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NSHS Territorial Newspaper Extraction Project

 Code  Date 18xx  Pg  Col   Subject   Extraction
1305 6/2/70 4 1 Livestock Judge O.P. Mason recently sold two of his yearling colts, of his Glencoe horse for $200 each.
1305 12/2/75 3 2 Livestock George Neff recovered two colts at Council Bluffs which had strayed away two years ago. A.L. Stiers of Aspinwall took up the strays and was the means of restoring them to the owner.
1305 3/2/76 3 4 Livestock Nemaha County Valuation. -- See Valuation.
1305 3/2/76 3 6 Livestock John Norton, hog buyer, has shipped more hogs this winter than any man in the county.
0848 4/26/1867 3 2 Livestock One of the celebrated Suffolk sows belonging to the News editor, had 20 pigs at one litter a day or two ago.
1305 4/10/73 1 6 Livestock A prairie cow of J.E. Jones, a large cultivator of Nebraska was sent to England to show the english farmers what kind of stock can be raised on the prairie land of that State, it was on exhibition at Mr. Jones home near Warington where he imigrated to Nebr. It is to be slaughtered for the benefit of the poor of Warington.
0848 4/24/67 3 2 Livestock Sheep Cass County, Nebr. Walker, Charles. One of the largest sheep raisers in Nebraska.
1305 11/11/69 2 8 Livestock Stray notice. Taken up by Willis DeLay living 2 miles Northwest of Brownville on the 22nd of Oct 1869. 1 white stag stear. 5 years old.
1305 11/11/69 2 8 Livestock Stray Notice. Taken up by Houston Russell, 5 horses, on farm near Nemaha county, 1 Iron Gray Filley, about 2 years old, 2 Roan Fillies, 2 years old. 1 Iron Gray Filley 2 years old branded on left hip R.O.S. 1 Bay Filley 2 years old.
1305 2/3/70 2 8 Livestock Taken up by Wm. Young at his residence in Nemaha City on December 13th, 1 Bull calf.
1305 4/24/73 3 7 Livestock There are 950 beef cattle being fattened in Lafayette Precinct.
0848 7/10/67 3 1 Livestock 2,000 head of sheep and 100 head of milch cows passed through the city yesterday. They were from Chillocothe, Missouri and bound for Colorado.
1305 7/22/69 3 1 Livestock 200 ponies from the Osage country were advertised from $25 to $125. Would be fair animals with care and attention.
1305 12/16/75 2 4 Livestock Umatilla Indians have livestock on reserve. -- See Indians.
1305 11/11/75 3 7 Livestock Wesley Dundas will buy fat hogs until Tuesday. -- See Trade.
1305 3/20/73 2 7 Livestock Sale. Robert W. Furnas, blooded stock at Auction April 15, 1873 near Brownville, Nebr. Short horn cattle and Berkshire and Poland hogs, horses also $20,000 Nursery stock.
1305 4/20/71 2 5 Livestock, Stray Frederick Benson living five miles west of Aspinwall had a cow and calf stray away.
1305 9/23/69 2 8 Livestock, Stray From Daniel Reordan's farm, 1 mile north of Long's Bridge, 1 brown mare, brand "D" , Reward, John Caveny.
1305 9/23/69 2 8 Livestock, Stray From George Empson farm five miles west of Brownville, two yearling colts, one iron gray the other sorrel. Liberal reward.
1305 5/20/69 3 1 Livestock, estray One year old bay colt lost by Theodore McClusky.
1305 10/7/69 2 8 Livestock, Stray Taken up by J. Benson living in Aspinwall Township, one bay horse and a two year old colt. Nemaha County
1305 12/28/70 2 7 Livestock, Stray Taken up by Charles Haine in Washington Precinct along the Big Muddy about 19 miles west of Brownville, 2 calves.
1305 12/9/69 2 8 Livestock, Stray Taken up by Robert W. Coleman at his home six miles west of Brownville, one colt and one calf.
1305 11/3/70 3 5 Livestock, Stray Taken up by A.T.D. Hughes on his premises on white calf. Nemaha Co., Nebr.
1305 9/1/70 2 5 Livestock, Stray From the pasture of Ira Moore 1 1/2 miles west of Brownville 24 head of sheep. Reward. Pascoe and Holman. City Meat Market, Brownville.
1305 12/28/70 2 7 Livestock, Stray Samuel L. Soper took up 1 red heifer. Nemaha City, Neb.
1305 1/4/71 2 5 Livestock, Stray Taken up by Robert Masterson in Brownville one heifer.
1305 6/10/69 2 5 Livestock, estray Taken up by Andrew L. Shafer living in Lafayette Precinct 1 1/2 miles from Sanders Mill, one two year old bay mare, also a yearling brown mule colt.
1305 6/10/69 2 8 Livestock, Stray Taken up by F.A. Dowler at Glen Rock, 2 stray ponies, both mares, eight and three years old, Mexican brand on left hip.
1305 11/11/69 2 8 Livestock, Stray notice Taken up by Eugene Allemane, living three miles southwest of Bennett Mills, one white steer.
1305 7/21/70 2 8 Livestock, Stray Taken up by S. Wagstaff living at Fairview farm, Glen Rock Precinct 3 horses and one mule.
1305 8/4/70 2 8 Livestock, Stray Taken up by William French 1 brown pony, brand "S".
1305 12/9/69 2 8 Livestock, Stray Taken up by Alexander McKinney, living a mile and a half northwest of London, one sorrel horse.
1305 8/4/70 2 8 Livestock, Stray Taken up by D.M. Mills of Benton Precinct, Nemaha County 1 brown mare and one dapple dun horse.
1305 8/4/70 2 8 Livestock, Stray Taken up by Ben Rogers at Brownville, Nebr. One twelve year old pony branded "B".
1305 6/10/69 2 8 Livestock, Stray Taken up by Paris Stevens Hillsdale, Nemaha County, Nebraska 1 dun horse pony 8 years old.
1305 11/11/69 2 8 Livestock, Stray notice Taken up by Houston russell, five young horses near Nemaha City.
1305 11/11/99 (?69) 2 8 Livestock, Stray notice Taken up by R.S. Hadley, Glen Rock Precinct, 1 bay filly.
1305 11/11/69 2 8 Livestock, Stray notice Taken up by Willis DeLay living two miles northwest of Brownville, one white steer.
1305 6/19/73 3 2 Living stable A.P. Cogswell was sold to Smith Tuttle on Tuesday at Brownville, Nebraska
0848 5/15/68 2 2-3 Livingston, Dr. Of Plattsmouth, Secretary, State Medical College. See Convention, Medical
0848 8/19/68 3 2 Livingston, Dr. Of Plattsmouth was recently elected Secretary of the Republican State Committee
1305 10/20/70 2 3 Livingstone, Mr. Delegate to the National Capitol Convention. See Convention.
1305 7/14/70 1 5 Livingston, General Of Cass County, elected on the Executive Committee of the Old Soldiers Association. See Societies and Organizations
1305 12/30/69 1 8 Livingston, Gen. R.R. Elected Orator of the Soldiers of Nebraska.
1305 4/22/69 1 8 Livingston, Gen. R.R. Has been appointed Surveyor-General for Iowa and Nebraska.
1305 5/6/69 2 4 Lloyd, J.T. Lloyd patent revolving double maps of Europe and America. 23 Cortlandt Street, New York. See Trade.
0848 8/31/68 3 4 Lloyd, L.M. Addressed a Democratic meeting at Cassel's Grove Friday, at which quite a number were radicals.
0848 12/16/68 2 3 Lloyd, L.M. Attorney for Jacob Wesner, plaintiff vs J.S. Bender and H.B. Horton, district court Otoe County. See Legal Notice.
0848 4/10/68 3 2 Lloyd, L.M. Nebr. City 2nd Ward Delegate, Nominating Convention. See Convention, Democratic.
0848 9/25/68 2 3 Lloyd, L.M. Attorney, Nebraska City. Nebr. See Attorney at Law.
0848 3/22/67 3 1 Lobb, Alex, Esq. Arrived from Missouri a day of two ago. He reports business in that State in a very unsettled condition.
1305 4/3/73 3 5 Lock Mattie "Don't let Mother do it" the schools exhibitions at the Hall. Was equally meritorious for decifination [sic] among the ladies
1305 4/3/73 3 5 Lock Minnie Recitation, "Wanted" the schools exhibition at the Hall
1305 11/27/73 3 4 Locke, Miss Mattie Brownville, took part in high school program.
1305 12/2/75 3 4 Locke, Miss Minnie Took part in M.E. Sunday School program. See Amusements.
1305 11/3/70 3 4 Lockhart, Charles Of Lincoln has bought the Barber Shop on Main Street from John Smith.
0848 4/26/67 3 1 Locks, Burglar Proof Mr. Wm. Morton, the agent, showed one of the Magnetic Bank and Safe Locks, manufactured by James Sargent. It is a most simple and reliable combination lock and can be put on fire or burglar proof safes with little trouble and expense.
1305 12/9/75 3 3 Lockwood, ______ Allowed $33. for building a bridge. See Municipal Government City Council Proceedings.
1305 6/5/73 2 2 Lockwood, Miss Of Aspinwall delegate to St. Joseph Bridge Celebration and Saengerfest.
1305 2/17/76 3 4 Lockwood, Miss A.A. Alternate delegate to Good Templars from Aspinwall. See Organizations and Associations.
1305 12/25/73 3 4 Lockwood, L.S. Brownville.
1305 12/25/73 3 5 Lockwood, Mary Brownville, read essay at school program.
1305 12/30/69 2 2 Lodge The names of officers elected for the ensuing year in Peru Lodge No. 14, A.F.A.M.
1305 9/8/70 3 3 Lockwood, S. Plaintiff. Judgment for #238.57 for him. See Legal Notice.
1305 10/28/69 2 1 Lodge, Society & Organization. The Grand Lodge of A.F. & A.M. now in session in Nebraska City has elected the following officers.
0848 6/8/68 3 4 Lofler, David Has been insane for some time and has wandered away from Nebraska City. His relatives would appreciate word sent to Mr. Moore, Sheriff of Nebraska City as to his wherabouts.
1305 3/10/70 2 2 Logan General Who has heretofore been in favor of a transfer of the Indians Bureau, and who is we believe Chairman of the Committee having the matter in charge in the house will ask the Committee to strike out the clause makings a transfer.
1305 2/2/71 1 6 Logan, John A. Elected U.S. Senator for Illinois, Richard Yates retiring.
1305 2/19/74 2 5 Lo, Mr. A Pawnee Indian sued a Grocer at Schuyler for the possession of a pair of boots, his attorney won the case. Mr. Lo got his boots.
1305 2/3/70 3 3 London A.W. Ellis & Co. Broom Factory at London, Nebr. See Industry.
1305 6/24/69 1 4 London In Nemaha County on the B and M Railroad.
1305 3/23/76 3 6 London John O. Redford was married to ada Z. Harding March 22d. See Marriage.
1305 5/1/73 1 5 London J.W. Taylor appointed at London Nebr.
1305 4/23/57 3 5 London, Nemha Co. N.J. A Beautiful townsite situated 5 miles north of Brownville on Territorial road leading to Nemaha City, St. George Glen Rock and Nebraska City. It is well supplied with excellent water, is near Centre of Nemaha County. Parties pushing to locate can be accomodated at the Tavern (London) Plats seen by applying to John Hauman or Robert Heap. April 23, 1857.
1305 5/1/73 1 5 Long Branch Rev. J. Burlingame appointed minister at Long Branch.
1305 4/20/71 4 2-3 Long, (Rev.) J.B. Gave an address at the meeting of the Missouri river Presbytery in Brownville.
1305 11/4/75 3 8 Long, Milt Has just burned another kiln of lime. Sheridan item.
1305 5/27/69 2 4 Longely, Dr. F.H. From Blair, appointed regent of the State University from Blair. See University.
1305 4/13/71 1 7-8 Longley, Mr. At April session of the University regents at the Capitol.
0848 2/28/68 3 3 Lonsdale, Mrs. Of Plattsmouth. Hurt near Rock Bluffs. See Accident.
1305 12/11/73 1 3 Loofbourrow, H. Wait, Peru Teacher State Normal School.
0848 4/29/67 2 3 Look Out Station 16 miles from Fort Hays; 9 miles from Big Creek. 3 men killed and scalped by the Indians. Station burned and stock driven away. See Indian Outrages.
1305 12/25/73 3 7 Lovlin, Al, St. Dervin Arrived; new settler
0848 7/26/67 3 2 Loomis, Isreal of Johnson County, al old pioneer, says crops never looked better. See Agriculture.
1305 12/9/75 3 3 Lorance, _____ Allowed $5.00. See Municipal Government, City Council Proceedings - Brownville.
1305 4/3/73 3 5 Lorance, John "Build well the State" was one of the best declamatory effects among the young gentlemen, the schools exhikbitions at the Hall.
1305 4/3/73 3 5 Lorance, Thomas "Story of two lovers in different moods and tenses" we were sorry we could not hear about the different moods. The school exhibition at the Hall.
1305 4/6/76 3 2 Lorance, W.H. Elected F.S. in Sons of Temperance. See Societies and Organizations.
1305 1/13/76 3 4 Lorance, W.H. Supervisor. Annual settlement made. See Nemaha County Commissioners' Proceeding, Jan. 4
1305 3/10/70 3 1 Lorance & Varney Are building a kiln, will burn lime now shortly.
0848 12/11/68 3 1 Lorton, Robert Collecting for pictures of "Old Settlers". See Settlers Album, Old.
0848 4/22/67 3 3 Lorton, Robert Disposed of his interest in Place & Lorton business to Charles A. Place. See Dissolution Co-partnership.
0848 1/17/68 2 4 Lorton, Robert & J.B. Bennet Nebraska City, Nebraska. Successors to Rolfe and Terry. See Grocery.
0848 6/15/68 1 6 Lorton, Robert & J.B. Bennet Nebraska City, Nebraska. Successors to Rolfe and Terry. See Grocery.
0848 5/29/67 3 1 Lorton, Robert Of Nebraska City will build on the lots south of Chivington property. See Real Estate Transactions.
1305 11/10/70 1 3 Lorton, Robert Of Nebraska City has been appointed by the County Commissioners to confer with Directors of the Omaha and Southern Railroad.
0848 1/20/68 3 3 Lorton, Robert Secretary, "Old Settlers", organization. See Societies & Associations.
0848 9/14/68 3 3 Lorton, Robert Member of the Nebraska City Grand Commandery attended the Masonic Grand Commandery of the U.S. at At.[sic] Louis. See Masonic.

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