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NSHS Territorial Newspaper Extraction Project

 Code  Date 18xx  Pg  Col 
1305 1-29-74 3 5 Pioners reunion Nemaha, Co.
1305 3-2-76 3 1 Pioneers Uncle Billy Cummings of near Nemaha City was born in 1800 on Feb 29 and has had 20 birthdays in 76 years.
1305 12-23-75 3 6 Pioneers Henry Hart, a jolly old timer from Aspinwall spent Saturday in Nemaha
1305 7-8-69 1 6 Piper, F. Bought 40 acres of Nemaha County School Land in Section 36, Township 6, Range 13 at 47 per acre. See School Land
1305 6-10-69 2 8 Piper, Frederick Taken up, a sorrel mare 4 miles southwest of Sanders Mill on the Little Blue river.
1305 3-2-76 3 4 Piper, J. B. Assessor for Douglas Precinct. See Valuation
1305 10-21-75 3 4 Piper, J. B. Elected Assessor, Douglas Precinct See Election Returns
1305 1-6-76 3 4 Piper, J. B. Was appointed by the legislature as a trustee of the Hooper estate. See Judiciary - Hooper Estate
1305 10-23-73 2 6 Piper, J. B. Douglas Pct. Elected Clerk of Election
1305 12-11-73 1 3 Piper, Louisa A., Peru Teacher State Normal School
0848 7-1-67 3 2 Place, Mr. Nebraska City, Nebr. One of the scorers of the baseball game between Talbot Hall and Nebraska City Club. See Pastimes
0848 2-17-68 3 1 Charles A. Place And family arrived from New York today.
0848 6-12-67 3 2 Place, Charles A. A Nebraska City wholesale and retail grocery house sold over $2,000 worth of goods yesterday some of which was for the Indian service. See Trade.
0848 4-22-67 3 3 Place, Charles A. Partnership with Robert Lorton dissolved. Mr. Place continues the business. See Dissolution Co-partnership.
0848 5-20-67 3 2 Pleac, Charles A. Nebraska City. President of baseball club organized Saturday. See Societies & Organizations
0848 5-29-67 3 1 Place, Charles A. President of Empire Baseball Club of Nebraska City. See Societies & Organizations.
0848 1-15-68 4 2 Place, Chas. A. Nebraska City, Nebr. Wholesale grocer. See Grocery.
0848 7-8-68 4 1 Place, Chas. A. Wholesale grocer, Nebraska City, Nebr. See Groceries


4-5-67 3 1 Place & Lorton Of Nebraska City, put up for J. Woods of Denver, three tons of sugar same amount of salt and a large amount of bacon to be shipped to Denver. See Freight.
1305 1-13-76 3 4 Plager, H. Was appointed road supervison, Benton Precinct, Dist. 3. See Nemaha County.. Commissioners' Proceedings. Jan 5.
1305 4-17-73 2 6 Plager, Harman Defendant Cornelious Aultman, plaintiff forclosure, judgment for 341.71.
1305 10-16-73 2 6-7 Plasters, D., Nemaha Co. Elected Sheriff
1305 10-30-73 3 3 Plasters, Davidson Nemaha County sheriff, real estate transfer to Wm. H. Hoover.
1305 9-15-70 3 1 Plasters, Davidson Sheriff of Nemaha County, Action on replevin, Wm verdict for $280.88. See Legal Notice
1305 10-7-69 2 4 Plasters, Davison For Sheriff of Nemaha County on the Democratic Ticket.
1305 4-7-70 2 2 Plasters, Davison nominated for councilman on the People's Ticket.
1305 6-5-73 3 4 Plasters, Davision Real estate transfer from John Higgenbotham. Part of sec 19, town 5, range 16, 3 acres $60.
1305 1-13-76 3 4 Plasters, D. Sheriff. Bonds filed and approved. See Nemaha County, Commissioners' Proceedings Jan. 4.
1305 11-27-73 2 4 Plasters, Ella, Brownville gave recitation. High School program.
1305 1-13-76 3 4 Plasters, L. Sheriff, present at Jan. 4 meeting. See Nemaha County, Commissioners' Proceedings
1305 11-3-70 3 5 Plasters, Lemon Freeholder appointed by the court to assess damages against Brownvile Ft. Kearney and Pacific R. R.
0848 8-7-68 2 2-3 Platt, W. H. Of Hall Co. Secretary Convention, Omaha. See Convention, State Democratic.
0848 4-22-67 3 1 Platte River

Is very high and the flood very damaging to railroad and settlers, says Dan Smith a well-known ranchman above Fort Kearny who is in Nebraska City. He says there is a break of about 2 miles in the Pacific Railroad nearly opposite his place.

0848 4-22-67 3 1 Platte River Very high, flood damaging to railroad and settlers. See Weather & Climate.
0848 4-24-67 2 3 Platte River Damage at Columbus From ice giving way. See Flood Damage
0848 7-29-67 2 3 Platte River Valley has a abundant growth of prairie grass. See Agriculture
0848 3-1-67 4 1 Platte River Land Johnson and Black, Nebraska City, Nebr. For Sale, or exchange for stok or town property. See Ranches.
1305 1-6-76 2 1 Plattsmouth, Nebraska (Prof) Church of Lincoln and Rev. J. T. Baird will debate soon. See Religion.
0848 4-6-67 2 3 Plattsmouth Citizens voted $20,000 yesterday to build a High School and $15,000 for other public improvements. Results of ticket. See Election
0848 6-15-68 3 2 Plattsmouuth, Nebraska Countyr Surrounding for distance of 10 miles, devasted by hoppers. See Grasshoppers.
0848 6-15-68 3 4 Plattsmouth, Nebr Ferry boat sunk in deep water. Passengers rescued. Boat owned by city, valued at $9,000. See Ferries.
1305 10-21-75 3 4 Plattsmouth, Nebraska John Fitzgerald of Plattsmouth is a heavy stock holder in the State Bank of Nebraska.
0848 4-5-67 3 1 Plattsmouth Has recently elected radical town officers; but not unamious - one or two Democrats having been elected. See Election Results.
0848 4-5-67 3 1 Plattsmouth Has polled the first and only "n____" vote ever given in Nebraska. See Negro Vote
0848 8-19-68 3 2 Plattsmouth, Nebr H. D. Hathaway, chairman Rep. State Conv. Dr. Livingston Secty Rep. State Conv.
1305 5-1-73 1 4-5 Plattsmouth History of Plattsmouth Nebraska.
1305 5-1-73 1 4-5 Plattsmouth Is 55 miles from Brownsville, it has 8 churches, the court house is a poor affair, the hotels look well on the out side, saloons are plenty, business appears active. B & M Railroad have shops located at Plattsmouth. Our schools rank as first class.
0848 7-15-67 3 2 Plattsmouth, Nebr Captain Henry Kuhl of First Nebraska Cavalry. See Kuhl, Capt. Henry
1305 5-1-73 1 5 Plattsmouth Rev Charles McKelvey appointed minister at Plattsmouth, Nebraska
0848 7-29-67 3 1 Plattsmouth, Nebr Mr. Maxwell is selecting state lands at the Nebraska City Land office. See Lands, State.
0848 3-27-67 3 1 Plattsmouth, Nebr Robt S. Moore appointed and confirmed Pawnee agent. See Indian Agents.
1305 12-39-75 2 1 Plattsmouth, Nebr Offered $50000 toward the construction of an M. E. Church university at Plattsmouth. See Schools
0848 3-27-67


Plattsouth, Nebr Office of surveyor General of Iowa and Nebraska established. See Appointments
0848 5-6-67 3 1 Plattsmouth,Nebr Wm T. Parcel. See Food
0848 4-26-67 3 1 Plattsmouth, Nebr C. H. Parmelee has purchased the Platte Valley House. See Hotel
0848 4-26-67 3 1 Plattsmouth, Nebr Mr & Mrs Sherlock and putpil are giving a series of concerts. See Music
0848 7-29-67 3 2 Plattsmouth, Nebr Miss Lilly Simpson and Miss Myrtle Parmelee, young musicians of promise have been in Nebraska City playing and singing. See Music
0848 3-27-67 3 1 Plattsmouth, Nebr Wm Stadleman, clothing merchant, formerly of Nebraska City.
0848 4-29-67 3 1 Plattsmouth, Nebr Mr. Walrod's little daughter was shot yesterday by her brother. Not likly to prove serious. See Accident
0848 12-30-68 3 1 Plattsmouth Rev. Young rector of St. Luke's church. See Young, Rev.
0848 9-18-68 3 4 Pleasant, George Colored of African decent, plaintiff assault and battery vs. Captian Dominick Laboo, cost of suit placed upon Capt. Laboo. See Judicial
0848 2-14-68 3 2 Plum Hollow, Iowa Wagons loaded with groceries at Nebraska City, Nebr. for this point. See Freighting
0848 2-10-68 2 5 Plummer and Plaisdell Nebraska City, Nebraska. Fruit and ornamental trees. See Horticulture
0848 6-5-67 2 4 Poe Creek Station Attacked by Indians 400 strong. See Indians
0848 6-3-67 2 3 Poe Creek Station Attacked by Indians 400 strong. See Military
0848 11-4-68 3 2 Political Parties Every county in Nebraska but two, republican. See Election results
0848 9-2-68 1 2&3 Political Situation A powerful undercurrent of popular, dissatisfaction with Radicalism. The election of the Democratic candidates admitted by an Independent Journal to be a foregon conclusion. From the Round Table. Aug. 22.
0848 5-10-67 2 2 Political Parties Mr. C. B. Taylor returned to Nebraska to find a condition of things existing in the party of which David Butler is the recognized Head Center, which he does not consider flattering to his prospects. He makes apportionment a lecture text to a party divided and demoralized about the spoils, is holding power in the state by a very doubtful tenure. Demooracry is to be congratulated that the local and sectional hatreds which Mr. Taylor seeks in the Republican to remove, is confined to radical members of the legislature. No Democrat, either North or South of the Platte has any share or lot in the sectional envies and local jealousies which Col. Taylor has so much reason to deprecate. Mr. Taylor's letter discovers a plain purpose to surrender to South Platte radicals at discretion. He only advocates the re-districting of the State at the coming special session. The State Constitution is
liable to conflicting interpretations in many of its provisions, but upon the subject of apportioning the re[resemtatopm of the State in the Legislature it is peculiarly explicit. The Legislature shall provide by law for an enumeration of the inhabitants of the State in 1875 and at the end of every 10 years. "Omaha Herald."
0848 9-2-68 3 2 Political Parties Political Debate. Nebraska City. The Wyoming Republican and Democratic Clubs will discuss the political issues of the day at Hurst's school house Sept. 8th.
0848 2-17-68 3 2 Political Parties Young men are organizing Democratic and Republican Clubs.
0848 4-5-67 3 1 Political Parties

Should the political policies of H. Kennedy of New York, the new Receiver of the U. S. Land Office, prove to be Conservative as reported, his vote will add one to the Democratic majority of Otoe County; if radical, he will be the 225th of the county. See Land Office.

0848 4-10-68 2 2 Political Parties Democrats. clean sweep entire ticket at St. Joseph. St. Joe Hearal.
0848 6-14-67 2 1 Political Parties Democratic. Balance of power held by Otoe County Democratic delegation. See Capitol Location.
1305 12-23-75 2 2 Political Parties Democratic party in Congressional caucus in Washington passed a resolution that the Democratic party has been, is now always was and will be in favor of free schools, free press, free trade and gold and silver as the only constitutional money of the nation.
0848 3-6-67 2 1 Political Parties Democratic Victory at Omaha, by majority of 389, straight issue negro suffrage. See Election Results.
0848 3-13-67 2 1 Political Parties Democratic. Straight ticket elected at Rulo. Richardson County election for town officers by large majority. Rulo and Omaha have done well in democracy. See Election
00848 6-19-68 3 2 Political Parties Democracy. Captain Ashby, a former citizen of this City, is taking active measures at Rock Bluffs, Nebr., in establishing a thorough organization of the Democracy.
0848 7-20-68 2 1 Political Parties Democratic National Platform. Upon this platform the Democratic party appeal to every patriot - including the conservative element and all who desire to support the constitution and preserve the Union.
0848 7-10-68 1 2&3 Political Parties. Democratic. Democratic party in National Convention assembled. Democratic Platform.
0848 9-15-68 2 1 Political Parties. Democratic. The Democratic ticket - For President, Horatio Seour of New York, for Vice President Con. F. P. Blair of Missouri.
0848 7-24-68 3 3 Political Parties. Democratic. German Democrats have become numerous in Otoe County and are increasing all over the United States to the ranks of that party which is for equal taxation and a uniform currency for all men.
0848 8-10-68 3 2 Political Parties. Democratic.

The Liberty Precinct Democratic of Cass County were addressed Saturday evening by Mr. Ramsay of Mount Pleasant and Morton of Nebraska City. The Rock Bluffs Democracy were addressed on Saturday evening by Charles H. Winslow Esq. of Mount Pleasant.

0848 5-13-68 3 4 Political Parties. Democratic.

Coucil Bluffs Democrat says of the Democracy of Fremont County, Iowa through that sterling Democrat Captain Geo. Lincoln, particularly that part bordering on the river, have become thoroughly organized. A club, numbering almost one hundred members, is in active operation at Eastport; another at Eureka, numbering forty members. Both clubs organized by active Denocrat:.

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