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NSHS Territorial Newspaper Extraction Project
"Fish-Fort Union "
Code Date p c Subject Extraction
848 5/15/67 3 1 Fish The lake south and the sloughs opposite the city are said to abound with fish.
848 6/12/67 3 2 Fish A fishing party leaves Nebraska City this evening to be absent a few days, for the lake on the opposite side of the river. They take with them a seine 90 feet in length.
848 6/21/67 3 1 Fixh Nebraska City. A number of wagons were on the streets today, loaded with fish taken from the lakes on the opposite side of the river.
848 7/12/67 3 1 Fish A large number of Nebraska City Citizens paid a visit to Bennets Mill dam of Wednesday for the purpose of catching fish. 2 or 300 pounds weighing from 1 to 3 pounds each were brought to the city.
848 3/30/68 3 2 Fish A wagon load of "jumping alive' fish captured in the lakes on the Iowa side, were on sae, Saturday.
848 11/6/68 3 1 Fish A cat fish weighing eighty-five pounds was caught in the Missouri at this point a day or two ago.
848 2/10/68 3 2 Fish Mrs. Hyslop, proprietress of the Post Office Restaurant has our thanks for a good sized Mackinaw Trout. She receives a case from Chicago daily.
192 4/17/73 2 6 Fishburn, Sarah Ann Plaintiff against Thomas Heady Sr. action for damages for slander verdict for plaintiff $5000
192 6/19/73 2 2 Fisher, J. B. Vice-President of the 4th of July celebration and barbacue at Brownville, Nebr.
848 9/11/68 3 4 Fisher, Mrs. Lecturer and traveling agent for Mrs. Stanton's new paper, the Revolution. See Women's Suffrage.
192 7/28/70 2 2 Fisher, J. B. Elected delegate to the Republican Convention.
192 10/16/73 2 9 Fisher, J. B. Nemaha, Nebr. Elected Coronor.
848 6/29/68 3 2 Fisher, Jermima E. Wife of S. J. Fisher. See Death.
192 10/16/73 2 6/7 Fisher, O. K. Nemaha, Nebr. Elected Coronor.
848 9/9/68 3 3 Fisher, Mrs. R. B. Lecturer. See Woman's Suffrage.
192 11/4/75 3 8 Fisher, S. J. And A. Higgins are feeding a large number of cattle and hogs. See Livestock.
848 4/10/68 3 4 Fisher, T. R. Elected engineer of city of Brownville, Nebr. See Election Returns
192 2/17/70 2 3 Fisher, T. R. Publisher of the Pawnee Tribune has sold the newspaper plant to Judge Edwards.
848 10/30/68 2 2 Fisk & Mills St. Louis, Missoure. General agents, Mutal Life Insurance Company of New York. See Labor, wanted.
192 10/9/75 2 4 Fiske, George Last week sold 60 head of hogs netting $1300. See Livestock.
848 4/29/68 2 5 Fitchie, S. D. Co[partnership with G. F. White under name of White & Fitchie. Nebraska City, Nebr. See Dissolution.
848 7/26/67 3 2 Fitchie, Sam Of Cottonwood, one of Nebraska's heavy ranchman is in Nebraska City.
192 6/5/73 2 2 Fitzgerald, Mrs. Dr. Of St Dervin delegate to St. Joseph Bridge Celebration and Saengerfest.
192 5/15/73 2 5 Fitzgerald, John Appointed President of the Merchants Bank organized at Lincoln, Nebr.
192 10/21/75 2 4 Fitzgerald, John Of Plattsmouth is a heavy stockholder in the State Bank of Nebraska.
192 5/15/73 2 5 Fitzgerald, John One of the largest dtock holders in the new bank organized and appointed. Board of Directors located at Lincoln, Nebraska.
192 11/5/73 3 2 Fitzgerald, John Elected Director of the State Bank.
848 12/11/68 2 4 Fix, John Nebraska City, Nebr. See Tailor
192 11/25/75 2 7 Flag, Mrs. Of Grand island gave birth to a child weighing 16 pounds, 9 ounces.
192 7/15/69 2 3 Flack, John  P. Married to Mrs. Elizabeth Pary, both of Nemaha County, Nebraska. See Marriage.
848 3/19/67 3 1 Flannery, Wm Fremont County, Iowa. See Shooting Affray. Nebraska City.
848 4/1/67 3 1 Flannery, Wm Of Fremont County, Iowa, died from the effects of the shooting Affray in Nebraska City by Oren Ransferd. His remains were taken to Iowa. See Death.
192 3/9/76 3 4 Fletcher, George Was married to Jane Blecher. See Marriage.
192 9/30/69 2 3 Flood Three day rain raised the Little Blue so that it took 4 flour mills, livestock, wheat and haystakcs. Losses totalled $1,000,000. From The Little Blue. Jenkins Mills, Neb.
192 5/27/69 3 3 Flood List of damages by rain and flood total $4,000 in Brownville.
192 6/3/69 2 2 Flood, Damages Turner and Shandy Saw Mill at the mouth f Roe's Branch on eht Neshua was overturned. Messrs, Chambers Mill damage to extend ot $2,000. Bridge at head of Main St was almost entirely swept away.
848 4/24/67 2 3 Flood Damage Columbus Journal give the account of a great freshet in the Platte River at that place, doing unusual damage to property, The ice gave away on morning of the 5th and down came the flood of waters submerging the whole lower part of the town in less than an hour. The water was 3 feet deep in that part of town and bearing along with terrific force huge cakes of ice some five feet in thickness. The people were driver from their homes leaving furniture and provisions to the mercy of the flood which was a foot higher than of seven years ago. Residence of H. S. Hudson suffered considerably. M. S. Hall lost wood and railroad ties. At Centre Precinct, Mr. Anderson lost a lot of saw logs and Mr. John Hanney about 30 cords of wood. In Monroe Precinct, Mr. Kelly the county commissioner lost 14 head of cattle and his family barely left the house before the water filled it. Mr. E. A. Gerard lost 5 horses. Col. John Rickley is also a heavy loser in sat logs. About 9 miles east of Columbus the ice formed a gorge in the river, then spread out over the whole bottom between the river and the old pennsylvania House, cutting down the telegraph poles and twisting the wire around the ice. The flood subsided about as quickly as it raised and in 3 hours the water was back in the propercharnel of the river.
192 11/3/70 3 5 Flora, John Freeholder appointed by the court to assess damages against Brownville, Fort Kearney and Pacific R.R.
192 7/28/70 3 2 Flora, John Is erecting a residence south of the American House.
192 10/23/73 2 4/5 Flora, John Saline Co. Sent a dispatch to Mrs. J. I. A. Smith giving the list of names of the victims of Prairie fire.
192 4/6/76 3 2 Flora, Olive Elected R. S. in Sons of Temperance. See Societies and Organizations.
848 4/29/67 3 1 Florida N. H. Omaha Nebraska. Director of the Omaha Baseball Club. See Societies and Organizations.
192 12/25/73 3 3 Flour Mill Dawson, new proprietors. (J. W. Dawson and S. Somers has purched the Dawson flouring mill.)
848 1/15/68 3 5 Fogleson, G. D. & Son Nebraska City, Nebr. Dry goods, groceries, boots & shoes, etc. See General merchandise.
848 1/6/68 1 2 Foglesonb, Mr. Of Nebraska City, Nebr. Favored the appointment of committee of five to daraft resolutions at citizens meeting concerning immigration into Nebraska. See Emigration meeting.
848 6/25/67 2 3 Folgesong, G. D. Omaha, Nebraska. Acted as aid in the Masonic Grand Lodge procession at Omaha. See Societies and Organizations.
848 9/9/68 3 2 Foglesongs Mr. Property, Nebraska City sold by telegraph. See Real Estate Transactions.
192 8/12/69 2 2 Folden, A. Installed W. C. of Good Templar Lodge at Tecumseh. See Societies and Organizations.
192 5/1/73 1 5 Folden, A. L. Appointed minister at Weeping Water, Nebr.
848 4/17/67 2 6 Folesong, G. D. and Son Dry goods, Nebraska City, Nebr. See General Merchandise.
848 4/13/68 3 4 Folden, A. J. Nemaha City, M. E. Conference. See Churches.
848 8/10/68 3 2 Foldens' Mill Along the Weeping Water. Severe drouth in the vicinity potato crop small. See Weather and Climate.
192 5/1/73 1 5 Fontanell Rev. William Peck appointed minister at Fontanelle, Nebraska.
192 5/8/73 2 5 Fonth, Miss Mary The closing address St Dervin District School exercises.
848 12/11/68 2 3 Food Comparison of market prices of Dec. 10 of tobacco, flour, cotton, cattle, hogs etc. between St. Louis, Chicago and New York. See Prices
848 6/17/67 2 4 Food (Adv) G. Groscurth & Company. Dealers in Tropical Fruits, Confectionery, Tobacco, Cigars, Etc. Ice cream, Soda water, and Lemonade. Rooms upstairs for the ladies.
848 1/17/68 2 2 Food (Adv) M. J. Hawley. Family Grocery Store, Main St. Nebraska city, Nebraska. Entire new stock, coffee, tea sugar preserved fruits, soaps, candles etc.
848 6/21/67 2 3 Food (Adv) L. Lampkin, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Groceries and Provisions, Nebraska City, Nebraska. A large and first class assortment of family groceries and pays cash for country produce at highest market price.
848 7/22/67 2 4 Food (Adv) Joe. Leahy. Dealer in Provisions, Groceries, Winos and Liquors Main & 4th St. Nebraska City. Highest cash price paid for Country produce of all kinds.
848 1/17/68 2 4 Food Robert Lorton and J. B. Bonnet, Successors to Rolfd and Tarry. Dealers in Wines, liquors, tobacco and groceries. Main Street, Nebraska City Nebraska.
848 5/13/67 2 5 Food Lorton and Bonnet, Successors to Rolfe and Terry, Union Block, Nebraska City, Nebr. Dealers in wines, liquors, tobacco, etc.
848 1/17/68 2 4 Food (Adv) Wm. B, Miller and 3. 5. Miller, main and 10th St. Nebraska City. Groceries and dealers, in all kinds of grain and country produce. Highest prices paid, wheat, corn and oats.
848 5/8/67 3 1 Food -- Horse Radish The 848 received from Mr. Wm. T. Parcel of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, a bottle of his celebrated French Horse Radish, raised and put up by himself. 1t is excellent and is on sale at all the principal stores in the city.
848 10/30/68 3 3 Food Restaurant, Nebraska City. Frank Scallen, Main St., Nebraska City, understands the art of catering to the public in the most improved style.
192 9/15/70 3 1 Foot, William Junior 192ance agent for Macart Sisters Parisian Circus coming to Brownville on the 19th. See Circus.
192 1/15/74 3 3 Foote, Mrs. Richardson Co., died; wife of Charles Foote
848 10/23/68 3 3 For Sale C. P. Patterson's train of ten wagons and sixty head of mules for sale cheap; just arrived from the west.
848 2/28/68 2 6 For Sale Portable engines and boilers from 10 to 25 horse power used only thirty days and good as now. Complete and of the best make. Ralph Metoalf, No. 13 Merohantile Blvd., Chicago.
848 11/13/68 3 3 For Sale Thirty head of horses, 33 head of mules, 4 good wagons, C cots of harness and a large number of ponies for sale cheap. Horses and mules well broke and ready for work. Monroe and hillon, at the Elephant Stable, Nebraska City.
192 10/23/73 2 6 Forbes, A. M. Aspinwall Pct., Elected clerk of Electon.
848 5/8/68 3 2 Force Pumps Messrs. Morgan and Wlater have received the agency for the celebrated Bean force cistern and well-pump. They put in a sixteen feet pump at expence of $18 which is so small that every farmer in the country can have one.
192 1/29/74 2 5 Ford, R. J. W. Nemaha Co. Pioneers reunion at his home.
192 9/15/70 3 2 Fordham and Bivens Contractors to build new Court House at Beatrice, Nebraska.
192 6/23/70 2 4 Forney, Mr. Helped Mr. Southard from Esquire Frank's well. Brownville, Nebraska. See Southard A.
848 9/30/68 2 4 Fornia, Prof. Violinist, Nebraska City. Orchestra music for parties, balls, etc. See Music.
848 10/23/68 2 3 Forrestry Railroad Protection against snow. See Railroads.
192 11/20/73 3 6 Fort, George Peru, injured by explosion of gun barrel.
848 6/10/68 3 2 Fort Benton Indians troublesome. See Heffley, Henry.
192 10/21/69 2 5 Fort Benton Several whites have been killed by the Indians recently between Fort Benton and Milk River.
848 4/10/67 3 2 Fort Benton Steamboats Walter B. Dance, Ben Johnston and Weverly all heavily loaded with passengers and freight for the Fort. See River Transportation.
848 5/6/67 3 1 Fort Buford Massacre The Salt Lake Telegraph of the 3rd says it has confirmation of the massacre and that abut 80 persons altogether were killed. Among the number were the wife and children of Colonel Rankin. The savages were reported from to to three thousand strong.
192 10/21/69 2 4 Fort Fetterman Reinforcements will be sent to Forts Laramie and Fetterman as Indians are encamped near making settlers and troops on Powder River uneasy
192 11/4/75 2 4 Fort Hays Cheyenne Indians are reported to have defeated our troops from Fort Hays. See Indians.
192 1/6/76 2 1 Fort Kearney Military reservation is to be opened for pre-emption and homestead entry. See Legislation, Congressional.
848 3/11/67 3 2 Fort Phil Kearny On account of cowardice of which the massacre at Fort Phil Kearny occurred, Col. Carrington has been removed from command.
848 3/11/67 3 2 Fort Phil Kearny Colonel Carrington has been removed from command on account of cowardice which resulted in the massacre at this place. See Military.
848 4/10/67 2 5 Fort Phil Kearny Government supplies. Wells Fargo and Company are prepared to load any number of mule teams at Nort Platte station with government freight for the fort. See Freighting.
848 3/6/67 2 6 Fort Kearny Beall, S. W. post sutler. Groceries, dry goods, drugs, boots and shoes, etc. See General Store.
848 4/5/67 3 1 Fort Kearny A. Meichell, proprietor of a ranch at the Fort, but a former citizen of Nebraska City, is in town getting supplies for his spring trade. See Meichell, A.
848 4/29/67 2 2 Fort Phil Kearny Setler reports Indians camped  on Tongue river, half way between Fort Kearny and Fort C. F. Smith, 11,000 warriors. See General Hancock's Expedition.
848 5/17/67 3 3 Fort Laramie Col. Chivington's train attacked by Indians. See Indian Trouble.
192 10/21/69 2 4 Fort Laramie Reinforcements are to be sent to Forts Laramie and Fetterman as Indians are encamped near and settlers and troops are uneasy.
848 4/10/67 2 5 Fort Laramie Government supplies. Wells Fargo and Company are prepared to load any number of mule teams at North Platte Station with government freight for this fort. See Freighting.
848 5/8/67 2 1 Fort Laramie Stock raiding by the Indians Red Cloud Expedition. See Indian Depredations.
848 1/31/68 3 3 Fort McPherson Jed Gilman and brother John are in Nebraska City; they are old pioneers of Nebraska. See Settlers.
848 2/17/68 3 1 Fort McPherson Jed Gilman and brother John are in Nebraska City; they are old pioneers of Nebraska. See Settlers.
848 6/3/67 2 3 Fort McPherson General Gibbon at fort May 29, enroute to Fort Saunders, dacota Territory with Co. K. 36th Infantry. On the Platte at the fort are camped Battery C of 23rd Artillery; Company B of the 2nd cavalry. See Military.
192 10/21/69 2 4 Fort McPherson A government surveying party of twelve men under Nelson Buck was massacred about fifty miles south of Fort McPherson.
192 11/5/73 2 4 Fort McPherson Cemetery Col. Mulcahy is now at Fort Kearney superintending the cemetery at Fort McPherson.
848 5/1/67 2 5 Fort Mitchell Dakota Territory. Train loaded with government freight attacked by the Indians. See Indian Depredations.
848 4/10/67 2 5 Fort Reno Wells Fargo and Company are prepared to load any number of mule teams at North Platte station with government freight for the forts. See. Freighting.
848 1/31/68 2 2 Fort Sanders Frontier Index says Fort Sanders will be the great relay point for mountain engines in the western slope of the Black Hill range. The mountain engines are mad differently from the level road engines - its capacity greater by ten fold and are constructed for steep grades. The Black Hill grade is much greater than any ascent between there and Salt Lake, elevation from there to the summit of the Black Hills is 800 feet and from Dead Fine Bluffs to the summit is 3700 feet. Senders is 1200 feet higher than Cheyenne station.
848 3/20/68 3 3 Fort Snaders Frontier Index says the railroad town at Port Sanders is to be called Laramie and starts with twelve hotels, fifty drinking saloons, twenty-five wholesale and retail outfitting houses, three commission houses, four livery stables, two drug stores, one hundred residences, two printing offices, six surgeons and physicians and one thousand five hundred gentlemen.
848 4/10/67 2 5 Fort Saunders Government supplies. Wells Fargo and Company are prepared to load any number of mule teams at North Platte station with government freight for the fort. See. Freighting.
848 6/3/67 2 3 Fort Sedgwick 100 miles west of Fort McPherson, are camped companies K. G. F. and B. of the 4th Infantry; two companies of the 13th Infantry, and one cavalry company. Ten. Hunt Commander. See Military.
848 4/10/67 2 5 Fort C. F. Smith Government supplies. Wells Fargo and Company are prepared to load any number of mule teams at North Platte station with government freight for the forts. See. Freighting.
ç 3/6/67 3 2 Fort Union New Mexico. Large body of Indians attacked the Post but were repulsed with loss. The Fort feels it can resist any attack. See Indians.


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