NEGenWeb Project
Resource Center, News
Newspapers of Madison County, Nebraska
on microfilm at NSHS Library, Lincoln

Madison County, page 1
Norfolk - Norfolk Daily News

Madison County, page 2
Norfolk - other newspapers; Tilden

Madison County, page 3
Madison, Meadow Grove, Newman Grove

Madison County - German Language Newspapers

Rolls of microfilm are for rent from Nebraska State Historical Society.

Research at NSHS can be arranged by mail.

Alternative for rental of microfilm: Nebraska State Genealogical Society (members only).

N75nd         The Norfolk Daily News. Norfolk, NE        Est. May 1, 1887-
              Daily. (Oct.19, 1889-Jan.4, 1890 Saturday issues titled "The
              Saturday Evening News")
              Some of the earlier papers were very dark and the print was
              very dim. Therefore, some of the reels filmed very poorly.
              EDITORS & PUBLISHERS:
                   The Norfolk Publishing Company, (pub.), May 1, 1887-Dec.1, 1888.
                   P.F. Sprecker, (ed.),
                   R.M. Norton, (bus. mgr.),
                   The Huse Publishing Co., (pub.),      , 1888-
                   W.H. Huse, (pub.), Jan.28, 1892-Jan. , 1913
                   E.F. Huse, (pres.),
                   Norris A. Huse, (sect.),
                   M.E. Huse, (pres.), Feb.3, 1913-June 30, 1915.
                   N.A. Muse, (ed.),
                   E.F. Huse, (pres.),
                   N.A. Huse, (sec.),
                   Gene Muse, (ed. & gen. mgr.), Jan.6, 1913-    , 1961.
                   Sterling H. McCaw, (manag. ed.),
                   Karl Stefan, (city ed.),
                   Jerry Huse, (pub. & pres.),      , 1961-
                   Fred Stafford, (news ed.),
                   Emil Reutzel, Jr., (ed.),
                   James Prchal, (bus. mgr.),
                   Huse, W. & Son. A few words... first editorial. (The Norfolk
              Weekly News Dec.6, 1888 (Editorial, pg.1).
                   Another milestone... sixth year as a daily newspaper. (The
              Norfolk Sunday News1 May 1, 1892, 2:1).
                   Norton, E.M. Notice... subscription of The Daily News and
              Weekly News were sold to Messrs. Muse & Son. (The Norfolk Daily
              News Dec.21, 1888, 1;2).
                   The Master Hand is Still...The news bows its head in
              mourning. (The Norfolk Daily News Jan.14, 1913, 4:1).
                   W.N. Huse, Editor of News, Dead after a Long Illness. (The
              Norfolk Daily News Jan.14, 1913, 1:1).
                   A word of Farewell... Norris A. Huse. (The Norfolk Daily News
              Jan.6, 1917, i:l).
                   Looking Ahead... Gene Ruse...(The Norfolk Daily News Jan.6,
              1917, l:l).

N76nd         The Norfolk Daily News. (cont.)
              REFERENCES: (cont.)
                   John E. Brown. (The Norfolk Daily News , 1938).
                   Daily News becomes fourth generation newspaper. (The
              Norfolk Daily News 50-year progress edition, June 9, 1950,
              Sect. D, pg.12-13).
                   William Huse purchased the Elkhorn Valley News (The
              Norfolk Daily News Half-century edition... June 9, 1950,
              Sect. D, pg.12-13).
                   No issue Jan.13. 1888 because of blizzard.

film          NORFOLK, MADISON COUNTY, NEBRASKA                          -3-
N76nd         The Norfolk Daily News. (cont.)
Reel 1    Jan-1, 1888(v.1,#2O9)-Feb.14, 1888(v.1,#245)
              Feb.16, 1888(v.1,#247)-Mar.1, 1888(v.1,#259)
              Mar.3, 1888(v.1,#261)-Mar.15, 1888(v.1,#271)
              Mar.17, 1888(v.1,#273)-Mar.25, 1888(v.1,#280)
              Mar.28, 1888(v.1,#282)-July 28, 1888(v.2,#76)
              July 31, 1888(v.2,#80)-Aug.21, 1888(v.2,#91)
              Aug.2, 1888(v.2,#80)-Aug.21, 1888(v.2,#97)
              Aug.23, 1888(v.2,#99)-Aug.30, 1888(v.2,#180)
              Sept.1, 1888(v.2,#107)-Nov.22, 1888(v.2,#180)
              Dec.3, 1888(v.2,#189)-Dec.19, 1888(v.11,#203)[sicj
Reel 2    Dec.20, 1888(v.2,#204)-Apr.29, 1889(v.2,#312)
              May 1, 1889(v.3,#1)-May 11, 1889(v.3,#10)
              May 14, 1889(v.3,#13)-Nov.18, 1889(v.3,#169)
Reel 3    Nov.19, 1889(v.3,#170)-Nov.30, 1889(v.3,#179)
              Dec.3, 1889(v.3,#181)-Mar.20, 1890(v.3,#271)
              Mar.22, 1890(v.3,#273)-Apr.29, 1890(v.3,#305)
              May 1, 1890(v.4,#2)-Oct.31, 1890(v.4,#157)
Reel 4   Nov.1, 1890(v.4,#158)-Nov.25, 1890(v.4,#179)
              Dec.3, 1890(v.4,#186)-May 29, 1891(v.5,#26)
              June 1, 1891(v.5,#28)-July 3, 1891(V.5,#56)
              July 6, 1891(v.5,#58)-Sept.19, 1891(v.5,#122)
              Sept.22, 1891(v.5,#124)-Oct.6, 1891(v.5,#129)
Reel 5    Oct.7, 1891(v.5,#130)-Dec.2, 1891(v.5,#186)
              Dec.7, 1891(v.5,#190)-May 6, 1892(v.6,#6)
              May 9, 1892(v.6,#8)-May 24, 1892(v.6,#21)
              May 26, 1892(v.6,#23)-July 3, 1892(v.6,#55)
              July 5, 1892(v.6,#56)-Aug.4, 1892(v.6,#81)
Reel 6        Aug-5, 1892(v.6,#82)-Oct.28, 1892(v.6,#_)
              Oct.30, 1892(v.6,#_)-Nov.29, 1892(v.6,#180)
              Dec.1, 1892(v.6,#182)-Feb.16, 1893(v.6,#2117)
                     Nov.29, 1892 filmed after Nov.6, 1892
                     Jan.23, 1893 bad print
Reel 7        Feb.17, 1893(v.6,#248)-Aug.16, 1893(v.7,#91)
Reel 8        Aug.17, 1893(v.7,#92)-Nov.22, 1893(v.7,#175)
                  Dec.2, 1893(v.7,#183)-May 31, 1894(v.8,#26)
Reel 9        June 1, 1894(v.8,#27)-Dec.28, 189'l(v.8,#194)
                  Jan.2, 1895(v.8,#196)-May 2, 1895(v._,#_)
                  May 4, 1895-May 16, 1895 071
                       NOTE: May 3, 1895 filmed with The Norfolk Weekly News N76r

N76nd         The Norfolk Daily News. (cont.)
Reel 10  May 11, 1895-May 29, 1895
              May 31, 1895-July 17, 1895
              July 19, 1895-Nov.27, 1895
              Nov.29, 1895-Mar.20, 1896
Reel 11       Apr.21, 1896-Apr.23, 1896
636 Exp.    Apr.25, 1896-Apr.30, 1896
#8657       May 8, 1896
              May 11, 1896
              May 22, 1896
              May 29, 1896
              June 5, 1896-June 8, 1896
              June 16, 1896-June 24, 1896
              June 26, 1896-June 29, 1896
              July 15, 1896
              July 17, 1896-July 22, 1896
              July 24, 1896-Aug.13, 1896
              Aug-17, 1896-Aug.18, 1896
              Aug.21, 1896-Aug.26, 1896
              Aug-31, 1896-Sept.8, 1896
              Sept.10, 1896-Sept.16, 1896
              Sept.19, 1896-Sept.28, 1896
              Sept.30, 1896-Oct.10, 1896
              Oct.13, 1896-Oct.22, 1896
              Oct.27, 1896-Oct.28, 1896
              Nov.3, 1896-Nov.11, 1896
              Nov.16, 1896-Nov.25, 1896
              Nov.27, 1896-Dec.7, 1896
              Dec.9, 1896 -
              Dec.11, 1896-Dec.18, 1896
              Dec.21, 1896-Jan.2, 1897
              Jan.5, 1897-Feb.4, 1897
              Feb.6, 1897
              Feb.9, 1897
              Feb.11, 1897-Feb.12, 1897
              Feb.15, 1897-Feb.24, 1897
              Feb.26, 1897-Mar.22, 1897
              Mar.24, 1897-Mar.30, 1897
              Apr.1, 1897-Apr.19, 189?
              Apr.21, 1897-May 8, 1897
                   NOTE: General mutilation throughout reel.
                         Dec.22, 1896 title pg. missing.
Reel 12       May 21, 1897-July 2, 1897
643 Exp.     July 5, 1897-July 15, 1897
#8658         July 17, 1897
              July 21, 1897-July 28, 1897
              July 30, 1897-Aug.3, 1897
              Aug-5, 1897-Aug.11, 1897
              Aug.14, 1897

film          NORFOLK, MADISON COUNTY, NEBRASKA                          -4-
N76nd         The Norfolk Daily News. (cont.)
Reel 12      Aug.27, 1897
(cont.)       Sept.2, 1897-Sept.11, 1897
              Sept.14, 1897-Oct.1, 1897
              Oct.4, 1897-Oct.20, 1897
              Oct.22, 1897
              Oct.25, 1897-Nov.10, 1897
              Nov.12, 1897-Nov.16, 1897
              Nov.18, 1897-Nov.20, 1897
              Nov.23, 1897
              Nov.27, 1897-Dec.1, 1897
              Dec.3, 1897-Dec.6, 1897
              Dec.8, 1897-Dec.11, 1897
              Dec.13, 1897-Dec.24, 1897
              Dec.27, 1897-Jan.3, 1898
              Jan-5, 1898-Jan.11, 1898
              Jan.14, 1898-Jan.31, 1898
              Feb.3, 1898-Feb.4, 1898
              Feb.7, 1898-Feb.8, 1898
              Feb.11, 1898-Feb.22, 1898
              Feb.24, 1898-Apr.8, 1898
              Apr.11, 1898-May 20, 1898
              May 23, 1898-May 25, 1898
                   NOTE: General mutilation throughout reel
Reel 13       May 26, 1898-June 1, 1898
597 Exp.      Oct.21, 1898-Nov.23, 1898
#8659         Nov.25, 1898-Dec.1, 1898
              Dec.3, 1898-Dec.24, 1898
              Dec.27, 1898-Jan.17, 1899
              Jan.19, 1899-Mar.1, 1899
              Mar.3, 1899-Mar.7, 1899
              Mar.9, 1899-May 9, 1899
              May 11, 1899-July 8, 1899
              July 11, 1899-July 22, 1899
              July 26, 1899-Sept.14, 1899
                   NOTE: General mutilation throughout reel
Reel 14       Sept.15, 1899-Setp.20, 1899
637 Exp.      Sept.22, 1899-Oct.14, 1899
#8660         Oct.17, 1899-Nov.7, 1899
              Nov.9, 1899-Nov.10, 1899
              Nov.13, 1899
              Nov.16, 1899-Feb.3, 1900
              Feb.6, 1900-Feb.16, 1900
              Feb.19, 1900-Feb.27, 1900
              Mar.1, 1900-May 29, 1900
              May 31, 1900-Aug.7, 1900
              Aug.9, 1900-Aug.10, 1900
              Aug.13, 1900
              Aug-15, 1900-Aug.21, 1900
                   NOTE: Jan.6, 1900 has two pgs. only

N76nd         The Norfolk Daily News. (cont.)
Reel 15       Aug.22, 1900-Oct.8, 1900
642 Exp.      Oct.10, 1900-Nov.8, 1900
#8661         Nov.10, 1900-Nov.17, 1900
              Nov.20, 1900-Nov.28, 1900
              Nov.30, 1900-May 29, 1901
              May 31, 1901-July 3, 1901
              July 5, 1901-Aug.26, 1901
Reel 16       Aug.27, 1901-Nov.27, 1901
639 Exp.      Nov.29, 1901-Dec.31, 1901
#8662         Jan.7, 1902-Feb.27, 1902
              Mar.1, 1902-May 10, 1902
              May 13, 1902-May 29, 1902
              May 31, 1902-Aug.16, 1902
                   NOTE: July 4, 1902 has pgs. missing
                         Poor print throughout reel
Reel 17       Aug.18, 1902-June 2, 1903
639 Exp.      June 4, 1903-July 33, 1903
#8663              NOTE: Light print July 12, 1903
Reel 18       July 23, 1903-Aug.6, 1903
640 Exp.      Aug.8, 1903-Oct.14, 1903
#8664         Oct.16, 1903-Mar.30, 1904
Reel 19       Mar.31, 1904-May 24, 1904
638 Exp.      May 26, 1904-July 2, 1904
#8665         July 5, 1904-Oct.11, 1904
              Oct.13, 1904-Nov.2, 1904
              Nov.4, 1904-Nov.23, 1904
              Nov.25, 1904-Dec.2, 1904
              Dec.5, 1904-Dec.19, 1904
              Dec.21, 1904-Dec.24, 1904
              Dec.27, 1904-Jan.27, 1905
Reel 20       Jan.28, 1905-Apr.11, 1905
453 Exp.      Apr.13, 1905-Oct.11, 1905
Reel 21       Oct.12, 1905-Nov.27, 1905
659 Exp.      Dec.1, 1905-Dec.23, 1905
#8667         Dec.26, 1905-Sept.3, 1906
Reel 22       Sept.4, 1906-Oct.18, 1906
667 Exp.      Oct.20, 1906-Dec.27, 1906
#8668         Dec.29, 1906-May 17, 1907
              May 20, 1907-July 3, 1907
              July 5, 1907-July 12, 1907

film          NORFOLK, MADISON COUNTY, NEBRASKA                       -5-
N76nd         The Norfolk Daily News. (cont.)
Reel 23       July 13, 1907-Sept.28, 1901
659 Exp.      Sept.30, 1907-Nov.27, 1907
#8669         Nov.29, 1907-Dec.24, 1907
              Dec.26, 1907-Apr.30, 1905
              May 2, 1908-May 23, 1908
Reel 24       May 25, 1908-July 13, 1908
658 Exp.      July 15, 1908-July 25, 1908
#8670         July 28, 1908-Aug.7, 1908
              Aug.10, 1908-Feb.8, 1909
              Feb.10, 1909-May 6, 1909
                   NOTE: June 20, 1908 has very dim print
Reel 25       Mar.8, 1909-Nov.17, 1909
639 Exp.           NOTE: Mutilation throughout reel
Reel 26       Nov.18, 1909-July 11, 1910
639 Exp.
Reel 27       July 12, 1910-Aug.29, 1910
541 Exp.      Aug.31, 1910-Sept.27, 1910
#8674         Sept.29, 1910-Nov.11, 1910
              Nov.14, 1910-Nov.23, 1910
              Nov.25, 1910-Jan.25, 1911
Reel 28       Jan.26, 1911-Feb.11, 1911
642 Exp.      Feb.14, 1911-Mar.13, 1911
#8675         Mar.15, 1911-Sept.18, 1911
Reel 29       Sept.19, 1911-Jan.13, 1912
640 Exp.      Jan.16, 1912-Feb.1, 1912
#8676         Feb.3, 1912-Feb.8, 1912
              Feb.10, 1912-Feb.21, 1912
              Feb.23, 1912-Feb.24, 1912
              Feb.27, 1912-Mar.28, 1912
              Apr.1, 1912-Apr.2, 1912
              Apr.11, 1912-May 2, 1912
                   NOTE: Jan.10, Feb.5 & Mar.1, 1912 have pgs. missing.
Reel 30       May 3, 1912-Nov.20, 1912
613 Exp.           NOTE: Oct.5, 1912 pgs. filmed out of sequence.
Reel 31       Nov.21, 1912-May 29, 1913
637 Exp.           NOTE: Feb.10 & Apr.16, 1913 have pgs. missing
(Handwritten note to right of above says "It appears set of pages dated 
Sept 10, 1909 are out of sequence.  They also may go bef December 4, 1909.

N76nd         The Norfolk Daily News. (cont.)
Reel 32       May 30, 1913-Aug.27, 1913
612 Exp.      Aug.29, 1913-Dec.23, 1913
Reel 33       Dec.24, 1913-Feb.28, 1914
640 Exp.     Mar.3, 1914-July 11, 1914
#8680         July 114, 1914-July 16, 1914
Reel 34       July 17, 1914-Feb.11, 1915
645 Exp.
Reel 35       Feb.12, 1915-Aug.28, 1915
641 Exp.
Reel 36       Aug.30, 1915-Jan.12, 1916
645 Exp.      Jan.14, 1916-Mar.2, 1916
Reel 37       Mar-3, 1916-Aug.29, 1916
640 Exp.
Reel 38       Aug.31, 1916-Feb.8, 1917(v.29,#241)
633 Exp.    Feb.10, 1917(v.29,#243)-Feb.23, 1917(v.29,#254)
Reel 39       Feb.24, 1917(v.29,#255)-Mar.22, 1917(v.29,#277)
336 Exp.    Mar.26, 1917(v.29,#279)-June 5, 1917(v.30,#31)
Reel 40       June 6, 1917(v.30,#32)-June 22, 1917(v.30,#46)
6314 Exp.  June 25, 1917(v.30,#148)-Aug.20, 1917(v.30,#95)
#8688        Aug.22, 1917(v.30,#97)-Oct.26, 1917(v.30,#153)
                   Oct.29, 1917(v.30,#154)[sicj-Dec.13, 1917(v.30,#192)
Reel 41       Dec.14, 1917(v.30,#193)-June 17, 1918(v.31,#47)
644 Exp.           NOTE: Poor print throughout reel
Reel 42       June 18, 1918(v.31,#38)-Oct.29, 1918(v.31,#151)
638 Exp.    Oct.31, 1918(v.31,#153)-Nov.30, 1918(v.31,#178)
#8690        Dec.3, 1918(v.31,#180)-Dec.27, 1918(v.31,#200)
Reel 43       Dec.28, 1918(v.31,#201)-Apr.29, 1919(v.31,#305)
590 Exp.    May 1, 1919(v.31,#307)-June 5, 1919(v.32,#29)Sect.1

film          NORFOLK, MADISON COUNTY, NEBRASKA                    -6-
N76nd         The Norfolk Daily News. (cont.)
Reel 44       June 5, 1919(v.32,#29)[sect.2]-June 30, 1919(v.32,#50)
610 Exp.      Jan.1, 1920(v.32,#227)-Apr.26, 192O(v.32,#119)
Reel 45       Apr.21, 1920(v.32,#119)[sic]-June 23, 1920(v.33,#143)
636 Exp.      June 25, 1920(v.33,#144)-Aug.13, 1920(v.33,#82)
#8693         Aug.16, 1920(v.33,#84)-Sept.30, 1920(v.33,#124)
Reel 46        Oct.1, 1920(v.33,#125)-Oct.4, 1920(v.33,#127)
640 Exp.      Oct.7, 1920(v.33,#130)-Mar.7, 1921(v.33,#262)
Reel 47       Mar.8, 1921(v.33,#263)-June 30, 1921(v.33,#372)
637 Exp.     July 2, 1921(v.33,#3714)-July 12, 1921(v.33,#384)
#8696         July 14, 1921(v.33,#386)-July 30, 1921(v.34,#72)
                   Aug.2, 1921(v.34,#74)-Aug.27, 1921(v.34,#95)
Reel 48          Aug.30, 1921(v.34,#97)-Jan.21, 1922(v.34,#219)
6146 Exp.     Jan.24, 1922(v.314,#221)-Feb.11, 1922(v.311,#242)
Reel 49         Feb.18, 1922(v.34,#243)-July 24, 1922(v.35,#60)
6142 Exp.     July 26, 1922(v.35,#62)-Aug.9, 1922(v.35,#73)
#8696 (sic)        NOTE: Poor print throughout reel
Reel 50       Aug.10, 1922(v.35,#73)[sic]-Jan.26, 1923(v.35,#215)
6140 Exp.
Reel 51       Jan.27, 1923(v.35,#216)-July 16, 1923(v.36,#50)
637 Exp.
Reel 52       July 17, 1923(v.36,#51)-Aug.20, 1923(v.36,#79)
6113 Exp.  Aug.22, 1923(v.36,#81)-Jan.3, 1924(v.36,#192)
Reel 53       Jan.4, 1924(v.36,#193)-June 23, 1924(v.37,#30)
638 Exp.
Reel 51$      June 24, 19214(v.37,#31)-Nov.4, 1924(v.37,#144)
494 Exp.
Reel 55       Nov.5, 1924(v.37,#145)-Apr.16, 1925(v.37,#282)
620 Exp.

N76nd         The Norfolk Daily News. (cont.)
Reel 56       Apr.17, 1925(v.37,#283)-Oct.5, 1925(v.38,#117)
640 Exp.
Reel 57       Oct.6, 1925(v.38,#118)-Oct.29, 1925(v.38,#138)
64's Exp.    Oct.31, 1925(v.38,#14)-Mar.22; 1926(v.38,#259)
Reel 58       Mar.23, 1926(v.38,#260)-Aug.25, 1926(v.3O,#81)
640 Exp.
Reel 59       Aug.26, 1926(v.39,#82)-Feb.2, 1927(v.39,#217)
636 Exp.
Reel 60       Feb.3, 1927(v.39,#218)-July 7, 1927(v.40,#40)
648 Exp.           NOTE: Pages misdated throughout reel.
Reel 61       July 8, 1927(v.40,#41)-July 29, 1927(v.40,#59)
641 Exp.      Aug.1, 1927(v.40,#61)-Dec.14, 1927(v.4O,#176)
#8766              NOTE: Poor print and misdated pages thru-out reel.
Reel 62       Dec.15, 1927(v.40,#177)-May 22, 1928(v.41,#1)
638 Exp.
Reel 63       May 23, 1928(v.41,#2)-June 14, 1928(v.41,#21)
640 Exp.      June 16, 1928(v.41,#23)-Oct.29, 1928(v.41,#147)
Reel 64       Oct.30, 1928(v.41,#148)-Apr.5, 1929(v.41,#281)
636 Exp.
Reel 65       Apr.6, 1929(v.41,#282)-June 6, 1929(v.42,#24)
257 Exp.
Reel 66       June 7, 1929(v.42,#25)-Sept.16, 1929(v.42,#11O)
6116 Exp.     Sept.18, 1929(v.42,#112)-Nov.7, 1929(v.42,#155)
Reel 67       Nov.8, 1929(v.42,#156)-Mar.31, 1930(v.42,#276)
624 Exp.

film          NORFOLK, MADISON COUNTY, NEBRASKA                    -7-
N76nd         The Norfolk Daily News. (cont.)
Reel 68       Apr.1, 1930(v.42,#277)-Aug.28, 1930(v.43,#94)
640 Exp.
Reel 69       Aug.29, 1930(v)43,#95)-Jan.27, 1931(v.43,#224)
637 Exp.
Reel 70       Jan.28, 1931(v.43,#225)-June 29, 1931(v.44,#44)
639 Exp.
Reel 71       June 30, 1931(v.44,#45)-Dec.2, 1931(v.44,#175)
634 Exp.
Reel 72       Dec.3, 1931(v.44,#176)-May 12, 1932(v.45,#1)
637 Exp.           NOTE: Feb.29, 1932 pgs. misnumbered & Sect.2 out
#8779                    of sequence.
Reel 73       May 13, 1932(v.45,#2)-Oct.24, 1932(v.45,#140)
638 Exp.
Reel 74       Oct.25, 1932(v.45,#141)-Apr.5, 1933(v.45,#278)
588 Exp.
Reel 75       Apr.6, 1933(v.45,#279)-Sept.22, 1933(v.46,#113)
636 Exp.
Reel 76       Sept.23, 1933(v.46,#114)-Mar.8, 1934(v.46,#262)
634 Exp.
Reel 77       Mar.9, 1934(v.46,#263)-Aug.29, 1934(v.47,#99)
641 Exp.
Reel 78       Aug-30, 1934(v.47,#1OO)-Feb.19, 1935(v.47,#245)
640 Exp.           NOTE: Jan.26, 1935 blurred print.
Reel 79       Feb.20, 1935(v.47,#246)-July 25, 1935(v.48,#68)
604 Exp.           NOTE: Apr.27, 1935 filmed after Apr.29, 1935.

N76nd         The Norfolk Daily News. (cont.)
Reel 80       July 26, 1935(v.48,#69)-Jan.6, 1936(v.48,#2O5)
639 Exp.
Reel 81       Jan.7, 1936(v.48,#206)-June 19, 1936(v.49,#38)
640 Exp.
Reel 82       June 20, 1936(v.49,#39)-Nov.16, 1936(v.49,#165)
634 Exp.      Nov.18, 1936(v.40,#167)-Dec.3, 1936(v.49,#179)
Reel 83       Dec.4, 1936(v.49,#180)-May 19, 1937(v.50,#10)
640 Exp.
Reel 84       May 20, 1937(v.50,#11)-Nov.4, 1937(v.50,#154)
638 Exp.
Reel 85       Nov.5, 1937(v.50,#155)-Apr.27, 1938(v.50,#300)
639 Exp.
Reel 86       Apr.28, 1938(v.50,#301)-Oct.18, 1938(v.51,#138)
6116 Exp.
Reel 87       Oct.19, 1938(v.51,#139)-Mar.14, 1939(v.51,#261)
548 Exp.
Reel 88       Mar.15, 1939(v.51,#262)-Aug.17, 1939(v._,#_)
603 Exp.
Reel 89       Aug.18, 1939(v.52,#85)-Feb.1, 1940(v.52,#224)
636 Exp.
Reel 90       Feb.2, 1940(v.52,#225)-June 29, 1940(v.53,#41)
597 Exp.
Reel 91       July 1, 1940(v.53,#42)-Dec.12, 1940(v.53,#181)
643 Exp.           NOTE: July 23, 1940 pgs. 1-6 missing

film          NORFOLK, MADISON COUNTY, NEBRASKA                        -8-
N76nd         The Norfolk Daily News. (cont.)
Reel 92       Dec.13, 1940(v.53,#182)-May 27, 1941(v.54,#11)
636 Exp.
Reel 93       May 28, 1941(v.54,#12)-Oct.25, 1941(v.54,#141)
595 Exp.
Reel 911      Oct.27, 1941(v.54,#142)-Apr.4, 1942(v.54,#273)
629 Exp.
Reel 95       Apr.6, 1942(v.54,#274)-Sept.18, 1942(v.55,#108)
640 Exp.
Reel 96       Sept.19, 1942(v.55,#109)-Dec.14, 1942(v._,#_)
596 Exp.     Dec.16, 1942(v._,#_)-Mar.4, 1943(v.55,#248)
Reel 97       Mar-5, 1943(v.55,#249)-Sept.6, 1943(v.56,#108)
633 Exp.
Reel 98       Sept.7, 1943(v.56,#109)-Mar.7, 1944(v.56,#262)
640 Exp.
Reel 99       Mar.8, 1944(v.56,#263)-Sept.1, 1944(v.57,#104)
598 Exp.           NOTE: No paper published May 12, 19114 due to flood.
Reel 100      Sept.2, 1944(v.57,#105)-Mar.3, 1945(v.57,#258)
630 Exp.
Reel 101      Mar.5, 1945(v.52,#259)-Aug.22, 1945(v.58,#95)
619 Exp.      Aug.24, 1945(v.58,#97)-Aug.31, 19115(v.58,#103)
Reel 102      Sept.1, 1945(v.58,#1O4)-Feb.15, 1946(v.58,#242)
598 Exp.
Reel 103      Feb.16, 1946(v.58,#242)-Aug.2, 1946(v.59,#78)
636 Exp.

N76nd         The Norfolk Daily News. (cont.)
Reel 104      Aug.3, 1946(v.59,#79)-Sept.23, 1946(v.59,#123)
214 Exp.
Reel 105      Sept.24, 1946(v.59,#124)-Feb.24, 1947(v.59,#251)
632 Exp.
Reel 106      Feb.25, 1947(v.59,#252)-July 12, 1947(v.61,#62)
612 Exp.
Reel 107      July l4, 1947(v.61,#63)-Dec.3, 1947(v.61,#184)
635 Exp.
Reel 108      Dec.4, 1947(v.61,#185)-Apr.13, 1948(v.61,#294)
636 Exp.
Reel 109      Apr.14, 1948(v.61,#295)-Aug.13, 1948(v.62,#86)
597 Exp.
Reel 110      Aug.14, 1948(v.62,#87)-Dec.20, 1948(v.62,#193)
629 Exp.
Reel 111      Dec.21, 1948(v.62,#194)-Apr.29, 1949(v.62,#303)
639 Exp.
Reel 112      Apr.30, 1949(v.62,#304)-Aug.29, 1949(v.63,#102)
644 Exp.
Reel 113      Aug-30, 1949(v.63,#103)-Dec.2, 1949(v.63,#163)
637 Exp.      Dec.5, 1949(v.63,#165)-Dec.16, 1949(v.63,#195)
Reel 114      Dec.17, 1949(v.63,#196)-Dec.31, 1949(v.63,#207)
640 Exp.      Jan-3, 1950(v.63,#209)-Apr.19, 1950(v.63,#299)
Reel 115      Apr.20, 1950(v.63,#300)-Aug.4, 1950(v.64,#82)
641 Exp.

film          NORFOLK, MADISON COUNTY, NEBRASKA                         -9-
N76nd         The Norfolk Daily News. (cont.)
Reel 116      Aug.5, 1950(v.611,#83)-Sept.26, 1950(v.64,#218)
640 Exp.      Sept.28, 1950(v.64,#130)-Nov.27, 1950(v.64,#181)
Reel 117      Nov.28, 1950(v.64,#182)-Feb.20, 1951(v.64,#252)
442 Exp.
Reel 118      Feb.21, 1951(v.64,#253)-June 9, 1951(v.65,#35)
641 Exp.
Reel 119      June 11, 1951(v.65,#36)-Oct.2, 1951(v.65,#132)
641 Exp.
Reel 120      Oct.3, 1951(v.65,#133)-Jan.23, 1952(v.65,#226)
639 Exp.
Reel 121      Jan.24, 1952(v.65,#227)-May 15, 1952(v.66,#13)
645 Exp.
Reel 122      May 16, 1952(v.66,#14)-Sept.10, 1952(v.66,#113)
638 Exp.
Reel 123      Sept.11, 1952(v.66,#114)-Dec.27, 1952(v.66,#204)
6142 Exp.
Reel 124      Dec.29, 1952(v.66,#205)-Apr.22, 1953(v.66,#302)
638 Exp.
Reel 125      Apr.23, 1953(v.66 ,#303)-Aug.14, 1953(v.67,#89)
637 Exp.
Reel 126      Aug.15, 1953(v.67,#90)-Dec.3, 1953(v.67,#183)
645 Exp.
Reel 127      Dec.4, 1953(v.67,#184)-Mar.27, 1954(v.67,#279)
642 Exp.

N76nd         The Norfolk Daily News. (cont.)
Reel 128      Mar.29, 1954(v.67,#280)-June 29, 1954(v.68,#5O)
557 Exp.
Reel 129      June 30, 1954(v.68,#51)-Oct.20, 1954(v.68,#146)
640 Exp.
Reel 130      Oct.21, 1954(v.68,#147)-Feb.2, 1955(v.68,#233)
629 Exp.
Reel 131      Feb.3, 1955(v.68,#234)-May 13, 1955(v.69,#11)
643 Exp.
Reel 132      May 14, 1955(v.69,#12)-Aug.31, 1955(v.69,#103)
636 Exp.
Reel 133      Sept.1, 1955(v.69,#104)-Dec.7, 1955(v.69,#186)
637 Exp.
Reel 134      Dec.8, 1955(v.69,#187)-Mar.20, 1956(v.69,#273)
634 Exp.
Reel 135      Mar.21, 1956(v.69,#274)-May 15, 1956(v.70,#13)
644 Exp.      May 17, 1956(v.70,#15)-July 5, 1956(v.70,#55)
Reel 136      July 6, 1956(v.70,#56)-Oct.23, 1956(v.70,#149)
o 642 Exp.
Reel 131      Oct.24, 1956(v.70 ,#150)-Feb.4, 1957(v.70,#235)
637 Exp.           NOTE: Dec.7, 1956 & Jan.25, 1951 blurred print.
Reel 138      Feb.5, 1957(v.70,#236)-May 16, 1957(v.71,#14)
633 Exp.
Reel 139      May 17, 1957(v.71,#15)-Sept.6, 1957(v.71,#109)
636 Exp.

film          NORFOLK, MADISON COUNTY, NEBRASKA                   -10-
N76nd         The Norfolk Daily News. (cont.)
Reel 140      Sept.7, 1957(v.71,#110)-Dec.21, 1957(v.71,#199)
641 Exp.
Reel 141      Dec.23, 1957(v.71,#200)-Apr.11, 1958(v.71,#292)
637 Exp.
Reel 142      Apr.12, 1958(v.71,#293)-July 30, 1958(v.72,#76)
637 Exp.
Reel 143      July 31, 1958(v.72,#77)-Nov.13, 1958(v.72,#166)
646 Exp.
Reel 144      Nov.14, 1958(v.72,#167)-Feb.26, 1959(v.72,#253)
633 Exp.
Reel 1145     Feb.27, 1959(v.72,#254)-June 5, 1959(v.73,#30)
633 Exp.
Reel 146      June 6, 1959(v.73,#31)-Sept.21, 1959(v.73,#120)
6314 Exp.
Reel 147      Sept.22, 1959(v.13,#121)-Dec28, 1959(v.73,#202)
637 Exp.
Reel 148      Dec.29, 1959(v.73,#203)-Apr.9, 1960(v.73,#290)
632 Exp.
Reel 149      Apr.11, 1960(v.73,#291)-July 15, 1960(v.74,#63)
637 Exp.
Reel 150      July 16, 1960(v.74,#64)-Oct.27, 1960(v.74,#151)
671 Exp.
Reel 151      Oct.28, 1960(v.74,#152)-Nov.30, 1960(v.74,#179)
230 Exp.

N76nd         The Norfolk Daily News. (cont.)
Reel 152      Dec.1, 1960-Feb.28, 1961
Reel 153      Mar.1, 1961-May 31, 1961
Reel 154      June 1, 1961-Aug.31, 1961
Reel 155      Sept.1, 1961-Nov.15, 1961
Reel 156      Nov.16, 1961-Jan.31, 1962
Reel 157      Feb.1, 1962-Apr.30, 1962
Heel 158      May 1, 1962-July 16, 1962
Reel 159      July 17, 1962-Oct.9, 1962
Reel 160      Oct.10, 1962-Dec.28, 1962
Reel 161      Dec.29, 1962-Feb.28, 1963
Reel 162      Mar.1, 1963-May 13, 1963
Reel 163      May 14, 1963-July 31, 1963
Reel 164      Aug.1, 1963-Oct.18, 1963
Reel 165      Oct.19, 1963-Dec.31, 1963
Reel 166      Jan.2, 1964-Mar.24, 19611
Reel 167      Mar.25, 1964-May 28, 19611
Reel 168      June 1, 1964-Aug.26, 19611
Reel 169      Aug.27, 1964-Nov.16, 19611
Reel 170      Nov.17, 1964-Jan.30, 1965
Reel 171      Feb.1, 1965-Apr.17, 1965
Reel 172      Apr.19, 1965-July 7, 1965
Reel 173      July 8, 1965-Sept.18, 1965
Reel 174      Sept.20, 1965-Nov.30, 1965
Reel 175      Dec.1, 1965-Dec.31, 1965
Reel 176      Jan. thru March, 1966
Reel 177      Apr. thru June, 1966
Reel 178      July thru Sept., 1966
Reel 179      Oct. thru Dec., 1966
Reel 180      Jan. thru March, 1967
Reel 181      Apr. thru June, 1967
Reel 182      July thru Sept., 1967
Reel 183      Oct. thru Dec., 1967
Reel 184      Jan. thru March, 1968
                   NOTE: Feb.14, 1968, pgs.17-19 distorted due to torn film
Reel 185      Apr. thru June, 1968
Reel 186      July thru Sept., 1968
Reel 187      Oct. thru Dec., 1968
Reel 188      Jan. thru March, 1969
Reel 189      Apr. thru June, 1969
Reel 190      July thru Sept., 1969
Reel 191      Oct. thru Dec., 1969
Reel 192      Jan. thru Mar., 1970
Reel 193      Apr. thru June, 1970
Reel 194      July thru Sept., 1970
Reel 195      Oct. thru Dec., 1970
Reel 196      Jan. thru March, 1971
Reel 197      Apr. thru June, 1971

film          NORFOLK, MADISON COUNTY, NEBRASKA                            -11-
N76nd         The Norfolk Daily News. (cont.)
Reel 198      July thru Sept., 1971
Reel 199      Oct. thru Dec., 1971
Reel 200      Jan. thru March, 1972
Reel 201      Apr. thru June, 1972
Reel 202      July thru Aug., 1972
Reel 203      Sept. thru Oct., 1972
Reel 204      Nov. thru Dec., 1972
Reel 205      Jan. thru Feb., 1973
Reel 206      Mar. thru Apr., 1973
Reel 207      May thru June, 1973
Reel 208      July thru Aug., 1973
Reel 209      Sept. thru Oct., 1973
Reel 210      Nov. thru Dec., 1973
Reel 211      Jan. thru Feb., 1974
Reel 212      Mar. thru Apr., 1974
Reel 213      May thru June, 1974
Reel 214      July thru Aug., 1974
Reel 215      Sept. thru Oct., 1974
Reel 216      Nov. thru Dec., 1974
Reel 217      Jan. thru Feb., 1975
Reel 218      Mar. thru Apr., 1975
Reel 219      May thru June, 1975
Reel 220      July thru Aug., 1975
Reel 221      Sept. thru Oct., 1975
Reel 222      Nov. thru Dec., 1975
Reel 223      Jan. thru Feb., 1976
Reel 224      Mar. thru Apr., 1976
Reel 225      May thru June, 1976
Reel 226      July thru Aug., 1976
Reel 227      Sept. thru Oct., 1976
Reel 228      Nov. thru Dec., 1976
Reel 229      Jan. thru Feb., 1977
Reel 230      Mar. thru Apr., 1977
Reel 231      May thru June, 1977
Reel 232      July thru Aug., 1977
Reel 233      Sept. thru Oct., 1977
Reel 234      Nov. thru Dec., 1977
Reel 235      Jan. thru Feb., 1978
Reel 236      Mar. thru Apr., 1978
Reel 237      May thru June, 1978
Reel 238      July thru Aug., 1978
Reel 239      Sept. thru Oct., 1978
Reel 240      Nov. thru Dec., 1978
Reel 241      Jan. thru Feb., 1979
Reel 242      Mar. thru Apr., 1979
Reel 243      May thru June, 1979
Reel 244      July thru Aug., 1979
Reel 245      Sept. thru Oct., 1979
Reel 246      Nov. thru Dec., 1979

N76nd         The Norfolk Daily News. (cont.)
Reel 247      Jan. thru Feb., 1980
Reel 248      Mar. thru Apr., 1980
Reel 249      May thru June, 1980
Reel 250      July thru Aug., 1980
Reel 251      Sept. thru Oct., 1980
Reel 252      Nov. thru Dec., 1980
Reel 253      Jan. thru Feb., 1981
Reel 254      Mar. thru Apr., 1981
Reel 255      May thru June, 1981
Reel 256      July thru Aug., 1981
Reel 257      Sept. thru Oct., 1981
Reel 258      Nov. thru Dec., 1981
Reel 259      Jan. thru Feb., 1982
Reel 260      Mar. thru Apr., 1982
Reel 261      May thru June, 1982
Reel 262      July thru Aug., 1982
Reel 263      Sept. thru Oct., 1982
Reel 264      Nov. thru Dec., 1982
Reel 265      Jan. thru Feb., 1983
Reel 266      Mar. thru Apr., 1983
Reel 267      May thru June, 1983
Reel 268      July thru Aug., 1983
Reel 269      Sept. thru Oct., 1983
Reel 270      Nov. thru Dec., 1983
Reel 271      Jan. thru Feb., 1984
Reel 272      Mar. thru Apr., 1984
Reel 273      May thru June, 1984
Reel 274      July thru Aug., 1984
Reel 275      Sept. thru Oct., 1984
Reel 276      Nov. thru Dec., 1984
Reel 277      Jan. thru Feb., 1985
Reel 278      Mar. thru Apr., 1985
Reel 279      May thru June, 1985
Reel 280      July thru Aug., 1985
Reel 281      Sept. thru Oct., 1985
Reel 282      Nov. thru Dec., 1985
Reel 283      Jan. thru Feb., 1986
Reel 284      Mar. thru Apr., 1986
Reel 285      May thru June, 1986
Reel 286      July thru Aug., 1986
Reel 287      Sept. thru Oct., 1986
Reel 288      Nov. thru Dec., 1986
Reel 289      Jan.2, 1987-Jan.23, 1987
266 Exp.

film          NORFOLK, MADISON COUNTY, NEBRASKA                       -12-
N76nd         The Norfolk Daily News. (cont.)
Reel 290      Jan.24, 1987-Mar.23, 1987
717 Exp.           NOTE: Mar.18, 1987 pgs. 16 & 17 missed during initial
#22,269              filming. Retake at end of reel.
Reel 291      Mar.24, 1987-May 114, 1987
720 Exp.           NOTE: May 1, 1987 is Centennial Issue.
Reel 292      May 15, 1987-July 14, 1987
727 Exp.
Reel 293      July 15, 1987-Sept.3, 1987
725 Exp.      Sept.5, 1987-Sept.8, 1987
Reel 2914     Sept.9, 1987-Oct.15, 1987
515 Exp.
Reel 295      Oct.16, 1987-Dec.2, 1987
677 Exp.
Reel 296      Dec.3, 1987(v.101,#182)-Feb.5, 1988(v.101,#235)
740 Exp.
Reel 297      Feb.6, 1988(v.101,#236)-Apr.6, 1988(v.101,#287)
727 Exp.
Reel 298      Apr.7, 1988(v.101,#288)-June 3, 1988(v.102,#28)
690 Exp.           NOTE: May 4, 1988 pgs. filmed out of sequence. Retake
#22,503              at end of reel.
Reel 299      June 4, 1988(v.102,#29)-Aug.4, 1988(v.102,#80)
732 Exp.           NOTE: July 23, 1988 is "SPECIAL EDITIONS All about
#22,264              Norfolk".
Reel 300      Aug.5, 1988(v.102,#81)-Oct.3, 1988(v. 102,#130)
682 Exp.
Reel 301      Oct.4, 1988(v.102,#131)-Nov.29, 1988(v.102,#178)
701 Exp.
Reel 302      Nov.30, 1988(v.102,#179)-Jan.31, 1989(v.102,#231)
720 Exp.           NOTE: Dec.22, 1988 supplement filmed out of order.

N76nd         The Norfolk Daily News. (cont.)
Reel 303      Feb.1, 1989(v.102,#232)-Mar.31, 1989(v.102,#282)
707 Exp.
Reel 304      Apr.1, 1989(v.102,#283)-May 26, 1989(v.103,#23)
701 Exp.           NOTE: May 11, 1989 supplement filmed between
#23,371              pgs. 12 & 13.
Reel 305      May 27, 1989(v.103,#24)-July 29, 1989(v.103,#76)
740 Exp.
Reel 306      July 31. 1989(v.103,#77)-Sept.27, 1989(v.103,#126)
702 Exp.
Reel 307      Sept.28, 1989(v.103 ,#127)-Nov.21, 1989(v.103,#173)
684 Exp.
Reel 308      Nov.22, 1989(v.103,#174)-Jan.16, 1990(v.103,#216)
715 Exp.
Reel 309      Jan.17, 1990(v.103,#219)-Mar.5, 1990(v.103,#259)
721 Exp.
Reel 310      Mar.6, 1990(v.103,#260)-Apr.27, 1990(v.103,#305)
723 Exp.
Reel 311      Apr.28, 1990(v.103,#306)-June 20, 1990(v.104,#43)
716 Exp.
Reel 312      June 21, 1990(v.104,#44)-Aug.17, 1990(v.104,#92)
735 Exp.
Reel 313      Aug.18, 1990(v.104,#93)-Oct.10, 1990(v.104,#137)
698 Exp.           NOTE: Aug.31, 1990 pgs. 18 & 19 missed during initial
#24,299              filming. Retake at end of reel.
Reel 314      Oct.11, 1990(v.104,#138)-Nov.30, 1990(v.104,#180)
706 Exp.

film          NORFOLK, MADISON COUNTY, NEBRASKA                        -13-
N76nd         Norfolk Daily News. (cont.)
Reel 315      Dec.1, 1990(v.104,#181)-Jan.28, 1991(v.104,#228)
687 Exp.
Reel 316      Jan.29, 1991(v.104,#229)-Feb.25, 1991(v.104,#252)
397 Exp.
Reel 317      Feb.26, 1991(v.104,#253)-Apr.16, 1991(v.104,#295)
703 Exp.           NOTE: Mar.20, 1991 pgs. filmed out of sequence.
Reel 318      Apr.17, 1991(v.104,#296)-June 7, 1991(v.105,#32)
714 Exp.
Reel 319      June 8, 1991(v.105,#33)-July 30, 1991(v.105,#76)
730 Exp.
Reel 320      July 31, 1991(v.105,#77)-Sept.19, 1991(v.105,#119)
729 Exp.           NOTE: Oct.2, 1991 pgs. 39 & 140 filmed with Sept.3, 1991
#25,108              issue. Refilmed in correct sequence on Reel #321.
Reel 321      Sept.20, 1991(v.105,#120)-Nov.4, 1991
737 Exp.
Reel 322      Nov.5, 1991-Dec.23, 1991
701 Exp.
Reel 323      Dec.24, 1991-Feb.22, 1992
741 Exp.
Reel 3214     Feb.24, 1992-Apr.17, 1992
743 Exp.
Reel 325      Apr.18, 1992-June 5, 1992
711 Exp.
Reel 326      June 6, 1992(v.106,#31)-July 25, 1992(v.106,#71)
724 Exp.

N76nd         Norfolk Daily News. (cont.)
Reel 327      July 27, 1992(v.106,#72)-Sept.10, 1992(v.106,#109)
627 Exp.           NOTE: July 27, 1992 title pg. missed during
#25,770              initial filming, Retake spliced at beg. of reel.
                         Sept.9, 1992 pgs. 25-30 filmed out of sequence.
Reel 328      Sept.11, 1992(v.106,#110)-Oct.21, 1992(v.106,#143)
686 Exp.           NOTE: Oct.10, 1992 pgs. 16 & .7 missed during initial
#25,841              filming. Retake at end of reel.
Reel 329      Oct.22, 1992(v.106,#1411)-Dec.10, 1992(v.106,#185)
5117 Exp.
Reel 330      Dec.11, 1992(v.106,#186)-Jan.28, 1993(v.106,#225)
470 exp.
Reel 331      Jan.29, 1993(v.106,#226)-Apr.3, 1993(v.106,#280)
714 Exp.
Reel 332      Apr.3, 1993(v.106,#280)-June 7, 1993(v.107,#30)
657 Exp.           NOTE: Apr.22 & 23, 1993 filmed out of sequence.
#26,021                  Ending targets not taken.
Reel 333      June 8, 1993(v.107,#31)-Aug.13, 1993(v.107,#87)
717 Exp.
Reel 334      Aug.14, 1993(v.107,#88)-Oct.21, 1993(v.107,#113)
705 Exp.
Reel 335      Oct.22, 1993(v.107,#144)-Dec.20, 1993(v.107,#193)
699 Exp.
Reel 336      Dec.21, 1993(v.107,#1914)-Feb.9, 1994(v.107,#235)
508 Exp.
Reel 337      Feb.10, 1994(v.107,#236)-Apr.21, 1994(v.107,#296)
757 Exp.           NOTE: Mar.23, 1994 "News/Plus" filmed between
#26,295              between pgs. 20 & 21.
Reel 338      Apr.22, 1994(v.107, #297) -June 30, 1994(v.108,#50)
704 Exp.

film          NORFOLK, MADISON COUNTY, NEBRASKA                       -14-
N76nd         Norfolk Daily News. (cont.)
Reel 339      July 1, 1994(v.108,#51)-Sept.3, 1994(v.108,#105)
688 Exp.
Reel 340      Sept.6, 1994(v.108,#106)-Nov.1, 1994(v.108,#154)
672 Exp.
Inspec.12/30/94 Positive rec'd 1/10/95
Reel 341      Nov.2, 1994(v.108,#155)-Jan.5, 1995(v.108,#209)
727 Exp.           NOTE:
#26,607              No issue published Nov.24, 1994.
Reel 342      Jan.6, 1995(v.108,#210)-Mar.16, 1995(v.108,#264)
.77 Exp.           NOTE:
#26,608              Jan.26, 1994, pgs. 24 & lA missed during initial
                     filming. Retake at end of reel.
Inspec.4/3/95 Positive rec'd 4/26/95
Reel 343      March 17, 1995(v.108,#265)-May 18, 1995(v.109,#16)
738 Exp.           NOTE:
#26,715              Incorrect year on target at beg. of reel. Reel starts
                     in March, 1995
Inspect.7/19/95 Positive rec'd 8/11/95
Reel 344      May 19, 1995(v.109,#17)-July 22, 1995(v.109,#70)
640 Exp.
Reel 345      July 24, 1995(v.109,#71)-Sept.26, 1995(v.109,#127)
637 Exp.           NOTE:
#26,811              Starting date on target at beginning of reel incorrect.
Inspec.1O/5/95 Positive rec'd 10/20/95
Reel 346      Sept.27, 1995(v.109,#128)-Nov.18, 1995(v.109,#17)
646 Exp.
Reel 347      Nov.20, 1995(v.109,#172)-Jan.15, 1996(v.109,#217)
582 Exp.           NOTE:
#27,O81              Newspaper title & State misspelled on title target.

N76nd         Norfolk Daily News (cont.)
Reel 3'18     Jan.16, 1996(v.1O9,#218)-Feb.29, 1996(v.109,#256)
484 Exp.
Reel 3149     Mar.1, 1996(v.109,#257)-Apr.15, 1996(v.109,#294)
1469 Exp.
Reel 350      Apr.16, 1996(v.109,#295)-May 31, 1996(v.110,#26)
497 Exp.           NOTE:
#27,280              Apr.29, 1996 filmed before Apr.30, 1996.
Reel 351      June 1, 1996(v.110,#27)-July 15, 1996(v.110,#63)
1422 Exp.
Inspec. 1/31/97
Reel 352      July 16, 1996(v.110,#64)-Aug.31, 1996(v.110,#104)
522 Exp.
Inspec. 1/31/97
Reel 353      Sept.3, 1996(v.110,#105)-Oct.31, 1996(v.110,#155)
614 Exp.
Reel 354      Nov.1, 1996(v.110,#156)-Dec.31, 1996(v.110,#204)
593 Exp.
Reel 355      Jan.2, 1997(v.110,#205)-Feb.28, 1997(v.110,#254)
555 Exp.

film          NORFOLK, MADISON COUNTY, NEBRASKA                       - 15 -
N76nd         Norfolk Daily News. (cont.)
Reel 356      March 1, 1997(v.110,#255)-Apr.30, 1997(v.110,#305)
571 Exp.
Reel 357      May 1, 1997(v.110,#306)-June 30, 1997(v.111,#51)
585 Exp.
Reel 358      July 1, 1997(v.111,#52)-Aug.30, 1997(v.111,#103)
637 Exp.
Reel 359      Sept.2, 1997(v.111,#104)-Öct.31, 1997(v.111,#150)
645 Exp.
Reel 360      Nov.1, 1997(v.111,#151}-Dec.31, 1997(v.111,#200)
581 Exp.           NOTE:
#27,758              Dec.16, 1997 date target incorrect.
Reel 361      Jan.2, 1998(v.111,#201)-Feb14, 1998(v.111,#237)
433 Exp.
Reel 362      Feb.16, 1998(v.111,#238)-March 31, 1998(v.111,#274)
518 Exp.
Reel 363      Apr.1, 1998(v.111,#275)-May 15, 1998(v.112,#113)
176 Exp.
Reel 364      May 16, 1998(v.112,#14)-June 30, 1998(v.112,#50)
447 Exp.
Reel 365      July 1, 1996(v.112,#51)-Aug. 15, 1998(v.112,#89)
365 Exp.

Reel 366      Aug. 17, 1998(v.112 #90)-Sept. 30, 1998(v.112, #117)
_76 Exp.

                                        Inventory Supplement
film          Norfolk, Madison County, Nebraska
              Norfolk Daily News
Reel Number: 367      Control Number: 0023187
10/1/1998 to 11/14/1998
Note: Filmstrips are not shelved in town/title order. 
Please ask a staff member for assistance
Thursday, December 02, 1999

                                       Inventory Supplement
film          Norfolk, Madison County, Nebraska
              Norfolk Daily News
Reel Number: 368      Control Number: 0028188
11/16/1998 to 12/31/1998
Note: Filmstrips are not shelved in town/title order. 
Please ask a staff member for assistance
Thursday, December 02, 1999

                                      Inventory Supplement
film          Norfolk, Madison County, Nebraska
              Norfolk Daily News
Reel Number: 369      Control Number. 0028189
1/2/1999 to 2/16/1999
Note: Filmstrips are not shelved in town/title order. 
Please ask a staff member for assistance
Thursday, December 02, 1999

                                     Inventory Supplement
071           Norfolk, Madison County, Nebraska
N76nd         Norfolk Daily News
Reel Number: 46      Control Number: 0028574      Filmstrip Type:
12/2/1918 through 0/0/0
Note: Filmstrips are not shelved in town/title order. 
Please ask a staff member for assistance
Update: Wednesday, April 04, 2001

                                     Inventory Supplement
071           Norfolk, Madison County, Nebraska
N76nd         Norfolk Daily News
Reel Number: 370      Control Number: 0028480      Type:
2/17/1999    through    3/31/1999
Reel Number: 371      Control Number: 0028481      Type:
4/1/1999    through    5/29/1999
Reel Number: 372      Control Number: 002482      Type:
6/1/1999      through      7/31/1999
Reel Number: 373      Control Number: 0028483      Type:
8/2/1999   through  9/30/1999
Note: Filmstrips are not shelved in town/title order. 
Please ask a staff member for assistance
Update: Friday, September 14, 2001

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