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NSHS Territorial Newspaper Extraction Project

 Code  Date 18xx  Pg  Col   Subject   Extraction
1305 1/19/72 4 2 McKenzie, J.M. Received 12,211 votes for State Superintendent of Public Instruction.
1305 1/20/76 3 3 McKenzie, J.M. State Superintendent will address the Nemaha County Teachers Associations at Nemaha City.
1305 1/20/76 3 3 McKenzie, J.M. (State Supt.) Will address Nemaha Teachers'. See Societies and Organizations.
1305 9/22/70 2 1 McKesson, (Rev.) J.M. Methodist minister at the church conference. See Church.
1305 1/13/76 3 4 McKinney, Alex County commissioner, present Jan. 4 meeting. See Nemaha County Commissioners' Proceedings Jan. 4.
1305 10/16/73 2 6-7 McKinney, Alex Nemaha Co., elected County Commissioner.
1305 12/9/69 2 8 McKinney, Alexander Taken up one 2 year old light sorrell mare blazed face 1 mile and half northwest of London, Nov 13, 1869.
0848 3/11/67 3 1 McKinney, Charles Notorious desperado arrested. Fined $10 and costs. See criminals.
0848 9/21/68 3 2 McKinnon, James Nominated for Member of the House of Cass Co. at the Cass County Republican convention. See Convention Republican.
0848 3/30/68 3 2 McKinsey, Mr. Residence at Nebraska City, Nebr. caught fire but was quickly extinguished. See Fire.
1305 10/21/75 3 4 McLain, J.H. Elected Justice of the Peace, St Deroin Precinct. See Election Returns, Nemaha County.
1305 12/22/70 1 5 McLain, N.B. Resigned as Post Master at South Pass, Lancaster County, Nebraska.
1305 1/6/76 3 3 McLaughlin, (Alderman) Was present at the city council meeting Jan 3. See Government Municipal Brownville.
1305 11/4/69 2 5 McLaughlin, D.H. Has dissolved partnership with A.J. McFall.
1305 4/10/73 3 6 McLaughlin, S.M. Grand Juror.
1305 5/15/73 2 5 McLaughlin, Wm. Appointed Board of Director of the Merchant Bank organized at Lincoln, Nebr.
0848 8/31/68 3 3 McLennan, Bill Adresses a Republican meeting at Table Rock. See Political Parties, Republican.
0848 6/14/67 3 2 McLennan, Wm. Nebraska City, Nebr. See Bees.
0848 2/17/68 3 1 McLennan, Wm. Returned from the western part of Kansas on Saturday.
1305 3/17/70 2 1 McLucas & Deck. Jewelry Store at North Platte was robbed by F. Ward and James Bates.
0848 9/23/68 3 3 McMechan, Andrew C. Midshipman U.S. Navy. Under command of Admiral Caraben of North Pacific Squadron. See Military.
0848 4/26/67 3 2 McMechan, D.B. Nebraska City, agent for Van Diver Missouri corn planter. See Agriculture.
0848 4/26/67 2 4 McMechan, D.B. Nebraska City, agent for Van Diver Missouri corn planter. See Agriculture.
0848 10/23/68 3 2 McMechan, D.B. Attendant at the Fulton-Davenport Wedding. See Marriage.
0848 5/29/67 3 1 McMechan, D.B. Member of empire Baseball Club of Nebraska City. See Societies & Organizations.
0848 5/29/67 3 1 McMechan, J.H.. Member of empire Baseball Club of Nebraska City. See Societies & Organizations.
0848 9/4/68 3 4 McMechan, John Of Nebraska City is the father-in-law of Alex E. McConnel formerly of Nebraska City but now of New Orleans.
0848 10/9/68 3 3 McMerchan, [sic] D.B. Scorer for Otes, Nebraska City Team. See Baseball.
1305 2/5/74 2 4 McMurphy, A.J. Plattsmouth, prize for essay on Nebraska.
0848 6/29/68 3 3 McMurphy, A.J. Elected G. Pursuivt Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. See Masons.
1305 12/25/73 3 3 McNamara, Rev. Dr. Nebraska City to hold services in the Episcopal Church.
1305 11/25/75 3 4 McNaughton, J.C. Was appointed financial agent for the Centennial stock for Brownville. See Exposition.
1305 10/7/69 2 1 McNaughton, J.C. On Republican ticket for County Clerk, Nemaha County.
1305 1/15/72 3 4 McNaughton, J.C. Brownville, Director, First National Bank.
0848 4/13/68 3 4 McNaughton, James Elected city clerk of Brownville, Nebraska. See Election returns.
1305 8/4/70 2 2 McNaughton, Lillie Appointed teacher in Brownville schools.
1305 8/19/69 3 2 McNaughton, Miss Lilie [sic] Teacher of Brownville schools at salary of $50-60 per month. See Schools.
1305 6/5/73 2 2 McNaughton, Mrs. Mary M. Of Brownville delegate St. Joseph Bridge Celebration and Saengerfest.
1305 9/15/70 3 1 McNeal, Rev. B.F. Of Beatrice, visited Brownville.
1305 9/16/69 2 2 McNeal, Rev. B.F. County superintendent of Gage County says there is a strong inclination toward employing better teachers and Beatrice is taking the initiative.
1305 4/20/71 3 3 McNeal, Rev. B.F. At the meeting of the Presbytery was appointed to visit Seward, Butler, York and Fillmore Counties to organize churches.
1305 1/26/71 2 5 McNeil [sic}, Rev. Pastor of Presbyterian Church Beatrice, Gage Co.
1305 7/8/69 1 6 McNown, J. Bought 40 acres of school land in Section 16, Township 6, Range 16 at $20.25 per acre, in Nemaha County. See School Land.
0848 1/15/68 1 5 McPhail, John Late 3rd Wisconsin Cabalry, Leavenworth, Kansas. See Attorneys.
1305 4/3/73 3 5 McPherson, Dr. Is in this hall to-night, we desire to express our gratitude to him for the use of this buiding for our reunion.
0848 12/11/68 1 2 McPherson, Dr. Nemaha County, elected on board of Directors of St. Louis and Nebraska Trunk Line at stockholders meeting. See Railroads.
1305 7/21/70 3 3 McPherson, Mrs. Appointed on Ladies Committee of Cemetery Association. See Societies and Organizations.
1305 2/5/74 3 3 McPherson, Adeline Brownsville, died at Lincoln.
1305 11/25/69 3 1 McPherson, C.E. New Restaurant over Rich and Gillmore's Red Store. Brownville Nebraska.
1305 1/13/70 4 1 McPherson, Dr. Jno. Member of the Nebraska State Horticultural Society.
1305 9/15/70 3 4 McPherson, Charles E. Elected director of School District No. 69. See Election.
1305 5/15/73 2 5 McPherson, John Of Republican City one of the largest stock holders, in the new bank organized and located at Lincoln, Nebr.
1305 6/5/73 2 2 McPherson, Miss Lou. Of Brownville delegate St. Joseph Bridge Celebration and Saengerfest.
1305 10/21/69 3 1 McPherson and Tuttle Bought the Grocery stock of Robert Teare and Company. See Trade.
1305 7/21/70 2 8 McPherson, John One of defendants sued by Teare and Furnas over notes totalling $3,380. See Legal Notice.
1305 9/1/70 2 2 McPherson, John Elected to Board of Directors of State Bank of Nebraska. See Bank.
1305 11/10/70 2 3 McPherson, Dr. John Of Brownville, member of Board of Directors of the Nebraska Institute for the Deaf and Dumb at Blair, Nebraska.
1305 12/2/75 3 2 McPherson's Hall Benefit entertainment for the M.E. Sunday School. See Social Life.
1305 12/2/75 3 4 McPherson's Hall Entertainment held for M.E. Sunday School. See Amusement.
1305 8/18/70 3 1 McPherson and Tuttle Firm has dissolved partnership. See Trade.
1305 12/30/69 2 2 McReynolds, D. Elected Tyler of Peru Lodge No 14, A.F. & A.M.
1305 12/30/75 2 2 McSwinny & Kelcher Tecumseh fire loss - billiard hall. Loss $1500. See Fire.
1305 2/19/74 2 1 McWaters, Mr. Nebraska City, and John Crook, shot and killed Rudolph Wirz
1305 4/24/67 3 2 McWilliams, Mr. Otoe County, McWilliams precinct, Member of committee to solicit southern aid. See Societies & Organizations.
1305 3/2/76 3 7 McWilliams, E.M. Daughter died Febr 26th of Scarlet Fever. See Death.
1305 3/2/76 3 7 McWilliams, Myrtle Died of Scarlet Fever Febr. 26th. See Death.
1305 11/10/70 3 4 Mail List of letters in the Brownville Post Office
1305 12/22/70 2 3 Mail A daily mail has been ordered from Lincoln to Beatrice and the contractor from Nebraska City to Beatrice must make the trip in sixteen hours. Beatrice Clarion.
1305 7/7/70 3 2 Mail List of letters in the Post Office at Brownville.
1305 8/4/70 2 7 Mail List of letters in the Post Office at Brownville, Nebraska October 1870.
1305 9/1/70 2 4 Mail List of letters in the Post Office at Brownville, Neb.
1305 10/6/70 2 8 Mail List of letters in the Post Office at Brownville October 3, 1870.
1305 8/11/70 2 4 Mail An employee of the omaha Post Office discovered a sack of mail for August 1869 among sacks in the cellar.
1305 12/22/70 1 5 Mail Postal Matters in Nebraska.
1305 5/20/69 2 1 Mail W.J. Abbott, late Post Master at Lincoln, Nebraska was convicted in U.S. Circuit court of abstracting money from letters.
0848 9/30/68 1 2 Mail Arkansas. All the post offices between Little rock and Washington, Arkansa a distance of 120 miles, have been closed
0848 11/16/68 3 2 Mail The citizens of the western part of the State are complaining of the lack of mail facilities.
0848 4/24/67 3 3 Mail Nebraska City. The first from the west in two weeks was received last evening. Also a ten day mail from Omaha.
0848 11/20/68 3 1 Mail The first in three days arrived Wednesday evening.
1305 6/12/73 2 1 Mail In Omaha will be delivered free by 4 mail carriers July 1st.
1305 4/7/70 3 4 Mail List of letters in the Post Office at Brownville, Nebr. April 1, 1870.
1305 9/2/69 2 5 Mail List of letters in Brownville post office. W.A. Polock, post master 9-1-69.
1305 1/6/70 2 5 Mail List of letters in the Post Office at Brownville, Nebr. January 1, 1870.
1305 6/2/70 3 2 Mail List of letters in the post office at Brownville, Nebraska June 1, 1870.
1305 3/3/70 2 8 Mail List of letters in the Post Office at Brownville, Nebr. March 1, 1870.
1305 5/6/69 2 4 Mail List of letters remaining in Brownville post office on May 5, 1869.
1305 6/10/69 2 5 Mail List of letters remaining in Brownville, Post Office June 1, 1869.
1305 7/8/69 2 6 Mail List of letters in Brownville Post Office, July 1, 1869.
1305 8/5/69 2 5 Mail List of letters in Brownville Post office, August 1, 1869.
1305 10/7/69 2 8 Mail List of letters in the post office at Brownville October 1, 1869. W.A. Polock, Postmaster.
1305 11/4/69 2 5 Mail List of letters in Brownville post office, November 1, 1869.
1305 4/13/71 2 2 Mail A mail route has been established between Nebraska City and Glen rock. Otoe County.
0848 4/22/67 3 1 Mail Nebraska City has not received an Eastern mail since last Tuesday. Our efficient Post Master telegraphed to St. Joseph this morning to have the mails sent by express.
0848 4/19/67 3 2 Mails Have not been received form Omaha in more than a week, whether that thriving city has met with an immersion or the stage line between this point and that has been drowned we know not.
1305 1/5/71 2 6 Mail Nebraska proposals for conveying the mail.
0848 3/1/67 3 1 Mail No mail between this City and Omaha for three days.
0848 8/31/68 2 1 Mail Nursery Hill Post Office. See Political Parties. Democratic.
1305 5/6/69 2 1 Mail W.A. Polock has been appointed Post Master at Brownville, Nebraska.

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