been in business since 1857. Nebraska Advertiser 4-6-71 2-6
Dentist Dr. C. Thomas, Main St., Nebraska City. Furnish sets; childrens teeth given special attention. Nebraska City News 1-15-68 2-4
Denver, John Alias, Keeper of Prairie Camp Station for last 2 yrs, in dying condition at Nebraska City. See Grear, George Nebraska City News 5-20-67 3-2
Denver, Colo. Fifteen to eighteen inches of snow and rain from May 15 to 20th. See Weather & climate. Nebraska City News 6-5-67 2-4
De Phlug Mr. Salesman for a long time in the establishment of Mohrenstecher & Company has opened a general grocery store at Salt Creek. The citizens will find him an upright and liberal man. Nebraska City News 5-20-67 3-1
Depot At Brownville is reaching completion. Nebraska Advertiser 1-6-76 3-1
Depression Present state of the country. Metropolitan Record "Every man doubts his neighbors; the merchants complain more and more of accumulating stocks, with no buyers coming in from the country and no indications of spring trade; foreign bankers are sending back government bonds by the million; the mechanics and laborers are going about idle, �and only living upon the surplus earnings of last summer: most of the great manufacturers have closed their doors; no new buildings going up, no railroad making, no canal digging; those with gold hang on to it and people with money unwilling to loan it on stocks, bonds, or rail way shares. Most of property substance aghast at the anarchial and revolutionary aspect of the near future as viewed through the medium of things at Washington. Unless there be a sudden change of policy on part of those aiming to subvert the government, the country will experience a financial and commercial crash, compared with which all previous collapses will seem but ripples, burying rich and poor in common ruin and inflicting such a blow upon material welfare of the country as to not recover for a quarter of a century to come. Nebraska City News 3-25-67 2-4
Depression A resident of DeWitt County, Texas, gives a gloomy account of the times in that section of the State. He says stock cattle are selling at *3 a head, cotton ginned and bailed at the gin 10�. and land is at a nominal price. Nebraska City News 6-5-67 3-1
Derby, Mr. and Mrs. Lived above Schoen and Company clothing store on farnam Street in Omaha. Mrs. Derby was seriously injured when building collapsed. Nebraska Advertiser 6-24-69 2-1
Derr, W. T. Pioneer merchant of Brownville, established in 1856. Nebraska Advertiser 5-5-70 3-2
De Smet, Rev. Father Who is known to every Apache, Sioux, Crow, Blackfoot, Comanche, Arrapaho, Fox, Lenape and Chippewa as "Black Robe" has been appointed a Special Commissioner to visit the Indian tribes of the Northwest on a peace mission. Nebraska City News 3-6-67 3-2
De Sota Washington County. Organization of Northern Air Line, Nebraska, to Fremont, June 8th. Officers & Company. See Land Stealing Nebraska City News 6-17-67 2-2,3
Despain, Miss Of Plattsmouth. Hurt near Rook Bluffs. See Accident. Nebraska City News 2-25-68 3-2
Detective Agency. A new institution called the Nebraska Detective Agency, with its principal office in Omaha has been organized. Nebraska City News 7-8-68 3-2
Detrick, John Has a Champion No. 2 Reaper and Mower. Arago, Neb. Nebraska Advertiser 6-17-69 3-2
Detroit Mar. 5, Election at Owassa resulted in a democratic majority. See Political Parties. Nebraska City News 3-13-67 2-3
Dew, Robert Nemaha Co., prospecting for coal on Spring Creek. Nebraska Advertiser 2-5-74 2-4
Dewey, Charles O. Of Sidney, Iowa. See Death. Nebraska City News 1-15-68 3-2
Deyo, A. Of Lincoln Lecturer and Board of Trustees Patrons of Husbandry. Nebraska Advertiser 6-12-73 1-8
Diary. Booth's Complete copy of the document as it now exists. Washington, My 21st. What is left of Booth's Diary, from the forenoon of April 18th. 'April 13th & 14th I struck boldly; 1 walked with a firm step through thousands of his friends and. was not stopped. I shouted. 'sic semper' before I fired; in jumping broke my leg - I passed all his pickets, rode 60 miles that night with the bone of my leg tearing the flesh at every jump. I can never repent it, although we hated. to kill. Our country owed all its troubles to him and. God simply made me the instrument of his punishment. This forced union is not what I have loved - I care not what becomes of me - I have no desire to outlive my country.' Friday, 21st. "After being hunted like a dog through swamps and woods, and chased by gunboats till I was forced to return, wet, cold and. starving, with every man's hand against me, I am in despair. For doing what Brutus was honored for and Tell made a hero; while I, for striking down a greater tyrant, am looked upon as a common cut-throat. I hoped for no gains, knew no private wrongs; but struck for my country. For my country I have given up all that makes life sweet and. holy; have brought misery to my family, and am sure there is no pardon in heaven since man condemns me so. I will try the river again tonight, though I have a great desire to return to Washington and. clear my name, which I feel I can do. I do not repent the blow I struck, I think I have done well, though I am branded with the mark of Cain. I have too great a soul to die like a criminal, and. may God spare me that. I have never hated. or wronged anyone - this was not a wrong unless God. deems it so. (Upon a scrap of paper was written) "'My Dear W. Forgive me, but I have some pride. I cannot blame you for your want of hospitality. I was sick, tired, and my broken limb needed medical attention - I could not have turned a dog from my door in such a plight - but you did give no food., but on account of the rebuke and. manner I enclose $5, although hard to spare, for what we received.." Nebraska City News 5-29-67 2-4
Diaries. For 1869. Adv. We have on hand a full stock of more than thirty varieties ranging from 25� to $3.50. N. S. Harding & Co., Nebraska City, Nebraska. Nebraska City News 12-21-68 3-4
Dickens, R. Grocer and Produce Dealer of Nebraska City/ See Murder. Nebraska City News 10-5-68 3-4
Dickens, R. H. Probate judge at Nebraska City, Neb. See Legal Notice Nebraska City News 8-2-67 2-5
Dickens, Riche Nebr. City. 3rd Ward Delegate. Nominating Convention. See Convention, Democratic. Nebraska City News 4-10-68 3-2
Dickens, Theodore Adopted son of R. Dickens, was shot in a gambling place. See Murder. Nebraska City News 10-5-68 ?-4
Dickerman, Kate S. Peru. Teacher Instrumential Music, Gymnastic State Normal School. Nebraska Advertiser 12-11-73 1-3
Dickey, Mr. Mayor of Nebraska City fined Antony Dray #50 and cost on charge of selling whiskey without a license. See Judiciary. Nebraska City News 7-26-67 3-2
Dickey, R. A. & Co. Of Nebraska City, Nebr. Drugs, Paint, etc. Prescriptions filled by experienced druggists. See Druggists Nebraska City News 1-15-68 1-5
Dickey, R. H. Nebraska City. Committee's choice for Mayor. See Convention, City.
Total vote R. H. Dickey for Mayor. 500. See Election Results
Nebraska City News 5-3-67
Dickey, R. H. Mayor of Nebraska City, Nebr. Ordinance, Sec. 16, concerning license for theaters, shows, circus, etc. See Nebr. City Municipal Government Nebraska City News 4-1-67 2-4
Dickey, R. H. Mayor of Nebraska City, Nebr. See Election Nebraska City News 5-3-67 2-6
Dickey, R. H. Elected mayor of Nebraska City. Total vote 500. See Election Results. Nebraska City News 5-6-67 3-2
Dickey, Judge R. H. Of Nebraska City, Nebr. appointed chairman of citizens meeting to secure to Nebraska, a portion of the emigration from the Southern States. See Emigration meeting. Nebraska City News 1-6-68 1-2
Dickey, R. H. Mayor of Nebraska City, Nebr. See Election proclamation Nebraska City News 4-27-68 2-5
Dickey, R. H. Mayor of Nebraska City, Nebraska. See Nebr. City Council Proceedings. Nebraska City News 4-1-67 3-1
Dickey, R. H. Judge, of Nebraska City, Nebr. Officiated at Christian, Burchfield wedding at Nebraska City Nebr. See Marriage Nebraska City News 4-10-67 3-3
Dickey, R. H. Probate Judge of Otoe County, Nebraska. See Legal Notice Nebraska City News 3-13-67 2-5
Dickey, R. H. Of Nebraska City, Nebr. Probate Judge at hearing for appointment of D. M. Martin as administrator of estate of Andrew jasen deceased. See Legal Notice Nebraska City News 4-3-67 3-2
Dickey, R. H. Probate Judge, Otoe C. Nebr. See Legal Notice Nebraska City News 10-9-68 1-2
Dickey, R. H. President of the Southern Immigration Society in Nebraska City. See Emigration from South Nebraska City News 2-19-68 2-2,3
Dickey, R. H. Otoe Co. Elected Probate Judge Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 3-2
Dickson, Dr. Late of Baltimore has arrived in Nebraska City. See Churches Nebraska City News 9-25-68 3-4
Dr. Diefendorf Of Ohio, who proposes to take charge of the Presbyterian Academy of this City is now Presdident of Vermillion Institute at Hayesville, Ohio, which he has successfully managed for fifteen years. Nebraska City News 2-28-68 3-4
Diefendorf, S. Otoe University. See Schools Nebraska City News 8-12-68 3-4
Diehl, (Hon.) I. S. Late U. S. Consul to Java and COmmissioner to Asia llectured at Brownville Court house October 15 Nebraska Advertiser 10-14-69 3-1
Dietzel, Louis Died after breaking his back in a 28 foot fall at the University building. Nebraska Advertiser 8-18-70 2-3
Difendorf, Dr. Founder of school in Nebraska City. See Hess, Theodore Nebraska City News 8-5-68 3-2
Diffenbacher, Mr. Proprietor with Alexander of Heath & Co's patent well-borer. See Wells Nebraska City News 9-23-68 3-4
Diffenbacher, Mr. Of Platterville, Wisconsin, brother of B. F. Diffenbacher boutht a house and lot corner for $100. See Real Estate. Nebraska City News 9-9-68 3-2
Diffenbacker, B. F. Bought 7 lots for #750. for a permanent home. See Real Estate. Transactions. Nebraska City News 9-9-68 3-3
Dillen, Jno J. Tecumseh, bought a farm Nebraska Advertiser 2-19-74 2-3
Dillen, Job A. Lawyer and land agent. Notary public. Tecumseh, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 9-15-70 1-4
Dillon, Job A. Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, Tecumseh, Nebraska. See Attorney Nebraska Advertiser 4-22-69 2-4
Dillon, Job A. In business at Tecumseh, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 10-14-69 2-2
Dillon, W. E. Elected to the House in Nebraska Legislature from Otoe County. Nebraska Advertiser 10-20-70 2-4
Dillon, William E. Editor of the Nebraska City Times. Nebraska Advertiser 6-16-70 2-3
Dillon & Monroe Farm 4 miles southwest of Nebraska City. See Wells. Nebraska City News 10-28-68 3-3
Dinninny, F. M. Elected Corresponding Secretary of the Teachers association at the metting in Tecumseh. Nebraska Advertiser 6-1-71 1-3
Dinninny, Frank M. Traveling Agent for the Anchor Life Insurance Company of New Jersey. Nebraska Advertiser 11-24-70 3-1
Dinninny, Mrs. N. Elected on Executive Committee of the Teachers Association at the meeting in Tecumseh. Nebraska Advertiser 6-1-71 1-3
Dircks, Mr. Arrested in Iowa for murder. See Shooting affray. Nebr. City. Nebraska City News 3-29-67 3-1
Dirks, John Of Benton, Nemaha County, reported on crops in that vicinity. See Agriculture Nebraska Advertiser 7-8-69 2-1

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