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 Code  Date 18xx  Pg  Col 
0848 9-28-68 3 2
The auction room of Morrison, Tomlin & Hicklin, was entered and goods to the amount of $400 to $600 taken. Entrance gained by cutting the window sash. Government overcoats, pants, shirts, boots, etc. were taken.
0848 6-20-68 3 2
The barn of John Butler was entered and a sot of harness and a buggy was made away with.
0848 2-21-68 3 4 Outlaws Abiding place of John Reed, John Wade and writer over Reed's Drug Store, clothing taken.
0848 6-3-67 3 1 Outlaws J. H. Catron had a valuable mule and horse stolen from the other side of the river on May 28. The thief was pursued and captured at Plum Hollow on the 30th, the stock recovered, and they brought back the boots and spurs of the thief. The mule was insured for $26?.
0848 5-15-68 3 3 Outlaws A daring burglarly was committed yesterday two miles from the City. Mr. Gentry, a farmer allowed an itenerate thief to remain in his house over night, in the morning the lodger was found missing and Mr. Gentry's trunk broken open and $200 taken.
0848 8-28-68 3 2 Outlaws The dwelling house of Dr. Thomas on California St. was entered last night by a burglar while the family was asleep and his pantaloons with $2O to $25 was carried off. Entrance gained through open window.
0848 6-5-67 3 1 Outlaws Governor Fletcher has offered a reward of $300 for the arrest of each of the twelve or fourteen scoundrels who robbed the Richmond Bank and killed the mayor and two citizens of that place on the 22nd.
0848 12-4-68 3 1 Outlaws James Gardner, George Caidwell, and William Sparkman, colored men changed their boarding place this morning from Kearney Ward to one of the cells under the Court House for stealing three coats from Reis & Bro. clothing store last evening.
0848 3-18-67 3 2 Outlaws Sheriff Hail arrived in the city yesterday morning from an extensive chase through Iowa and Nebraska, after a man named Hiram Howell who had stolen a horse from Mr. Cowdin in the vicinity of Filmore and sold him in this city. The thief was traced to Hamburg and from there to a point opposite to Peru; he had been married the day before. The sheriff took him to Nebraska City to lock him up.
0848 3-23-68 3 3 Outlaws John Hardy who is suspected of having been concerned in the recent robberies at Black Hills, and who shot a man named Clark at Cheyenne, was arrested at Dale City. Sweetwater Mines
0848 4-17-68 3 2 Outlaws Mr. Hammon Esq., one of the most thrifty farmers of is county, was robbed April 16th of two valuable horses.
0848 6-7-67 3 1 Outlaws Horse stealing has commenced again in Nebraska City. A valuable animal belonging to Barry Simpson was taken on Wednesday night.
0848 6-8-68 3 2 Outlaws Bill Lewis, a notorious hard case was indicted by the Grand Jury of Atchinson County, Missouri on charges of being instrumental in the killing of William Robinson about two years ago. Lewis was known during the war as the "center post" of the jayhawkers and the Union League which infested Missouri and Kansas
0848 6-12-67 3 3 Outlaws Tom Little who was recently arrested at St. Louis, was brought to Warrensburg and placed in jail; on the 5th, 400 mounted men surrounded the jail and took Little and hung him to a tree. He was engaged in the Richmond bank robbery.
0848 5-20-63 3 2 Outlaws John McFarland who was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to hard labor in the Penitentiary for four was reprieved by Governor Butler.
0848 8-2-67 2 5 Outlaws Fred Marconnit, does this day deny the charge of saying that B. S. Hayden's boys were guilty of stealing a horse or horses, or that either of them was in jail. And furthermore that I believe them to he honest genteel boys, and that I have always spoken of them as such.
0848 9-21-68 3 2 Outlaws Sheriff Moore brought back from St. Louis, High Barnes, who fled from his bondsmen early in the summer. He was found in Leavenworth and is now in the Nebraska City jail.
0848 4-17-68 3 3 Outlaws Sheriff Moore received word from Plattsmouth describing a theif name. George Patterson who had stolen a lot of clothing, and other traps, including a snail horse. He was arrested this morning.
0848 5-17-6 3 2 Outlaws Nine head of horses and ponies were stolen from this city on Thursday evening.
0848 3-18-67 3 2 Outlaws A pair of large mules belonging to John Carlyle were taken from Main Street last night.
0848 2-28-68 3 3 Outlaws Piattsmouth Herald says some vagabond stole two watches and a suit of clothes from the residence of Mrs. Decker. Sheriff and a party of assistants finally arrested him in Nebraska City where he had disposed of the watches.
0848 3-25-67 3 2 Outlaws Rahath and Luckey, from Omaha, were arrested late last night by Marshal Hickey, on a charge of absconding from Omaha with $1600 not belonging to them. $830 were found upon Rahath, they were confined in county jail. Mr. Luckey being in no way implicated in the affairs was released later.
0848 1-19-68 3 2 Outlaws Residence of Mr. Richard White, on California Street, was entered and a valuable dress and sold pencil case was stolen.
0848 2-26-68 3 2 Outlaws John P. Reynolds was tried before Justic Pierce, on a charge of stealing a horse from William Hurst of Wyoming precinct. Conmiitted to jail in default of $800 bail.
0848 9-11-68 3 4 Outlaws A man named James Robert was arrested for stealing a pistol from a man named Young. He was put in jail and had a jury trial this afternoon.
0848 12-11-6 3 1 Outlaws Young man named O'Brien was arrested in St. Joseph, Mo. recently for stealing watches in Hamburg, Ia.
0848 3-25-67 3 2 Outlaws Scoggins, the horse thief was turned over to the authorities of Fremont County, Iowa, and it is rumored he was hung by the neck until he made a confession.
Howell, the horse thief who was arrested a week since was also turned over to the authorities of Andrew County, Missouri, yesterday.
0848 9-16-68 3 2 Outlaws Sheriff of Des Moines County, Iowa passed through Council Bluff Monday with Bill Vincent arrested in this City some time ago for stealing horses in Cass County. He was acquitted on examination at Piattsinouth but was recognized as an escaped convict from Iowa.
0848 4-22-67 3 2 Outlaws Thomas Stafford was arrested Saturday night by Marshall Hickey for stealing a horse from John Cunningham, an employee of Bradley and Co. who was engaged in hauling wood on the other side of the river for the ferry company. He stopped the team in the road, unharnessed the animal and rode off. He sold the horse in this city on Friday for $30.00. The owner replevied the horse.
0848 4-20-68 3 2 Outlaws A twelve-inch breaking plow valued at $30, was taken from the sidewalk in front of Foglesong & Co.'s Store.
0848 3-18-67 3 2 Outlaws John Scoggins, notorious desperado and horsethief, was arrested about 1 o'clock this morning. The name of Scoggins is as familiar to the old settlers of Iowa and Nebraska as household words. He has been in almost every jail in the western country and has always been successful in making his escape. He is here on a horse-stealing raid, and in all probability his comrades are now lurking around town. We understand the authorities of Leavenworth offer a heavy reward for his arrest. He remarked to the Marshal when being locked up that it was no use, he would leave when he got ready. He is now in irons and guarded.
0848 3-18-67 3 1 Outlaws Rumored the country between St. Joseph and Omaha is filled with horse thieves. The gang that has been operating in Kansas is now in Nebraska.
0848 3-20-68 3 2 Outlaws Young man named Randalls, arrested on a charge of stealing a horse from Mr. Hurst of Wyoming precinct, was tried yesterday - verdict of guilty and sentenced to one year's imprisonment.
0848 2-24-68 3 3 Outlaws Who entered "Bachelors Hall" and abstracted clothing was arrested this morning by Marshal Hickey, proved to be a "reconstructed" American citizen of African decent.
0848 3-1-67 3 1 Outlaws A valuable mare belonging to Louis Blair was taken from the city on Wed. evening.
0848 3-6-67 2 5 Outlaws

At Savannah, Missouri. Six disguised men, a little after 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon walked into the bank and, demanded of the President, Mr. McLane the keys to the vault. Mr. McLane and his son were the only ones in the bank but the demand was refused; when one of the gang fired several shots from a revolver, McLane returning the fire till receivtng a wound in the breast. The shots brought citizens to the bank, and the six men aware of this fact, hastened to their horses and commenced their retreat with 40 or 50 men in pursuit -- the outlaws taking the road to this city says the St. Joe Herald ,lie Sheriff of Andrew County came to St. Joseph by the evening train and notified our authorities of the above facts and orders given to scout the Savannah road for suspicious parties. Mr. McLane's condition is dangerous - not much hope of recovery.
The men are supposed to have been secreted for days in the brush near Rochester and nrohably made plans for a safe retreat. St. Joe Herald

0848 1-27-68 2 2 Outlaws. Cheyenne. Omaha Republican tells of the depredations committed in Cheyenne by a gang of desperadoes and outlaws. Vigilance Committee numbering two hundred were ordered out to arrest and bring them to trial. The leaders made their escape from the Magic City and fled to the Black Hills; Vigilantes on Saturday, arrested the notorious Jack Hays, Pat Dolan, alias "Shorty" and a rough named Kief. After a brief trial they hung them at once from a wagon tongue, pursued another whom they shot.
0848 10-26-68 3 4 Outlaws. Timber Thieves Adv. Around Lincoln who are hauling wood off lands known as the Kannosha Salt Basins are hereby notified that they will be prosecuted to the extent of the law for their depredations. J. Sterling Morton.
0848 10-19-68 3 3 Outlaws Charles Walker, an individual having the reputation of being a first class horse thief, was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Hail and Isaac Epler at the residence of a Mr. Jennings, three miles south of the City, Walker was the leader of a gang that made a raid on the Cass County farmers and succeeded in "hiveing" three valuable horse which they ran into the southern part of Kansas. One of the horses and one of the thieves were captured, the thief by the name of Young implicated Walker as the leader of the gang and gave information that he could be found at home of Jennings.
1305 10-21-75 3 4 Overman, J. L. Elected Juidge of Election, St Deroin Precinct. See Election Returns, Nemaha County.
1305 5-1-73 1 5 Overton W. J. Wilson appointed minister at Overton, Nebraska
1305 10-20-70 2 4 Overton, John From Otoe County,, Elected to the House in State Legislature.
1305 12-8-70 3 3 Overton, Martin V. Married to Mary J. Burns, both of Otoe County. See Marriage
0848 6-19-68 2 1 Oyster Raising. Lincoln A company is being formed which will stock one of the smaller basins, after the proper dams and wasteways have been completed, with the best breeds of Cherry Run and Baltimore Oysters.
1305 11-4-75 2 1 Pacific House At Nebraska City was destroyed by fire Monday of last week. Value $7,000.00. Owned by H. A. Newman.
1305 12-2-69 2 1 Pacific Railroad Midland Is graded to Lincoln, it remains to bridge tie and lay the track. There is not a little strife between that and the B. M. R. R. from Plattsmouth, as to which will run cars into the Capital first.
0848 6-21-67 3 1 Packard, Mr. Part owner with John Scott of one of the richest claims in Colorado, worth about $50,000. See Silver.
1305 4-17-73 2 7 Paddock, A. S. Incorporator of the St. Louis and Nebraska Trunk Railroad Company.
1305 12-30-69 1 8 Paddock Major J. W. Of Omaha appointed on Committee of arrangements for the re-union.
0848 7-31-68 2 1 Paddock, Hon. A. S. Of this City has been confirmed as Governor of the new Territory of Wyoming. Republican.
1305 11-13-73 2 4 Paddock, Mr., Lowell Bought the interest of Dr. Scott in the store of Scott & Douglass.
1305 8-12-69 2 2 Paddock, Mary Installed Treasurer of Goad Templar Lodge in Tecumseh. See Societies and Organization.
1305 11-13-73 2 4 Paddock & Douglas, Lowell, bankers. left with money of their depositors.
1305 6-12-73 1 8 Painter, J. H. Of Alma City Harlan County on executive committee, Patrons of Husbandry.
0848 4-3-67 3 2 Painting. Adv. Allard and Pope. White Washing, Patching, Paper hanging and Kalsoming, in any color. House, Sign painting and glazing done to order on reasonable terms and short notice. Orders at Reed, Whitinger & Co's. Drug Store.
0848 1-15-68 4 5 Painting. Adv. Barr and Frame, Ppioneer Paint Shop. House, sign and Ornamental painting, kalsomining, paper hanging, graining, etc. Also Carriage painting.
0848 5-6-67 2 5 Painting Adv. Barr and France Pioneer Paint Shop, Nebraska City, House Sign and Ornamental Painting. Kalsomining, Paper Hanging. Graining in Oak, Walnut, Mahogany, Maple etc. Carriage Painting.
0848 5-20-68 3 2 Painting The gilt letter sign put up by the Otoe County National Bank was made by Messrs. Harris & Dorsey.
0848 1-15-68 1 3 Painting. Adv. Howard and Bailey. Graining done to suit. Kalsomining and Paper Hanging. Cor. of 9th & Otoe. Nebraska City, Nebraska.
0848 7-13-66 3 4 Painting. Adv. Jerry Patterson. Sign Painting and Graining. Having returned to Nebraska City to remain permanently, I shall give my exclusive attention to this work. Leave orders at Bailey's paint shop.
1305 11-13-73 2 4 Pallister, John, Nebraska City Blacksmith shop burned. Total loss.
1305 2-10-76 3 4 Palmer, Jim Is prepared to dig wells. See Industry
0848 9-23-68 3 4 Palmer, Lewis Served as member of Grand Jury. See Judicial
1305 5-1-73 1 5 Palmyra Rev. H. P. Mann appointed minister at Palmyra, Nebraska.
1305 2-2-71 1 4 Pancost, Mr. On Teachers Certificates Committee of Convention of County Superintendents held at Lincoln, Nebraska.
0848 11-11-78 2 2 Panic In the money centres of the United States has been quite common in the last few days. Matters look a little better now through the shrinkage in the values of products cause som tightness among grain buyers and farmers.
0848 11-11-68 3 2 Panic, Money. In New Yrk seems to be extending to more western regions.
0848 5-6-67 3 1 Parcel, Wm T. Of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. See Food.
1305 6-173 2 2 Paris, W. F. Martial Music at 4th of July celebration and barbacue at Brownville, Nebr.
1305 7-8-69 3 2 Parish, Frank E. Nephew of Dr. Graff of Omaha, fatally wounded by accidental discharge of revolver while hunting with J. D. Calhoun.
1305 10-14-69 2 4 Parish, Mr. James while cutting wood upon James Butlers land had his leg broken by falling of a tree. Dr. McCastin and Dr. Stewart attended him.
1305 8-4-70 2 3 Park and Barton Publishers of the Lincoln County Advertiser at North Platte, Nebraska. See Press
0848 5-15-67 3 1 Parker, Dr. Has taken up his abode in the brick residence on California Street, belonging to Mr. Kimes.
0848 5-29-68 3 3 Parker, Dr. Nebraska City, Nebr. Residence in course of erection. See Buildings
0848 2-14-68 3 3 Parker, Dr. Returns to Nebraska City from Kentucky to make this his permanent home.
0848 3-9-68 2 5 Parker, Mr. Co-paartnership with P. Bird Price at Nebraska city, Nebr. assume all liabilities of dissolved firm of P. Bird Price and Geo. C. Smith. See Dissolution

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