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NSHS Territorial Newspaper Extraction Project

 Code  Date 18xx  Pg  Col 
0848 1-15-68 2 6 Payne & Bradley Nebraska City, Nebr. Produce & Commission merchants. See Groceries.
0848 2-21-68 2 3 Payne & Bradley Nebraska City, Nebr All kinds of garden seeds. See Horticulture.
0848 3-30-68 2 4 Payne & Bradley Nebraska City, Nebr. Agents for Nebraska City and Lincoln express. See Express.
0848 1-19-68 3 2 Payne, Mr. Building in Nebraska City, Nebr. occupied by John Heth, destroyed by fire. Partly insured. See Fire.
0848 10-23-68 3 2 Payne, Mollie Attendant at the Fulton-Davenport Wedding. See Marriage
0848 6-21-67 2 3 Payne, Wm Firm of Bradley & Co. Nebraska City, dissolved by mutual consent. T. F. Bradley and Wm Payne continue under name of Bradley and Payne. See Dissolution Coppartnership.
1305 5-5-70 1 4 Peabody, G. E. Teacher of District No. 33 number of pupils 15.
1305 11-4-75 3 8 Peaches Good prospects for a large crop. See Agriculture.
0848 9-11-68 3 4 Peaches, Nebraska City See Horticulture.
0848 7-1-67 3 4 Pearman, W. Otoe Lodge No 4.. Independent Order, Grand Templars Straberry Festival, July 4. Committee on Lights. See Societies & Organizations.
1305 5-1-73 1 5 Pearson, Richard Appointed minister at St. Paul, Nebraska
1305 9-30-69 2 2 Pease, Judge C. A. Republican Nominee for Probate Judge, Gage County
1305 10-16-73 2 6-7 Pearson, D., Nemaha Co. Elected School Superintendent.
1305 3-10-70 2 2 Pease, Lieutenant W. B. The Agent of the Blackfoot tribe sends a full report to Commissioner Parker, which puts a vivid light upon the matter, than the first report through Vincent Collyer.
1305 12-1-70 2 3 Peat Of a ssuperion quality has been discovered 11 mies west of Milford. Mr. Reed brought in samples. He has 30 acres of it 17 feet deep that he is going to commence working.
0848 3-27-67 2 2 Peavey, J. C. Elected president protem of Pawnee County Coal Mining company. See Coal
1305 11-3-70 1 2 Peavy, J. C. Of the firm of Curtis and Peavy started for Chicago six weeks ago with a $10,000 Drove of cattle and has not been heard from since. Leaves a wife and several children. Pawnee Tribune.
1305 5-1-73 1 5 Pebble Creek Rev. Jacob Adriance appointed minister at Pebble Creek.
1305 4-20-71 4 2-3 Rick, (Rev) H. P. Was appointed Pastor of the Presbyterian church at Lincoln, Nebr. See Church
1305 2-2-71 2 5 Peck, Rev. H. P. Pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Lincoln. See Church
1305 5-1-73 1 5 Peck, William Sppointed Minister at Fontanelle, Nebraska
1305 3-2-76 3 4 Peery, J.. H.. Assessor for London Precinct, Nemaha County. See Valuation
1305 10-21-75 3 4 Peery, J. H. Elected Assessor and Judge of Election, London Precinct. See Election Returns
1305 12-25-73 3 5 Peery, Mary, Brownville took part in school program.
0848 9-7-68 3 3 Peets, Mr. Small house sold to C. C. Bruce. See Real Estate. Transactions.
0848 7-31-68 3 3 Peet, Prof. L. W. Secretary. State Teachers Association. See Societies & Associations.
0848 9-9-68 3 2 Pendegast, L. M. Of Berks County, England, married to Brigham Young. See Marriage.
0848 4-17-67 3 1 Pendleton, Mr. Of Otoe county, Nebraska, raised 90 bushels of oats to the acre in year, 1866. See Agriculture.
0848 5-13-67 2 2-5 Pendleton, Hon. Geo. H., Speech of: At Urbana, Ohio, April 25th. To the Democratic Club of Urbana upon the general politics of the countyr, and the tremendous changes that have been wrought by the Radicals in our institutions,
0848 5-20-67 3 3 Pendleton, S. T. Nebraska CIty. Partnership existing with J. W. Sage. Dissolved. See Dissolution Co-partnership.
1305 5-1-73 1 5 Penney, F. Appointed minister at Little Blue, Nebraska.
1305 4-17-73 2 6 People Plaintiff against C. A. Polock, Malicious mischief. Nolle entered after jury was sworn.
1305 10-23-73 2 4 Pepoon, J. B., Pawnee Co. Retiring County Commissioner.
1305 8-12-69 2 2 Perkins, B. F. Installed P.W.C.T. in Tecumseh Lodge of Good Templars. See Societies and Organizations
1305 10-14-69 2 2 Perkins, B. F. In business at Tecumseh, Nebraska
1305 4-13-71 2 2-4 Perkins, Alanson Defendant says the plaintiffs do not show enough interest to entitle them to bring action. See Judiciary
1305 6-1-71 1 3 Perkins, B. F. Elected Librarian of the Teachers Association at the meeting in Tecumseh.
0848 8-28-68 3 2 Perry Mr. Freighter. See Freighting
1305 4-17-73 2 6 Perry, John W. Plaintiff against Alfred W. Morgan action on note, sale confirmed and deed ordered to be made.
1305 2-3-76 3 3 Perry, Thomas Roof caught fire. See Fire.
1305 11-4-75 2 2 Peru Barnes & Martin, dealers in dry goods, etc. See Trade
1305 3-16-76 3 1 Peru (Chancellor) Benton will lecture March 20. See Amusements
1305 11-4-75 2 2 Peru, Nebraska Geo. A. Brown, deals in dry goods, etc. See Trade
1305 5-5-70 2 1 Peru J. P. Burdich, Merchant of Peru, Nebr
1305 3-2-76 3 6 Peru Phil Burdick has traded for land in Johnson County. See Land
1305 3-16-76 3 4 Peru Citizens have turned out their household goods for sale to pay their taxes.
1305 6-10-69 2 5 Peru A. C. Easley and Company dissolved partnership June 1, 1869. B. L. Easley has bought the interest in the firm from A. C. Easley at Peru, Nebraska. See Trade.
0848 7-1-67 2 1 Peru, Nebr. Editorial of News. on selection of Peru for Peru Normal. See State Institutionhs.
1305 8-12-69 2 2 Peru Fencing Dr. Matthews large farm near Honey Creek has changed the road to Peru.
1305 12-30-75 3 6 Peru Mr. Gaeds has moved his house out of the way of the railroad in Peru.
1305 5-5-70 2 1 Peru Thomas M. Green & Co. General Merchandise at Peru, Nebraska
1305 12-30-76 3 6 Peru Had a shower of rain last week. See Weather.
1305 7-6-73 2 4 Peru History of the Normal school in Peru, Nebr.
1305 11-4-75 2 2 Peru History of Peru in Nemaha County.
1305 5-5-70 2 1 Peru. History of Peru Nebr. We were surprised to witness the prosperity every where indicated in and around the town. On the main road between Brownville and Peru we noticed much improvements, buildings going up on farms hitherto unoccupied.
1305 6-24-69 1 4 Peru In Nemaha County, is located 8 miles north of Brownville. Has 700 population, State Normal School is located there. On the St Louis and Nebraska Trunk Railroad.
0848 6-22-68 3 2 Peru Laying of corner stone for New Episcopal church. See Churches.
1305 7-8-69 3 1 Peru Lindsley and Watson erecting saw mil, among best in state. See Industry.
0848 5-6-67 3 2 Peru, Nebr. Lump of soil about 3 inches square, literally alive with grasshoppers. See Grasshoppers
0848 12-16-75 3 6 Peru W. L. McClain has his property for sale. See Real Estate
1305 5-5-70 2 1 Peru Abner G. Mann, of Rockport, Missouri has lately purchased the stock of drugs recently owned by Saunders & Randall. See Drugs
0848 12-16-75 3 6 Peru P. M. Martin has built an addition to his house in Peru.
1305 11-4-75 2 2 Peru H. M. Mears dealer in dry goods and groceries sells for cash in Peru.
1305 5-1-73 1 5 Peru Rev. T. J. Newman appointed at Peru, Nebraska.
1305 12-9-75 3 1 Peru Prof. A. Nickols, has resigned his position at the State Normal School, Peru. See State Normal School
1305 2-24-76 3 5 Peru Now has a telegraph office.
1305 3-2-76 3 7 Peru Daniel Pierce and Martha Miller were married Febr 23d. See Societies and Organizations
1305 12-30-75 3 6 Peru Ida Pinnell is recoering from scarlet fever. See Diseases
1305 5-5-70 2 1 Peru F. L. Proudy, Hardware Dealer at Peru, Nebr.
1305 11-4-75 2 2 Peru F. L. Prouty dealer in hardware, etc. See Trade
1305 11-4-75 2 2 Peru, Nebraska John H. Resseguie dealer in drugs, etc. See Druggist
1305 2-10-76 3 4 Peru Augusta Rhinehart died Jan 30 of scarlet fever. See Death
1305 10-30-73 2 5-6 Peru, history from St. Joseph Herald.
1305 1-8-74 3 2 Peru Local news
1305 2-19-74 3 5-6 Peru Local news. Republican City, local news
1305 2-5-74 3 5 Peru Local news
1305 12-18-73 3 5-6 Peru Local news
1305 11-11-73 3 2 Peru Local news
1305 2-10-76 3 4 Peru District Dan Cole is teaching in Peru District this winter
1305 11-4-75 2 2 Peru Manufacturing Company Has machinery to do all kinds of wood and iron work. See Industry

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