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NSHS Territorial Newspaper Extraction Project

 Code  Date 18xx  Pg  Col 
1305 11-4-75 3 8 Pests Cinch Bugs. Fall grain is suffering from chinch bugs. Benton item.
1305 8-18-70 2 3 Peterson, John Wounded slightly in a fall at the University building.
1305 11-11-69 2 4 Peterson, Louisa Married to Lucius Matthews, both of Lafayette Precinct, Nemaha County, Nebraska
1305 8-18-70 2 3 Peterson, Paul Sprained both ankles in 28 foot fall at the State University building.
1305 9-2-69 3 3 Peterson, T. B. Publishers of new novel, "Ruby Gray's Strategy". See Press
0848 7-3-67 2 2 Peterson, W. S.

Of Iowa. Full power and authority to institute Grand Lodge of Nebraska, I.O.G.T. See Societies & organizations.

1305 3-20-73 1 6 Petete, Mr. J. M. Lucky man in the spelling match to receive a copy of some monthly magazine for 1 year free of charge at the Teachers Institute.
0848 6-25-67 2 1-2 Pethard, A. J. Beatrice, Nebraska. Proprietor of a wagon shop. See Beatrice.
1305 9-8-70 3 3 Petit, Samuel Plaintiff vs R. F. Barret. Sale confirmed and deed ordered.
0848 4-1-67 3 1 Petring, Mr. Alderman for Nebraska City, Nebr. See Nebr. City Council Proceedings.
0848 5-6-67 3 2 Petring, H. H. Elected alderman third ward of Nebraska City, total vote 117. See Election results.
0848 5-3-67 3 2 Petring, H. H. Nebraska City Committee's choice for alderman of 3rd Ward. See Convention, City.
0848 8-31-68 3


Pettigrew, J. M. Nominated for County Commissioner at the Republican Convention. Says, Blue Valley Record.
1305 6-19-73 2 5 Pettit, James M. real estate transfer from Samuel Pettit. S.E. qr. of S.E. qr. 9, 6, 15. $800.
1305 5-19-70 3 4 Pettit, Job Relative of Mr. Lipsic, will locate in Nemaha County. Formerly of Miami, Ohio. See Settler
1305 6-19-73 2 5 Pettit, Samuel

and wife to James M. Pettit warrantee deed, S.E. qur. of S.E. qr. 9, 6, 15. $800

0848 8-14-68 3 3 Pflug, Martin, Esq. Leading merchant of Lincoln is in the city. His wagons loaded with general merchandise passed through the city this morning.
0848 3-16-68 3 3 Pflug, Martin One of the solid business men of Lincoln is in the City.
1305 10-23-73 2 4-5 Pheaster, J. W. Gage County., living on Mud Creek, lost 500 bushels of wheat in prairie fire.
1305 1-26-71 2 1 Phelen, Rev. J. A. Donation given at Long Branch School House near Mr. Clotfelter's residence.
0848 7-15-67 3 1 Phelps, Mr. and son of the C. B. and St. Joe railroad arrived in th Colorado this morning.
0848 9-9-68 3 1-2 Phelps, Mr. Of the Council Bluff & St. Joe Railroad defendant in suit in Iowa Courts. See Judicial
0848 6-25-67 2 2 Phelps, Willis, Hon. President of Council Bluffs and Missouri State line railroad. In St. Louis in interest of building a road north from St. Joseph. See Railroads.
0848 3-13-67 2 1 Phelps, Willis The railroad man, one of the originators in the action in regard to the ferry franchise at Nebraska City. See Ferries.
1304 12-9-69 3 1 Phelps City I. S. Cowles takes the Drug Store over at Phelps City.
0848 3-39-68 3 4 Phifer, William Co-partnership with Ryle Willis of Nebraska City, Nebr. is dissolved. Wm Phifer Continuing. See Dissolution.
1305 11-18-75 2 1 Philadelphia Centennial N. S. Wood will exhibit four buffalo. See Buffalo
0848 12-9-68 3 1 Philips City I. S. Cowles takes the Drug Store and business at Philips City
1305 11-11-69 2 1 Philips City Lett & Cowles have opened up a Branch Drug Store at Philips City.
1305 8-4-70 3 2 Phillips, Charles Broke jail. He had been arrested for stealing ten horses. See Crime
1305 4-10-73 3 6 Phillip, E. Petit Juror.
1305 6-1-71 1 3 Phillips, E. D. Elected President of the Teachers Association at meeting in Tecumseh.
1305 10-21-75 3 4 Phillips, Err Elected Supervisor District No. 1, Peru Precinct. See Election Returns.
1305 1-13-76 3 4 Phillips, Er. Supervison. Bonds filed and approved. See Nemaha County, Commissioner's Proceedings.
1305 4-20-71 2 2 Phillips, Jason Of Tecumseh. Appointed on committee to locate a Christian college. See Church, Christian
1305 10-23-73 2 6 Phillips, Err, Peru Pct. Elected Constable.
0848 1-15-68 4 5 Phillips, Mrs. M. C. Of Nebraska City, Nebr. Braiding and machine stitching, dressmaking, hair jewelry etc. See Dressmaking
1305 7-8-69 2 1 Phillips, Wm. B. Of Glen Rock, reported on crops in that district.
1305 3-20-73 3 4 Phillips, Mrs. W. B. was appointed on committee on Music at the Highland Teachers Institute singing in a quartette.
1305 7-14-70 1 5 Philpot, (Col.) G. E. Of Lancaster Cunty, elected on the Executive Committee of the Old Soldiers Association. See Societies and Organizations.
1305 3-20-73 3 4 Philippeny, Miss Rosa Organist of the Highland singing class at the Teachers Institute.
1305 3-20-73 3 4 Phippeny, Mrs. Calvin Was appointed on committee on Music at Highand Teachers Institute.
1305 3-23-69 2 3 Phippenney, Lydia J. Married to William Bush at Nebraska City. See Marriage
0848 7-3-67 3 2 Photography Cabinet Photographs

This new style is all the rage in the Eastern cities. Call at City Picture rooms and see specimens. Large photographs colored to life appearance.

0848 12-16-68 2 3 Photography. Adv. City Picture Rooms. A. M. Smith, LI. D. Proprietor. All branches of photography.
0848 4-3-67 3 2 Photography. Adv.

Dr. & Mrs. Smith. Photographs, Ambro types, new size. Night photography, and. Solar Types. All on reasonable terms. Nebraska City, Cor. Main and. 9th Streets.

0848 1-15-68 3 4 Physician Adv. Frank S. Howard, M. D. Particular attention paid to diseases of the Eye. 135 Main St., Nebraska City.
0848 1-15-68 2 1 Physician Adv. Geo. B. Bragg, M .D. Physician and Surgeon, at A. Dickey's Drug Store. Nebraska City.
0848 7-12-67 2 4 Physician G. E. Bragg, M.D., Physician and. Surgeon. Nebraska City. Office at H. A. Dickey. & Cots. Drug Store.
0848 1-15-68 1 1 Physician Adv. Dr. Brinker & Prosser offer their professional services to the citizens of Nebraska City and calls in the country. Hodge's Drug Store, Main St., between 7th & 8th.
0848 7-21-70 3 2 Physician Dr. Benjamin Raus has moved into Peru to practice.
0848 2-10-68 3 3 Physician Adv Dr. H. D. Gilbert, Physician and Surgeon. Calls receive prompt attention.
0848 7-29-67 2 4 Physician Adv Dr. H. D. Gilbert, Physician and Surgeon. All calls in his profession at his residence or Reed Whitinger and Co's Drug Store, Nebraska City, Nebr. will receive promp attention.
0848 1-15-68 2 4 Physician Adv W. H. Hess, M. D. Physician & Surgeon. Professional services to Nebraska City and vicinity.
0848 1-15-68 1 1 Physician Adv Dr. N. B. Larsh. Tenders his professional service to the public at Nebraska City and vicinity
0848 1-15-68 1 1 Physician Adv W. M. Line, M. D. Physician & Surgeon. Office in Divinity Ridge, west of Presbyterian Church.
0848 9-4-68 2 4 Physician Adv Dr. A. Opperman. Physician and Surgeon. Nebraska City, Nebr.
0848 1-15-68 1 1 Physician & Surgeon Adv Wayne Snowden, M. D. New School. Special attention to chronic diseases. Main St. Nebraska CIty, Nebraska.
0848 1-15-68 1 1 Physician & Surgeon Adv J. H. Way, M. D. Homopathic, One door west of the Seymour House.
0848 4-10-67 2 5 Physicians Drs. Crow and Thatcher. Depmapathic Physicians. Will be at Nebraska City on Tuesday, the 16th, 22nd, 29th of April, and on May 6th for 3 days each week, at the Seymour House. They cure all classes of curable diseases without medicine, such as Bronchitis, Asthma, Phthisic Gout, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Loss of Hearing, Diseased of Eye, Cancer, Tumers, Scrofula, Erysipiles, Diabates, Ague, etc.
0848 4-27-68 2 5 Physicians & Surgeons N. B. Larsh and D. W. Barshey, M. D. Having formed a co-partnership offer their professional services to the citizens of Nebraska City and vicinity.
1305 10-23-73 2 6 Pickens, O. R., Washington Pct. Elected road Supervisor.
0848 10-20-70 2 3 Pier, W. H. Elected Vice President and Director of the Omaha Smelting Works.
1305 12-30-75 2 1 Pierce, --- Is having a brick residence constructed in Brownville. See Building
1305 10-14-69 2 4 Pierce, (Hon) C. W. From Alabama, bought land at the land auction at Lincoln, Nebraska
0848 5-3-67 3 1 Pierce, C. W. Nebraska City. See Bridges
0848 6-10-67 2 3 Pierce, C. W. Nebraska City, Nebr. City Engineer. See Bids.
0848 7-8-68 3 2 Pierce, C. W. Of Nebraska City, Nebr. Petitioned by Hook and Ladder Company to act as fire warden. See Fire Protection
0848 7-24-68 3 3 Pierce, C. W. Nebraska City, Nebraska. See Horses
1305 3-2-76 3 7 Pierce, Daniel Was married to Martha Miller - Febr. 23d. See Marriage
1305 7-6-73 3 5 Pierce, Martha Real estate transfer from Ester H. Bausfield. pt in 1/2 lots 9 and 10 block 27. Brownville $200
1305 2-26-74 1 4 Pierce County investment in School facilities.
1305 11-3-70 3 3 Pierpont and Crooks New City Meat Market, north side of Main Street. See Trade
0848 5-15-68 3 2 Pierson, Dr. Will erect a business house in Lincoln, Nebr. See Building
1305 1-13-76 3 4 Pierson, D. W. County Supt of Public Instruction. Bonds filed and approved. See Nemaha County Commissioners' Proceedings.
0848 6-14-67 3 2 Pigeon Creek, Iowa Party on way to Washington Territory. See Emigrants
0848 7-13-67 3 3 Pinney, Capt. Nebraska City No. 2. Christian Suday School. Annual picnic. See Sabboth School
1305 12-30-75 3 6 Pinnell, Ida Is revovering from scarlet fever. See Diseases
0848 9-25-68 3 4 Pinney, Mr. Owner with Mr. Thorpe of the Nebraska City Flouring Mills. See Industry
1305 1-26-71 2 8 Pinney, Nelson R. Administrator of estate of Nelson R. Pinney, St. Deroin, Nemaha County. See Legal Notice
0848 5-6-67 2 5 Pioneer Paint Shop Nebraska City. Barr and France, Proprietors. See Painting

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