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NSHS Territorial Newspaper Extraction Project

 Code  Date 18xx  Pg  Col   Subject   Extraction
 0848  4/17/68  2  1  Lincoln, Geo. T. Of Nebraska City, Nebr. Candidate for city alderman of 1st ward on democratic ticket. -- See Election Candidate.
0848 4/22/67 3 1 Lincoln, Captain Saved families and stock from flood damage in Iowa. -- See Ferries.
0848 5/29/68 3 3 Lincoln, Captain Geo. Nebraska City, Nebr. Residence in course of erection. -- See Buildings.
0848 2/26/68 3 3 Lincoln, Captain Geo. T. Of Nebraska City No 2 ferry boat making regular trips between Nebraska City, Nebr and East Nebraska City. -- See Ferries
0848 2/28/68 2 4 Lincoln, Captain Geo. T. Of Nebraska City No 2 ferry boat making regular trips between Nebraska City, Nebr and East Nebraska City. -- See Ferries
0848 3/6/67 2 6 Lincoln, Captain Geo. T. Of Nebraska City No 2 ferry boat making regular trips between Nebraska City, Nebr and East Nebraska City. -- See Ferries
0848 3/6/67 2 6 Lincoln, Captain Geo. T. "Nebraska City No 2" steam ferry boat, of Otoe County Ferry Company. -- See Ferries
0848 2/28/68 2 4 Lincoln, Captain Geo. T. "Nebraska City No 2" steam ferry boat, of Otoe County Ferry Company. -- See Ferries
0848 2/26/68 3 3 Lincoln, Captain Geo. T. "Nebraska City No 2" steam ferry boat, of Otoe County Ferry Company. -- See Ferries
0848 2/26/68 3 3 Lincoln, Captain Geo. T. Of ferry Nebraska City No 2, now plying regularly between Nebraska City and East Nebraska City. -- See Ferries.
0848 2/28/68 2 4 Lincoln, Captain Geo. T. Of ferry Nebraska City No 2, now plying regularly between Nebraska City and East Nebraska City. -- See Ferries.
0848 4/10/68 3 2 Lincoln, George Nebr. City, 1st Ward Delegate Nominating convention. -- See Convention, Democratic.
1305 1/29/74 2 7 Lincoln Leader, edited by M.B.C. True
0848 7/15/68 3 2 Lindsey, Mr. Nebraska City. See Buildings.
0848 9/16/68 3 4 Lindsey, Mr. Proprietor of hotel, Nebraska City. Collapse of new building. -- See Buildings.
1305 4/10/73 3 6 Lindsay William Grand Juror.
1305 7/8/69 3 1 Lindsley and Watson Erecting new saw mill in Peru. -- See Industry.
1305 11/18/75 3 2 Linn, ____ Married to Nannie Skeen. -- See Marriages.
1305 10/21/75 3 4 Lippitt, E.M. Elected Clerk of Election, Brownville Precinct. -- See Election Returns.
1305 6/19/73 2 3 Lippett, Ed. Vocal Music 4th of July celebration and barbecue at Brownville, Nebraska.
1305 4/17/73 2 6 Lippett, Joseph Plaintiff against Benj B. Thompson foreclosure judgment for $241.91
1305 12/22/70 1 5 Lippincott, J.C. appointed Post Master at Cuming City, Washington County in place of George A. Brigham.
1305 2/3/70 4 1 Lipsey, E.M. Has purchased Dr. Blackburn's place in Brownville, Nebr.
1305 7/6/73 3 2 Lipsey, E.M. Has sold his city property to McCoy Bros.
1305 11/13/73 3 2 Lipsey, E.M. Brownville removing to Lincoln.
0848 6/29/68 3 4 Liquor Eugene Arnold, Importer and Jobber of foreign and domestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
0848 7/1/68 3 4 Liquor Eugene Arnold. Importer and Jobber of foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquors, and Cigars.
0848 11/16/68 3 3 Liquor Messrs. Arnold and Dammann have leased the post office building for a wholesale liquor house. The grounds on the North side of the building is to be set out in shrubbery and shade trees and made into a beer garden.
0848 6/29/68 3 3 Liquor John c. Buess, German citizen, has established a beer garden in Callaway's Grove, south of the City.
1305 12/30/75 3 6 Liquor Church Howe lectured at Holman's school house New Year's evening. Subject - Temperance. Benton items.
0848 1/15/68 4 5 Liquor Capt. Laboo & Co. Wholesale Wine, Liquors and Cigars. Quick sales and small profits, our Motto. Catawba Wines, Monongahela Rye, Old Kentucky Bourbon. Main Street, Nebraska City, Nebraska.
0848 6/26/68 3 2 Liquor Jos. E. Lamasters, Internal Revenue Collector and district attorney Strickland have been unearthing a number of small distillers in the vicinity of Omaha, who have been defrauding the government.
0848 9/25/68 3 3 Liquor Many of Nebraska City heavy grocers have been snatched up to the Court House by the "strong arm of the law" for selling liquor without a license.
0848 4/1/67 2 2-3-4 Liquor Ordinance to regulate sale. Sec. 1. to Sec. 15 inclusive at Nebraska City, Nebr. -- See Municipal Government.
1305 4/6/71 2 2 Liquor People of Beatrice have wisely decided to not license the sale of any more whiskey.
0848 7/8/68 3 2 Liquor The petitions of Alex Schmidt and Mike Mental, Dammann and Ruchakeck for beer licenses were granted by the common Council yesterday.
0848 5/6/67 3 1 Liquor Charley Shoemaker, has opened a new beer saloon and restaurant on Cor. Main St. where he expects to keep an orderly and respectable place, Lager beer, German Wines, cheese, eggs, Dutch herrings, etc. on hand.
0848 2/10/68 3 2 Liquor Wholesale liquor dealers sold last year $600,000,000 worth of the two-dollar excise fluid and the retailers sold over $1,500,000,000 worth. The wholesale trade indicates at least 100,000,000 gallons, which whould have paid into the National Treasury $200,000,000 instead of slightly more than one-fourth of that sum.
1305 11/11/75 3 4 Liquor Prof. H.H. Williamson will lecture on temperance several days in Nemaha. -- See Amusements.
1305 9/9/69 2 3 Liquor, Distillery Joseph E. Lamaster, Collector, seized the distillery worth $35,000 in December 1868. New property of U.S. Government.
0848 3/11/67 3 1 Liquor, License All persons vending liquors wholesale or retail must take out license or renew those which have expired. A.F. Harvey, Recorder will receive applications at the Post Office.
0848 4/1/67 3 1 Liquor, License Granted to Vicnent Straub of Nebraska City, Nebr. -- See Nebr. City Council Proceedings.
0848 4/1/67 3 1 Litchfield, Carlyle,Street & Twinley Are said to have landed the Government contract for carrying supplies. -- See Freighting.
0848 3/9/68 2 2 Litter, Joseph Page County, Iowa. -- See accident.
0848 4/24/67 2 4 Little, Judge. Word received Aurora, Ill. Yesterday morning, by Wm. F. Sweesy Esq. from Chief Justice Little was that he was probably on his death-bed. Herald.
0848 7/3/67 2 5 Little, Chief Justice Resolutions drafted at time of his death. -- See Judiciary.
1305 1/29/74 2 7 Little, Rev. Chas. Sold his interest in the Lincoln Leader to M.B.C. True.
0848 3/29/67 2 3 Little, William A. Chief Justice to 2nd Judicial District. -- See Judicial.
0848 5/29/67 3 1 Little, William A. Hon. Chief Justice of Nebraska died on 22nd at Aurora, Illinois. -- See Death.
0848 5/31/67 2 1-2 Little, William A. Chief Justice of Nebraska, died in DeKalb County, Illinois. See Death.
1305 5/1/73 1 5 Little Blue Rev. F. Penney appointed minister at Little Blue, Nebraska.
1305 1/15/74 3 2 Little Nemaha River New iron bridge to be built near Nemaha City.
1305 5/1/73 1 5 Little Sandy Rev. W.D. Gage appointed minister at Little Sandy, Nebraska.
1305 1/29/74 2 2 Littlefield, Marion Killed at Pebble Creek in fight with band of Sioux Indians.
1305 1/29/74 2 2 Littlefield, Marion Killed in fight with Indians.
0848 12/23/68 2 4 Livery T.D. Crook. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. First rate stabling and wagon yards for the accommodation of the public. Good stock of horses and carriages to let on reasonable terms. Nebraska City.
1305 5/5/70 2 1 Livery Stable Mr. Geade keeps a good stock sufficient for the demands of Peru, Nebr.
0848 5/15/68 4 1 Livery Stable C.C. Mann. Fine Carriages and Fast Stock. Having purchased the stable and horses of James Warfield I will continue the livery business at his old stand.
0848 1/15/68 4 5 Livery Stable C.C. Mann. Purchased the stable, carriages and horses of James Warfield and will continue at the old stand on 6th Street. Ranchmen and freighters invited to patronize my stable. Can stall and feed 50 head of horses or mules, and corrall a hundred more. Terms Moderate, plenty water for stock.
0848 1/17/68 2 4 Livery Stable Monroe and Dillon Elephant Stable. Buy, sell and exchange horses, cattle, mules and ponies. Livery equipages unsurpassed in Nebraska. Wm. E. Dillon, Horace Monroe.
1305 9/30/69 2 1 Livestock John Bennett shipped from Brownville to St. Louis 60 hogs which weighed 18,000 pounds and brought 10_ cents per pounds.
0848 8/2/67 3 1 Livestock John Buell and son, two of the most successful wool-growers, in the State of Ohio, arrived at the Seymour House today. They contemplate bringing to this section 1000 head of fine Merino sheep.
0848 4/17/67 2 5 Livestock Cattle for Indian service. Proposals received at office of H.B. Henman, supt. Of Indian Affairs, Omaha City. -- See Bids.
0848 5/3/67 2 5 Livestock Cattle for Indian service. Proposals received at office of H.B. Henman, supt. Of Indian Affairs, Omaha City. -- See Bids.
0848 6/10/67 3 3 Livestock Cause of fever in cattle from Texas. -- See Disease.
1305 6/9/70 2 1 Livestock S. Cochan, has 8-10 men shearing sheep on his ranch 8 miles west of Brownville. Has 1,500 fine grade sheep and 160 Cashmere Goats.
0848 6/5/67 2 3 Livestock The report of the Agricultural Department, Hon. Isaac Newton, Commissioner, for April, contains valuable information from careful and practical farmers of all sections of the country as to the condition of farm stock at the close of the late long and hard winter. Investigations in regard to the diseases incident to cattle show that exemption from disease has been quite general in the Eastern and Northwestern States, and few losses reported; nor has there been any widely prevailing epizotic among the cattle of the West & South. The diseases reported are pleuro-pneumonia, the so called Spanish fever, horn-ail, bloody murrain, blackleg, distemper, swelled brisket, and maladies with no name or well defined symptoms. Horses have suffered very little from disease the past year. Very few cases of disease are reported from New England. In the middle states, report of glanders and lung fever are from a few counties. In the South there is more complaint of glanders than elsewhere, every State having been afflicted - in some places with great severity - early last season. Sheep have suffered from disease the past year, more than usual. The hog cholera sppears to be quite common; the New England States report none except a very little in Middlesex county, Mass. New York has but little; several counties in Pennsylvania are afflicted; in the Southern States half the counties report it, Georgia, Mississippi and Tennessee having very few counties free from it, while the valley of Ohio is overrun with it. Ohio suffering less than the other corn growing states, and Michigan and the Northwest nearly exempt.
1305 7/14/70 2 5 Livestock, Mules 1,152 to be sold at auction by Alex J. Perry, Chief Quarter Master.
0848 3/29/67 3 1 Livestock. Frozen. Sheep and chickens in Iowa County wre frozen to death during the late cold snap says the Morengo (Iowa) Republican.
1305 7/21/70 4 1-2 Livestock, Hogs. Mr. A.C. Moore of Nemaha County was the first to introduce the Poland China into this part of the state. Canton, Illinois Register
1305 9/1/70 1 3 Livestock, Horses M.C. Wilbur of Omaha bought 400 horses and 100 mules in California and shipped them to Nebraska.
0848 4/29/67 3 1 Livestock Market. Continues high in Nebraska City. Our townsman W.M. Hicklin paid $45; 75 for a cow and calf at public auction.
0848 4/5/67 3 1 Livestock Hogs. The city authority have decided to again force the hog ordinance. Put up your "Porkers" or have them slaughtered.
1305 3/16/76 3 4 Livestock (Mr.) Dawane of Fremont County Iowa has bought a car load of cattle from the farmers in Wheeler County to be delivered at Sheridan.
1305 6/26/73 3 2 Livestock Mr. Dibble of Gage county, recently sold 4,000 lbs of wool clipped from 100 sheep.
1305 12/9/75 2 4 Livestock George Fiske of Johnson County last week sold 60 head of hogs averaging 350 pounds and netting the sum of $1300. A clippin from Tecumseh Hearld.
1305 3/2/76 3 6 Livestock Gilman & Davis of Nebraska City bought 3 car loads of hogs and cattle in Sheriday vicinity this week.
1305 1/20/76 3 2 Livestock David Hawes, near Brownville recently marketed 54 hogs which brought $1031.40.
1305 11/4/75 3 8 Livestock A. Higgins and S.J. Fisher are feeding a large number of cattle and hogs. They feed 7 wagon loads of corn per day. Glen Rock item.
1305 1/20/76 3 1 Livestock Hogs. Four hundred hogs were delivered in Brownville to Bailey & McGee. They averaged 340# and brought 6¢, a total of over $8,000. A few weeks ago between $9000 and $10,000 was paid to the farmers.
1305 12/23/69 4 2 Livestock Horses. At new market in 1805, a bay colt by Pipato sold for $75,000, in same year a two year old colt, Beningborough, 2 years old by volunteer, and a 3 year old filly by Sir Peter were sold for $75,000 each, for the celebrated horse, Shark, $50,000 was refused and O'Kelley declined to accept an offer of $100,000.
1305 2/3/70 2 7 Livestock Horses. There will be sold at Public auction at the Government Corral at Brownville, on Saturday February 19th, 50 horses, 10 mules, 6 Indian Ponies, 15,000 Gunny Sacks, 1,000 lbs. Rags by order of Bvt. Major Gen. C.C. Augur. Bvt. Brig. Gen. Wm Myers, Chief Quarter Master.
1305 5/8/73 1 4 Livestock In the county some 30,000 head live through the winter, depending entirely on the grazing of the county. Messers Barton & Keith ranch has some 6,000 head of cattle in this locality.
0848 11/16/68 3 1 Livestock In Otoe County will suffer this winter on account of insufficient shelter and cold weather. Good shelter is equal to good feed. More barns and sheds in Otoe Co.
1305 6/12/73 3 2 Livestock Wyman Kent, of Peru precinct on Monday last sold a lot of steers to W.H. Moore & Co. Two of which weighed 3,564 lbs.
1305 6/2/70 2 1 Livestock Hon. S.M. Kirkpatrick of Cass County had a fine team of horses stolen from him.
0848 12/23/68 3 1 Livestock George Marriott, presented us with a full blood setter pup from his English slut. The breed is well and faborably known in Nebraska and Western Iowa, as the best.
0848 8/2/67 3 2 Livestock The Marshal is being besieged by the owners of gardens on account of depredations committed by swine. If those who sustain damage, will take the pains to put the porkers up and notify the marshal of the fact, he will see that sufferers get justice.

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