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NSHS Territorial Newspaper Extraction Project

 Code  Date 18xx  Pg  Col   Subject   Extraction
0848 3/27/67 3 1 Moore, Robt. S. Appointed and confirmed Indian Agent. Plattsmouth Democrat. See Indian Agents.
1305 6/12/73 3 2 Moore, W.H. and Co. bought a lot of steers from Wyman Kent of Peru precinct, two of which weighed 3,564 lbs.
Moore, W.I. Co. partnership with A.E. McConnell, at Nebraska City, Nebr. Ter is dissolved by mutual consent. See Dissolution.
1305 5/26/70 3 2 Moore and Moore Have opened their Book and School Equipment store in the Post Office block. See Trade.
1305 3/10/70 1 4 Moorhead, Annie Enrolled in the Teacher's Class Peru Normal.
0848 7/1/67 3 4 Morden, Sarah Otoe Lodge No. 4 Independent Order, Grand Templars, Strawberry Festival. Committee Lemonade Table. See Societies & Organizations.
0848 10/21/68 2 4 Morehead, Ernest S. Attorney and Councellor at Law. Nebraska City. See Attorney.
1305 10/23/73 2 4-5 Morey, Mrs., Saline Co., Lost her life in prairie fire.
1305 10/23/73 7 4-5 Morey, Jacob Mrs., Saline Co. Fatally burned in prairie fire.
1305 10/23/73 2 4-5 Morey, Stillman, Saline Co. Will die from being burned in prairie fire.
1305 12/9/69 2 8 Morgan, A.W. Probate Judge George W. Neely has made application in Probate Court to be appointed administrator of the estate of Ruth Elmantalowe deceased. Hearing Jan. 3.1870 on appointment.
1305 9/23/69 2 8 Morgan, A.W. Probate Judge of Nemaha County. Appointed Wyman Reed, administrator of estate of William S. Reed deceased.
1305 10/16/73 2 6-7 Morgan, A.W., Nemaha Co. Elected Probate Judge.
1305 9/23/69 2 8 Morgan, Judge A.W. Set October 11th for settlement of estate of the late Hiram C. Walt, Brownville, Nebraska.
1305 4/3/73 3 5 Morgan, Miss Ada "The Watchman on the Tower" at the school Exhibition at the Hall.
1305 11/27/73 2 4 Morgan, Miss Ada, Brownville Took part High School program.
1305 6/19/73 2 5 Morgan, Alex. W. and wife Daniel O. Cross warantee deed. N 1/2 of S 1/2 of lots 13, 14, 15 and 16, block 7 in Brownville, Nebr. $100.00
1305 4/17/73 2 6 Morgan, Alex. W. Plaintiff against Alfred W. Morgan judgment against Alfred W. Morgan for $639.41.
1305 10/21/75 3 4 Morgan, A.W. Elected Justice of the Peace Douglas Precinct. See Election Returns.
1305 10/7/69 2 1 Morgan, A.W. For Probate Judge of Nemaha County. On Republican ticket.
0848 6/3/68 3 6 Morgan. A.W. General agent for Maginley & Carroll. See Circus.
1305 4/17/73 2 6 Morgan, Alfred W. Defendant Alex. W. Morgan plaintiff judgment for $639.41 against Alfred W. Morgan.
1305 4/17/73 2 6 Morgan, Alfred W. Defendant John W. Perry plantiff action on note, sale confirmed and deed ordered to be made.
1305 9/26/69 3 3 Morgan, Alfred W. Gents Furnishings and Tailor Shop in Lushbough's Row corner of Main and Second Streets.
1305 1/13/76 3 4 Morgan, A.W. Justice of the Peace. Bonds filed and approved. See Nemaha County, Commissioner's Proceedings Jan. 4.
1305 1/13/70 4 1 Morgan, A.W. Member of the Nebraska State Horticultural Society.
1305 2/24/76 3 3 Morgan, A.W. Of Sheridan writes a letter to the editor stating why he thinks the county seat should be moved. See Nemaha County.
1305 11/3/70 3 5 Morgan, Alfred W. Freeholder appointed by the court to assess damages against Brownville, Fort Kearney and Pacific Railroad.
0848 1/15/68 2 5 Morgan, C. Nebraska City, Nebraska. Stoves, tinware, etc. See Hardware.
0848 7/15/67 3 2 Morgan, C. Nebraska City, Nebr. V.G. of I.O.O.F. Frontier Lodge No. 3. See Societies & Organizations.
0848 11/13/68 3 1 Morgan, C. Nebraska City, Nebraska. See Buildings.
0848 9/4/68 3 3 Morgan, Carlos Of Nebraska City received the contract for roofing the Capital Building.
1305 12/11/73 1 3 Morgan, Eliza C., Peru Preceptress, teacher of Rhetoric and English Literature, State Normal School.
1305 11/27/73 2 4 Morgan, Miss Ella, Brownville Took part in high school program.
1305 4/3/73 3 5 Morgan, Emma "Trip to California". The school exhibition at the Hall.
0848 4/10/68 3 2 Morgan, F. Nebr. City. 1st Ward Delegate, Nominating Convention. See Convention, Democratic.
1305 3/13/73 3 6 Morgan, T.J. Address the Teachers' Institute at Glen Rock.
1305 5/11/71 3 5 Morgan, (Rev.) T.J. Of Rochester, New York will come to Brownvville to become pastor of the First Baptist Church. See Church.
1305 1/20/76 3 6 Morgan, Judge Has located in Sheridan as justice of the peace.
1305 11/11/75 3 7 Morgan, Judge Is building a barn and carriage house in Sheridan.
1305 12/16/75 3 6 Morgan, Judge Of Sheridan has fitted up a stable that will accommodate both travelers and their teams.
1305 12/9/69 2 5 Morgan, Judge A.W. Nemaha county, Nebraska. Married Alice dawson and James Million, both of said county. William M. James and Elizabeth Jones Norman Caller and Melissa A. Starry. ALL OF Nemaha County, Nebraska. See Marriage.
1305 11/5/73 3 2 Morgan, Gen. T. J. Elected Vice President and Director of the State Bank.
1305 11/13/73 3 2 Morgan, Gen. T. J. Delivered address at new building dedicated at Peru Normal School.
1305 12/11/73 1 3 Morgan, T.J., Peru Principal, teacher of Mental and moral Science, School Economy.
1305 11/27/73 2 4 Morgan, Miss, Brownville Took part in high school program.
1305 12/2/75 2 1 Morgan, W. And companions were charged with robbing Annie Wilson. See Crime
1305 5/1/73 1 5 Morgan, W.E. Appointed minister at York, Nebraska.
0848 5/8/68 3 2 Morgan & Walter Of Nebraska City, Nebr. Have received the agency for the Bean force pump. See Force pumps.
0848 7/19/67 3 2 Mormons About 250 "Latter Day Saints" who have become disgusted with the polygamy feature of the Mormon church, are expected here within ten days. About 900 left Great Salt Lake for the MIssouri river some months since.
0848 7/29/67 3 2 Mormons The forerunner of the Mormon emigration from Salt Lake, about forty persons, arrived in Nebraska City today. They are now visiting the county in the neighborhood of Camp Creek and will undoubtedly find home in that section. Forty wagons are expected to arrive during the week.
0848 7/10/67 3 1 Mormons The great tabernacle of the Saints at Salt Lake City is now finished. It is 250 feet wide and furnishes comfortable sitting room for 10,000 persons.
0848 7/29/67 1 ? Mormons It is reliably reported that several hundred seceders of Utah from the Brigham Young Branch of the Mormon Church are now on their way to the Missouri River. These people are known as Josephites because they follow Joseph Smith Jr. son of the Prophet of Nauvoo and do not believe in, nor practice polygamy. There is quite a thriving congregation of this sect now in Otoe County over whom Mr. R.C. Elvin presides. They are a hardy, industrious and honest people and will make good citizens.
1305 2/2/71 2 6 Morrill, L.M. Elected U.S. Senator for Maine.
1305 10/21/75 3 4 Morris, D.M. Elected Justice of the Peace, Bedford Precinct. Also Jodge of Election. See Election Returns, Nemaha County.
1305 6/19/73 2 3 Morris, David Of Bedford amity Master Grange.
1305 10/23/73 2 6 Morris, David, Bedford Pct., Elected Justice of the Peace and Clerk of Election.
1305 2/10/76 3 2 Morris, Robert Gave Henry Hart a coin 1540 years old. See Archeology.
1305 2/5/74 2 4 Morris, James Prize for essay on Nebraska.
1305 1/13/76 2 4 Morris, W.H. Has been elected vice president of the State Bar Association. See Societies and Organizations.
0848 7/15/67 2 2 Morrison, Capt. And lady. Guests on the Kate Kinney excursion from Nebraska City to Omaha. See Pastimes.
0848 5/6/67 3 2 Morrision, F.C. Nebraska City. Total vote 221, for city recorder. See Election Results.
0848 7/17/68 2 1 Morrison, F.C. Member of Democratic Central Committee. -- See Election, Primary.
1305 11/3/70 3 5 Morrison, Mrs. J.M. Sold her interest in the firm of T.M. Green and Company.
1305 10/23/73 2 4-5 Morrison, P.H., Gage Co., Lost wheat, hay and his stables by prairie fire.
0848 3/27/67 2 6 Morrison, S.H. and J.H. Dahl, successors to J.D. Patch. Nebraska City. See Jeweler.
1305 1/19/71 2 7 Morrison and dahl Fire loss on stock $600, $1000 insurance. Otoe County. See Fire.
0848 5/22/67 3 1 Morrison & Dahl Nebraska City. Agents for Berry & Thompson's choral organs. See Music.
0848 1/15/68 2 4 Morrison & Tomlin Nebraska City, Nebr. See Auctioneers.
0848 4/1/68 3 2 Morrison, Tomlin & Co. Corn shipment to St. Louis. See Agriculture.
0848 9/28/68 3 2 Morrison, Tomlin & Hecklin Auction room, Nebraska City. See Outlaws.
0848 9/30/68 3 2 Morrison, Tomlin & Hicklin. Shipments of wheat, corn, oats, and bacon. Jan. 1, 1868 to Sept. 25, 1868. See Trade. Grain, Nebraska City.
1305 12/1/70 2 1 Morrison and White $2000 loss caused by fire at Nebraska City. See Fire.
1305 9/22/70 1 4 Morrow, J.A. With John McCormick, and J.E. Boyd of Omaha got the contract to furnish the Government with 5,000 cattle.
0848 6/7/67 3 2 Morrow, Jack Stock on ranch taken by Spotted Tail's band. See Indians.
0848 6/29/68 3 3 Morse, P.Y. Elected Tyler, Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M.
1305 11/11/75 3 8 Morton,_____ Blacksmith in Nemaha City. See Nemaha City.
0848 4/10/67 2 8 Morton, A.P. and E.B. Schutt, defendants, J.A. Ware, plaintiff, District Court, Otoe Co. Nebraska. Answer on petition to obtain payment on promissory note for $3400, May 27, 1867. See Legal Notice.
0848 5/29/67 3 1 Morton, Major A.R. of Memphis, Tenn, arrived in Nebraska City a day or two ago.
0848 7/1/67 3 4 Morton, Allie Otoe Lodge No4. Independent Order Grand Templars Strawberry Festival. July 4, Committee, Post Office. See Societies & Organizations.
1305 7/6/73 3 5 Morton, Harvey F. Real estate transfer from Geo. W. Ralston lots 10, 11 and 12 block 135. Peru $400.
0848 3/16/68 3 4 Morton, Mary Daughter of Thos. And Caroline Morton, Nebr. City. See Death.
0848 5/20/67 3 2 Morton, W.D. Secretary of Baseball Club organized at Nebraska City on Saturday. See Societies & Organizations.
0848 5/29/67 3 1 Morton, W.D. Secretary of Empire Baseball Club of Nebraska City. See societies & Organizations.
0848 7/15/67 2 2 Morton, Wm. Guest on the Kate Kinney excursion from Nebraska City to Omaha. See Pastimes.
0848 6/25/67 3 1-2 Morton, Wm. Nebraska City, Member of the Missouri River trip on steamer Columbia to Omaha and back. See Social Life.
0848 4/26/67 3 1 Morton, Wm. Nebraska City agent for Magnetic Bank and Safe Lock. See Locks, Burglar proof.
0848 3/13/67 2 2 Morton, Wm. D. Nebraska City, Nebr. Agent for Detroit Safe Co. Detroit, Michigan. Fire and burglar proof equipped with combination locks without doubt the three best in the world. See Safe, Burglar Proof.
0848 4/19/67 3 1 Morton, William D. Nebraska City, Nebr. Ter. Agent, National Telegraph Company. See Telegraph.
1305 1/5/71 2 3 Morton, Thomas Employed Dr. John H. Blue, as editor of the Nebraska City News. See Press.
1305 11/11/69 2 2 Morton, Thomas Of the Nebraska City News sold his interest in the newspaper to William M. Hicklon.
1305 11/10/70 1 3 Morton, Hon. J.S. Of Nebraska City was appointed by the County Commissioner to confer with the Directors of the Omaha and Southern Railroad.
0848 8/12/68 1 2-3 Morton, J. Sterling Charges against Governor. See Butler, David vs the People.
0848 1/15/68 1 2 Morton, J. Sterling Delegate to National Convention. See Convention, State Dem.
0848 7/20/68 3 2 Morton, J. Sterling Delegate to represent Bellmont. See Convention, Democratic.
0848 12/28/68 1 2 Morton, J. Sterling Has from his earliest settlement in Nebraska paid great attention to agricultural developments and was among the early ones to have faith in planting fruit trees. The largest and best trained apple trees in the West are found in his orchard, they are well taken care of and show a healthy thriving condition and bore abundantly the past season. He also has many other fruits. He has planted osage for fences, with success. His pen of Suffolks are not to be surpassed anywhere; he feeds cooked food althogether and his hogs are a demonstration of this mode of fattening. His thousand bushels of potatoes of different varieties, stored away in his winter proof cellar is evedence of his devotion to this branch of farming. Brownville Advertiser.
0848 8/26/69 2 2 Morton, J.S. Has one of the most noted orchards in Otoe County.
0848 2/28/68 3 3 Morton, J. Sterling Is rapidly convalescing from his illness and was able to visit in the City this morning.
0848 12/11/68 2 1-2 Morton, J. Sterling Nebraska City. On committee to confer with Board of Trade of Nebr. City, Otoe County commissioners and people of Fremont County, Iowa, upon need to aid the new railroad venture of the B. & M. See Railroads.
0848 6/25/67 3 1-2 Morton, J. Sterling, (Mrs.) Member of the MIssouri River trip on the steamer Columbia to Omaha and back. See Social Life.

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