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NSHS Territorial Newspaper Extraction Project

 Code  Date 18xx  Pg  Col   Subject   Extraction
0848 4/1/67 3 1 Nebraska City Shooting affray between Orem Ransford and Wm. Flannery of Fremont Co., Iowa, resulting in the death of Mr. Flannery, whose remains were taken to Iowa. See death.
0848 8/12/68 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Prosecuting attorney, Isham Reavis, for this district is attending court. See district Attorney.
0848 1/15/68 1 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. Reed, Whitinger and Co. Paints, oils, glass, drugs and medicine. See Druggists.
0848 3/23/68 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. E. Reis and Brother are opening a large and well selected stock of clothing etc. See General Store.
0848 6/10/67 3 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. Dr. F. Renner, U.S. Assessor for Nebraska.
0848 1/15/68 2 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. Co-partnership firm Rich, Oppenheimer and Co., at Nebraska City, Nebr. Is dissolved. See Dissolutions.
0848 7/15/67 3 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. S. Dewitt Rich. See Lawyer.
0848 4/17/67 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. O.S. Rider residence for sale. See Real Estate.
0848 5/6/67 2 5 Nebraska City Excelsion Clothing store. D.P. Rolfe, proprietor. See Clothing.
0848 6/10/68 3 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. D.P. Rolfe raised around $60 to purchase two dozen gutta-percha buckets for the hook and ladder company. See Fire Protection.
0848 2/10/68 2 5 Nebraska City, Nebr. J.S. Royalty. See Horticulture.
0848 5/17/67 3 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. $1000 a year rent refused for building on Main Street. See Prices.
0848 4/10/67 2 2-4 Nebraska City, Nebr. Ordinance to define pay and duties of officers. See Municipal Government.
0848 7/15/67 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Otoe C. National Bank. July statement. See Banking.
0848 6/12/67 2 3 Nebraska City Our Kansas neighbors along the river are again agitating the Atchison and Nebraska City railroad. This road to its present named termius would naturally pass through Rulo and the other river towns in Richardson county to Aspinwall, then take the second bottom in front of Nemaha City and through this city to the bottom above to Peru and Nebr. City. The Brownville Advertiser says next to the Air Line, east and west, this road will be the best outlook we can possibly get. See Railroads.
0848 5/15/67 3 2 Nebraska City Improvement. Irish's Block. - This valuable piece of property situated 2 blocks north of the heart of Nebraska City is being beautified in a handsome manner. The grounds have been set out with every variety of shrubbery, grass plots, and a carriage drive made with broken bricks extending from the fence to the residence, carriage house and stables, completed. The wood-house, carriage house, harness room, cistern and stable are all under one roof and will be attached to the residence. A pipe running from the kitchen through the out-houses to the rear of the block, for the purpose of carrying off water, etc., has been laid; a modern improvemant, the cost of which is but a trifle when compared to amount of time and labor saved.
1305 12/16/75 2 2 Nebraska City News Celebrated its 22nd birthday Nov 14.
0848 1/15/68 1 1 Nebraska City News Thos. Morton & Co., Proprietors. J. Sterling Morton, Editor. Vol. 5, No. 170; Rates of Advertising in Tri-Weekly.
0848 1/20/68 3 2 Nebraska City News The Nebraska City Tri-Weeky and Weekly News is daily increasing its subscribers in the State, showing the people appreciate its efforts.
0848 11/16/68 2 1 Nebraska City News On last Saturday, was 14 years old - it is the oldest journal in either Kansas of Nebraska. Thomas Morton has been at the head of the office since April 12, 1855 and in all that time he has never missed an issue of the News, except in May 1860, just after the great fire of the 12th of that month. He has been faithful to advertise and build up Nebraska City, Otoe Co., and South Platte Nebraska, and having set the first stick of type ever put up in the territory and is entitled to be called the Pilot Printer of the State. On May 12, 1860 the entire News office establishment costing over $5000 was consumed in the great fire, with only $2000 insurance which was reinvested in the same business. Terms as usual $2.00 per year in advance.
1305 12/16/75 3 1 Nebraska City Press A clipping tells of an earthquake at Nebraska City. See Weather and Climate.
0848 11/16/68 3 4 Nebraska City Now and 14 years ago. Where now stands Nebraska City, with its 8000 inhabitants, its 12 elegant churches, its magnificent court house, its substantial school-houses, its many large brick business houses, its huge machine shops, its elegant residences, fourteen years ago, stood the frontier post known as "Old Fort Kearney". To the south and west, timber groves here and there upon the prairie, planted by early settlers for shelter; the lands divided into 40, 50, 60, 80 and even 100 acre fields under cultivation of different crops, changes the appearance for the better. Steamboats which came once a week now are seen at all times and locomotive is at our very door. The mails which were received once in two weeks and carried on an Indian pony, are now received daily and brought into our City in omnibuses drawn by four and six horses. The post office which was kept in a cigar box or in the hat of the post master, is now an elegant building fitted for that purpose. Fourteen years ago, instead of the city, we had a log fort and one or two log cabins or huts with a population of perhaps 200 souls. Our best customers were the Otoe Indians, who paid for their flour, bacon, ponies, blankets, etc. in hard gold. A vast unbroken prairie, the home of the thieving Otoes, the bear, wolf, deer, etc. The old settlers with us today are, the two Mortons, Lorton, Pierce, Siemers, Campbell, McMechans, North, Craig, Kay, Cowles, Hursts, Hails, Mason, Sroat, Martin, Welsh, Jackson, Fowlkes, Mrs. Mahan, Mrs. Pearman, Mrs. R. Miller, Mrs. Waters, Mrs. Gerhardt, and perhaps ten or twelve more.
0848 5/13/68 3 4 Nebraska City, Otoe Co. Nebraska Administrators Sale of Real Estate of George W. Davenport, deceased. G.W. Groat, Administrator. See Legal Notice.
0848 4/6/68 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Grasshoppers in large force. See Grasshoppers.
0848 3/16/68 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Grasshoppers in large force. See Grasshoppers.
0848 4/20/68 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Grasshoppers in large force. See Grasshoppers.
0848 5/15/68 3 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. Grasshoppers in large force. See Grasshoppers.
0848 6/8/68 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Grasshoppers in large force. See Grasshoppers.
0848 6/22/68 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Grasshoppers in large force. See Grasshoppers.
0848 9/12/57 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Grasshoppers in large force. See Grasshoppers.
0848 8/5/68 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. About 100 citizens, with wives, sisters, mothers and sweethearts left for a big hunt in western part of the country. See Game Hunt.
0848 2/10/68 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Prairie chickens and rabbits are abundant in market, quail and venison scarce. See Game.
0848 4/5/67 2 3 Nebraska City Only 12 years of age and with a population of between six and eight thousand, raised not long ago, $1500 for the homeless, foodless poor of the Southern States while Chicago the commercial emporium of the great lakes only raised $300. See Relief.
0848 1/31/68 2 2-3-4 Nebraska City, Nebr. Hook and Ladder Company. Constitution and By-laws. See Fire Protection.
0848 2/12/68 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Hook and Ladder Company. Constitution and By-laws. See Fire Protection.
0848 7/26/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Mulberries abundant on opposite side of river. See Horticulture.
0848 10/21/68 3 2 Nebraska City Natural home of the grape. See Horticulture.
0848 5/29/11 3 1 Nebraska City Some 10 or 12 bald eagles have been seen opposite the city during the week. See Game.
0848 6/17/67 3 1 Nebraska City District Court opened with Chief Justice Mason. Re-appointment of C.W. Seymour and S.E. McCracken as Masters in Chancery. See Judiciary.
0848 4/26/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. See Earthquake.
0848 4/29/67 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. See Earthquake.
0848 5/1/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. See Earthquake.
0848 9/28/68 3 2 Nebraska City, Improvements Main Street well 85 feet deep and contains 21 feet of water. See Well.
0848 8/2/67 3 2 Nebraska City, Improvements Of a permanent nature are being made on 5th street, south of Main and on Otoe street between the bridge and 6th streets. Marshal Hickey is superintending the grading and in a short time these streets will be opened for travel. No improvements could have been made on our streets that was more needed than these are.
0848 5/29/67 2 3-4 Nebraska City Boasts of the finest Union school and Court House building in the west. Union School building cost $25,000; Court House and jail about $35,000. See Nebraska, Growth & Development.
0848 4/6/68 2 2 Nebraska City Ticket. See Convention, Democratic.
0848 4/20/68 3 3 Nebraska City, Otoe County Dozens of families, children, cows, horses etc. on streets April 18th. See Emigration.
0848 5/29/67 3 1 Nebraska City Preparations active for erection of new buildings for business houses and churches. See Buildings. Also See Real Estate Transactions.
0848 10/21/68 3 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. A largely increased immigration to Nebraska is indicated by the large number of covered wagons passing through here each day. See Emigration.
0848 4/10/68 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Large numbers of Germans direct from Germany arrived in the city. See Emigrants, German.
0848 4/24/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Farmers and Merchants Store. See Fire Protection.
0848 5/6/67 3 1 Nebraska City Outfit building. See Fire.
0848 9/9/68 3 2 Nebraska City Building prospect. See Buildings.
0848 9/11/68 3 2 Nebraska City Main St. Bridge. See Bridges
0848 6/17/67 3 2 Nebraska City Losing trade to Brownville on account of bad roads into town. See Roads.
0848 3/27/67 2 6 Nebraska City, Nebr. J.H. Dahl and S.H. Morrison successors to J.D. Patch. See Jeweler.
0848 12/11/68 3 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. George Darley, three story brick, Edwards, the architect. See Buildings.
0848 5/20/67 3 2 Nebraska City Alias "Denver John" keeper of Prairie Camp Station. In Dying condition. See Grear, George.
0848 6/7/67 3 2 Nebraska City False report of killing of Louis Davenport by Indians. See Death.
0848 1/15/68 1 5 Nebraska City, Nebr. R.A. Dickey & Co. Drugs, paints etc. See Druggists.
0848 11/4/68 3 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. Monroe & Dillon purchased half interest in mule train of C.P. Patterson. See Freighting.
0848 11/13/68 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Charles Morgan putting tin on Hawke & Co's new building. See Buildings.
0848 8/5/68 3 2 Nebraska City Difendorf, Dr. See Hess, Theodore.
0848 1/15/68 2 6 Nebraska City, Nebr. William Dill. See Groceries.
0848 6/14/67 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Joel Draper. See Bees.
0848 7/1/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Sam Dunham well known frieghter, was shot by Indians. Recovering. See Dunham, Sam.
0848 7/1/67 2 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Sam Dunham well known frieghter, was shot by Indians. Recovering. See Dunham, Sam.
0848 7/12/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Foster Edwards a quitted for stealing stock. See Edwards, Foster.
0848 4/10/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Alfred Erwin, died at Nebraska City. See Death.
1305 3/2/76 3 6 Nebraska City Gilman & Davis bought livestock in Sheridan vicinity this week. See Livestock.
1305 9/2/69 2 1 Nebraska City Rev. J. Elliot, Principal. D.J. McCann, President of Board of Directors of Otoe University, Nebraska City. See Schools
0848 1/15/68 1 5 Nebraska City, Nebr. Robert C. Elvin, groceries, wines, tobacco, etc. See Groceries.
0848 4/5/67 3 1 Nebraska City Soda pop is soon to be manufactured by our townsman S.J. Farris. See Industry.
0848 12/11/68 2 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. John Fix. See Tailor.
0848 3/29/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Wm. Flannery of Iowa and Orem Ransford. See Shooting Affray.
0848 1/15/68 3 5 Nebraska City, Nebr. G.D. Fogleson & Son. Dealers, dry goods, groceries, etc. See General merchandise.
0848 4/17/67 2 6 Nebraska City, Nebr. G.D. Foglesong & Son. Dry goods etc. See General merchandise.
0848 1/15/68 4 5 Nebraska City, Nebr. F.W. Freund & Bro., gunsmiths and manufacturers of guns, pistols, rifles, and etc. See Industry.
0848 4/10/67 2 5 Nebraska City Firm existing between Wm. Fulton and D.P. Rolfe under the style of Fulton & Co. is this day dissolved. D.P. Rolfe buying the interest of Wm. Fulton, will continue the business. See Dissolution Co-Partnership.
0848 3/27/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. P.C. Elkins leaves for Cottonwood Springs. See Elkins, P.C.
0848 2/10/68 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. William Fulton. See Horticulture.
0848 2/26/68 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Wm. Fulton left for St. Louis, to return about April 1. See Fulton, Wm.
0848 9/16/68 2 5 Nebraska City Gant, Daniel. Solicitor in Chancery, State and Federal Courts of Nebraska and Iowa. See Attorney.
0848 7/29/67 2 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. Dr. H.D. Gilbert, physician and surgeon. See Physician.
0848 4/20/68 1 3 Nebraska City Gray, J.W. See Harness.
0848 4/3/67 3 2 Nebraska City Farmers & Mechanics Store headquarters for J.H. Gregg for hedge plants and fruit trees, or at his residence near Boydson's Bridge. See Horticulture.
0848 6/17/67 2 4 Nebraska City Groscurth & Company. See Food.
0848 1/19/68 3 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. G. Groscurth, Confectionery, fruit, provisions. See Groceries.
0848 8/24/68 2 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. Carl Grote, civil engineer and surveyor.
0848 8/19/68 1 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. C.A. Haley, dealer 600 head of Choctaw beef and stock cattle. See Haley, C.A.
0848 6/5/67 2 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. Talbot Hall, Article by Omaha Herald. See schools.
0848 4/19/67 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. John Hamlin. See Hotel.
0848 4/5/67 3 1 Nebraska City The Cincinnati House has been purchased for $6800 by the popular hotle keepers Hamlin and Brown. See Hotel.
0848 1/15/68 4 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. Merchants Union Express, now ready to transport parcels etc. on railway and steamboat routes. N.S. Harding, agent. See Express.
0848 3/13/67 3 3 Nebraska City Hare and Pearman, Grocery and Confectionery. Business hous. Country produce taken in exchange. See Grocery.
0848 7/15/68 3 5 Nebraska City, Nebr. H. Harries, Druggists and Pharmancentist. See Druggist.
0848 9/2/68 3 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. A.F. Harvey resigned as city recorder, H.L. Harvey appointed. See Harvey, A.F.
0848 8/5/68 3 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. Western Fire Company. H.L. Harvey, secretary. See Fire Protection.
0848 2/24/68 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Reported Robert Hawke and Jed Gilman are starting for Sweetwater region. See Gold Mines.

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