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NSHS Territorial Newspaper Extraction Project

 Code  Date 18xx  Pg  Col   Subject   Extraction
1305 1/13/76 3 4 Newman, P.C. Supervisor. Bonds filed and approved. See Nemaha County. Commissioners' Proceedings.
1305 1/13/76 3 4 Newman, P.C. Supervisor, Annual settlement made. See Nemaha County. Commissioners; Proceedings. Jan 4.
1305 1/13/76 3 4 Newman, P.C. Was appointed road supervisor, Douglas Precinct, Dist. 3. See Nemaha County. Commissioners' Proceedings. Jan. 5.
1305 5/1/73 1 5 Newman, T.J. Appointed minister at Peru, Nebraska.1305
1305 5/15/73 3 5 Newman, T.J. Delivery of a Sermon at the Ministerial Association. June 12, 1873, Brownville, Nebr.
1305 5/6/69 2 4 New York J.T. Lloyd, patent revolving double maps. 23 Cortlandt Street, New York. See Trade.
1305 5/1/73 2 1 New York Governor Marcy of New York in January 1832, uttered the following memorable words which have ever since constituted the Civil Service reform. Part of the Democratic Platform.
0848 3/13/67 2 3 New York Rochester, Mar. 5, elected Democratic Mayor, 372 majority democratic gain 1396, 10 out of 15 alderman elected by democrats Troy, N.Y. Mar. 5, entire Democratic ticket, including Fleming, Mayor by 245 majority. Albany, N.Y. Wilson, Democrat elected, majority 244 and nearly entire city ticket. See Political Parties.
0848 1/15/68 1 4 News Depot N.S. Harding & Co., Largest and Cheapest stock in Nebraska. Books, writing paper, pens, envelopes, miscellaneous. Subscriptions for magazines and newspapers.
0848 7/15/67 2 2 Newsome, Major and wife. Guests on the Kate Kinney excursion from Nebraska City to Omaha. See Pastimes.
0848 5/3/67 3 1 Newsome, Major Mule team for end of railroad left Nebraska City. See Freighting.
0848 4/10/68 3 2 Newsome, Maj. Nebr. City, 2nd Ward Delegate, Nominating Convention. See Convention, Democratic.
0848 5/3/67 3 1 Newsome, Major Mule train for end of railroad. See Freighting.
0848 12/11/68 2 3 New York Market prices Dec. 10, of tobacco, cotton, flour, wheat etc in comparison with St. Louis and Chicago. See Prices.
0848 3/13/67 2 3 New York Rochester, Mar. 5, elected Democratic Mayor, 372 majority democratic gain 1396, 10 out of 15 alderman elected by democrats Troy, N.Y. Mar. 5, entire Democratic ticket, including Fleming, Major by 245 majority. Albany, N.Y. Wilson, Democrat elected, Majority 244 and nearly entire city ticket. See Political Parties.
1305 11/5/73 2 3 Newspapers Fairmont Bulletin.
1305 2/19/74 3 3 Newspapers, Nebraska Advertiser Editor of Nebraska Advertiser. Our appreciation of the Mayor as a citizen and a gentleman, agree to present him with a gold headed cane, being suitable token of out esteem.
0848 4/5/67 2 3 Nicholis, Rev. Preached in favor of missionary cause - China with 500,000,000 population had only 30 missionaries, at the Methodist conference of Bishop and clergy. See Churches.
0848 3/20/68 1 3 Nicholson, W.T. Nebraska City, Nebraaska. Submitted list of hardy fruits for Nebraska. See list given. See Horticulture.
1305 12/23/69 2 3 Nickel, A.W. Elected Senior Deacon of the Nemaha Valley Lodge A. Faud A.M.
1305 4/6/76 2 2-3 Nickel, A.W. Elected to a 2 yr term as trustee of Brownville school. See School
1305 12/23/69 2 2 Nickell, A.W. Elected C.G.M. 2d V
1305 12/2/75 3 4 Nickell, Mrs. A.W. Took part in M.E. Sunday School entertainment. See Amusements.
0848 10/30/68 2 4 Nickolls, George L. John H, Mason trustee, et al defendants vs Horation Vars, Otoe County district court, foreclosure of mortgage. See Legal Notice
0848 10/30/68 2 4 Nickolls, George L. Et al, defendants vs Horatio Vars, District court Otoe County. Mortgage foreclosure, note of $280. See Legal Notice.
1305 12/30/96 3 6 Nickols, Prof Has returned to his home at Ashland to regain his health.
1305 6/1/71 1 3 Nicholsen, A.M. Member of the Teachers Association meeting in Tecumseh.
1305 6/1/71 1 3 Nicholson, E.E. Member of the Teachers Association meeting in Tecumseh.
1305 12/11/73 1 3 Nickols, Prof. Albert, Peru Principal of Preparatory School
1305 10/20/70 2 4 Nims, Mr. Elected to the House of Nebraska Legislature from Richardson County.
1305 10/23/73 2 6 Nincehelser, I.A. Glen Rock Pct., Elected road Supervisor
1305 12/16/75 2 2 Niobiara Espiscopal Diocess Bishop Hare of the Niobiara Diocese lectured at Neward, N.J. on Indian Missions. See Indians
0848 7/15/67 3 2 Nishnabotana River Hamburg Trimes says:-- The cut off has necessarily made a great fall to the river, and the lowlands below town were completely drained on last Sunday notwithstanding the Missouri river was on the raise. This shortening will be of great benefit to that part of the country. Understand that a small steamboat is to be immediately put in operation between this place and Peru, on the Nishnabotana river, which stream has been pronounced navigable by old settlerrs, for large boats up as far as this place.
0848 3/13/67 2 5 Noble, Alexander Deceased, late of Otoe Co, Nebr. Estate of Robert Hawke executor of last will and testament of deceased. Probate Court, Otoe Co; May 13, Hearing for all interested. R.H. Dickey Probate Judge. See Legal Notice.
0848 3/16/68 3 2 Noble, James Hurt at Nebraska City. See Accident.
1305 2/10/76 2 1 Noble, Wm. A. Was recently arrested for incest. See Crime.
1305 6/19/73 3 2 Noil, Charley. Has charge of the Railroad Station at Saltello Lancaster County.
1305 1/27/76 3 4 Noris, Henry Struck solid rock while digging a well. See Topography and Soil.
1305 11/13/73 3 2 Normal School, Peru To be dedecated.
1305 2/2/71 2 6 North Carolina Elected Governor Vance, U.S. Senator
0848 4/10/68 3 2 Northcut, J.B. Nebr. City, 3rd Ward Delegate, Nominating Convention. See Convention, Democratic.
0848 4/10/67 2 5 North Platte Station on Union Pacific railroad is to be a loading point for Wells, Fargo & Co. Government Transportation contractors on Route 1, Omaha, and are prepared to load any number of mule teams with freight for the the Forts, until May 15; and any number of ox teams on April 20th. Also will purchase yearly supply of corn for Overland Mail Route. See Freighting.
0848 6/3/67 2 3 North Platte Bridge Detachment of the 4th Infantry under Captain Vodges. See Military.
0848 4/10/67 2 5 North Platte Station Union Pacific Railroad Wells, Fargo & Company. Government Traansportation contractors, Route 1. Load any number of mule teams from this point to all forts. See Freighting.
1305 3/17/70 2 1 North Platte F. Ward and James Bates were arrested for robbing the McLucas and Deck Jewelry Store and terribly beating a man by the name of Keef, a large lot of jewelry was found in their possession. A mob took the prisoners from the officers and hung them.
1305 3/30/76 2 4 North Platte Has organized a building association.
1305 5/8/73 1 4 North Platte Is situated about 3 miles from the junction of North and South Platte Rivers, there is a gradual descent from town to the two rivers making the town one of the most beautiful sites in the world.
1305 5/8/73 1 4 North Platte, U.P.R.R. The Union Pacific Railroad machine shops are located with a round house for 20 locomotives employing 75 to 100 hands.
1305 1/13/76 2 2 North Platte Joe Wilson awaits trial for mucking the Nebraskian office. See Judiciary
0848 5/15/67 3 2 North Platte Yesterday's Press in a communication dated North Platte states that every branch of industry except the printing business and gunsmithing is represented at that place. The writer is evidently mistaken, as our enterprising mechanics, Freund and Bro. of Nebraska City have a branch establishment at that place and keep on hand firearms of every description.
1305 11/4/75 2 2-3 N.W. Stage Company Robbed by A.W. Ellis. See Criminals.
1305 6/12/73 3 3 Norton G.W. To School district No 5 quit claim deed 1/2 acre N.E. 1/4 S. 20, T.6, R. 13. $2.
0848 2/28/68 3 3 Norton, Phillip Of Omaha, Nebraska, Candidate for marshal on democratic city ticket. See election candidates.
1305 5/8/73 3 4 Notice The firm Lett & Creigh has dissolved partnership. Thos. Creigh retiring and H.C. Lett continuing.
1305 4/17/73 2 7 Notice Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of the Articles of Incorporation of the St. Louis and Nebraska Trunk Railroad Company filed in the office of the Secretary of the State of Nebraska, on August 21st 1872. Books will be opened at Omaha on May 7th - 18, 1873
1305 11/3/70 3 5 Notice To notify all creditors of the firm of T.M. Green and Co., Peru, Nebraska, Mrs. J.M. Morrison is retiring from the firm.
1305 11/25/69 2 5 Notice W.T. Russel gives notice his wife Mrs. Juliette E. Russel has left his bed and board in Nemaha County Nebr. Without provocation. He will pay no bills made by her.
1305 3/17/59 2 7 Notice Stolen from me in the town of Brownville, N.T. on or about the 1st day of July 1857 Land Warrant # 54,212 for 160 acres issued under act of Mar. 3, 1855 to John Francisco who served under the name of John F. Sisco, warned not to purchase warrant. T.W. Bedford
1305 1/5/71 2 5 Notice, Dissolution of firm Firm of Medford and Howard dissolved by mutual consent.
1305 11/3/70 3 5 Notice, Dissolution of firm Partnership of Shellenberger Brothers in Hardware business is dissolved by mutual consent, D.M. Shellenberger, withdrawing.
1305 4/6/71 2 6 Notice, Firm Dissolution Deuser and Shurts Dissolved partnership by mutual consent.
1305 11/24/70 1 2 Notware (Col.) J.H. Appointed by the Governor as delegate to the Immigration Convention.
1305 6/12/73 1 8 Noxon E.H. Of Seward on executive committee. Patrons of Husbandry.
1305 12/11/73 1 3 Noyes, Vesta, Peru Teacher State Normal School.
0848 5/6/67 3 2 Nucholis, H. Elected alderman second ward of Nebraska City, total vote 191. See Election results
0848 5/3/67 3 2 Nucholls, Heth Nebraska City. Committee's choice for alderman for 2nd ward. See Convention, City.
0848 5/6/67 3 2 Nucholls, Heth Total vote for Heth Nuckolls for alderman 2nd ward, 191.
0848 4/6/68 2 1 Nuckolls, S.F. Dry Goods, sold in busy season about $30,000 per mo. See Cheyenne, Wyoming.
0848 1/15/68 2 2 Nuckolls, Hon. S.F. The founder of Nebraska City, left for the East.
0848 9/9/68 3 5 Nuckolls, S.F. Plaintiff vs John Irwin, Court dismissed the bill at the cost of the plaintiff. See Judicial.
0848 9/4/68 3 3 Nuckolls, Wm. Pitcher for Otoe Base Ball Team. See Base Ball.
1305 1/27/76 3 5 Nuckols County Sheriff Downer was serious hurt. See Downer.
1305 3/30/76 2 4 Nuckols County William M. Pruett was convicted for murder recetly. See Murder.
1305 2/26/74 1 4 Nuckols County Investment in school facilities.
1305 4/13/71 2 2 Nursery Hill, Otoe County Fire consumed flour mills and caused an $8000 loss. Mr. McKee one of the proprietors also had his wheat stacks burned six months ago.
0848 8/31/68 2 1 Nursery Hill Post Office Democratic meeting of Syracuse precinct on Friday. See Political Parties. Democratic.
1305 5/1/73 1 5 Oak Creek Rev.W.B.M. Colt appointed minister at Oak Creek, Nebraska.
1305 5/1/73 1 5 Oakdale Rev. Hiram Keith appointed minister at Oakdale Nebraska.
1305 11/4/69 2 5 Obituary Death of Col. William Baumer, Brownville, Neb. Nov 1, 1869.
1305 5/8/73 1 7 Obituary Shacknasty, Jack
0848 12/11/68 3 1 O'Brien, Mr. Arrested in St. Louis for stealing. See Outlaws.
0848 7/15/67 3 2 O'Brien, Mr. Murdered. Trial of John McFarland. See Judiciary.
1305 6/24/69 2 O'Brien, Mrs. Lived above Schoen and Company clothing store on Farnam Street in Omaha. Was injured when building collapsed.
0848 9/16/68 3 2 O'Brien, David Bought the undivided 1/4 of the Willoughby lot in Nebraska City for $530. See Real Estate Transactions.
0848 7/3/67 3 2 O'Brien, John Nebraska City. Killed by John McFarland. See Murder.
1305 5/1/73 2 6 Ocean Steamer History of the first Ocean Steamer built in New York, finished 1819 was 300 tons.
1305 10/21/75 3 4 O'Conner, F. Elected Judge of Election of Island Precinct. See Election Return.
1305 12/1/70 3 4 Odell, Andrew Of Nemaha County married to Mary J. Creath of Brownville, Nebraska.
1305 7/21/70 2 6 Oestmann, Fred For detailed specifications for Hickory Grove school house apply to Fred Oestmann, Peter Hops and Barney Oestmann. See Building.
0848 8/17/68 3 3 Officer, Thomas Trustee for Elias A. White, deceased. See Legal Notice.
1305 10/21/75 3 4 Ogalallas Charles Collins editor of the sioux City Times has reliable information concerning an intended uprising. See Indians.
1305 10/30/73 3 3 Ogden, J.C. Real estate transfer from P. Fraker.
1305 11/13/73 3 5 Ogden, J.C. Real estate transfer to W.T. Durrett.
0848 1/30/68 3 3 Old Settlers Meeting See Societies & Associations
1305 7/14/70 1 5 Olinger, William G. Of Burt County, elected on the executive committee of the Old Soldiers Association. See Societies & Organizations.
0848 8/21/68 3 3 Oliver, Dr. And Rev. Geo. Gasman assisted Rev. Bishop Clarkson in the consecration in Peru of the new St. Mary's Episcopal church.

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