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NSHS Territorial Newspaper Extraction Project

 Code  Date 18xx  Pg  Col   Subject   Extraction
1305 10/20/70 2 5 Omaha Smelter and refinery to be erected by Omaha Smelting Works.
1305 8/18/70 2 4 Omaha The employees of the Omaha Post Office presented the retiring postmaster George B. Smith with a gold headed cane.
1305 9/1/70 1 3 Omaha Eighteen carloads of seal skins from Alaska passed through last week.
1305 11/24/70 2 3 Omaha Redick's new Opera House at Omaha was formally opened by the Old Folks Concert for the benefit of Trinity Church.
1305 5/12/70 2 1 Omaha Damages estimated at $75,000 resulted from the terrific rain and wind storm that lasted forty-eight hours. It blew down and razed many buildings, and unroofed two fine halls.
0848 2/18/67 2 1 Omaha Delegates to state legislature, regardless of party, stood by the rights of Otoe County so that she still holds her just position and power in the legislature. See Otoe County.
1305 12/2/69 2 5 Omaha Douglas County , Nebraska. Wyoming coal is being brought to Omaha in great quantities by the Union Pacific Railroad and is taking the place of Eastern coal here. See Industry
1305 12/9/75 3 1 Omaha Good Samaritan Hospital will have L.B. Arnold as general practitioner. See Good Samaritan Hospital.
1305 2/9/71 2 4 Omaha Is having trees seven inches through set out along sidewalks on business streets.
0848 6/25/67 2 1 Omaha Editorial. Remains Omaha, with the capitol or without it. The shrill whistle of her railroads; the rumble of her tireless machinery; the resistless enterprise and pluck of her people, together with her geographical position, can never be legislated away from her, and she will continue a living pleasure and pride to every generous-minded citizen of the state. As citizens of the Commericial Emporium of Southern Nebraska, every inhabitant of Nebraska City will do well to emulate the energy, the courage, the self-reliance, and public spiritedness of the business men of Omaha. They have worked well together, and they have achieved well deserved success.
0848 5/29/67 2 3-4 Omaha, Nebr. And Nebraska City, each have about 8000 inhabitants. Omaha the advantage of the capitol and east and west railroad connection but Nebraska City with the best country. See Nebraska Growth & Development.
0848 3/27/67 2 4 Omaha, Nebr. Steam fire engine tested. See Fire Protection.
0848 3/11/67 3 1 Omaha Potter's Theatre closed by United States revenue collector. See Taxation.
1305 6/12/73 2 1 Omaha Will have a free delivery of mail July 1st by 4 carriers.
0848 3/13/67 2 1 Omaha Has secured the building of the railroad bridge across the Missouri river at foot of Farnam Street. The "Herndon House" is to be made into offices for the Pacific Railroad Co. See Bridge, Railroad.
0848 4/24/67 2 3 Omaha, Nebr. Damage from flood. See Missouri River.
0848 4/17/67 2 5 Omaha City Nebr. Ter. H.B. Henman, Supt Indian Affairs. Bids for cattle for Indian service. See Bids.
0848 5/3/67 2 5 Omaha City Nebr. Ter. H.B. Henman, Supt Indian Affairs. Bids for cattle for Indian service. See Bids.
0848 5/3/67 2 5 Omaha, Nebr. 200 head of horses for Indian service. Office Supt, Indian affairs. See Bids.
0848 4/17/67 3 1 Omaha, Nebr. High water effect on value of bottom land. See Land Values.
0848 9/11/68 3 2 Omaha Land Office moved to West Point. See Land Office removal.
0848 7/8/68 3 2 Omaha, Nebr. Nebraska Detictive Agency.
0848 5/22/67 3 1 Omaha, Nebraska Line to Nebraska City out of repair at Platte river. See Telegraph.
0848 4/26/67 2 2 Omaha, Nebr. Mammoth parsnip. See Vegetation.
1305 11/18/69 2 1 Omaha The eposcopal church burned last week. It was insured for $10,000.
1305 12/30/75 2 1 Omaha M.E. Church Conference Trustees ask Omaha for 300 acres and $10,000 to build a church university in Omaha. See Schools.
0848 4/5/67 2 2-3 Omaha District Methodist conference of Bishop and clergy. Report of district by Mr. Pritchard, Treasurer. Omaha $93; Bellevue $5; Elk Horn $16.05; Fremont $15.50; De Sota $5; Decatur $19.15; Total $150.70.
0848 3/6/67 2 1 Omaha Glorious democratic victory, 389 majority. Straight issue negro suffrage. See Election Results.
0848 2/28/68 3 3 Omaha, Nebr. List of nominations on the democratic city ticket. See Election Candidates.
0848 3/11/67 2 1 Omaha Negroes not allowed to vote at the municipal election March 4, 1867. Nebraska constitution only extends the right to vote to white men. Congress and a radical legislature tried to amend this but it stands unamended. See Negroes.
0848 9/16/68 3 2 Omaha Registered voters, 3300. See Election Registration.
1305 5/1/73 1 5 Omaha Rev. J.M. Adair appointed minister of Omaha Mission.
1305 6/19/73 3 3 Omaha Dr. Bruce Arnold has located in Omaha, Nebr.
1305 4/6/76 3 1 Omaha Rev. Brith received $200 at a donation party. See Amusements.
1305 12/9/75 2 2 Omaha Henry Brost, hotel cook has fallen heir to $80,000. See Legacies.
0848 12/16/68 3 2 Omaha, Nebr. Attorney Brown has purchased around fifty lots in Lincoln during the past six months. See Real Estate Transactions.
0848 12/30/68 3 1 Omaha, Nebr. Otto Christman, public caterer takes own life. See Suicide.
1305 8/18/70 2 3 Omaha General Amaza Cobb, member of Congress from Wisconsin will live in Omaha after his term expires in March.
1305 5/1/73 1 5 Omaha Rev. Clark Wright appointed Minister 1st Church, Omaha, Nebraska.
0848 2/26/68 3 2 Omaha, Directory Mr. Collins of Directory notoriety, engaged in getting up a directory for Omaha was in Nebraska City yesterday.
0848 1/15/68 3 3 Omaha, Nebr. Eberhart and Wyman's store, fire in rear. List of establishments burned. See Fire.
0848 4/5/67 3 1 Omaha Firm, Brown, Koutze & Co. have just bought 40,000 bushels of corn raised in Otoe County. See Agriculture.
0848 3/25/67 3 2 Omaha, Nebr. Rahath and Luckey arrested in Nebraska City for robbery. See Outlaws.
1305 10/21/69 2 5 Omaha A Swede named Lawson was drowned in a well.
0848 6/21/67 3 1 Omaha, Nebr Judge Lowe holds District Court next week. See Judiciary.
1305 5/1/73 1 5 Omaha G.W. DeLa Matyr Presiding Elder Omaha District.
1305 10/21/69 2 5 Omaha Mr. Lawson, a Swede was drowned in a well at Omaha on Tuesday.
1305 4/24/70 2 1 Omaha Major B.F. Lushbough and family have moved to Omaha to make their home.
0848 3/8/67 2 1 Omaha Establishment of the Omaha Herald. From the beginning spring into active life and ranked high in newspaporial and political world. Dr. George L. Miller, editor in chief, Democratic. See Press.
1305 12/2/75 2 1 Omaha (Annie) Wilson was robbed of money and jewelry while drunk. See Crime.
1305 5/1/73 1 5 Omaha Rev. J.H. Presson appointed minister 2nd Chruch. Omaha, Nebraska.
1305 2/24/76 2 1 Omaha C.E. Yost has resigned as post master. See Mails.
0848 9/4/68 3 2 Omaha, Soldiers barracks. Contract building. See Military.
0848 5/22/67 3 1 Omaha, Nebr. F.M. MacDouagh, local editor of Omaha Herald, received entire democratic vote of legislature for assistant clerk, but not enough to elect.
0848 12/7/68 3 3 Omaha, Nebr. Omaha Evening Times. See Press.
0848 5/31/67 2 1-2 Omaha Herald Of Omaha, Nebraska. News of death of William A. Little, Chief Justice of Nebraska. Exchange from Chicago Times.
0848 6/17/67 2 2-3 Omaha Republican Friday June 14, Article Nebraska Legislature. See Land Stealing.
0848 4/29/67 3 1 Omaha, Nebr. Officers of the Omaha Baseball Club. See Societies & Organizations.
0848 4/29/67 3 1 O'Neil, James. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Report of flood in Iowa. See St. Marys Flood.
1305 9/22/70 2 1 Ongett, (Rev.) L.C. Appointed to the Blue River Mission by the Methodist Conference.
1305 6/12/73 1 8 Onyett, L.C. Of Lincoln Chaplain. Patrons of Husbandry.
1305 12/2/75 3 4 O'Pelt, Eva Took part in M.E. Sunday School program. See Amusements.
1305 7/21/70 2 8 Oppenheimer One of defendants sued by Teare anfd Furnas over notes. See Legal Notice.
1305 9/8/70 1 6 Opperman, Dr. Is making a medical reputation for himself in this section.
0848 1/17/68 3 3 Oppenheimer, E.S. Arrived in Nebraska City from Cheyenne City.
0848 5/8/68 2 6 Oppenheimer, E.S. Nebraska City, Nebr. See Clothing Store.
1305 Opperman, Dr. Delivered a 9 pound boy to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sturk. See Births.
1305 11/4/75 3 8 Opperman, Dr. Is building a horse and carriage barn in Sheridan.
1305 5/5/70 1 5 Opperman, Dr. Teacher of District No. 26, Pupils on the roll 28.
0848 7/26/67 3 1 Oppenheimer, Mr. E.S. Of Nebraska City has started a branch clothing Store at Julesburg.
0848 1/15/68 2 4 Oppenheimer, Moses Co-partnership firm at Nebraska City, Nebr. Of Rich, Oppenheimer & Co. dissolved. Sidney a. Shepperd, retiring. See Dissolution.
0848 9/23/68 3 2 Oppenheimer, Moses See Salt.
1305 10/14/69 2 5 Ordnince Prohibiting the erection of Wooden Buildings on certain portions of Main Street by the City Council of the City of Brownville, Nebraska. G.W. Fairbrother Mayor, J.C. McNaugton, Clerk
1305 2/2/71 2 6 Oregon Elected J.J. Kelly U.S. Senator.
1305 10/14/69 3 1 Oriental and Bible Lands, U.S. Government Hon. I.S. Diehl late U.S. Cousul at Java and U.S. Commissioner to Asia will lecture the Court House room in Brownville to-morrow evening Oct. 15.
1305 1/6/76 2 1 Orleans Hon. E.M. Hungerford, editor of the Sentinel died Jan 3d. See Deaths.
0848 4/20/68 3 4 Orr, A.W. Co-partnership with A.A. Arrison, Nebr. City. See Dissolution.
0848 10/7/68 2 4 Orr, A.W. Nebraska City Household and Polar furniture. See Furniture.
1305 5/1/73 1 5 Orr, J.S. Apppointed Minister at Covington, Nebr.
1305 5/1/73 1 5 Orr, J.S. Appointed Minister at Dakato Nebraska.
0848 5/6/68 2 5 Orton, Bros. Great Southwestern Circus. See Circus.
1305 5/1/73 1 5 Orville Rev. C.L. Smith appointed minister at Orville, Nebraska.
1305 10/23/73 2 4 Osborn, J.M., Pawnee Co., Elected County Superintendent
0848 2/271 1 4 Osborn, J.M. Superintendent of schools in Pawnee County.
1305 3/16/76 3 2 Osborne, S.A. Has been admitted to the bar. See Judiciary
1305 5/1/73 1 5 Osceola Rev. J. Frazer appointed minister at Osceola, Nebraska.
1305 8/4/70 2 1 OSullivan Publisher of the Dakota City Mail. F.M. McDonagh Editor. See Press.
1305 7/21/70 2 6 Otens, Barney Sealed bids received at his home in Washington Precinct, for building Hickory Grove School House. See Building.
1305 7/21/70 3 2 Otens, Barney Farmer in Washington Precinct has the best orchard west of Nemaha. See Agriculture.
1305 10/14/69 2 2 Otens, Barney Has a bearing orchard in Johnson County.
1305 11/5/73 2 5 Otoe Indian Deligation visited Washingon D.C. to confer with Commissioner of Indian Affairs; they have agreed to sell half their reservation comprising 80,000 acres in Nebr. provided by Congress.

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