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NSHS Territorial Newspaper Extraction Project

 Code  Date 18xx  Pg  Col   Subject   Extraction
0848 4/29/67 2 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. A.A. Arrison, Undertaker. Metalic Caskets. See Undertaking.
0848 4/20/68 2 6 Nebraska City, Nebr. A.A. Arrison. Dealer in parlor, bedroom and kitchen furniture. See Furniture.
0848 1/4/62 1 2 Nebraska City, N.T. T. Ashton and J.N. Tait. Forwarding and commission merchants. Storage. See Forwarding and Commission.
0848 1/15/68 1 5 Nebraska City, N.T. T. Ashton and J.N. Tait. Forwarding and commission merchants. Storage. See Forwarding and Commission.
0848 5/6/67 2 5 Nebraska City, Nebr. Pioneer Paint Shop. Barr and France Proprietors. See Painting.
0848 4/13/68 3 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. Mr. Boughton. See Horticulture.
0848 7/1/67 3 1 Nebraska City Geo Bonlware, A. Dray, and Wm. Cliff were arrested in Kearney Ward for disturbing the peace. See Judiciary.
0848 2/21/68 2 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. Bradley and Payne. See Horticulture.
0848 3/25/67 4 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Drs. Brinker and Prosser co-partnership dissolved. See Dissolution Co-partnership.
0848 10/26/68 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. W.A. Brown, proprietor of O.K. Store, sold business to R.P. Lewis. See General Store.
0848 2/21/68 3 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. Sold the steamer Sunset owned by citizens to R.F. Barrett of Brownville. Nebr. For $15,500 to use as a ferryboat. See Ferries.
0848 5/29/67 3 1 Nebraska City Battentyne, William. Purchased lots and will build. See Real Estate Transactions.
0848 5/3/67 3 5 Nebraska City Mrs. Mary G. Birchfield died April 30, 1867 36 years. See Death.
0848 1/15/68 2 5 Nebraska City, Nebr. J. Blum and Co. - J. Blum, W.C. Lambeth, S. Blum. See General merchandise.
0848 4/1/67 3 1 Nebraska City William L. Boydson is advertising for a dairy hand for employment during the summer. See Labor.
0848 6/21/67 2 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. Bradley and Company dissolved by mutual consent. T.K. Bradley, Wm. Payne, John A. Torbitt, W.H. Smith, W.J. Miller. T.K. Bradley and Wm Payne continue the business under name Bradley and Payne. See Dissolution Co-partnership.
0848 1/15/68 2 6 Nebraska City, Nebr. Bradley and Payne. Produce and commission merchants. See Groceries
0848 4/19/67 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. James H. Brown and John Burno fined $10 and cost, each. See Criminals.
0848 5/17/67 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Dwelling house of Mr. Woodrum sold to W.A. Brown. See Real Estate Transactions.
0848 3/20/68 2 5 Nebraska City, Nebr. W.A. Brown, O.K. Store, Dry goods, shoes, hats etc. Complete line ready made clothing. See General merchandise.
0848 5/1/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. J.W. Burles subscription agent for Sturgeon Independent of Sturgeon, Missouri. See Press.
0848 4/19/67 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Burno, John and James H. Brown, each fined $10 and cost. See Criminals.
0848 6/21/67 2 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. Buxton and Brown. City Crockery Store. See Queensware.
0848 6/17/67 3 1 Nebraska City Dr. J.C. Campbell purchased 200 acre farm in Cass County. See Real Estate Transactions.
0848 3/29/67 2 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. J.W. Cassel and J.M. Holland. See Horticulture.
0848 1/17/68 2 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. P.P. Chamberlain. See Horticulture.
0848 7/26/67 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Jame Childs, formerly with the U.S. Express of Nebraska City but now of Omaha.
0848 6/14/67 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Col. Chivington's ox train sold to Wells Fargo and Co. See Chivington, Col.
0848 4/17/67 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. John D. Clayton freighter, moves to Denver. Wm. L. Ewing is establishing himself in the west probably Montana.
0848 4/19/67 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. I.B. Compton. See Wells.
0848 6/15/68 1 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. I.B. Compton, manufacturer and retail dealer. See Hardware.
0848 1/15/68 4 4 Nebraska City Crenshaw, Thomas C. See Harness.
0848 4/10/67 2 5 Nebraska City Drs. Crow and Thatcher, Dermapathic Physicians, will be at the Seymour House on Tuesday April 16, 23, 29th and on May 6th, for 3 days each week. See Physicians.
0848 10/30/68 3 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. Elder Johnson preaching at the Court House. See Churches, Christian.
0848 12/30/68 2 4 Nebraska City Geo. A. Kellogg lawyer, will practise in State and Federal Court. See Attorney.
0848 4/5/67 3 1 Nebraska City H. Kennedy of New York is to be Receiver in the U.S. Land Office instead of our citizen Col. Albert Tuxbury. See Land Office.
0848 1/15/68 4 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. James Kennedy, dealer. See Grocery.
0848 3/27/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Andrew S. Kerr. See Agriculture.
0848 7/15/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Brock Kinney, Oteo County baseball player, was injured. See Kinney, Brock.
0848 1/24/68 2 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. R.M. Kirkham, 2miles southwest, has only pure Chester White pigs in County. See Hogs.
0848 1/15/68 4 5 Nebraska City Klepser, Jacob. See Harness.
1305 8/12/69 2 1 Nebraska City J.E. LaMaster, United States Revenue Collector, speaks encouragingly of prospects for Nebraska.
0848 6/21/67 2 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. Lampkin, L. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in groceries and provisions. See Food.
0848 12/14/68 3 3 Nebraska City J. Dan Lauer city tax collector. 1868 now due. See Taxation.
0848 1/6/68 3 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. J. Dan Lauer city tax collector. See Taxation.
0848 7/8/68 3 2 Nebraska City City Council. Re-elected J. Dan Lauer City Collector for the year 1869.
0848 1/15/68 1 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. Jos. Leahy, Dealer. See Groceries.
0848 5/20/67 3 2 Nebraska City Lee, George F., Justice of Peace. Crawford, James, to Miss Emma Tarrant, May 9. See Marriage.
1305 1/26/71 2 1 Nebraska City Rev. T. B. Lemon and wife will celebrate their Silver Wedding Anniversary February 24th.
0848 1/6/68 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. S.E. McCracken. See Fire.
1305 5/1/73 1 5 Nebraska City Rev. T.B. Lemon appointd at Nebraska City.
0848 1/17/68 2 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. Robert Lorton and J.B. Bennet, Successors to Rolfe and Terry. See Grocery.
0848 6/15/68 1 6 Nebraska City, Nebr. Robert Lorton and J.B. Bennet, Successors to Rolfe and Terry. See Grocery.
0848 7/3/67 3 2 Nebraska City John McFarland and John O'Brien affair. See Murder.
0848 7/15/67 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Trial of John McFarland for murder of O'Brien. See Judiciary.
0848 3/27/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. McIchier, Phillip. See Accident.
0848 6/14/67 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Wm. McLennan. See Bees.
0848 12/16/68 3 1 Nebraska City James Maguire hurt at Ferry Street Bridge. See Accident.
0848 9/25/68 2 3 Nebraska City McClaskey, Joseph. "Old Sledge" has again opened up a shop. See Black-smith.
0848 6/5/68 2 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. Co-partnership, Dan L. Mc Ilroy and N.L. Simpson dissolved. See Dissolution.
0848 5/29/67 3 1 Nebraska City Lorton, Robert. Purchased lots, and will build. See Real Estate Transactions.
0848 4/29/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Dr. Love sold his drug establishment to Reed, Whitinger and Co. See Druggist.
0848 1/15/68 2 5 Nebraska City McCullum and Schmitz. See Harness.
0848 7/31/58 3 7-8 Nebraska City, Nebr. D.B. McMechan. Saddles, hardware, agricultural implements. See Hardware.
0848 1/1/59 3 7-8 Nebraska City, Nebr. D.B. McMechan. Saddles, hardware, agricultural implements. See Hardware.
0848 1/4/62 3 5 Nebraska City, Nebr. D.B. McMechan. Saddles, hardware, agricultural implements. See Hardware.
0848 1/15/68 1 6 Nebraska City, Nebr. D.B. McMechan. Saddles, hardware, agricultural implements. See Hardware.
0848 1/15/68 1 6 Nebraska City Mann, William. See Hardware.
0848 5/13/68 3 2 Nebraska City Martin, John Henry. See Harness.
0848 5/29/68 2 3 Nebraska City Martin, John Henry. See Harness.
0848 1/15/68 2 6 Nebraska City, Nebr. Paul Mendler. See Groceries.
0848 6/21/67 3 1 Nebraska City W.H. Miller, local editor of the Press is occupying his new residence. See Buildings.
0848 1/17/68 2 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. Wm. B. Miller and J.S. Miller . Groceries and grain, country produce. See Grocery.
0848 4/3/67 3 1 Nebraska City Eighty-five plows were received this morning by business firm of Mohrentecher and Co.
0848 1/15/68 2 5 Nebraska City, Nebr. G. Mohrenstecher and B. Buckert. Hardware, iron, leather, groceries. Agents for implements. See General Store.
0848 3/28/68 3 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. Geo. Mohrenstecker and Co. Co-partnership of Nebraska City, Nebr. Is dissolved. Business firm now Mohrenstecker and Reinbold. See Dissolution.
0848 1/15/68 2 5 Nebraska City Morgan, C. See Hardware.
0848 5/22/67 3 1 Nebraska City Morrison and Dahl. Agents for Berry and Thompson's choral organs. See Music.
1305 11/11/69 2 2 Nebraska City Thomas Morton sold his interest in the Nebraska City News to William N. Hicklan at Nebraska City.
0848 5/29/67 3 1 Nebraska City Major A.R. Morton arrived from Memphis, Tenn.
0848 4/10/67 2 1 Nebraska City Excitement over the discovery of coal on J.S. Morton's farm still runs high. The Home Coal Mining Co. is pushing the work at the shaft. See Coal.
0848 5/8/68 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Messrs. Morgan and Walter, agents for the Bean force cistern and well pump. See Force Pumps.
0848 4/19/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Terr. Office on new Overland Line, William D. Morton, agent. National Telegraph Company. See Telegraph.
0848 10/21/68 3 2 Nebraska City Plaintiff vs. Prof. Corell. See Judicial.
0848 5/20/67 3 3 Nebraska City, Nebraska Pendleton, S.T. and J.W. Sage, Co-partnership dissolved. J.W. Sage to continue business. See Dissolution Co-partnership.
0848 3/30/68 3 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. Co-partnership firm of Wm. Phifer and Co. is this day dissolved. Ryle Willis retiring. See Dissolutions.
0848 6/14/67 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Mr. Petring's new house for business. See Buildings.
0848 1/15/68 4 5 Nebraska City, Nebr. Mrs. M.C. Phillips, braiding and machine stitching, dressmaking, stamping, hair jewelry. See Dressmaking.
0848 7/24/68 3 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. C.W. Pierce, Louis Huffman, Mr. Dolbow, Frederick Ingham. See Horses.
0848 5/3/67 3 1 Nebraska City C.W. Pierce reported bridge cave in. See Bridges.
0848 2/10/68 2 5 Nebraska City, Nebr. Plummer and Blaisdell. See Horticulture.
0848 6/7/67 3 1 Nebraska City S.S. Preston engaged in whitewashing, new process. See Preston, S.S.
0848 9/25/68 3 4 Nebraska City Flouring Mills. Most complete mill in the Western Country. Messrs Pinney and Thorpe, Owners. See Industry.
0848 6/12/67 3 2 Nebraska City Wholesale and retail grocery house, Charles A. Place, Proprietor, sold over $2,000 worth of goods yesterday, part of which was for the Indian Service. See Trade.
0848 4/5/67 3 1 Nebraska City Firm, Place and Lorton, is shipping three tons of sugar, equal amount of salt and a large amount of bacon to J. Woods of Denver. See Freight.
0848 4/22/67 3 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. See Dissolution Co-partnership Place and Lorton.
0848 1/15/68 4 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Chas. A. Place. Wholesale grocer. See grocery.
0848 6/21/67 3 1 Nebraska City Bill poster and white washer. Prescott, Sam.
0848 1/15/68 2 6 Nebraska City, Nebr. City Drug Store. P. Bird Price and George C. Smith, Successors to J.A. Goodlett. See Druggists.
0848 3/9/68 2 5 Nebraska City, Nebr. Co-partnership P. Bird Price and Geo. C. Smith dissolved. Messrs. Price and Parker assuming all liabilities. See dissolution.

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