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 Code  Date 18xx  Pg  Col   Subject   Extraction
0848 12/14/68 3 3 Nebraska City Call meeting at P.W. Sheckly store, of Builders and Brick Masons. See Societies.
0848 7/3/67 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Cannon cast at foundry for 4th of July celebration. See Industry.
0848 6/5/68 3 2 Nebraska City The City fathers have appointed Messrs. Gould and Pinney Engineers of the Steam Fire Engine, who have agreed to run the machine at no expense to the City.
0848 12/11/68 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Cord wood in timber on Iowa side, $3.00 per cord. See Prices.
0848 12/30/68 2 1 Nebraska City From "Moore's Rural New Yorker", Major Brooks notes on Nebraska, on a visit there at time of State Fair last October. Nebraska City is one of the "old towns" and is very venerable compared with Lincoln, Fremont and other upstart places. It consisted about nineteen years ago, of one block-house, where overland folks fitted up for California. It is situated on the west bank of the Missouri, with about 1200 inhabitants and every evidence of prosperity. Chief Justice Mason who lives on a farm a mile or two out of the city, is a well developed specimen of a Western man - farmer, judge, lawyer, politician; and can husk more corn, hold more courts, make better speeches than any number of other men. He is giving much time to fruit cultivation, forest trees and hedges, and improvement of stock.
0848 6/29/68 1 2 Nebraska City Is on of the oldest towns in the State and for many years the rival of Omaha and kept ahead of that City until it got the location as the initial point of the Nebraska Pacific Railroad and it then entirely overshadowed Nebraska City. Nebraska City now number about 8000 inhabitants and under the inspiration of present and future railroad prospect, promises to regain its former supremacy as the leading town of the State. It has the advantage of Omaha in being surrounded by a rich agricultural country and must always be the commercial metropolis of the south Platte district, by far the richest and best portion of the State.
1305 6/26/73 3 2 Nebraska City Railroad transfer boat, The James F. Joy passed up the river to her moorings on Tuesday morning.
1305 8/5/69 2 5 Nebraska City Nebraska college for boys opened September 23, 1869 Terms, $280 for 10 month school year. Reverend James Patterson, secretary. See Schools.
0848 4/10/67 3 3 Nebraska City Nebraska Merchant on Main Street. Latest styles and fashions in French cloths, cassimers etc. See Tailor.
0848 5/31/67 2 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Home manufacture. See Industry
1305 11/4/75 2 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. The Pacific House at Nebraska City was destroyed by fire last week. See Pacific House.
0848 1/29/68 3 3 Nebraska City Improvement. See Churches.
0848 7/8/68 3 2 Nebraska City Improvement on Main Street. See Bridges.
0848 9/25/68 3 2 Nebraska City Growth and Development, Town Pump. See Wells, Nebr. City.
0848 9/25/68 3 3 Nebraska City Growth and Development. See Buildings.
0848 7/1/67 3 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. 97&Mac251; degrees in the shade yesterday, the hottest day so far. See Weather & Climate.
0848 9/28/68 3 2 Nebraska City Destined to be the great outlet of the entire South Platte country. See Railroads.
0848 10/21/68 1 3 Nebraska City Growth and Development. See Buildings.
0848 11/2/68 2 1 Nebraska City Growth and Development. The prosperity of Nebraska City is based upon agriculture. Every acre of ground put into cultivation is another source of revenue and wealth. The encouragement of emigration by our citizens is one of the best levers to lift us high in the world of producers.
0848 5/29/67 2 3-4 Nebraska City, Nebr. And Omaha each have about 8000 inhabitants. Omaha the advantage of the capitol and east and west railroad connections but Nebraska City with the best country. See Nebraska Growth & Development.
0848 4/1/67 2 1 Nebraska City Has Very excellent railroad connection through the Council Bluff, Nebraska City & St. Joseph R.R. via the Northwestern road, making Nebraska City the Missouri river terminus of the Northwestern road. The Burlington & Missouri River Company are also heading for Nebraska City; as is the State Line Road whose work will be completed to this point before 1870. Nebraska City is destined to be the commercial metropolis and railroad center of South Platte, Nebr. See Railroads.
0848 7/29/67 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Is without doubt, to be the western terminus of the Iowa and Missouri line. See Railroads.
0848 7/10/68 3 3 Nebraska City Bonds. H. N. Shewell, City Treasurer, has $2000, sinking fund money, applicable to the discharge of Nebraska City, "Old Indebtedness Bonds," and will receive sealed proposals for the surrender of such bonds, to the said amount to 12 o'clock noon, on August 14th, 1868. The proposals will be opened in the presence of the Mayor, or two alderman and the person to whom the days afterwards or the award will be made to the next lowest bidder.
0848 3/1/67 2 3-4-5 Nebraska City Charter An act to incorporate. The amended charter as placed at the late session of the Territorial Legislative Assembly, and as such it will govern to action of the Common Council and Mayor. Sec. 1 to 41 inclusive. Sec. 20-- Compensation of the city officers shall not exceed the following sums:-- Mayor----$200, Each Alderman----$50, Assessor---$100, Recorder---$200. But the recorder and marshal shall be allowed additional compensation as their services entitle them to. The tax collector shall be allowed commissions as follows on all monies collected by him (except school funds.) Under $3000---10 per cent, Over $3000, under $5000--- 6 percent, Over $5000, under $10,000---4 per cent, Over $10,000---2 per cent, On school monies under $5000---2 per cent, On school monies over $5000---1 per cent. The treasurer may, be allowed commissions on monies paid into his hands, 2 per cent on all except school funds, and one per cent on school fund. The Council shall fix by ordinance the manner of estimating and paying commissions. Paddock, Sec'y. Nebr. Territory.
1305 12/2/75 2 2 Nebraska City Chronicle Is to be sold under execution. See Press.
0848 7/1/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Social time on steamer Stonewall Jackson. See River Transportation.
0848 6/14/67 2 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Speakers at the rejoicing celebration, over location of all state buildings, Col. O. H. Irish, D.J. McCann, Hon. Chas. W. Seymour, Wm. McLennan, Rev. J. M. Taggart, Judge Minor, S.E. McCrackan, and Hon. B.M. Davenport. See Capitol Location.
0848 7/8/68 3 3 Nebraska City Council. Fixed the salary of Mr. Richard Shannon as Marshal and Street Supervisor at $1500. in City Warrants.
0848 7/24/68 3 4 Nebraska City Council. Mayor and full board of Alderman in session. Salary of Marshal fixed at $1500 per annum. Kesterson and Hamblin were relieved from the committee on the railroad business. Contract for the bridge at the foot of Main Street was let. Two policemen are to be put on at a salary of $2 per day. Street supervisor instructed to let contracts for pavement on both sides of Main Street; salary of the Recorder fixed at $50 per month; appropriation of $350 was made for fencing the City park and an ordinance for closing saloons of City after a certain hour was passed.
0848 6/29/68 1 2 Nebraska City Is one of the oldest towns in the State and for many years the rival of Omaha and kept ahead of that City until it got the location as the initial point of the Nebraska Pacific Railroad and it then entirely overshadowed Nebraska City. Nebraskja City now numbers about 8000 inhabitants and under the inspiration of present and future railroad prospects, promises to regain its former supremacy as the leading town of the State. It has the advantage of Omaha in being surrounded by a rich agricultural country and must always be the commercial metropolis of the South Platte district, by far the richest and best portion of the State.
0848 10/10/68 3 2 Nebraska City At the Pottery, the proprietor was building an immense furnace and oven - the grounds are fenced in and a house erected. Large quantities of blue clay, well adapted to the manufacture of crockery ware, are piled upon the ground, and will be ready for the moulders hands shortly. The brewery stands as in years ago, with the addition of a steam apparatus. The building resembles those in Kearney ward. Since the organization of the Temperance Society in Nebraska City, the sale of lager has decreased. Fred Beyschlag is one of the pioneers of Nebraska; came here a poor boy, and by close application business has amassed enough to keep him comfortable the rest of his life. The grave-yard road is being repaired, filling ruts and grading down the hill. The work is supervised by Me. Justice. German Town, situated near South Table Creek, in the 3rd Ward, has the finest gardens in the city, and the most industrious class of the community - every vacant foot of ground in cultivation. A block of fenced lots, belonging to Br. Bruggman, contains every species of vegetable grown in the country. Dr. Renner's residence has an air of grace and elegance the garden contains grapes, Hawthorne blackberries, currants, gooseberries, strawberries, raspberries, and whortleberries, and apple, cherry, and plum trees. The junior member of Bragg & Co.'s Lumber yard, Mr. Ballentyne, showed the pine and cottonwood lumber, pine shutters, shingles, lath, doors, sash, etc., in endless quantity. Seven wagons were loaded with pine lumber, bound for the rural district, while we were there.
0848 4/3/67 3 2 Nebraska City Growth & Development The pavements are crowded with men, women and children, - streets gorged with horsemen and wagons - boats colliding at our levee, wharf inundated with good - spring is controlling the streams, air, winds and vegetation. The unfathomable highways are mysteriously disappearing into solid roads. Blue birds, jays and martins chirrup from twigs whose buds are swollen almost to bursting. Across the vast prairie in c heckered lines pass the white covered wagons of the immigrant for his new home in Nebraska. Everyone is gay and festive.
0848 6/17/67 3 3-4 Nebraska City Growth & Development A sum of money to repair the Main Street Bridge, in a proper manner ought to be appropriated at once. Improvements in Kearney ward do not progress as rapidly as the other wards of the city, the houses look more dilapidated and have a tumble-down appearance. A coat of paint would give them an air of comfort and cleanliness. The grasshoppers abound in large numbers and some streets were perfectly black with them. At the Nebraska foundry some 20 or 30 men were working at repairing machinery, and the building, many erecting additions to the main edifice, etc. The engines and boilers have been put up and are now ready to commence work; a well 70 feet in depth has been completed and other changes made. At the Pottery, the proprietor was building an immense furnace and oven - the grounds are fenced in and a house erected. Large quantities of blue clay, well adapted to the manufacture of crockery ware, are piled upon the ground, and will be ready for the moulders hands shortly. The brewery stands as in years ago, with the addition of a steam apparatus. The building resembles those in Kearney ward. Since the organization of the Temperance Society in Nebraska City, the sale of lager has decreased. Fred Beyschlag is one of the pioneers of Nebraska; came here a poor boy, and y close application to business has amassed enough to keep him comfortably the rest of his life. The grave-yard road is being repaired, filling ruts and grading down the hill. The work is supervised by Mr. Justice. German Town, situated near South Table Creek, in the 3rd Ward, has the finest gardens in the city, and the most industrious class of the community - every vacant foot of ground in cultivation. A block of fenced lots, belonging to Mr. Bruggman, contains every species of vegetable grown in the country Dr. Renner's residence has an air of grace and elegance the garden contains grapes, Hawthorne blackberries, currants, gooseberries, strawberries, raspberries, and whortleberries, and apple, cherry, and plum trees. The junior member Bragg & Co.s lumbar yard, Me. Ballentyne, showed the pine and cottonwood lumber, pine shutters, shingles, lath, doors, sash, etc., in endless 2quantity. Seven wagons were loaded with pine lumber, bound for the rural district, while we were there.
0848 6/17/67 3 2 Nebraska City Business good. See Land Office.
0848 1/6/68 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. District Court. See Judicial.
o848 7/3/67 2 6 Nebraska City, Nebr. Quarterly report of Otoe County Nation Bank. See Banking.
0848 7/1/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. District Court convenes. 114 Civil cases; 30 criminal and 30 chancery cases. See Judiciary.
0848 6/25/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Second annual picnic and boat excursion of the Christian Sunday School. See Sabbath School.
0848 7/15/67 3 1 Nebraska City The foundation for the new Cumberland Presbyterian church on Laramie and 9th streets, is almost completed. See Buildings.
0848 7/15/67 2 5 Nebraska City, Nebr. Ter. Bids received at store of Messrs Bueter & Mollring for building an Evangelical Lutheran Church. See Bids.
0848 12/16/68 3 4 Nebraska City City bands play at Lutheran festival. See Music.
0848 3/8/67 3 1 Nebraska City Preaching at the Baptist Church by Rev. J.M. Taggart. See Churches.
0848 4/26/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. $350 was collected to pay off indebtedness of the Episcopal Church. See Churches.
0848 7/15/67 2 5 Nebraska City, Nebr. Evangelical Lutheran building. See bids.
0848 6/21/67 3 2 Nebraska City Picnic for Methodist scholars and friends. See Churches.
0848 7/1/68 3 3 Nebraska City Almost every church denomination has an edifice. See Churches.
0848 8/28/68 3 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. Rev. Huber addressed the children of Mission Sunday School at the Court House on Sunday. See Churches
0848 9/4/68 3 2 Nebraska City Organization Baptist Sabbath School. See Sabbath School.
0848 9/25/68 3 1 Nebraska City Mission is attracting large audiences each Sunday. See Sabbath schools.
0848 6/12/67 3 1 Nebraska City Sabbath schools will meet in a 4th of July celebration and the schools throughout the country be invited to participate in the festivities of the day. See celebrations.
0848 4/5/67p 2 2-3 Nebraska City District. Methodist conference of Bishop and clergy. Report of district by Mr. Pritchard, Treasurer. Nebr. City $201.40; Mount Pleasant $60.75; Plattsmouth $32.50; Rock Bluffs $6.55; Salt Creek $5.00; Peru $10.00; Helena $2.00; Total $328.20. See Churches.
0848 6/10/67 3 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. Work proceeding at Home Coal Mining Company. See Coal.
0848 6/10/67 2 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Geologists claim a heavy thick, valuable, merchantable vein of coal. See Coal.
0848 4/10/67 3 2 Nebraska City Sinking of the coal shaft on the Morton farm of the Home Coal Mining Co. is progressing in a big way and the stockholders are all very hopeful of success. See Coal.
0848 4/19/67 2 4 Nebraska City Home Mining Coal Company. 600 shares unsold. See Coal.
0848 5/31/67 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Prospects grow more flattering. Plans for tunneling alread made. See coal.
0848 4/10/67 3 2 Nebraska City Spring work commenced in earnest, a number of farmers are sowing wheat and some potatoes have been planted. See Agriculture.
0848 3/8/67 3 1 Nebraska City Potatoes are selling at $1.60 per bushel. See Prices.
0848 4/17/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Sells more plows than any other town same size, in the world. See Agriculture.
0848 8/21/68 3 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. Crops. Prices of wheat selling in the city per bushel, and amount purchased. Corn promises to be high but the heavy yield in western states may govern the price here. Grasshopper depradations ruined one of the larges crops ever known. See Agriculture.
0848 8/26/68 3 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. Crops. Prices of wheat selling in the city per bushel, and amount purchased. Corn promises to be high but the heavy yield in western states may govern the price here. Grasshopper depradations ruined one of the larges crops ever known. See Agriculture.
0848 8/26/68 2 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. Crops. Prices of wheat selling in the city per bushel, and amount purchased. Corn promises to be high but the heavy yield in western states may govern the price here. Grasshopper depradations ruined one of the larges crops ever known. See Agriculture.
0848 9/25/68 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Crops. Prices of wheat selling in the city per bushel, and amount purchased. Corn promises to be high but the heavy yield in western states may govern the price here. Grasshopper depradations ruined one of the larges crops ever known. See Agriculture.
0848 10/21/68 3 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. Crops. Prices of wheat selling in the city per bushel, and amount purchased. Corn promises to be high but the heavy yield in western states may govern the price here. Grasshopper depradations ruined one of the larges crops ever known. See Agriculture.
0848 10/5/689 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Crops. Prices of wheat selling in the city per bushel, and amount purchased. Corn promises to be high but the heavy yield in western states may govern the price here. Grasshopper depradations ruined one of the larges crops ever known. See Agriculture.
0848 9/30/68 2 1 Nebraska City Wheat shipment per day, Nebraska is the best grain growing State in the Union and Nebraska City is the great grain mart of Nebraska and will ship more wheat in 1871 than all points in the State put together. See Trade, Nebraska City Wheat.
0848 10/5/68 3 2 Nebraska City Amount wheat purchased in the city last week more than 60,000 bushels.
0848 10/7/68 3 2 Nebraska City Wheat terminus, for shipping. See Agriculture.
0848 11/2/68 2 1 Nebraska City Has bought and shipped more grain during the last six months than any two towns in the State. Nebraska City offers her surplus products, for transportation, greater inducements for a railroad to St. Louis or Chicago than any other town in the State. It is destined to be one of the principal railroad centers of the Northwest because geographically she is the best point upon the Missouri river from which to communicate with the mountains. The Government of the United States recognized this fact when it located "Old Fort Kearney" here in 1846. The freighters for the Government verified this fact when they made Nebraska City the great entrepot for supplies, going to Colorado, Utah and Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. The short cut to the Rocky mountains from Chicago via Nebraska City, by the main line of through railroad to the Pacific will further demonstrate this fact.
0848 12/16/68 3 3 Nebraska City Hay plenty, price high. See Agriculture.
0848 9/25/68 3 2 Nebraska City State Fair, is to be held two miles south of the city Oct. 7, 8, & 9th. See Fair, State.
0848 1/21/60 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Otoe Co. Ferry Company, steam ferry boat "Nebraska City No. 2", Geo. T. Lincoln Capt. "Nebraska City" owned by John B. Boulware. See Ferry.
0848 4/21/60 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Otoe Co. Ferry Company, steam ferry boat "Nebraska City No. 2", Geo. T. Lincoln Capt. "Nebraska City" owned by John B. Boulware. See Ferry.
0848 6/8/61 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Otoe Co. Ferry Company, steam ferry boat "Nebraska City No. 2", Geo. T. Lincoln Capt. "Nebraska City" owned by John B. Boulware. See Ferry.
0848 1/11/62 3 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. Otoe Co. Ferry Company, steam ferry boat "Nebraska City No. 2", Geo. T. Lincoln Capt. "Nebraska City" owned by John B. Boulware. See Ferry.
0848 1/30/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Otoe Co. Ferry Company, steam ferry boat "Nebraska City No. 2", Geo. T. Lincoln Capt. "Nebraska City" owned by John B. Boulware. See Ferry.
0848 3/6/67 3 6 Nebraska City, Nebr. Otoe Co. Ferry Company, steam ferry boat "Nebraska City No. 2", Geo. T. Lincoln Capt. "Nebraska City" owned by John B. Boulware. See Ferry.
0848 1/19/68 3 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. Otoe Co. Ferry Company, steam ferry boat "Nebraska City No. 2", Geo. T. Lincoln Capt. "Nebraska City" owned by John B. Boulware. See Ferry.
0848 2/28/68 2 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. Otoe Co. Ferry Company, steam ferry boat "Nebraska City No. 2", Geo. T. Lincoln Capt. "Nebraska City" owned by John B. Boulware. See Ferry.
0848 3/6/67 3 1 Nebraska City Ferry commenced running yesterday afternoon. See Ferries.
0848 3/15/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. See Ferries.
0848 2/26/68 3 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. Ferry boat Nebraska City No. 2 makes regular trips between Nebraska City and East Nebraska City. See Ferries.
0848 1/19/68 3 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. Ferry boat Nebraska City No. 2 makes regular trips between Nebraska City and East Nebraska City. See Ferries.
0848 3/6/67 2 6 Nebraska City, Nebr. Ferry boat Nebraska City No. 2 makes regular trips between Nebraska City and East Nebraska City. See Ferries.
0848 3/11/67 3 2 Nebraska City Freighters say they will not carry a pound of freight unless they receive living prices and security of pay. Dissatisfied with contract of A.J. Gill for government freight. Price too low.
0848 6/21/67 3 1 Nebraska City Wagons loaded with fish from the lakes across the river. See Fish.
0848 3/15/67 3 1 Nebraska City Year ago freight being unloaded, today river banks heavy with ice cakes. See Weather and Climate.
0848 4/3/67 3 1 Nebraska City Merchants received several thousand tons of merchandise on the arrival of the steamboat Evening star, Lacy and Amanda. See River Transportation.
0848 4/26/67 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Extensive preparations made by freighters to resume operations. See Freighting.
0848 3/11/67 3 2 Nebraska City Almost every church denomination has an edifice. See Churches.
0848 3/11/67 3 3 Nebraska City Abney, James. Citizen. See Abney, James.
0848 12/16/68 3 2 Nebraska City Messrs. Albright and Kennedy on fire department. See Fire Protection.
0848 6/21/67 3 1 Nebraska City Jack Armstrong purchased 80 acres from Frank White. See Real Estate Transactions.

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