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NSHS Territorial Newspaper Extraction Project

 Code  Date 18xx  Pg  Col   Subject   Extraction
0848 4/10/68 3 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. Hawley & Burks, dealers in grain and farm machinery. See Agriculture.
0848 1/17/68 2 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. J.J. Hawley, Dealer on Main Street. See Grocery.
0848 4/10/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Bob Heffley, Mr. House. See Game.
0848 4/10/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. John Heth left for Omaha to engage in freighting. See Heth, John.
0848 4/5/67 3 1 Nebraska City The firm of Hawley, White and Burks have fifty tons of merchandise at st. Joseph awaiting shipment to this city. See Freight.
0848 4/29/68 2 5 Nebraska City, Nebr. Co-partnership Hawley, White and Co. this day disolved. E.S. Hawley, F.A. White retiring. G.F. White & S.D. Fitchie continueing under name of White & Fitchie. See dissolution.
0848 5/15/68 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Charley Gerber purchased hogs which averaged about 400 lbs each. See Hogs.
0848 12/11/68 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Captain Lee P. Gillette of the U.S. Army is home on furlough. See Military.
0848 10/28/68 3 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. J. Gilman, Monroe & Dillon, Daniel Heiser, Mr. Alexander, Mr. Smith, Mr. Redfield, Mr. Bozer, Mr. Payne. See Wells
0848 3/20/68 1 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. John Gilmore, J.H. Gregg, H.K. Raymond, committee appointed by Otoe Co. Farmers Club to furnish list of hardy fruits for Nebraska. List given by W.T. Nicholson. See Horticulture.
0848 1/15/68 3 5-6 Nebraska City, Nebr. Hawley, White & Co. Wholesale and retail; dry goods, shoes, hats, groceries, etc. See general merchandise.
0848 5/31/67 2 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. Stock taken up on J.E. Hayden's farm eight miles south. See Strayed.
1305 3/10/70 2 7 Nebraska City C.F. Hendrie & Co. Foundry 7 Machine Works. Nebraska City, Nebraska.
0848 1/6/68 3 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. Frank Howard. See Doctor.
0848 6/10/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. John Hughes lost valuable horse by lightning. See Horses.
0848 8/5/68 3 2 Nebraska City Hess, Dr. See Hess, Theodore.
0848 6/10/68 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. A.H. Hickey, former marshal. See Groceries.
0848 7/15/68 2 6 Nebraska City, Nebr. A.H. Hickey, former marshal. See Groceries.
0848 8/21/68 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. William Hickery, marshal and street supervisor at salary $1000 per yr. in city warrants. See Hickery, William.
0848 3/11/67 3 2 Nebraska City Harness firm of Hicklin, Gallatin and Gallup has accepted a $2000 contract from Heffley and Chivington, freighters to manufacture sets of Concord harness. Two other similar contract have been accepted. See freighting.
0848 6/5/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Holmes & Co. proprietors of Nebraska Iron Works. See Freight.
0848 4/29/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. W.M. Hicklin paid $45.75 for a cow and calf. See Livestock.
0848 4/19/67 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Thos. Higgins. See Accident.
0848 12/7/68 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. H.B. Horton returned from the western territories. See Horton, H.B.
0848 3/11/67 3 1 Nebraska City H.B. Horton, Esq. Freighter. Contract for carrying freight from Camp collins to Great Salt Lake. See Freighting.
0848 4/10/67 3 3 Nebraska City Excavation for Mr. Hills two-story brick on Main Street was commenced this morning. See building.
0848 4/5/67 3 1 Nebraska City The stone and lumber for Wm. E. Hills two story brick is being delivered and masons and carpenters will start work soon. See Buildings.Excavation for Mr. Hills two-story brick on Main Street was commenced this morning. See building.
0848 5/29/67 3 1 Nebraska City Holman, Judge. Sold his residence to Mr. Shambraugh. See Real Estate Trans.
0848 5/31/67 2 1 Nebraska City Holmes, Gould and Powell. Nebraska Iron Works. See Industry, Foundry.
0848 6/29/68 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Abra Holmes of Nebraska Foundry and family arrived in city. See Foundry.
0848 2/10/68 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Mrs Hyslop, proprietress of the Post Office restaurant. Receives a case of fish daily from Chicago. See Fish.
0848 3/20/68 3 4 Price, B. Bird Druggist, Nebr. City. Price & Parker. See Co-partnership
1305 3/23/76 3 6 Price, J.B. Has good clean seed wheat for sale.
1305 1/13/76 3 4 Price, J.B. Supervisor. Annual settlement made. See Nemaha County Commissioners' Proceeding, Jan. 4
1305 4/17/73 2 6 Price, Joseph Defendant Henry Hoyt plaintiff replevin Judgment for plaintiff and against defendant for property and 1 cent damage and cost.
0848 9/25/68 2 5 Nebraska City Business during the week. See Trade.
0848 3/9/68 2 5 Price & Smith Co-partnership B. Bird Price, Geo. C. Smith of Nebraska City, Nebr is dissolved. Mr. Smith retiring. See Dissolution.
0848 10/30/68 2 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. D.B. Saxton sold boot & shoe stock to M.H. Whittredge and J.F. Evans. See Co-partnership.
0848 8/14/68 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Mr. Schinedtz, on Greggsport Hill has big grape prospects.
0848 12/30/68 3 2 Nebraska City Prof. Schwabsky's full brass band unit - Mrs Cottam and Mrs. Wischmeyer. Programme at Fair and Festival. See Churches, Catholic.
0848 4/6/68 3 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. Co-partnership law firm at Nebraska City, Nebr. Seymour and Davenport is dissolved. See Dissolution.
0848 4/10/67 3 4 Nebraska City Shackman & Bro. are moving from Chicago and consolidating their stock with that in Nebraska City. See Co-partnership.
1305 12/2/69 2 1 Nebraska City Otoe County, Nebr. J.N. Shambaugh, attending District Court, now in session at Brownville, Nebr. See Judiciary.
0848 7/29/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. City property purchased by Mr. Shambaugh for $3500. See Real Estate Transactions.
0848 1/15/68 2 5 Nebraska City Sheckley, P.W. See Hardware.
0848 3/23/68 2 5 Nebraska City, Nebr. Edward Shelden, merchant and agent for steamboat and railroad. See Forwarding & Commission.
0848 6/22/68 3 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. Mr. Shepherd. See Horticulture.
0848 3/27/67 2 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. D & H Siegel, Clothing stock under the hammer. See Auction.
0848 3/25/67 3 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. D & H Siegel, Clothing stock under the hammer. See Auction.
0848 4/15/68 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. R.D. Simpson. See Horticulture.
0848 4/27/68 1 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. Firm of H.D. & W.B. Slaughter dissolved, having sold their interest to H.H. Duncklee. See Dissolution.
0848 12/16/68 2 3 Nebraska City A.M. Smith M.D. proprietor of City Picture rooms. See Photography.
0848 4/3/67 3 2 Nebraska City Corner of Main & 9th Streets. Dr. & Mrs. Smith, photographs, ambrotypes, new size Night photography and solar types. See Photography.
0848 4/10/67 3 3 Nebraska City Business on Main Street. John Steinhart just received a well selected stock cashimers and silk vestings. Gents furnishing. Suits guaranteed to order. See Tailor.
0848 12/11/68 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. The Stevenson family pay nearly $2000 into the city and county. See Taxation.
0848 7/26/67 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Captain Stuft rescued his son of 9 years when he fell into a well. See Accident.
0848 3/27/67 3 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. George Swarts, manufacturer. See Industry.
0848 2/3/68 2 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. James N. Tait, successor to Ashton and Tait, general steamboat agents. See Forwarding & Commission.
0848 8/19/68 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Geo. Tayman purchased the Magnolia Saloon for $4000.
0848 8/19/68 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. Wm. N. Trasper purchased store and lot for $800. See Trasper, Wm. N.
0848 4/10/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Col. Tuxbury farm in Otoe County. See Roads.
0848 5/20/67 3 2 Nebraska City Tuxbury, Col;onel. Repairing and drainage to Tuxbury homestead. See Roads.
0848 1/15/68 2 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. Co-partnership firm under name of Vandevater & Company is dissolved. See Dissolution.
0848 5/8/68 3 2 Nebraska City News D. Van Valkenburg of Falls City, Richardson County, is our regular authorized agent for the News in that section of the country.
0848 6/17/67 3 1 Nebraska City Charles Walker arrived with blooded stock. See Horses.
0848 4/29/67 3 2 Nebraska City Walters, W.H. Former citizen now in business with T.B. Glenn at Albany, Missouri. See Trade.
0848 4/3/67 2 6 Nebraska City Wm. W. Wardell will attend to all business in the different courts of the territory. See Attorney.
0848 6/14/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Dr. J.H. Way, Robert Magel. See Disease.
0848 4/24/67 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Committee to solicit for southern aid. Messrs. Ware, McCann, Dickey, Bradley, Foglesong, Irish Bennett, Stevenson, Metcalf, Hawke, Winn, Lloyd and J. Sterling Morton. Ashton and Tait, Bradley & Co. General Agents. See Societies & Organizations.
0848 3/25/67 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Mr. Wells sold Gothic Corrall to Henry Newman. See Real Estate Transactions.
1305 1/6/76 3 2 Nebraska City Mrs. Jas. White was accidentally shot on Christmas day by her ten year old sister.
0848 3/27/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Mr. Wilbur sends seeds free by mail. See Vegetation.
0848 12/30/68 2 4 Nebraska City E. Wilhelm wanted wood choppers. See Labor.
0848 1/6/68 2 5 Nebraska City Joseph Austin. See Weaving.
0848 7/26/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Mr. Wilson was offered $1200 for an unimproved quarter section near Yankee Hill, Lancaster county. See Real Estate.
0848 3/29/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. James Wood. See Lost.
0848 5/29/67 3 Nebraska City John Wright an old pioneer salesman leaves soon with a stock of dry goods and groceries fro Rock Bluffs.
0848 4/17/67 2 6 Nebraska City, Nebr. A. Zimmererer, merchant tailor. See Tailor.
0848 4/10/67 3 2 Nebraska City Zink Brothers, Proprietors of the Excelsior Bakery, 1st door east of the Seymour House. See Bakery.
0848 12/16/68 3 3 Nebraska City Property, real and personal amounts in valuationa to $1,665,288. Total valuation for 1867 wa $1,591,939. Over two thirds of total tax collect. See Valuation.
0848 6/3/67 3 2 Nebraska City Nothing fair about the assessments or value of property. See Taxation.
0848 11/4/68 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Improvements, Mr. Edwards building business house for John Darley. See Buildings.
0848 12/16/68 3 3 Nebraska City House and lot of John McFarland sold to Mr. Burks for $1500. See Real Estate Transactions.
0848 12/16/68 3 3 Nebraska City 1868 taxes on property. List of different funds. See Taxation.
0848 4/10/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Erection of two small buildings. See Buildings.
0848 3/25/67 3 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. J.W. Eaton, well improved 10 acres for sale. See Real Estate.
0848 12/7/68 3 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. Prices of wild land and cultivated land. See Land.
0848 8/28/68 3 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. Property bought and sold by J.S. Jones, land agent. See Real Estate Transactions.
0848 3/15/67 3 1 Nebraska City Residences being bought and sold. See Real Estate Transactions.
0848 4/5/67 3 2 Nebraska City Property which has changed hands within the last ten days, ranging in price fro $300 to around $1500. See Real Estate Transactions.
0848 4/19/67 2 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Land cheap in comparison to Omaha and Council Bluffs. See Land Values.
0848 5/29/67 3 1 Nebraska City Holly Block purchased for $2000. Judge Holman residence sold to Mr. Shambough. Robert Lorton and Wm. Battentyne purchased three lots and both will build. See Real Estate Transactions.
0848 5/31/67 3 3 Nebraska City Gentleman from New York entered in the Nebraska City Land Office, 11,000 acres. See Land.
0848 5/1/67 3 1 Nebraska City Municipal Government. Ordinance fixing curb line, requiring trees inside of curb. See Trees.
0848 4/1/67 3 1 Nebraska City Government Municipal Ordinance. All dogs running at large within city limits will be killed by the marshal or his deputy, under provision of the Nebraska City Ordinance. Unless the owner of such dogs shall take out a license for their keeping.

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