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NSHS Territorial Newspaper Extraction Project

 Code  Date 18xx  Pg  Col 
1305 11-24-70 1 1 Press Culver and Parsons will establish a new paper at Milford in Seward County called the Blue Valley Record
1305 12-8-70 2 5-6 Press Opening of Congress Washington Dec. 5, 1870
1305 10-6-70 3 1 Press Belden, the White Chief or Twelve Years Among Wild Indians of the Plains, from diaries of George P. Belden, adventurous soldier, hunter, trapper and guide. Edited by George Brisbin, U. S. A. J. S. Goodman Co. Chicago, Ill.
1305 11-24-70 2 3 Press Mr. Fox is editor and publisher of the new Plattsmouth paper, the Cass County Democrat.
1305 10-19-70 2 3 Press Fred S. Hassler from Pennsylvania has bought half interest in the Tribune office at Pawnee City, making the new firm of Edwards and Hassler.
1305 8-4-70 2 3 Press The Hamburg Democrat is the new paper published at Hamburg, Iowa by Fulmer and Willaims.
1305 8-4-70 2 2 Press The Dakota Ciy Mail No 1 vol 1 arrived at Brownvile from Dakota City, Mr. Donagh and O Sullivan are the publishers. F. M. Mc Donagh editor is Republican.
1305 7-28-70 2 6-8 Press News by Telegraph War in Europe
1305 8-4-70 2 3 Press A new paper called The Lincoln County Advertiser is published at North Platte Nebraska by Barton and Park,. A. C. Holt is business manager. It is Republican in politics.
1305 8-18-70 2 3 Press The Blair Times is a new paper at Blair in Washington COunty, J. C. Lilie, Editor and Proprietor. The Times is and 8 column paper, Republican in politics.
1305 9-1-70 1 3 Press George Elliott of Cass County had his arm torn off by a threshing machine.
1305 9-15-70 1 4 Press The Tecumseh Chieftain is achieving success.
1305 7-14-70 2 5 Press 26 Republican and 5 Democratic newspapers are published in Nebraska. Editorial Convention will be held at Lincoln Aug. 10. (List of Nebraska Newspapers). Omaha Republican.
1305 8-5-69 3 3 Press Agricultural news items.
0848 6-2-68 3 4 Press F. K. Freeman, the able editor of the press-on-wheels-Frontier Index, is stopping at the Seymour House. The Index is on the move again, Green river the destination. Freeman thinks Cheyene too densely populated.
0848 7-31-68 3 3 Press The American Union, published at Sidney, Iowa, walks into the Chief Justice of Nebraska, and calls him a first class bummer.
1305 7-7-70 2 2 Press Special correspondence Nemaha City, Aspinwall, Hillsdale, St. Deroin, improvements, business, toll bridges, crops, railroads and mail service.
1305 7-14-70 4 1 Prey's Farm between Lincoln and Beatrice, well advanced and compares favorably with farms of the Old States.
1305 6-10-69 1 2 Press Article from Dr. Hall's Journal of Health on Essence of Disease
1305 7-29-69 2 1 Press W. H. Ashby, new Clarion Editor, bought Mr. Howard's interest.
0848 11-9-68 3 1 Press Babbit of the C. B. Bugle has instituted suit against Kierolf of the Democrat for libel.
0848 2-24-68 3 2 Press The Bentonsport (Iowa) Signal claims to be the first paper in the United States that hoisted the name of Pendleton for President, declaring for him as early as June 1866.
0848 6-15-68 3 2 Press The Blue Valley Record is to be established at Beatrice, Gage County, Nebraska
0848 12-14-68 2 2 Press Blue Valley Record. Business transacted at United States office at Beatrice Nov 11 to 30thinclusive. See Land Office, U. S.
0848 3-30-68 3 2 Press J. A Bodenhamer, editor and proprietor of the American Union, of Sidney, Iowa, is in the City. Business men would find it an advantage to use advertising in his paper as the trade from the Iowa side is no small matter and could be great increased. The Union has a general circulation throughout Fremont county.
1305 5-27-69 2 2 Press John M. Brainard, Esquire has retired from the editorial chair of the Council Bluffs Nonpareil and John H. Keally Esquire, has taken possession.
1305 2-9-71 2 4 Press S. W. Brook retired from the Register and H. A. Buell of the St. Louis Times takes his place as editor. Richardson County.
1305 12-30-69 2 1 Press J. S. church has sold his interest in the Advertiser to Col. R. W. Furnas.
0848 10-21-68 3 3 Press Columbus Ohio Journal, says there are not less than one hundred miles of wagon trains now on the road going westward. See Emigration.
  8-20-61 2 1 Press Falls City Broad Axe. A. R. Conklin, editor of Forrest City Courier, assassinated.. See Murder
0848 5-6-68 3 2 Press The Council Bluffs Democrat has been received. It is a good newspaper and a good partizan journal combined. The Democrat is vigorous, spicy, "bully."
0848 5-8-67 2 1 Press Denver Gazette of 26th. Arrest of four of the wealthiest and oldest settlers on St. Vrains for the murder of man named Clifford. See St. Vrains.
0848 5-8-67 2 1 Press Denver Gazette of 26th. Western Items. Indian stockraiders. See Indian Depredations.
0848 5-8-67 2 1 Press Denver Gazette. See Gold Mining.
0848 5-6-68 2 4 Press Denver Tribune contains letter from J. M. Colton, now in the Cimmaron Mines, giving disencouraging accounts of the gold interest. See Gold mines
1305 5-26-70 2 3 Press Luther T. Eads, Esquire, of Davenport, Iowa, Editor of the Emigrant's Guide and Railway Gazette is locating a colony at Hebron in Jefferson County.
1305 10-14-69 2 1 Press Judge Edwards of Pawnee City, has bought a haf interest in the Tribune.
1305 5-11-71 2 2-3 Press Election news
1305 2-17-70 2 3 Press T. R. Fisher, publisher of the Pawnee Tribune has sold the newspaper plant to Judge Edwars, one of the ables radicals of the present district.
0848 9-4-68 3 3 Press The following papers, lately radical and independent have come to the Democratic fold: Greenburg (Ind.) Expositor; Pittsburg (Pa.) Daily Republic; Nyack (Me.) City and Country; New York CItizen; Golden City (Col.) Transcript.
1305 2-23-71 2 4-5 Press Foreign news by Telegraph
0848 12-21-68 3 2 Press Fremont Tribune Article on livestock epidemic. See Disease, Cattle
1305 4-14-70 2 4 Press General News, Foreigh, Congressional and Miscellaneous
1305 11-18-75 2 4 Press General news gleaned from exchanges and telegraphic reports - not Nebraska news occupy these columns.
1305 3-10-70 3 1 Press Henry Harmon, one of the oldest and steadiest friends of the Advertiser, an old pioneer and good fellow, called on su Saturday.
0848 3-13-67 2 2 Press Harper's Weekly says in an article upon the currency and taxation that the public has some rights which politicians will have to recognize. Here in United States, the public groans under the heavy burden of taxes and expensive living and sooner or later will rebel against this load and the party which are responsible will itself be laid low. See Taxation
1305 5-20-69 2 1 Press Colonel Hinman Rhodes is editor of the literary department of the Tecumseh Gazette. He is a fine energetic man and will furnish some spicy reading.
0848 8-21-68 3 2 Press John M. Hogshead, editor of the Panola Star of Panola, Miss. is in the City.
1305 4-14-70 2 3 Press J. M. Hogshead retires from the Beatrice Clarion. Mr. Theodore oleman takes charge of a Republican Paper.
1305 9-16-69 2 2 Press Dr. Holladay who retired from the Democrat has worked incessantly to build up the paper and awakend a new interest in newspapers. J. D. Calhoun who succeeds him, has thus far secured the good will of all who have made his acquaintance.
1305 4-22-69 2 1 Press H. Howard of the Beatrice Record, to improve the paper with new material and a new press From St, Louis.
0848 7-15-68 3 3 Press In receipt of the first number of the Blue Valley Record, a paper published in Beatrice, Nebraska. It is neutral in politics.
1305 12-16-75 2 2 Press An Inter Ocean clipping states that Bishop Hare lectured in Nework N. J. onIndian Missions. See Indians
0848 7-31-67 2 4 Press It seems that an attempt which Congress made through Mr. McPherson, to establish a class of violently radical newspapers in the Southern States, will prove a failure unless additional donations from the treasury are promptly made. Neither the whites nor the blacks can be induced to read these journals, and the special appropriation made them, under the plea of compensation for publishing the laws of the United States, is found altogether inadequate to their necessities. Even Hunnicutt's paper in Richmond,, the New Nation is in the last stages. Hence we read in the Tribune, that until congress makes an additional appropriation for their support, as well as arrangement to pay their bills promptly, this class of journals will fail from necessity." We, with other tax-payers will watch in what shape, congress will make the additional appropriation." N. Y. Times
0848 6-12-68 3 2 Press Mark H. Kellogg assoclate edltor of the Council Bluffs Democrat called on his way to Lincoln.
0848 1-15-68 4 6 Press Ladies Repository for 1868 A general literary and religious magazine, for the family.
Published by Poe & Hitchcock, Cincinnati and Chicago. Canton and Porter, New York. $3.50 per year, $1.75 per volume.
0848 7-29-67 2 4 Press Lawrence Jorunal. Results of boring for coal at Lawrence, Kansas. Gen Deitzier and Hon. Sam Denman in the company. See Coal
1305 6-19-73 1 5-7 Press Letter from H. M. Atkinson a trip to Austin Texas, San Antonio, discription of country. How the Mexicans live.
0848 3-23-68 2 2 Press Lexington (Ky) Statesman. Letter ffrom Cassins M. Clay on the causes of drouth and prevention of forest destruction. See Weather & Climate.
1305 1-20-70 1 8 Press List of American Authors and ages has been compiled with great care.
1305 6-5-73 3 5 Press List of news items from Sheridan, Johnson and Lafayette
1305 9-9-69 2 4 Press The Little Blue is the title of the new Republican weekly published at Jenkins Mills, Jefferson County, edited by Mark J. Kelley, late of the Washington (Kansas) Observer.
1305 6-10-69 2 5 Press Members of the Turnbull family have filled the position of Clerk of Brunswick County, Virginia for 133 years. General Stoneman removed the last from office.
0848 8-31-68 3 4 Press B. F. Montgomery, Esq. editor of the Council Bluff Democrat called this evening.
1305 5-13-69 2 4 Press Mount Vernon estate of General Washington is advertised in the Gazette to be sold on June 10th at auction.
1305 10-28-75 3 1 Press The Nebraska Advertiser has a larger circulation than it or any other paper ever had before in Nemaha County - 1500 copies.
0848 8-21-68 3 2 Press Mr. Nelson of the Blue Valley Record called on us yesterday.
0848 6-22-68 3 2 Press New York Merchantile Journal is the most complete and reliable merchantile paper published in this country. It gives a weekly price list of nearly every article bought and sold by country or city merchant. Published every Thursday at No. 2 Franklin Square, New York City. $3. per year.
1305 11-11-75 3 8 Press News items from Johnson, Nemaha City and Sheridan, Nebraska
1305 6-29-73 1 4-5 Press of Nebraskaa Poem read before the Nebraska Press Association at Omaha May 20, 1873, by F. M. Mac Donough of the "Plattsmouth Watchman"
0848 7-8-68 3 2 Press Pawnee Tribune issues its first number - it is a neat seven colum weekly paper.
0848 7-17-68 2 1 Press The Pawnee Tribune is a new radical journal just out in the interests of St. Andrew's Supper Butler who is looking to the U. S. Senate and the seat of Rev. "Tomuel" Tipton in case he can connect on the Governorship.
1305 8-5-9 2 1 Press Dr. Presson has again assumed entire control of the Gazette at Tecumseh, A. J. Warrall retiring.
0848 6-19-68 3 2 Press Mr. Price of Ohio will be imported to Nebraska City to take charge of the politial department of the Peoples Press of this city.
1305 11-4-69 2 1 Press The Republican reports that Cap't J. M. Hannum in charge of the steamer Elkhorn which hed hired from the Union Pacific Railroad Co., Decamped from Omaha on Tuesday morning with about $3000 of other people's money, $1800 of which was money he owed the crew. The Elkhorn has been attacked.
0848 1-29-68 3 2 Press Hon. M. W. Reynolds, editor of the Kansas State Journal, delivered the annual address before the Editors and Publishers Convention at Topeka, January 17.
0848 6-15-68 3 2 Press Hon. M. W. Reynolds formerly editor of the News and now editor of the Kansas State Journal is in the City planning improvements on his farm.
1305 9-2-69 3 3 Press Ruby Gray's Strategy by Mrs Ann S. Stephens is the new novel by the American author. T. B. Peterson and Brothers, publishers, Philadelphia. $1.75 in cloth binding.
1305 7-8-69 3 1 Press A. M. Ruley sold Holt County Sentinel to a man from Chicago.

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