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0848 7-8-68 3 2 Political Parties, Democratic. Squire Reeves addresses the denizens of Four Mile Creek Friday evening.
0848 8-2-67 2 2 Political Parties. Democratic. (Editorial). The Omaha herald remains steadfast in the faith that the Democratic Party will sooner or later Constitutionally govern the United States. The Herald hopes to see that pure and exalted son of New York, Horatio Seymour, our next president. The hews likes Seymour well but Geo H. Pendleton of Ohio better and either are fit for the Presidencey and both are Statesman.
0848 1-20-68 3 3 Political Parties. Democratic. The telegraphic news from various political conventions, indicate that Mr. Pendleton, of Ohio, is the choice of the Democracy for their standard bearer in the great Presidential contest.
0848 7-26-67 2 2 Political Parties, Democratic. (Editorial) There are Democrats extant., at least persons who call themselves Democrats, who preach strategy to the party. Their discourse is to the effect that for the Presidency the Democratic party of the United States should nominate some military man like Grant or Sherman. They propose to beat Radicalism by nominating some man who is not an exponent of the Principles of Democracy. This they call Strategy. We want no such Strategy, We had enough of that in 1864. We desire now to see a square, honest, hotly-contested struggle to elect a Democratic Statesman President of the United States. We must fight for principles not plunder, leave the latter to Radicals. We must boldly avow our doctrines of Free Trade, Retrenchment and Reform and our Standard-bearer should be a longtime advocate and expounder of Democracy. We want no military in ours.
0848 4-10-68 3 3 Political Parties. Democrats. Bob Percival, a well known Democratic politician of Council Bluffs, Iowa will address the democracy of Nebraska City at the First Ward Club rooms Mon. eve.
0848 8-12-68 2 3 Political Parties. Democratic. Ratification Meeting, Seymour and Blair Aug. 15th, at Hamburg, Iowa. Speakers, Hon. P. Gad Bryan, Democratic nominee for Congress, Alf S. Keiroif, Montgomery and Morton. Democratic meeting Aug. 12th at Lincoln. Speakers, Messrs. Poppleton, Vifquain, Helman, Johnson, Kinney, Brown and Savage.
0848 7-24-68 3 2 Political Parties. Democratic. John C. Turk and Judge Larimer of Council Bluffs and Willard P. Hall of St. Joseph are expected to address the ratification meeting tomorrow evening.
0848 4-6-68 2 4 Political Parties. Democratic Club.
John H. Croxton, Pres. 3rd Ward, Democratic Club, Nebraska City.
Undersigned members ask for special meeting April 7th in the Court House.

W. B. Miller, V. P W. L. Boydston  
E. B. Richardson G. H. Hail
John A. Goodlett James Thorn
R. H. Miller G. W. Sroat
T. C. Crenshaw J. W. Eaton
  John Steinhart
0848 2-26-68 3 2 Political Parties. Democratic Club. For the First Ward of Nebraska City was organized on Monday. Hon. Mills S. Reeves, President and Edward Sheldon, Secretary.
0848 7-15-68 3 4 Political Parties. Democratic Club.

The Democrats of Four Mile Creek precinct, met July 6th and permanently organized a Democratic Club, with the following officers -

Benj. F. Mothersead, Pres.
Joe. Thomas, Vice Pres.
Dr. W. C. Fawlks, Secretary.
Thos. Hogland, Asst. Secretary.
Ft. E. Anderson, Treasurer.

0848 8-5-68 3 2 Political Parties. Democratic clubs N. Trook, Liberty Precinct, procured papers for organizing a Democratic Club in his neighborhood, and J. M. Vanhorn and his son H. C. Vanhorn are doing like-
wise. Saturday Aug. 8th the Democrats of Liberty Precinct will convene at the Taylor schoolhouse near Barkers bridge, Cass County, about ten miles from Nebraska City.
0848 1-31-68 3 2 Political Parties. Democratic Club Was organized for the second ward in Nebraska City. Hon. W. W. Wardell, Secretary of the meeting.
0848 4-27-68 2 4 Political Parties. Democratic Club. Was organized in Sicer Precinct on the 11th and the following officers chosen: Thomas A. Wood, Pres., Richard Gird, Vic Pres., A. Picket, Sect'y., J. W. Faukhauser, Treas. A member from each school district was chosen to act as an Executive Committee. John Fox, Fox District No. 1; L. Colson, No. 2; H. Gird, No. 3; J. A. Pickett, No. 4. Rulo Register.
0848 8-3-68 3 2 Political Parties. Democratic Pole raising. On Aug. 8th, at Eureka, Benton Township, Frenont County, Iowa, says Messrs. Copeland, Rogers and Kline. Hon. S. H. Calhoun, Judge Kinney, G. W. Covell, and E. H. Ri—hardson will address the Democrats.
0848 8-7-68 3 3 Political Parties. Democratic Rally. The Democrats of Syracuse precinct have a grand rally and barbecue planned at Heth & Boydston's Mill on Saturday Aug. 14. A free dinner will be served; speakers are Hon. S. H. Calhoun, Hon. John F. Kinney, C. C. Walbaum, G. W. Covell and others.
0848 8-7-68 2 1 Political Parties. Democratic Ticket. President - Horatio Sennour of New York. Vice President - Gen. S. P. Blair of Missouri State Ticket. Member of Congress - A. J. Poppleton of Douglas County. Governor - James H. Porter of Cass County. Secretary of State - Victor Vifquain of Saline County. Auditor - H. C. Lett of Nemaha County. Treasurer - J. A. Ware, Otoe County. Presidential Electors - James G. Megeath, Vincent Kunner, John A. Bellmann. State Senators - John B. Bennet, J. Sterling Morton. House of Representatives - C. C. Wallbaun, G. W. Covell, T. G. Hoagland, J. W. Conger, Nathaniel Bray. County Commissioner - Oliver Stevenson. County Treasurer - James Thorn.
0848 2-24-68 3 2 Political Parties, Democrats. Cincinnati Enquirer says there is no division in the ranks of the Ohio Democracy; the party has never been more harmonious.
0848 12-2-68 2 3 Political Parties. Democratic Principles.

Fundamental principles of American Democracy as laid down by its first great champion and leader, Thomas Jefferson:- Equal and exact justice to all men of whatever State or persuasion, religious or political.
Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations entangling alliance with none.
The support of the State governments in all their rights.
The preservation of the general government in its whole constitutional vigor.
A jealous care for the rights of election by the people.
A mild and safe correction of abuses which are lapped by the sword of revolution, when peaceful remedies are unprovided.
Absolute acquiescences in the decision of the majority, the vital principles of Republics from which there is no appeal but to force the vital principle and immediate parent of despotism.
A well disciplined milita, our best reliance in peace, and for the first moments of war, till regulars may relieve them.
The supremacy of the civil over the military authority.
Freedom of religion, freedom of the press and freedom of person under the protection of the habeas corpus, and trial by juries impartial selected.

0848 3-13-67 2 3 Political Parties. Democratic Victories.

From the Omaha Herald
Our readers will observe that democratic victories are getting to be universal, East as well as West. Omaha led the column with a gain in four months of 400 in a vote of 1500. We clip from the telegraphic columns of the Chicago Times of the 7th the following hail-storm of Democratic victories:
Iowa City, Iowa. March 5. Democrats elect Mayor, marshal, treasurer and five out of eight councilmen. Democratic majorities range 1 to 68, the average being about 30 greater than last year.
Election closely contested by both parties.
Rock Island, Mar. 5. City election here resulted in the choice of Eggleston for Mayor, 213 majority, and Maj. H. C. Conne].ly, Democrat for police magistrate, 85 majority. Vote largest ever cast in the City last spring the Republicans carried Mayor and police
magistrate and last fall Logan had 84 majority. Democrats elected 3 out of 4 City councilmen.
Cedar Rapids, Mar. 5. Charter election yesterday, the Democratic tickeb was triumphant. Rochester, N. Y. Mar. 5., elected Democratic Mayor by 372 majority - democratic gain 1396. They elected 10 out of 15 alderman.
Troy, N. Y. Mar. 5, entire Democratic ticket elected including Fleming, Mayor, by 245 majority.
Albany, N. Y. Wilson, Democrat elected, majority 244, and elected almost entire City ticket.
Detroit, Mar. 5. Election at Owassa yesterday resulted in a democratic majority.

0848 3-15-67 2 2 Political Parties. Democratic.

Gain in Council Bluffs, the Radical stronghold of westen Iowa. The Radical mayor was elected against Col. Babbit and the Democracy by the majority of 48 votes. Last year they carried the election by more than 150. showing a Democratic gain of more than 100.
See Election.

0848 4-10-67 2 1 Political Parties, a prominent leader among the iron-sided Democrats of Saroy County, Hon. John Q. Goss, conducts the staunch democratic journal, the Bellevue Times of Bellevue, Nebr. See Press.
0848 4-17-67 3 2 Political Parties. Democratic

Committee City Election.
J. D. Lauer, L.C.Winn, W. C. Williams, G. W. Shroat, and J. Abney, members of Democratic City Committee to attend meeting April IS, to discuss matters pertaining to city election A. F. Harvey. Chairman.

0848 4-26-67 2 1 Political Parties. Democrats.

The great issue for which we are contending is a restoration of the Union and their re-establishment of fraternity and peace between the North and the South, under a restored constitution. We want a return to the rule of the constitution and laws and freedom from the tyrannic sway of this lawless congress. We want to bring down the taxes and restore the days of republican simplicity when under Democratic administration it cost only 60 or 70 millions to administer the government and the taxes were so light that nobody felt them a burden.

0848 5-6-67 2 1 Political Parties. Democratic. Otoe County Ticket to fill vacancies state legislature See Election Candidates, Special
0848 7-29-67 2 3 Political Parties Democrats. Party is undoubtedly a dead party. It has been so often killed that no sane person, trusting to the asseverations of its adversaries, can for an instant doubt it. The New York Herald in New York and Pennsylvania says-- "There is a great deal of controversy just now between the Democrats and Republicans as to the prospects of each in the coming elections in their States." Thad Stevens not long ago, said the Democrats would carry these States at the next election. A great many of his own party, not so far-sighted assert the contrary; while part of the Democrats are hopeful and the rest doubtful. All this shows the choas in which all parties are thrown. The success of either party depends upon their conduct and the management of the elections, but more so for the Democrats for they have the most vigorous fight to make. Still we agree with Thad Stevens, that they have a good chance of succeeding if they manage right. Omaha
0848 2-28-68 3 3 Political Parties. Democrats. Of Omaha, Nebr., list of nominations for the city ticket. See Election candidates.
0848 5-6-68 2 1 Political Parties. Democrats. Entire Ticket is elected by majorities of 200 to 230, at Nebraska City. See Election Returns
0848 7-8-68 2 2 Political Parties. Otoe County See Convention, Democratic
0848 7-6-68 3 4 Political Parties. Otoe County. See Convention, Democratic

7-15-68 7-20-68

Political Parties. Democratic Nebraska Delagates, a unit for Pendleton
0848 7-17-68 2 1 Political Parties. Democratic Of Nebraska City hold primary July 18, to elect ward delegates to county convention. See Election, Primary.
0848 8-7-68 2 1 Political Parties. Democratic.

Ticket. Horatio Seymour of New York For President.
Gen. F. P. Blair of Missouri, Vice President.
State Ticket.
A. J. Poppleton, Douglas Co., For Member of Congress.
James H. Porter, Cass Co., For Governor.
Victor Vifquain, Saline Co., For Secretary of State.
H. C. Lett, Neniaha Co., For Auditor.
J. A. Ware, Otoe Co., For Treasurer.
James G. Megeath, Vincent Kummers John A. Hellmann, For Presidential Electors.
For State Senators.
John B. Bennet, J. Sterling Morton. For House Representatives.
C. C. Walibaum, G. W. Covell, T. J..
Hoagland, J. W. Congers. Nathaniel Bray.
Oliver Stevenson, County Commissioner.
James Thorn, County Treasurer.

0848 8-12-68 3 2 Political Parties. Democratic Club. Of Cass County will meet on the following dates:
Rock Bluffs - Aug. 15 at 6 o'clock at Rock Bluffs.
Mount Pleasant - Aug. 15, 6 o'clock at the School House.
Liberty - Aug. 22nd, 6 o'clock at Taylor's School House.
0848 8-14-68 2 1 Political Parties. Democratic. State Democratic Platform.
0848 8-17-68 3 2 Political Parties. Democratic. Mass Meeting at Hamburg last Saturday was the largest Democratic outpouring of the masses ever known in this vicinity. By actual count, the procession numbered over 5000 and at the lowest estimate the entire assemblage exceeded 8000. Speeches were made from three different stands. Fremont county is awake and the Democracy claim a certain victory.
0848 8-19-68 2 1 Political Parties. Democratic. Cass County rallied to Democracy at Plattsmouth on Monday by the thousands. They were addressed by Captain Goss of Sarpy Co., Captain Cooper, Colonel Savage, Hon. C. H. Brown, Governor Porter and Andrew Jackson Poppleton in the afternoon. In the evening by Judge Wakely of Omaha and J. Sterling. Morton. After the speaking, music and dancing.
0848 8-26-68 2 1 Political Parties. Democratic. Mr. Cumerford leaves for the northern part of the State tomorrow to speak in behalf of the Democracy. He is a young man of rare abilities, a polished gentleman and one of the most eloquent speakers in the northwest.
0848 8-28-68 3 2 Political Parties. Democratic. Of Wyoming precinct will hold a meeting at Wolph's school house the 29th. C. C. Walbaun and Lewis M. Lloyd will address the meeting.
0848 8-31-68 3 2 Political Parties. Democratic. Meeting of Syracuse precinct assembled on Friday at Heth & Boydston's new mill at Nursery Hill Post Office by order of Mr. Hedges, and Wm. L. Boydston was chosen chairman and D. P. Rolfe, secretary.
Speeches made by Hon. J. C. Campbell and Gee. W. Covell, candidate for State Senator and House and Hon. John H. Croxton and Hon. J. F. Kinney who discussed the political issues, exposed Radical rule and rotteness in both State and Nation. A similar meeting was held. the following day in Hendrick's Precinct.
0848 8-31-68 3 4 Political Parties. Democratic. Meeting at Cassel's Grove on Friday was a complete success. Mr. L. M. Lloyd and E. It. Richardson addressed the crowd of which quite a number were Radicals.
0848 9-28-68 1 2 Political Parties. Democratic. Ptoposttion to equalize the taxation taking $1000 from the farms and farm stock and placing it on the bonds, dividing the burden equally between two kinds of property according to their value.
See Taxation Equalization.
0848 10-7-68 3 3 Political Parties. Democratic. Rally at Nebraska City Oct. 12. Speakers, General Frank P. Blair, Hon. A. J. Poppleton and Hon. George L. Miller.
Music by Nebraska City Band. Torch light Procession at night.
0848 3-13-67 2 1 Political Parties. Radicals. The Press endorses, supports and enlogizes the party members who drew up and tried to pass a bill to deprive Otoe County of part of her legislative representation. See Ferries
0848 3-30-68 2 1 Political Parties. Radicals. Editorial Of Nebraska City had a precinct meeting on Friday and prominent among the wise men were several coal black "n____s" who walked up among Chivington, Irish, Mason, Buck, and McCracken and deposited their ballots with solemn dignity. One of the tickets in the radical field which the "Culled pussons" all voted against was known as Irishes ticket, and the News in his defeat, congratulates him upon the result of "n____" suffrage in a radical meeting.
0848 7-13-68 2 1 Political Parties. Radicals. Editorial The Radical party is essentially a party of office holders and public plunders, and as long as they retain control of the Government it is useless to expect a reduction of expenses or diminution of taxation.
0848 8-3-68 2 1 Political Parties. Radicals. Editorial Since July 1, 1865, the Radical Party has collected, in taxes from the people of the United States the large sum of One Billion and Two Hundred Million Dollars. And not one cent of the amount has been applied to the payment of the public debt. Four Hundred Millions of this sum has been paid in golden interest to the untaxed bond-holders of this country-paid to an aristocracy which has done nothing to make up the revenues of the government.
0848 1-20-68 2 3 Political Parties. Republican. Meeting of the Republican Central Committee met at Republican office, Omaha Jan. 18, Chairman St. A. D. Balcombe calling committee to order. State Convention will meet April 28th at Nebraska City for the purpose of appointing delegates to the Chicago National Convention, May 20th to nominate a. candidate for member of the 41st Congress, for Governor, and Secretary of State, Auditor, Treasurer, and three Presidential Electors. Delegates from each judicial district shall respectively nominate a candidate for District Attorney. St. A. D. Balcombe, Chairman. John H. Sahlet, Secretary. Republican
0848 5-20-67 2 1 Political Parties. Southern Vote.

"Veteran Observer" of the New York Times calculates that the whole vote of the late Confederate States will be 1,260,000. One-fifth of the whites will vote the Radical ticket, and it is probable that one-fifth of the blacks will vote the Conservative ticket. Hence the following:

Conservative Whites 570,000
Conservative Negroes 115,000
Conservative Vote 680,000

Radical Whites 140,000
Radical Negroes 440,000
Radical Vote 589,000

This gives the Conservatives 100,000 majority.

0848 4-29-68 2 4

Political Parties. The Know Nothing

Who Radicals arc fast becoming the anti-German, anti-Irish and foreigner-prescribing party of the country. Tac:r bonded aristocracy are very very significantly turning up their noses at
the foreign born citizens.
0848 4-17-67 2 1 Political Parties.

Radicals in Nebraska should keep an eye upon the forward movement of their elder brothers in Kansas and not be outdone. See Suffrage.

0848 5-22-67 2 3 Political Parties. Radical Party. Of Nebraska, has the honor of inflicting upon the tax payers, $500 per day expense. See Legislature, State.
0848 9-2-60 2 1 Political Parties. Radicals. Editorial The purpose of the Party. They have had undisputed sway for eight years and have wielded with the government with a sway despotic. The radicals loving despotic power will make a struggle to retain their power and will stop at nothing. They would if necessary disfranchise one half of the voters of the North. They declare that Grant must be President by fair or foul means, and boast that in nearly every town they have an organization armed and dirlled for their purposes, known as the G. A. R: - that the negroes are their allies in the work of crushing out the liberties of the people, and making Grant the Government. This is the declared purpose of the Radical party by their leading men, and their press.
0848 10-19-68 3 4 Political Parties. Radicals. Majority reported by counties. See Election Results
0848 1-6-68 3 2 Political Parties Meeting of the Nebraska republicans. See Convention
1305 3-23-76 3 3 Politial Parties Republican Central Committee will hold a county convention to choose delegates to the state convention May 23d at Freemont.
0848 8-31-68 3 3 Political Parties. Republican. G. Gale, nominated for assessor at the republican convention, and Phillip Gascoigue a delegate to the senatorial convention, says Blue Valley Record. See Gale & Gascoigne.
0848 8-31-68 3 3 Political Parties. Republican. Honest Bill McLennan and Foster Edwards are to address a Republican meeting at Table Rock precinct, Thursday evening
0848 8-19-68 3 2 Political Parties. Republican State Committee.. H. D. Hathway, Esq. editor of the Plattsmouth Herald was re-elected chairman and Dr. Livingston of the same place, secretary.

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