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Paul Riley Collection for SW Nebraska
Links on this page:
Microfilm Holdings | Newspaper Websites | Current Newspapers link | NE Newspaper Project | Links to the Past - "Out of Old NE" | History of Newspapers in NE | Preservation of paper documents |
Genealogist's Corner (from Nebraska State Historical Society newsletter) written by Cindy Drake
Using Newspapers in Genealogical Research (Part I) - Vol. 48 No. 5 - November 1995
Use of Newspapers in Genealogical Research (Part II) - Vol. 48 No. 6 - December 1995
Newspapers on microfilm - Holdings at NSHS
NSGS & NSHS Nebraska State Extraction Project - More than 15 years ago, volunteers of NSGS began compiling NE newspaper extracts. They were joined by NSHS volunteers and staff members and the files were combined, entered into a computer. Over 150,000 extracts have now been downloaded from that aging computer and made available by NSHS with the hearty approval of NSGS - through NEGenWeb site.
NEW - NSHS Nebraska Territorial Newspapers Extraction Project - There is a card file at NSHS, in a storage room, that contains several thousand 3x5 cards of newspaper extractions. The first box - 3000 have been typed and added to the News Site. (May 2005) Box 2, letters E thru L (Elections, .... Legislature) posted Jan 2008.
NE Newspapers with websites: check for obits and other "'vitals"!
County City Title of Newspaper Adams Hastings Hastings Tribune Box Butte Alliance Alliance Times-Herald Buffalo Kearney Kearney Hub Cass Plattsmouth Cassgram Cheyenne Sidney Sun Telegraph Custer see Garfield County, Burwell Tribune Dawson Lexington Lexington Clipper-Herald Dodge Fremont Fremont Tribune Douglas Omaha Omaha World Herald Gage Beatrice Daily Sun Garfield Burwell Burwell Tribune Hall Grand Island Grand Island Independant Hamilton Aurora Aurora News-Register Kimball Kimball Western Nebraska Observer Lancaster Lincoln Lincoln Journal-Star Lancaster Waverly Waverly News Lincoln North Platte North Platte Telegram Loup see Garfield County, Burwell Tribune Madison Norfolk Norfolk Daily News Platte Columbus Columbus Telegram Polk Polk County News Red Willow McCook McCook Daily Gazette Saunders Ashland Ashland Gazette Saunders Wahoo Wahoo News Scotts Bluff Scottsbluff Scottsbluff Star-Herald Washington Blair Enterprise and Pilot-Tribune Wheeler see Garfield County, Burwell Tribune York York News Times
List of current Nebraska newspapers and magazines with links to their websites.
NEBRASKA NEWSPAPER PROJECTSite includes history of newspaper publishing in NE, history of the microfilming of newspapers at NSHS, current state-wide project to film & catalog additional NE newspapers. 4,700 titles cataloged; 150,000 pages to be microfilmed!
Links to the Past.
"OUT of OLD NEBRASKA" - Subjects, attitudes & opinions from the past. Links to additional information from assorted sources. Lists of all sorts, biography links.
"Immigrant Issue" of the Lincoln Journal for Sunday 5 June 1887. This special edition was intended to PROMOTE Nebraska as a state and provide the towns of with an opportunity to advertise their status, attract new residents. Thinking of moving in 1887? Which town would you pick? Note that many small towns had two or more newspapers! Do keep in mind - not all issues were preserved!
"Farnam Echo" of 30 Jul 1936 - Fiftieth anniversary of the town in Dawson County, produced by Weldon Hoppe.
Nance County News Journal, Souvenir Edition of 13 Oct .
NE Newspaper extracts on-line:
Blaine County obit index of Mamie Osborne Collier Collection
Buffalo County - obits page by Mona Houser
Burt Co, NE. Thanks to Justin Masters and Bill Wever
Oakland Independent (part of 1885, and complete 1901) - site is under construction!
Burt County has a collection of newspaper articles posted related to the Great War, Veterans of Civil War and Pioneers of Burt Co.Cherry and Hooker Counties, obit index of Mamie Osborne Collier Collection
Colfax County Vitals - scan down for assorted newspaper extracts
Hayes Co, NE - Marriages from the Times Republican (1888, 1912, 1920, 1921 online as of 26 Jan 1999) Thanks to Joan Lauenroth.
Nemaha Co, NE. Thanks to Marlene.
The Brock NEWS & the Brock CHAMPION 1891-1897
The Nebraska Republican Newspaper of 1884, excerpts as appeared in the Nemaha Valley Genealogical Society Newsletters, 3 issues of 1996-1997.Platte County - Extracts by year. Thanks to Sherri Brakenhoff
Saunders County (Oct 1874 - Dec 1884) Transcribed by Linda Hedlund for the county website.
The Paul Riley Collection, Southwest NE includes some newspaper extracts. Thanks to Brenda Lawless Daniel.
Nebraska Obituarie Extracts K. Harrison - 2001 and later from several newspapers. (collection moved Oct 2007)
Out of state obits with Nebraska Connections from Ancestor Sharing Center of Kathie Harrison.
The following newspapers have granted permission for publication of obits on NEGenWeb Project pages - without concern about dates and copyright:
Ashland Gazette (Saunders Co.)
Howells Journal (Colfax Co.)
Schuyler Sun (Colfax Co.)
Colfax County Press
Leigh World (Colfax Co.)
Waverly News (Lancaster Co.)
Columbus Telegram (Platte Co.)
Please see appropriate county websites.
NEWS clips - NE related:
Omaha, Douglas, NE - "Storm's Death List Reaches 275"
"Cornhusker" as term for a native or a resident of Nebraska - appeared in 1991 Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary.
- from Associated Press release, Lincoln, Nebraska, published in Riverside Press Enterprise (Calif.) 20 Apr 1991.
History of Newspapers in Nebraska
"Nebraska Press Association" from Compendium of History Reminiscence and Biography of Western NE, 1909, p102
"Newspapers Received by the NE State Historical Society - Jan. 1, 1908" from Proceedings & Collections of NSHS, Vol 15
"The Nebraska Press and the Historical Society" from NE History and Record of Pioneer Days, Vol I no.1, Feb 1918
"Reorganization of the Newspaper Department" of NSHS from NE History and Record of Pioneer Days, Vol I no. 5, Sep 1918
"First Nebraska Newspaper Files" of NSHS from NE History and Record of Pioneer Days, Vol II no. 2, Jan-Mar 1919
"Our Newspaper Department" of NSHS from NE History and Record of Pioneer Days, Vol II no. 3, Apr-Jun 1919History of Nebraska Newspapers from Johnson's History of Nebraska, 1880 includes names of pioneer journalists & list of newspapers in existence in 1879.
"Territorial Press" chapter from History of Nebraska by Morton & Watkins, 1918.List of 1890 publications from 1890-91 Nebraska State Gazetteer. List by county (Adams - Johnson) (Kearney - York)
If you have any information about Nebraska newspapers, please submit the data. If you know of an article about a NE newspaper that already appears on the web, please send the url. We're interested in newspaper title, years of publication, name of editor(s), and changes over time. Please include location (city & county) and ALL the details (grin). David Gochenour
Preservation of Your Paper Treasures by George G. MorganCare of Old Documents, Bibles & More from USGenWeb Project
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© 1998-2007 for NEGenWeb Project by Ted & Carole Miller, Updated April 2023 by David Gochenour