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NSHS Territorial Newspaper Extraction Project

 Code  Date 18xx  Pg  Col   Subject   Extraction
0848 7/1/67 3 1 Otoe County District Court in Nebraska City. 114 civil cases; 30 criminal and 30 chancery cases. See Judiciary.
0848 5/13/68 3 4 Otoe County, Nebraska Order by the District Court of Nebr. For Otoe Co. notice of administrator of estate of George W. Davenport, deceased, will sell at public auction on May 23, 1868, to highest bidder following real estate in Nebr. City; Undivided 1/2 of the W 1/2 of lot 5, Block 74. G.W. Groat, Admin.
0848 6/25/67 2 4 Otoe County Examination for County teachers. See Schools.
0848 4/17/67 3 1 Otoe County Has the best Court House, best School Building and gives the biggest Democratic majority of any county in Nebraska.
1305 1/6/76 3 4 Otoe County The Hooper Estate case was tried in district court Dec. 21 and 22, 1875. See Judiciary - Hooper Estate.
0848 5/31/67 2 4 Otoe County Bridge and road repair needed. See Roads, southwest.
0848 3/16/68 3 3 Otoe County The new seal for Otoe County, State of Nebraska arrived last evening. The design is very handsome, representing a sheaf of grain, a plow and a rake.
0848 7/31/67 2 1 Otoe County Policy of Nebraska City News. On issuance of evidence or debt by City, town, county or state; for railroad grades etc. See Bonds, Otoe County.
0848 3/13/67 2 1 Otoe County Members of the state legislature are being charged by Peoples Press with bad acts relative to the Ferry Franchise at Nebraska City. The Press eulogizes the father of the bill to deprive Otoe county of part of her representation. Nebraska City News asks the Press to publish the act and prove the statements of the News false. Members of Otoe County made to believe the railroad interests of Nebr. City demanded the legislation. See Ferries, Nebr. City.
0848 7/15/68 2 3.4.5 & 6 Otoe County Statement of the expenditures of the different funds of Otoe County, Nenbraska from July 1st, 1867 to July 7th, 1868. Geo. R. McCallum, County Clerk.
0848 9/16/68 3 4 Otoe County Synopsis of state of School lands. See Lands, School.
0848 4/13/68 3 2 Otoe County Application for bridge. See Bridges.
0848 2/26/68 3 4 Otoe Co. National Bank Nebraska City, Nebr. New home. See Buildings.
0848 1/15/68 1 1 Otoe County Nat. Bank Nebraska City, Nebr. See Banking.
0848 5/1/67 2 2 Otoe County, Nebr. Specimens of coal smut or coal bloom found on banks of Squaw Creek. Also four Mile Creek. See Geology.
0848 4/1/67 3 1 Otoe County, Court has been in session at Nebraska City. See Judiciary.
0848 6/17/67 2 1 Otoe County District court held by Chief Justice Mason third Monday in March, June, Sept. and Dec. See Judiciary.
0848 4/17/67 3 1 Otoe County, Nebr. Emigrants from Texas on the way to Nebr. City. See emigrants.
0848 3/6/67 2 6 Otoe County, Ferry Company. Have a new steam ferry boat "Nebraska City No 2" for the 1867 trade and will make regular trips every hour of the day when weather permits. Nebraska City, Nebr. See Ferries.
0848 1/19/68 3 4 Otoe County, Ferry Company. New steam ferry Nebraska City No 2, making regular trips every hour. See Ferries.
0848 2/28/68 2 4 Otoe County, Ferry Company. New steam ferry Nebraska City No 2, making regular trips every hour. See Ferries.
0848 5/31/67 3 1 Otoe County Grass hoppers reported in Otoe precinct. See Grasshoppers.
0848 5/3/67 3 1 Otoe County Contract for trees in Court House square in Nebraska City. See Trees.
0848 4/24/67 3 2 Otoe County Palmyra Precinct, Steva A Meachan. Syracuse Precinct. Hendricks Precinct, D.T. McDonald. Williams Precinct, McWilliams. Deleware Precinct, Williamson. Members of Committee to solicit southern aid. See Societies & Organizations.
0848 9/9/68 3 3 Otoe County Teachers Institute. See Schools.
0848 9/25/68 3 3 Otoe County No county in the State can boast of as many or as fine school buildings. See Schools.
0848 7/29/67 3 1 Otoe County Five families direct from England have taken homesteads in Palmyra precinct. See Settlers.
0848 5/29/67 2 2 Otoe County, Nebr. Property assessment for the year 1867. Total valuation, acres listed and value of same. Value town lots; capital in merchandise, manufactures etc; number of livestock and value; vehicles etc. Valuation in 1860 to 1865 inclusive. See Valuation.
0848 10/23/68 3 2 Otoe County bonds See Railroads, Midland Pacific.
0848 1/6/68 2 1 Otoe County Organization for purpose of discussing subjects of interest to farmers. See Farmer's Alliance.
0848 2/14/68 3 3 Otoe County, Nebr. Osage Orange used for fencing by farmers. See Horticulture.
0848 6/7/67 3 1 Otoe County Palmyra Precinct has a large colony of English people. See Emigration.
0848 4/10/67 3 2 Otoe County A stranger, native of England, injured by discharge of gun. See Accident.
0848 6/14/67 3 1 Otoe County Sunday School Association. O.H. Irish, Pres. B.M. Davenport, Secy. See Societies & Organizations.
0848 3/8/67 3 2 Otoe County Sunday School Association annual meeting. Election of officers. See Societies & Organizations.
0848 7/15/67 3 2 Otoe County Nat. Bank Nebraska City, Nebr. Statement of July 1867. See Banking.
0848 10/30/68 2 1 Otoe County Railroad Bonds. Editorial. Of $150,000 to the Midland Pacific Railroad Company, the validity of which will be tested in the courts and that the assessment and collection of the taxes, to pay the interest upon said bonds issued by Otoe County to the aforesaid railroad will be lawfully resisted before the proper tribunals. Everyone knows that the vote "adopting the question" is not valid, because it did not likewise adopt the amount of tax to be levied to meet the liability incurred".
0848 6/5/67 3 2 Otoe County Damage by grasshoppers. See Grasshoppers.
0848 6/3/67 2 1 Otoe County Larger quantity of potatoes planted than ever before; yield from 400 to 600 bushels to the acre. Fruit unhurt by frost. See Agriculture.
0848 4/20/68 3 2 Otoe County, Nebr. Quinces and apricots killed by late frosts - peaches and pears unhurt. See Horticulture.
0848 4/17/67 3 2 Otoe County, Nebr. Will raise enough to feed all New England. See Agriculture.
0848 3/20/68 3 2 Otoe County Demand for farm implements. See Agriculture.
0848 5/4/68 3 2 Otoe County Crop Prospects. See Agriculture.
0848 6/10/68 1 2 Otoe County Crop report and prices. See Agriculture.
0848 6/21/67 3 2 Otoe County Fear of Grasshoppers destroying crops, plans for planting buckwheat. See Agricultural.
0848 4/5/67 3 1 Otoe County 40,000 bushels of corn raised in the county were sold today to Brown, Kountze & Co. of Omaha. See Agriculture.
0848 7/17/68 3 2 Otoe County Estimate Corn average per bushel. See Agriculture.
0848 6/10/68 1 2 Otoe County Fruits, Aee Agriculture.
0848 9/25/68 3 2 Otoe County Grain brought to Nebraska City and sold. See Agriculture.
0848 4/17/67 3 1 Otoe County Nebraska, 90 bushels of oats were raised to the acre by Mr. Pendleton of that county in 1866. See Agriculture.
0848 4/29/68 3 4 Otoe County Wheat, Grasshoppers. See Agriculture.
0848 4/29/67 2 1 Otoe County County Commissioners receive resignations and order special election to fill vacancies in state legislature. See election, special.
0848 5/3/67 3 6 Otoe County, Nebr. Election to fill vacancy of DeForest P. Rolfe as representative to state legislature. See Election.
0848 5/6/67 2 1 Otoe County Democratic ticket for members of House of Representatives to fill vacancies. See election Candidates, special.
0848 5/8/68 2 1 Otoe County Special election May 11, to fill vacancy in state legislature of D.P. Rolfe, representatiove. See Proclamation, Governor.
0848 5/8/67 2 1 Otoe County, Nebraska Two special elections. See Proclamation, Governor.
0848 4/29//67 Otoe County, Nebraska Two special elections. See Election, Special.
0848 8/2/67 3 1 Otoe County Hon. S.H. Calhoun has now a complete "abstract of titles" for Otoe County and is prepared to give any individual a correct title to any block or piece of land in the county.
0848 6/7/67 3 1 Otoe County J.W. Conger of the McWilliams Precinct says the grasshoppers have gone from that locality. There is no vacant land in the precinct except that which is held by speculators and valued very highly, especially for taxation. Crops promise well, wheat, corn and oats are all good, but the wheat is best.
0848 5/20/67 3 2 Otoe County Crawford, James to Miss Emma Tarramt, May 9. See Marriage.
0848 3/13/67 2 5 Otoe County vs Claims against estates of Day D. Garrow, Alexander Noble, George W. Davenport; William H. Carman, Thomas M. Chivington, James M. Self, Sarah A. Hulin. Probate Court: April 8, May 13, June 10, July 8, Aug. 12, Sept. 9. dates for hearing said claims. R.H. Dickey, Probate Judge. See Legal Notice.
0848 7/29/67 1 Otoe County R.C. Elvin presides over a thriving congregation of Josephites, folowers of Joseph Smith, Jr. See Mormons.
0848 7/1/67 2 2,3,4,5,6 Otoe County, Nebr. Hon. A.F. Harvey introduced in the legislature, an act to provide for registry of school lands. See School Land Law.
0848 7/10/67 3 1 Otoe County Cases of both Hepitate Girardot and of Ida and August Warrens and others, both cases for assault and battery were up in District Court today. See Judiciary.
0848 12/14/68 3 3 Otoe County Dr. N.B. Larsh to act as physician to the prisoners and the poor of the county. See Relief, County.
0848 6/21/67 2 1 Otoe County Delegation to Legislature not responsible for land stealings et; Senators Reeves and Wardell. See Railroad grant, Northern Air Line. See also Land Stealings.
0848 6/21/67 2 2-3 Otoe County Delegation to Legislature not responsible for land stealings et; Senators Reeves and Wardell. See Railroad grant, Northern Air Line. See also Land Stealings.
0848 6/21/67 2 3 Otoe County H. Kennedy. County School Examiner. See Schools.
0848 4/3/67 3 2 Otoe County Probate Court. Hearing of appointment of D.M. Martin for administrator of estate of Andrew Jasen, deceased. See Legal Notice.
0848 12/15/67 3 1 Otoe County Hon. D.P. Rolfe, member of Nebraska Legislature. See Rolfe, Hon. D.P.
0848 4/5/67 3 1 Otoe County Should the new Receiver of U.S. Land Office, Mr. H. Kennedy of New York, prove to be a conservative, his vote will add one to the democratic majority of the county, if a Radical, he will be the 225th. See Land Office.
0848 4/24/67 3 2 Otoe County, Nebr. Otoe Precinct, Rev. Cake, John Hays, Hon. John Graves. Members of committee to solicit southern aid. See Societies & Organizations.
0848 4/24/67 3 2 Otoe County Wyoming Precinct, G.W. Hunter, Capt. D.M. Anderson, Marquis B. Corbin. Committee to solict southern aid. See Societies & Organizations.
0848 7/8/68 3 2 Otoe County Hon. James Thorn was appointed County Treasurer by the County Commissioners in place of Mills S. Reeves, resigned.
0848 5/3/67 3 2 Otoe County James Thorn of Syracuse precinct has returned from the east.
0848 10/30/68 2 4 Otoe County Horatio Vars, plaintiff vs Milton D. Anderson et al, District Court. See Legal Notice.
0848 4/10/67 2 6 Otoe County District Court, J.A. Ware, plantiff vs. E.B. Schutt and A.P. Morton, defendants. Answer on May 27, 1867, on petition to obtain payment on note or $3400. See Legal Notice.
0848 12/16/68 2 3 Otoe County District Court, Jacob Wesner vs J.S. Bender and H.B. Horton. See Legal Notice.
0848 10/23/68 3 3 Otoe County, Nebr. List of deeds and mortgages recorded by E. Ross White, Deputy County Clerk and Recorder from October 1866 to October 1868 inclusive. See Land Transfers.
0848 2/26/74 1 4 Otoe County Investment in school facilities.
0848 7/15/67 3 2 Otoe County National Bank Nebraska City, Nebr. Ter. Quarterly report of condition on first Monday of July 1867. Julian Metcalf, Cashier, James Sweet, Notary Public. See Banks.
0848 7/1/67 3 4 Otoe Lodge No 4. Independent Order of G.T. Strawberry Festival on July 4th. Committees for. See Societies & Organizations.
0848 4/10/67 2 5 Overland Mail Route Wells, Fargo & Company will purchase at North Platte Station on Union Pacific R.R. their yearly supply of corn. See Freighting.
0848 4/29/67 2 3 Overland Route Outrages via the Smoky Hill Cheyennes and Sioux moving westward. See Indian Outrages.
1305 5/8/73 2 5 Overman Mr. and others Taking a Photograph at St. Dervin District School Exercises.
0848 3/8/67 3 1 Outlaws While Mr. A. Angel was attending prayer meeting last Wed. evening, an unpricipled scoundrel entered his shop through the window, for the purpose of "clearing" out the establishment. He left, without booty, evidently frightened off.

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