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Douglas County - Dye, J. W.

Date 18xx p-c
Douglas County investment in school facilities Nebraska Advertiser 2-26-74 1-4
Douglas & Paddoch merchants. Sold out to William & Brown in Lowell. Nebraska Advertiser 11-13-73 2-4
Dowlen, Thomas J. Grand juror. Nebraska Advertiser 4-10-73 3-6
Dowler, F. A. Bought 40 acres of school land in Section 16, Township 6, Range 13 at $7 per acre in Nemaha County. See School Land Nebraska Advertiser 7-8-69 1-6
Dowler, F. A. Taken up at Glen Rock, 2 stray ponies, both mares 8 adn 3 years old. See Livestock, stray Nebraska Advertiser 6-10-69 2-8
Downer, ___ Sheriff of Nuckols County was probably fatally hurt last week while trying to arrest timber thieves. Nebraska Advertiser 1-27-76 2-5
Downs, C. H. Elected President and Director of the Omaha Smelting Works. See Industry Nebraska Advertiser 10-20-70 2-3
Drain, J. H. Elected Judge of Election, Nemaha Precinct, Nemaha County. See Election Returns-Nemaha County Nebraska Advertiser 10-21-75 3-4
Drain, J. H. Freman of Grand Jurors. Nebraska Advertiser 4-10-73 3-6
Drain, J. H. Nemaha City Pct. Elected Judge of Election. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Drain, James H. Plaintiff against Wm S. Clark for $1,096.46 and interest 15 per cent on a Promissory Note. Nebraska Advertiser 2-3-70 2-8
Draper, Mr. Has one of the best orchards in Otoe County. Nebraska Advertiser 8-26-69 2-2
Draper, Joel Nebraska City, Nebr. See Bees Nebraska City News 6-14-67 3-2
Draper, Joel Of Nebraska City, Nebr. See Marriage. Nebraska City News 4-29-67 3-2
Dray, A. Nebraska City, Nebr. Arrested in Kearney Ward for disturbing the peace. See Judiciary Nebraska City News 7-1-67 3-1
Dray, Anthony Charged with selling whiskey without a license, found guilty and fined $50 and cost. See Judiciary Nebraska City News 7-26-67 3-2
Drehaus, A. Bought 10 acres of school land in Nemaha County in Section 36, township 5, Range 12 at $15 per acre and 40 acres at $7 per acre. See School Land Nebraska Advertiser 7-8-69 1-6
Dress making Mrs. Berkley has secured the services of Mrs. Prescott an accomplished dress maker who acquired her business in the best school of the east. Nebraska Advertiser 6-12-73 3-4
Dressmaking Mrs. M. C. Phillips. Stamping, braiding and Machine stitching; dressmaking; hair jewelery every description, etc. Nebraska City. Nebraska City News 1-15-68 4-5
Dressmaking. Adv. Mrs. M. C. Phillips. Nebraska City, Nebr. Patterns of the latest style constantly on hand. Also prepared to make Hair Jewelry of every description, etc. Nebraska City News 1-4-67 4-4
Drew, J. T. Counselor at Law Solicitor before the Court of Claims. Nebraska Advertiser 11-18-69 2-5
Drouth. The Blue Country. B. M. Davenport and James Cinnamond, just returned from the Blue river and the Big and Little Sandies, say the wheat, corn and potato crops are a complete failure caused by the extreme dry weather and the ravages of the grasshoppers. Citizens of the Little Blue are getting up a petition to the Governor, asking for subsistence. The grass on the highlands has already the hue of the "sere and yellow leaf" and farmers who have heretofore out grass in their door yards are obliged to go from four to eight miles. Nebraska City News 8-26-68 3-3
Drowned A Swede by the name of Lawson was drowned in a well at Omaha on Tuesday. Nebraska Advertiser 10-21-69 2-5
Drowning Council Bluffs Nonpareil says that a family residing near Crystal Lake, whose hone from the sudden rise of the river was about to be submerged, commenced to move out last Friday night, and while taking the children from the house to dry land in a skiff, it was upset by the current and the two children, a little boy and girl, were thrown into the water and drowned. Their bodies were not recovered. Nebraska City News 4-26-67 3-1
Druall, Susan E. Real edstate transfer from John J. Edwards W 1/2 of n. e. Qr. 1, 5, 14, also 5 acres in E 1/2 of S. E. 3.5, 6, 15. $1500 Nebraska Advertiser 6-26-73 3-6
Druel, H. P. To the office of M. W. & G. M. Nebraska Advertiser 10-28-69 2-1
Druggist Dr. Love sold on Saturday his Drug establishment in the upper part of the city to Reed, Whitinger & Co. Nebraska City News 4-29-67 3-1
Drug Store Lett and Cowles of Brownville have opened a large Branch Drug Store at Philips City on Main street where Lou Thurman head clerk is in charge. Nebraska Advertiser 11-11-69 2-1
Druggist Beatrice, Nebraska.Brock & Antony, Proprietor. See Beatrice Nebraska City News 6-25-67 2-1,2
Druggists Adv. P. Bird Price and Geo. C. Smith, Successors to J. A. Goodlett, City Drug Store. Pure drugs, paints, oils, varnish, toilet articles. Nebraska City. Nebraska City News 1-15-68 2-6
Druggists Adv. R. A. Dickey & Co., Drugs, paints, oils, etc. Prescriptions filled by experienced druggists. Nebraska City. Nebraska City News 1-15-68 1-5
Druggist Adv. H. Harries, Druggist and Pharmaceutist. A general stock of first class drugs and chemical medicines, perfumes and fancy articles, etc. Nebraska City News 7-15-66 3-5
Druggists Adv. Reed, Whitinger & Co., 135 Main St., Nebraska City, Nebr. Drugs and medicines. Paints, Oil, Putty and Glass, Stationery and Fancy Goods at Eastern prices. Nebraska City News 1-15-68 1-4
Druggist Resseguie, dealer in drugs, medicines, paints, oils, books, stationary adn wall paper with maxim"Live and let live" in Peru Nebraska. Nebraska Advertiser 11-4-75 2-2
Drugs Abner G. Mann, of Rockport, Missouri has lately purchased the stock of drugs recently owned by Saunders & Randall. He is a young man of ability and some financial means, at Peru, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 5-5-70 2-1
Drury, W. H. Was married to Miss Lizzie Simpson Jan 8. See Marriages Nebraska Advertiser 1-20-76 3-2
Dry Creek Rev. J. Charles appointed minister at Dry Creek Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 5-1-73 1-5
Dry Goods Barnes & Martin dealers in dry goods, etc. See Trade Nebraska Advertiser 11-4-75 2-2
Dry Goods H. M. Mears dealer in dry goods and groceries sells for cash in Peru. Nebraska Advertiser 11-4-75 2-2
Dryden, jeff Fined for fighting $14 and costs. See Judiciary Nebraska Advertiser 8-5-69 3-2
Dubois, Mr. Report of severe drouth along the Weeping Water. Potato crop small. See Weather & Climate Nebraska City News 8-10-68 3-2
Duel, H. P. Of Omaha, was elected W. W. G. M. of Masonic Lodge. See Societies and Organizations Nebraska Advertiser 6-30-70 2-3
Duell, H. P. Elected M. W. D. G. M. of Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. See Masons Nebraska City News 6-29-68 3-3
Duff, J. C. Otoe County. Sold wood to the Board of County Commissioners. See Relief, County. Nebraska City News 12-14-68 3-3
Duff, John Defendant official of the U. P. R. R. in a suit brought by John W. Davis for $604,488.58 Nebraska Advertiser 7-29-69 2-7
Duffield, Mr. And other settlers say the attackers on May 27th were Pawnees. Beatrice Clarion Nebraska Advertiser 6-10-69 1-4
Duke, E. T. Of Plattsmouth elected E. D. G. H. P. of Masonic Lodge. See Societies and Organizations Nebraska Advertiser 6-30-70 2-3
Duke, E. T. Newly elected alderman of Plattsmouth, Nebr. See Election Nebraska City News 4-5-67 2-3
Duley, Charles Elected to the House from Sarpy County. Nebraska Advertiser 10-20-70 2-4
Dunbar & Hamma Beatrice, Nebraska. Proprietors of one of the three hotels. See Beatrice Nebraska City News 6-25-67 2-1,2
Dunbar & Snow Beatrice, Nebraska. Proprietor of a blacksmith shop. See Beatrice Nebraska City News 6-25-67 2-1,2
Duncan, Mr. At the April session of the University of Nebraska Regents at the Capitol. Nebraska Advertiser 4-13-71 1-7,8
Duncan, Benjamin F. Plaintiff, obtained judgment for $242.75. See Legal Notice Nebraska Advertiser 9-15-70 3-1
Duncan, Elder D. R. Of Pawnee City will hold a series of meetings in Phelps City in September. See Church Nebraska Advertiser 8-26-69 2-1
Duncan, Rev. D. R. From Pawnee City, appointed Regent of State University by the Governor. See University Nebraska Advertiser 5-27-69 2-4
Duncklee, H. H. Of Nebraska City, having bought the firm existing under name of H. D. Slaughter & Co. will assume liabilities and resources. See Dissolution Nebraska City News 4-27-68 1-3
Dundas, C. Elected Constable, Douglas Precinct. See Election Returns Nebraska Advertiser 10-21-75 3-4
Dundas, C. Douglas Pct. Elected Constable. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Dundas, C. D. Constable. Bonds filed and approved. See nemaha County. Commissioners' Proceedings. Jan. 4 Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-76 3-4
Dundas, Chas Nemaha Co., school teacher Nebraska Advertiser 2-14-74 2-3
Dundas, J. H. Douglas Pct. Elected Assessor. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Dundas, James To Robert M. Dundas quit claim deed N. E. qr. 16, 5, 14. $2,000. Nebraska Advertiser 6-26-73 3-6
Dundas, Jno H. Nemaha Co., school teacher Nebraska Advertiser 2-19-74 2-3
Dundas, John Is building a stable and corn crib. See Building Nebraska Advertiser 11-11-75 3-7
Dundas, John H. Married Weltha Bishop, both of Nemaha County. See Marriage Nebraska Advertiser 4-6-71 2-6
Dundas, Mr. Jno To take part on programme Teachers Institute, at Glen Rock. Nebraska Advertiser 3-13-73 3-6
Dundas, Robert M. Real estate transfer from James Dundas N. E. qr 16, 5, 14. $2000. Nebraska Advertiser 6-26-73 3-6
Dundas, Wesley Buys hides. See Trade Nebraska Advertiser 11-11-75 3-7
Dundas, Wesley Has hogs and seed corn for sale. See Agriculture Nebraska Advertiser 2-3-76 3-6
Dundas, Wesley Justice of the Peace. Annual settlement approved. See Nemaha County. Commissioners' Proceedings, Jan 5. Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-76 3-4
Dundas, Westley Postmaster at Sheridan in Nemaha County. Will also have a general store in same building. Nebraska Advertiser 9-2-69 2-2
Dundas, Wesley Will buy fat hogs until Tuesday next. See Trade Nebraska Advertiser 11-11-75 3-7
Dundas, Wesley Douglas Pct., elected Justice of the Peace. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Dundy, Judge With S. G. Good attempted to extricate Mr. Southard from Esquire Frank's well. Brownville, Nebraska. See Southard A. Nebraska Advertiser 6-23-70 2-4
Dundy, E. S. Delegate to the National Capitol Convention. See Convention Nebraska Advertiser 10-20-70 2-3
Dundy, E. S. Taken into partnership in the Nemaha Valley, Lincoln City and Columbus railroad incorporated June 11th. See Land Stealing Nebraska City News 6-17-67 2-2,3
Dunham, M. Elected G. S. D. Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. See Masons Nebraska City News 6-29-68 3-3
Dunham, M. member of Premuim Committee State Fair. Nebraska Advertiser 1-15-74 4-1
Dunham, Sam A well-known freighter of Nebraska City, was shot recently by Indians. The arrow entered the body a little below the heart. He is now at the ranceh of his brother, near Denver and is recovering. Nebraska City News 7-1-67 3-1
Dunlap, William L. For Surveyor of Johnson County on Republican ticket. Nebraska Advertiser 10-7-69 2-1
Dunn, Mr. Murdered by Matt Miller in Dixon County. Miller confessed and was hung by Ponca citizens. Nebraska Advertiser 8-4-70 2-2
Dunn, Mr. Will open a jewelry store in the location just vacated by Mr. Patch Nebraska Advertiser 11-18-69 3-1
Dunn, F. M. Esq. General Western agent of the North Western road. See Railroad Nebraska City News 8-21-68 3-3
Dunn, Geo. S. Co-partnership, Dunn & Bro. Nebr. City, Nebr. See Dissolution Nebraska City News 2-12-68 2-3
Dunn, George S. Defendant action on a note. Judgment for plaintiff $212.35. Nebraska Advertiser 4-17-73 2-5
Dunn, R. H. W. S. of I. O. of Good Templaars Nebraska City, for ensuing year. See Societies and Organizations Nebraska City News 5-1-67 3-1
Dunn, R.H. Otoe Lodge No 4. Independent Order, Grand Templars, Strawberry Festival. Committee on dishes, spoons etc., ring cake. See Societies & Organizations Nebraska City News 7-1-67 3-4
Dunn, Wm C. P. Pr Tem of I. O. O. F. Ridgeley Encampment No 1. of Nebraska City. See Societies & Organizations Nebraska City News 4-19-67 3-1
Dunn, Wm Nebraska City, Nebr. L. H. S. S. of I. O. O. F. Frontier Lodge No 3. See Societies & Organizations Nebraska City News 7-15-67 3-2
Dunn, William Co-partrnership Dunn & Bro. Nebr. City, Nebr. See Dissolution. Nebraska City News 2-12-68 3-3
Duprez & Benedict's Minstrels Twenty performers, all white men, have been on the road 24 years, will be at McPherson's Hall on next Tuesday. Nebraska Advertiser 12-2-75 3-2
Durall, Wm Defendant Wm Hanna, Plaintiff fore-closure judgment for $434.60. Nebraska Advertiser 4-17-73 2-6
Durant, T. C. Defendant official of U. P. R. R. in suit brought by J. W. Davis for $604,488.58. See Judiciary Nebraska Advertiser 7-29-69 2-7
Durrett, W. T. real estate transfer from Jas. C. Ogden and Andrew L. Kerr. Nebraska Advertiser 11-13-73 3-5
Dusenbury, C. Of Pawnee City stopped at the Star Hotel. Nebraska Advertiser 9-15-70 3-1
Dustin, Geo. T. Constable. Bonds filed and approved. See Nemaha County. Commissioners' Proceedings. Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-76 3-4
Dustin, G. T. Elected Constable of Island Precinct. See Election Returns Nebraska Advertiser 10-21-75 1-4
Dye, Prof And brother and Mr. and Mrs. Bennett of Brownville gave a concert at the Court House in Tecumseh. Nebraska Advertiser 10-14-69 2-1
Dye, James R. Of Brownville delegate St. Joseph Bridge Celebration and Saengerfest. Nebraska Advertiser 6-5-73 2-2
Dye, J. R. Vocal Musie 4th of July celebration and barbacue at Brownville Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 6-19-73 2-2
Dye, James W. Grand Juror Nebraska Advertiser 4-10-73 3-6

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