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 Code  Date 18xx  Pg  Col   Subject   Extraction
0848 6/10/67 2 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. Terr. Proposals for grading and filling Otoe street. See Bids.
0848 4/1/67 3 1 Nebraska City Council Prodeedings. Regular session April 1, 1867. Present Mayor Dickey, Aldermen Hicklin, Petring and Walbaum. J. Dan Lauer appointed recorder pro tem. Liquor license granted to Mr. Vincent Straub. Ammended ordinance Sec. 11. on "Regulating omnibus, hackney carriages and wagon rates," adopted. Ordinance entitled, "An ordinace establishing and regulating the police department," adopted. W.C. Patterson appointed Engineer, Street Supervisor and Policeman. T.E. Thompson, Assessor resigned and was accepted. J. Dan Lauer, Recorder. R.H. Dickey, Mayor.
0848 4/1/67 2 4 Nebraska City Municipal Government. Theaters and shows, etc. Ordinace. Sec. 16. No person shall open any show, theater, or exhibition in Nebraska City without first applying for and obtaining a license from the City council or in other recess to the Mayor and any two of the Alderman, or in absence of the Mayor; any three Alderman who shall fix amount of said license from the City council not less than $3. or more than $100. The license for circuses shall be $50 for first day and $25 for each day afterward and for menageries $30 for first day and $15 for each day afterward; and every side show with a circus or menagery shall pay a license of $5 per day. Above does not apply to exhibitions for literary, scientific or benelovent purposes. Sec. 17. All persons violating shall be fined not less than $10 nor more than $100. A.F. Harvey, Recorder. R.H. Dickey, Mayor.
0848 4/1/67 3 1 Nebraska City Ordinance The Marshal and his deputy has been instructed by the to kill all dogs running at large within the city limits, without a license. See Dogs.
0848 4/1/67 2 2-3-4 Nebraska City Liquor ordinance, to regulate sale of. Sec. 1 to Sec. 15. inclusive. See Municipal Government.
0848 4/3/67 2 4-5-6 Nebraska City Ordinance concerning Mayor's Court and regulating the proceedings therein. The Mayor and all Justices of the Peace shall have jurisdiction in all actions for penalties, fines, etc. Sec. 1 to Sec 32 inclusive. See Municipal Government.
0848 4/5/67 2 3-4 Nebraska City Ordinance concerning Houses of Ill fame, gambling, disorderly houses and carrying concealed weapons. Sec. 1. to Sec 12 inclusive. See Municipal Government.
0848 4/5/67 3 1 Nebraska City Councit have decided to again force the hog ordinance. See Livestock.
0848 10/26/68 3 4 Nebraska City Council Proceedings. Leving a tax for 1868. For general city expenses, three mills upon the dollar valuation. For sinking fund, one mill upon the dollar valuation. For redemption of high school bonds, three mills upon the dollar valuation. For general school fund, seven mills upon dollar valuation. For fire fund, one and one half mills upon dollar valuation. For redemption of City R.R. bonds, ten mills on dollar valuation. And poll tax payable in cash or labor, of $1.50 upon every male citizen between ages of 21 and 45 years. S.H. Calhoun, Mayor.
0848 3/29/67 2 4 Nebraska City Council Proceedings. Ordinance entitled "Fire Limit Ordinance." It shall be unlawful for any persons to erect or have erected, upon any lot between Laramie and Otoe streets and 1st and 13th in Nebraska City, any wooden or frame building or addition to any building within said limits; also unlawful to move or cause to be removed, any frame or wooden building from any part of Nebraska City within or without said limits to any other part of the City; or to erect brick or stone building with a wooden cornice or gutters or shingle roof, unless building shall have "fire walls" at least 2_ feet above the edge of the roof. Also unlawful to allow any stove pipe or iron flue to project through a wooden wall unless protected by six inches of brick wall. Sec. 2. Any persons disregarding above shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined $50, and $25 for every 24 hours the offense remains. Sec. 3. The duty of City Marshal and his deputies to notify the owner or agen if such misdemeanor occurs, of the terms and penalties. Sec. 4. This ordinance takes effect immediately. A.F. Harvey, Recorder. R.H. Dickey, Mayor.
0848 12/16/68 2 3 Nebraska City Council Proceedings. Passed an ordinance to prohibit the posting of bills, etc. on City property. Sec.1. It shall be unlawful for any person to post or paint or cause to be any bills, streamers, posters or advertisements of any kind on any bridge, fence, or property of the city. Sec. 2. Any persons found guilty of violating Sec. 1. shall be fined in any sum not less than $5 or more than $20 for each offence. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage and publication, Dec. 15, 1868. H.L. Harvey, Recorder. S.H. Calhoun, Mayor.
0848 4/19/67 2 2 Nebraska City Council Proceedings. Present, The Mayor, Messrs Walbaum, and Petring, and Recorder Harvey. City Treasurer presented his report. Hon. O.H. Irish and Wm. E. Hills Esq. stated that the order of A.F & A.M. has in contemplation the establishing of an institution for the education of orphans, and would be glad to receive propositions from the several municipalities in the State to guild the Grand Lodge in choice of a location for said institution, and asked the council to make a conditional donation of the City Park for the purpose, Mr. Walbaum moved, "that if the Masonic Fraternity will locate their proposed Educational Institution at Nebraska City, and shall be for the reception of other orphans than of Masonic parents, the city council shall donate to the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. the City Park for such purpose." Resolution order to wait until next meeting.
0848 4/27/68 2 5 Nebraska City, Nebr. Election for municipal officers, on May 4. See Election proclamation.
0848 5/1/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Ordinance fixing curb line and tree planting requirement. See Trees.
0848 5/3/67 2 6 Nebraska City By an act to incorporate qualified electors shall elect a mayor, recorder, assessor, treasurer, and marshal, etc. See Election.
0848 5/3/67 2 6 Nebraska City, Nebr. Election of city officials, by an act to incorporate. See Election.
0848 5/3/67 3 2 Nebraska City Committees choice for ticket. See Convention, City.
0848 5/6/67 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. See Election Results.
0848 4/17/68 2 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. List of democratic candidates for the city. See Election candidates.
0848 7/17/68 2 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Democratic primary election in wards July 18 to elect delegates to attend county convention. See Election, Primary.
0848 6/22/68 2 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. Mayor Calhoun ordered special Eelection, Special.
0848 8/21/68 3 2 Nebraska City, Council At its last meeting revoked the order made at the meeting previous, appointing Shannon Street, Supervisor. As it now stands William Hickey is appointed Marshal and Street Supervisor at $1000 salary per annum in City warrants.
0848 7/3/67 2 1-2 Nebraska City Indebtedness. Statement of Receipts and Expenditures of the city for the year ending June 1, 1867. Receipts - - - $17,230.96. Expenditures - - - $14,693.14. The item of expenditures did not include the issue of $1822, of General Fund Warranted, which had been ordered by the council for 1865-6, for the improvement of the Levee, etc., and did include $4800 paid for the redemption of and interest upon High School Bonds and $305.41 for redemption of old scrip. Deducting last two items, the current expenditures for the year were $9,587.73. Recapitulation of Debt Floating debt - - -$11,044.13. C.H. School bonds - - - $14,500.00. Interest on H.S. Bonds due now - - -$650.00. Somlomg fimd - - - $8,989.00. Interest on S.F. Bonds due now - - -$314.62. Due Otoe County - - -$3,000.00. Interest on Co. Debt due now - - - $320.00. Street and Bridge Bonds - - -$1,000.00. Total Indebtedness of Nebraska City - - $40,015.75. Against this present assets are for: Delinquent taxes for 1861-65 - - -$10,549.57. Delinquent taces for 1866 - - $10,648.43. Balance on hand - - -$4,156.72. Total Against this present assest - - -$25,354.72. For years 1867-68 the liabilities are for: Outstanding warrants, etc. - - -$11,044.12. H.S. bonds now due - - -$3,500.00. Int. on whole amount - - -$725.00. H.S. Bonds due July 1, 1868 - - -$4,000.00. Interest - - -$1,100.00. Due Otoe County - - -$3,200.00. I terest July 1, 1868 - - - [blank] Street Bonds due June 1, 1868 - - - $1,000.00. Interest - - - $1,000.00. Estimated expenses for year - - -$12,000.00. Total - - -$37,042.46. Resources Delin2uent tax list from 1860-65 - - -$10,549.57. Delinquent tax list from 1866 - - -$10,648.43. Estimated levy for 1867. General fund 5m - - -$7,500.00. Street Fund, 3m - - -$4,500.00. H.S. Bonds, 5m - - -$7,500.00. Licenses fro teams, concerts, aucts., etc. - - -$1,500.00. Balances on hand except Sinking Fund - - -$2,788.33. Total - - -$44,986.32. Resources over liabilities - - -$7,943.86. Aug. F. Harvey, City Recorder.
0848 8/24/68 1 2 Nebraska City Ordinance To prohibit the keeping of pigeons within the city. If any person shall, upon conviction before the Mayor, be fined not less than five dollars or more than fifty. And the city Marshal shall shoot or destroy all pigeons within the city after Sept. 15th. Passed Aug. 4, 1868. A.F. Harvey, Recorder. S.H. Calhoun, Mayor.
0848 8/26/68 1 3 Nebraska City Ordinance To prohibit the use of fire crackers. From and after publication of this ordinance any person firing fire crackers, serpents, rockets, or other fire works within the city limits (except in such place as may be defined by the city council and permission given by the Mayor) shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. A.F. Harvey, Recorder. S.H. Calhoun, Mayor.
0848 9/2/68 3 3 Nebraska City. Council. The resignation A.F. Harvey as City Recorder was accepted by the City Council yesterday. His brother H.L. Harvey, Esq. was appointed in his place.
0848 7/17/68 2 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Democratic primary election in Wards July 18 to elect delegates to attend county convention. See Election primary.
0848 9/11/68 3 2 Nebraska City Number registered voters. See Election.
0848 10/26/68 3 4 Nebraska City, Council Proceedings Levying a tax for 1868. For general city expenses three mills upon the dollar valuation. For sinking fund one mill upon the dollar valuation. For redemption of high school bonds, three mills upon the dollar valuation. For general school fund seven mills upon dollar valuation. For fire fund, one and one-half mills upon dollar valuation. For redemption of City R.R. Bonds ten mills on dollar valuation. And poll tax payable in cash or labor, of $1.50 upon every male citizen between ages of 21 and 45 years. S.H. Calhoun, Mayor.
0848 3/15/67 2 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Terr. Editorial of Nebraska City News concerning ferry legislation. Ferry Franchise.
0848 4/17/67 2 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Editorial Nebr. City News See Negro Vote.
0848 6/21/67 2 1 Nebraska City, News Editorial on public lands being transferred to private hands without value received. See Railroad Grant, Northern Air Line. See also, Land Stealing.
0848 6/21/67 2 2-3 Nebraska City, News Editorial on public lands being transferred to private hands without value received. See Railroad Grant, Northern Air Line. See also, Land Stealing.
0848 5/22/67 2 3 Nebraska City, News Editorial. On state expense. Where school land goes, who buys college scrip and price, etc. See Legislature, State expense.
0848 6/25/67 2 1 Nebraska City, News Editorial concerning the law locating the public buildings of Nebraska. See Capitol Location.
0848 6/25/67 2 1 Nebraska City, News Editorial on Omaha with or without the captiol. See Omaha.
0848 10/5/68 3 5 Nebraska City, News J.V. Brumstead of Saline County, has our thanks for a club of ten subscribers to the News; likewise Messrs. Ferguson, Doty, Roumie and Ray of the western counties for smaller clubs. Our weekly subscription books show in increase of one hundred and eighty-three in last five days.
0848 7/26/67 2 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. Closing exercises of Talbot Hall. List of prizes awarded. See Schools.
0848 9/2/68 2 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. Dancing Academy, Mr. Goldwater proprietor. See Schools.
0848 7/24/68 2 6 Nebraska City, Nebr. Sealed bids for the public schools will be received, to supply wood for fuel. See Fuel.
0848 9/11/68 3 3 Nebraska City Pupils in public schools, by Wards. See Schools.
0848 9/25/68 3 3 Nebraska City Well supplied with substantial school buildings and with the best teachers in the county affords. See schools. Otoe Co.
0848 9/25/68 3 2 Nebraska City Brick school in 3rd. Ward almost completed. See Buildings.
0848 4/3/67 3 2 Nebraska City Theatre-goers enjoyed the production of Evadue last night. Mrs. Breslau in that character comprehends her part and fully enters into it. She is by far the best actress that has appeared upon the stage here. See Theatre.
0848 7/10/67 3 2 Nebraska City A special convocation of Mount Olivet commandery No.2. Knights Templars will be held July 11, by order of E.C.J.M. Taggart Recorder. See societies and Organizations.
0848 7/15/67 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. List of officers elected July 11 I.O.O.F. Frontier Lodge No 3.. See Societies & Organizations.
0848 6/14/67 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. J.A. Goodlett, W.M. Western Star Lodge No. 2. A.F. and A.M. See Societies & Organizations.
0848 7/3/67 3 1 Nebraska City Picnics and amusements throught the day. Good Templars festival at Court house in evening. See Celebrations, July 4th.
0848 7/3/67 3 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. Program; officers of the day; order of procession, etc for July 4. See celebrations.
0848 7/1/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Program; officers of the day; order of procession, etc for July 4. See celebrations.
0848 6/21/67 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Program; officers of the day; order of procession, etc for July 4. See celebrations.
0848 7/1/67 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Gassman Baseball Club of Talbot Hall played first nine of Otoe Club of Nebraska City. See Pastimes.
0848 7/1/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Gassman Baseball Club of Talbot Hall played first nine of Otoe Club of Nebraska City. See Pastimes.
0848 12/11/68 2 4 Nebraska City, Nebr. Fair and Festival. See Churches, Lutheran.
0848 5/20/67 3 2 Nebraska City Baseball club organized on Saturday. Officers of Club. See Societies & Organizations.
0848 7/10/67 3 2 Nebraska City Delegates from Omaha, Plattsmouth, Bellevue, Rock Bluffs, Nemaha County, and other localities in the State met at Otoe Lodge room and perfected an orgainzation of I.O.G.T. Grand Lodge, Independent Order of Good Templars. See societies and Organizations.
0848 1/20/68 3 2,1 Nebraska City Interest Dramatic Art. See Societies & Association.
0848 6/22/68 3 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. German Immigration Society, Paul Mendler, secretary. 52 German families have been sent into Seward County the past 2 weeks to take homesteads. See Emigrants, German.
0848 5/1/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. I.O. of Good Templars. Officers for insuing quarter. See Societies and Organizations.
0848 6/25/67 2 3 Nebraska City E.J. Sunseney, Grand Marshal of the Masonic Grand Lodge headed the procession of 200 men at Omaha. See Societies & Organizations.
0848 7/1/67 3 4 Nebraska City Otoe Lodge No 4. Independent Order, Grand Templars Strawberry Festival, committies for. See Societies & Organizations.
0848 2/24/68 2 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Camden Lodge, Good Templars. Temperance cause. See Societies & Organizations.
0848 4/26/67 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Anniversary of organization of Odd Fellows. SeeSocieties & Organizations.
0848 4/24/67 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Anniversary of organization of Odd Fellows. SeeSocieties & Organizations.
0848 5/4/68 2 4 Nebraska City Library benefit. Youngs Men's association. See Societies & Associations.
0848 12/21/68 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Snow on ground. See Agriculture.
0848 3/27/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Rain, snow and sleet. See Weather.
0848 7/3/67 3 1 Nebraska City 100 degrees in the shade yesterday. 8 AM thermoneter 101 in shade today. 2 PM it reached 113 degrees. See Weather & Climate.
0848 1/6/68 3 1 Nebraska City December 17, six degrees below zero, the 18th, three degrees above. See Weather.
0848 6/10/67 3 1 Nebraska City Heaviest rain storm for years. Thermometer 80 to 100 degrees. See Weather & Climate.
0848 12/7/68 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Heaviest snowfall since 1866. Sufficiently cool for wearing of overcoat. See Weather.
0848 12/11/68 3 3 Nebraska City, Nebr. Mercury ranging from zero to 10 decgrees below. See Weather.
0848 3/11/67 3 1 Nebraska City Last night, coldest of season, 12 degrees at midnight and after sunrise the morning 10 degrees above. See Weather and Climate.
0848 3/13/67 3 1 Nebraska City March 1867 came in like a lion, and more like one each day. Change from moderate to exceedingly cold on March 12. See Weather and Climate.
0848 3/13/67 3 1 Nebraska City Sleighing good for the past three days. Cold weather has never been known to hold on so long in Nebraska. See Weather and Climate.
0848 4/1/67 3 1 Nebraska City Sun out in all its glory, and dry roads expected in a day or so. See Weather & Climate.
0848 4/3/67 3 1 Nebraska City Dates for ice gorge breaking up in the big muddy above and below the city, 1855 to 1867 inclusive. See Missouri River.
0848 4/5/67 3 1 Nebraska City Springlike. See Weather & Climate.
0848 4/19/67 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Very heavy rain. See Weather & Climate.
0848 4/24/67 3 2 Nebraska City, Nebr. Heavy frost. Thick ice on water. See Weather & Climate.
0848 5/31/67 3 1 Nebraska City Yesterday warm and pleasant. Today - cold, chilly and damp. See Weather and Climate.
0848 7/29/67 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Cool and pleasant. See Weather & Climate.
0848 2/12/68 3 1 Nebraska City, Nebr. Recent cold weather has created a great market for fuel of all kind. See Fuel.
0848 12/14/68 3 1 Nebraska City Warm and pleasant, snow thawing. See Weather & Climate.
1305 10/23/73 2 4,5 Neely, Eva, Saline Co., Fatally burned in prairie fire.
1305 4/14/70 2 5 Neely, George W. and Co. Carpenters and Joiners, Brownville Nebr.
1305 12/9/69 2 8 Neely, George W. Has made application for Administrator of the estate of Ruth Elmantalowe deceased.
1305 6/23/70 2 6 Neely, George W. Co. Builders and bridge contractors. No. 56 Main Street Brownville, Nebraska. See Trade.
1305 10/23/73 2 4-5 Neely, John, Saline, Co. Will die from being burned in prairie fire.
1305 12/2/75 3 2 Neff, George Recoverd two colts which had been lost for two yers. See Livestock.
0848 12/16/68 3 1 Negro Equality adopted by Iowa. Election of negro for Justice of Peace. See Suffrage, Negro.
0848 3/11/67 2 2 Negro Suffrage. The telegraphic dispatches of yesterday annouce the repudiation of negro suffrage by the State of Ohio. They also announce the rejection of the constitutional amendment by the State of New York. Omaha Hearld.
0848 4/17/67 2 1 Negro Vote, Editorial There is the semblance of a law in Nebraska giving to the negroes the right to vote in Nebraska although the constitution of the State expressly forbids their voting. Until that semblance of law is declared void by the courts, we are in favor of allowing negroes to vote in Nebraska city, and all over the State. There are about 40 black voters in this precinct and as a matter of courts, they will vote with the Back Radical party, some may be candidates of that party at the coming municipal election. As there are only 200 white radicals in town, we are sure that the 40 black ones will be entitled to a representation of one fifth of the delegates in the Radical nominating convention. We hope that equal and exact justice will be show to the colored population in that Convention. They should see that their rights are respected and represented in the radical convention.
0848 4/5/67 3 1 Negro Vote, Plattsmouth Has polled the first and only nigger vote ever given in Nebraska.
0848 10/30/68 3 2 Negroes 10,000 voted for the wite negroes in Onio at the late election in violation of the law. See Election Fraud.
0848 3/8/67 3 1 Negroes Some twenty full blooded negroes were ready to vote at election in Omaha but were forced to change their minds by a party of Germans and Irish of that city. See Election.

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