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NSHS Territorial Newspaper Extraction Project

 Code  Date 18xx  Pg  Col 
1305 11-10-70 1 3 Polk County Nebraska, has been organized
1305 2--26-74 1 4 Polk County Investment in school facilities
0848 4-26-67 3 1 Pollard, Mrs Of Humboldt precinct, Richardson County. Death of son, about 8 years when home was burned. See Death
0848 5-1-67 2 4 Pollock, W. A. Speaker of the House, Nebr. Legislature during the war, completed the iniquity of electing Senators Thayer and Tipton. See Cass County Senatorial __gratitude.
0848 4-13-68 3 4 Polock, W. A. Elected marshal and street commissioner at Brownville, Nebraska. See Election returns.
0848 3-10-70 1 4 Pollard, Mary Enrolled in the Teacher's class Peru Normal.
1305 12-30-69 1 8 Pollock, W. A. Lieut. of Brownville appoiinted on Committee of arrangements for the re-union.
1305 4-17-73 2 6 Polock, C. A. Defendant, People, plaintiff, Malicious ischief. Nolle entered after jury was sworn.
1305 5-26-70 3 2 Polock, C. A. Has bought the news and magazine business of A. D. Marsh. See Trade
1305 5-15-73 3 4 Polock, Cy Has leased the Star Hotel and took possession on last Monday.
1305 5-6-69 2 1 Polock, W. A. Has received the appoointment of Post Master at Brownville, Nebraska. See Mail
1305 5-1-73 1 5 Ponca Rev. J. H. Wehn appinted minister at Ponca, Nebraska.
0848 9-2-69 3 1 Ponn, Joseph Is erecting a dwelling in middle Brownville north of the M. E. Church
1305 1-15-74 3 2 Poor Farm John Maxwell superintendent
0848 4-3-67 3 2 Pope & Allard White washing, paper hanging, kasoming, house and sign painting, gazing done to order.
0848 7-1-67 3 4 Pope, H. Independant Order, Grand Templars Committee on decoration & Flowers. Strawberry Festival, July 4. See Societies & Organizations
0848 8-7-68 2 1 Poppleton, A. J. Douglas county. Democratic candidate for member of Congress.
1305 5-19-70 1 6 Poppleton, A. J. Elected President of Real Estate Dealers at State Convention. From Omaha.
0848 8-19-68 2 1 Poppleton, Andrew Jaction Addressed the Cass Co. Democracy at Plattsmouth on Monday afternoon. See political Parties. Democratic.
0848 8-10-68 2 1 Poppleton, Andrew Jaction Democratic candidate for Congress. Born and bred a farmer, in early life Mr. Poppleton earned his bread by the toil of his hands; but by diligent study at the old homestcad, in Oakland. Michigan, he prepared himself for college; mastering Latin, Greek and the higher Mathematics without the aid of instructors and finally entered Union College as a Junior. In two years his Bachelor of Arts; and later graduated as Bachelor of Law at the Poughkeep sic Law School, and then in 1854 he started for the far West.
0848 10-7-68 2 3 Poppleton, Hon. J. A. Poppleton, Non. 3. A. Speaker at Democratic Rally, Nebr. City. See Political Parties.
0848 12-11-68 2 2-3 Population Cass County, increase during past year is estimatedd at 1600, the increase of voters as per returns of registration, over 300, which gives a population of about 8000 in the county See Cass County
1305 10-30-73 2 3 Population Fillmore Co., Fairmont
0848 10-21-68 3 2 Population, Nebraska Has more than doubled her population during the past year, and will, no doubt, treble it durning the coming.
0848 2-26-68 2 2 Population. White. Of the ten outlawed States is aboutn one-third more than the black population, yet there are only 325,000 blacks. This shows that at least 308,000 white men ar disfranchised and denied every civil and political right.
1305 12-30-69 1 3 Porter, C. F. Capt Of Decatur appointed on Committee of arrangements for the re-union.
0848 8-7-68 2 2-3 Porter, Cass. F. Temporary scc'y of Omaha Convention. See Convention, State Dem.
0848 1-15-68 1 2 Porter, Capt. Charles F. Delegate to National Convention. See Convention, State Dem.
1305 10-21-69 3 1 Porter, De Forrest Assistant United States Assessor..
0848 8-19-68 2 1 Porter, Governor Addressed the Cass County Democracy at Plattsmouth on Monday afternoon. See Political Parties. Democratic.
0848 8-24-68 3 2 Porter, James R Of Cass County. Democratic candidate for Governor of State of Nebraska. See Capital Removal.
0848 10-5-68 2 2 Porter, James R. Candidate for Governor, Land Grabbers working for his defeat. See Land Grabbers.
1305 8-5-69 2 1 Porter, Dr. John P. A Mr. France stole 3 horses valued at $4500 from.
0848 7-15-67 2 2 Porter, Rolly Captain of Kate Kinney Excursion from Nebraska City to Omaha. See Pastimes.
1305 6-10-69 2 5 Porter, S. D. New part owner of Morning Chronicle, Nebraska City.
1305 6-12-73 1 8 Porter, Wm B. Master, officer of the Patrons of Husbandry of Plattsmouth.
1305 1-15-74 4 1 Porter, W. B. Member Premium Committee. State Fair.
1305 6-12-73 1 8 Porter, Wm B. of Plattsmouth Lady Assistant
1305 5-1-73 1 5 Porter, W. H. Appointed Minister at Deatur, Nebraska
1305 1-5-71 2 3 Porter, Waldo M. Bought a half interest in the Journal and will edit it after January 20.
0848 10-7-68 2 3 Porter, E. and Co. Entellegence Office. See Labor wanted.
0848 3-6-67 2 6 Post Sutler Fort Kearny, S E Beall proprietor. Contents of store for sale at lowest prices. Iron safe and store building. See General Store.
1305 3-23-76 3 6 Porter, Henry His son died of scarlet fever March 14. See Death
1305 5-5-70 2 3 Postmaster The contractor between Brownville and Tecumseh has been ordered to carry the mail 6 times a week. Captain Polock, Postmaster.
1305 5-29-73 1 6 Post Master The entire batch of 375,000 of the new Penny Postal Cards was sold yesterday before 4 P.M. and to-day the demand is still very great and general, another batch having been received during the night. Post Master James has made a requisition on the department for a batch of 1,000,000. N. Y. Commercial Advertiser.
1305 6-12-73 2 1 Post Master The Postal cards cost the government $1.36 per 1,000 the orders have reahed over 25,000,000 for which the government pays $34,000 and the people $250,000. The orders average 1,050,000 daily, while the capacity of the contractor's manufactory is onl $5000,000 daily.
1305 5-5-70 2 1 Post office Located with the firm of Mesers Brown and Buch ant Peru, Nebr.
0848 4-3-67 3 1 Potatoes Fifty barrels of "merchanicks" and "peach blow" potatoes were receied per steamer Lacy by Hawley, White and Burks, who will sell them at a low price. See Agriculture.
0848 8-10-68 3 3 Potatoes. EarlyRose, success with one pound. See agriculture.
0848 10-23-68 3 3 Potatoes. One thousand bushels were raised from seven acres of land by a gentleman living south of the city. Dr. Seimers, one of the oldest inhabitants of Otoe County, has raised a tremendous crop, his team have been busy hauling them into the city.
0848 4-5-67 2 3 Pottenger, Wilbet of Plattsmouth, Nebr. Newly elected Mayor. See Election.
0848 3-11-67 3 1 Potter's Theatre Omaha, Nebr. closed by United States revenue collector, in default of proprietor paying his revenue tax. See Taxation
1305 12-22-70 2 3 Potwin, George C. Reports organization of an Agricultural Society in Sarpy County, Nebraska.
1305 12-25-73 3 7 Poulson, Billy, St. Deroin Pork packer and cattle feeder.
1305 5-19-70 4 5 Poultry Raising W. H. Turner,Imorter and Breader of Sumatra Pheasant Game, Plymouth, Ohio
1305 11-5-73 2 4 Powell, Col. Established Fort Kearney in 1848 occupied as a millitary post until 1871.
0848 9-23-68 3 4 Powell, Dempsey Served as Member of the Grand Jury. See Judicial.
0848 7-1-67 2 6 Powell, Edward Nebraska City. Proprietor of Nebraska Foundry and Machine Shop, with Araba Holmes and D. N. Gould. See Induatry.
0848 5-31-67 2 1 Powell, Holmes & Gould Nebraska Iron Works, Nebraska City. Manufactures of machinery. Purchased Holly Block. See Industry, Foundry.
1305 3-23-76 3 6 Powers, J. K. Has located in Johnson, Nebraska
1305 11-17-70 2 2 Powers, Sarah Was murdered by Gallant rakes.
0848 5-20-67 3 2 Prairie Camp Station Alias "Denver John", keeper in drying condition at Nebraska City. See Grear, George
1305 11-13-73 3 5 Prairie fire, Saline Co. relief contributions sent from Brownville.
1305 10-30-73 3 4 Prairie Fire, Saline Co. A letter from John Flora written to his partner, John Mercer descriptive of the disastrous fire in Saline County
1305 10-23-73 2 4-5 Prairie Fire, Saline Co. Names of the victims of the fire.
0848 5-17-67 3 1 Prairie Fires Illuminating the heavens, have been witnessed by our citizens during the week.
1305 3-2-76 3 7 Prall, Lauretta Was married to Wm. W. Seid, Feb 27. See Marriage.
0848 5-31-67 3 3 Pre-emption The lands in Lancaster, Saline and few other counties have been withdrawn from market, except for preemption and homestead. See Land
1305 2-17-76 3 2 Presbyterian Church J. L. Webster will lecture Feb. 28. See Churches
1305 1-20-76 3 2 Presbyterian Church Tipton, Ex senator, lectured in Brownville Friday evening. See Churches.
1305 1-13-76 3 1 Presbyterian, First Rev. Ellis will preach in the First Presbyterian Church next Sunday at Brownville. See Churches
1305 6-12-73 2 4 Prescott, Mrs An accomplished dress maker has bee secured by Mrs. Berkley. Mrs. Prescott has acquired her business in the best schools of the east.
0848 6-21-67 3 1 Prescott, Sam Bill poster and white washer. Leave orders at the News office.
0848 5-30-68 3 2 Prescott, Sam See Bill Poster.
1305 12-1-70 1 3 President Lincoln Copy of his letter to Colonel Ellsworth's parents May 25, 1861.
1305 12-9-69
President Message To the Senate and House of Representatives. President U. S. Grant

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