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NSHS Territorial Newspaper Extraction Project

 Code  Date 18xx  Pg  Col 
1305 1-6-76 3 3 Parkker, -- (Alderman) Was present acouncil meeting Jan 3. See Government Municipal, Brownville
1305 5-8-73 2 5 Parker Miss Almira "The Lover of Little" will performed St. Darvin District School excercises
1305 10-13-70 2 4 Parker, B. C. Appointed past master at Howard in Nemaha County.
1305 1-13-76 3 4 Parker, B. C. Patition for new county road.. See Nemaha County, Commissioners
1305 6-5-73 3 4 Parker, B. C. To Chas. B. Parker N.W. 1/4 of S. E. 1/4 and N. E. 1/4 of N. W/ 1/4 Sec 32, town 6, range 13. $1.00.
1305 65-73 3 4 Parker, Chas. B. Real estate transfer from B. C. Parker N.W. 1/4 of S. E. 1/4 and N. E. 1/4 of N. W/ 1/4 Sec 32, town 6, range 13. $1.00.
1305 12-23-69 2 2 Parker, Fred A. Elected Guard
1305 12-23-69 2 3 Parker, Fred A. Elected Tyler of the Nemaha Valley Lodge A. F. & A. M.
1305 10-28-75 2 2 Parker, H. W. Of Beatrice elected Grand Senior Warden of Grand Lodge. IOOF. See Societies and Organizations
0848 1-6-68 2 2 Parker, H. W. Of Sweard County is making plans to burn brick in the summer. See Brick
1305 2-12-74 2 3 Parker, H. W. Of Gage county, Engineer in Chief, rank,Brig. General on Governor's Military Staff.
1305 7-14-70 1 5 Parker, (Lieut) J. B. Of Lancaster County was elected on the Executive Committee of the Old Soldiers Association. See Societies and Organizations.
0848 3-20-68 3 4 Parker, J. W. Druggist, Nebr.City. Price & Parker. See Co-partnership.
0848 1-6-68 2 2 Parker & Roper Camden, Seward County flouring mills. Donated for xmas gathering. See Celebrations.
1305 6-17-69 3 2 Parks, William I. Has a Champion No. 2 Reaper and Mower. See Agriculture.
0848 4-26-67 3 1 Parmelee, C. H. Of Plattsmouth, Nebr. has purchased the Platte Valley House. See Hotel.
1305 2-24-76 2 1 Parmalee, Dan May succeed C. E. Yost as post master of Omaha. See Mails.
0848 7-29-67 3 2 Parmelee, Myrtle Of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, a young musician of Promise, scarcely thirteen years of age. See Music.
1305 2-17-76 3 4 Parmer, H. T. Member of committee on credentials for Good Templars. See Organizations and Associations.
0848 4-5-67 2 3 Parmile, C. Newly elected alderman of Plattsmouth, Nebr. See Election.
1305 12-30-75 3 2 Parrot, --- His two children died of scarlet fever. He lives two miles north of Peru.
1305 12-30-75 3 6 Parrott, Mr. Lost two children from scarlet fever. See Diseases.
1305 9-9-69 3 2 Parson, Mr. Is employed by the Omaha Herald. He is the son of Reverend Davis of Brownville, Nebraska. See Press.
1305 9-8-70 3 3 Parsons, Mr. Judgment for, in suit brought by Lorinda Godfrey. See Legal Notice.
1305 11-24-70 1 1 Parsons and Culver Will establish a new papercalled the Blue Valley Record at Milford in Seward County.
1305 12-23-75 3 6 Pary, William C. Joined the Good Templars Monday night. See Societies and Organizations.
0848 10-16-68 3 2 Paschall Horse Drawing Lucky numbers. See Lotteries.
1305 3-2-76 3 2 Pascoe, Joe Will take charge of the Pascoe Meat Market. See Trade.
1305 3-23-76 3 3 Pascoe, Paul Reaches Little Sandy on way to Black Hills.
1305 9-1-70 2 5 Pascoe and Holman Will pay a reward for the return of 24 sheep strayed from Ira Moore's pastures 1 1/2 miles west of Brownville. See Livestock.
1305 12-16-69 2 1 Post Master Goverment Captain John R. Brown has been appointed Post master at Fairbury Jefferson County.
1305 11-25-69 2 5 Post Master Henry D. Merrell has been appointed Post Master at Jenkins Mills in Jefferson County.
0848 1-6-68 1 2 Patterson, Mr Of Nebraska City, Nebr. Remarks favoring the scheme to securea portion of the southern emigration for Nebraska. See Emigration meeting.
0848 10-19-68 3 2 Patterson, C. P. Has just returned from a six months trip to the Rocky Mountains.
0848 10-23-68 3 3 Patterson, C. P. Freighter. Has for sale a train of ten Wagons and sixty head of mules. See For Sale.
0848 11-4-68 3 3 Patterson, C. P. Nebraska City, has sold half interest in his mule train to Monroe & Dillon. See Freighting.
1305 4-17-73 2 6 Patterson, George Defendant attachment. Judgment in favor of plaintiff for $421.15.
1305 4-10-73 3 6 Patterson, J. H. Petit Juror.
1305 8-5-69 2 5 Patterson, Reverend James Secretary of Nebraska College for boys at Nebraska City.
1305 10-20-70 2 4 Patterson, J. M. From Cass County elected to the House in Nebraska State Legislature.
1305 5-1-73 1 5 Patterson, John

Appointed minister at Vesta, Nebraska.

0848 7-22-67 3 1 Patterson, M. P. Returned from a six weeks visit to Kansas City. He reports crops in that section very heavy.
0848 4-1-67 3 1 Patterson, W. C. Of Nebraska City, Nebr. appointed engineer, street supervisor and policeman of Nebraska City. See Nebr. City Council Proceedings.
1305 2-2-71 1 4 Patterson, W. R. Cass County Superintendent of schools.
1305 11-18-75 2 5 Patton, John Who escaped from St. Joseph jail is believed to be one of the men who robbed John Quinn near Arago. See Crime.
1305 10-21-75 3 4 Paulin, J. M. Elected Justice of the Peace and Clerk of Election, Aspinwall Precinct. See Election Returns, Nemaha County
1305 1-13-76 3 4 Paulen, J. M. Justice of the Peace. Bonds filed and approved. See Nemaha County, Commissioners' Proceedings.
1305 1-13-76 3 4 Paulin, J. M.

Justice of the Peace. Annual settlement approved. See Nemaha County, Commissioners' Proceedings. Jan 5.

1305 10-23-73 2 6 Paulin, J. M. Aspinwall Pct. Elected assessor and Constable.
1305 7-15-69 2 3 Pavy, Mrs. Elizabeth Married John P. Flack, Esquire. Both of Nemaha County. See Marriage.
1305 11-5-73 2 4 Pawnee Indians Spotted Horse Chief of the Pawnees, killed in a fight with the Sioux Indians near Fort Henry, buried ath the Fort Cemetery.
1305 2-19-74 2 5 Pawnee Indians are becoming civilized; one of them send a Grocer here on Wednesday, for the possession of a pair of boots, employed an attorney who won the case; and Mr. Lo walked of with the boots and the Grocer paid the costs.
1305 1-29-74 2 2 Pawnee Indians raided by the Sioux Indians.
1305 9-15-70 3 1 Pawnee City Captain W. Roper and wife, Dr. J. W. M Casland and C. Dusenberg to Pawnee City stoppedat the Star Hotel.
1305 1-26-71 2 5 Pawnee City Richard Brown has been appointed Post Master in place of Judge Edwards who resigned.
1305 5-11-71 2 4 Pawnee City The Christian churches south of the Platte have located a site for a college on Hollingshead's addition to Pawnee City. See School.
1305 6-24-69 1 4 Pawnee City County seat of Pawnee County is on Turkey Creek, 8 miles from the Kansas line within a few miles of the proposed Atchinson and Lincoln R.R. It has a population of 700, lage shops, good churches, a seminary, and shops. Is a progressive town. The Pawnee Tribune is published there.
1305 10-14-69 2 1 Pawnee City Judge Edwards has bought a half interest in the Tribune.
0848 8-12-68 3 2 Pawnee, Neb Rev H. M. Giltner.
0848 4-15-68 3 2 Pawnee City Improvement, Business House & Masonic Hall. See Buildings.
1305 3-23-71 2 1 Pawnee CIty Mr. Irwin has located here to engage in business selling agricultural implements.
1305 5-1-73 1 5 Pawnee City Rev. W. A. Presson appointed Minister at Pawnee City, Nebraska.
1305 10-21-75 3 4 Pawnee City D. Remick of Pawnee City is a heavy stockholder in the State Bank of Neraska.
1305 1-13-70 2 2 Pawnee City Dr. A. S. Stewart of Pawnee City has been appointed Examming Surgeon under the Pension Law.
1305 2-26-74 1 4 Pawnee County investment in school facilities.
1305 12-18-73 3 5,6 Pawnee City local news.
0848 3-27-67 2 2 Pawnee Coal Mining Company Of Pawnee County, incorporated. See Coal
0848 3-27-67 2 1 Pawnee County See Coal
0848 6-10-68 1 2 Pawnee County Crop report and prices. See Agriculture
0848 4-24-67 3 1 Pawnee County Mr. Hollingshead of Pawnee County was in Nebraska City yesterday. He reports that county being settled up rapidly by athrifty and energistic class of people from Illinois. Mr. H. is an extreme radical and favors negro suffrage, etc.
0848 6-17-67 2 1 Pawnee County District Court held by Chief Justice Mason on second Monday in May. See Judiciary.
1305 12-9-75 2 3 Pawnee County Mr. Liddy recently had his home destroyed by fire. See Fire.
1305 2-2-71 2 5 Pawnee County News items from the Tribune.
0848 7-31-67 3 1,2 Pawnee County Messrs P. M. Robers and Rufus Abbott are the Wheet horses of the Democracy in Pawnee County and are always read and willing to work in the cause which they have espoused. They speak in glowing terms of the rapid settlement of the county and the heavy grain crop now being harvested. The Maine-Liquor law is in operation not a drop of the ardent is to be had in the ounty except for mediccal purposes.
1305 7-8-69 1 4 Pawnee County Southeast of Gage, watered by the Great Nemaha and many creeks. Larger streams are well timbered. Several paying veins of stone caol have been found. Population is nearly 5,000.
1305 11-18-75 2 1 Pawnee County N. S. Wood will exhibit four buffalo. See Buffalo.
1305 12-8-59 3 7 Pawnee Rancho The copartnership of Roper and Weston, formerly transacting business at Pawnee Rancho, is dissolved by mutual consent. Fordyce Roper has purchased entire interest of J. B. Weston and will remain in the old stand. See Dissolution. F Roper. J. B. Weston.
0848 10-28-68 3 3 Payne, Mr. Nebraska City, Nebr. See Wells.
0848 8-21-68 3 4 Payne, Wm Sold lots in Nebraska City to Wm Sloan for $925. See Real Estate Transactions.

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