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NSHS Territorial Newspaper Extraction Project

 Code  Date 18xx  Pg  Col 
0848 5-6-67 3 1 Press Salt Lake Telegraph says about 80 persons killed by the Indians. See Fort Buford Massacre.
1305 11-18-75 3 2 Press Schuyler, Colfax County has a new paper called the Sun. Democratic in politics.
1305 7-8-69 1 8 Press Sixty one new newspapers were started in the United States in May.
0848 11-16-68 3 1 Press The Staats Zeitung Office has been moved from the Press office to the building formerly occupied by McCallum and Schmidtz.
1305 5-26-70 2 3 Press M. S. Stretch, Esquire of the Nemaha Valley Journal returned from a business trip to Chicago. Falls City Paper
1305 11-4-69 1 6-7 Press Struggles and Triumphs or Forty Years Recollections of P. T. Barmun, written by himself, illustrated, 784 pages J. B. Burr and Company, Hartford, Connecticut
1305 2-3-76 3 2 Press Tecumseh Chieftain changed hands last week. Mr. Besock stepped out and Morris Barrows and Robert Craw stepped in.
1305 12-16-75 3 1 Press A Tecumseh Chieftain clipping tells of an Indian skull found 23 feet below the surface. See Indians.
1305 3-30-76 2 4 Press These columns contain general news gleaned from exchanges and telegraphic reports
1305 12-2-75 2 2 Press This column contains general news gleaned from exchanges and telegraphic reports Not Nebraska News.
1305 1-6-76 2 1 Press The Watchman (a clipping) announces a debate between Prof. Church and Rev. J. T. Baird. See Religion
0848 7-1-67 2 1 Press News editorial on selection of Peru for Peru Norman. See State Institutions.
0848 6-14-67 3 3 Press New York Evening Post. Editorial California discovery. See Gold
0848 3-29-67 2 3 Press New York Times, editorial. See Impeachment, Pres. Lincoln.
1305 6-5--73 1 4-6 Press Welcome address delivered at Lincoln on the 21st on the occation of welcoming the Kansas Editors at the Capitol. The orator was Ex Attorney Gen. Roberts.
0848 12-2-69 2 4 Press A year ago there was not a newspaper in Nebraska printed away from the Missouri River towns. Now there are six - two at Lincoln, one at Fremont, one at Beatrice, one at Pawnee City and one at Tecumseh. There should also be one at Dakotah City, West Point, Columbus, Grand Island, Ashland and Seward. The population in and around each of these places is sufficient to support a six column weekly at least. Lincoln Statesman
1305 5-11-57 3 2 Press Newspaper Cass County Sentinel is name of paper just stared at Rock Bluff, II.
T. E. Giles, Editor and Puhiisher
1305 7-2-57 2 3 Press We have before us the first number of the "Pacific City Enterprise" a paper hailing from Pacific City Iowa. Thompson & Newman publishers, ox Gov. MeConias, Editor. Pacific City is at the mouth of Poney Creek, Mills County, Iowa.
1305 12-2-58 2 3 Press Newspaper Another new paper No. 1 Vol 1 of "Peoples Press" published at Neb. City, C. W. Sherfey Esq. Editor and publisher.
1305 6-17-58 3 2 Press Newspaper Rock Port "Banner" comes to us this week with salutory of Silas Pinyear Esq. Editor
1305 6-16-59 1 3 Press Newspaper Daily "Spirit of the West" Neb. City, O. J. Nickerson, Editor and Pub, just received at office. Success to the "Daily".
0858 7-12-68 3 2 Press

Central Union Agriculturist A new journal devoted to agriculture, horticulture, literature, science, arts, news, morals, etc., edited and published by Jeremiah Behun, at Omaha. The style and "make up" of the paper is similar to that of the New York Agriculturist published monthly. The paper should be in the hands of every farmer. Terms 42,00 per annume

0848 8-31-68 3 3 Press Blue Valley Record. G. Gale nominated for assessor at republican convention and Phillip Gascoigne as delegate to the senatorial convention. See Gale and Gascoigne.
0848 3-8-67 2 5 Press

Chicago Evening Post. Blakely Brothers and. Davis, Publishers 151 Dearborn Street, Chicago, Ill. Realizing the long felt want throughout the Northwest, of an Evening Daily to represent the loyal sentiment of the great masses of the people a year since established the Chicago Evening Post and is unexcelled by any paper in the West n the fullness and reliability of its regular and special dispatches, both by the Atlantic Cable and local lines, and its thoroughness and accuracy of its commercial intelligence. Determined to secure the largest circulation of any paper in the Northwest, the publishers of the Post reduced the rates during the campaign to the low figure of $8 per year, and its success has induced them to continue until further notice.

Daily - By mail, per year  
Daily - By mail, 6 months  
Daily - By mail, 3 months  
Weekly, One copy by mail per year  
Weekly, 5 copies, one address, per year  
Weekly, 10 copies, one address, per year  
Weekly, 20 copies, one address, per year  
Weekly, 40 copies, one address, per year  
0848 4-17-67 3 1 Press.

Press. Clarinda Heral. A neat, well gotten up and ably conducted journal laboring for the promotion of the interests of that country and wide awake to their railroad interest.

0848 3-29-67 2 4 Press

Press. Demorests Monthly Magazine Adv. Universally acknowledged the model parlor magazine of America; devoted to original stories, poems, sketches, architecture and model cottages, household matters, health, fashion, music amusements, etc. Single copies 30ç back numbers 10ç, yearly $3.00 W. Gennings Demorest, New York! Demorests Monthly and. Young America together $4.00.

0848 12-4-68 2 1 Press. Editorial The newspapers should form an association and establish rates for printing and then stand to them. It is customary in the older States to have an organization of the newspaper men, the purposes and aims of which is mutually beneficial to themselves and their patrons.
0848 7-15-67 3 1 Press.

Frontier Index. A spicy sheet. Published at Julesburg ...the outskirts of civilization--by Messrs Freeman and Ainsworth. The paper has steadily followed up the U.P.R.R. from Kearney to Julesburg. One of the Proprietors, Mr. Freeman represented Rearney County in the Legislative at its late session and by its upwright and unswerving course, won a host of friends.

0848 5-1-67 3 2 Press.

Hamburg Times. Mr. Eaton, the editor was in Nebraska Pity this afternoon. He reports that section. of Fremont county settling up rapidly. Our merchants would find it to their advantage to advertise in his journal as the majority of the citizens of that city and surrounding country, do their buying here.

0848 12-14-68 3 2 Press.

Irish Republic. Mr. T. F. Russell is canvassing the City for subscriptions to the Irish Republic, a paper gotten up in excellent style and published in the interests of the celtic race.

0848 6-3-67 3 2 Press.

The Lady's Friend. June number - Colored fashions present a group of brilliant figures attired in the latest mode. Wood. cuts of bridal dress, traveling and visiting toilets, new paleots and bonnets, illustrations of wax flower work, etc. Literary matter choice.

1305 11-18-58 2 5 Press

Neniaha Journal Published and edited by S. Belden Esq. for near a year past, at Nemaha City in this county, has been removed to this city.

0848 3-25-67 2 4 Press

New York World. Is the greatest Democratic Journal in this country and Nebraska Democrats should bear in mind that no such writer as Manton Marble can be found in the metropolis. The World as a newspaper is surpassed by no journal 1n the world. It is the recognized organ of National Democracy in New York and worthy support of all Democrats.

Weekly World, one copy one year  
Semi-weekly World, one copy one year  
Daily World, one copy one year  
0848 3-1-67 3 2 Press

Olive Branch. A committee has been appointed by Otoe Lodge No. 4 of I. 0. F. to solicit subscriptions to a new temperance paper published at Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Their Worthy Chief Templar, Mr. A. T• Harding proposes to present to the person furnishing the largest number of subscribers, a beautiful album, worth about $10.

0848 12-4-68 2 3 Press.

The People. Is a large, ably edited Democratic paper, published at Concord, N. H.

0848 10-28-68 3 2 Press.

The Revolution Edited by Parker Pillsbury, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Susan B. Anthony is ably conducted and a credit to the female brains that run it and an honor to American journalism. $2.00 a year in advance. Susan B. Anthony, New York City.

0848 1-25-67 2 5 Press.

Rocky Mountain News. Daily and Weekly, News Building, Denver, Colo. The pioneer and leading newspaper of the Rocky Mountain country, established April 1.859. The News has the leading circulation in Colorado and New Mexico and is also distributed largely throughout all other western Territories and the States, both east and west. It publishes the largest sheet between the Missouri river and California and. more original matter, prepared expressly for its columns than any except the leading Metropolitan journals. It is devoted to the mining and agricultural interests of Colorado, all the new discoveries and successes of the Rocky Mountain Country, rich in gold, silver and other minerals. The News also publishes full telegraph reports of the day and with its unrivalled circulation it presents the best advertising facilities offered to business men of the north and east who desire to extend their business in the great west. Byers & Dailey, Denver, Colorado.

0848 12-28-68 2 3 Press

Scientific American. Adv. For 1869. The largest, best, cheapest and most popular journal in the world, devoted to Invention, mechanics, manufactures, art., science and General Industry. The publishers farrnore than 23 yrs, have been the leading Solicitors of American and European Patents.

0848 6-12-67 2 2 Press.

The press published a large poster yesterday announcing that the bill locating the State Capital had passed the senate by a vote o 8-5. See Capital location.

0848 3-11-67 2 1 Press The Press true to its New England masters, comes out squarely for a High Protective Tariff. See Tariff.
0848 3-13-67 3 1 Press Otoe members of State legeslature are being charged by Peoples Press with bad acts relative to the ferry franchise at Nebraska City. The Press enlogizes the father of the bill to deprive Otoe County of paret of her present legislative representation. Nebraska City News asks the Press to publish the act, to contradict and prove false the statement of the News. See Ferries, Nebraska. See Ferries, Nebr. City.
0848 6-10-67 3 3 Press. Southern Cultivator article on cause of fever in cattle from Texasdue to change in climate. See Disease Livestock.

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