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Newspapers of Shelby, Polk County, Nebraska
on microfilm at NSHS Library, Lincoln
The Nebraska Blizzard
Shelby Sun.
film SHELBY, POLK COUNTY, NEBRASKA 071 L63b The Nebraska Blizzard and Shelby Sun. Published in Lincoln, Shelby and back to Lincoln. See Lincoln O71-L63b for detailed film record. TITLE CHANCES: The Nebraska Blizzard The Nebraska Blizzard and Shelby Sun The Shelby Sun and Nebraska Blizzard Nebraska Blizzard and Shelby Sun The Nebraska Blizzard
film SHELBY (POLK COUNTY) 071 Sh3s Shelby Sun. Shelby, Nebraska. Est. 1890 - Dec. 30, 1993 // Weekly. TITLE CHANGES: The Sun 1890 - April 18, 1901. The Shelby Sun, April 18, 1901 - May 26, 1904. *Nebraska Blizzard & Shelby Sun June 2, 1904 - July 21, 1904. Nebraska Blizzard Sun June 2, 1904 - July 21, 1904. The Shelby Sun July 21, 1904 - April 6, 1972. Shelby Sun April 6, 1972 - Absorbed Gresham Gazette July 2, 1992. Merged with Headlight and Osceola Record to form Polk County News (Stromsburg) 1994. *While united with The Nebraska Blizzard Lincoln, June 9, 1904- Oct. 6, 1904, printed at Shelby. The Weekender, a magazine supplement, suspended Dec. 1980. EDITORS & PUBLISHERS: Mr. Woods, 1890 - 1891. J.C. Rahe (pub.), 1891 - Apr. 20, 1899. J.C. Rahe (ed.), Apr. 20, 1899 - June 2, 1904. M.C. Rahe (loc. ed.), " " " " " " Henry Huckins (Ed.), June 2, 1904 - July 21, 1904. A.L. Clarke (bus. mgr.& pub.) " " " " " " J.C. Rahe (pub.), July 21, 1904 - Jan. 18, 1906. E.E. Knerr, July 21, 1904 - Jan. 18, 1906. A.L. West (pub.), Jan. 25, 1906 - Apr. 12, 1906. E.E. Knerr (pub.), " " " " " " E.E. Knerr (ed.), Apr. 12, 1906-June 14, 1906. E.E. Knerr (ed.), June 14, 1906 - Sept. 20, 1906. F.S. Stafford (pub.), June 14, 1906 - Sept. 20, 1906. Cornish & Son (props.), Sept. 20, 1906 - Apr. 3, 1919. Walter A. Cornish (ed.) " " " " " " W.A. Cornish (ed.), Apr. 3, 1919 -July 27, 1933. W.A. Cornish (ed. & Owner), July 27, 1933-July 7, 1938. Celia Schaal (ass't. Loc. ed.) " " " " " " C.E. Schaal (loc. ed.), July 7, 1938 - July 9, 1953. David D. Hatt (pub.), July 9, 1953 - March 30, 1972. Alton Wilhelms (pub.), April 6, 1972 - Feb. 28, 1983. Lorriane Reisdorff (ed.) " " " " " " The Sun Promoting Company, Alton Wilhems (sic) (pub.), April 6, 1972 - Feb. 28, 1983. Bill & Jan Thompson (pubs.), Feb. 28, 1983- Myrla Grossnicklaus, (ed.) - Nov.12, 1992. Jim Harker, (owner, pub.), Oct. 1, 1988 - Bill & Jan Thompson (owners), Sept. 1991 - Dee Augustin, (ed.), Nov. 12, 1992 -
film SHELBY (POLK COUNTY) sheet 1-A 071 Sh3s Shelby Sun. REFERENCES: Nebraska State Cazetteer, 1893, 1894-95, 1902-03, 1907, 1909, 1913, 1915, 1917. Rowell, George P. and Company. Rowell's American newspaper directory, 1893. "Announcement. (In taking charge of the Sun, we introduce an entirely new departure in Polk County journalism combing as we do a well-established state paper of six years' standing, with the Sun, and this newspaper will largely cover eight of the best counties in eastern Nebraska... (In Nebraska Blizzard and Shelby Sun June 2, 1904, pg. 4:2). "To our friends and patrons of the Shelby Sun. As we are on the eve of leaving for our new home in Springdale, Arkansas, we take this method of bidding you all goodbye ...." J.C. Rahe and M.C. Rahe. (In The Shelby Sun January 18, 1906, pg. 1:3 & 4). Adieu. In turning over the editorial management of the Sun into the hands of another person E.E. Knerr. (In The Shelby Sun Sept. 20, 1906, pg. 4:1). Introductory. In assuming charge of the Sun, it is not our intention to make numerous promises and pledges. W.A. Cornish. (In The Shelby Sun Sept. 20, 1906, pg. 4:1). Greetings. This issue of the Sun comes to its readers with a new home at the masthead and after thirty-two years of faithful and honorable service. W.A. Cornish finds it necessary to retire W.J. Herbes. (In The Shelby Sun, July 7, 1938, pg. 4:1). The Shelby Sun to new owners. The Shelby Sun changed ownership a week ago, with actual management to take place July 1st. The new owners will assume the newspaper and its function at that date. The new owner is David Hatt (In The Shelby Sun pg. 1:7, June 25, 1953.) Perry Sapp, publisher of the Osceola Record and the Shelby Sun has announced that he has sold The Sun to David Hatt, who has been employed at the David City People's Banner. Hatt took over the publication July 1, 1953. (In The Nebraska Newspaper July 1953, pg. 22:1). "Keep this under your hat. By Dave Hatt. Since this is the closing chapter in my book of the Shelby Sun, I would like to say a few words in appreciation to my customers." (In The Shelby Sun March 30, 1972, pg. 1:3). "I'd like to introduce myself. Dear Readers, I, Lorraine Reisdorff, am the new editor of the Shelby Sun .... The Shelby Sun office will be in my home." (In Shelby Sun April 6, 1972, pg. 1:4). Lorraine Reisdorff New Shelby Sun Editor. Lorraine Reisdorff, new editor of the Shelby Sun has set up the Sun offices in her home. Serving as correspondents to help her gather news are Mrs. Gary Hernbloom and Mrs. Wayne Davis. (In the Nebraska __Newspaper July 1972, pg. 22:3). Whilhelms Buys Shelby Sun. The sale of the Shelby Sun has been announced by Dave Hatt, who has been publisher of the Sun for the past 19 years. The New Owner of the Sun is Alton "Mook" Wilhelms of Stromsburg .... (In the Nebraska Newspaper, June 1972, pg. 10:12).
film SHELBY (POLK COUNTY) NEBRASKA 071 Sh3s The Shelby Sun. REFERENCES CONTINUED: "Tidbits" by Lorraine Reisdorff .... as this is my final publication as editor (In Shelby Sun July 11, 1974, pg. 1:1). To Our Readers .... it has been a fine experience to work with Lorraine Reisdorff, our retiring editor... Alton Whilhems, publisher. (In Shelby Sun, July 11, 1974, pg. 1:1). Alton "Mook" Wilhelms is ending his 27-year career as publisher of the Stromsburg Headlight effective Feb. 28, after selling The Headlight and two associated weeklies, The Osceola Record and Shelby Sun to Bill Thompson, owner-publisher of The Pawnee Republican at Pawnee City, for the past 12 years. (In the Nebraska Newspaper Feb. 1983, 6:2). THOMPSONS SELL 5 PAPERS TO LINCOLN MAN Bill and Jan Thompson sold their five weekly Nebraska newspapers to Jim Harker of Lincoln, with the sale effective Oct.l. The Thompsons plan to continue working as usual, but for the new publisher, until replacement personnel could be found... (Nebraska Newspaper, November/December 1988, 28:3). "Newspapers Repossessed", Newspaper group in this area has been repossessed by Bill and Jan Thompson, former owners of the papers. The four papers include: The Shelby Sun, The Stromsburg Headlight, The Osceola Record, and The Gresham Gazette. In: Shelby Sun, Sept. 5, 1991, pg. 1:4. "Area newspapers are taken back by Previous onwers". Former pub1ishing company (American Publishing Company of Lincoln) defaulted on contrac (sic) so Bill and Jan Thompson took possession of the newspapers. In: Columbus Telegram Sept. 6, 1991; pg. 1:4 and 8A:4-5. Dee Augustin is new Editor of Shelby Sun... (Nov. 12, 1992, 1;4-5). (Reverse) Disposition of original files: Feb. 15, 1973 - March 1, 1978 recycled. 9/15/78. Mar. 8, 1978 - Oct. 16, 1980 " 11/5/80 Oct. 23, 1980 - Sept. 29, 1983 " 11/7/83
film SHELBY (POLK COUNTY) sheet 2 071 Sh3s The Shelby Sun. N.S.H.S. HAS ON MICROFILM: Reel 1 June 23, 1892 (v.2, #38) 551 shots Aug. 29, 1895 (v.5, #48) 1102 pgs. Oct. 10, 1895 (v.6, #2) (#13,046) Oct. 24, 1895 (v.6, #4) - Oct. 31, 1896 (v.6, #5) Nov. 14, 1895 (v.6, #7) - Dec. 19, 1895 (v.6, #12) Jan. 2, 1896 (v.6, #14) Jan. 16, 1896 (v.6, #16) - March 26, 1896 (v.6, #26) April 9, 1896 (v.6, #28) - Oct. 8, 1896 (v.7, #2) Oct. 22, 1896 (v.7, #4) - Feb. 18, 1897 (v.7, #20) March 4, 1897 (v.7, #22) - May 13, 1897 (v.7, #32) May 27, 1897 (v.7, #34) - May 12, 1898 (v.8, #32) May 26, 1898 (v.8, #34) Nov. 3, 1898 (v.9, #5) - Nov. 3, 1898 (v.9, #5) Reel 2 Nov. 10, 1898 (v.9, #6) - Dec. 1, 1898 (v.9, #9) 640 shots Feb. 2, 1899 (v.9, #18) - Feb. 9, 1899 (v.9, #19) 1280 pgs. March 23, 1899 (v.9, #25) - May 4, 1899 (v.9, #31) (#13,047) May 18, 1899 (v.9, #33) June 1, 1899 (v.9, #35) - July 6, 1899 (v.9, #40) July 20, 1899 (v.9, #42) - Aug. 24, 1899 (v.9, #47) Sept. 7, 1899 (v.9, #49) - Oct. 5, 1899 (v.10, #1) Oct. 19, 1899 (v.10, #3)- Nov. 2, 1899 (v.10, #5) Nov. 23, 1899 (v.10,#8)-Nov. 30, 1899 (v.10,#9) Feb. 8, 1900 (v.10, #l9) - Feb. 15, 1900 (v.10,#2O) March 1, 1900 (v.10,#22) - March 8, 1900 (v.10,#23) March 29, 1900 (v.l0,#26) Apr. 12, 1900 (v.10,#28) - Oct. 25, 1900 (v.11, #4) Apr. 18, 1901 (v.11, #29) - Aug. 29, 1901 (v.11, #48) Sept. 12, 1901 (v.11, #50) Sept. 26, 1901 (v.11, #52) - Oct. 24, 1901 (v.12, #4) Nov. 7, 1901 (v.l2, #6) - Dec. 19, 1901 (v.12, #l2) Jan. 2, 1902 (v.12, #14) - March 6, 1902 (v.12, #22) March 20, 1902 (v.12, #24) - June 5, 1902 (v.12, #35) June 19, 1902 (V.12, #37) - Aug. 21, 1902 (v.12, #46) Sept. 4, 1902 (v.12, #49) - Oct. 9, 1902 (v.13, #2) Oct. 23, 1902 (v.13, #4) - Dec. 25, 1902 (v.13, #l3) NOTE: Title changed to "The Shelby Sun", April 18, 1901, (v.11,#29) Reel 3 Jan. 1, 1903 (v.13, #14) - June 2, 1904 (v._,#36) 637 shots July 20, 1905 (v.15,#42) - Jan. 4, 1906 (v.l6, #14) 1270 pgs. Jan. 18, 1906 (v.l6, #16)-Nov. 16, 1906 (v.l7, #1O) (#13,048) Nov. 29, 1906 (v.17,#12) - Dec. 13, 1906 (v.l7, #14)
film SHELBY (POLK COUNTY) NEBRASKA 071 Sh3s The Shelby Sun. Reel 3 Dec. 27, 1906 (v.17, #16) - Febr. 21, 1907 (v.17, #24) cont'd. NOTE: Title changed to "The Shelby Sun and Nebraska Blizzard" 1 issue, then, "The Nebrask Blizzard and Shelby Sun" 1 issue, June 2, 1904 (v.-, #36). Reel 4 Feb. 28, 1907 (v.17, #25) - Dec. 31, 1908 (v.19, #17) 635 shots Jan. 14, 1909 (v.19, #19) - Feb. 3, 1910 (v.20, #22) 1270 pgs. (#13,049) Reel 5 Feb. 10, 1910 (v.20, #23) - June 9, 1910 (v.20, #40) 639 shots June 23, 1910 (v.20, #42) - July 28, 1910 (v.20, #47) 1278 pgs. Aug. 11, 1910 (v.20, #49) - Dec. 26, 1912 (v.24, #17) (#13,050) Jan. 9, 1913 (v.24, #19) - Apr. 10, 1913 (v.24, #32) Reel 6 April 17, 1913 (v.24, #33) - March 23, 1916 (v.27, #30) 641 shots 1282 pgs. (#13,051) Reel 7 March 30, 1916 (v.27, #31) - October 31, 1918 (v.30, #10) 583 shots NOTE: 1166 pgs. June 28, 1917 was filmed before June 21, 1917. (#13,052) Reel 8 Nov. 7, 1918 (v.30, #11) - Aug. 18, 1921 (v.32, #52) 636 shots 1272 pgs. (#13,053) Reel 9 Aug. 25, 1921 (v.33, #1) - March 6, 1924 (v.35, #29) 562 shots 1124 pgs. (#13,054)
film SHELBY (POLK COUNTY) NEBRASKA sheet 3 071 Sh3s The Shelby Sun. Reel 10 March 13, 1924 (v.35, #30) - Nov. 25, 1926 (v.38, #15) 585 shots NOTE: 1170 pgs. "The Shelby Hi Lite" Feb. 19, 1925 (v.1,#1) (#13,055) is being published in Shelby Sun. It is a high school paper. Reel 11 Dec. 2, 1926 (v.38, #16) - Oct. 24, 1929 (v._, #_) 633 shots NOTE: 1266 pgs. "The Shelby Hi-Lite" changed title to the "Loud (#13,056) Speaker" Sept. 15, 1927 (v.2, #1) Reel 12 Oct. 31, 1929 (v.41, #12) - Dec. 29, 1929 (v.41, #20) 629 shots Jan. 9, 1930 (v.41, #22) - Oct. 6, 1932 (v.44, #9) 1258 pgs. (#13,057) Reel 13 Oct. 13, 1932 (v.44, #10) - Oct. 3, 1935 (v.47, #9) 637 shots 1274 pgs. (#13,058) Reel 14 Oct. 10, 1935 (v.47, #10) - Aug. 4, 1938 (v.50, #1) 602 shots 1204 pgs. (#13,059) Reel 15 Aug. 11, 1938 (v.50, #2) - Nov. 13, 1941 (v.53, #15) 697 shots 1394 pgs. (#13,060) Reel 16 Nov. 20, 1941 (v.53, #16) - Jan. 25, 1945 (v.56, #20) 671 shots 1342 pgs. (#13,061)
film SHELBY (POLK COUNTY) NEBRASKA 071 Sh3s The Shelby Sun. Reel 17 Feb. 1, 1945 (v.56, #21) - Feb. 5, 1948 (v.59, #24) 650 shots 1300 pgs. (#13,062) Reel 18 Feb. 12, 1948 (v.59, #25) - Dec. 28, 1950 (v.62, #18) 633 shots 1266 pgs. (#13,063) Reel 19 Jan. 4, 1951 (v.62, #19) - July 8, 1954 (v.65, #28) 534 shots 1268 pgs. (#13,064) Reel 20 July 15, 1954 (v.65, #29) - Jan. 27, 1955 (v.65, #8) 634 shots Feb. 10, 1955 (v.65, #10) - Feb. 4, 1960 (v.71, #5) 1268 pgs. (#13,065) Reel 21 Feb. 11, 1960 (v.71, #6) - Oct. 4, 1962 (v.73, #40) 629 shots Oct. 18, 1962 (v.73, #42) - Sept. 23, 1965 (v.76, #36) sic. 1258 pgs. (#13,066) Reel 22 Sept. 30, 1965 (v.76, #36) sic - Dec. 22, 1966 (v.76, #51) 633 shots Jan. 5, 1967 (v.77, #1) - Aug. 5, 1971 (v.79, #32) 1266 pgs. (#13,067) Reel 23 Aug. 12, 1971 (v.79, #33) - Feb.10, 1972 (v.80, #6) 191 shots Mar. 3, 1972 (V.80, #9) Feb. 8, 1973 (v.81, #1) 382 pgs. (#13,068) Reels #1-#23 positives rec'd. 9/20/73.
film SHELBY (POLK COUNTY) NEBRASKA (sheet 4) 071 Sh3s The Shelby Sun. Reel 24 Feb. 15, 1973 (v.81, #2) - Dec. 29, 1976 (v.83, #46) 583 shots NOTE: 1166 pgs. Starting Dec. 15, 1976, publishing day changed (#17,692) from Thursday to Wednesday. Reel 25 Jan. 5, 1977 (v.83, #47) - March 1, 1978 (v.67, #3) 563 shots NOTE: 1126 pgs. March 30, 1977, volume and numbering reverses back (#17,693) to #65 instead of #85. Reel 26 March 8, 1978 (v.85, #4) - May 16, 1979 (v.86, #14) 659 shots 1318 pgs. (#19,021) Reel 27 May 23, 1979 (v.86, #15) - Oct. 16, 1980 (v.87, #36) 691 shots 1382 pgs. (#19,022) Reels #26 & #27 positives rec'd. 2/11/81 Reel 28 Oct. 23, 1980 (v.87, #37) - Sept. 29, 1983 (v.90, #34) 562 shots 1124 pgs. (#1870) Reel 29 October 6, 1983 (v.90, #35) - January 21, 1988 (v.94, #51) 694 shots 1388 pgs. (#22,289) Reel #29 positive rec'd 3/16/88 Reel 30 January 28, 1988 (v.94, #52) - January 30, 1992 (v.98, #l) 673 Exposures #25,312 Inspec.2/24/92 Sr Positive rec'd 3/11/92
film SHELBY, POLK COUNTY, NEBRASKA 071 Sh3s The Shelby Sun. (cont.) Reel 31 Feb. 6, 1992 (v.98, #2) - Dec. 30, 1993 (v.99, #48) 416 Expos. #26,187
Inventory Supplement 071 Shelby, Polk County, Nebraska R81p Shelby Sun. NOTES. Reel Number: 46 Control Number: 0028574 Filmstrip Type: 2/3/1955 through 0/0/0
Note: Filmstrips are not shelved in town and title order. Please ask a staff member of assistance. Update: Wednesday, April 04, 2001
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