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 Code  Date 18xx  Pg  Col   Subject   Extraction
0848 3/11/67 2 1 Negroes Were not allowed to vote at Omaha in the State of Nebraska during the municipal election of March 4th, 1867. The Constitution of the State of Nebraska only extends the right of voting to white men. Congress and a radical Legislature endeavored to amend that instrument but, having no legal power in the matter, have failed. The Constitution stands unamended.
1305 4//70 2 2 Neidhart Chas. Nominated for Councilman on the People's Ticket.
1305 12/22/70 1 5 Neihardt, C.J. Appointed Post Master at Crete in Saline County in place of J.C. Bickle, resigned.
1305 4/17/73 2 6 Neil Lewis Defendant default and Isaac N. Shambaugh defendant in favor of Besty Holliday for $320.84.
0848 8/21/68 3 2 Nelson, Mr. Of the blue Valley Record called in Nebraska City yesterday.
1305 6/2/70 2 2 Nelson, David Of Northern Nebraska, shot his neighbor Charles Gustavson in a quarrel.
0848 5/13/67 3 1 Nelson, Gus. So much better this morning and hopes are entertained for his recovery.
1305 12/22/70 1 5 Nelson, Ira R. Resigned as Post master at Ceresco in Saunders County, Nebraska.
1305 5/18/71 2 3 Nelson, J.R. Retired newspaper man of the Express, was the pioneer editor in Gage County.
1305 1/27/76 3 4 Nelson, Linn Has a new 9 pound girl. See Births.
1305 5/26/70 2 5 Nelson, Minerva Married to Joe B. Docker, both of Brownville, Nebraska. See Marriage.
1305 11/11/75 3 4 Nemaha Business is good. See Business.
1305 11/11/75 3 4 Nemaha Bill Hoover shot himself in the knee. See Accidents.
1305 1/19/71 2 7 Nemaha Marriage of William Hawxby to Hannah Hadkins.
1305 12/23/75 3 6 Nemaha School is closed for the holidays. See Schools.
1305 2/10/76 3 3 Nemaha City Samuel Bennet, Jr. and Frances Seaberry were married Jan. 30. See Marriage.
1305 3/2/76 3 1 Nemaha City (Uncle Billy) Cummings was born Feb 29, 1800. See Pioneers.
1305 3/2/76 3 1 Nemaha City Rabe Elliott has filled his ice house from the Nemaha. See Trade.
1305 1/6/76 3 5 Nemaha City IOOF Lodge No. 40 passed resolution of respectto the memory of F.G. Holmes. See Societies and Organizations.
1305 3/2/76 3 7 Nemaha City Wm. W. Seid and Lauretta Prall were married Febr. 27th. See Marriage.
1305 1/20/76 3 3 Nemaha City Teachers Association will convene January 28. See Societies and Organizations.
1305 11/1175 3 4 Nemaha Williamson, ventriloquist and temperance lecturer will be in Nemaha several days. See Amusements.
1305 12/2/75 3 6-7 Nemaha City Good Templar's held a festival Nov 29. See Festival.
1305 11/11/75 3 8 Nemaha City
1305 12/30/75 3 2 Nemaha City Dr. F.G. Holmes, Nemaha City, died Dec 28th.
1305 11/25/69 3 2 Nemaha City Isaac and Reuben Wyatt were ordered to leave the country. Mr. W.T. Russell left with them.
1305 11/11/75 3 8 Nemaha City Jas A Titus and brother have purchased the old drug store brilding. See Jas. A. Titus.
1305 6/24/69 1 4 Nemaha City Nemaha County is situated 5 miles South of Brownville. Has a population of 500. Has several large stores, a grist mill and richest land in the state. On St. Louis and Nebraska Rail Road.
1305 11/18/75 3 2 Nemaha City Leon Wentz and Mattie Coons were married last week. See Marriage.
1305 10/28/75 3 1 Nemaha City, Nebraska Seymour Howe, Sr. died near Nemaha City on the 22nd of this month. See Deaths.
0848 3/20/68 2 5 Nemaha County Bankruptcy case against estate of Robert A. Stewart of Nemaha, Co. Court of Bankruptcy held at office of Thomas & Brady in Brownville, Nebr, before T.M. Rich, Esq. Register in Bankruptcy for said Dist. April 4, 1868. C.E Yost, U.S Marshal. See Legal Notice.
1305 3/20/73 2 2 Nemaha County Boundary all right, "an act defining the boundaries of certain counties" approved March 5, 1873.
1305 1/20/76 3 6 Nemaha County Coal has been discovered. See Coal.
1305 7/15/69 2 1 Nemaha County Commissioners levied 4 mills on the dollar to raise $10.000 to buy poor farm. See Taxation.
1305 1/13/76 3 4 Nemaha County Commissioners proceedings meeting held Jan 4, 1876, at Brownville. Present: Jonathan Higgins, Alex McKinney, and John H. Shook, Commissioners; Wils E. Majors, County Clerk, L. Plasters, sheriff. Annual settlements were made with supervisors L.G. Edwards, C. Schosan, W. Hawkley, F. Moerer, John Cook, P.C. Newman, W.H. Lorance, H.F. Welch and J.P. Price; justices Henry M. Jones, J.G. Evan and Michael Brannon. Commissioners' Proceedings, Jan. 4. Bonds approved and filed for Peter Bergar, Justice of the Peace; S. Seaman, Constable; D.W. Shutliff, J.P.; Jacob Joring, Supervisor; Wm. Windschiffel Assessor; Charles Schafer Supervisor; J.G. Ewan J.P.; C.D. Dundor, Constable; F.F. Schick, J.P.; Thos Horn, Assessor; A. Gunison, J.P.; Wm S. Hacker Assessor; John K. Smith, Constable; S. Reed, Supervisor; John Cook, Supervisor. Commissioners' Proceedings Jan 4. B.B. Thompson, Assessor; John Frairicks, J.P.; A.W. Morgan, J.P.; J.K. Koster, Constable; Thomas Burress, J.P.; John B McCabe, Constable; J.H. Beery, Assessor; D. Plasters, Sheriff; J.S. Church, County Judge; Wilson E. Majors, County Clerk, and Joseph Leahy, Supervisor. John Tuxhorn was appointed Supervisor of Road Dist., No.1, Benton Precinct. Board adjourned.
1305 1/13/76 3 4-5 Nemaha County Commissioners' Proceedings. At Brownville, Jan 5, 1876. The following business was transacted; Settlements of W.G. Glasgow and J.W. Shook as road supervisors were approved; quarterly report of John Maxwell, Supt. Of poor farm approved; annual statements of Jno. P. Crother, Wesley Dundas, and J.M. Paulin as justices of the peace, approved; signing of the hand to indemnify B. Shellenberger. The bond given in the injuction case wherein $78,000 were in question, was approved. County Treas. was authorized to settle the taxes with 1st Nat'l Bank on the basis of $40,000. The tax on 5 town lots belonging to Mrs. Monroe was ordered remitted as she was unable to pay it. Ther jurors for next term of court were selected. The road districts in western portion of county were changed. A petition to change a road was presented by B.C. Parker and Wm C. Vandervort et al. County surveyor, Jones M. Hacker was ordered to view and report. The following road supervisors were appointed: Loudon Precinct: S.H. Clayton, J. Coulthand, H.F. Welch and J. Skeen. Benton Precinct: Albert Fass, David S. Hocker, and H. Plager. Bedford Precinct: A. Kearns and C. Schafer, Douglas Precinct; H.P. Freeman and P.C. Newman, Lafayette Precinct; Jno. B. Graham, Wm Graver, J.G. Ewan, N. Johnson, P. Berlet and Daniel Houston. Official bonds of the following were filed and approved: Wm. Howell, J.P.; C.B. Lee, Supervisor; A. P. Freeman, Supervisor; Peter Berlet, Supervisor; G.F. Shook, J.P.; Wm. Graver, Constable; Floyd Higgins, Constable; S.P. Robertson, Assessor David Kennison, Constable; H. Edminston, J.P.; Eer Philips, Supervisor; A.H. Gilmore, County Treas.; E. H. Buck, Constable; Michael Brannon, J.P.; N. Johnson, Supervisor; Geo T. Dustin, Constable; J.P. Thornton, Assessor; Jno. P. Crother, J.P.; J.M. Hacker, County Surveyor; Jno. Cook, Constable; Jno. W. Hagermann, Constable; R.B. Smith, J.P.; Louis Eagle, Constable; Charles Campbell, J.P.; H.M. Stover, Constable; Geo. M. Malone, Assessor; Geo. D. Malone, J.P.; Wm. M. Hannaford, J.P.;' E.E. Ebright, coroner; C.B. Lee, J.P.; D.W. Pierson, Co. Supt of Pub. Instruction; George w. Tate, Constable; P. Burke, Supervisor; Wm Hawxby, Supervisor; Simon Miller, J.P.; S.H. Clayton, Supervisor; J.J. Woodward, Supervisor; J.M. Paulew, J.P.; John Tuxhorn, Supervisor; J.G. Ewan, Supervisor; A. Kearns, Supervisor; A.B. Foss, Supervisor; D.S. Hacker, Supervisor; Jacob Shaffer, Supervisor, C Schwan, Assessor; A.J. Keen, Supervisor, Franz Moerer, Supervisor, C. Schwan, Assessor; F. Swartz, J.P; P.C. Newman, Supervisor; C. Schwan, Assessor; C. Schwan, Supervisor; A. J. Ritter, Supervisor; E.E. Ebright, J.P. Accounts allowed. General fund----$1290.50 County road----$344.99 County bridge----$811.33 Poor fund----$616.34 Total----$3063.16. Adjourned to meet Jan 11, 1876.
1305 11/10/70 2 3 Nemaha County Huge new safe installed in Clerk's office to hold county records.
1305 12/30/75 3 2 Nemaha County Commissioners start suit for restoration of bonds. See Judiciary.
1305 1/6/76 3 3 Nemaha County Mrs. M.G. Cook has bought the county right on G.R. Haughton's dress trimming machine. See Patent Machine.
1305 11/4/75 3 4 Nemaha County County treasurer's report of taxes collected between Sept. 30, 1874 and Sept 30, 1875.
1305 2/24/76 3 5 Nemaha County Rev. Isaac Cranmou married Walter R. Jarvis to Elizabeth Gillespie Febr. 24. See Marriage.
1305 1/5/71 2 5 Nemaha County Death of Jonas Hacker age 64. Served as Treasurer and sheriff of Nemaha county, and as Representative in 1859. See Death
1305 4/17/73 2 6 Nemaha County Defendant judgment in favor of plantiff Dirk Yelkin for $2. and cost.
1305 6/5/73 2 2 Nemaha County Delegation St. Joe Saengerfest Excursion on the Steamboat Mountainer.
1305 1/20/76 3 2 Nemaha County W.H. Drury anfd Miss Lizzie Simpson were married Jan. 8. See Marriage.
1305 3/3/70 2 8 Nemaha County Julius Gilbert, County Surveyor, Clifton, Nemaha County, Nebraska.
1305 6/19/73 2 2 Nemaha County Grange on Committee of Invitiation 4th of July at Brownville, Nebr.
1305 3/23/76 3 5 Nemaha County Has plenty of rain.
1305 1/6/76 3 4 Nemaha County Hooper, Henry died intestate June 15, 1872 in Nemaha County. See Judiciary - Hooper Estate.
1305 3/2/76 3 4 Nemaha County Land and livestock valuation. See Valuation.
1305 3/2/76 3 6 Nemaha County Land sale. D.K. Farnam has sold his farm to A.K. Farnam. See Land Sale.
1305 2/24/76 3 3 Nemaha County A.W. Morgan of Sheridan writes a long letter to the editor of the Advertiser telling why he believes the county seat should be more centrally located than it now is.
1305 7/8/69 1 4 Nemaha County North of Richardson, bounded on east by Missouri. Nemaha and tributaries water nearly every section in it. Population of 11,000.
1305 5/22/73 3 4 Nemaha County Oldest settler, Ben. Chapman, left for Texas last week to make his home. One of the oldest citizens in Nemaha County.
1305 12/22/70 4 1 Nemaha County Smallest county in the state except for Sarpy, has 53 school houses in use and others being built. Superintendent McGrew.
1305 7/8/69 3 1 Nemaha County Sqire Goosman moved to his large farm near Long's Bridge in Nemaha County from Atchison county, Missouri.
1305 5/19/70 2 6-7 Nemaha County Statement of receipts and expenditures of Nemaha County Nebraska from December 2, 1867 to October 1, 1868.
1305 1/20/76 3 3 Nemaha County Teachers' Association. First meeting. See Societies and Organizations.
1305 2/3/70 2 8 Nemaha County Thomas & Broady Attorneys in Nemaha County District Court for James H. Drain Plaintiff against Wm. S. Cark, Robert P. Hall and Henry J. Ruggles - to answer petition on Mar 14, 1876.
1305 2/10/76 3 4 Nemaha County Treasurers' Report. Balances Febr 1, 1876. General fund $437.21, Poor fund $48.19, Bridge fund $171.71, Precinct railroad fund $332.31. $5000. paid out to school districts during January.
0848 7/13/68 3 2 Nemaha County, Nebr. Will hold its fair at Brownvill, Nebr on Sept. 22, 23, 24 and 25. See Fair.
1305 1/22/74 1 4-5-6-7 Nemaha County County Commissioners meeting.
1305 10/16/73 3 4 Nemaha County Commissioners proceedings.
1305 12/11/73 2 4 Nemaha County Commissioners proceedings.
1305 11/16/73 2 3,4,5 Nemaha County District Court.
1305 6/5/73 4 1-2 Nemaha County Fair List of Premiums to be awarded to be held at Brownville. Sept. 24-25-26.
1305 4/10/73 4 1 Nemaha County Fair List of Premiums of Nemaha County Fair.
1305 7/6/73 3 5 Nemaha County Grangers Meeting at the Highland Church.
1305 12/2/69 2 1 Nemaha County, Nebraska District Court, now in session at Brownville, J.N. Shambaugh of Nebraska City bar, also A. Schoenheit of Falls City bar, are attending. James Wright, for assault with intent to kill, and Mr. Fifes, for counterfeiting County Warrants, each found guilty and given one year in States Prison. See Judiciary.
1305 12/9/69 2 5 Nemaha County, Nebraska James Million and Alice Dawson, both of above County, married by Judge A.W. Morgan. See Marriage.
1305 12/9/69 2 5 Nemaha County, Nebraska Marriage of Norman Caller, of Brownville, and Melissa A. Starry, above County, by Judge A.W. Morgan. See Marriage.
1305 12/2/69 2 4 Nemaha County, Nebraska Marriage of Stetson L. Swan, Esq of Brownville and Miss M. Elizabeth Sears, of Hartford, Conn. At Christ's Church in Brownville, by Rev. George R. Davis. See Marriage.
1305 12/9/69 2 5 Nemaha County, Nebr. Ter. William M. James and Elizabeth Jones both of said County, married by Judge A.W. Morgan. See Marriage.
0848 4/5/67 2 2-3 Nemaha District. Methodist comferance of Bishop and Clergy. Report of district by Mr. Pritchard, Treasurer. Nemaha City $17.50; Marysville $2.30; St. Stevens and Rulo $12; Table Rock $52; Tecumseh $0.60; Total $87.40. T.B. Lemon P.E. $80. J.G. Miller P.E. $16.10 Total $97.10. See Churches.
1305 4/17/73 2 6 Nemaha Driving Park Association. Defendants Charles Brown plaintiff, foreclosure judgment for $2,488.28.
1305 12/22/70 1 2 Nemaha River Iron Bridge at Tecumseh is finished. It is 130 feet long anf cost $3200. Tecumseh Chieftain.
1305 9/8/70 1 5 Nemaha River County Commissioners of Johnson County have appropriated $400 for the erection of a bridge.
1305 6/24/69 1 4 Nemaha (Great) River Table Rock in Pawnee County located on North Fork of,
0848 6/8/68 3 8 Nemaha River Valley is the destination of fifteen families from the county in which Muscatine is locasted. John H. Ake from Muscatine, Iowa accompanied them. See Emigrants.
1305 6/2/70 2 3 Nesbit, Hugh Youth of 16 escaped the Cheyenne Indians when they murdered Mr. Gere.
1305 7/14/70 1 5 Neville, (Captain) James Of Douglas County, elected on the executive Committee. See Societies and Organizations.
0848 11/2/68 3 3 Newcomb, H.R. Esq. A former citizen of this City but now of Little Rock, Arkansas, is visiting in the City. It has been five years since he was here and he notices great changes for the better in that time; he leaves for his home in a few days.
1305 2/2/71 2 6 New Hampshire Elected A.J. Cragin, U.S. Senator.
1305 2/2/71 2 6 New Jersey Elected F.T. Ferlinghuyser U.S. Senator.
0848 5/8/67 2 1 Newman, Mr. Near Fort Laramie. Stock driver off by the Indians. See Indian Depredations.
0848 10/23/68 3 3 Newman, Mr. Store in Nebraska City. See Real Estate Transactions.
1305 2/24/70 2 4 Newman, George A.1 Appointed Post Master at Wautiska. Saunders County.
1305 6/30/70 2 3 Newman, H. Of Plattsmouth was elected Grand Tyler of the Masonic Lodge, Also G.M. 2nd V. See Societies and Organizations.
1305 11/4/75 2 1 Newman, H.A. Owned the Pacific House which was destroyed by fire last week. See Pacific House.
1305 12/18/73 2 5 Newman, H.A. Revenue Collector for the District of Nebraska.
0848 3/25/67 3 2 Newman, Henry Nebraska City, Nebr. Bought the Gothic Corrall. See Real Estate Transactions.
1305 10/28/75 3 2 Newman, J.W. Attorney at law in Brownville has sold his interest. See Attorney.
1305 9/23/69 2 7 Newman, J.W. Attorney-at-law in office with Judge Morgan. Court House, Brownvill, Nebr. See Attorney.
1305 10/14/69 3 1 Newman, J.W. The new partner of O.B. Hewitt is a graduate of both the Literary and Law Departments of the Michigan University. See Attorneys.
1305 4/7/70 2 2 Newman, J.W. Nominated for Attorney of Brownville, Nebr.
1305 4/17/73 2 6 Newman, J.W. Was appointed bar examiner by Judge Gantt.
1305 10/21/75 3 4 Newman, P.C. Elected supervisor District No. 2, Couglas Precinct. See Election Returns.

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