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Eads, Captian - Eldred

Date 18xx p-c
Eads, Captain Of Steamer Robert Campbell in 1849. See Campbell, Robert Nebraska Advertiser 9-2-69 1-7
Eads, Luther Editor of the Emigrant's Guide and Railway Gazette of Davenport, Iowa. Nebraska Advertiser 5-26-70 2-3
Eagle, Lewis Constable. Bonds filed and approved. See Nemaha County. Commissioners' Proceedings. Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-76 3-4
Eames, Andrew Of Richardson County was married to Margaret Zook of Brownville, Dec. 5. See Marriages Nebraska Advertiser 12-9-75 3-1
Eanigan, Sergeant Was killed on Pole Creek, 30 miles above Fort Sedgwick. See Military Nebraska City News 6-3-67 2-3
Early Joseph I. Formerly of Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebr. and now a resident of St. Joseph, Missouri, is a candidate for the Legislature from that district. Nebraska City News 8-31-68 3-4
Earsman, Mr. Sold his residence to A. H. Gillmore. Brownville, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 10-28-69 3-1
Earthquake Missouri Was very perceptibly felt in St. Joseph and some damage was done. Nebraska City News 4-26-67 3-2
Earthquake Nebraska City On Wednesday was very perceptibly felt on both sides of Main Street. Nebraska City News 4-26-67 3-1
Earthquakes Are on the decline, none of any consequence have been experienced for more than 24 hours. Many citizens took no interest in the shocks that did agitate the ground in these parts and loudly declared their lack of faith in their having any earthquake at all. Others were shook out of their chairs by the first end out of their beds by the second one. Nebraska City News 5-1-67 3-1
Earthquake Another shock was felt in Nebraska City about 3 o'clock this morning. It was of longer duration and more violent than the one on Wednesday last; bedsteads were moved from their positions, stove pipes tumbled down and houses rocked to and fro like ships in a heavy sea. Nebraska City News 4-29-67 3-2
Earley, A. C. Has sold all of his interest in firm to B. L. Easley. Peru, Nebraska. See Trade. Nebraska Advertiser 6-10-69 2-5
Easley, B. L. Has bought interest in the firm from A. C. Easley. See Trade Nebraska Advertiser 6-10-69 2-5
Easley and Rains Building a store for their drug business in Peru. Nebraska Advertiser 8-11-70 3-3
Easly, James S. Plaintiff vs Henry a Soliday, Sherriff's sale. See Legal Notice Nebraska City News 10-21-68 1-3
Eastern Star Ada Chapter, No. 2 will hold their annual installation. Jan. 18. See Societies and Organizations. Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-76 3-2
Eastport, Iowa Mr. Laramore traded 267 acres on the Iowa bottom to Mr. Torbett for 240 acres in Clinton County, Missouri. See Real Estate Transactions. Nebraska City News 7-29-67 3-1
Eaton, Mr. Editor of Hamburg Times, Ia. See Press Nebraska City News 5-1-67 3-2
Eaton, Albert Of Wyoming precinct has sent in a club of subscribers to Nebraska City News. See Press Nebraska City News 8-7-68 3-4
Eaton, George P. Elected to Board of Directors of the State Bank of Nebraska, also Cashier. See Bank Nebraska Advertiser 9-1-70 2-2
Eaton, Geo. P. appointed Cashier of the Merchant Bank organized at Lincoln, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 5-15-73 2-5
Eaton, Geo. P. Has sold his residence in Brownville to Luther Hoadley for $5,000. Nebraska Advertiser 5-29-73 3-4
Eaton, Geo. P. One of the largest stock holders in the new bank organized and located at Lincoln, Nebr. Nebraska Advertiser 5-15-73 2-5
Eaton, Geo. P. To Isaac N. McCoy Warantee deed E 1/2 of S. E. qr. 14, 5, 15. $4,000. Nebraska Advertiser 7-6-73 3-5
Eaton, Geo. P. To mary Hoadley L. 9, 10, 11, 12, B. 12, Brownville. $5,000. Nebraska Advertiser 5-29-73 3-6
Eaton, George P. Brownville. Cashier of the Merchants Bank, appointed United State Deputy Revenue Collector. Nebraska Advertiser 12-18-73 2-5
Eaton, Geo. P. member of Premuim Committee State Fair. Nebraska Advertiser 1-15-74 4-1
Eaton, J. W. Corresponding secretary of Southern Immigration Society in Nebraska City, nebr. See Emigration from South. Nebraska Advertiser 2-19-68 2-2,3
Eaton, J. W. Cottage and 10 acres for sale, Nebraska City. See Real Estate Nebraska City News 3-25-67 3-3
Eaton, Rice Recieves a letter from Church Howe denying that he sold his vote. See Graft and Corruption Nebraska Advertiser 3-23-76 2-3
Eaton, W. B. Cashier of the Bank at Tippecanoe, Ohio to open a bank in Brownville, Neb. See Bank Nebraska Advertiser 8-11-70 3-2
Ebright, Justice Decided taht the publishers of the Brownville Democrat were guilty of libel. Nebraska Advertiser 9-22-70 1-1
Ebright, Squire Cardiff Giant. Squire Ebright has presented Mr. Majors, County Clerk with a portion of the Cardiff Giant. See Cardiff Giant. Nebraska Advertiser 12-9-75 3-1
Ebright, E. E. County Coroner. Bonds filed and approved. See Nemaha County. Commissioners' Proceedings Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-76 3-4
Ebright, E. E. Elected Justice of the Peace. Brownville Precinct. See Election Returns Nebraska Advertiser 10-21-75 3-4
Ebright, E. E. Elected Police Judge of Brownville. See Election Nebraska Advertiser 4-6-76 3-2
Ebright, E. E. Elected to Executive Committee of the Presbyterian Sunday School. See Convention Nebraska Advertiser 6-3-69 1-6
Ebright, E. E. Has opened a new Queensware Store in west end of Lushbaugh Row. Nebraska Advertiser 7-29-69 3-1
Ebright, E. E. Justice of the Peace. Bonds filed and approved. See Nemaha County. Commissioners' Proceedings. Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-76 3-4,5
Ebright, E. E. member of the Nebraska State Horticultural Society. Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-70 4-1
Ebright, E. E. The new Mayor of the City of Brownville Nebr. He is Temperate, moral, and conscientiously honest, we congratulate the city upon its accidental mayor. Nebraska Advertiser 12-23-69 3-1
Ebright, E. E. Nominated for City Treasurer and Assessor of Brownville, Nebr. Nebraska Advertiser 4-7-70 2-2
Ebright, E. E. Nemaha Co., elected Coronor. Nebraska Advertiser 10-16-73 2-6,7
Ebright, Mrs. F. J. Primary department teacher receives $60. per month. See School Nebraska Advertiser 4-6-76 2-2,3
Ebright, F. Johnson and E. E. To Comos M. Smoke warrantee deed lot 6 block 42 middle $7500, Brownville, Nebr. Nebraska Advertiser 6-19-73 2-5
Ebright, Maud Took part in M. E. Sunday School program. See Ammusements. Nebraska Advertiser 12-2-75 3-4
Edgar County, Illinois Families arrived in Nebraska City yeaterday and are pleased with our country. They will select homes in western part of the State. See Settlers. Nebraska City News 10-23-68 3-3
Editorial News   Nebraska Advertiser 4-3-73 2-3
Edminston, H. Justice of the Peace. Bonds filed and approved. See Nemaha County. Commissioners' Proceedings. Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-76 3-4
Edmisten, H. (See Edminston) Elected Justice of the Peace and Judge of Election. Lafayette Precinct. See Election Returns. Nebraska Advertiser 10-21-75 3-4
Edmisten, J. Elected Judge of Election Lafayette Precinct. See Election Returns. Nebraska Advertiser 10-21-75 3-4
Edmiston, J. Lafayette Pct. Elected Judge of Election. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Edmiston, Jonathan Defendant action on note, judgement for $188.36 and cost. Aultman Mille & Co. plaintiff. Nebraska Advertiser 4-17-73 2-6
Edmondson, H. Bought 120 acres of Nemaha County school land in Section 16 Township 6, Range 13 at $7 per acre. See School land Nebraska Advertiser 7-8-69 1-6
Education Teachers' Salaries. According to the 50th annual report of the Commissioner of Education 120,000 teachers are women, not quite half the highest salary paid to teachers is paid by the Cherokee Nation - $225 for men, $200 for women. Nevada paid $100 for men $50 for women, Mass. $93 for men, $34. for women, District of Columbia $113 for men, $75 for women, New Mexico paid the least $26.28 per month. Nebraska Advertiser 12-2-75 2-1,2
Edwards, Judge Resigned as Post Master at Pawnee City. Nebraska Advertiser 1-26-71 2-5
Edwards, Judge Has bought a half interest in the Tribune of Pawnee City. Nebraska Advertiser 10-14-69 2-1
Edwards, Judge Has bought the Pawnee Tribune Newspaper Plant from T.R. Fisher. Nebraska Advertiser 2-17-70 2-3
Edwards, Mr. Nebraska City, Architect. See Churches, Methodist Nebraska City News 8-12-68 3-2
Edwards, Mr. Nebraska City architect. See Buildings Nebraska City News 11-4-68 3-2
Edwards, Mr. Architect, Nebraska City, Nebr. See Real Estate Transactions Nebraska City News 10-23-68 3-2
Edwards, A. J. Elected director of Brownville and Hamburg Railroad Company. Nebraska Advertiser 5-25-71 2-1
Edwards, Emeline Wife of J. F. Edwards of Nemaha County, Nebr. Ter. See Death Nebraska Advertiser 1-1-57 3-4
Edwards, Foster Addresses a Republican meeting at Table Rock. See Political Parties, Republican Nebraska City News 8-31-68 3-3
Edwards, Foster Arrainged for stealing and receiving stolen stock, was acquitted last evening. The jury brought in their verdict at midnight. Nebraska City News 7-12-67 3-1
Edwards, George High among builders in Omaha. Formerly of Nebraska City. See Architect. Nebraska City News 4-27-68 3-3
Edwards, Greene Elected Supervisor District No. 3, Peru Precinct. See Election Returns. Nebraska Advertiser 10-21-75 3-4
Edwards, John J. To Susan E. Druall, warantee deed W 1/2 N 8 qr. 1, 5, 14 also 5 acres on E 1/2 of SE 35, 6, 15. $1500 Nebraska Advertiser 6-26-73 3-6
Edwards. John M. Real estate transfer from James Moore and wife N 1/2 of S E qr 24, 6, 13. $900. Nebraska Advertiser 6-19-73 2-5
Edwards, L. G. Supervisor, Settlement made. See Nemayha County. Commissioners' Proceedings. Jan 4. Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-76 3-4
Edwards, Talbott Erected first cabin in Brownville, N. T. August 1854 Nebraska Advertiser 6-9-70 1-1
Edwards, Eilliam Took up John Marshal for stealing a team. See Judiciary Nebraska Advertiser 3-2-76 3-6
Efers, Thomasd real estate transfer from S. W. McCoy. Nebraska Advertiser 10-30-73 3-3
Eggers, Herman sold real estate to Peter Friederies. Nebraska Advertiser 11-20-73 3-3
Eingleton, T. T. and W. D. Ames purchased 20,000 sacks of corn in Fremont county, Iowa for shipment. See agriculture Nebraska City News 3-11-67 3-1
Elbige, Hugh Is father of an 8 pound boy. Sheridan item. Nebraska Advertiser 11-11-75 3-7
Elder Davis of the M. E. Church of Nebraska City, is opening a farm in the vicinity of Lincoln. Nebraska City News 2-19-68 3-1
El Dorado Recently platted town in Nemaha County. The Proprietors call the attention of the public to his new town. It is uurrounded by timbers of the Missoouri and Little Nemaha. Good water is of easy access. Many springs near town. Good building stone and stove coal is found in abundance. R. Perry & U. H. Hightower Proprietors. Nebraska Advertiser 6-11-57 3-5
Eldred Rev. D. S. Davis appointed Minister at Eldred Nebraska. Nebraska Advertiser 5-1-73 1-5

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