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NSHS Territorial Newspaper Extraction Project

 Code  Date 18xx  Pg  Col   Subject   Extraction
1305 1/5/65 2 3 Military McKee, William member of first Nebraska Cavalry, stationed at Fort Kearney was accidentally shot in hand. Company "C" 1st Nebr. Cavalry is stationed at Fort Kearney, on garrison duty with Captain Thomas M. Griffin, commanding officer. Their health good, sickness among old soldiers, almost unknown. Scouting parties with thirty days rations are to be sent out.
1305 2/16/65 2 4 Military Lieut. Ellsworth on way to Mud Springs from Fort Mitchell with 50 men. See Indians.
1305 4/13/65 2 2 Military General Conner on way to Julesburg. Troops placed at all stations on road. 16th Kansas Cavalry commanded by Col. Walker, on way up. See Indians.
1305 7/13/65 2 2 Military Troops sent out daily to protect people and property no friendly Indians west, east or north of Denver or Camp Collins. See Indians.
1305 9/7/65 2 3 Military General Sully ordered not to make war with the Indians but his talk for peace proved futile. See Indians.
1305 11/29/60 2 3 Military Correct list of United States soldiers.
1305 8/8/61 2 4 Military Nebraska Regiment. Official list of commissioned officers , Field & Staff Officers. Colonel John M. Thayer, Lieut. Col. H.P. Downs, Major W.D. McCord, Adjutant S.A. Strickland, Act. __ Master, Lieut. A.F. McKinney, Surgeon Enos _____, Assist. Surgeon Wm. McClelland, Chaplain Rev. T.W. Tipton, Sergeant Major W.W. Ivory, Jr. Master Sergeant John Gillespie, Com. Sergeant Charles Schmidt. Band. Joseph Brown, leader & principal musician. Field Music. Robert Collins, Fife Major Co. A; Capt. R.R. Livingston; 1st Lt. A.F. McKinney; 2d Lt. J.A. Sharp. Co. B. Capt. Wm. Baumer; 1st Lt. P. Walter; 2d do. H. Kenig, Co. C. Capt; J.D. N. Thompson: 1st Lt. T.J. Majors 2d do R.C. Berger Co d. Capt. Allen Blocker: 1st Lt. P. Gillette, 2d do Charles E. Provost. Co. E. W.G. Hollins: 1st Lt. S.M. Curran; 2d do J.N. H. Patrick. Co. F. Capt. F.W. Bowen, 1st Lt. G.W. Burns, 2d do Alex Scott, Co G; Capt. John McConibe, 1st Lt. I.Y. Clapper, 2nd Lt. TlJl Weatherwax, Co. H. Capt, Geo. F. Kennedy; 1st Lt. S.M. Sawyer. Co. I: Capt. Geo. F. Kenedy; 1st Lt. H.H. Ribble; 2d do Lt. F.F. Cramer. Co. K. Capt. J.W. Paddock; 1st Lt. R.A. Howard; 2d do M.Saivler. Unattached. 2d Lt. W.H. Whitten, 2d Lt. W.T. Clarke. (unofficial service with artillery.)
0848 7/20/61 1 3 Military Nebraska Regiment: Protests against sending these soldiers out of Neb. Territory to Utah.
0382 8/31/61 1 4 Military Nebraska Troops. The St. Joe Journal reports the arrival of Nebraska troops at that place, Thursday. They had been as far south as Independence. Capt. Thayer and Col. Sully demanded the release of four prisoners taken as Union spies. A gallows had been erected and their execution set for 3 P.M. Officers at the Fort praise Nebraska troop discipline.
0848 4/10/67 2 5 Military Supplies Wells, Fargo & Co. Government Transportation tractors on route 1, Omaha, will load at North Platte Station, any number of mule teams until May 15, with freight for the Forts, and by April 20th any number of ox teams. See Freighting.
0848 4/10/67 3 2 Military Supplies Wells, Fargo & Co, represented by A. Street, has the contract for transporting Government freight to the different military posts on the frontier. See Street, A.
8948 1/25/62 1 2 Militia Otoe County Rangers have received their equipment of arms. The officers are Dominic Laboc, Capt. E. Douns, 1st & J.C. Campbell 2d Lieuts.
1305 10/28/73 2 4-5 Millard, Geo. . Gage Co. Lost his barn, corn by prairie fire.
1305 3/2/76 3 6 Millander, _____ Of St. Joseph has rented Dr. Cox's new house. He is one of the firm, Raleigh, Millender & Co., Humbolt Nebr.
1305 11/10/70 2 3 Millard, Joseph H. Treasurer of the Nebraska Institute for the Deaf and Dumb at Blair, Nebraska.
1305 11/25/75 2 6-7 Miller, Dr. Of the Omaha Herald brought charges against Dr. Fuller, Supt. Of Insane Hospital. See Investigations.
0848 1/20/68 3 4 Miller, Mr. Debate, Young Mens Literary. See Societies and Associations.
0848 2/28/68 3 2 Miller, Mr. Debate, Young Mens Literary Association. See Societies and Associations.
0848 3/9/68 2 2 Miller, Mr. Stage Station west of Clarinds, Iowa. See Deaths.
0848 9/4/68 3 3 Miller, Mr. Center Field, Otoe Base Ball Team. See Base Ball.
1305 4/17/73 2 6 Miller, Aultman Plaintiff against Jonathan Edmiston, action on note, judgment for $188.36 and cost.
1305 5/1/73 1 5 Miller, G.S. Agent of the State Temperance Society and member of Ashland Quarterly Conference.
1305 10/23/73 2 4-5 Miller, David Gage Co. Lost wheat by Prairie fire.
0848 10/7/68 3 3 Miller, Hon. George. L. Speaker at Democratic Rally, Nebr. City. See Political Parties.
1305 10/13/70 1 4 Miller, H.M. __ Cass has corn making 100 bushels per acre. See Agriculture.
1305 11/24/70 1 2 Miller, (Col.) J.G. Appointed by the Governor as delegate to the Immigration Convention.
1305 2/19/74 2 3 Miller, J.P. Spoke at teachers institute.
1305 11/13/73 3 5 Million, James Real estate transfer from Amos Stephens.
0848 2/28/68 3 3 Miller, Lorin Of Omaha, Nebr. Candidate for mayor on the democratic city ticket. See Election Candidates.
1305 3/2/76 3 7 Miller, Martha Was married to Daniel Pierce feb 23d. See Marriage.
1305 2/3/76 3 6 Miller, Mary L. Was married to Franklin P. Snyder, Jan 26th. See Marriages.
1305 8/4/70 2 2 Miller, Matt Was hung by Ponca citizens for murder of Mr. Dunn. See Crime.
1305 7/14/70 2 4 Miller, Matthew Was last seen with the man who was found murdered near Badger Creek Crossing. His parents reside in Ponca. See Crimes.
0848 6/25/67 3 1-2 Miller, R.H. And lady, Nebraska City. Member of the Missouri River trip on steamer Columbia to Omaha and back. See Social Life.
0848 4/22/67 3 1 Miller, R.H. Left for Denver last week. Condition of bridge over Wilson Creek. See Bridges.
1305 10/23/73 3 2 Miller, R.M. Otoe Co., Elected County Treasurer.
1305 10/21/75 3 4 Miller, Simon Elected Justice of the Peace, Washington Precinct. See Election Returns.
1305 10/30/73 3 3 Miller, Simon Real Estate transfer from Jermiah Snyder.
1305 2/19/74 2 3 Miller, Simon Remarks at Nemaha County Teachers Institute.
1305 1/8/74 3 2 Miller, Tilla E., Nemaha Co. Married John A. sage, Nemaha Co.
0848 4/10/68 3 2 Miller, W.B. Mebr. City. 3rd Ward Alderman. See Convention, Democratic.
0848 4/17/68 2 1 Miller, W.B. Of Nebraska City, Nebr. Candidate for City Alderman of 3rd Ward on Democratic ticket. See Election Candidate.
0848 1/17/68 2 4 Miller, Wm. B. & J.S. Nebraska City, Nebraska. See Grocery.
1305 7/28/70 2 1 Miller, W.H. Has accepted a position on the Chronicle at Nebraska City. See Press.
1305 8/12/69 2 1 Miller, Wm.H. Of the Press, Nebraska City, visiting his parents west of Brownville, Nebraska. See Press.
0848 6/21/67 3 1 Miller, W. H. Nebraska City. Local editor of the Press. Residence completed. See Buildings.
0848 6/21/67 2 3 Miller, W. J. Of firm Bradley & Company, Nebraska City, Nebraska. Dissolved by mutual consent. See Dissoolution Co-partnership.
0848 9/9/68 3 5 Miller, W.H.H.Esq. Formerly local editor of the Press, now it's traveling agent.
1305 2/24/76 3 4 Miller, Simon Has been threshing grain the past week. Johnson item.
1305 1/13/76 3 4 Miller, Simon Justice of the Peace. Bonds filed and approved. See Nemaha County, Commissioner's Proceedings.
0848 7/10/68 3 2 Miller & Bros. Corn shipment to St. Louis. See Agriculture.
1305 11/25/69 3 2 Millinery Mrs. Bear has sold her interest in the Millinery shop.
0848 1/15/68 2 3 Millinery Miss E. Morton, dress and Woolen Goods, Trimmings, Hats, Bonnets, Notions, etc.
1305 12/9/69 2 5 Million, James Nemaha County, Nebr. Married Alice Dawson, same County, by Judge A.W. Morgan. See Marriage.
1305 8/4/70 2 8 Mills, D.M. Took up one brown mare and one dapple dun horse in Benton Precinct, Nemaha County. See Livestock, stray.
0848 10/30/68 2 2 Mills & Fisk St. Louis, Missouri. General agents, Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. See Labor, wanted.
1305 4/10/73 3 6 Milton, Joseph P. Petit Juror.
0848 4/29/67 3 2 Miner, Ellen M. (Miss) Of Dunton, Illinois, married to H. Giratdot of Nebraska City. See Marriage.
1305 6/23/70 2 4 Minick, Camel Helped Mr. Southard from Esquire Frank's well. Brownville, Nbraska. See Southard, A.
1305 10/21/75 3 4 Minick, H.O. Elected Judge of Election, London Precinct, Nemaha County. See Election Returns.
1305 3/10/70 4 3 Minick, H.O. Elected Recording Secretary of the Nemaha County Agricultural Society.
1305 10/23/73 2 6 Minick, H.O. London Pct. Elected Judge of Election.
1305 10/7/69 2 4 Minick, Hiram O. For Representative of Nemaha County, on the Democratic Ticket.
1305 2/17/70 3 1 Minick, H.O. Representative left for Lincoln for the extra session of the Legislature which convenes to-day.
1305 8/19/69 2 2 Minick, H.O. Secretary of Nemaha County Fair. See Fair, County.
1305 6/19/73 2 2 Minick, H.O. Vice President of the 4 of July celebration and barbacue at Brownville, Nebr.
1305 6/5/73 2 2 Minick, John S. Of Aspinwall delegate at St. Joseph Bridge Celebration and Saengerfest.
1305 7/28/70 2 2 Minick, J.S. Elected delegate to the Republican convention and Secretary of the Precinct Caucus.
1305 6/19/73 2 2 Minick, J.S. Vice-President of the 4 of July celebration and barbacue at Brownville, Nebraska.
1305 4/17/73 2 5 Minick, W.B. Defendant petition to sell land; J.H. Broady Edm.Plf.
1305 3/10/70 1 4 Minkler, Harvey Enrolled in the Teacher's Class Peru Normal.
1305 2/2/71 2 6 Minnesota Re-elected Henry Windom for Senator.
0848 11/4/68 3 2 Minor, Judge Is rapidly convalescing after being confined to his bed for nearly six months. He made his first appearance on our streets yesterday.
0848 5/6/67 3 2 Minor, J.J. Elected alderman third ward of Nebraska City, total vote 115. See election results.
0848 5/3/67 3 2 Minor, J.W. Nebraska City. Committee's choice for alderman for 3rd Ward. See Convention, City.
0848 5/6/67 3 2 Minor, J.W. Total vote for Minor for 3rd Ward alderman 115.
0848 8/7/68 3 3 Minor, Judge Nebraska City, Nebraska. See Health.
0848 1/6/68 1 2 Minor, John W. Of Nebraska City, Nebr. Urged a public meeting to all favoring the scheme of trying to secure a portion of emigration from the southern states. See Emigration meeting.
0848 2/19/68 2 2-3 Minor, John W. Of Nebraska City, Nebr. Urged a public meeting to all favoring the scheme of trying to secure a portion of emigration from the southern states. See Emigration meeting.
1305 6/2/70 2 3 Misard, Mr. Of Wisconsin, was murdered by Cheyenne Indians at Spirit Springs on the Solomon Fork.
1305 2/2/71 2 6 Mississippi Elected J.L. Alcorn U.S. Senator.
0848 7/29/67 3 1 Missouri, Albany Waters, Hon. W.H.H. Formerly editor of the People's Press of Nebraska City, now located in business in Missouri. See Waters, Hon. W.H.H.
0848 4/29/67 3 2 Missouri, Albany Water, W.H. Formerly of Nebraska City, now in business with T.B. Glenn. See Trade.
0848 7/29/67 3 1 Missouri, Clinton County Mr. Torbett traded 240 acres of land to Mr. Laramore for 267 acres on the Iowa bottom, near Eastport. See Real Estate Transactions.
1305 2/2/71 2 6 Missouri Elected F.P. Blair for U.S. Senator.
0848 10/30/68 3 2 Missouri Hannibal & St. Joseph railroad have sold 14,807 acres of their land here in the past twelve months. See Railroads.
0848 6/3/67 3 2 Missouri 70,000 emigrants are on their way from Germany, many intending to come to Missouri.
0848 6/10/67 3 3 Missouri Southwest, business depressed, Grasshoppers and famine. See Gilman, J.A.
0848 6/10/67 3 3 Missouri Staple articles of consumption. See Prices.
0848 6/17/67 2 4 Missouri Waverly, Texas mares for sale by Alex Carlyle. See Horses.
0848 10/9/68 2 1&2 Missouri Pacific Nebraska connection with St. Louis. See Railroads.
0848 4/24/67 3 2 Missouri River At this point is now six miles wide, reaching to the bluffs on the Iowa side and is navigable for small craft.
0848 4/24/67 3 1 Missouri River The banks of the river opposite St. Joseph are reported to be entirely over flowed and the water having full sway amid the low lands of Kansas.
1305 4/13/71 2 1 Missouri River The "Big Muddy" by cutting across the neck of a peninsula threw nearly 4,000 acres of Nemaha County land over to Missouri.
0848 9/9/68 3 2 Missouri River Bridge Contract, between Omaha and Council Bluffs. See Bridges.
0848 6/8/68 3 2 Missouri River The Council Bluffs Democrat says the river is high and on its turbid waters are floating southward several sixty acre farms and numberless trees, houses, rails etc.
0848 4/19/67 3 2 Missouri River Has been on a most terrific "high" and has played hob with railroads, bridges, and bottom land fences in a very intoxicated manner.
0848 5/15/67 3 3 Missouri River Has raised two feet and five inches since last evening.
0848 8/14/68 3 2 Missouri River Has within the memory of many of the present citizens, materially changed its channel in many places. The line of the Council Bluffs & St. Joseph railroad is now located on which was once a fine prairie bottom of the Nebraska side of the river.
0848 6/12/68 3 2 Missouri River High at this point with prospects of being much higher - tree tops, logs, boards and bark have been gliding down stream, the banks on the opposite side are washing away at the rate of fifteen feet per day. At this rate of undermining East Nebraska City will be transferred to Nebraska City.
0848 4/19/67 2 3 Missouri River High water. See Weather & Climate.
0848 4/24/67 3 1 Missouri River High water. See Weather & Climate.
0848 11/18/68 3 4 Missouri River Ice began moving on the river Tuesday and is still moving on Nov. 18. No mails, no passengers, no freight, nothing crossed since last Monday evening.
0848 2/24/68 3 2 Missouri River Ice bridge gave way yesterday morning and in the afternoon the river was free from ice and the ferry boat making regular trips.
0848 12/23/68 3 1 Missouri River The ice bridge is now perfectly safe for the heaviest loaded wagons. A continuous line of wood wagons has been going to and fro during the day. Wood prices have a downward trend.
0848 12/11/68 3 4 Missouri River The ice bridge over the river at Nebraska City is said to be perfectly safe for the heaviest loaded wagons.
0848 4/3/67 3 1 Missouri River Ice gorges above and below Nebraska City gave way yesterday morning April 2 and the stream has since been full of floating ice and without doubt open for the season. Dates of breaking up of the river at this point: 1855 - Thursday, April 12th; 1856 - Saturday, Febr. 22nd.; 1857 - Friday, March 6th; 1858 - -Sunday, March 7th A.M.; 1859 - Thursday, Febr. 24th; 1860 - Sunday, Febr. 26th; 1861 - Sunday, Febr. 24th; 1862 - Wednesday, March 19th P.M.; 1863 - Sunday, March 1st, P.M.; 1864 - Tuesday, Febr. 23rd, A.M.; 1865 - Tuesday, Febr. 21st, A.M.; 1866 - Wednesday, Feb. 28, P.M.; 1867 - Tuesday, April 2nd, A.M.
0848 4/1/67 3 1 Missouri River Ice gorge above Hamburg. Latest accounts no passage forced through. See River Transportation.
0848 7/19/67 3 1 Missouri River Is falling rapidly.
0848 1/6/68 3 2 Missouri River Is filled with running slush ice today.
0848 7/15/68 3 2 Missouri River Is higher at present than at any time during the month of June. Should its rise continue at the rapid rate it has the last few days there is danger of an overflow in the low bottoms.
1305 12/23/75 3 6 Missouri River Is still open at Nemaha.
0848 7/15/67 3 2 Missouri River Is washing away a large tract of timber at Kansas Bend, Capt. Tyul;er lost over 400 ocrds of wood in about two hours, one day this week. Several houses have been swept away. Johnson's Saw Mill is considered to be in danger. Hamburg Times.
0848 6/17/67 3 1 Missouri River The June rise is at hand with a raise of seven inches since yesterday evening.
0848 5/20/68 3 2 Missouri River The "Old Muddy" is falling slowly, but still in good boating condition.
0848 3/13/67 2 1 Missouri River Omaha has secured the building of the railroad bridge across the Big Muddy at the foot of Farnam Street. See Bridge, Railroad.
0848 6/29/68 3 3 Missouri River The river is high at this point - three mountain boats passed down yesterday.
0848 10/21/68 2 4 Missouri River Union Pacific R.R. Bridge. See Bridges.
0848 4/24/67 2 3 Missouri River Flood News. Omaha Republican-of 23. There is yet no abatement of the swell of the river; since Sunday morning issue the water has risen about 14 inches-now over a foot higher than last spring. The warehouse on the lower levee, of John McCormick and Co. has disappeared down stream. Realizing its danger they sold it to young Mr. Cooper of the Indian Superintendency, for $75. The depot building of the Chicago and Northwestern on the Iowa bank of the river has succumbed. The steam saw mills on the Saratoga bottom are just seen above the water. Report that the ice house of Miller and Sutton has been swept away with about $3000 worth of ice. Several other buildings on the bottom are beginning to topple
1305 1/13/76 2 2 Mobley, S.B. Drew a 2 year term as regent of the University. See Schools.
1305 6/12/73 1 8 Mobley, Mrs. S.P. Of Grand Island Pomona, Patrons of Husbandry.
1305 4/17/73 2 7 Modoc Indian War, an interview between Capt. Jackson, the Peace Commissioners, Major General Canby was killed and commissioner Thomas. Yerka California.
1305 4/24/73 2 3,4,5 Modoc Indian War, an interview between Capt. Jackson, the Peace Commissioners, Major General Canby was killed and commissioner Thomas. Yerka California.
1305 5/1/73 2 4-6 Modoc Indian Letter from Washington D.C. April 24, 1873.
1305 6/5/73 2 4 The Modoc War. Ended Captian Jack and the remants of his band surrender.
1305 1/13/76 3 4 Moerer, F. Supervisor, Annual settlement made. See Nemaha County, Commissioners' Proceedings, Jan 4.
1305 1/13/76 3 4 Moeror, Franz Supervisor, Bonds filed and approved. See Nemaha County, Commissioners' Proceedings.
1305 10/23/73 2 6 Moeser, F. Washington Pct., Elected Judge of election and Road Supervisor.
0848 2/24/68 3 1 Moffits, Mr. Residence in Nebraska City, Nebr. Caught fire. See Fire.
0848 4/3/67 3 1 Mohrenstecher & Co. Of Nebraska City, Nebr. Received eighty-five plows this morning. See agriculture.
0848 3/23/68 3 4 Mohrenstecker, Geo. & Co. Co-partnership at Nebraska City, Nebr. is dissolved. Brune Ruckert retiring. Messrs. Geo. Mohrenstecker and Reinbold remaining. See Dissolution Co-partnership.
0848 6/15/68 3 3 Mohrenstecker & Co. Nebraska City, Nebr. Store addition. See Buildings.
0848 4/10/67 3 2 Mohrenstecher, Geo After an absence of a month or two in the principal cities of the east, has arrived home in Nebraska City. He reports business in the East rather depressed, and states that a tremendous emigration to Nebraska may be expected during the season.
0848 4/27/68 3 2 Mohrenstecher, Geo Son, hurt. See Accident.
0848 1/15/68 2 3 Mohrenstecher, Geo & Buckert, B. Nebrakda City, Nebr. Hardware, iron, leather, groceries. Agents for implements. See General Store.
0848 10/14/68 3 2 Moneghan, Edward Former citizen of Nebraska City but now of Iowa. See Accident.
0848 5/15/68 2 2-3 Monell, Dr. Of Omaha. President, State Medical College. See Convention, Medical.
1305 11/10/70 2 3 Monell, (Dr.) Gilbert C. Of Omaha, member of the Board of Directors of the Nebraska Institute for the Deaf and Dumb at Blair, Nebraska.
1305 10/28/75 2 4 Monell, J.J. Of Omaha was elected by the Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias as representative to the Supreme Lodge of the U.S. to meet in Philadelphia in Aug. See Societies and Organizations.
1305 6/30/70 2 4 Money United States notes Series of 1869, 2000 notes of $10 each from No. H.3532001 to H.3533900 both inclusive were stolen from the Treasury. Liberal reward offered for recovery. F.E. Spinner, Secretary of U.S. Treasury.
0848 11/13/68 3 2 Money Is decidedly scarce and tight; so say the money borrowers. The tightness may be attributed to the recent success of the Radical party. The Wall Street bulls tremble with fear at the impending crisis. Congress will be obliged to come to their relief or a crash similar to the one of 1837 will be experienced throughout the length and breadth of the country.
0848 3/25/67 3 2 Money, Counterfeit A five dollar National Bank note is in circulation. It is well executed and deceives the best judges of money. In the gunuine notes there is a group of five persons surrounding Columbus, the counterfeit has only four persons.
0848 6/7/67 3 1 Money, Counterfeit One dollar greenbacks altered to twos are in circulation; also counterfeit $10 bills on the Third National Bank of Philadelphia.
0848 12/7/68 2 1 Money. Currency. Legal tender notes according to the comptroller of the currency at Washington, are now in circulation in the United States to the amount of $356,000,000. Fractional currency is scattered among the people to the amount of $32,000,000. The total amount of circulating medium in the United States, is now $566,000,000.
1305 1/13/76 2 4 Monroe, Mrs. Tax remitted on 5 lots. See Nemaha County, Commissioners Proceedings, Jan 5.
0848 10/26/68 3 2 Monroe, Horace, Esq. Is purchasing cows, yearlings and calves to stock his farm, the Bobout plantation.
0848 10/28/68 3 3 Monroe & Dillon Farm 4 miles southwest of Nebraska City. See Wells.
0848 11/13/68 3 3 Monroe & Dillon Nebraska City, Proprietors of Elephant Stable. Horses and mules broke and ready for work. Horses, mules for sale.
0848 11/4/68 3 3 Monroe & Dillon Nebraska city, purchased half interest in mule train of C.P. Patterson. See Freighting.
1305 10/28/75 2 1 Montana Charles Collins, editor of the Sioux City Times has reliable information concerning an intended uprising of the cut-off bands of Indian tribes in Montana. See Indians.
0848 6/5/67 3 1 Montana Public land system at the surveyor's office at Helena. See Land Survey.
0848 5/17/67 2 2-3-4 Montana Territorry Letter from L.W. Miller. April 5, 1867. To the News. Few are aware that in a region where but a few years since, none but the hardy hunter and trapper ever dared, there is now a populous state of fabulous mineral and agricultural wealth. Mining is the chief end of man, gold the object of his desires. Miners are the most improvident of all men - frequently persons spend in one night the proceeds of a month's hard labor, an amount that would be considered an independent yearly income in the eastern States. The sluices are "cleaned up" at night, and the gravel and sand washed down in a pan, leaving the "filthy lucre" tempting and shining in the bottom. No one knows until the gold is washed and weighed how much he has made during the day, $5 or $500, according to richness of the claim. A few days ago $2700 was taken out of a six hour run, the property of one man. Claims usually consist of 200 feet up and down the gulch and across the surface of the gulch, side to side. In older gulches wealthy companies are erecting a bedrock flume and the parties expect to realize as much in return as the original pre-emptors. The Elk Creek District is now considered to be the best in the Territory - it consists of Bear, Elk and Deep, and a number of smaller tributary and contiguous gulches. It lies upon the northern border of the Deer Lodge or the Hell-ate Valley. Though poorly worked and scarcely until last summer, it is estimated that $500,000 were taken out before season closed. The Salmon River mines discovered last fall, are about 250 miles from Deer Lodge Valley, near the Idaho line, they are extensive, about 6 ft. deep, mostly fine gold and about an average .10¢ to the pan. Montana as a placer mining district has been surpassed by California alone, but reliance is placed upon the precious metal-bearing quartz to continue the prosperity of the Territory, and in no country does it exist in greater abundance. Many mills have been erected. In most of the valleys, as fine vegetables and cereal grain is produced as grows in any land, and in 5 years the Territory should be self-sustaining. The long cold winters will always be a serious objection to the growth of the population. Congress has passed an act holding in abeyance the laws passed by our Democratic Legislature and has thrown our Territorial machinery into confusion. It is contemplated to construct a road to strike the Missouri River near the muscle-shell, the survey shows that a good road can be constructed from Virginia and Helena cities to that point. This will be but very little longer than the road to Benton and by unloading at Muscleshell, boats will save several hundred miles of the most difficult and dangerous navigation on the river. The rapids will be avoided and boats venture later in the season. Freight will be reduced to 3 or 4¢ per pound from St. Louis to the mining districts.
0848 5/1/67 2 3 Montana Territorry An old resident of Atchison, Missouri writes "I am satisfied that within 2 years, the extensive and fertile valleys of the Territory will supply our population with the products of the soil now brought from the States. As a stock-raising country, it surpasses the best stock country I have known--Stock/thrives summer and winter, without grain or provender, even in winter. The diggings will yield the coming season more that twice the amount of gold of any previous season with many quartz mills and smelters in successful operation. The climate is well adapted to persons afflicted pulmonary affliction.
0848 8/31/68 3 4 Montgomery, B. F. Editor of the Council Bluffs Democrat, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
0848 11/18/68 3 1 Montieth, Squire The Justice of the Peace who tried Abbott at Lincoln for robbing the mails, called upon us last evening.
0848 1/15/68 1 1 Monuments Jos. Butzerin & Co., Marble Yard. Tombstones, Headstones, Mantles, etc. Nebraska City, N.T.
1305 7/21/70 3 2 Moody, Mr. Has materials for a large, new residence.
1305 8/18/70 2 3 Moody, Gust Swedish carpenter, had his skull crushed in the accident a University building. See Accident.
1305 4027-71 3 2 Moody, Samuel Will erect a residence on the old schoolhouse grounds. Perry Nebraska. See Building.
1305 5/5/70 2 1 Moody & Barnes and Co. Moody & Barnes and Co., Merchants at Peru, Nebr.
1305 6/12/73 3 6 Mooney M. Appointed on committee of arrangements of 4 of July Celebration.
1305 1/6/76 3 3 Mooney, M. Presented a bill to the council for street work. See Govt-Municipal - Brownville.
0848 1/6/68 1 2 Moore, Mr. Of Nebraska City, Nebr. Remarks favoring the scheme to secure a portion of the southern emigration for Nebraska. See emigration meeting.
0848 9/21/68 3 2 Moore, Mr. Sheriff of Nebraska City, Nebraska. See Outlaws.
0848 10/19/68 3 4 Moore, Mr. Sherriff. See Accident.
1305 3/23/76 3 3 Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Are as far as Little Sandy on their way to the Black Hills. See Black Hills.
1305 7/22/69 3 2 Moore, Mrs. Bought an interest in Mrs. Bear's Millinery Shop. Brownville, Nebraska. See Trade.
1305 7/21/70 4 1-2 Moore, A.C. Of Nemaha County was first to introduce Poland China hogs into this part of the state.
1305 12/1/70 3 4 Moore, Alex Married to Miss Emily Hainline by Judge A.W. Morgan.
1305 10/23/73 2 4-5 Moore, Andrew, Gage Co. Lost harness, wagon & saddle by prairie fire.
1305 11/13/73 3 5 Moore Augustus Real estate transfer to J. Eugene Moore.
1305 4/7/70 2 2 Moore Augustus Of Lewiston Maine, to engage in business and locate in Brownville, Nebr.
0848 3/6/67 3 2 Moore, F.M. A denizen of Hamburg, Iowa, is in Nebraska City. He reports the citizens of that flourishing town are jubilant over their railroad prospects.
0848 7/31/68 3 3 Moore, Prof. G.B. Of Brownville, Treasurer. State Teachers Association. See societies & Associations.
1305 6/30/70 3 2 Moore, (Prof.) George B. Has opened a new book store with Mr. Brandford's help. See Trade.
1305 1/5/71 2 5 Moore, G.S. Married to Jennie Cole of Nemaha County. See Marriage.
1305 5/1/73 3 4 Moore, Gus. Late of the house of Theo Hill & Co. now with that of Wiel & Cahn. St. Joseph.
1305 4/14/70 2 1 Moore Ira Elected Vice - President of Brownville, Ft. Kearney & Pacific Railroad.
1305 2/19/74 2 3 Moore, Harry K. Brownville, died; son of W.T. and A.M. Moore.
1305 9/1/70 2 5 Moore, Ira 24 sheep strayed from his pasture 1_ miles west of Brownville. See Livestock.
1305 0/1/70 2 2 Moore, Ira Elected to Board of Directors of the State Bank of Nebraska. See Bank.
1305 2/3/76 3 5 Moore, Rev. Ira Preached in Johnson last Sunday.
0848 0/21/68 3 2 Moore, J.B. Nominated for County Commissioner of Cass county at the Cass Co. Republican convention. See convention, Republican.
1305 11/13/73 3 5 Moore, J. Eugene Real estate transfer from Augustus Moore.
1305 1/15/74 4 1-2 Moore, J.W. Member of Premium Committee State Fair.
0848 10/21/68 1 3 Moore, J.W. Sherriff, Otoe County. See Legal Notice.
0848 2/19/68 2 2-3 Moore, J.W. Treasurer of Southern Immigration Society of Nebraska City, Nebr. See emigration from South.
0848 4/10/68 3 2 Moore, J.W. Nebr. City. 2nd Ward Delegate, Nominating Convention. See Convention, Democratic.
1305 6/19/73 2 5 Moore, James and wife to John M. Edwards mortgage N_ of S.E. qr. 24,6,13, $900.
0848 9/14/68 3 3 Moore, James W. Member of the Nebraska City Grand Commandary attended the Masonic Grand commandery convention of U.S. At St. Louis. See Masonic.
1305 3/23/76 3 3 Moore, John Is in party bound for Black Hills. See Black Hills.
1305 9/16/69 3 2 Moore, Mrs. Louisa M. Withdrew from firm of Bear and Moore.
1305 12/25/73 3 5 Moore, Mollie Brownville, took part at school program.
1305 12/23/69 3 1 Moore Prof. State Agent for A.S. Barnes & Co. publishers of School Books, Teachers Library and National School Library.
1305 8/19/69 3 2 Moore, Prof. George B. Principal of Brownville schools, salary $100 per month. See Schools.
1305 8/12/69 2 2 Moore, Ira Pastor of Mount Zion United Baptist Church. See Church

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