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Newspapers of Stromsburg, Polk County, Nebraska
The Headlight.
The Stromsburg Journal.
Stromsburg News.
The Polk County News.
film STROMSBURG (POLK COUNTY) NEBRASKA 071 St82h The Headlight. Stromsburg, Nebraska. Est. May 14, 1885 - Dec. 30, 1993 // Weekly. Semi-Weekly, May 5, 1913 - June 29, 1916 TITLE CHANGES: Headlight, May 14, 1885 - Feb. 6, 1902. The Headlight Feb. 13, 1902 - Merged with Osceola Record and Shelby Sun to form Polk County News 1994 The Weekender, a magazine supplement, suspended December 1980. EDITORS & PUBLISHERS: I.D. Chamberlin (ed.), May 14, 1885 - Nov. 17, 1892. Ada N. Coleman (pub.), May 14, 1885 - Nov. 17, 1892. Chattie Coleman (pub.), , 1897 - Feb. 27, 1951. Kenneth Hollister, March 8, 1951 - July 29, 1955. Alton W. Wilhelms (ed. & pub.), Aug. 4, 1955 - Feb. 28, 1983. Bill & Jan Thompson (ed. & pubs.), Feb. 28, 1983 - Jan Oldenburg (ed.), Dec. 1, 1988 - Jim Harker, (owner, pub.), Oct. 1, 1988 - Bill & Jan Thompson (owners), Sept. 1991 - Myrla Grossnicklaus, (ed), ? - Roxann Broshears, (editor), Jan. 1, 1991 - July 28, 1991 REFERENCES: The Headlight May 16, 1935, pg. 1:3-6. Chattie Coleman Westenius was business manager for 43 years. Mrs. Chattie Coleman Westenius, pub. (In the Nebraska Newspaper Oct. 1953, vol.5,#10, pg. 20). Golden Anniversary. (In Stromsburg Headlight May 16, 1935). Editor Chattie dies, Feb. 27. (In The Nebraska Newspaper March 1951, pg. 13:1). History in March 3 & 10, 1938. Nebraska History. Vol.19,#1, pg. 71. Wilhelms buys at Stromsburg. (In the Nebraska Newspaper July 1955, pg. 14). Turner, M.M. Newspaper history ... Nebraska. Vol.3, pg. 86. The Farewell. - I.D. Chamberlain. (In Headlight, Nov. 17, 1892, pg. 2:1). Obituary of Chattie Coleman Westenius Swalley. (In The Headlight March 8, 1951, pg. 1:6). New Editor to Take Over Next Week. Alton Wilhelms will assume his duties as new editor and publisher of the Headlight .... (In The Headlight, July 28, 1955, pg. 1:3). The Stromsburg Headlight - history. (In the Nebraska Newspaper Sept. 1957, pg. 5-9).
FILM STROMSBURG (POLK COUNTY) sheet 1-A 071 St82h The Headlight. EDITORS & PUBLISHERS: Penny Portner, (editor), July 29, 1991 - Nov. , 1991 Steve Thompson, (editor), Nov. , 1991- REFERENCES CONTINUED: Alton "Mook" Wilhelms is ending his 27 year career as publisher of the Stromsburg Headlight EFFECTIVE Feb. 28, after selling the Headlight and two associated weeklies, The Osceola Record and Shelby Sun to Bill Thompson, owner-publisher of the Pawnee Republican at Pawnee City, for the past 12 years. (In Nebraska Newspaper February 1983, 6:2). Alton "Mook" Wilhelms, who last month sold his Stromsburg Headlight Osceola Record and Shelby Sun to Bill and Jan. Thompson of Pawnee City, has been a "Polk County" fixture since 1947 (In Nebraska Newspaper March 1983, 36-37). Editor Jan Oldenburg... began working last week and is now taking over the writing duties. (In The Headlight Dec. 8, 1988, l:4&5). THOMPSONS SELL 5 PAPERS TO LINCOLN MAN Bill and Jan Thompson sold their five weekly Nebraska newspapers to Jim Harker of Lincoln, with the sale effective Oct.1. The Thompsons plan to continue working as usual, but for the new publisher, until replacement personnel could be found... (Nebraska Newspaper, November/December, 1988 28:3 "New Owners Take Over 'Headlight', Area Papers", Bill and Jan Thompson have taken possession of the four area papers that were owned the past three years by American Publisheing (sic) Co. of Lincoln. In: The Headlight, Sept. 5, 1991,Pg. 1:5-6. "Area Newspapers Area Taken Back by Previous Owners". Former publishing company defaulted on contract so Bill and Jan Thompson took possession of the newspapers. In: Columbus Telegram Sept. 6, 1991, Pg. 1:4 and 8A:4-5. Penny Portner is new editor for The Stromsburg Headlight. She is a Minnesota native. In: Nebraska Newspaper, Sept/Oct, 1991 pg. 20:2. "New Editor, Proofreader Join Staff at Headlight". Penny Portner takes over editor duties on July 29, 1991. In: The Headlight Aug. 8, 1991, pg. 1:2-6. Steve Thompson takes over editing duties at the Headlight as former editor Penny Portner takes over other duties at the paper. In: The Headlight Nov. 7, 1991, pg. 1:1-2. (Reverse) Disposition of Original files: 1892-1902, 4 volumes, shipped to Alton W. Whilhelms, Stromsburg, Headlight, Stromsburg, NE 2/1/73. Aug. 18, 1966 - Feb. 27, 1975, offered, refused, recycled. 3/19/75 Mar. 6, 1975 - Jan. 19, 1978 recycled. 8/29/78 Jan. 26, 1978 - Mar. 13, 1980 recycled. 7/7/80 Mar. 20, 1980 - June 4, 1981 � 12/15/81 June 11, 1981 - June 23, 1983 � 8/3/83
film STROMSBURG (POLK COUNTY) NEBRASKA sheet 2 071 St82h The Headlight. Reel 1 Oct. 1, 1885 (v.1, #21) - March 4, 1886 (v.1, #42) 694 shots March 25, 1886 (v.1, #45) - May 12, 1887 (v.2, #52) & pgs. May 17, 1888 (v.4, #1) - Aug. 23, 1888 (v.4, #14) (#4095) Sept. 6, 1888 (v.4, #22) - Sept. 27, 1888 (v.4, #19) Oct. 11, 1888 (v.4, #22) - Jan. 29, 1889 (v.4, #39) Feb. 7, 1889 (v.4, #41) - Sept. 5, 1889 (v.5, #17) Sept. 19, 1889 (v.5, #19) - Jan. 23, 1890 (v.5,#37) NOTE: Nov. 18, 1886 (v._,#_) pages 1 & 2 missing. Aug. 9, 1888 (v._,#_) pages 1 & 2 missing. Reel 2 January 30, 1890 (v.5, #38) - May 22, 1890 (v.6, #2) 669 shots June 5, 1890 (v.6, #4) - July 17, 1890 (v.6, #10) & pgs. July 31, 1890 (v.6, #12) - Sept. 4, 1890 (v.6, #17) (#4096) Oct. 30, 1890 (v.6, #25) - Dec. 25, 1890 (v.6, #33) Feb. 19, 1891 (v.6, #41) - July 28, 1892 (v.8, #15) Aug. 11, 1892 (v.8, #17) - Nov. 17, 1892 (v.8, #31) Jan. 26, 1893 (v.8, #37) Feb. 23, 1893 (v.8, #41) March 16, 1893 (v.8,#44) - Mar. 23, 1893 (v.8, #45) April 20, 1893 (v.8, #49) - June 22, 1893 (v.9, #6) Reel 3 June 29, 1893 (v.9, #7) - July 12, 1894 (v.10, #9) 679 shots July 26, 1894 (v.10, #11) - June 18, 1896 (v.12, #6) & pgs. July 2, 1896 (v.12, #8) - Sept. 3, 1896 (v.12, #17) (#4097) Reel 4 Sept. 10, 1896 (v.12, #18) - April 29, 1897 (v.12, #50) sic. 675 shots May 13, 1897 (v.12, #52) - Oct. 12, 1899 (v.15, #22) & pgs. (#4098) Reel 5 Oct. 19, 1899 (v.15, #23) - Oct. 2, 1902 (v.18, #21) 650 shots & pgs. (#4099) Reel 6 Oct. 16, 1902 (v.18, #2) - Aug. 10, 1905 (v.21, #13) 641 shots & pgs. (#4100)
film STROMSBURG (POLK COUNTY) NEBRASKA 071 St82h The Headlight. Reel 7 Aug. 17, 1905 (v.21, #14) - Sept. 20, 1906 (v.22, #19) 648 shots Oct. 4, 1906 (v.22, #2l) - Nov. 29, 1906 (v.22, #29) & pgs. Dec. 13, 1906 (v.22, #31) - Mar. 19, 1908 (v.23, #45) (#4101) Reel 8 March 26, 1908 (v.23, #46) - July 15, 1909 (v.25, #9) 617 shots & pgs. (#4102) Reel 9 July 22, 1909 (v.25, #10) - Sept. 30, 1909 (v.25, #20) 662 shots Oct. 14, 1909 (v.25, #22) - Nov. 4, 1909 (v.25, #25) & pgs. Nov. 18, 1909 (v.25, #27) - Dec. 29, 1910 (v.26, #33) (#4103) Reel 10 Jan. 5, 1911 (v.26, #34) - May 9, 1912 (v.27, #52) 660 shots & pgs. (#4104) Reel 11 May 16, 1912 (v.28, #1) - Nov. 6, 1913 (v.29, #25) 678 shots & pgs. (#4105) Reel 12 Nov. 13, 1913 (v.29, #26) - May 20, 1915 (v.31, #2) 696 shots & pgs. (#4106) Reel 13 May 27, 1915 (v.31, #3) - Dec. 7, 1916 (v.32, #30) 685 shots & pgs. (#4107)
film STROMSBURG (POLK COUNTY) NEBRASKA sheet 3 071 St82h The Headlight. Reel 14 Dec. 14, 1916 (v.32, #31) - May 16, 1918 (v.34, #1) 657 shots & pgs. (#4108) Reel 15 May 23, 1918 (v.34, #2) - Nov. 20, 1919 (V.35, #28) 665 shots & pgs. (#4109) Reel 16 Nov. 27, 1919 (v.35, #29) - Oct. 27, 1921 (v.37, #24) 618 shots & pgs. (#4110) Reel 17 Nov. 3, 1921 (v.37, #25) - Oct. 18, 1923 (v.39, #23) 669 shots & pgs. (#4111) Reel 18 Oct. 25, 1923 (v.39, #24) - Aug. 20, 1925 (v.41, #15) 685 shots & pgs. (#4112) Reel 19 Aug. 27, 1925 (v.41, #16) - March 3, 1927 (v.43, #42) 672 shots & pgs. (#4113) Reel 20 March 10, 1927 (v.43, #43) - June 21, 1928 (v.43, #6) 577 shots & pgs. (#4114)
film STROMSBURG (POLK COUNTY) NEBRASKA 071 St82h The Headlight. Reel 21 June 28, 1928 (v.43, #7) - Dec. 26, 1929 (v.44, #33) 678 shots & pgs. (#4115) Reel 22 Jan. 2, 1930 (v.44, #34) - June 4, 1931 (v.46, #4) 669 shots & pgs. (#4116) Reel 23 June 11, 1931 (v.46, #5) - Dec. 15, 1932 (v.47, #31) 675 shots & pgs. (#4117) Reel 24 Dec. 22, 1932 (v.47, #32) - July 26, 1934 (v.49, #11) 686 shots & pgs. (#4118) Reel 25 Aug. 2, 1934 (v.49, #12) - Apr. 2, 1936 (v.50, #47) 707 shots & pgs. (#4119) Reel 26 April 9, 1936 (v.50, #48) - Nov. 11, 1937 (v.52, #26) 696 shots & pgs. (#4120) Reel 27 Nov. 18, 1937 (v.52, #27) - June 1, 1939 (v.54, #3) 670 shots & pgs. (#4121) Reel 28 June 8, 1939 (V.54, #4) - Dec. 12, 1940 (v.55, #31) 662 shots & pgs. (#4122)
sheet k film STROMSBURG (POLK COUNTY) NEBRASKA 071 St82h The Headlight. Reel 29 Dec. 19, 1940 (v.55, #32) - July 9, 1942 (v.57, #9) 671 shots & pgs. (#4123) Reel 30 July 16, 1942 (v.57, #10) - Febr. 10, 1944 (v.58, #39) 679 shots & pgs. (#4124) Reels 1-30 positives rec'd. March 6, 1967. Reel 31 Febr. 17, 1944 (v.58, #40) - Aug. 9, 1945 (v.60, #13) 637 shots & pgs. (#4199) Reel 32 Aug. 16, 1945 (v.60, #14) - Mar. 13, 1947 (v.61, #44) 699 shots & pgs. (#4200) Reel 33 Mar. 20, 1947 (v.61, #45) - Sept. 23, 1948 (v.63, #19) 705 shots & pgs. (#4201) Reel 34 Sept. 30, 1948 (v.63, #20) - Mar. 16, 1950 (v.64, #44) 691 shots & pgs. (#4202) Reel 35 Mar. 23, 1950 (v.64, #45) - Sept. 13, 1951 (v.66, #18) 707 shots & pgs. (#4203)
film STROMSBURG (POLK COUNTY) NEBRASKA 071 St82h The Headlight. Reel 36 Sept. 20, 1951 (v.66, #19) - Sept. 10, 1953 (v.68, #17) 687 shots & pgs. (#4204) Reel 37 Sept. 17, 1953 (v.68, #18) - Nov. 24, 1955 (v.70, #28) 670 shots & pgs. (#4205) Reel 38 Dec. 1, 1955 (v.70, #29) - May 23, 1957 (v.72, #2) 653 shots & pgs. (#4206) Reel 39 May 30, 1957 (v.72, #3) - Dec. 4, 1958 (v.73, #28) 658 shots & pgs. (#4207) Reel 40 Dec. 11, 1958 (v.73, #29) - June 9, 1960 (v.75, #3) 675 shots & pgs. (#4208) Reel 41 June 16, 1960 (v.75, #4) - Jan. 4, 1962 (v.76, #33) 679 shots & pgs. (#4209) Reel 42 Jan. 11, 1962 (v.76, #34) - Aug. 15, 1963 (v.78, #12) 684 shots & pgs. (#4210) Reel 43 Aug. 22, 1963 (v.78, #13) - Febr. 4, 1965 (v.79, #35) 659 shots & pgs. (#4211)
film STROMSBURG (POLK COUNTY) sheet 5 071 St82h The Headlight. Reel 44 Febr. 11, 1965 (v.79, #36) - Aug. 11, 1966 (v.81, #10) 658 shots & pgs. (#4212) Reels #31-1/44 positives rec'd. 4/28/67. Reel 45 Aug. 18, 1966 (v.81, #11) - June 22, 1967 (v.82, #3) 195 shots 390 pgs. (#15,292) Reel 46 June 29, 1967 (v.82, #4) - Sept. 17, 1970 (v.85, #13) 696 shots 1392 pgs. (#15,275) Reel 47 Sept. 24, 1970 (v.85, #14) - Aug. 16, 1973 (v.88, #9) 681 shots & pgs. (#15,276) Reel 48 Aug. 23, 1973 (v.88, #10) - Febr. 27, 1975 (v.89, #36) 378 shots 756 pgs. (#15,277) Reels #45-#48 positives rec'd. 6/3/75. Reel 49 March 6, 1975 (v.89, #37) - Febr. 10, 1977 (v._, #_) 631 shots 1262 pgs. (#17,687) Reel 50 Febr. 17, 1977 (v.90, #35) - Jan. 19, 1978 (v.92, #30) 643 shots 1286 pgs. (#17,688) Reels #49 & #50 positives rec'd. 12/4/78
film STROMSBURG (POLK COUNTY) NEBRASKA St82h The Headlight. Reel 51 Jan. 26, 1978 (v.92, #31) - Febr. 15, 1979 (v.93, #34) 689 shots NOTE: 1378 pgs. "Weekender" is missing for Nov. 30, 1978. (#18,836) "Weekender" is missing for Dec. 28, 1978. Reel 52 Feb. 22, 1979 (v.93, #34) - March 13, 1980 (v.94, #38) 686 shots 1372 pgs. (#18,837) Reels #51 & #52 positives rec'd. 10/2/80 Reel 53 March 20, 1980 (v.94, #39) - June 4, 1981 (v.95, #50) 613 shots 1226 pgs. (#19,615) Reel #53 positive rec'd. 3/1/82 Reel 54 June 11, 1981 (v.95, #51) - June 23, 1983 (v.98, #1) 662 shots 1324 pgs. (#1751) Reel #54 Positive received 1/13/84 Reel 55 June 30, 1983 (v.98, #2)-March 6, 1986 (v.100, #38) 683 shots 1366 NOTE: Oct. 25, 1984 issue, Page 1, missed (#21,359) during original filming, can be found at end of reel. Reel #55 positive rec'd 7/21/86 Reel 56 March 13, 1986 (v.100, #39) - January 26, 1989 (v.103, #33) 648 shots 1296 pgs. (#22,996) Reel #56 positive rec'd 3/15/89
film STROMSBURG, POLK COUNTY, NEBRASKA sheet 6 071 St82h The Headlight. Reel 57 Febr.2, 1989 (v.103, #34) - Febr.6, 1992 (v.106, #32) 698 Exposures 1/25,315 Inspec.2/l9/92 Sr Positive rec'd 3/2/92 Reel 58 Feb.13, 1992 (v.106, #33) - Dec. 30, 1993 (v.108, #27) 560 Expos. #26,186
films STROMSBURG, POLK COUNTY, NEBRASKA 071 St82j The Stromsburg Journal. Stromsburg, Nebr. Est. Apr. 13, 1900 - Apr. 25, 1907 // Weekly. EDITORS & PUBLISHERS: Mrs. P.T. Buckley, Oct. , 1900 -. A.H. Berggran, (owner); Harry Rood, (ed. & pub.), Jan. 1, 1901 - A.H. Bergren, (pub.), , 1901 - 1902. A.L. Clark, (lessee & ed.), , 1902 - , 1905. J.B. Ferree, (pub.), , 1905 - Apr. 25, 1907. REFERENCES: Nebraska State Gazetteer, 1907. Westenius Chattae Coleman. History of Stromsburg, 1931, p.50-51. Greeting: Mutilated (Stromsburg Journal Apr. 13, 1900, 3:1). N.S.H.S. HAS ON MICROFILM: 1 film strip, spliced on Reel #12 filmstrips: films Apr. 13, 1900 (v.1, #l) 071 May 25, 1900 (v.1, #7) St82j
DISPOSITION OF ORIGINAL FILES: Apr.13,1900; May 25,1900 sent to Polk County Historical Society, 4/4/79
film STRONSBURG, POLK COUNTY, NEBRASKA 071 St82n Stromsburg News. Stromsburg, NE Est. , l880 - Nov. 21, 1918 // Weekly. TITLE CHANCES: Stromsburg Republican, , 1880- , 1890. Stromsburg Weekly News Dec. , 1890 - Aug. 5, l909. Stromsburg News Aug. 12, 1909 - Nov. 21, 1918. EDITORS & PUBLISHERS: Stromsburg Toron Co., (pub.), Spring, 1880 - S.C. Beach, (mgr.), " " Eric Johnson, (ed. " " Colmar McCune, (pub.), , 1882 - , 1884. C.J. Lindstrom, (pub.), , 1886 - August , 1886. Eric Johnson, (ed.) " " " J.C. Lindstrom, (ed. & pub.), August , 1886 - , 1889. J.A. Frawley, (owner), , 1890 - , 1893. S.C. Woodruff, (ed. & pub.), J.A. Westenius, (ed.), July 6, 1893 - Westenius & McCoy, (pubs.), J.A. Westenius, (ed. & pub.), , - Feb. ,1895. John A. Loundermilch, (pub.), Dec. , 1896 - June 4, 1903. C.C. McCune, (ed. & pub.), , 1903 - 1906. J.W. Wilson, (owner), " " Harry H. Pease, (lessee), , 1906 - April 4, 1907. Phillip Lentz, (Lessee), April , 19O7 - Frank Robeck, (lessee), Chas. H. Wirth, (pub.), , 1909. Douglas Bros., (pubs.), (Phil E. Douglas) (Grant Douglas) Douglas & Landon, (pubs.), , 1911. Harry H. Pease, (ed. & pub.), , 1911 - C.L. NcCleary, (pub.), Mar.6,1913 - Ella A. McCleary, (pub.), , 1915 - , 1917. REFERENCES: The Stromsburg Republican, edited by Eric Johnson one year... Biographical souvenir of Buffalo, Kearney and Phelps counties.
film STROMSBURG, POLK COUNTY, NEBRASKA Sheet - 2 071 St82n Stromsburg News (cont.) NSHS HAS ON MICROFILM: Reel 1 July 25, 1890 (v.11, #13) - Aug. 1, 189O (v.11, #14) 637 Mar. 5, 1892 (v.12, #44) expos. Aug. 19, 1892 (v. 13, #16) - Aug. 26, 1892 (v.13, #17) #4080 Nov. 11, 1892 (v.13, #28) Feb. 3, 1893 (v.13, #40) Apr. 14, 1893 (v.13, #51) Nov. 17, 1893 (v.14, #31) - Dec. 1, 1893 (v.14, #33) Dec. 22, 1893 (v.14, #36) Nov. 2, 1894 (v.15, #30) - Nov. 1894 (v.15, #31) Dec. 7, 1894 (v.15, #35) - Dec. 14, 1894 (v.15, #36) Dec. 28, 1894 (v.15, #38) Oct. 4, 1895 (v.16, #26) - Oct. 11, 1895 (v.16, #27) Oct. 25, 1895 (v.16, #29) - Nov. 1, 1895 (v.16, #30) Nov. 15, 1895 (v.16, #32) - Nov. 22, 1895 (v.16, #33) Dec. 6, 1895 (v.16, #35) - Dec. 20, 1895 (v.16, #37) Jan. 31, 1896 (v.16, #43) - Feb. 7, 1896 (v.16, #44) Mar. 20, 1896 (v.16, #50) Apr. 24, 1896 (v.17, #3) May 8, 1896 (v.17, #5) June 12, 1896 (v.17, #10) - June 26, 1896 (v.17, #12) July 17, 1896 (v.17, #15) July 31, 1896 (v.17, #17) - Apr.30, 1897 (v.18, #4) NOTE: Title changed to: Stromsburg Weekly News Mar. 5, 1892. Reel 2 May 7, 1897 (v.18, #5) - June 9, 1898 (v.19, #10) 630 June 23, 1898 (v.19, #12) - Aug. 25, 1898 (v.19, #21) expos. Sept. 8, 1898 (v.19, #23) - Oct. 20, 1898 (v.19, #28) 114081 Nov. 3, 1898 (v.19, #30) Reel 3 Nov. 10, 1898 (v.19, #31) - Mar. 30, 1899 (v.19, #52) 635 Apr. 13, 1899 (v.20, #2) - June 1, 1899 (v.20, #9) expos. June 15, 1899 (v.20, #11) 114082 June 29, 1899 (v.20, #13) - May 24, 1900 (v.21, #8) Reel 4 May 31, 1900 (v.21, #9) - Sept. 20, 1900 (v.21, #35) 638 Oct. 4, 1900 (v.21, #37) expos. Oct. 18, 1900 (v. 21, #39) - Dec. 5, 1901 (v.21, #36) #4083 Reel 5 Dec. 12, 1901 (v.21, #37) - Dec. 4, 1902 (v.21, #36) 640 Jan. 1, 1903 (v.21, #40) - May 7, 1903 (v.22, #6) expos. May 21, 1903 (v.22, #8) - July 2,1903 (v.22, #14) #4084 July 16, 1903 (v.22, #16) - July 23, 1903 (v.22, #17) Reel 6 July 30, 1903 (v.22, #18) - Mar.10, 1904 (v.22, #50) 644 March 24, 1904 (v.22, #52) - Feb. 9, 1905 (v.23, #46) expos. #4085
film STROMSBURG, POLK COUNTY, NEBRASKA 071 St82n Stromsburg News (cont.) Reel 7 Feb. 16, 1905 (v.23, #47) - May 25, 1905 (v.24, #9) 642 June 8, 1905 (v.24, #11) - Aug. 17, 1905 (v.24, #21) expos. Aug. 31, 19O5 (v.24, #23) - Dec. 14, l905 (v.24, #38) #4086 Dec. 28, 1905 (v.24, #40) - June 14, 1906 (v.25, #12) June 28, 1906 (v.25, #14) - Aug. 9, 1906 (v.25, #20) Reel 8 Aug. 16, 1906 (v.25, #21) - April 25, 1907 (v.26, #5) 656 May 9, 1907 (v.26, #7) expos. June 13, 1907 (v.26, #12) - June 20, 1907 (v.26, #13) #4087 July 11, 1907 (v.26, #16) - July 18, 1907 (v.26, #17) Aug. 8, 1907 (v.26, #20) Aug. 22, 1907 (v.26, #22) - Apr. 30, l9O8 (v.27, #6) Reel 9 May 7, 1908 (v.27, #7) - Dec. 24, 1908 (v.27, #40) 670 Jan. 7, l909 (v.27, #42) - Dec. 9, 1909 (v.28, #38) expos. NOTE: Title changes to: Stromsburg News Aug. 12, 1909. #4088 Reel 10 Dec. 16, 1909 (v.23, #39) - June 8, 1911 (v.30, #12) 644 expos. #4089 Reel 11 June 15, 1911 (v.30, #13) - Dec. 28,1911 (v.30, #41) 541 Jan. 4, 1912 (v.30, #42) - June 27, 1912 (v.31, #15) expos. July 11, 1912 (v.31, #17) - Dec. 26, 1912 (v.31, #44) #4090 Reel 12 Apr. 3, 1913 (v.32, #6) - Aug. 13, 1914 (v.33, #25) 611 expos. #4091 Reel 13 Aug. 20, 1914 (v.33, #26) - Jan. 13, l9l6 (v.34, #48) 631 expos. #4092 Reel 14 Jan. 20, 1916 (v.34, #49) - July 26, 1917 (v.36, #24) 654 expos. #4093 Reel 15 Aug. 2, 1917 (v.36, #25) - Nov. 21, 1918 (v.37, #51) 618 expos. #4094
film STROMSBURG, POLK COUNTY, NEBRASKA 071 St82p The Polk County News. Stromsburg, NE Est. Jan. 6, 1994 - Weekly. EDITORS & PUBLISHERS: Bill Thompson, (pub.), Jan. 6, 1994 - Mike McCoy, (ed.), Jan. 6, 1994 - March 14, 1994. Bill Thompson, (ed. & pub.), Mar. 14, 1994 REFERENCES: Bill and Jan Thompson's announcement declaring their intent to merge the Stromsburg Headlight Osceola Record and Shelby Sun (The Polk County News Jan.6, 1994, 4:1-1). Polk County News publisher Bill Thompson of Stromsburg will become the editor of the News, effective Monday, March 14. (The Polk County News Mar.10, 1994, 1:1). NSHS HAS ON MICROFILM: Roll 1 Jan.6, 1994 (v.1, #1) - May 11, 1995 (v.2, #19) 621 Exp. #26,7814 Inspec.9/7/95 Positive rec'd 10/3/95 Roll 2 May 18, 1995 (v.2, #20) - July 25, 1996 (v.3, #30) 522 Exp. #27,271 Inspec. 1/7/97
film STROMSBURG, POLK COUNTY, NEBRASKA 071 St82p The Polk County News. (cont.) Reel 3 Aug. 1, 1996 (v.3, #31) - Dec. 25, 1997 (v.14, # 52) 621 Exp. #27 ,912 Inspec. 11/16/98
Inventory Supplement 071 Stromsburg, Polk County, Nebraska St82p The Polk County News NOTES. Reel Number: 4 Control Number: 0029227 Type: 1/1/1998 through 6/24/1999
Inventory Supplement 071 Stromsburg, Polk County, Nebraska St82p The Polk County News NOTES: Reel Number: 5 Control Number: 0029228 Type: 7/1/1999 through 12/28/2000
© 2004 for NEGenWeb Project & NSHS by T&C Miller