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NSHS Territorial Newspaper Extraction Project

Date 18xx
Pg Col
 1305  11/4/'75  3  5
Lett, H.C.
Elected Director of Nebraska Railway Company -- See Railroads
 1305  11/4/'75  3  5
Lett, H.C.
Elected Director of Nebraska Railway Company -- See Banks
 1305  4/14/70  2  1
Lett, H.C.
Elected President of Brownville, Fort Kearney and Pacific Railroad
 1305  12/9/69  3  1
Lett, H.C.
Has again taken charge of the Elkhorn Drug Store in McPherson Block.
 1305  5/8/73  3  4
Lett, H.C.
Has bought out his partner Thos. Creigh who is to locate at Lincoln, Nebr.
 1305  12/9/69  2  5
Lett, H.C.
Has bought the interest of the firm of Lett & Co. Mr. I. S. Cowles interest in Brownville, Nebraska.
 1305  12/9/69  3  1
Lett, H.C.
Has again taken charge of the Elk Horn Drug Store in McPherson Building
 0848  8/7/68  2  2-3
Lett, H.C.
Nemaha Co. Member Committee on Credentials. See Convention, State Dem.
 1305  11/4/75  2  1
Lett, Hon. H.C.
Of Brownville has been appointed as delegate to the National Railroad Convention.-- See Conventions.
 0848  8/7/68  2  1
Lett, H.C.
Of Nemaha county, Democratic candidate for State Auditor. -- See Political Parties, Democratic
 1305  5/19/70  1  6
Lett, H.C.
Real Estate Dealer of Brownville, Nebraska
 1305  11/5/73  3  2
Lett, H.C.
Brownville, Elected Director of the State Bank.
 1305  9/1/70  2  2
Lett, H.C.
Elected to Board of Directors of State Bank of Nebraska. -- See Bank
 1305  11/11/69  2  1
Lett and Cowles
Branch drug store opened at Philip's City. See Trade
 0848  1/27/68  3  4
Levi, Leopold
Sold interest in General Merchandise, Nebr. City. See Co-partnership & Dissolution of Co-partnership.
 0848  8/7/68  3  3
Lewis, Rev.
Formerly of Nebr. City, now Michigan. See churches.
 1305  8/4/70  2  5
Lewis, D.H.
Of Brownville married Frances Dove of Canovia, New York
 1305  1/20/70  2  5
Lewis, D.H.
Has sold his interest in the firm to Holladay & Co. formerly was D.K. Lewis & Co.
 0848  4/5/67  2  3
Lewis, E.C.
Of Plattsmouth, Nebr. Newly elected school director of the city. -- See Election.
 1305  12/11/73  1  3
Lewis, Leslie
Peru Teacher State Normal School
 0848  10/26/68  3  2
Lewis, R.P.
Adel, Iowa, Purchased W.A. Brown, O.K. Store of Nebraska City, Neb. -- See General Store.
 1305  7/8/69  1  6
Lewis, W.D.
Bought 160 acres of Nemaha County school land in Section 16 Township 5, Range 13 at $7 per acre and 160 acres in Township 6. -- See School Lands.
 1305  4/7/70  2  2
Lewis, W.D.
Nominated for Aldermen of Brownville, Nebr.
 1305  4/7/70  2  2
Lewis, W.D.
Nominated for Councilman on the People's Ticket.
 1305  6/26/73  2  1
Lewis, W.D.
3 years middle man and is busted.
 1305  5/15/73  2  5
Lewis, W.D.
Appointed Board of Director of the merchants Bank organized at Lincoln, Nebr.
 1305  12/1/70  3  2
Lewis and Chafee
Will open the distillery near Brownville.
 1305  8/5/69  3  3
Lewis and Hull
To erect large building 2 doors east of Small's Red Store. -- See Building
 1305  10/16/73  3  2
Lewis & Marsh
Lincoln Bought the pork house fixtures of Mr. Murphy and shipped them to Lincoln
 1305  5/27/69  2  1
Libbee, M.L.
Treasurer of the Literary Society of Grant precinct, Richardson County. -- See Societies.
 1305  12/9/75  2  3
Libby, _____
Of Pawnee County recently had his home destroyed by fire. -- See Fire
 1305  4/6/69  1  5
Liberty Farm
The region round about this little settlement as far as Liberty Farm, has been devastated and laid bare of all vegetation by the savages. Many settlers had been murdered.
 0848  5/13/67  3  1
Lightning Rods
Cushman's manifold electric rod, now being put up in Nebraska City by Cummins & Company gives perfect protection against lightning. This rod is composed of iron and copper held together by a process of cold pressed moulding and is continuous without break or joint, and so perfect is the protection that the manufacturers offer $1,000 for any damages done to a building by lightning where the rod is properly put up.
 1305  8/18/70  2  3
Lillie, J.C.
Editor and proprietor of the Blair Times, a new paper at Blair in Washington County, Nebraska. -- See Press.
 0848  11/6/68  3  3
For sale at my lime kiln, thirteen miles from Nebraska City, three miles and a half northeast of the lower Weeping Water bridge, and one mile West of Vanhorn's, 350 bushels of lime at 40¢ per bushel by the load. N. Trook.
 1305  11/4/75  3  8
Milt Long has just burned another kiln of lime. Sheridan item.
 1305  12/30/75  2  2
Tecumseh fire loss - billard [sic] hall. -- See Fire.
 0848  7/15/67  2  2
Lincoln, Capt. and lady
Guests on the Kate Kinney excursion form Nebraska City to Omaha. -- See Pastimes.
 1305  11/24/70  2  3
Abbott, W.J.
Ex-postmaster at Lincoln now confined in the penitentiary for robbery has been pardoned by the President of the United States.
 1305  9/1/70  1  3
The State Hospital for Insane will be ready for use October 1st, Dr. N.B. Larsh of Nebraska City has been appointed Superintendent.
 1305  10/27/70  2  7
Grand Lodge of I.O.O.F. met to elect officers. -- See Societies and Organizations.
 1305  5/20/69  1  7
Lincoln, Abraham
Honor to his memory paid in France. Brilliant oration of Auguste Cochin, Paris, Mar 23, New York Times.
 1305  12/16/75  3  3
Lincoln, Hon. J.C.
Of Salem reports the Nebraska Railway within three miles of Salem.
 0848  12/14/68  3  2
Lincoln, Capt. J.C.
One of alderman of First Ward, left for Louisiana and Mississippi this evening to visit relatives and friends.
 0848  7/3/67  3  3
Lincoln, Geo. T. (Capt)
Nebraska City No. 2 - Christian Sunday School Annual picnic. -- See Sabbath School.
 1305  5/1/73  1  5
Rev. G.L. Alexander appointed minister to 1st Church at Lincoln, Nebr.
 1305  5/13/69  2  2
Anson C. Tichener sold one-fourth of the undivided interest in the State Salt Works at Lincoln to Joel T. Griffin for $10,000. -- See Industry.
 1305  3/30/73  4  1
5 years ago wolves and buffaloes were in almost undisputed possession of the ground where now stands a little city of 4,000 people surrounded by a fast growing population of progressive farmers.
 0848  7/29/67  3  2
The future capitol of Nebraska has been located at the town site known as Lancaster City, about 1 mile north of the point known as "Yankee Hill". The location seems to give general satisfaction. The boundary lines of the city were run on Saturday evening by Hon. A.F. Harvey and the work of laying it off in blocks, etc, will be commenced shortly.
 1305  1/5/71  4  3
J.J. Gosper is agent for the portable Grist mill for grinding grain for stock, corn meal and graham flour. He is also introducing Poland China hogs to this state.
 0848  12/16/68  3  3
Aug F. Harvey editor of Lincoln Statesman reports business fair and building progressing. -- See Press.
 1305  3/20/73  4  1
History of Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska.
 1305  5/1/73  1  5
S.H. Manley, Professor of languages in the State University and member of Lincoln Quarterly Conference.
 1305  5/19/70  2  3
Nebraska Soldiers Re-union to be held at Lincoln on July 4.
 1305  10/14/69  2  4
Public auction of Lincoln lots and Lancaster County land. Last week were many distinguished gentlemen who were delighted with our promising young city. -- See Land.
 1305  3/20/73  4  1
The State Prison and Insane Asylum are located at Lincoln. The capitol affords a good deal of merriment to visitors, some curious observers ask the architect what style it is of chiefly Italian Ser. With a little Grecian there to give it vigor.
 1305  6/26/73  3  2
Gen. Thayer has bought the residence of Ex-Gov. James will make Lincoln his future home.
 0848  12/16/68  3  3
Attorney Brown of Omaha has purchased around fifty lots in the last six months. --See Real Estate Transactions.
 1305  1/6/76  2  1
Lincoln, Nebr.
Prof. Church and Rev. J.F. Baird will debate soon. -- See Religion.
 1305  12/30/75  2  1
Lincoln, Nebr.
A convention for the purpose of organizing a railroad company will be held January 6. -- See Conventions.
 0848  6/14/67  2  1
Lincoln City, Nebr.
Location of all state buildings upon state land. Balance of power held by Otoe County democratic delegates. -- See Capitol Location.
 0848  6/17/67  2  2-3
Lincoln, Nebr.
Location of public buildings, Nebraska Legislature. -- See Land Stealing
 1305  11/18/75  3  2
Lincoln, Nebraska
W. J. Martin husked 120 bushels of corn in 10 hours. -- See Industry.
 1305  1/13/76  2  2
Lincoln, Nebraska
The Regents of the University drew straws to determine their respective terms of office. -- See Schools
 0848  8/19/68  3  2
Lincoln, Nebr.
Mr. Townly purchased three lots in block 86. -- See Cropsey, Col.
 0848  1/19/68  2  1-2
Present and Future Prospects. Editorial. The new Capitol is located in nearly the central portion of the state, in one of the richest agricultural districts and within a stone's throw of the strongest saline water known to the world. Less than one year ago, the town site of Lincoln contained but one house and surrounding country sparsely settled - today upward of seventy buildings; with good hotel accommodations, a weekly newspaper, several fine stores, blacksmith shops, et. Railroads from almost every town on the Missouri via Lincoln to interest the Pacific Railroad at or near fort Kearny are projected and work to commence in the spring. Another railroad from Fort Riley, Kansas to the Pacific road via Lincoln is contemplated From six to twenty-five miles on each side of the Capitol may be found rich prairie land, which may be taken as homesteads, by residing upon same for five years and the payment of fourteen dollars and fifty cents.
 0848  7/19/67  3  1
Lincoln City
A number of vehicles loaded with citizens, provender, fishing tackle, liquid and pegs to stake off Lincoln City left town yesterday evening. The expect to be absent about a week, and when not engaged in town-making will amuse themselves by fishing, hunting etc.
 0848  8/2/67  2  3
Lincoln City
The Plattsmouth Herald says the location has been determined upon provided the parties owning the land make a good and sufficient title to the State on or before Friday of next week. That the title will be complete there is no reasonable doubt and then the official announcement will be made. It is a fact that this location was not the first choice of the people of Cass County. Plattsmouth is 2 miles nearer to it than any other city on the river and we can derive benefit from the location in proportion to the energy used in securing it. What we want is the trade of the surrounding country of the capitol City and the business which must be had by some river town previous to the construction of any railroad, and Plattsmouth should be the town to transport the necessary building material. The reported location of Lincoln City in the southwest corner of Sanders Co. as the Republican states is not correct but at the town formerly known as Lancaster in Lancaster county which is two miles nearer Plattsmouth than Nebraska City and seven miles nearer Plattsmouth than Omaha by air lines. Plattsmouth Herald.
 0848  7/29/67  2  1
Lincoln City located
Adjoining Lancaster on the south, in Lancaster county and is on an air Line:-- From nearest point on Union Pacific R.R. 38 miles. From Plattsmouth 45 miles. From Nebraska City 46 miles. From Omaha 50 miles. From Brownville 62 miles. Thus Omaha lacks only 38 miles of a railroad connection with the New Capitol and virtually the nearest point. Lincoln City is between Yankee Hill and the town of Lancaster, upon Sections 23, 25, and 26; Township 10, Range 6, in the beautiful and fertile valley of Salt creek and not too far from the great Olathe Rock Quarries.
 0848  7/29/67  2  1
Lincoln City
Editorial on Location of Capitol and other public buildings. -- See Capitol location.
 0848  7/29/67  3  1
Lincoln City, Nebr.
Mr. Sweet is making out deeds and the transferring of titles to that city. -- See Sweet, Mr.
 0848  2/14/68  3  2
Lincoln, Nebr.
Several wagons loaded at Nebraska City, Nebr. For this point, with groceries and merchandise. -- See Freighting
 0848  2/17/68  3  2
Lincoln, Nebr.
I.B. Comption counted 21c loads of lumber bound for the city between Nebraska City and the Nemaha. -- See Freighting
 0848  2/17/68  3  2
Lincoln, Nebr.
Wagon trains of dry goods, groceries or lumber pass through Nebraska City for this point daily. -- See Freighting.
 0848  7/8/68  3  3
Lincoln, Nebr.
Hon. A.F. Harvey was Marshal of the Day. -- See Celebrations, July 4th.
 0848  7/8/68  3  2
Lincoln, Nebr.
Prof, Gere editor of Lincoln Commonwealth reports business lively at the Capitol. -- See Gere, Prof.
 0848  7/31/68  3  2
Lincoln, Nebr.
Church Building. -- See churches.
 0848  11/2/68  1  2
Lincoln City
Past, Present and Future Prospects. The Capitol of Nebraska, one year ago last September had but one house made of wood; there were a few "dug outs". On the 14th of august, 1867, by an act of the Legislature, the Commissioner located the capitol at this point and now there are 196 good substantial buildings covered and six more being erected. The State House is a fine building, made of hewn stone from the Beatrice quarry, and will be ready for the use of the next Legislature. The plat contains about 1200 acres of high table lands and is surrounded by excellent wheat lands for forty miles. Nine of its principal streets are 120 feet wide, and all others 100 ft. The State has been very liberal in appropriating ten acres for the State House Square, ten acres to the University Place and ten to Lincoln Park and six blocks for schools in different parts of the City, besides on block each for the state Historical Society, market square, and the Court House. Also there is set apart three lots, fifty ft. by 134, free to any society that will erect a church edifice on them. Salt Creek runs through one side of the town and has a flouring mill in operation. The big salt basin is a mine of wealth within itself, there being an ostensible supply of the brine; it covers some 300 acres and is about 65% salt. A stock company have rented it for 20 yrs. and have 20 cauldrons in operation. The salt is considered to be of the finest crystallization. There are six stores, four groceries, one bakery, one cabinet shop, two paint shops, two livery stables, two meat markets, two lumber yards, five or six hotels and a bank, two churches, and a school house; two newspapers. There are two railroads surveyed to Lincoln; the County of Lancaster offers to the first road coming within a mile of the State House, $100,000 in bonds of the county.
 0848  8/28/68  2  4
The Capitol Building is nearly completed; the salt works are in active operation; and the U.S. Land Office has been removed from Nebraska City to Lincoln. The country is being rapidly developed and the City is building up with a rapidity that will soon make it the interior town of the State. Daily stages run in connection with the railroad from Nebraska City and Plattsmouth, and parties from Omaha can take a daily stage via Plattsmouth and arrive the same day.
 0848  9/14/68  3  2
See Buildings.
 0848  9/30/68  3  5
The improvement of Lincoln is very marked, and buildings spring up like magic. Emigrants are coming in rapidly and "prairie schooners" are seen on all sides. At no time in the history of Nebraska has there been so much evidence of growth and prosperity.
 0848  9/9/68  3  5
160 adjoining acres, worth $15,000 in controversary in late term of court. S.F. Nuckolls et al vs. John Irwin et al. -- See Judiciary
 0848  9/30/68  3  5
Salt works are producing more salt and of a better article prorata than any Saline water yet discovered in this country. -- See Salt.
 0848  9/14/68  3  3
Lincoln Lot Ring
See Butler, David versus the people.
 0848  9/21/68  2  3
Lincoln Lot Ring
Hon. A.F. Harvey called as witness.-- See Butler, Davis versus the People.
 0848  9/25/68  1  2
Lincoln County
Election mockery and force. -- See Election Game Exposed.
 0848  1/6/68  1  2
Lincoln, Mr.
Of Nebraska City, Nebr. stated he had 15 or 20 letters from people of the south ready to immigrate to new country. -- See Emigration meeting.
 0848  10/9/68  2  1-2
Lincoln, Mr.
Of Nebraska City spoke in interest at St. Louis. -- See Railroads. Missouri Pacific.
0848 7/17/68 2 1
Lincoln, G.T.
Member of Democratic Central Committee. -- See Primary Election.
0848 10/23/68 3 2
Lincoln, G.T.
See Railroads, Midland Pacific.

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