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News Extraction
NSHS Newspaper Extractions: Code 0169-Blue Hill Leader
Code Date (m/d/y) Pg Col SNDX Extraction
0169 00/01/1939 6 1 H614 Harrifeld, G. W.; AUCTIONEER: Cowles
0169 00/01/1939 6 1 H614 Harrifeld, G. W.; AUCTIONEER: Cowles
0169 00/03/1939 1 1 F200 Feis, Kathleen Mae; B: Wood River
0169 00/03/1939 1 1 F200 Feis, Kathleen Mae; B: Wood River
0169 00/09/1939 3 4 K532 Knutson, Tracy; B: 1923
0169 00/09/1939 3 4 P626 Parker, Evelyn Elaine; M: Blasen 1923 Parker-Cox Sioux City, Ia.
0169 00/09/1939 3 4 K532 Knutson, Tracy; B: 1923
0169 00/09/1939 3 4 P626 Parker, Evelyn Elaine; M: Blasen 1923 Parker-Cox Sioux City, Ia.
0169 00/14/1939 6 1 E250 Eischen, Louis E.; M: Ayr
0169 00/14/1939 8 1 D535 Denton, Stephen H.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 00/14/1939 6 1 E250 Eischen, Louis E.; M: Ayr
0169 00/14/1939 8 1 D535 Denton, Stephen H.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 01/05/1939 1 3 S500 Sheahon, Robert E.; M: Blue Hill Miss. Phyllis Merten Birde of Robert Sheahon
0169 01/05/1939 1 4 L516 Lambert, Sena; D: Hastings Mrs. Sena Lambert 77, Dies Tuesday
0169 01/05/1939 1 4 Z455 Zalman, Clara; D: Lawrence Mrs. Clara P. Zallman Dies at Lawrence
0169 01/05/1939 3 1 F435 Fulton, Charles; ANN: Bladen Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Fulton Celebrate Golden Wedding
0169 01/05/1939 3 2 O425 Olson, Elner; M: North Platte Olson-Pavelka
0169 01/05/1939 3 2 P142 Pavelka, Edward; M: North Platte Olson-Pavelka
0169 01/05/1939 6 1 S655 Sherman, Klen; ANN: Pauline
0169 01/05/1939 1 3 S500 Sheahon, Robert E.; M: Blue Hill Miss. Phyllis Merten Birde of Robert Sheahon
0169 01/05/1939 1 4 L516 Lambert, Sena; D: Hastings Mrs. Sena Lambert 77, Dies Tuesday
0169 01/05/1939 1 4 Z455 Zalman, Clara; D: Lawrence Mrs. Clara P. Zallman Dies at Lawrence
0169 01/05/1939 3 1 F435 Fulton, Charles; ANN: Bladen Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Fulton Celebrate Golden Wedding
0169 01/05/1939 3 2 O425 Olson, Elner; M: North Platte Olson-Pavelka
0169 01/05/1939 3 2 P142 Pavelka, Edward; M: North Platte Olson-Pavelka
0169 01/05/1939 6 1 S655 Sherman, Klen; ANN: Pauline
0169 01/06/1939 1 2 E436 Eldridge, Edith M.; M: Hastings Eldridge-Johnson
0169 01/06/1939 1 2 J525 Johnson, Loren S.; M: Hastings Eldridge-Johnson
0169 01/06/1939 1 3 S550 Seeman, Gretchen; D: Blue Hill Mrs. Gretchen Seeman Called By Death
0169 01/06/1939 1 5 G300 Good, F. A.; ANN: Blue Hill Golden Wedding for Mr. & Mrs. F. A. Good
0169 01/06/1939 1 5 H400 Hull, Frank T.; D: Lincoln Burial of Frank T. Hull in Blue Hill Cemetery
0169 01/06/1939 1 6 H652 Harrington, John W.; D: Ayr
0169 01/06/1939 1 6 S530 Schmidt, John O.; D: Glenvil Glenvil Pioneer Dies
0169 01/06/1939 1 6 W656 Werremeyer, Florence; DN: Ayr
0169 01/06/1939 1 7 F623 Forest Family; ORGANIZATION: Campbell Forest Family Reunion
0169 01/06/1939 1 7 S361 Stroh Family; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill
0169 01/06/1939 3 3 S363 Steward, O. J.; ANN: Bladen 1923
0169 01/06/1939 3 4 M200 McCoy, H. E. (Infant, M); B: Bladen 1923
0169 01/06/1939 3 4 P623 Preston, Archie (Infant, M); B: Bladen 1923
0169 01/06/1939 3 5 B652 Berns, Henry (Infant, M- Infant, M); B: Bladen
0169 01/06/1939 6 2 B631 Breithaupt, P. W.: Pauline
0169 01/06/1939 6 3 B631 Breithaupt, Velva; M: Pauline
0169 01/06/1939 6 3 G635 Gartner, Norris; M: Pauline
0169 01/06/1939 6 3 O160 Overy, Glenn; M: Pauline
0169 01/06/1939 6 3 S423 Schlachter, Eleanor; M: Blue Hill
0169 01/06/1939 6 3 S530 Smidt, Ernest; M: Glenvil
0169 01/06/1939 6 3 S530 Smidt, Hilma; M: Pauline
0169 01/06/1939 6 7 F626 Frazier, J. A.; BD: Blue Hill
0169 01/06/1939 8 2 M246 McClure, William M.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 01/06/1939 8 5 K650 Kranau, Eilene Kay; B: Blue Hill
0169 01/06/1939 1 2 E436 Eldridge, Edith M.; M: Hastings Eldridge-Johnson
0169 01/06/1939 1 2 J525 Johnson, Loren S.; M: Hastings Eldridge-Johnson
0169 01/06/1939 1 3 S550 Seeman, Gretchen; D: Blue Hill Mrs. Gretchen Seeman Called By Death
0169 01/06/1939 1 5 G300 Good, F. A.; ANN: Blue Hill Golden Wedding for Mr. & Mrs. F. A. Good
0169 01/06/1939 1 5 H400 Hull, Frank T.; D: Lincoln Burial of Frank T. Hull in Blue Hill Cemetery
0169 01/06/1939 1 6 H652 Harrington, John W.; D: Ayr
0169 01/06/1939 1 6 S530 Schmidt, John O.; D: Glenvil Glenvil Pioneer Dies
0169 01/06/1939 1 6 W656 Werremeyer, Florence; DN: Ayr
0169 01/06/1939 1 7 F623 Forest Family; ORGANIZATION: Campbell Forest Family Reunion
0169 01/06/1939 1 7 S361 Stroh Family; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill
0169 01/06/1939 3 3 S363 Steward, O. J.; ANN: Bladen 1923
0169 01/06/1939 3 4 M200 McCoy, H. E. (Infant, M); B: Bladen 1923
0169 01/06/1939 3 4 P623 Preston, Archie (Infant, M); B: Bladen 1923
0169 01/06/1939 3 5 B652 Berns, Henry (Infant, M- Infant, M); B: Bladen
0169 01/06/1939 6 2 B631 Breithaupt, P. W.: Pauline
0169 01/06/1939 6 3 B631 Breithaupt, Velva; M: Pauline
0169 01/06/1939 6 3 G635 Gartner, Norris; M: Pauline
0169 01/06/1939 6 3 O160 Overy, Glenn; M: Pauline
0169 01/06/1939 6 3 S423 Schlachter, Eleanor; M: Blue Hill
0169 01/06/1939 6 3 S530 Smidt, Ernest; M: Glenvil
0169 01/06/1939 6 3 S530 Smidt, Hilma; M: Pauline
0169 01/06/1939 6 7 F626 Frazier, J. A.; BD: Blue Hill
0169 01/06/1939 8 2 M246 McClure, William M.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 01/06/1939 8 5 K650 Kranau, Eilene Kay; B: Blue Hill
0169 01/12/1939 1 3 F623 Forest Family; ORGANIZATION: Campbell Forest Family Reunion
0169 01/12/1939 1 3 K630 Kort, Delbert; M: Blue Hill VanBoening-Kort
0169 01/12/1939 1 3 P230 Post, Bernhard Johann; D: Blue Hill Services Wednesday for Bernhard Post. listed
0169 01/12/1939 1 3 V515 VanBoening, Elna; M: Blue Hill VanBoening-Kort
0169 01/12/1939 1 4 E236 Easterly, C. A. (Infant,) F); B: Bladen 1970
0169 01/12/1939 1 7 L500 Luhn, Peter; ANN: Lincoln Mr.and Mrs.Peter Luhn Observe Golden Wedding
0169 01/12/1939 1 3 F623 Forest Family; ORGANIZATION: Campbell Forest Family Reunion
0169 01/12/1939 1 3 K630 Kort, Delbert; M: Blue Hill VanBoening-Kort
0169 01/12/1939 1 3 P230 Post, Bernhard Johann; D: Blue Hill Services Wednesday for Bernhard Post. listed
0169 01/12/1939 1 3 V515 VanBoening, Elna; M: Blue Hill VanBoening-Kort
0169 01/12/1939 1 4 E236 Easterly, C. A. (Infant,) F); B: Bladen 1970
0169 01/12/1939 1 7 L500 Luhn, Peter; ANN: Lincoln Mr.and Mrs.Peter Luhn Observe Golden Wedding
0169 01/13/1939 8 4 G526 Gingrich, John (Mrs.); BD: Roseland
0169 01/13/1939 8 4 G526 Gingrich, John (Mrs.); BD: Roseland
0169 01/20/1939 1 1 H200 Huse, William: Blue Hill
0169 01/20/1939 1 2 K332 Kottwitz, Frieda; M: Doniphan Kottwitz-Marsh
0169 01/20/1939 1 2 M620 Marsh, G. Thomas; M: Doniphan Kottwitz-Marsh
0169 01/20/1939 1 6 T300 Thaut, Alex (Infant, M); B: Hastings
0169 01/20/1939 3 1 W323 Woodside, Alice; BD: Morrill Mrs. Alice Woodside Celebrates 86th Birthday
0169 01/20/1939 4 7 N425 Nelson, Ed; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 01/20/1939 6 3 P412 Phillips, James (Infant, M); B: Humbolt
0169 01/20/1939 6 4 S550 Shanon, Carl (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill
0169 01/20/1939 1 1 H200 Huse, William: Blue Hill
0169 01/20/1939 1 2 K332 Kottwitz, Frieda; M: Doniphan Kottwitz-Marsh
0169 01/20/1939 1 2 M620 Marsh, G. Thomas; M: Doniphan Kottwitz-Marsh
0169 01/20/1939 1 6 T300 Thaut, Alex (Infant, M); B: Hastings
0169 01/20/1939 3 1 W323 Woodside, Alice; BD: Morrill Mrs. Alice Woodside Celebrates 86th Birthday
0169 01/20/1939 4 7 N425 Nelson, Ed; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 01/20/1939 6 3 P412 Phillips, James (Infant, M); B: Humbolt
0169 01/20/1939 6 4 S550 Shanon, Carl (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill
0169 01/27/1939 1 4 F630 Ford, F. L.; D: Lincoln F. L. Ford, Former Resident Dead in Lincoln
0169 01/27/1939 1 6 B650 Brown, Allie; BD: Hastings
0169 01/27/1939 3 3 E524 Engelhardt, Eulalia Irene; D: Hastings Eulalia Irene Engelhardt
0169 01/27/1939 3 3 K332 Kottwitz, Donald Deane; B: Bladen
0169 01/27/1939 3 4 M250 McKimmey, W.H.; DN: Red Cloud
0169 01/27/1939 3 5 L565 Lemmerman, Frank (Mrs.); DN: Campbell
0169 01/27/1939 4 6 B600 Bauer, William F.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 01/27/1939 6 1 W325 Watkins, Howard (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill
0169 01/27/1939 1 4 F630 Ford, F. L.; D: Lincoln F. L. Ford, Former Resident Dead in Lincoln
0169 01/27/1939 1 6 B650 Brown, Allie; BD: Hastings
0169 01/27/1939 3 3 E524 Engelhardt, Eulalia Irene; D: Hastings Eulalia Irene Engelhardt
0169 01/27/1939 3 3 K332 Kottwitz, Donald Deane; B: Bladen
0169 01/27/1939 3 4 M250 McKimmey, W.H.; DN: Red Cloud
0169 01/27/1939 3 5 L565 Lemmerman, Frank (Mrs.); DN: Campbell
0169 01/27/1939 4 6 B600 Bauer, William F.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 01/27/1939 6 1 W325 Watkins, Howard (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill
0169 02/03/1939 1 1 S365 Stromer, Henry Gredes; D: Gibbon Last Rites Here For Henry. G. Stromer
0169 02/03/1939 1 6 G320 Goetz, Vera; M: Blue Hill Goetz-VanBoening @ Metamora, Ill.
0169 02/03/1939 1 6 V515 VanBoening, Oscar; M: Blue Hill Goetz-VanBoening Metamora, Ill.
0169 02/03/1939 3 6 S320 Sides, John; ANN: Bladen
0169 02/03/1939 1 1 S365 Stromer, Henry Gredes; D: Gibbon Last Rites Here For Henry. G. Stromer
0169 02/03/1939 1 6 G320 Goetz, Vera; M: Blue Hill Goetz-VanBoening @ Metamora, Ill.
0169 02/03/1939 1 6 V515 VanBoening, Oscar; M: Blue Hill Goetz-VanBoening Metamora, Ill.
0169 02/03/1939 3 6 S320 Sides, John; ANN: Bladen
0169 02/10/1939 1 1 F652 Frankin, Isaac; D: Pauline Last Rites for Isaac Franklin
0169 02/10/1939 1 2 M256 Magner, Wayne Harold; D ACCIDENT: Hastings Magner Child Dies of Burns
0169 02/10/1939 3 1 S460 Saylor, John; BD: Bladen John Saylor Surprised on 79th Birthday
0169 02/10/1939 3 3 D500 Downey, Bert; DN: Hastings
0169 02/10/1939 6 6 K630 Kort, Clarence (Infant, M); B
0169 02/10/1939 8 3 G620 Georig, LaVern (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill
0169 02/10/1939 8 3 R546 Reinmiller, Elton (Infant, F); B: Fremont
0169 02/10/1939 1 1 F652 Frankin, Isaac; D: Pauline Last Rites for Isaac Franklin
0169 02/10/1939 1 2 M256 Magner, Wayne Harold; D ACCIDENT: Hastings Magner Child Dies of Burns
0169 02/10/1939 3 1 S460 Saylor, John; BD: Bladen John Saylor Surprised on 79th Birthday
0169 02/10/1939 3 3 D500 Downey, Bert; DN: Hastings
0169 02/10/1939 6 6 K630 Kort, Clarence (Infant, M); B
0169 02/10/1939 8 3 G620 Georig, LaVern (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill
0169 02/10/1939 8 3 R546 Reinmiller, Elton (Infant, F); B: Fremont
0169 02/17/1939 1 2 J625 Jurgena, Alfred; M: Blue Hill Koepke-Jurgena
0169 02/17/1939 1 2 K120 Koepke, Agnes; M: Blue Hill Koepke-Jurgena
0169 02/17/1939 1 4 D250 Deakin, Martha; DN: Hastings Death Claims Former Webster County Resident
0169 02/17/1939 1 5 A536 Andres, Frank; DN: Benkleman Frank Andres Dead
0169 02/17/1939 3 1 K430 Klatt, Herman: Bladen
0169 02/17/1939 3 4 A425 Alexander, A. H.; DN: Bladen 1923
0169 02/17/1939 3 4 C656 Cramer, Howard (Infant, F- Infant, M); B: Bladen 1923
0169 02/17/1939 3 4 M246 McClure, Nellie; DN: Kearney
0169 02/17/1939 6 2 W436 Wilder, Stephen; DN: Ayr
0169 02/17/1939 6 3 P610 Priebe, Amelia; BD: Ayr
0169 02/17/1939 6 3 W320 Woods, O. S.; ANN: Ayr
0169 02/17/1939 8 6 S142 Spilker, Harvey (Infant, F); B: Geneva
0169 02/17/1939 1 2 J625 Jurgena, Alfred; M: Blue Hill Koepke-Jurgena
0169 02/17/1939 1 2 K120 Koepke, Agnes; M: Blue Hill Koepke-Jurgena
0169 02/17/1939 1 4 D250 Deakin, Martha; DN: Hastings Death Claims Former Webster County Resident
0169 02/17/1939 1 5 A536 Andres, Frank; DN: Benkleman Frank Andres Dead
0169 02/17/1939 3 1 K430 Klatt, Herman: Bladen
0169 02/17/1939 3 4 A425 Alexander, A. H.; DN: Bladen 1923
0169 02/17/1939 3 4 C656 Cramer, Howard (Infant, F- Infant, M); B: Bladen 1923
0169 02/17/1939 3 4 M246 McClure, Nellie; DN: Kearney
0169 02/17/1939 6 2 W436 Wilder, Stephen; DN: Ayr
0169 02/17/1939 6 3 P610 Priebe, Amelia; BD: Ayr
0169 02/17/1939 6 3 W320 Woods, O. S.; ANN: Ayr
0169 02/17/1939 8 6 S142 Spilker, Harvey (Infant, F); B: Geneva
0169 02/24/1939 1 2 B530 Bunde, Edna; M: Ayr Bunde-Carper
0169 02/24/1939 1 2 C616 Carper, DeVerde; M: Ayr Bunde-Carper
0169 02/24/1939 1 3 C616 Carper, Logan; D: Ayr Death of Logan Carper
0169 02/24/1939 1 5 T460 Tyler, Alfred J.; D: Blue Hill Al Tyler, Former Blue Hill Resident Dead
0169 02/24/1939 3 1 C425 Clawson, W. P. (Mrs.); DN: Hastings 1923
0169 02/24/1939 3 1 G340 Goodell, Orval; M: Bladen 1923
0169 02/24/1939 3 1 M242 McIllece, Eva; D: Hastings Eva Bishop McIllece
0169 02/24/1939 3 1 S323 Stoughton, Thomas: Bladen 1923
0169 02/24/1939 3 1 W160 Webber, Mildred; M: Bladen 1923
0169 02/24/1939 3 2 W256 Wagner, Gerald Calvin; B: Campbell 1923
0169 02/24/1939 8 1 B635 Barton, Evart (Infant, M); B: Pauline
0169 02/24/1939 8 2 W300 White, Lois E.; DN: Fairfield
0169 02/24/1939 8 3 Z200 Zogg, Caroline; D: Hastings
0169 02/24/1939 10 2 H452 Helms, John; DN: Hastings
0169 02/24/1939 10 5 B623 Brewster, William (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill
0169 02/24/1939 10 6 M530 Miente, Mary; BD: Blue Hill
0169 02/24/1939 1 2 B530 Bunde, Edna; M: Ayr Bunde-Carper
0169 02/24/1939 1 2 C616 Carper, DeVerde; M: Ayr Bunde-Carper
0169 02/24/1939 1 3 C616 Carper, Logan; D: Ayr Death of Logan Carper
0169 02/24/1939 1 5 T460 Tyler, Alfred J.; D: Blue Hill Al Tyler, Former Blue Hill Resident Dead
0169 02/24/1939 3 1 C425 Clawson, W. P. (Mrs.); DN: Hastings 1923
0169 02/24/1939 3 1 G340 Goodell, Orval; M: Bladen 1923
0169 02/24/1939 3 1 M242 McIllece, Eva; D: Hastings Eva Bishop McIllece
0169 02/24/1939 3 1 S323 Stoughton, Thomas: Bladen 1923
0169 02/24/1939 3 1 W160 Webber, Mildred; M: Bladen 1923
0169 02/24/1939 3 2 W256 Wagner, Gerald Calvin; B: Campbell 1923
0169 02/24/1939 8 1 B635 Barton, Evart (Infant, M); B: Pauline
0169 02/24/1939 8 2 W300 White, Lois E.; DN: Fairfield
0169 02/24/1939 8 3 Z200 Zogg, Caroline; D: Hastings
0169 02/24/1939 10 2 H452 Helms, John; DN: Hastings
0169 02/24/1939 10 5 B623 Brewster, William (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill
0169 02/24/1939 10 6 M530 Miente, Mary; BD: Blue Hill
0169 03/03/1939 1 6 R360 Reader, Anna; M: Hastings
0169 03/03/1939 1 6 S536 Saunders, James; M: Hastings
0169 03/03/1939 3 1 F652 France, W. E.: Bladen 1923
0169 03/03/1939 3 3 B426 BLIZZARD: Bladen Blizzard
0169 03/03/1939 3 3 Y230 Yost, David (Mrs.); DN: Hastings
0169 03/03/1939 6 3 D242 Douglas, Lulu Belle; M: Hastings
0169 03/03/1939 6 3 P362 Peterson, Harlan; M: Hastings
0169 03/03/1939 8 2 R230 Rust, A. W.; BD: Blue Hill
0169 03/03/1939 8 5 M240 McHale, Edgar (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill
0169 03/03/1939 1 6 R360 Reader, Anna; M: Hastings
0169 03/03/1939 1 6 S536 Saunders, James; M: Hastings
0169 03/03/1939 3 1 F652 France, W. E.: Bladen 1923
0169 03/03/1939 3 3 B426 BLIZZARD: Bladen Blizzard
0169 03/03/1939 3 3 Y230 Yost, David (Mrs.); DN: Hastings
0169 03/03/1939 6 3 D242 Douglas, Lulu Belle; M: Hastings
0169 03/03/1939 6 3 P362 Peterson, Harlan; M: Hastings
0169 03/03/1939 8 2 R230 Rust, A. W.; BD: Blue Hill
0169 03/03/1939 8 5 M240 McHale, Edgar (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill
0169 03/07/1939 1 6 K630 Kort, Christ (Mrs.); BD: Blue Hill Mrs. Christ Kort Honored
0169 03/07/1939 3 3 B620 Burge, T. Wesley; M: Bladen 1923
0169 03/07/1939 3 3 D120 Davis, Violet; M: Bladen 1923
0169 03/07/1939 3 3 S220 Soucek, Frank; DN: Deweese 1923
0169 03/07/1939 3 5 H635 Hartman, Elmer (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill
0169 03/07/1939 8 2 B200 Buschow, Charles; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 03/07/1939 1 6 K630 Kort, Christ (Mrs.); BD: Blue Hill Mrs. Christ Kort Honored
0169 03/07/1939 3 3 B620 Burge, T. Wesley; M: Bladen 1923
0169 03/07/1939 3 3 D120 Davis, Violet; M: Bladen 1923
0169 03/07/1939 3 3 S220 Soucek, Frank; DN: Deweese 1923
0169 03/07/1939 3 5 H635 Hartman, Elmer (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill
0169 03/07/1939 8 2 B200 Buschow, Charles; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 03/10/1939 1 5 B532 Bentz, Harold (Jr.); M: Blue Hill Novak-Bentz
0169 03/10/1939 1 5 N120 Novak, Josephine; M: Blue Hill Novak-Bentz
0169 03/10/1939 3 1 G650 Greene, Cloyd (Infant, F); B: Bladen 1923
0169 03/10/1939 3 1 P362 Peterson, Oscar E.; D: Bladen Oscar E. Peterson Died @ Wray, Colo.
0169 03/10/1939 3 1 S360 Suter, James; DN: Bladen 1923
0169 03/10/1939 3 3 T600 True, S. L. (Mrs.); BD: Bladen 1923
0169 03/10/1939 3 6 S660 Schroer, Richard Michael; B: Blue Hill
0169 03/10/1939 4 6 B532 Buntjer, Gertje; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 03/10/1939 4 6 B532 Buntjer, Harm; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 03/10/1939 1 5 B532 Bentz, Harold (Jr.); M: Blue Hill Novak-Bentz
0169 03/10/1939 1 5 N120 Novak, Josephine; M: Blue Hill Novak-Bentz
0169 03/10/1939 3 1 G650 Greene, Cloyd (Infant, F); B: Bladen 1923
0169 03/10/1939 3 1 P362 Peterson, Oscar E.; D: Bladen Oscar E. Peterson Died @ Wray, Colo.
0169 03/10/1939 3 1 S360 Suter, James; DN: Bladen 1923
0169 03/10/1939 3 3 T600 True, S. L. (Mrs.); BD: Bladen 1923
0169 03/10/1939 3 6 S660 Schroer, Richard Michael; B: Blue Hill
0169 03/10/1939 4 6 B532 Buntjer, Gertje; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 03/10/1939 4 6 B532 Buntjer, Harm; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 03/14/1939 1 2 L152 Livingston, Margaret; D: Fairfield Mrs. S. N. Livingston Sibs. listed.
0169 03/14/1939 1 2 L152 Livingston, Margaret; D: Fairfield Mrs. S. N. Livingston Sibs. listed.
0169 03/17/1939 1 5 K626 Kruger, Elnora; M: Rosemont Kruger-Rose
0169 03/17/1939 1 5 R200 Rose, Harm; M: Rosemont Kruger-Rose
0169 03/17/1939 3 5 B500 Boom, Frank (Infant, M); B: Bladen 1923
0169 03/17/1939 4 4 G140 Goble, Gaylord (Infant, F); B: Hastings
0169 03/17/1939 4 4 K532 Kindig, Phillip; DN: Hastings
0169 03/17/1939 5 2 C155 Chapman, William; ANN: Bladen Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chapman Celebrate Silver Wedding
0169 03/17/1939 5 2 L516 Lanphear, William (Mrs.); D: Hastings Mrs. Wm. Lanphear Passes Away
0169 03/17/1939 5 3 L263 Lockhart, Frederick William; D: Bladen Fred. Wm. Lockhart. Died in Siloam Springs, Ark.
0169 03/17/1939 8 6 P362 Peterson, Donald; ML: Red Cloud
0169 03/17/1939 8 6 P230 Post, Esther; ML: Red Cloud
0169 03/17/1939 1 5 K626 Kruger, Elnora; M: Rosemont Kruger-Rose
0169 03/17/1939 1 5 R200 Rose, Harm; M: Rosemont Kruger-Rose
0169 03/17/1939 3 5 B500 Boom, Frank (Infant, M); B: Bladen 1923
0169 03/17/1939 4 4 G140 Goble, Gaylord (Infant, F); B: Hastings
0169 03/17/1939 4 4 K532 Kindig, Phillip; DN: Hastings
0169 03/17/1939 5 2 C155 Chapman, William; ANN: Bladen Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chapman Celebrate Silver Wedding
0169 03/17/1939 5 2 L516 Lanphear, William (Mrs.); D: Hastings Mrs. Wm. Lanphear Passes Away
0169 03/17/1939 5 3 L263 Lockhart, Frederick William; D: Bladen Fred. Wm. Lockhart. Died in Siloam Springs, Ark.
0169 03/17/1939 8 6 P362 Peterson, Donald; ML: Red Cloud
0169 03/17/1939 8 6 P230 Post, Esther; ML: Red Cloud
0169 03/24/1939 1 5 G613 Griffith, L. W.: Blue Hill
0169 03/24/1939 1 6 N200 Nowack, Otto; D: Blue Hill Otto Nowack is Dead
0169 03/24/1939 3 1 T143 The Bladen Epworth League; PERFORMING ARTS: Bladen
0169 03/24/1939 3 1 M242 McIllece, John B.; D: Hastings John B. McIllece
0169 03/24/1939 3 2 L263 Lockhart, James Add; D: Bladen James Add Lockhart
0169 03/24/1939 3 3 H536 Hendrickson, Ray; M: Bladen Potts-Hendrickson
0169 03/24/1939 3 3 P320 Potts, Edith; M: Bladen Potts-Hendrickson
0169 03/24/1939 3 5 C600 Crowe, Darrel; DN: Bladen 1923
0169 03/24/1939 6 5 C160 Cover, Zona; M: Lawrence
0169 03/24/1939 6 5 K520 King, Gailen; M: Lawrence
0169 03/24/1939 6 6 G140 Goble, Barbara Jean; B: Ayr
0169 03/24/1939 6 6 O230 Osgood, Melvin; M: Bayard
0169 03/24/1939 6 6 S530 Schwindt, Mollie; M: Bayard
0169 03/24/1939 8 2 K500 Kuhn, Gilbert (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill
0169 03/24/1939 1 5 G613 Griffith, L. W.: Blue Hill
0169 03/24/1939 1 6 N200 Nowack, Otto; D: Blue Hill Otto Nowack is Dead
0169 03/24/1939 3 1 T143 The Bladen Epworth League; PERFORMING ARTS: Bladen
0169 03/24/1939 3 1 M242 McIllece, John B.; D: Hastings John B. McIllece
0169 03/24/1939 3 2 L263 Lockhart, James Add; D: Bladen James Add Lockhart
0169 03/24/1939 3 3 H536 Hendrickson, Ray; M: Bladen Potts-Hendrickson
0169 03/24/1939 3 3 P320 Potts, Edith; M: Bladen Potts-Hendrickson
0169 03/24/1939 3 5 C600 Crowe, Darrel; DN: Bladen 1923
0169 03/24/1939 6 5 C160 Cover, Zona; M: Lawrence
0169 03/24/1939 6 5 K520 King, Gailen; M: Lawrence
0169 03/24/1939 6 6 G140 Goble, Barbara Jean; B: Ayr
0169 03/24/1939 6 6 O230 Osgood, Melvin; M: Bayard
0169 03/24/1939 6 6 S530 Schwindt, Mollie; M: Bayard
0169 03/24/1939 8 2 K500 Kuhn, Gilbert (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill
0169 03/31/1939 1 1 P456 Palmer, James S.; D: Omaha Former Resident Dea
0169 03/31/1939 1 2 M200 McCoy, W. J.; ANN: Lincoln 57th Wedding Anniversary for Mr. & Mrs. W. J. McCoy
0169 03/31/1939 1 3 K630 Kort, Marvin; M: Blue Hill Woodworth-Kort
0169 03/31/1939 1 3 W363 Woodworth, Elaine; M: Blue Hill Woodworth-Kort
0169 03/31/1939 1 6 B200 Buss, Ed (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill
0169 03/31/1939 3 6 R223 Reichstein, Helena; BD: Bladen
0169 03/31/1939 6 1 K530 Kent, Lucinda; D: Hastings Mrs. Lucinda Kent Dies
0169 03/31/1939 1 1 P456 Palmer, James S.; D: Omaha Former Resident Dea
0169 03/31/1939 1 2 M200 McCoy, W. J.; ANN: Lincoln 57th Wedding Anniversary for Mr. & Mrs. W. J. McCoy
0169 03/31/1939 1 3 K630 Kort, Marvin; M: Blue Hill Woodworth-Kort
0169 03/31/1939 1 3 W363 Woodworth, Elaine; M: Blue Hill Woodworth-Kort
0169 03/31/1939 1 6 B200 Buss, Ed (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill
0169 03/31/1939 3 6 R223 Reichstein, Helena; BD: Bladen
0169 03/31/1939 6 1 K530 Kent, Lucinda; D: Hastings Mrs. Lucinda Kent Dies
0169 04/05/1939 8 4 O162 Opera House; LIVE THEATER: Blue Hill
0169 04/05/1939 8 4 O162 Opera House; LIVE THEATER: Blue Hill
0169 04/14/1939 1 5 G620 George, L. D.; DN: Hastings L. D. George is Dead
0169 04/14/1939 1 5 M460 Miller, J. F. (Mrs.); DN ACCIDENT: Kearney Mrs. J. F. Miller Burned to Death
0169 04/14/1939 1 6 D520 Dahms, Helen; M: Blue Hill Dahms-Mandeville. Los Angeles, Ca.
0169 04/14/1939 1 6 K332 Kottwitz, Fred E. (Infant, F); B: Hastings
0169 04/14/1939 1 6 K640 Krull, Jacob Henry; M: Ayr Mischke-Krull
0169 04/14/1939 1 6 M531 Mandeville, Raymond; M: Blue Hill Dahms-Mandeville
0169 04/14/1939 1 6 M220 Mischke, Iva; M: Ayr Mischke-Krull
0169 04/14/1939 1 7 S162 Siebrass, Ida; BD: Blue Hill
0169 04/14/1939 3 1 M235 McDonald, William; DN: Lincoln 1923
0169 04/14/1939 3 1 P624 Pressler, Estella; DN: Trumbull Mrs. Estella Pressler Dead at Trumbull
0169 04/14/1939 3 2 G522 Gangwish, Ralph (Infant, F); B: Janiata 1923
0169 04/14/1939 3 2 H653 Harnda, Pete (Mrs.); DN ACCIDENT: St. Paul Funeral Services for Mrs. Pete Harnda
0169 04/14/1939 3 2 L263 Lockhart, George (Infant, M); B: Erickson
0169 04/14/1939 6 2 P624 Piersol, Chester B.; DN: Pauline
0169 04/14/1939 6 3 W320 Woods, Cecil (Infant, M); B: Hastings
0169 04/14/1939 6 4 J200 Jesska, Albert (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill
0169 04/14/1939 8 2 S125 Spicknall, Lillian Berry; D: Hastings Obituary of Mrs. Wm. Spicknall
0169 04/14/1939 8 6 P635 Portenier, Jake; DN: Guide Rock
0169 04/14/1939 1 5 G620 George, L. D.; DN: Hastings L. D. George is Dead
0169 04/14/1939 1 5 M460 Miller, J. F. (Mrs.); DN ACCIDENT: Kearney Mrs. J. F. Miller Burned to Death
0169 04/14/1939 1 6 D520 Dahms, Helen; M: Blue Hill Dahms-Mandeville. Los Angeles, Ca.
0169 04/14/1939 1 6 K332 Kottwitz, Fred E. (Infant, F); B: Hastings
0169 04/14/1939 1 6 K640 Krull, Jacob Henry; M: Ayr Mischke-Krull
0169 04/14/1939 1 6 M531 Mandeville, Raymond; M: Blue Hill Dahms-Mandeville
0169 04/14/1939 1 6 M220 Mischke, Iva; M: Ayr Mischke-Krull
0169 04/14/1939 1 7 S162 Siebrass, Ida; BD: Blue Hill
0169 04/14/1939 3 1 M235 McDonald, William; DN: Lincoln 1923
0169 04/14/1939 3 1 P624 Pressler, Estella; DN: Trumbull Mrs. Estella Pressler Dead at Trumbull
0169 04/14/1939 3 2 G522 Gangwish, Ralph (Infant, F); B: Janiata 1923
0169 04/14/1939 3 2 H653 Harnda, Pete (Mrs.); DN ACCIDENT: St. Paul Funeral Services for Mrs. Pete Harnda
0169 04/14/1939 3 2 L263 Lockhart, George (Infant, M); B: Erickson
0169 04/14/1939 6 2 P624 Piersol, Chester B.; DN: Pauline
0169 04/14/1939 6 3 W320 Woods, Cecil (Infant, M); B: Hastings
0169 04/14/1939 6 4 J200 Jesska, Albert (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill
0169 04/14/1939 8 2 S125 Spicknall, Lillian Berry; D: Hastings Obituary of Mrs. Wm. Spicknall
0169 04/14/1939 8 6 P635 Portenier, Jake; DN: Guide Rock
0169 04/21/1939 1 1 C563 Conrad, Sarah M.; D: Blue Hill Mrs. Sarah M. Conrad Called To Final Rest.
0169 04/21/1939 3 1 V520 Vance, Viola; M: Hastings Vance-Crowe
0169 04/21/1939 3 3 C660 Crary, Fannie; DN: Red Cloud
0169 04/21/1939 3 3 W526 Weingart, William (Infant, M); B: Hastings
0169 04/21/1939 6 1 H255 Hesman, Nancy Carol; B: Pauline
0169 04/21/1939 6 2 M210 McCaffey, Gladys; M: Ayr
0169 04/21/1939 6 2 M530 Montie, Gus; M: Ayr
0169 04/21/1939 6 3 A453 Allender, C. U.; BD: Ayr
0169 04/21/1939 8 2 C563 Conrad, Sarah M.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 04/21/1939 1 1 C563 Conrad, Sarah M.; D: Blue Hill Mrs. Sarah M. Conrad Called To Final Rest.
0169 04/21/1939 3 1 V520 Vance, Viola; M: Hastings Vance-Crowe
0169 04/21/1939 3 3 C660 Crary, Fannie; DN: Red Cloud
0169 04/21/1939 3 3 W526 Weingart, William (Infant, M); B: Hastings
0169 04/21/1939 6 1 H255 Hesman, Nancy Carol; B: Pauline
0169 04/21/1939 6 2 M210 McCaffey, Gladys; M: Ayr
0169 04/21/1939 6 2 M530 Montie, Gus; M: Ayr
0169 04/21/1939 6 3 A453 Allender, C. U.; BD: Ayr
0169 04/21/1939 8 2 C563 Conrad, Sarah M.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 04/28/1939 1 7 P452 Polenskes, E. G.; ANN: Red Cloud E. G. Polenkes Celebrate 50th Anniversary
0169 04/28/1939 3 1 B435 Bladen School; HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES: Bladen 1923
0169 04/28/1939 3 1 H536 Hendricks, Mable; D: Bladen Mrs. Charles Hendricks Dies After Long Illness
0169 04/28/1939 3 1 V520 Vance, James (Mrs.); BD: Bladen 1923
0169 04/28/1939 3 2 W452 Wholmes, Minnie; BD: Bladen
0169 04/28/1939 3 3 R300 Reed, Fred; D: Bladen Death Comes Suddenly To Fred Reed
0169 04/28/1939 5 6 W123 Webster County Schools; 8TH GRADE HONOR STUDENTS: Webster County
0169 04/28/1939 8 6 C616 Crawford, James (Infant, M); B: Rosemont
0169 04/28/1939 1 7 P452 Polenskes, E. G.; ANN: Red Cloud E. G. Polenkes Celebrate 50th Anniversary
0169 04/28/1939 3 1 B435 Bladen School; HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES: Bladen 1923
0169 04/28/1939 3 1 H536 Hendricks, Mable; D: Bladen Mrs. Charles Hendricks Dies After Long Illness
0169 04/28/1939 3 1 V520 Vance, James (Mrs.); BD: Bladen 1923
0169 04/28/1939 3 2 W452 Wholmes, Minnie; BD: Bladen
0169 04/28/1939 3 3 R300 Reed, Fred; D: Bladen Death Comes Suddenly To Fred Reed
0169 04/28/1939 5 6 W123 Webster County Schools; 8TH GRADE HONOR STUDENTS: Webster County
0169 04/28/1939 8 6 C616 Crawford, James (Infant, M); B: Rosemont
0169 05/05/1939 1 2 E236 Echternach, Julia: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 1 4 F653 Frandsen, Fern; M: Holdrege Frandsen-Schulz
0169 05/05/1939 1 4 G200 Goos, Connie; D: Blue Hill Mrs. Eimo Goos Dies in Sterling, Colo. Thursday
0169 05/05/1939 1 4 S420 Schulz, Carl; M: Holdrege Frandsen-Schulz
0169 05/05/1939 1 5 M600 Meyer, Albert Julius; D: Hastings Final Rites Held For Albert Julius Meyer
0169 05/05/1939 3 1 W600 Weary, H. S.; Methodist Episcopal Church; METHODIST EPISCOPAL: Bladen
0169 05/05/1939 3 4 B435 Bladen High School; FIRE: Bladen 1923
0169 05/05/1939 3 4 B526 Benker, Carl; M: Humbolt
0169 05/05/1939 3 4 K416 Killebrew, Retha; M: Humbolt
0169 05/05/1939 3 6 T153 The Bennett (W. L.) Grocery; GROCERY: Bladen
0169 05/05/1939 3 6 T256 The Commercial Bank; BANK: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 3 7 M635 Merten Brothers; FUNERAL HOME: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 4 1 V250 Vaughan, Byron B.; The Blue Hill Leader; NEWSPAPER: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 4 5 B443 Blue Hill Auto; AUTO DEALER: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 5 4 C140 Copley, (Chas. H) General Insurance Agency; INSURANCE: Red Cloud
0169 05/05/1939 5 4 T512 Thompson, Al; Coffee Shop; RESTAURANT: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 5 7 K621 Kirkbride & Rose; INSURANCE: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 5 7 F000 Foe, Howard S.; ATTORNEY AT LAW: Red Cloud
0169 05/05/1939 5 7 O540 O'Neill, S. H.; PHYSICIAN & SURGEON: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 5 7 P412 Phillips, Clifford H.; ATTORNEY AT LAW: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 5 7 R223 Reichstein, W. C.; CONTRACTOR & BUILDER: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 5 7 S352 Scheiding, F. G.; JEWELER: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 6 1 W256 Wagoner, L. A.; AUCTIONEER: Guide Rock
0169 05/05/1939 6 5 B255 Bachman, Clarence (Infant, M); B: North Bend
0169 05/05/1939 6 6 C656 Corner's Service, Inc.; AUTO SERVICE STATION: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 6 7 S362 Stark, M. L.; Burlington Route; RAILROAD: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 8 1 K125 Koepke Implement Co.; FARM IMPLEMENTS: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 8 2 B532 Bentz (H. H.) Imp. Co.; FARM IMPLEMENTS: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 8 3 B442 Blue Hill Sales Barn; LIVESTOCK SALES: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 8 3 H400 Hawley, H.; DENTIST: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 8 4 C600 Carr, R. H.; Methodist Episcopal Church; METHODIST EPISCOPAL: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 8 4 D621 Duhrkop, G. F. R.; St. Paul's Lutheran Church; LUTHERAN: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 8 4 F250 Ficken, August; Trinity Lutheran Church; LUTHERAN: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 8 5 G200 Goos, Carl; Goos Cash Store; GROCERY: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 8 5 S362 Strasburg, Wayne Keith; B: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 8 6 C224 Chicago Lumber Co.; LUMBER: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 8 6 C223 Cox's Store; DAIRY STORE: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 8 6 M246 McCleery's Store; GROCERY: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 8 7 T236 The Sterling; MOVIE THEATER: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 8 7 W361 Waterbury, Burrell (Mrs.); BEAUTICIAN: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 1 2 E236 Echternach, Julia: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 1 4 F653 Frandsen, Fern; M: Holdrege Frandsen-Schulz
0169 05/05/1939 1 4 G200 Goos, Connie; D: Blue Hill Mrs. Eimo Goos Dies in Sterling, Colo. Thursday
0169 05/05/1939 1 4 S420 Schulz, Carl; M: Holdrege Frandsen-Schulz
0169 05/05/1939 1 5 M600 Meyer, Albert Julius; D: Hastings Final Rites Held For Albert Julius Meyer
0169 05/05/1939 3 1 W600 Weary, H. S.; Methodist Episcopal Church; METHODIST EPISCOPAL: Bladen
0169 05/05/1939 3 4 B435 Bladen High School; FIRE: Bladen 1923
0169 05/05/1939 3 4 B526 Benker, Carl; M: Humbolt
0169 05/05/1939 3 4 K416 Killebrew, Retha; M: Humbolt
0169 05/05/1939 3 6 T153 The Bennett (W. L.) Grocery; GROCERY: Bladen
0169 05/05/1939 3 6 T256 The Commercial Bank; BANK: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 3 7 M635 Merten Brothers; FUNERAL HOME: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 4 1 V250 Vaughan, Byron B.; The Blue Hill Leader; NEWSPAPER: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 4 5 B443 Blue Hill Auto; AUTO DEALER: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 5 4 C140 Copley, (Chas. H) General Insurance Agency; INSURANCE: Red Cloud
0169 05/05/1939 5 4 T512 Thompson, Al; Coffee Shop; RESTAURANT: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 5 7 K621 Kirkbride & Rose; INSURANCE: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 5 7 F000 Foe, Howard S.; ATTORNEY AT LAW: Red Cloud
0169 05/05/1939 5 7 O540 O'Neill, S. H.; PHYSICIAN & SURGEON: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 5 7 P412 Phillips, Clifford H.; ATTORNEY AT LAW: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 5 7 R223 Reichstein, W. C.; CONTRACTOR & BUILDER: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 5 7 S352 Scheiding, F. G.; JEWELER: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 6 1 W256 Wagoner, L. A.; AUCTIONEER: Guide Rock
0169 05/05/1939 6 5 B255 Bachman, Clarence (Infant, M); B: North Bend
0169 05/05/1939 6 6 C656 Corner's Service, Inc.; AUTO SERVICE STATION: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 6 7 S362 Stark, M. L.; Burlington Route; RAILROAD: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 8 1 K125 Koepke Implement Co.; FARM IMPLEMENTS: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 8 2 B532 Bentz (H. H.) Imp. Co.; FARM IMPLEMENTS: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 8 3 B442 Blue Hill Sales Barn; LIVESTOCK SALES: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 8 3 H400 Hawley, H.; DENTIST: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 8 4 C600 Carr, R. H.; Methodist Episcopal Church; METHODIST EPISCOPAL: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 8 4 D621 Duhrkop, G. F. R.; St. Paul's Lutheran Church; LUTHERAN: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 8 4 F250 Ficken, August; Trinity Lutheran Church; LUTHERAN: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 8 5 G200 Goos, Carl; Goos Cash Store; GROCERY: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 8 5 S362 Strasburg, Wayne Keith; B: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 8 6 C224 Chicago Lumber Co.; LUMBER: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 8 6 C223 Cox's Store; DAIRY STORE: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 8 6 M246 McCleery's Store; GROCERY: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 8 7 T236 The Sterling; MOVIE THEATER: Blue Hill
0169 05/05/1939 8 7 W361 Waterbury, Burrell (Mrs.); BEAUTICIAN: Blue Hill
0169 05/12/1939 1 1 G641 Gerloff, William; D: Ayr William Gerloff Last Rites Held Sunday
0169 05/12/1939 1 4 K626 Kruger, Dan; ANN: Blue Hill Mr.& Mrs. Dan Kruger Married Fifty Years
0169 05/12/1939 3 1 F632 Fritz, George (Sr.); D: Bladen George Fritz Sr. Dead in Calliforina
0169 05/12/1939 3 4 F200 Feis, Hazel; M: Hastings 1923
0169 05/12/1939 3 4 R300 Reed, Howard; M: Hastings 1923
0169 05/12/1939 6 4 M600 Meyer, Rhoda; BD: Ayr
0169 05/12/1939 6 5 L520 Lang, Albert (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill
0169 05/12/1939 8 3 B442 Blue Hill High School; HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES: Blue Hill
0169 05/12/1939 8 5 O230 Osgood, Karon Sue; B: Hastings
0169 05/12/1939 8 6 M425 Muhleisen, Carl (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill
0169 05/12/1939 8 7 F425 Flessner, Mike (Mrs.); BD: Blue Hill
0169 05/12/1939 1 1 G641 Gerloff, William; D: Ayr William Gerloff Last Rites Held Sunday
0169 05/12/1939 1 4 K626 Kruger, Dan; ANN: Blue Hill Mr.& Mrs. Dan Kruger Married Fifty Years
0169 05/12/1939 3 1 F632 Fritz, George (Sr.); D: Bladen George Fritz Sr. Dead in Calliforina
0169 05/12/1939 3 4 F200 Feis, Hazel; M: Hastings 1923
0169 05/12/1939 3 4 R300 Reed, Howard; M: Hastings 1923
0169 05/12/1939 6 4 M600 Meyer, Rhoda; BD: Ayr
0169 05/12/1939 6 5 L520 Lang, Albert (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill
0169 05/12/1939 8 3 B442 Blue Hill High School; HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES: Blue Hill
0169 05/12/1939 8 5 O230 Osgood, Karon Sue; B: Hastings
0169 05/12/1939 8 6 M425 Muhleisen, Carl (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill
0169 05/12/1939 8 7 F425 Flessner, Mike (Mrs.); BD: Blue Hill
0169 05/19/1939 3 1 H245 Highland School; 8TH GRADE GRADUATES: Bladen
0169 05/19/1939 3 3 B435 Bladen High School; HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES: Bladen 1923
0169 05/19/1939 3 4 G140 Goble, Caroline; BD: Ayr
0169 05/19/1939 3 5 N324 Nitzel, Norman (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill
0169 05/19/1939 3 6 C656 Cramer, W. B. (Mrs.); BD: Blue Hill
0169 05/19/1939 4 4 K626 Kruger, Friedrich; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 05/19/1939 6 4 O160 Overy, Sara; BD: Pauline
0169 05/19/1939 8 2 M425 Muhleisen, Sandra Sue; DN: Blue Hill
0169 05/19/1939 3 1 H245 Highland School; 8TH GRADE GRADUATES: Bladen
0169 05/19/1939 3 3 B435 Bladen High School; HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES: Bladen 1923
0169 05/19/1939 3 4 G140 Goble, Caroline; BD: Ayr
0169 05/19/1939 3 5 N324 Nitzel, Norman (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill
0169 05/19/1939 3 6 C656 Cramer, W. B. (Mrs.); BD: Blue Hill
0169 05/19/1939 4 4 K626 Kruger, Friedrich; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 05/19/1939 6 4 O160 Overy, Sara; BD: Pauline
0169 05/19/1939 8 2 M425 Muhleisen, Sandra Sue; DN: Blue Hill
0169 05/26/1939 1 1 S531 Schmidt Family; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill
0169 05/26/1939 1 3 B622 Burgess, J. O.; HISTORY: Blue Hill J. O. Burgess Writes of Former Days
0169 05/26/1939 1 4 M425 Muhleisen, Clarence; M: Hastings Wallace-Muhleisen
0169 05/26/1939 1 4 W420 Wallace, Irene; M: Hastings Wallace-Muhleisen
0169 05/26/1939 1 6 B346 Butler, Dora; D: Rosemont Mrs. Dora Butler Dies at Brash Colorado.
0169 05/26/1939 1 7 T653 Trinity Lutheran School; HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES: Blue Hill
0169 05/26/1939 3 4 S152 Spence, Roy (Infant, F); B: Arthur 1923
0169 05/26/1939 3 5 B660 Brewer, J. F.; BD: Bladen
0169 05/26/1939 6 1 P452 Pauline High School; HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES: Pauline
0169 05/26/1939 6 2 P452 Pauline Schools; 8TH 6RADE 6RADUATES: Pauline
0169 05/26/1939 6 2 G360 Gaither, Cora; DN: Crawford
0169 05/26/1939 6 3 A624 Ayr Schools; HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES: Ayr
0169 05/26/1939 6 4 T512 Tompkins, Earl N.; DN: Ayr
0169 05/26/1939 1 1 S531 Schmidt Family; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill
0169 05/26/1939 1 3 B622 Burgess, J. O.; HISTORY: Blue Hill J. O. Burgess Writes of Former Days
0169 05/26/1939 1 4 M425 Muhleisen, Clarence; M: Hastings Wallace-Muhleisen
0169 05/26/1939 1 4 W420 Wallace, Irene; M: Hastings Wallace-Muhleisen
0169 05/26/1939 1 6 B346 Butler, Dora; D: Rosemont Mrs. Dora Butler Dies at Brash Colorado.
0169 05/26/1939 1 7 T653 Trinity Lutheran School; HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES: Blue Hill
0169 05/26/1939 3 4 S152 Spence, Roy (Infant, F); B: Arthur 1923
0169 05/26/1939 3 5 B660 Brewer, J. F.; BD: Bladen
0169 05/26/1939 6 1 P452 Pauline High School; HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES: Pauline
0169 05/26/1939 6 2 P452 Pauline Schools; 8TH 6RADE 6RADUATES: Pauline
0169 05/26/1939 6 2 G360 Gaither, Cora; DN: Crawford
0169 05/26/1939 6 3 A624 Ayr Schools; HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES: Ayr
0169 05/26/1939 6 4 T512 Tompkins, Earl N.; DN: Ayr
0169 06/02/1939 1 3 H635 Hartman, Louis; BD: Blue Hill Louis Hartman Celebrates Eightieth Birthday
0169 06/02/1939 1 4 B530 Bennett, D. O. (Mrs.); BD: Bladen 1923
0169 06/02/1939 1 7 B465 Bellhorn, Elmer: Blue Hill
0169 06/02/1939 3 1 B435 Bladen High School; ORGANIZATION: Bladen Ninety-Eight Attend Alumni Banquet
0169 06/02/1939 3 3 C455 Coleman, C. E.; Pilgrim Holiness Church; PILGRIM HOLINESS: Superior Dedicate New Church at Superior
0169 06/02/1939 3 3 C600 Crowe, Ruby; M: Bladen Wedding Dance
0169 06/02/1939 3 3 K500 Kuhn, Russell; M: Bladen Wedding Dance
0169 06/02/1939 3 4 B435 Bladen Schools; CLASS REUNION: Bladen 1923
0169 06/02/1939 3 5 B622 Burroughs, Waldo (Infant, M); B: Bladen 1923
0169 06/02/1939 3 5 C241 Cox Wilbur (Infant, M); B: Bladen 1923
0169 06/02/1939 4 1 M320 Matthews, Cecil E.; SONG WRITER: Blue Hill Mr. Matthews Writes Song
0169 06/02/1939 4 7 M532 Meents, Emma J.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 06/02/1939 6 1 U533 United States Watershed Project; AGRICULTURE: Rosemont Rosemont Site of Major Watershed Studies Station
0169 06/02/1939 1 3 H635 Hartman, Louis; BD: Blue Hill Louis Hartman Celebrates Eightieth Birthday
0169 06/02/1939 1 4 B530 Bennett, D. O. (Mrs.); BD: Bladen 1923
0169 06/02/1939 1 7 B465 Bellhorn, Elmer: Blue Hill
0169 06/02/1939 3 1 B435 Bladen High School; ORGANIZATION: Bladen Ninety-Eight Attend Alumni Banquet
0169 06/02/1939 3 3 C455 Coleman, C. E.; Pilgrim Holiness Church; PILGRIM HOLINESS: Superior Dedicate New Church at Superior
0169 06/02/1939 3 3 C600 Crowe, Ruby; M: Bladen Wedding Dance
0169 06/02/1939 3 3 K500 Kuhn, Russell; M: Bladen Wedding Dance
0169 06/02/1939 3 4 B435 Bladen Schools; CLASS REUNION: Bladen 1923
0169 06/02/1939 3 5 B622 Burroughs, Waldo (Infant, M); B: Bladen 1923
0169 06/02/1939 3 5 C241 Cox Wilbur (Infant, M); B: Bladen 1923
0169 06/02/1939 4 1 M320 Matthews, Cecil E.; SONG WRITER: Blue Hill Mr. Matthews Writes Song
0169 06/02/1939 4 7 M532 Meents, Emma J.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 06/02/1939 6 1 U533 United States Watershed Project; AGRICULTURE: Rosemont Rosemont Site of Major Watershed Studies Station
0169 06/03/1939 6 5 D450 Dillon, Lawrence (Infant, F); B: Clarks
0169 06/03/1939 6 5 D450 Dillon, Lawrence (Infant, F); B: Clarks
0169 06/07/1939 1 5 C614 Craybill, Frank; AWARDS: Red Cloud Webster County Boy Wins Honor at Oxford
0169 06/07/1939 1 5 C614 Craybill, Frank; AWARDS: Red Cloud Webster County Boy Wins Honor at Oxford
0169 06/09/1939 1 1 C620 Crouch, Joseph L.; D: Blue Hill Joseph L. Crouch Dies Suddenly
0169 06/09/1939 1 2 J520 James, Clyde N.; M: Blue Hill Kinley-James
0169 06/09/1939 1 2 K540 Kinley, Ruby Elizabeth; M: Blue Hill Kinley-James
0169 06/09/1939 1 6 L000 Lee, Evelyn M.; M: Lincoln Lee-Letson
0169 06/09/1939 1 6 L325 Letsin, William W.; M: Lincoln Lee-Letson
0169 06/09/1939 3 1 D242 Douglas, Elsie; M: Bladen Douglas-Niemeyer
0169 06/09/1939 3 1 N560 Niemeyer, Albert; M: Bladen Douglas-Niemeyer
0169 06/09/1939 3 4 C200 Cox, Gilbert; M: Bladen Parker-Cox @ So. Sioux City, Ia.
0169 06/09/1939 1 1 C620 Crouch, Joseph L.; D: Blue Hill Joseph L. Crouch Dies Suddenly
0169 06/09/1939 1 2 J520 James, Clyde N.; M: Blue Hill Kinley-James
0169 06/09/1939 1 2 K540 Kinley, Ruby Elizabeth; M: Blue Hill Kinley-James
0169 06/09/1939 1 6 L000 Lee, Evelyn M.; M: Lincoln Lee-Letson
0169 06/09/1939 1 6 L325 Letsin, William W.; M: Lincoln Lee-Letson
0169 06/09/1939 3 1 D242 Douglas, Elsie; M: Bladen Douglas-Niemeyer
0169 06/09/1939 3 1 N560 Niemeyer, Albert; M: Bladen Douglas-Niemeyer
0169 06/09/1939 3 4 C200 Cox, Gilbert; M: Bladen Parker-Cox @ So. Sioux City, Ia.
0169 06/14/1939 1 1 L520 Long, Laura A.; D: Lincoln Rites Tuesday For Miss Long
0169 06/14/1939 1 2 W650 Warren, W. J.; DN: Red Cloud W. J. Warren Dead
0169 06/14/1939 1 5 C416 Cloverfarm Grocery; FIRE: Guide Rock
0169 06/14/1939 3 6 H400 Hall, John (Infant, F); B: Bladen 1923
0169 06/14/1939 6 1 D350 Dudden, Edna; M: Ayr
0169 06/14/1939 1 1 L520 Long, Laura A.; D: Lincoln Rites Tuesday For Miss Long
0169 06/14/1939 1 2 W650 Warren, W. J.; DN: Red Cloud W. J. Warren Dead
0169 06/14/1939 1 5 C416 Cloverfarm Grocery; FIRE: Guide Rock
0169 06/14/1939 3 6 H400 Hall, John (Infant, F); B: Bladen 1923
0169 06/14/1939 6 1 D350 Dudden, Edna; M: Ayr
0169 06/16/1939 3 1 L200 Lacy, D. W.: Bladen
0169 06/16/1939 3 3 Y626 Yerger, George; D: Morrill George-Yerger
0169 06/16/1939 3 4 B652 Berns, Joe; M: Nelson 1923
0169 06/16/1939 3 4 H243 Householder, Pearl; M: Nelson 1923
0169 06/16/1939 3 4 K460 Kehler, C. F.; DN: Bladen 1923
0169 06/16/1939 5 6 L320 Leetsch, Lloyd (Infant, F); B: Rosemont
0169 06/16/1939 3 1 L200 Lacy, D. W.: Bladen
0169 06/16/1939 3 3 Y626 Yerger, George; D: Morrill George-Yerger
0169 06/16/1939 3 4 B652 Berns, Joe; M: Nelson 1923
0169 06/16/1939 3 4 H243 Householder, Pearl; M: Nelson 1923
0169 06/16/1939 3 4 K460 Kehler, C. F.; DN: Bladen 1923
0169 06/16/1939 5 6 L320 Leetsch, Lloyd (Infant, F); B: Rosemont
0169 06/23/1939 1 1 W236 Waechter, Carl Godfrey; D: Red Cloud Carl Waechter Died Adter Long Illness. listed.
0169 06/23/1939 1 2 B442 Blue Hill High School; CLASS REUNION: Blue Hill
0169 06/23/1939 1 5 S315 Stabenow, Frank; ANN: Blue Hill Stabenows Celebrate 25th Wedding Anniversary
0169 06/23/1939 8 3 D244 Dogle Loslie (Infant M); B: Blue Hill
0169 06/23/1939 1 1 W236 Waechter, Carl Godfrey; D: Red Cloud Carl Waechter Died Adter Long Illness. listed.
0169 06/23/1939 1 2 B442 Blue Hill High School; CLASS REUNION: Blue Hill
0169 06/23/1939 1 5 S315 Stabenow, Frank; ANN: Blue Hill Stabenows Celebrate 25th Wedding Anniversary
0169 06/23/1939 8 3 D244 Dogle Loslie (Infant M); B: Blue Hill
0169 06/30/1939 1 1 M265 Magarin, Friederich Louis; D SUICIDE: Bladen Final Rites Thursday for Fred Magarin
0169 06/30/1939 1 6 L516 Lambert, LaVern; M: Bladen Ervin Schlichtman Weds Denver Girl. in Denver, Co.
0169 06/30/1939 1 6 S423 Schlicthtman, Ervin; M: Bladen Ervin Schlichtman Weds Denver Girl. in Denver, Co.
0169 06/30/1939 1 7 D256 Degener, Cathairine Marie; D: Blue Hill Mrs. William Degener Answers Final Summons
0169 06/30/1939 3 1 R000 Ray, James Alexander; D: Wayne James Alexander Ray
0169 06/30/1939 3 3 D535 Denton, Stephen H.; DN: Bladen
0169 06/30/1939 3 6 B626 Barker, Ivan; DN ACCIDENT: Inavale 1923
0169 06/30/1939 8 2 F650 Frahm, Herbert (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill
0169 06/30/1939 1 1 M265 Magarin, Friederich Louis; D SUICIDE: Bladen Final Rites Thursday for Fred Magarin
0169 06/30/1939 1 6 L516 Lambert, LaVern; M: Bladen Ervin Schlichtman Weds Denver Girl. in Denver, Co.
0169 06/30/1939 1 6 S423 Schlicthtman, Ervin; M: Bladen Ervin Schlichtman Weds Denver Girl. in Denver, Co.
0169 06/30/1939 1 7 D256 Degener, Cathairine Marie; D: Blue Hill Mrs. William Degener Answers Final Summons
0169 06/30/1939 3 1 R000 Ray, James Alexander; D: Wayne James Alexander Ray
0169 06/30/1939 3 3 D535 Denton, Stephen H.; DN: Bladen
0169 06/30/1939 3 6 B626 Barker, Ivan; DN ACCIDENT: Inavale 1923
0169 06/30/1939 8 2 F650 Frahm, Herbert (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill
0169 07/07/1939 1 5 B650 Brehm, John; M: Hastings Krueger-Brehm
0169 07/07/1939 1 5 K626 Krueger, Eleanor; M: Hastings Krueger-Brehm
0169 07/07/1939 3 1 D535 Denton, Stephen Harrison; D: Bladen Stephen Harrison Denton
0169 07/07/1939 3 3 L263 Lockhart Family; ORGANIZATION: Bladen Lockhart Family Have Reunion
0169 07/07/1939 3 6 C552 Cunningham Family; ORGANIZATION: Bladen 1923
0169 07/07/1939 4 7 M265 Magarin, Fred; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 07/07/1939 1 5 B650 Brehm, John; M: Hastings Krueger-Brehm
0169 07/07/1939 1 5 K626 Krueger, Eleanor; M: Hastings Krueger-Brehm
0169 07/07/1939 3 1 D535 Denton, Stephen Harrison; D: Bladen Stephen Harrison Denton
0169 07/07/1939 3 3 L263 Lockhart Family; ORGANIZATION: Bladen Lockhart Family Have Reunion
0169 07/07/1939 3 6 C552 Cunningham Family; ORGANIZATION: Bladen 1923
0169 07/07/1939 4 7 M265 Magarin, Fred; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 07/21/1939 1 1 O164 Oberle, John; D: Blue Hill John Oberle Funeral Services Held Monday
0169 07/21/1939 1 2 B440 Blue Hill; HISTORY PUBLISHING: Blue Hill Home Coming Edition People. (Sec.1)
0169 07/21/1939 1 4 H624 Hargelroad, Mary A.; D: Roseland Mrs. A. Hargelroad Dead
0169 07/21/1939 3 1 C600 Crowe, Harold W.; M: Hastings Vance-Crowe
0169 07/21/1939 3 1 P412 Phillips, Carole; M: Hastings Deane Reed Weds Hastings Girl
0169 07/21/1939 3 1 R300 Reed, Deane; M: Hastings Deane Reed Weds Hastings Girl
0169 07/21/1939 6 3 M620 Murrish, A. J. (Mrs.); DN: North Platte
0169 07/21/1939 7 1 B445 Blue Hill Homecoming & 4H Fair; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill
0169 07/21/1939 8 1 O164 Oberle, John; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 07/21/1939 8 3 F425 Flessner Family; ORGANIZATION: Hastings Flessner Family Reunion
0169 07/21/1939 8 7 M625 Morrison, Clara E.; BD: Blue Hill
0169 07/21/1939 1 1 O164 Oberle, John; D: Blue Hill John Oberle Funeral Services Held Monday
0169 07/21/1939 1 2 B440 Blue Hill; HISTORY PUBLISHING: Blue Hill Home Coming Edition People. (Sec.1)
0169 07/21/1939 1 4 H624 Hargelroad, Mary A.; D: Roseland Mrs. A. Hargelroad Dead
0169 07/21/1939 3 1 C600 Crowe, Harold W.; M: Hastings Vance-Crowe
0169 07/21/1939 3 1 P412 Phillips, Carole; M: Hastings Deane Reed Weds Hastings Girl
0169 07/21/1939 3 1 R300 Reed, Deane; M: Hastings Deane Reed Weds Hastings Girl
0169 07/21/1939 6 3 M620 Murrish, A. J. (Mrs.); DN: North Platte
0169 07/21/1939 7 1 B445 Blue Hill Homecoming & 4H Fair; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill
0169 07/21/1939 8 1 O164 Oberle, John; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 07/21/1939 8 3 F425 Flessner Family; ORGANIZATION: Hastings Flessner Family Reunion
0169 07/21/1939 8 7 M625 Morrison, Clara E.; BD: Blue Hill
0169 07/28/1939 1 5 G340 Goodell, Anna; D: Hastings Mrs. Anna Goodell Dies at Hastings
0169 07/28/1939 3 4 C400 Cowley, Ralph: Bladen
0169 07/28/1939 6 5 B255 Bachman Family; ORGANIZATION: Ayr
0169 07/28/1939 6 5 B200 Buss, Jacob; ANN: Ayr
0169 07/28/1939 6 5 P626 Parker, Leonard (Infant, F); B: Imperial
0169 07/28/1939 8 7 L220 Lukas, Lewis (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill
0169 07/28/1939 1 5 G340 Goodell, Anna; D: Hastings Mrs. Anna Goodell Dies at Hastings
0169 07/28/1939 3 4 C400 Cowley, Ralph: Bladen
0169 07/28/1939 6 5 B255 Bachman Family; ORGANIZATION: Ayr
0169 07/28/1939 6 5 B200 Buss, Jacob; ANN: Ayr
0169 07/28/1939 6 5 P626 Parker, Leonard (Infant, F); B: Imperial
0169 07/28/1939 8 7 L220 Lukas, Lewis (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill
0169 08/04/1939 1 2 P362 Peterson, Merna; M: Kearney Peterson-Stowers
0169 08/04/1939 1 2 S362 Stowers, Robert; M: Kearney Peterson-Stowers
0169 08/04/1939 1 3 B532 Buntjer, Elva; M: Blue Hill Thornton-Buntjer Salt Lake City, Ut.
0169 08/04/1939 1 3 T653 Thornton, Edna; M: Blue Hill Thornton-Buntjer
0169 08/04/1939 1 6 G400 Goll, Charles; BD: Blue Hill
0169 08/04/1939 1 6 H651 Hornberger, Georgiana; M: Kearney Hornberger-Kumke
0169 08/04/1939 1 6 K520 Kumke, John; M: Kearney Hornberger-Kumke
0169 08/04/1939 3 1 G340 Goodell, Anna Lauretta; D: Hastings Ann Lauretta Goodell listed.
0169 08/04/1939 1 2 P362 Peterson, Merna; M: Kearney Peterson-Stowers
0169 08/04/1939 1 2 S362 Stowers, Robert; M: Kearney Peterson-Stowers
0169 08/04/1939 1 3 B532 Buntjer, Elva; M: Blue Hill Thornton-Buntjer Salt Lake City, Ut.
0169 08/04/1939 1 3 T653 Thornton, Edna; M: Blue Hill Thornton-Buntjer
0169 08/04/1939 1 6 G400 Goll, Charles; BD: Blue Hill
0169 08/04/1939 1 6 H651 Hornberger, Georgiana; M: Kearney Hornberger-Kumke
0169 08/04/1939 1 6 K520 Kumke, John; M: Kearney Hornberger-Kumke
0169 08/04/1939 3 1 G340 Goodell, Anna Lauretta; D: Hastings Ann Lauretta Goodell listed.
0169 08/11/1939 1 2 N560 Niemeyer, Charles; D: Blue Hill Charles Niemeyer Dies after long Illness
0169 08/11/1939 1 4 B552 Banning, Edward M.; M: Ayr Buss-Banning
0169 08/11/1939 1 4 B200 Buss, Viola Ida; M: Ayr Buss-Banning
0169 08/11/1939 1 7 G415 Gilpin, Oye; D: Blue Hill Mrs. George Gilpin Called By Death. listed.
0169 08/11/1939 3 2 F236 Foster, Dorothy; M: Loup City Foster-Miller
0169 08/11/1939 3 2 M460 Miller, Irvin; M: Loup City Foster-Miller
0169 08/11/1939 6 1 K626 Krueger, Elmer (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill
0169 08/11/1939 6 1 P362 Peterson, Marion (Infant, F); B: Pauline
0169 08/11/1939 6 1 R300 Rutt, Clarence (Infant, F); B: Hastings
0169 08/11/1939 8 2 D535 Denton, Stephen H.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 08/11/1939 8 6 L165 Leibrand, Walter (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill
0169 08/11/1939 1 2 N560 Niemeyer, Charles; D: Blue Hill Charles Niemeyer Dies after long Illness
0169 08/11/1939 1 4 B552 Banning, Edward M.; M: Ayr Buss-Banning
0169 08/11/1939 1 4 B200 Buss, Viola Ida; M: Ayr Buss-Banning
0169 08/11/1939 1 7 G415 Gilpin, Oye; D: Blue Hill Mrs. George Gilpin Called By Death. listed.
0169 08/11/1939 3 2 F236 Foster, Dorothy; M: Loup City Foster-Miller
0169 08/11/1939 3 2 M460 Miller, Irvin; M: Loup City Foster-Miller
0169 08/11/1939 6 1 K626 Krueger, Elmer (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill
0169 08/11/1939 6 1 P362 Peterson, Marion (Infant, F); B: Pauline
0169 08/11/1939 6 1 R300 Rutt, Clarence (Infant, F); B: Hastings
0169 08/11/1939 8 2 D535 Denton, Stephen H.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 08/11/1939 8 6 L165 Leibrand, Walter (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill
0169 08/18/1939 1 1 W213 Wesbter County Fair; ORGANIZATION: Bladen Outstanding Program at Webster Co. Fair
0169 08/18/1939 1 4 M246 McClure Family; ORGANIZATION: Hastings McClure Family Reunion
0169 08/18/1939 1 7 B445 Blue Hill Homecoming Days; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill Blue Hill Visitors During Homecoming Days
0169 08/18/1939 3 3 T614 Trivelpiece, Justus D.; DN: Riverton 1923
0169 08/18/1939 3 3 W325 Watson, Leland (Infant, F); B: Saronville
0169 08/18/1939 3 4 S564 Schneurle Family; ORGANIZATION: Minden
0169 08/18/1939 3 4 F460 Fowler, Golda Mae; M: Stapleton
0169 08/18/1939 3 4 F652 Franklin, Gerald; M: Stapleton
0169 08/18/1939 4 5 O164 Oberle, John; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 08/18/1939 4 6 J525 Johnson, Reemt; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 08/18/1939 4 7 N560 Niemeyer, Charles; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 08/18/1939 1 1 W213 Wesbter County Fair; ORGANIZATION: Bladen Outstanding Program at Webster Co. Fair
0169 08/18/1939 1 4 M246 McClure Family; ORGANIZATION: Hastings McClure Family Reunion
0169 08/18/1939 1 7 B445 Blue Hill Homecoming Days; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill Blue Hill Visitors During Homecoming Days
0169 08/18/1939 3 3 T614 Trivelpiece, Justus D.; DN: Riverton 1923
0169 08/18/1939 3 3 W325 Watson, Leland (Infant, F); B: Saronville
0169 08/18/1939 3 4 S564 Schneurle Family; ORGANIZATION: Minden
0169 08/18/1939 3 4 F460 Fowler, Golda Mae; M: Stapleton
0169 08/18/1939 3 4 F652 Franklin, Gerald; M: Stapleton
0169 08/18/1939 4 5 O164 Oberle, John; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 08/18/1939 4 6 J525 Johnson, Reemt; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 08/18/1939 4 7 N560 Niemeyer, Charles; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 08/25/1939 1 2 K625 Kriegsman, Ida; BD: Blue Hill Mrs. Ida Kriegsman Surprised on Birthday
0169 08/25/1939 1 3 W123 Webster County Fair; PREMIUM LIST
0169 08/25/1939 1 7 C416 Cloverton School; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill Annual Honecoming Held at Cloverton
0169 08/25/1939 3 1 S363 Stewart, John Milton; D: Bladen John Stewart Dies After Long Illness
0169 08/25/1939 3 2 B200 Buschow, Fern; M: Blue Hill Buschow-Oye
0169 08/25/1939 3 2 O000 Oye, Alfred; M: Blue Hill Buschow-Oye
0169 08/25/1939 3 2 S640 Serl, William; D: Naponee Former Bladen Man Dies at Naponee
0169 08/25/1939 3 4 L263 Lockhart, Earl (Infant, F); B: Bennet 1923
0169 08/25/1939 3 5 S152 Spence, Roland; DN: Bladen 1923
0169 08/25/1939 6 1 P142 Pavelka, William: Pauline
0169 08/25/1939 6 2 A536 Anderson Family; ORGANIZATION: Pauline
0169 08/25/1939 6 3 B255 Bachman, Leonard; M: Fremont
0169 08/25/1939 6 3 G600 Gray, O. S.: Ayr
0169 08/25/1939 6 3 J520 James, Mable; M: Fremont
0169 08/25/1939 6 4 D626 Druecker Family; ORGANIZATION: Ayr
0169 08/25/1939 1 2 K625 Kriegsman, Ida; BD: Blue Hill Mrs. Ida Kriegsman Surprised on Birthday
0169 08/25/1939 1 3 W123 Webster County Fair; PREMIUM LIST
0169 08/25/1939 1 7 C416 Cloverton School; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill Annual Honecoming Held at Cloverton
0169 08/25/1939 3 1 S363 Stewart, John Milton; D: Bladen John Stewart Dies After Long Illness
0169 08/25/1939 3 2 B200 Buschow, Fern; M: Blue Hill Buschow-Oye
0169 08/25/1939 3 2 O000 Oye, Alfred; M: Blue Hill Buschow-Oye
0169 08/25/1939 3 2 S640 Serl, William; D: Naponee Former Bladen Man Dies at Naponee
0169 08/25/1939 3 4 L263 Lockhart, Earl (Infant, F); B: Bennet 1923
0169 08/25/1939 3 5 S152 Spence, Roland; DN: Bladen 1923
0169 08/25/1939 6 1 P142 Pavelka, William: Pauline
0169 08/25/1939 6 2 A536 Anderson Family; ORGANIZATION: Pauline
0169 08/25/1939 6 3 B255 Bachman, Leonard; M: Fremont
0169 08/25/1939 6 3 G600 Gray, O. S.: Ayr
0169 08/25/1939 6 3 J520 James, Mable; M: Fremont
0169 08/25/1939 6 4 D626 Druecker Family; ORGANIZATION: Ayr
0169 09/01/1939 1 2 B656 Brainard, A. D.: Blue Hill Farewell Party
0169 09/01/1939 1 2 K252 Kosmacek, Anna; D: Blue Hill Services For Mrs. Anna Kosmacek
0169 09/01/1939 1 4 V515 VanBoening Family; ORGANIZATION: Ayr VanBoening Family Reunion
0169 09/01/1939 1 6 Z565 Zimmerman Family; ORGANIZATION: Hastings Zimmerman Family Reunion
0169 09/01/1939 1 6 C640 Crilly, Hortense Elaine; M: Ayr Crilly-Koepke Kensington, Ka.
0169 09/01/1939 1 6 K120 Koepke, Leonard; M: Ayr Crilly-Koepke @ Kensington, Ka.
0169 09/01/1939 1 6 S125 Spicknall, Cynthia Catherine; D: Sidney Services for Mrs. Spicknall Held at Sidney
0169 09/01/1939 1 7 O262 Oak Creek Old Settlers; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill Large Attendance at Oak Creek Picnic
0169 09/01/1939 3 1 W123 Webster County Fair; ORGANIZATION: Bladen Webster County Fair Draws Good Attendance
0169 09/01/1939 1 2 B656 Brainard, A. D.: Blue Hill Farewell Party
0169 09/01/1939 1 2 K252 Kosmacek, Anna; D: Blue Hill Services For Mrs. Anna Kosmacek
0169 09/01/1939 1 4 V515 VanBoening Family; ORGANIZATION: Ayr VanBoening Family Reunion
0169 09/01/1939 1 6 Z565 Zimmerman Family; ORGANIZATION: Hastings Zimmerman Family Reunion
0169 09/01/1939 1 6 C640 Crilly, Hortense Elaine; M: Ayr Crilly-Koepke Kensington, Ka.
0169 09/01/1939 1 6 K120 Koepke, Leonard; M: Ayr Crilly-Koepke @ Kensington, Ka.
0169 09/01/1939 1 6 S125 Spicknall, Cynthia Catherine; D: Sidney Services for Mrs. Spicknall Held at Sidney
0169 09/01/1939 1 7 O262 Oak Creek Old Settlers; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill Large Attendance at Oak Creek Picnic
0169 09/01/1939 3 1 W123 Webster County Fair; ORGANIZATION: Bladen Webster County Fair Draws Good Attendance
0169 09/08/1939 1 6 T653 Trinity School; SCHOOL ATTENDANCE: Blue Hill
0169 09/08/1939 3 3 F215 Feis Family; ORGANIZATION: Hastings
0169 09/08/1939 3 6 F652 France, Augustus; DN: Bladen 1923
0169 09/08/1939 6 1 W123 Webster County Fair; PREMIUM LISTS: Bladen
0169 09/08/1939 8 2 T512 Thompson, Andrew; DN: Hastings
0169 09/08/1939 1 6 T653 Trinity School; SCHOOL ATTENDANCE: Blue Hill
0169 09/08/1939 3 3 F215 Feis Family; ORGANIZATION: Hastings
0169 09/08/1939 3 6 F652 France, Augustus; DN: Bladen 1923
0169 09/08/1939 6 1 W123 Webster County Fair; PREMIUM LISTS: Bladen
0169 09/08/1939 8 2 T512 Thompson, Andrew; DN: Hastings
0169 09/13/1939 10 2 F246 Fassler, Mary; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 09/13/1939 10 2 F246 Fassler, Mary; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 09/15/1939 1 2 M600 Meyer, Evelyn; M: Blue Hill Meyer-Rose
0169 09/15/1939 1 2 R200 Rose, Andrew; M: Blue Hill Meyer-Rose
0169 09/15/1939 1 7 C600 Carr, R. H.: Blue Hill Farewell Dinner Given at Methodist Church
0169 09/15/1939 1 7 H562 Hinrich, Ernest; M: Glenvil Mohlman-Hinrich
0169 09/15/1939 1 7 M216 McBride, Raymond: Blue Hill Farewell Dinner Given at Methodist Church
0169 09/15/1939 1 7 M455 Mohlman, Margaret; M: Glenvil Mohlman-Hinrich
0169 09/15/1939 3 6 C552 Cunningham, Bruce (Infant, M); B: Imperial 1923
0169 09/15/1939 4 6 S142 Spilker, William H.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 09/15/1939 4 7 N560 Niemeyer, Charles; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 09/15/1939 1 2 M600 Meyer, Evelyn; M: Blue Hill Meyer-Rose
0169 09/15/1939 1 2 R200 Rose, Andrew; M: Blue Hill Meyer-Rose
0169 09/15/1939 1 7 C600 Carr, R. H.: Blue Hill Farewell Dinner Given at Methodist Church
0169 09/15/1939 1 7 H562 Hinrich, Ernest; M: Glenvil Mohlman-Hinrich
0169 09/15/1939 1 7 M216 McBride, Raymond: Blue Hill Farewell Dinner Given at Methodist Church
0169 09/15/1939 1 7 M455 Mohlman, Margaret; M: Glenvil Mohlman-Hinrich
0169 09/15/1939 3 6 C552 Cunningham, Bruce (Infant, M); B: Imperial 1923
0169 09/15/1939 4 6 S142 Spilker, William H.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 09/15/1939 4 7 N560 Niemeyer, Charles; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 09/20/1939 1 1 G626 Gragert, Amelia Ernstina Agusta; D: Blue Hill Funeral Services for Mrs. Otto Gragert Friday
0169 09/20/1939 1 1 V515 VanBoening, Harm; BIO: Blue Hill Harm VanBoening Files for County Commissioner
0169 09/20/1939 1 6 J525 Janssen, Frank; ANN: Blue Hill Mr. & Mrs. Frank Janssen Have Golden Anniversary
0169 09/20/1939 3 3 H520 Hynes, Mary; DN: Bladen
0169 09/20/1939 8 1 B420 Black, Harold; M: Alma
0169 09/20/1939 8 1 R300 Rutt, Emma; M: Alma
0169 09/20/1939 10 7 K623 Karsting, Ernest (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill
0169 09/20/1939 1 1 G626 Gragert, Amelia Ernstina Agusta; D: Blue Hill Funeral Services for Mrs. Otto Gragert Friday
0169 09/20/1939 1 1 V515 VanBoening, Harm; BIO: Blue Hill Harm VanBoening Files for County Commissioner
0169 09/20/1939 1 6 J525 Janssen, Frank; ANN: Blue Hill Mr. & Mrs. Frank Janssen Have Golden Anniversary
0169 09/20/1939 3 3 H520 Hynes, Mary; DN: Bladen
0169 09/20/1939 8 1 B420 Black, Harold; M: Alma
0169 09/20/1939 8 1 R300 Rutt, Emma; M: Alma
0169 09/20/1939 10 7 K623 Karsting, Ernest (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill
0169 09/22/1939 1 1 B530 Bennet, Roy (Alta); DIVORCE: Red Cloud
0169 09/22/1939 1 1 B530 Bennett, Alta (Roy); DIVORCE: Red Clould
0169 09/22/1939 1 3 G360 Gaither, Sidney B.: Blue Hill
0169 09/22/1939 1 4 R200 Rose, Joe (Mrs.); BD: Blue Hill
0169 09/22/1939 1 6 B550 Bonham, Marion; M: Brock
0169 09/22/1939 1 6 E516 Embres, Elaine; M: Brock
0169 09/22/1939 3 1 W635 Wratten, Edward J.; D: Bladen Edward J. Wratten
0169 09/22/1939 6 1 V453 Valentine, M. H.; BD: Hastings
0169 09/22/1939 1 1 B530 Bennet, Roy (Alta); DIVORCE: Red Cloud
0169 09/22/1939 1 1 B530 Bennett, Alta (Roy); DIVORCE: Red Clould
0169 09/22/1939 1 3 G360 Gaither, Sidney B.: Blue Hill
0169 09/22/1939 1 4 R200 Rose, Joe (Mrs.); BD: Blue Hill
0169 09/22/1939 1 6 B550 Bonham, Marion; M: Brock
0169 09/22/1939 1 6 E516 Embres, Elaine; M: Brock
0169 09/22/1939 3 1 W635 Wratten, Edward J.; D: Bladen Edward J. Wratten
0169 09/22/1939 6 1 V453 Valentine, M. H.; BD: Hastings
0169 09/27/1939 1 2 E552 Enninga, Albert; M: Blue Hill Koepke-Enninga
0169 09/27/1939 1 2 K120 Koepke, Clara; M: Blue Hill Koepke-Enninga
0169 09/27/1939 1 2 S530 Schmidt, Mary; D: Hastings Funeral Services Wednesday For Mrs. Mary Schmidt
0169 09/27/1939 1 3 A536 Andres, Harriett Josephine; D: Harriett Josephine Andres listed.
0169 09/27/1939 1 5 S351 Stumpenhorst, Carl Friedrich Adolph; D: Rosemont Services Held For Carl F. Stampenhorst
0169 09/27/1939 3 1 P362 Peterson, Annie Belle; D: Bladen Mrs. O. E. Peterson Laid To Rest Sat. Died @ Wray, Co.
0169 09/27/1939 3 2 J552 Jennings, Cy; BD: Bladen Celebrate Birthdays
0169 09/27/1939 3 2 W300 Wheat, Mary; BD: Bladen Celebrate Birthdays
0169 09/27/1939 3 3 P362 Peterson, Karen Kay; B: Minden
0169 09/27/1939 3 4 Y230 Yost, Karen May; B: Bladen
0169 09/27/1939 8 3 K500 Kuhn, August; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 09/27/1939 8 3 S550 Seeman, Ernest (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill
0169 09/27/1939 8 5 H614 Harrifeld, Ervin (Infant, M); B: Hastings
0169 09/27/1939 1 2 E552 Enninga, Albert; M: Blue Hill Koepke-Enninga
0169 09/27/1939 1 2 K120 Koepke, Clara; M: Blue Hill Koepke-Enninga
0169 09/27/1939 1 2 S530 Schmidt, Mary; D: Hastings Funeral Services Wednesday For Mrs. Mary Schmidt
0169 09/27/1939 1 3 A536 Andres, Harriett Josephine; D: Harriett Josephine Andres listed.
0169 09/27/1939 1 5 S351 Stumpenhorst, Carl Friedrich Adolph; D: Rosemont Services Held For Carl F. Stampenhorst
0169 09/27/1939 3 1 P362 Peterson, Annie Belle; D: Bladen Mrs. O. E. Peterson Laid To Rest Sat. Died @ Wray, Co.
0169 09/27/1939 3 2 J552 Jennings, Cy; BD: Bladen Celebrate Birthdays
0169 09/27/1939 3 2 W300 Wheat, Mary; BD: Bladen Celebrate Birthdays
0169 09/27/1939 3 3 P362 Peterson, Karen Kay; B: Minden
0169 09/27/1939 3 4 Y230 Yost, Karen May; B: Bladen
0169 09/27/1939 8 3 K500 Kuhn, August; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 09/27/1939 8 3 S550 Seeman, Ernest (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill
0169 09/27/1939 8 5 H614 Harrifeld, Ervin (Infant, M); B: Hastings
0169 09/29/1939 3 1 A536 Andresen, Henry; ANN: Bladen Celebrate 64th Wedding Anniversary
0169 09/29/1939 3 1 B660 Brewer, Roy; M: Bladen 1923
0169 09/29/1939 3 1 L300 Lott, Pauline; M: Bladen 1923
0169 09/29/1939 3 6 M265 Magarin, August F.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 09/29/1939 6 1 B360 Bauder, Laurence (Mrs.); DN: Pauline
0169 09/29/1939 6 5 L250 Luschon, Ed (Infant, M); B: Minden
0169 09/29/1939 6 6 C620 Caress, Janet Marie; B: Columbus
0169 09/29/1939 8 4 E162 Ebersole, LaVern; M: Ayr
0169 09/29/1939 8 4 S530 Smith, Edith; M: Ayr
0169 09/29/1939 3 1 A536 Andresen, Henry; ANN: Bladen Celebrate 64th Wedding Anniversary
0169 09/29/1939 3 1 B660 Brewer, Roy; M: Bladen 1923
0169 09/29/1939 3 1 L300 Lott, Pauline; M: Bladen 1923
0169 09/29/1939 3 6 M265 Magarin, August F.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0169 09/29/1939 6 1 B360 Bauder, Laurence (Mrs.); DN: Pauline
0169 09/29/1939 6 5 L250 Luschon, Ed (Infant, M); B: Minden
0169 09/29/1939 6 6 C620 Caress, Janet Marie; B: Columbus
0169 09/29/1939 8 4 E162 Ebersole, LaVern; M: Ayr
0169 09/29/1939 8 4 S530 Smith, Edith; M: Ayr
0169 10/06/1939 1 4 A352 Adams County old Settlers Association; ORGANIZATION: Pauline
0169 10/06/1939 1 5 K500 Kuhn, Augusta; D: Blue Hill Mrs. Augusta Kuhn Called By Death. Sibs. listed
0169 10/06/1939 1 7 H400 Hawley, Herbert (Infant, F); B: Elwood
0169 10/06/1939 3 4 B634 Bartlett, Addie; BD: Bladen Mrs. Bartlett Celebrates 86th Birthday
0169 10/06/1939 3 5 D400 Doyle, Agnes; DN: Red Cloud
0169 10/06/1939 3 6 K300 Keith, Marian; DN ACCIDENT: Hastings 1923
0169 10/06/1939 8 4 C632 Coordes, Anita Wilhelmine; B: Blue Hill
0169 10/06/1939 1 4 A352 Adams County old Settlers Association; ORGANIZATION: Pauline
0169 10/06/1939 1 5 K500 Kuhn, Augusta; D: Blue Hill Mrs. Augusta Kuhn Called By Death. Sibs. listed
0169 10/06/1939 1 7 H400 Hawley, Herbert (Infant, F); B: Elwood
0169 10/06/1939 3 4 B634 Bartlett, Addie; BD: Bladen Mrs. Bartlett Celebrates 86th Birthday
0169 10/06/1939 3 5 D400 Doyle, Agnes; DN: Red Cloud
0169 10/06/1939 3 6 K300 Keith, Marian; DN ACCIDENT: Hastings 1923
0169 10/06/1939 8 4 C632 Coordes, Anita Wilhelmine; B: Blue Hill
0169 10/13/1939 1 3 P612 Purvis, Karen; D ACCIDENT: Dorchester Services for Karen Purvis Held Here
0169 10/13/1939 1 4 B200 Bock, Christina; BD: Hastings Birthday Party
0169 10/13/1939 1 6 K600 Kerr, George (Mrs.); BD: Blue Hill
0169 10/13/1939 1 7 M216 McBride, J. R.: Blue Hill
0169 10/13/1939 1 7 S162 Spragur, Caryl: Rosemont Spragur Family Given Farewell Party
0169 10/13/1939 3 1 B531 Bennett Family; ORGANIZATION: Bladen Reunion of W. L. Bennett Family
0169 10/13/1939 3 4 K635 Koertner, Reuben (Infant, M); B: Bladen
0169 10/13/1939 3 6 L263 Lockhart, Orville; M: Bladen 1923
0169 10/13/1939 3 6 R252 Riggins, Doris; M: Bladen 1923
0169 10/13/1939 1 3 P612 Purvis, Karen; D ACCIDENT: Dorchester Services for Karen Purvis Held Here
0169 10/13/1939 1 4 B200 Bock, Christina; BD: Hastings Birthday Party
0169 10/13/1939 1 6 K600 Kerr, George (Mrs.); BD: Blue Hill
0169 10/13/1939 1 7 M216 McBride, J. R.: Blue Hill
0169 10/13/1939 1 7 S162 Spragur, Caryl: Rosemont Spragur Family Given Farewell Party
0169 10/13/1939 3 1 B531 Bennett Family; ORGANIZATION: Bladen Reunion of W. L. Bennett Family
0169 10/13/1939 3 4 K635 Koertner, Reuben (Infant, M); B: Bladen
0169 10/13/1939 3 6 L263 Lockhart, Orville; M: Bladen 1923
0169 10/13/1939 3 6 R252 Riggins, Doris; M: Bladen 1923
0169 11/03/1939 1 1 Strasburg, Helene Agnes; M; Blue Hill; Helene Strasburg Bride of Roland White; Groom-Roland Vincent White. Father-G. W. Strasburg
0169 11/03/1939 1 1 White, Roland Vincent; M; Blue Hill; Helene Strasburg Bride of Roland White; Bride-Helen Agnes Strasburg. Father-Frank Almon White
0169 11/03/1939 1 3 Thaut, Fred (Jr.); Blue Hill; To Billings, Mont.
0169 11/03/1939 1 6 Wilder, Frank; ANN; Ayr; Guests listed- 50th
0169 11/03/1939 1 7 Jones, A. J.; DN; Bladen; Former Bladen Resident Dies in California; Children listed. Died @ Campbell, Calif.
0169 11/03/1939 3 5 Sherwood, Walter; ANN; Red Cloud; 50th
0169 11/03/1939 4 6 Kuhn, Auguste; ESTATE HEARING; Red Cloud;
0169 11/03/1939 1 1 Strasburg, Helene Agnes; M; Blue Hill; Helene Strasburg Bride of Roland White; Groom-Roland Vincent White. Father-G. W. Strasburg
0169 11/03/1939 1 1 White, Roland Vincent; M; Blue Hill; Helene Strasburg Bride of Roland White; Bride-Helen Agnes Strasburg. Father-Frank Almon White
0169 11/03/1939 1 3 Thaut, Fred (Jr.); Blue Hill; To Billings, Mont.
0169 11/03/1939 1 6 Wilder, Frank; ANN; Ayr; Guests listed- 50th
0169 11/03/1939 1 7 Jones, A. J.; DN; Bladen; Former Bladen Resident Dies in California; Children listed. Died @ Campbell, Calif.
0169 11/03/1939 3 5 Sherwood, Walter; ANN; Red Cloud; 50th
0169 11/03/1939 4 6 Kuhn, Auguste; ESTATE HEARING; Red Cloud;
0169 11/10/1939 1 3 Rempe, Norberg; DN; Lawrence;
0169 11/10/1939 3 3 McCallum,; BD; Bladen; 89th
0169 11/10/1939 3 3 Fish, John; DN; Bladen; 1923;
0169 11/10/1939 3 4 Gunn, Charles W.; D; Lincoln; Chas. W. Gunn Dies @ Home in Lincoln; Wife-Minnie Spence Gunn. Par., Childn. & Sibs. listed
0169 11/10/1939 3 6 Hoppen, Harm; Rosemont; To Iowa
0169 11/10/1939 8 3 Emel, W. H.; BD; Pauline; 76th
0169 11/10/1939 10 3 Mitzelfelt, Carl; Blue Hill; To Peoria, Ill.
0169 11/10/1939 1 3 Rempe, Norberg; DN; Lawrence;
0169 11/10/1939 3 3 McCallum,; BD; Bladen; 89th
0169 11/10/1939 3 3 Fish, John; DN; Bladen; 1923;
0169 11/10/1939 3 4 Gunn, Charles W.; D; Lincoln; Chas. W. Gunn Dies @ Home in Lincoln; Wife-Minnie Spence Gunn. Par., Childn. & Sibs. listed
0169 11/10/1939 3 6 Hoppen, Harm; Rosemont; To Iowa
0169 11/10/1939 8 3 Emel, W. H.; BD; Pauline; 76th
0169 11/10/1939 10 3 Mitzelfelt, Carl; Blue Hill; To Peoria, Ill.
0169 11/17/1939 1 2 Boom, Anna (John); DIVORCE; Red Cloud; Pltf.
0169 11/17/1939 1 2 Boom, John (Anna); DIVORCE; Red Cloud; Def.
0169 11/17/1939 1 7 Frahm, Alfred (Infant, F); B; Blue Hill; Nov. 13
0169 11/17/1939 3 1 Pounds, Sidney; D; Stockville; Sidney Pounds Dies Suddenly; Wife-Pearle Pounds. Father-Henry Pounds
0169 11/17/1939 3 2 Grandstaff, Gerald Laurence; B; Bladen; Nov. 9. Father-Laurence Grandstaff
0169 11/17/1939 6 5 Jones, Ellen; D; Hastings; Husband-Owen Jones. Children listed
0169 11/17/1939 8 7 Jurgenau, Niel Edwin; B; Hastings; Nov. 6. Father-Alfred Jurgenau
0169 11/17/1939 1 2 Boom, Anna (John); DIVORCE; Red Cloud; Pltf.
0169 11/17/1939 1 2 Boom, John (Anna); DIVORCE; Red Cloud; Def.
0169 11/17/1939 1 7 Frahm, Alfred (Infant, F); B; Blue Hill; Nov. 13
0169 11/17/1939 3 1 Pounds, Sidney; D; Stockville; Sidney Pounds Dies Suddenly; Wife-Pearle Pounds. Father-Henry Pounds
0169 11/17/1939 3 2 Grandstaff, Gerald Laurence; B; Bladen; Nov. 9. Father-Laurence Grandstaff
0169 11/17/1939 6 5 Jones, Ellen; D; Hastings; Husband-Owen Jones. Children listed
0169 11/17/1939 8 7 Jurgenau, Niel Edwin; B; Hastings; Nov. 6. Father-Alfred Jurgenau
0169 11/24/1939 1 1 McNeny, Bernard; D; Red Cloud; Wife-Nellie Sherman McNeny. Daughter-Mrs. Helen Sprague
0169 11/24/1939 1 2 Bosard, W. F.; D; Ayr; Funeral Services For W. F. Bosard; Wife-Edith L. Moore Bosard. Parents & Children listed
0169 11/24/1939 1 6 Crawford, Thelma; M; Glenvil; Crawford-Shay Smith Center, Ka.; Groom-Lester Shay. Father-C. L. Crawford. Married at
0169 11/24/1939 1 1 McNeny, Bernard; D; Red Cloud; Wife-Nellie Sherman McNeny. Daughter-Mrs. Helen Sprague
0169 11/24/1939 1 2 Bosard, W. F.; D; Ayr; Funeral Services For W. F. Bosard; Wife-Edith L. Moore Bosard. Parents & Children listed
0169 11/24/1939 1 6 Crawford, Thelma; M; Glenvil; Crawford-Shay Smith Center, Ka.; Groom-Lester Shay. Father-C. L. Crawford. Married at
0169 12/01/1939 1 1 Y420 Yilk, Charles (Infant, F); B: Hastings
0169 12/01/1939 1 5 K626 Kruger, August; ANN: Blue Hill Mr. & Mrs. August Kruger Honored on 25th Anniversary
0169 12/01/1939 1 6 D621 Duhrkop, G. F. R.: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 1 6 P412 Phillips, Marjorie Ellen; B: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 1 7 A432 Aultz, John; DN: Hastings
0169 12/01/1939 3 1 A525 Amick & Amick; DENTIST: Hastings
0169 12/01/1939 3 1 T256 The Commercial Bank; BANK: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 3 1 A536 Andresen, Henry; BD: Bladen Henry Andresen Ninety Years Old.
0169 12/01/1939 3 1 H400 Hawley, H.; DENTIST: Bladen
0169 12/01/1939 3 2 C650 Crom, Leona; M: Bladen
0169 12/01/1939 3 2 J520 Jones, Byford; M: Bladen
0169 12/01/1939 3 6 B530 Bennett, (W. L.) Grocery; GROCERY: Bladen
0169 12/01/1939 3 6 T236 The Western Public Service Company; ELECTRIC SERVICE: Bladen
0169 12/01/1939 4 1 V250 Vaughan, Byron B.; Blue Hill Leader; NEWSPAPER: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 5 1 B541 Bonnell Beauty Academy; BEAUTICIAN: Hastings
0169 12/01/1939 5 1 B622 Bruces Jewelry Store; JEWELRY: Hastings
0169 12/01/1939 5 1 B544 Bunnell Oil Co.; GASOLINE & SERVICE STATION: Hastings
0169 12/01/1939 5 1 C652 Cornhusker Tap Room; BEER & FOOD: Hastings
0169 12/01/1939 5 1 H326 Headquarters Cigar Store; BEER & TOBACCO: Hastings
0169 12/01/1939 5 1 R414 Royal Billiards; BILLIARDS: Hastings
0169 12/01/1939 5 3 B442 Blue Hill Sales Barn; LIVESTOCK AUCTION: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 5 7 K621 Kirkbride & Rose; INSURANCE: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 5 7 M635 Merten Brothers; MORTICIANS: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 5 7 C416 Clifford H. Phillips; ATTORNEY AT LAW: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 5 7 F000 Foe, Howard S.; ATTORNEY AT LAW: Red Cloud
0169 12/01/1939 5 7 O540 O'Neill, S. H.; PHYSICIAN & SURGEON: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 5 7 R223 Reichstein, W. C.; CONTRACTOR & BUILDER: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 5 7 S352 Scheiding, F. G.; JEWELER: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 6 1 B442 Blue Hill Coffee Shop; RESTAURANT: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 6 1 C142 Copley (Charles H.) General Insurance Agency; INSURANCE: Red Cloud
0169 12/01/1939 6 1 P426 Paul's Shoe & Harness Repair Shop; SHOE REPAIR: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 6 3 K520 K M M J.; RADIO STATION: Clay Center
0169 12/01/1939 8 1 C224 Chicago Lumber Co.; LUMBER & COAL: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 8 1 S364 Sterling; MOVIE THEATER: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 8 1 W361 Waterbury, Burrell (Mrs.); BEAUTICIAN: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 8 2 C623 Christian Church; CHRISTIAN: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 8 2 F250 Ficken, August; Trinity Lutheran Church; LUTHERAN: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 8 2 G360 Gaither, Sydney; The Methodist Church; METHODIST: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 8 6 D621 Duhrkop, G. F. R.; St. Pauls Lutheran Church; LUTHERAN: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 8 7 M325 Madsen, J. W.; DN: Hastings
0169 12/01/1939 8 7 M635 Merten, Vincent (Infant, M); B: Fairbury
0169 12/01/1939 8 7 W653 Wormuth, Arthur (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 1 1 Y420 Yilk, Charles (Infant, F); B: Hastings
0169 12/01/1939 1 5 K626 Kruger, August; ANN: Blue Hill Mr. & Mrs. August Kruger Honored on 25th Anniversary
0169 12/01/1939 1 6 D621 Duhrkop, G. F. R.: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 1 6 P412 Phillips, Marjorie Ellen; B: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 1 7 A432 Aultz, John; DN: Hastings
0169 12/01/1939 3 1 A525 Amick & Amick; DENTIST: Hastings
0169 12/01/1939 3 1 T256 The Commercial Bank; BANK: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 3 1 A536 Andresen, Henry; BD: Bladen Henry Andresen Ninety Years Old.
0169 12/01/1939 3 1 H400 Hawley, H.; DENTIST: Bladen
0169 12/01/1939 3 2 C650 Crom, Leona; M: Bladen
0169 12/01/1939 3 2 J520 Jones, Byford; M: Bladen
0169 12/01/1939 3 6 B530 Bennett, (W. L.) Grocery; GROCERY: Bladen
0169 12/01/1939 3 6 T236 The Western Public Service Company; ELECTRIC SERVICE: Bladen
0169 12/01/1939 4 1 V250 Vaughan, Byron B.; Blue Hill Leader; NEWSPAPER: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 5 1 B541 Bonnell Beauty Academy; BEAUTICIAN: Hastings
0169 12/01/1939 5 1 B622 Bruces Jewelry Store; JEWELRY: Hastings
0169 12/01/1939 5 1 B544 Bunnell Oil Co.; GASOLINE & SERVICE STATION: Hastings
0169 12/01/1939 5 1 C652 Cornhusker Tap Room; BEER & FOOD: Hastings
0169 12/01/1939 5 1 H326 Headquarters Cigar Store; BEER & TOBACCO: Hastings
0169 12/01/1939 5 1 R414 Royal Billiards; BILLIARDS: Hastings
0169 12/01/1939 5 3 B442 Blue Hill Sales Barn; LIVESTOCK AUCTION: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 5 7 K621 Kirkbride & Rose; INSURANCE: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 5 7 M635 Merten Brothers; MORTICIANS: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 5 7 C416 Clifford H. Phillips; ATTORNEY AT LAW: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 5 7 F000 Foe, Howard S.; ATTORNEY AT LAW: Red Cloud
0169 12/01/1939 5 7 O540 O'Neill, S. H.; PHYSICIAN & SURGEON: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 5 7 R223 Reichstein, W. C.; CONTRACTOR & BUILDER: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 5 7 S352 Scheiding, F. G.; JEWELER: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 6 1 B442 Blue Hill Coffee Shop; RESTAURANT: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 6 1 C142 Copley (Charles H.) General Insurance Agency; INSURANCE: Red Cloud
0169 12/01/1939 6 1 P426 Paul's Shoe & Harness Repair Shop; SHOE REPAIR: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 6 3 K520 K M M J.; RADIO STATION: Clay Center
0169 12/01/1939 8 1 C224 Chicago Lumber Co.; LUMBER & COAL: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 8 1 S364 Sterling; MOVIE THEATER: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 8 1 W361 Waterbury, Burrell (Mrs.); BEAUTICIAN: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 8 2 C623 Christian Church; CHRISTIAN: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 8 2 F250 Ficken, August; Trinity Lutheran Church; LUTHERAN: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 8 2 G360 Gaither, Sydney; The Methodist Church; METHODIST: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 8 6 D621 Duhrkop, G. F. R.; St. Pauls Lutheran Church; LUTHERAN: Blue Hill
0169 12/01/1939 8 7 M325 Madsen, J. W.; DN: Hastings
0169 12/01/1939 8 7 M635 Merten, Vincent (Infant, M); B: Fairbury
0169 12/01/1939 8 7 W653 Wormuth, Arthur (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill
0169 12/08/1939 1 2 N200 Nuss, Edmund; BIO: Hastings Edmund Nuss Files For District Judge
0169 12/08/1939 1 3 M600 Meyer, Edward; ANN: Blue Hill Silver Anniversary for Mr. & Mrs. Ed Meyer
0169 12/08/1939 1 4 F246 Fassler, John C.; D: Hastings Death of John C. Fassler
0169 12/08/1939 1 6 C642 Charles Hartman Family; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill Charles Hartman Family Reunion
0169 12/08/1939 3 4 D120 Davis, Thomas E. (Infant, F); B: Bladen 1923
0169 12/08/1939 3 4 K540 Kimle, Fred (Infant, F); B: Bladen 1923
0169 12/08/1939 3 4 K540 Kinley, Robert (Infant, M); B: Bladen 1923
0169 12/08/1939 3 4 L120 Lovejoy, O. E. (Infant, M); B: Bladen 1923
0169 12/08/1939 3 4 M324 Mitchell, Jay (Infant, F); B: Bladen 1923
0169 12/08/1939 3 4 R300 Reed, Howard (Infant, F); B: Bladen 1923
0169 12/08/1939 3 4 S340 Still, Charles (Infant, M); B: Bladen 1923
0169 12/08/1939 6 3 R160 Reiber, Walter (Infant, M); B: Pauline
0169 12/08/1939 6 7 R152 Robinson ,R. L. (Infant, F); B: Rosemont
0169 12/08/1939 1 2 N200 Nuss, Edmund; BIO: Hastings Edmund Nuss Files For District Judge
0169 12/08/1939 1 3 M600 Meyer, Edward; ANN: Blue Hill Silver Anniversary for Mr. & Mrs. Ed Meyer
0169 12/08/1939 1 4 F246 Fassler, John C.; D: Hastings Death of John C. Fassler
0169 12/08/1939 1 6 C642 Charles Hartman Family; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill Charles Hartman Family Reunion
0169 12/08/1939 3 4 D120 Davis, Thomas E. (Infant, F); B: Bladen 1923
0169 12/08/1939 3 4 K540 Kimle, Fred (Infant, F); B: Bladen 1923
0169 12/08/1939 3 4 K540 Kinley, Robert (Infant, M); B: Bladen 1923
0169 12/08/1939 3 4 L120 Lovejoy, O. E. (Infant, M); B: Bladen 1923
0169 12/08/1939 3 4 M324 Mitchell, Jay (Infant, F); B: Bladen 1923
0169 12/08/1939 3 4 R300 Reed, Howard (Infant, F); B: Bladen 1923
0169 12/08/1939 3 4 S340 Still, Charles (Infant, M); B: Bladen 1923
0169 12/08/1939 6 3 R160 Reiber, Walter (Infant, M); B: Pauline
0169 12/08/1939 6 7 R152 Robinson ,R. L. (Infant, F); B: Rosemont
0169 12/15/1939 1 5 S260 Sykora, Joseph; DN: Scottsbluff Funeral Services for Joseph Sykora Saturday
0169 12/15/1939 1 6 B520 Bang, Jean; M: Blue Hill Bang-Bloomguist Fort Dodge, Ia.
0169 12/15/1939 1 6 B452 Bloomguist, Conrad; M: Blue Hill Bang-Bloomguist
0169 12/15/1939 3 1 N120 Novak, Karel Jacob; D: Bladen Pioneer Webster County Resident Passes Away
0169 12/15/1939 3 3 L260 Laeger, H. A.; DN: Bladen Former Pastor Dies
0169 12/15/1939 3 5 K500 Kuhn, Russell (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill
0169 12/15/1939 6 3 R300 Reed, Howard: Bladen
0169 12/15/1939 8 3 R420 Rolls, Kenneth (Infant, M); B: Ayr
0169 12/15/1939 1 5 S260 Sykora, Joseph; DN: Scottsbluff Funeral Services for Joseph Sykora Saturday
0169 12/15/1939 1 6 B520 Bang, Jean; M: Blue Hill Bang-Bloomguist Fort Dodge, Ia.
0169 12/15/1939 1 6 B452 Bloomguist, Conrad; M: Blue Hill Bang-Bloomguist
0169 12/15/1939 3 1 N120 Novak, Karel Jacob; D: Bladen Pioneer Webster County Resident Passes Away
0169 12/15/1939 3 3 L260 Laeger, H. A.; DN: Bladen Former Pastor Dies
0169 12/15/1939 3 5 K500 Kuhn, Russell (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill
0169 12/15/1939 6 3 R300 Reed, Howard: Bladen
0169 12/15/1939 8 3 R420 Rolls, Kenneth (Infant, M); B: Ayr
0169 12/22/1939 1 1 J520 James, Jemima; D: Blue Hill Services Held Monday For Mrs. Alex James. listed
0169 12/22/1939 1 3 W150 Wibben, Willam (Mrs.); BD: Blue Hill Mrs. Wibben Honored on Seventy-Eighth Birthday
0169 12/22/1939 3 2 R000 Ray, George (Infant, F); B: Grand Island
0169 12/22/1939 6 2 B600 Buhr, Alvin (Infant, M); B: Hastings
0169 12/22/1939 6 4 B365 Batterman, Mike; M: Ayr
0169 12/22/1939 6 4 C616 Carper, Susie; M: Ayr
0169 12/22/1939 8 2 R255 Rosemont Livestock Club; ORGANIZATION: Rosemont
0169 12/22/1939 1 1 J520 James, Jemima; D: Blue Hill Services Held Monday For Mrs. Alex James. listed
0169 12/22/1939 1 3 W150 Wibben, Willam (Mrs.); BD: Blue Hill Mrs. Wibben Honored on Seventy-Eighth Birthday
0169 12/22/1939 3 2 R000 Ray, George (Infant, F); B: Grand Island
0169 12/22/1939 6 2 B600 Buhr, Alvin (Infant, M); B: Hastings
0169 12/22/1939 6 4 B365 Batterman, Mike; M: Ayr
0169 12/22/1939 6 4 C616 Carper, Susie; M: Ayr
0169 12/22/1939 8 2 R255 Rosemont Livestock Club; ORGANIZATION: Rosemont
0169 12/29/1939 1 2 H635 Hartman Family; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill Reunion at Louis Hartman Home Sunday
0169 12/29/1939 1 4 F200 Fish, Theron; M: Hastings Schunk-Fish
0169 12/29/1939 1 4 S520 Schumk, Marjorie; M: Hastings Schunk-Fish
0169 12/29/1939 1 6 G300 Good, James (Mrs); DN ACCIDENT: Lawrence Tragic Death of Mrs. James Good
0169 12/29/1939 3 2 B633 Burdette, A.H.; M: Sidney Hall-Burdette
0169 12/29/1939 3 2 H400 Hall, Iva; M: Sidney Hall-Burdette
0169 12/29/1939 3 5 H163 Hubert, Richard (Infant,F); B: Bladen
0169 12/29/1939 5 4 C413 Clifton, Frank E.; D ACCIDENT: Hastings
0169 12/29/1939 5 5 F550 Faimon, Albert (Infant,F ); B: Hastings
0169 12/29/1939 6 1 G352 Giddings, Janice; DN: Bayard
0169 12/29/1939 6 2 B263 Bosard, William H.; M: Minden
0169 12/29/1939 6 2 R324 Ratcliff, Ruth; M: Minden
0169 12/29/1939 8 7 W355 Wademan, Albert (Infant,F ); B: Blue Hill
0169 12/29/1939 1 2 H635 Hartman Family; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill Reunion at Louis Hartman Home Sunday
0169 12/29/1939 1 4 F200 Fish, Theron; M: Hastings Schunk-Fish
0169 12/29/1939 1 4 S520 Schumk, Marjorie; M: Hastings Schunk-Fish
0169 12/29/1939 1 6 G300 Good, James (Mrs); DN ACCIDENT: Lawrence Tragic Death of Mrs. James Good
0169 12/29/1939 3 2 B633 Burdette, A.H.; M: Sidney Hall-Burdette
0169 12/29/1939 3 2 H400 Hall, Iva; M: Sidney Hall-Burdette
0169 12/29/1939 3 5 H163 Hubert, Richard (Infant,F); B: Bladen
0169 12/29/1939 5 4 C413 Clifton, Frank E.; D ACCIDENT: Hastings
0169 12/29/1939 5 5 F550 Faimon, Albert (Infant,F ); B: Hastings
0169 12/29/1939 6 1 G352 Giddings, Janice; DN: Bayard
0169 12/29/1939 6 2 B263 Bosard, William H.; M: Minden
0169 12/29/1939 6 2 R324 Ratcliff, Ruth; M: Minden
0169 12/29/1939 8 7 W355 Wademan, Albert (Infant,F ); B: Blue Hill