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NSHS Territorial Newspaper Extraction Project

 Code  Date 18xx  Pg  Col 
1305 7-21-70 2 2 Press The Press and Chronicle of Nebraska City have consolidated as the Chronicle under the management of W. H. H. Waters.
0848 11-6-68 3 1 Press Nebraska City Express. Edited and published by our enterprizing townsman, D. B. McMechan, Esq. It is published in the interests of the hardware and stove trade and designed to circulate among the farmers of Nebraska, and full of items of interest to them.
0848 12-14-68 2 2 Press Nebraska City News. The Blue Valley Record published by Howard and Nelson at Beatrice, Gage County, says the News is one of the oldest papers in the State, just entering upon its 15th year, and is devoted to the advocacy of whatever will benefit the country and more originality is found in its columns than any other paper in the State.
0848 10-30-68 3 2 Press Nebraska City News. Editorial on restoring the confidence of the people. See Railroads.
0848 4-10-67 2 1 Press. Nebraska City News. Editorial. See Legislature, Called session
0848 7-15-67 2 1 Press. Nebraska City News. Editorial. Procedings of the Grand Lodge of Good Templars. See Prohibition.
0848 7-12-667 2 1-2 Press Nebraska City News. Editorial. See Indians.
0848 7-12-67 2 1-2 Press
Nebr. City News editorial on the Indian situation. Make all Indians wards of the government and abolish Indian Agencies. See Indians
0848 12-4-68 2 3 Press Nebraska City Press Changes Hands. O. H. Irish has retired from newspaper life in Nebraska, having disposed of his interest in the Nebraska City Press to Messrs Price, Miller and McCluuock who have assumed control of the paper. Omaha Herald.
1305 8-12-69 2 1 Press William H. Miller of the Press, Nebraska City, once proprietor of the Advertiser, and one of the pioneers of the Press in Nebraska is visiting his paretns near Brownville.
1305 6-10-69 2 5 Press Messrs S. D. Porter and J. A. Stevenson are the new publishers of the Morning Cronicle at Nebraska City. Are long experiencd and become part owners. Cronicle.
1305 11-11-69 2 1 Press. Thomas Morton, of the Nebraska City news has disposed of his interest in that establishment to Wm. M. Hicklan.
1305 12-2-75 2 2 Press The Nebraska City Chronicle will soon cease to exist, it is to be sold under execution.
0848 3-22-67 3 1 Press The type for the new German paper to be published in Nebraska City is expected on Saturday. One of the printers arrived last night.
1305 12-16-75 2 2 Press The Nebraska City News celebrated its 22d birthday Nov 14th
1305 1-26-71 1 6 Press The Nebraska City News reports the value of improvements there in 1870 at $300,000
1305 6-16-70 2 3 Press The Nebraska City News and Times have consolidated. The News retires and the Times takes the name and field. It is a joint stock arrangement.
0848 7-31-67 3 2 Press Nebr. City News is under obligations to Messrs P. M. Rogers and Rufus Abbott for their kindness n raising for us a club of ten subscribers in Pawnoe City, the hone of Gov. Butler, and one of the strongest radical counties in the State. The above gentleman are the wheel-horses of the Democracy in Pawnee and always ready, to work in the cause.
1305 12-16-75 3 1 Press The Nebraska City Press tells of an earthquake at that place. See Weather & Climate.
1305 1-5-71 2 3 Press The Nebraska City Times has stopped publication and Thomas Morton revived the weekly edition of the News and employed Dr. John H. Blue as editor.
0840 6-24-68 3 2 Press Cephas Case will edit the religious column in the new radical paper at Nebraska City assisted by Chivington as "occasional" correspondent.
0840 8-28-68 3 3 Press The Morning Plebian. The first number of this journal made its appearance on our streets yesterday morning. It is an eight column paper published and edited by W. H. H. Waters, Esq., formerly connected with the Press of this city.
0848 3-13-67
Press Nebraska City News editorial concerning the ferry franchise at Nebraska City.
0848 3-15-67 2 1 Press Nebraska City News Editorial. The legislation complained of will not affect the Ferry Company nor the right of the company vested in the Ferry at all. The present company owns three-fourths of whatever the legislation gives to anyone and are bound in writing not to set up any clam to the franchise of the ferry under the charter of the South Nebr. Railroad Co. nor anyother authority than that of the Co. Commissioners of Otoc Co. to whom they pay a yearly rental of $500.
0848 4-1-67 2 1 Press Nebr. City News is confident Nebraska City has very excellent railroad comection through the Council Bluff, Nebraska City & St. Joseph road via the Northwestern road which will be delivering goods at Nebr. City in May. This will make Nebraska City the Missouri river terminus of the North Western railroad.
0848 6-21-67
Press Nebraska City News editorial on public lands being transfered to private hands without value received. See Railroad Grants. Northern Air Line. See also Land Stealing
0848 6-25-67 2 1 Press Nebraska City News editorial concerning the law locating the public buildings of Nebraska. See Capitol Location.
0848 7-26-67 2 1 Press Nebraska City News position on advancement of Nebraska City and Otoe county See Railroads.
0848 7-29-67 3 1 Press Hon. W. H. H. Waters former editor of the People's Press of Nebraska City is now a resident of Albany Missouri. See Waters, Hon. W. H. H.
0848 8-5-68 3 2 Press Nebraska City News. P. G. Dobson, Esq. of Rock Bluffs precinct, Cass County, Nebraska Sent in a club of twenty-five subscribers to the News from that town which was secured in one day.
0848 8-7-68 3 4 Press Nebraska City News. Mr. Albert Paton has set in a club of subscribers living in Wyoming Precinct.
0848 11-13-68 2 2 Press Nebraska City News editorial as to the new comers to our state greater than ever before at this time of the year., cheaper for them to winter in the river counties, supplies cheaper, etc. See Emigration, editorial.
0848 12-4-68 2 1 Press Nebraska City News editorial. See Homestead Law.
0848 6-21-67 3 1 Press Nebraska City Press. Residence of W. H. Miller, editor, is finished. See Buildings.
0848 9-9-68 3 5 Press W. H. H. Miller, Esq. formerly local editor of the Press and now its traveling agent is spending a few days in the City.
0848 9-30-68 3 2 Press Col. O. H. Irish of the Press is sick in bed.
0848 10-23-68 3 3 Press Col. O. E. Irish will build, next spring, where Press now stands a new printing establishment; the upper story for composing room, the second for editor's parler, job room and paper warehouse, the first floor for the bookkeepers, cashiers and tellers leaving the basement for the press engine and engineer.
1305 7-14-70 2 4 Press Colonel E. B. Taylor, editor of the Omaha Republican retired and is replaced by J. Teesdale, Esquire.
1305 12-22-70 1 5 Primrose Post office at Doublas County has been discontinued, not being needed. Omaha Republican.
0848 12-7-68 3 2 Press St. A. D. Balcombe, editor of the Omaha Republican and Auditor Gillespie were in Nebraska City but left for Lincoln Saturday. Rumor says Mr. Balcombe will establish a newspaper at the Capitol.
1305 1-5-71 2 3 Press Waldo M. Porter bought a half interest in the Journal and will edit it after Jan 20. Omaha Republican
0848 1-17-68 3 2 Press F. M. McDonaugh, better known as "Little Mac" local editor of the Omaha Herald has resigned his postion on the paper and accepted a similar one on the St. Joe. Herald
1305 6-25-57 2 3 Press We have before us first number of Omaha City "Times" W. W. Wyman, Editor and publisher. The Times is Democratic.
0848 1-17-68 3 2 Press The Herald the organ of the Democratic party of Northern Nebraska has been enlarged from a thirty-two to a thirty-six column paper, and presents to its readers a face remarkable for typographical beauty. The Herald has always worked for the best intersts of of Omaha and the State of Nebraska, and the Democratic party.
0848 9-25-68 3 2 Press. German Paper. The Beobachter am Missouri published at Omaha, is the only German newspaper in the State.
0848 12-7-69 3 3 Press. Omaha Evening Times. Is a readable and spicy paper and an ornament to the "new Chicago".
0848 3-8-67 2 1 Press.

Press. Omaha Herald. Editorial. Seldom in the Northwest, and never in Nebraska, has a journal sprung at once into such active life and ranked from its beginning, so high in the newspaporial and political world as the Omaha Herald The editor-in-chief of the Herald Doctor George L. Miller, was one of the earliest denizens of Omaha, and more true to her advancement and prosperity, than to his personal interests, The Herald was established solely for the purpose of building up that thriving and energetic city without regard to private gain. His hope was and his present pride is to publish a paper which should be a true reflex of the restless energy and sleepless enterprise of the people, among whom it circulates. The Herald has succeeded nobly and as a local journal has no superiors, while its political columns evince a sound mind and elucidate the grand principles of genuine Democracy. As to the abuse, lies and unfounded libels during the recent municipal canvass in Omaha, hurled at the Herald and its editor, we congratulate Dr. Miller - people never attack men or papers of whom they have no fear. A public man or journal that receives no abuse merits oblivion.

1305 6-2-70 2 2 Press Major Balcombe of the Omaha Republican has been elected President of the Northwestern Associated Press Organization.
1305 9-9-69 3 1 Press Oldest son of Parson Davis of Brownvile is employed by the Omaha Herald. While at school at Brownell Hall at Nebraska City he showed talent and ability as a scholar and writer.
0848 12-30-68 3 1 Press Omaha Evening Times account of self=destruction of Otto Christman. See Suicide
0848 3-13-67 2 3 Press Omaha Herald exhalting over Democratic victories in the East as wwll as the West. Omaha led with a gain of four months of 400 in a vote of 1500. Herald clips from telegraphic columns of Chicago Tines of the 7th the Democratic victories of Iowa City Iowa with a range 1 to 68, with average around 30 greater than last year. Rock Island, Mar. 5, mayor 23 majority, police magistrate, 85 majority. Cedar Rapids, Troy, Albany and New York, all with Democratic victories.
0848 3-15-67 2 2 Press Omaha Herald, Cominenta on the Democratic gain over the Radicals at Council Bluffs election and a narrow escape from a total defeat in their stronghold in western Iowa.
0848 3-27-67 2 4 Press Omaha Herald. Exchange from New York Times on Mr. Tipton, senator from Nebraska. See Tipton, (Rev) Senator.
0848 4-5-67 2 2-3 Press Omaha Herald gives a report on the Methodist congerance of Biship and clergy at Omaha. Also State Missionary report for last two years, of Mr. Pritchand, Treasurer. See Churches.
0848 7-10-67 2 2 Press

The Herald of Omaha advocates railroads for the interior of the State and have already projected and named a line-the Omaha and South Western, which grounded upon the basis of land grantsaand aiming at feasible and supporting connections, is of conceded importance to South Nebraska and the whole state. The newspapers at Nebr. City and Plattsmouth, that hopefully advocate the expenditure of money to construct roads into the uninhabited interior without proper connections and termini are-baseless schemes, commanding channels of trade must be sought before roads are built into the interior. See Railroads.

0848 6-25-67 2 3 Press Omaha Herald account of the Masonic Grand Lodge meeting at Omaha. Procession of about 200. See Societies & Organizations.
0848 3-11-67 2 3 Press Omaha Herald is in favor of the State University being located at Nebraska City. See University of Nebraska.
0848 3-13-67 2 4 Press. Omaha Herald comments on the result of the election in Woodbury County the 11th on the question of donating the Swamp Lands to the sioux City branch of the Union Pacific R. R. removing all doubt as to speedy completon of the road from Sioux City to the junction with the Northwestern at St John's in Harrison County. See Railroad
0848 5-1-67 2 4 Press Omaha Herald on Cass County Fraud among its County officers made Nebraska a state. See Cass County Senatorial Ingratitude
0848 7-29-67 2 3 Press Omaha Herald Editorial on democratic party and article from New York Herald on controversy between democrats and republicians. See Poitical Parties.
0848 7-29-67 2 1 Press Omaha Herald. Gen. Augur is compelled to protect thousands of miles of line with less than 5000 troops. Indians have possession of the country and Saunders. See Indian Hostilities.
0848 3-23-68 3 3 Press Omaha Herald gives description of state of California, amount miles given to Agriculture, grazing etc. See California
0848 8-12-68 1 2-3 Press Omaha Herald Backs statement of J. Sterling Morton in News. See Butler, David, vs the people.
0848 4-26-67 2 2 Press Republican. Western Union vs Steamer Mountaineer. $100 damages claimed. See Judiciary.
0848 6-17-67 2 2-3 Press Omaha Republican. Friday June 14, Article Nebraska Legislature. See Land Stealing.
0848 7-31-68 2 1 Press Omaha Republican. Paid by Butler administration. See Butler, David, Gov.
0848 5-20-67 3 1 Press Omaha Daily Herald. Comes enlarged to an eight column sheet. In appearance the Herald will compare favorably with any daily paper in the Northwest. The News considers the Herald the greatest newspaper success in the West, and its proprietors and their "local" are deserving of the thanks of that community for making it such.
0848 2-2-68 3 2 Press Plattsmouth Herald has added a new job press and type.
0848 7-17-67 3 2 Press H. B. Hathaway, editor of the Plattsxnouth Herald is In Nebraska City. He left for the lower country this evening.
0848 4-5-67 2 3 Press Plattsmouth Democrat gives list of newly elected candidates for the city. Also reports the citizens voted 20,000 to build a high school and $15,000 for other public improvements.
0848 8-14-68 3 3 Press The editor of the Piattsmouth Herald squirms over the nomination of James R. Porter for Governor.
13-5 11-10-70 2 3 Press Dr. Brooks of the Rulo Register is moving his paper to Lincoln where it becomes the State Register.
1305 8-4-70 2 3 Press A copy of the Rulo Register was placed in the corner stone of the new Catholic church in Brownville.
0848 10-30-68 3 4 Press Rulo Register. D. W. Brooks ascends the tripod in place of C. A. Hergesheimer, retired.
0848 10-30-68 3 4 Press Rulo Register. C. A. Hergesheimer has retired from that journal and D. W. Brooke ascends the tripod.
0848 3-6-67 3 2 Press Sioux City Register has information from Fort Union of Indian Attack, but occupants of the Fort feel they can handle the situatioon.
1305 10-25-56 3 1 Press Wyoming Telescope, a neatly executed and well edited paper just started at Wyoming, Cass County, N. T. Jacob Dawson, editor and proprietor. Mr. Dawson hoists the Fremont and Dayton banner.
0848 7-12-67 2 2 Preston, Mr. Of Johnson County, has been appointed Selector of State Lands for the Nemaha Land District.
13-5 5-1-73 1 5 Presson, Harrison Appointed minister at Adams, Nebraska.
1305 5-1-73 1 5 Presson, J H. Appointed minister of 2d Church at Omaha, Nebr.
1305 5-1-73 1 5 Presson, W. A. Appointed minister at Pawnee City, Nebraska
1305 4-13-71 2 1 Presson, (Rev) W. A. Appointed to the Beatrice District by the Nebraska Conference of the Methodist Church.
1305 9-30-69 2 1 Presson, Rev W. A. Assisted Presiding Elder T. B. Lemon at M. E. Church cornerstone ceremonies, at Blue Spriongs. See Church
1305 5-15-73 3 5 Presson, W. A. Entire Sanctification at the Ministerial Association June 12, 1873. Brownville, Nebr.
0848 4-13-68 3 4 Presson, W. A. Pawnee City, Nebr. M. E. Conference. See Churches.
1305 6-10-69 1 4 Preston, Mr. Was killed by Indians who attacked his hunting party. See Rose Creek
0848 6-7-67 3 1 Preston, S. S. Is now engaged in whitewashing. He has a new process of mixing the lime whereby it endures as long as paint.

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