Nebraska Resource Center
On-Line Library - NewsNSHS
NE Territorial Newspaper
Extraction ProjectUnder Construction 4 boxes provided by the Nebraska State Historical Society
Box 1: Cards A through Guylord On-line
[other names within the extractions]
Box 2: G-L Box 3: L-PrHow to order copies of the original newspaper articles
NSHS website - see Reference by Mail page
You must write to NSHS where a print will be made from the newspaper microfilm.
Send your check or money order, and SASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope).
Supply the location (town & county), NEWSPAPER NAME, date of publication, page & column number -
along with the surname/full name being researched.Below is a search engine for the extract files or if you'd like to step through the files click here.
NSHS, NSGS & NEGenWeb Project do not endorse any advertising on the search engine result pages.
© 2005 for the NEGenWeb Project & NSHS by Ted & Carole Miller