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News Extraction
NSHS Newspaper Extractions: Code 0169-Blue Hill Leader
Code Date (m/d/y) Pg Col SNDX Extraction
0169 01/03/1941 3 1 V522 Vance. James Milo (Sr.); D: Bladen James Milo Vance Dies on Christmas Day 0169 01/03/1941 3 6 H454 Hawley. Malvern Freas; B: Bladen 0169 01/03/1941 6 6 K626 Krueger, Albert; ANN: Blue Hill 0169 01/03/1941 8 7 R300 Roth, Lillian Ann; B: McCook 0169 01/03/1941 3 1 V522 Vance. James Milo (Sr.); D: Bladen James Milo Vance Dies on Christmas Day 0169 01/03/1941 3 6 H454 Hawley. Malvern Freas; B: Bladen 0169 01/03/1941 6 6 K626 Krueger, Albert; ANN: Blue Hill 0169 01/03/1941 8 7 R300 Roth, Lillian Ann; B: McCook 0169 01/10/1941 1 3 T160 Toepfer, Ernest (Infant, M); B: Lewellen 0169 01/10/1941 3 3 R300 Reed, Washington; D: lewellen Washington Reed Buried at Prairie Gem Oregon. 0169 01/10/1941 1 3 T160 Toepfer, Ernest (Infant, M); B: Lewellen 0169 01/10/1941 3 3 R300 Reed, Washington; D: lewellen Washington Reed Buried at Prairie Gem Oregon. 0169 01/17/1941 1 2 G200 Goos, Louis; M: Omaha McPherson-Goos 0169 01/17/1941 1 2 M216 McPherson, Kathryn; M: Omaha McPherson-Goos 0169 01/17/1941 3 1 L263 Lockhart, Elias: Elias Lockhart Listed 0169 01/17/1941 6 3 K626 Krueger, Ernest (Infant, F); B: Ayr 0169 01/17/1941 6 4 M324 Mitchell, Clarence E.; D: Hastings 0169 01/17/1941 1 2 G200 Goos, Louis; M: Omaha McPherson-Goos 0169 01/17/1941 1 2 M216 McPherson, Kathryn; M: Omaha McPherson-Goos 0169 01/17/1941 3 1 L263 Lockhart, Elias: Elias Lockhart Listed 0169 01/17/1941 6 3 K626 Krueger, Ernest (Infant, F); B: Ayr 0169 01/17/1941 6 4 M324 Mitchell, Clarence E.; D: Hastings 0169 01/24/1941 1 1 S162 Siebrass, Adolphus Fredrick; D: Blue Hill A.F. Siebrass Called after Long Illness listed. Photo 0169 01/24/1941 1 5 W653 Wormuth, Lizzie Nina; D: Blue Hill Mrs. Lizzie Wormuth Siblings Listed 0169 01/24/1941 1 7 W426 Walker, Emily Matilda; D: Hastings Final Rites Held Sunday for Miss Emily Walker 0169 01/24/1941 3 2 B652 Barnes, Marguerite; D: Bladen Mrs. Marguerite Barnes Dead @ Los Angeles 0169 01/24/1941 4 7 W426 Walker, Emily M.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 01/24/1941 1 1 S162 Siebrass, Adolphus Fredrick; D: Blue Hill A.F. Siebrass Called after Long Illness listed. Photo 0169 01/24/1941 1 5 W653 Wormuth, Lizzie Nina; D: Blue Hill Mrs. Lizzie Wormuth Siblings Listed 0169 01/24/1941 1 7 W426 Walker, Emily Matilda; D: Hastings Final Rites Held Sunday for Miss Emily Walker 0169 01/24/1941 3 2 B652 Barnes, Marguerite; D: Bladen Mrs. Marguerite Barnes Dead @ Los Angeles 0169 01/24/1941 4 7 W426 Walker, Emily M.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 01/31/1941 1 3 K626 Krueger, Darline Emma; DN: Blue Hill Darline Emma Krueger 0169 01/31/1941 6 3 L515 Lampman, Harry (Infant, F); B: Rosemont 0169 01/31/1941 1 3 K626 Krueger, Darline Emma; DN: Blue Hill Darline Emma Krueger 0169 01/31/1941 6 3 L515 Lampman, Harry (Infant, F); B: Rosemont 0169 02/07/1941 1 1 H252 Higgins, Rob Roy; D: Blue Hill Roy Higgins Dies After Short Illness listed. 0169 02/07/1941 1 2 B442 Blue Hill Commerce Club; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill 0169 02/07/1941 3 3 B652 Barnes, Marguerite Hazel; D: Bladen 0169 02/07/1941 4 7 H252 Higgins, Roy; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 02/07/1941 6 1 A541 Annnual Webster County Wolf Hunt; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill 11th Annual Wester Co. Wolf Hunt to be held Monday 0169 02/07/1941 6 3 H560 Henry, Hansen; BD: Holstein 0169 02/07/1941 1 1 H252 Higgins, Rob Roy; D: Blue Hill Roy Higgins Dies After Short Illness listed. 0169 02/07/1941 1 2 B442 Blue Hill Commerce Club; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill 0169 02/07/1941 3 3 B652 Barnes, Marguerite Hazel; D: Bladen 0169 02/07/1941 4 7 H252 Higgins, Roy; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 02/07/1941 6 1 A541 Annnual Webster County Wolf Hunt; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill 11th Annual Wester Co. Wolf Hunt to be held Monday 0169 02/07/1941 6 3 H560 Henry, Hansen; BD: Holstein 0169 02/14/1941 1 3 M263 McCord, William; D: Bladen William McCord 0169 02/14/1941 1 4 M535 Mendenhall, John Thomas; D: Roseland Death of John Thomas Mendenhall 0169 02/14/1941 6 4 K532 Kohmetscher, John: Rosemont 0169 02/14/1941 6 4 O000 Oye, Alfred (Infant, F); B: Roesmont 0169 02/14/1941 1 3 M263 McCord, William; D: Bladen William McCord 0169 02/14/1941 1 4 M535 Mendenhall, John Thomas; D: Roseland Death of John Thomas Mendenhall 0169 02/14/1941 6 4 K532 Kohmetscher, John: Rosemont 0169 02/14/1941 6 4 O000 Oye, Alfred (Infant, F); B: Roesmont 0169 02/21/1941 1 1 R230 Rust, Albert Washington; D: Bladen Albert Washington Rust Answers Final Summons listed. 0169 02/21/1941 1 3 N256 Newcomer, D. P. (Mrs.); D: Kearney Mrs. D. P. Newcomer Dies @ Kearney 0169 02/21/1941 3 1 S512 Sampson, W. H. (Mrs.); DN: Bladen 0169 02/21/1941 3 1 S512 Sampson, W. H. (Mrs.); DN: Bladen Mrs. W. H. Sampson Dead @ Denver 0169 02/21/1941 4 7 B600 Bauer, Augusta; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 02/21/1941 4 7 M263 McCord, William; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 02/21/1941 6 2 K640 Krull, Jake (Infant, F); B: Pauline 0169 02/21/1941 6 3 B530 Bond, Pauline; M: Ayr 0169 02/21/1941 6 3 O230 Osgood, William; M: Ayr 0169 02/21/1941 1 1 R230 Rust, Albert Washington; D: Bladen Albert Washington Rust Answers Final Summons listed. 0169 02/21/1941 1 3 N256 Newcomer, D. P. (Mrs.); D: Kearney Mrs. D. P. Newcomer Dies @ Kearney 0169 02/21/1941 3 1 S512 Sampson, W. H. (Mrs.); DN: Bladen 0169 02/21/1941 3 1 S512 Sampson, W. H. (Mrs.); DN: Bladen Mrs. W. H. Sampson Dead @ Denver 0169 02/21/1941 4 7 B600 Bauer, Augusta; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 02/21/1941 4 7 M263 McCord, William; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 02/21/1941 6 2 K640 Krull, Jake (Infant, F); B: Pauline 0169 02/21/1941 6 3 B530 Bond, Pauline; M: Ayr 0169 02/21/1941 6 3 O230 Osgood, William; M: Ayr 0169 02/28/1941 1 1 D132 Davidson, Isaac D.; D: Blue Hill I.D. Davidson is Called Following Short Illness listed 0169 02/28/1941 1 1 D132 Davidson, Isac Dickson; D: Blue Hill L. D. Davidson is Called Following Short Illness 0169 02/28/1941 1 3 H514 Hanfeldt, Henry; DN: Blue Hill Former Resident Dies in Iowa 0169 02/28/1941 1 3 K500 Kuhn, Emil: Blue Hill 0169 02/28/1941 1 3 T650 Trine, George Washington; D: Hastings Geo.W. Trine Answers Final Summons Wednesday listed 0169 02/28/1941 1 5 H514 Hanfeldt, Henry (Mrs.); DN: Blue Hill Former Resident Dies in Iowa 0169 02/28/1941 1 6 B530 Bunde, Carl; ANN: Hastings 0169 02/28/1941 4 5 R230 Rust, Alber W.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 02/28/1941 8 3 B626 Borcherding, Harold (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill 0169 02/28/1941 8 3 B663 Borherding, Harold (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill 0169 02/28/1941 8 3 H614 Harrifeld, George (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill 0169 02/28/1941 8 3 H614 Harrifield, George (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill 0169 02/28/1941 1 1 D132 Davidson, Isaac D.; D: Blue Hill I.D. Davidson is Called Following Short Illness listed 0169 02/28/1941 1 1 D132 Davidson, Isac Dickson; D: Blue Hill L. D. Davidson is Called Following Short Illness 0169 02/28/1941 1 3 H514 Hanfeldt, Henry; DN: Blue Hill Former Resident Dies in Iowa 0169 02/28/1941 1 3 K500 Kuhn, Emil: Blue Hill 0169 02/28/1941 1 3 T650 Trine, George Washington; D: Hastings Geo.W. Trine Answers Final Summons Wednesday listed 0169 02/28/1941 1 5 H514 Hanfeldt, Henry (Mrs.); DN: Blue Hill Former Resident Dies in Iowa 0169 02/28/1941 1 6 B530 Bunde, Carl; ANN: Hastings 0169 02/28/1941 4 5 R230 Rust, Alber W.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 02/28/1941 8 3 B626 Borcherding, Harold (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill 0169 02/28/1941 8 3 B663 Borherding, Harold (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill 0169 02/28/1941 8 3 H614 Harrifeld, George (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill 0169 02/28/1941 8 3 H614 Harrifield, George (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill 0169 03/07/1941 1 2 H400 Hawley, Charles A.; DN: Blue Hill (Dr.) Charles Hawley Dies Fla. 0169 03/07/1941 1 2 K200 Koch, Donald; M: Blue Hill Ziegler-Koch Smith Center, Kan. 0169 03/07/1941 1 2 K200 Koch, Donald; M: Blue Hill Ziegler-Koch Center, Ka. 0169 03/07/1941 1 2 Z246 Ziegler, Eleanor; M: Blue Hill Ziegler-Koch Smith Center, Kan 0169 03/07/1941 1 2 Z246 Ziegler, Eleanor; M: Blue Hill Ziegler-Koch Center, Ka. 0169 03/07/1941 1 3 S630 Sherwood, W. A.; DN: Red Cloud W. A. Sherwood Dies @ Red Cloud 0169 03/07/1941 1 4 M000 May, J. C.; DN: Hastings S. C. May Dies @ Hastings Hospital Sunday 0169 03/07/1941 3 1 M000 May, James Clarence; D: Hastings Death Claims Clarence May 0169 03/07/1941 3 2 K500 Koon, Josephine; DN: Lincoln (Mrs.) Josephine Koon Buried @ Plainview Cemetery 0169 03/07/1941 3 2 K500 Koon, Josephine; DN: Lincoln Mrs. Josephine Koon Buried @ Plainview Cemetery 0169 03/07/1941 1 2 H400 Hawley, Charles A.; DN: Blue Hill (Dr.) Charles Hawley Dies Fla. 0169 03/07/1941 1 2 K200 Koch, Donald; M: Blue Hill Ziegler-Koch Smith Center, Kan. 0169 03/07/1941 1 2 K200 Koch, Donald; M: Blue Hill Ziegler-Koch Center, Ka. 0169 03/07/1941 1 2 Z246 Ziegler, Eleanor; M: Blue Hill Ziegler-Koch Smith Center, Kan 0169 03/07/1941 1 2 Z246 Ziegler, Eleanor; M: Blue Hill Ziegler-Koch Center, Ka. 0169 03/07/1941 1 3 S630 Sherwood, W. A.; DN: Red Cloud W. A. Sherwood Dies @ Red Cloud 0169 03/07/1941 1 4 M000 May, J. C.; DN: Hastings S. C. May Dies @ Hastings Hospital Sunday 0169 03/07/1941 3 1 M000 May, James Clarence; D: Hastings Death Claims Clarence May 0169 03/07/1941 3 2 K500 Koon, Josephine; DN: Lincoln (Mrs.) Josephine Koon Buried @ Plainview Cemetery 0169 03/07/1941 3 2 K500 Koon, Josephine; DN: Lincoln Mrs. Josephine Koon Buried @ Plainview Cemetery 0169 03/14/1941 1 4 J255 Jackman, T. A.; DN: Campbell T. A. Jackman Dies @ Chicago Hospital 0169 03/14/1941 1 4 J255 Jackman, T. A.; DN: Campbell T. A. Jackman Dies in Chicago Hospital 0169 03/14/1941 6 5 W536 Wintermute, Dollie A.; D: Ayr 0169 03/14/1941 6 5 W536 Wintermute, Dollie A.; DN: Ayr 0169 03/14/1941 1 4 J255 Jackman, T. A.; DN: Campbell T. A. Jackman Dies @ Chicago Hospital 0169 03/14/1941 1 4 J255 Jackman, T. A.; DN: Campbell T. A. Jackman Dies in Chicago Hospital 0169 03/14/1941 6 5 W536 Wintermute, Dollie A.; D: Ayr 0169 03/14/1941 6 5 W536 Wintermute, Dollie A.; DN: Ayr 0169 03/21/1941 1 1 R230 Rust, Albert Washington; D: Bladen Albert Washington Rust Answers Final Summons 0169 03/21/1941 1 2 D132 Davidson, Cleo; M: Plattsmouth Davidson-Trine 0169 03/21/1941 1 2 T650 Trine, Elvin; M: Plattsmouth Davidson-Trine 0169 03/21/1941 1 3 B560 Boner, Cecil (Twila); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 03/21/1941 1 3 B560 Boner, Twila (Cecil); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 03/21/1941 1 3 D435 Dalton, Fred (I. Merle); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 03/21/1941 1 3 D435 Dalton, I. Merle (Fred); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 03/21/1941 1 3 N256 Newcomer, D. P. (Mrs.); DN: Kearney Mrs. D. P. Newcomer Dies @ Kearney 0169 03/21/1941 1 7 J525 Janssen, Frank; D: Blue Hill Final Rites Held Monday For Frank Janssen 0169 03/21/1941 6 5 D120 Davis, Milton (Ifant, M); B: Hastings 0169 03/21/1941 1 1 R230 Rust, Albert Washington; D: Bladen Albert Washington Rust Answers Final Summons 0169 03/21/1941 1 2 D132 Davidson, Cleo; M: Plattsmouth Davidson-Trine 0169 03/21/1941 1 2 T650 Trine, Elvin; M: Plattsmouth Davidson-Trine 0169 03/21/1941 1 3 B560 Boner, Cecil (Twila); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 03/21/1941 1 3 B560 Boner, Twila (Cecil); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 03/21/1941 1 3 D435 Dalton, Fred (I. Merle); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 03/21/1941 1 3 D435 Dalton, I. Merle (Fred); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 03/21/1941 1 3 N256 Newcomer, D. P. (Mrs.); DN: Kearney Mrs. D. P. Newcomer Dies @ Kearney 0169 03/21/1941 1 7 J525 Janssen, Frank; D: Blue Hill Final Rites Held Monday For Frank Janssen 0169 03/21/1941 6 5 D120 Davis, Milton (Ifant, M); B: Hastings 0169 03/28/1941 1 1 R000 Ray, Charles; D: Hastings Charles Ray Dies after Short Illness 0169 03/28/1941 1 7 W436 Wilder, Frank; D: Ayr Frank Wilder of Ayr Dies Suddenly 0169 03/28/1941 3 1 D600 Derr, Clyde; ANN: Bladen Mr.and Mrs. Clyde Derr Celebrate Anniversary 0169 03/28/1941 3 1 F200 Feis, Melva; M: Bladen Feis-Gartrell Pueblo, Colo. 0169 03/28/1941 3 1 G636 Gartrell, O. D.; M: Bladen Feis-Gartrell 0169 03/28/1941 4 5 R000 Ray, Charles; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 03/28/1941 6 2 H255 Hesman, Fred (Infant, M); B: Pauline 0169 03/28/1941 6 2 J520 Jones, Owen T.; DN: Inland 0169 03/28/1941 8 4 D350 Dudden, Marvin; M: Ayr 0169 03/28/1941 8 4 W520 Wehnes, Ethel; M: Ayr 0169 03/28/1941 1 1 R000 Ray, Charles; D: Hastings Charles Ray Dies after Short Illness 0169 03/28/1941 1 7 W436 Wilder, Frank; D: Ayr Frank Wilder of Ayr Dies Suddenly 0169 03/28/1941 3 1 D600 Derr, Clyde; ANN: Bladen Mr.and Mrs. Clyde Derr Celebrate Anniversary 0169 03/28/1941 3 1 F200 Feis, Melva; M: Bladen Feis-Gartrell Pueblo, Colo. 0169 03/28/1941 3 1 G636 Gartrell, O. D.; M: Bladen Feis-Gartrell 0169 03/28/1941 4 5 R000 Ray, Charles; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 03/28/1941 6 2 H255 Hesman, Fred (Infant, M); B: Pauline 0169 03/28/1941 6 2 J520 Jones, Owen T.; DN: Inland 0169 03/28/1941 8 4 D350 Dudden, Marvin; M: Ayr 0169 03/28/1941 8 4 W520 Wehnes, Ethel; M: Ayr 0169 04/02/1941 1 2 M600 Meyer, Donna Kay; B: Blue Hill 0169 04/02/1941 1 2 M600 Meyer, Donna Kay; B: Blue Hill 0169 04/04/1941 1 1 K120 Kopish, Elizabeth; D: Blue Hill Mrs. Elizabeth Kopish Dies @ Idaho Falls, Ida. Ida. 0169 04/04/1941 1 2 L510 Lamb, Bettie; M: Blue Hill Lamb-Rose Center,Ka 0169 04/04/1941 1 2 L510 Lamb, Harold; M: Blue Hill Lamb-Rose Smith Center, Ka. 0169 04/04/1941 1 2 R200 Rich, Lucille; M: Blue Hill Rich-Westcott 0169 04/04/1941 1 2 W232 Westcott, Wayne; M: Blue Hill Rich-Westcott Baltimore, Maryland 0169 04/04/1941 3 1 L563 Lienhart, Mary Jane; DN: Hastings 0169 04/04/1941 3 1 T520 Thomas, Ella; BD: Bladen Birthday Surprise For Mrs. Ella Thomas 0169 04/04/1941 6 4 L515 Lampmann, Elsa; ML: Hastings 0169 04/04/1941 6 4 S632 Swartz, Einer C.; ML: Hastings 0169 04/04/1941 1 1 K120 Kopish, Elizabeth; D: Blue Hill Mrs. Elizabeth Kopish Dies @ Idaho Falls, Ida. Ida. 0169 04/04/1941 1 2 L510 Lamb, Bettie; M: Blue Hill Lamb-Rose Center,Ka 0169 04/04/1941 1 2 L510 Lamb, Harold; M: Blue Hill Lamb-Rose Smith Center, Ka. 0169 04/04/1941 1 2 R200 Rich, Lucille; M: Blue Hill Rich-Westcott 0169 04/04/1941 1 2 W232 Westcott, Wayne; M: Blue Hill Rich-Westcott Baltimore, Maryland 0169 04/04/1941 3 1 L563 Lienhart, Mary Jane; DN: Hastings 0169 04/04/1941 3 1 T520 Thomas, Ella; BD: Bladen Birthday Surprise For Mrs. Ella Thomas 0169 04/04/1941 6 4 L515 Lampmann, Elsa; ML: Hastings 0169 04/04/1941 6 4 S632 Swartz, Einer C.; ML: Hastings 0169 04/11/1941 6 1 B635 Barton, Evart (Infant, F); B: Pauline 0169 04/11/1941 8 5 N560 Niemeyer, Velma Martha; B: Blue Hill 0169 04/11/1941 6 1 B635 Barton, Evart (Infant, F); B: Pauline 0169 04/11/1941 8 5 N560 Niemeyer, Velma Martha; B: Blue Hill 0169 04/18/1941 1 1 F246 Fassler, Philip Gottlieb; D: Bladen Final Rites Held Sunday For Philip Fassler 0169 04/18/1941 1 3 K552 Knehans, Gerhard; M: Blue Hill Krueger-Knehans 0169 04/18/1941 1 3 K626 Krueger, Lenora; M: Blue Hill Krueger-Knehans 0169 04/18/1941 1 5 C136 Chapter W, P.E. O.; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill Anniversary Program 0169 04/18/1941 1 5 B620 Bruce, Steve (Mrs.); DN: Red Cloud Mrs. Steve Bruce Dead 0169 04/18/1941 1 6 H100 Hoff, Eleanor Flessner; M: Franklin Hoff-Rudd 0169 04/18/1941 1 6 R300 Rudd, Lavern; M: Franklin Hoff-Rudd 0169 04/18/1941 1 7 P400 Piel, John; ANN: Blue Hill Silver Anniversary for Mr. & Mrs. John Piel 0169 04/18/1941 3 1 G653 Grandstaff, Hester; D: Bladen Mrs. P. C. Grandstaff Dies after Long Illness 0169 04/18/1941 4 6 H300 Hite, Ida M.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 04/18/1941 1 1 F246 Fassler, Philip Gottlieb; D: Bladen Final Rites Held Sunday For Philip Fassler 0169 04/18/1941 1 3 K552 Knehans, Gerhard; M: Blue Hill Krueger-Knehans 0169 04/18/1941 1 3 K626 Krueger, Lenora; M: Blue Hill Krueger-Knehans 0169 04/18/1941 1 5 C136 Chapter W, P.E. O.; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill Anniversary Program 0169 04/18/1941 1 5 B620 Bruce, Steve (Mrs.); DN: Red Cloud Mrs. Steve Bruce Dead 0169 04/18/1941 1 6 H100 Hoff, Eleanor Flessner; M: Franklin Hoff-Rudd 0169 04/18/1941 1 6 R300 Rudd, Lavern; M: Franklin Hoff-Rudd 0169 04/18/1941 1 7 P400 Piel, John; ANN: Blue Hill Silver Anniversary for Mr. & Mrs. John Piel 0169 04/18/1941 3 1 G653 Grandstaff, Hester; D: Bladen Mrs. P. C. Grandstaff Dies after Long Illness 0169 04/18/1941 4 6 H300 Hite, Ida M.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 04/25/1941 1 4 M200 Mackey, Lila; DN: Blue Hill Former Resident Dies 0169 04/25/1941 3 3 P623 Preston, Harry (Infant, F); B: Bladen 0169 04/25/1941 4 5 D256 Degener, William; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 04/25/1941 4 5 W300 Wheat, Electa; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 04/25/1941 6 2 B360 Bauder, Ward; M: Albion 0169 04/25/1941 6 2 K640 Krull, Otto; DN: Glenvil 0169 04/25/1941 6 2 N425 Nelson, Dorothy; M: Albion 0169 04/25/1941 6 4 M600 Meyer, Harold (Infant, F); B: Hastings 0169 04/25/1941 8 7 B650 Brown, Francis; M: Red Cloud 0169 04/25/1941 8 7 M242 McIllece, Loleta W.; M: Red Cloud 0169 04/25/1941 1 4 M200 Mackey, Lila; DN: Blue Hill Former Resident Dies 0169 04/25/1941 3 3 P623 Preston, Harry (Infant, F); B: Bladen 0169 04/25/1941 4 5 D256 Degener, William; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 04/25/1941 4 5 W300 Wheat, Electa; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 04/25/1941 6 2 B360 Bauder, Ward; M: Albion 0169 04/25/1941 6 2 K640 Krull, Otto; DN: Glenvil 0169 04/25/1941 6 2 N425 Nelson, Dorothy; M: Albion 0169 04/25/1941 6 4 M600 Meyer, Harold (Infant, F); B: Hastings 0169 04/25/1941 8 7 B650 Brown, Francis; M: Red Cloud 0169 04/25/1941 8 7 M242 McIllece, Loleta W.; M: Red Cloud 0169 05/02/1941 1 2 H250 Haugen, Sybil; M: Blue Hill Rose-Haugen Denver,Colo 0169 05/02/1941 1 2 R200 Rose, Carl; M: Blue Hill Rose-Haugen Denver, Colo. 0169 05/02/1941 1 3 W653 Wormuth, Dean Ray; B: Hastings 0169 05/02/1941 1 4 J213 Jacobitz, Wilhelmina; D: Hastings Death Takes Mrs. Wilhelmina Jacobitz 0169 05/02/1941 1 5 G624 Grace Lutheran Church; LUTHERAN: Franklin Dedicate Franklin Church 0169 05/02/1941 3 1 T236 The Western Public Service Company; ELECTRIC POWER: Bladen 0169 05/02/1941 3 3 S530 Smith, H. H.; ELECTRIC POWER: Bladen 0169 05/02/1941 3 6 B534 Bennett (W. L.) Grocery; GROCERY: Bladen 0169 05/02/1941 3 6 C656 Corner's Service; AUTO SERVICE: Blue Hill 0169 05/02/1941 4 1 V250 Vaughan, Byron; Blue Hill Leader; NEWSPAPER: Blue Hill 0169 05/02/1941 4 4 F246 Fassler, Philip; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 05/02/1941 5 1 B443 Blue Hill Drug Store; PHARMACY: Blue Hill 0169 05/02/1941 5 1 K621 Kirkbride & Rose; INSURANCE: Blue Hill 0169 05/02/1941 5 1 M635 Merten Brothers; FUNERAL DIRECTORS: Blue Hill 0169 05/02/1941 5 1 F000 Foe, Howard S.; ATTORNEY AT LAW: Red Cloud 0169 05/02/1941 5 1 O540 O`Neill, S. H.; PHYSICIAN & SURGEON: Blue Hill 0169 05/02/1941 5 1 P412 Phllips, Clifford H.; ATTORNEY AT LAW: Red Cloud 0169 05/02/1941 5 1 R223 Reichstein, W. C.; CONTRACTOR & BUILDER: Blue Hill 0169 05/02/1941 5 1 S352 Sheiding, F. G.; JEWELER: Blue Hill 0169 05/02/1941 6 1 C332 C & D Hatchery; HATCHERY: Red Cloud 0169 05/02/1941 6 1 T256 The Commercial Bank; BANK: Blue Hill 0169 05/02/1941 6 1 H400 Hawley, H.; DENTIST: Blue Hill 0169 05/02/1941 6 2 W364 Witrhlik, Frank; DN: Hastings 0169 05/02/1941 6 4 W361 Waterburg, Burrell (Mrs.); BEAUTICIAN: Blue Hill 0169 05/02/1941 6 6 A525 Amick and Amick; DENTISTS: Hastings 0169 05/02/1941 6 6 B442 Blue Hill Coffee Shop; RESTAURANT: Blue Hill 0169 05/02/1941 6 6 C224 Chicago Lumber Company; BUILDING SUPPLIES: Blue Hill 0169 05/02/1941 6 6 C140 Copley, Charles H.; INSURANCE: Red Cloud 0169 05/02/1941 8 1 S364 Sterling Theater; MOVIE THEATER: Blue Hill 0169 05/02/1941 8 1 P400 Peil, J.; St. Paul's Lutheran Church; LUTHERAN: Blue Hill 0169 05/02/1941 8 2 F250 Ficken, August; Trinity Lutheran Church; LUTHERAN: Blue Hill 0169 05/02/1941 8 2 M262 McCorkle, C. M.; The Methodist Church; METHODIST: Blue Hill 0169 05/02/1941 1 2 H250 Haugen, Sybil; M: Blue Hill Rose-Haugen Denver,Colo 0169 05/02/1941 1 2 R200 Rose, Carl; M: Blue Hill Rose-Haugen Denver, Colo. 0169 05/02/1941 1 3 W653 Wormuth, Dean Ray; B: Hastings 0169 05/02/1941 1 4 J213 Jacobitz, Wilhelmina; D: Hastings Death Takes Mrs. Wilhelmina Jacobitz 0169 05/02/1941 1 5 G624 Grace Lutheran Church; LUTHERAN: Franklin Dedicate Franklin Church 0169 05/02/1941 3 1 T236 The Western Public Service Company; ELECTRIC POWER: Bladen 0169 05/02/1941 3 3 S530 Smith, H. H.; ELECTRIC POWER: Bladen 0169 05/02/1941 3 6 B534 Bennett (W. L.) Grocery; GROCERY: Bladen 0169 05/02/1941 3 6 C656 Corner's Service; AUTO SERVICE: Blue Hill 0169 05/02/1941 4 1 V250 Vaughan, Byron; Blue Hill Leader; NEWSPAPER: Blue Hill 0169 05/02/1941 4 4 F246 Fassler, Philip; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 05/02/1941 5 1 B443 Blue Hill Drug Store; PHARMACY: Blue Hill 0169 05/02/1941 5 1 K621 Kirkbride & Rose; INSURANCE: Blue Hill 0169 05/02/1941 5 1 M635 Merten Brothers; FUNERAL DIRECTORS: Blue Hill 0169 05/02/1941 5 1 F000 Foe, Howard S.; ATTORNEY AT LAW: Red Cloud 0169 05/02/1941 5 1 O540 O`Neill, S. H.; PHYSICIAN & SURGEON: Blue Hill 0169 05/02/1941 5 1 P412 Phllips, Clifford H.; ATTORNEY AT LAW: Red Cloud 0169 05/02/1941 5 1 R223 Reichstein, W. C.; CONTRACTOR & BUILDER: Blue Hill 0169 05/02/1941 5 1 S352 Sheiding, F. G.; JEWELER: Blue Hill 0169 05/02/1941 6 1 C332 C & D Hatchery; HATCHERY: Red Cloud 0169 05/02/1941 6 1 T256 The Commercial Bank; BANK: Blue Hill 0169 05/02/1941 6 1 H400 Hawley, H.; DENTIST: Blue Hill 0169 05/02/1941 6 2 W364 Witrhlik, Frank; DN: Hastings 0169 05/02/1941 6 4 W361 Waterburg, Burrell (Mrs.); BEAUTICIAN: Blue Hill 0169 05/02/1941 6 6 A525 Amick and Amick; DENTISTS: Hastings 0169 05/02/1941 6 6 B442 Blue Hill Coffee Shop; RESTAURANT: Blue Hill 0169 05/02/1941 6 6 C224 Chicago Lumber Company; BUILDING SUPPLIES: Blue Hill 0169 05/02/1941 6 6 C140 Copley, Charles H.; INSURANCE: Red Cloud 0169 05/02/1941 8 1 S364 Sterling Theater; MOVIE THEATER: Blue Hill 0169 05/02/1941 8 1 P400 Peil, J.; St. Paul's Lutheran Church; LUTHERAN: Blue Hill 0169 05/02/1941 8 2 F250 Ficken, August; Trinity Lutheran Church; LUTHERAN: Blue Hill 0169 05/02/1941 8 2 M262 McCorkle, C. M.; The Methodist Church; METHODIST: Blue Hill 0169 05/09/1941 1 2 D650 Drahiem, Leona; M: Blue Hill Draheim-Wahl 0169 05/09/1941 1 2 W400 Wahl, Lawrence; M: Blue Hill Draheim-Wahl 0169 05/09/1941 1 5 B530 Bennett, Gilbert J.; M: Blue Hill Lukas-Bennett 0169 05/09/1941 1 5 L220 Lukas, Emile; M: Blue Hill Lukas-Bennett Denver, Colo 0169 05/09/1941 3 2 K120 Kubik, Joline Sue; B: Fullerton 0169 05/09/1941 3 3 B260 Baker, George; DN: Clay Center 0169 05/09/1941 3 3 L230 Light, Esther; M: Bladen Light-Marymee Raton, New Mexico 0169 05/09/1941 3 3 M650 Marymee, Creighton; M: Bladen Light-Marymee Raton, New Mex. 0169 05/09/1941 8 4 J520 Jones, Christine; M: Ayr 0169 05/09/1941 8 4 M455 Mohlman, John; M: Ayr 0169 05/09/1941 8 5 W325 Whitcomb, Carl (Infant, M); B & D: Hastings 0169 05/09/1941 1 2 D650 Drahiem, Leona; M: Blue Hill Draheim-Wahl 0169 05/09/1941 1 2 W400 Wahl, Lawrence; M: Blue Hill Draheim-Wahl 0169 05/09/1941 1 5 B530 Bennett, Gilbert J.; M: Blue Hill Lukas-Bennett 0169 05/09/1941 1 5 L220 Lukas, Emile; M: Blue Hill Lukas-Bennett Denver, Colo 0169 05/09/1941 3 2 K120 Kubik, Joline Sue; B: Fullerton 0169 05/09/1941 3 3 B260 Baker, George; DN: Clay Center 0169 05/09/1941 3 3 L230 Light, Esther; M: Bladen Light-Marymee Raton, New Mexico 0169 05/09/1941 3 3 M650 Marymee, Creighton; M: Bladen Light-Marymee Raton, New Mex. 0169 05/09/1941 8 4 J520 Jones, Christine; M: Ayr 0169 05/09/1941 8 4 M455 Mohlman, John; M: Ayr 0169 05/09/1941 8 5 W325 Whitcomb, Carl (Infant, M); B & D: Hastings 0169 05/16/1941 1 3 H255 Hesman, Clara Francis; M: Hastings Hesman-Synek 0169 05/16/1941 1 3 S520 Synek, Joseph J.; M: Hastings Hesman-Synek 0169 05/16/1941 3 1 T656 Turner, Mae Marian; D: Bladen 0169 05/16/1941 3 3 P400 Piel, Fred (Mrs.); BD: Bladen Mrs. Fred Piel Eighty Years old 0169 05/16/1941 1 3 H255 Hesman, Clara Francis; M: Hastings Hesman-Synek 0169 05/16/1941 1 3 S520 Synek, Joseph J.; M: Hastings Hesman-Synek 0169 05/16/1941 3 1 T656 Turner, Mae Marian; D: Bladen 0169 05/16/1941 3 3 P400 Piel, Fred (Mrs.); BD: Bladen Mrs. Fred Piel Eighty Years old 0169 05/23/1941 1 2 H220 Hughes, Katherine Margaret; M: Blue Hill Hughes-Williams 0169 05/23/1941 1 2 W452 Williams, Howell M.; M: Blue Hill Hughes-Williams 0169 05/23/1941 1 6 H100 Haba, Rudolph Joe; M: Hastings Hesman-Haba 0169 05/23/1941 1 6 H650 Heeren, Boyd; D: Wood River 0169 05/23/1941 1 6 H255 Hesman, Mildred Velma; M: Hastings Hesman-Haba 0169 05/23/1941 3 1 B435 Bladen High School; HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES: Bladen Commencement 0169 05/23/1941 3 2 C656 Cramer, W. B. (Mrs.); BD: Bladen 0169 05/23/1941 3 2 G300 Good, Roy; M: Bladen Skrdlant-Good 0169 05/23/1941 3 2 S634 Skrdlant, Florence; M: Bladen Skrdlant-Good Ill. 0169 05/23/1941 5 2 W123 Webster County Schools; EIGHTH GRADE GRADUATES: Bladen 0169 05/23/1941 6 1 A625 Ayr Community School; 8th Grade GRADUATES: Ayr 0169 05/23/1941 6 1 A625 Ayr Community School; HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES: Ayr 0169 05/23/1941 6 2 T512 Thompson, J. B. (Mrs.): Ayr 0169 05/23/1941 6 5 P452 Pauline Schools; HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES: Pauline 0169 05/23/1941 8 4 D132 Davidson, Isaac D.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 05/23/1941 1 2 H220 Hughes, Katherine Margaret; M: Blue Hill Hughes-Williams 0169 05/23/1941 1 2 W452 Williams, Howell M.; M: Blue Hill Hughes-Williams 0169 05/23/1941 1 6 H100 Haba, Rudolph Joe; M: Hastings Hesman-Haba 0169 05/23/1941 1 6 H650 Heeren, Boyd; D: Wood River 0169 05/23/1941 1 6 H255 Hesman, Mildred Velma; M: Hastings Hesman-Haba 0169 05/23/1941 3 1 B435 Bladen High School; HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES: Bladen Commencement 0169 05/23/1941 3 2 C656 Cramer, W. B. (Mrs.); BD: Bladen 0169 05/23/1941 3 2 G300 Good, Roy; M: Bladen Skrdlant-Good 0169 05/23/1941 3 2 S634 Skrdlant, Florence; M: Bladen Skrdlant-Good Ill. 0169 05/23/1941 5 2 W123 Webster County Schools; EIGHTH GRADE GRADUATES: Bladen 0169 05/23/1941 6 1 A625 Ayr Community School; 8th Grade GRADUATES: Ayr 0169 05/23/1941 6 1 A625 Ayr Community School; HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES: Ayr 0169 05/23/1941 6 2 T512 Thompson, J. B. (Mrs.): Ayr 0169 05/23/1941 6 5 P452 Pauline Schools; HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES: Pauline 0169 05/23/1941 8 4 D132 Davidson, Isaac D.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 05/30/1941 1 1 R200 Rose, Arthur Walter; D: Rosemont Arthur Rose Dies After Short Illness 0169 05/30/1941 1 4 M245 McWillams, J. I.; DN: Blue Hill J. I. McWilliams Dead 0169 05/30/1941 3 1 D120 Davis, Wilma; M: Bladen Davis-Householder 0169 05/30/1941 3 1 H243 Householder, Milton; M: Bladen Davis-Householder 0169 05/30/1941 3 2 N425 Nelson, Walter; M: Minden Widdersheim-Nielson 0169 05/30/1941 3 2 W362 Widdersheim, Goldie; M: Minden Widdersheim-Nielson. 0169 05/30/1941 3 3 P662 Prairie Gem School; ORGANIZATION: Bladen Reunion of Prairie Gem Pupils of 1878 0169 05/30/1941 3 3 K640 Kral, Francis J.; M: Bladen McCammon-Kral @ Washington, D.C. 0169 05/30/1941 3 3 M255 McCammon, Winnifred; M: Bladen McCammon-Kral Married @ Washington,D.C. 0169 05/30/1941 3 5 H243 Householder Family; ORGANIZATION: Bladen Entertain for Doc Larrick 0169 05/30/1941 6 3 M240 Michael, Esther; M: Pauline 0169 05/30/1941 6 3 R252 Riggins, F. E.; M: Pauline 0169 05/30/1941 6 3 V453 Valentine, M. H.; D: Hastings 0169 05/30/1941 1 1 R200 Rose, Arthur Walter; D: Rosemont Arthur Rose Dies After Short Illness 0169 05/30/1941 1 4 M245 McWillams, J. I.; DN: Blue Hill J. I. McWilliams Dead 0169 05/30/1941 3 1 D120 Davis, Wilma; M: Bladen Davis-Householder 0169 05/30/1941 3 1 H243 Householder, Milton; M: Bladen Davis-Householder 0169 05/30/1941 3 2 N425 Nelson, Walter; M: Minden Widdersheim-Nielson 0169 05/30/1941 3 2 W362 Widdersheim, Goldie; M: Minden Widdersheim-Nielson. 0169 05/30/1941 3 3 P662 Prairie Gem School; ORGANIZATION: Bladen Reunion of Prairie Gem Pupils of 1878 0169 05/30/1941 3 3 K640 Kral, Francis J.; M: Bladen McCammon-Kral @ Washington, D.C. 0169 05/30/1941 3 3 M255 McCammon, Winnifred; M: Bladen McCammon-Kral Married @ Washington,D.C. 0169 05/30/1941 3 5 H243 Householder Family; ORGANIZATION: Bladen Entertain for Doc Larrick 0169 05/30/1941 6 3 M240 Michael, Esther; M: Pauline 0169 05/30/1941 6 3 R252 Riggins, F. E.; M: Pauline 0169 05/30/1941 6 3 V453 Valentine, M. H.; D: Hastings 0169 06/06/1941 1 1 K612 Karbasz, Jean; M: Blue Hill Karbasz-Krueger 0169 06/06/1941 1 1 K626 Kruger, Wilbur; M: Blue Hill Karbasz-Krueger Toledo,Ohio. 0169 06/06/1941 1 2 L320 Luethke, Earl; M: Blue Hilll Muchow-Luethke 0169 06/06/1941 1 2 M200 Muchow, Gesine; M: Blue Hill Muchow-Luethke 0169 06/06/1941 1 5 B620 Burge, Donald R.; M: Blue Hill Meyer-Burge 0169 06/06/1941 1 5 M600 Meyer, Edna; M: Blue Hill Meyer-Burge 0169 06/06/1941 1 6 H255 Hesman, Wilma; M: Hastings Hesman-Pavelka 0169 06/06/1941 1 6 P142 Pavelka, Ernest; M: Hastings Hesman-Pavelka 0169 06/06/1941 3 2 J525 Jensen, Olga; M: Cozad Jensen-Lindgren 0169 06/06/1941 3 2 L532 Lindgren, Oscar L.; M: Cozad Jensen-Lindgren 0169 06/06/1941 3 3 B500 Boom, Harold; M: Bladen 0169 06/06/1941 3 3 P300 Petty, Elizabeth; M: Bladen Petty-Boom 0169 06/06/1941 6 3 E235 Eckstein, Roy Lee; B: Pauline 0169 06/06/1941 6 7 L320 Leetsch, Loyd (Infant, F); B: Rosemont 0169 06/06/1941 8 4 S325 Stockman, Mary Elizabeth; M: Campbell Mary Elizabeth Stockman Bride of Orrel Trambly 0169 06/06/1941 8 4 T651 Trambly, Orrel Theodore; M: Campbell Mary Elizabeth Stockman Bride of Orrel Trambly 0169 06/06/1941 8 5 B652 Bruns Family; ORGANIZATION: North Bend 0169 06/06/1941 8 6 A652 Armstgrong, Dean; ML: Red Cloud 0169 06/06/1941 8 6 B620 Brooks, June; ML: Red Cloud 0169 06/06/1941 8 6 B620 Burge, Donald; ML: Red Cloud 0169 06/06/1941 8 6 L320 Luethke, Earl; ML: Red Cloud 0169 06/06/1941 8 6 M600 Meyer, Edna; ML: Red Cloud 0169 06/06/1941 8 6 M200 Muchow, Gesine; ML: Red Cloud 0169 06/06/1941 1 1 K612 Karbasz, Jean; M: Blue Hill Karbasz-Krueger 0169 06/06/1941 1 1 K626 Kruger, Wilbur; M: Blue Hill Karbasz-Krueger Toledo,Ohio. 0169 06/06/1941 1 2 L320 Luethke, Earl; M: Blue Hilll Muchow-Luethke 0169 06/06/1941 1 2 M200 Muchow, Gesine; M: Blue Hill Muchow-Luethke 0169 06/06/1941 1 5 B620 Burge, Donald R.; M: Blue Hill Meyer-Burge 0169 06/06/1941 1 5 M600 Meyer, Edna; M: Blue Hill Meyer-Burge 0169 06/06/1941 1 6 H255 Hesman, Wilma; M: Hastings Hesman-Pavelka 0169 06/06/1941 1 6 P142 Pavelka, Ernest; M: Hastings Hesman-Pavelka 0169 06/06/1941 3 2 J525 Jensen, Olga; M: Cozad Jensen-Lindgren 0169 06/06/1941 3 2 L532 Lindgren, Oscar L.; M: Cozad Jensen-Lindgren 0169 06/06/1941 3 3 B500 Boom, Harold; M: Bladen 0169 06/06/1941 3 3 P300 Petty, Elizabeth; M: Bladen Petty-Boom 0169 06/06/1941 6 3 E235 Eckstein, Roy Lee; B: Pauline 0169 06/06/1941 6 7 L320 Leetsch, Loyd (Infant, F); B: Rosemont 0169 06/06/1941 8 4 S325 Stockman, Mary Elizabeth; M: Campbell Mary Elizabeth Stockman Bride of Orrel Trambly 0169 06/06/1941 8 4 T651 Trambly, Orrel Theodore; M: Campbell Mary Elizabeth Stockman Bride of Orrel Trambly 0169 06/06/1941 8 5 B652 Bruns Family; ORGANIZATION: North Bend 0169 06/06/1941 8 6 A652 Armstgrong, Dean; ML: Red Cloud 0169 06/06/1941 8 6 B620 Brooks, June; ML: Red Cloud 0169 06/06/1941 8 6 B620 Burge, Donald; ML: Red Cloud 0169 06/06/1941 8 6 L320 Luethke, Earl; ML: Red Cloud 0169 06/06/1941 8 6 M600 Meyer, Edna; ML: Red Cloud 0169 06/06/1941 8 6 M200 Muchow, Gesine; ML: Red Cloud 0169 06/13/1941 1 3 C652 Carmichael, Robert E.; M: Sutton Nuss-Carmichael 0169 06/13/1941 1 3 N200 Nuss, Elsie; M: Sutton Nuss-Carmichael 0169 06/13/1941 1 5 M600 Meyer, Marie F.; D: Blue Hill Marie F. Meyer Called by Death 0169 06/13/1941 1 7 H412 Hlavac, Lucille; M: Deweese Hlavac-Wonka 0169 06/13/1941 1 7 W520 Wonka, Willard; M: Deweese Hlavac-Wonka 0169 06/13/1941 3 1 J523 Johnston, Norman (Infant, F); B: Benkelman 0169 06/13/1941 1 3 C652 Carmichael, Robert E.; M: Sutton Nuss-Carmichael 0169 06/13/1941 1 3 N200 Nuss, Elsie; M: Sutton Nuss-Carmichael 0169 06/13/1941 1 5 M600 Meyer, Marie F.; D: Blue Hill Marie F. Meyer Called by Death 0169 06/13/1941 1 7 H412 Hlavac, Lucille; M: Deweese Hlavac-Wonka 0169 06/13/1941 1 7 W520 Wonka, Willard; M: Deweese Hlavac-Wonka 0169 06/13/1941 3 1 J523 Johnston, Norman (Infant, F); B: Benkelman 0169 06/20/1941 1 3 M635 Martin, Herbert Donald; M: Blue Hill Smith-Martin 0169 06/20/1941 1 3 S530 Smith, Doris Aleen; M: Blue Hill Smith-Martin 0169 06/20/1941 1 5 S315 Stabenow, Carolyn Jean; B: Blue Hill 0169 06/20/1941 3 1 H452 Holmes, Dorothy; M: Bladen Reichstein-Holmes 0169 06/20/1941 3 1 R223 Reichstein, Kenneth; M: Bladen Reichstein-Holmes 0169 06/20/1941 3 2 B634 Bartlett, Nelson (Mrs.); DN: Bladen Mrs. Nelson Bartlett Dies Tuesday Morning 0169 06/20/1941 3 3 P362 Peterson, Frank (Jr.); M: Bladen Zimmerman-Peterson Reno,Nev. 0169 06/20/1941 3 3 Z565 Zimmerman, Esther; M: Bladen Zimmerman-Peterson Reno, Nev. 0169 06/20/1941 3 4 K400 Kile, Jerry Wayne; B: Bladen 0169 06/20/1941 5 6 T665 Trauernicht Family; ORGANIZATION: Ayr 0169 06/20/1941 1 3 M635 Martin, Herbert Donald; M: Blue Hill Smith-Martin 0169 06/20/1941 1 3 S530 Smith, Doris Aleen; M: Blue Hill Smith-Martin 0169 06/20/1941 1 5 S315 Stabenow, Carolyn Jean; B: Blue Hill 0169 06/20/1941 3 1 H452 Holmes, Dorothy; M: Bladen Reichstein-Holmes 0169 06/20/1941 3 1 R223 Reichstein, Kenneth; M: Bladen Reichstein-Holmes 0169 06/20/1941 3 2 B634 Bartlett, Nelson (Mrs.); DN: Bladen Mrs. Nelson Bartlett Dies Tuesday Morning 0169 06/20/1941 3 3 P362 Peterson, Frank (Jr.); M: Bladen Zimmerman-Peterson Reno,Nev. 0169 06/20/1941 3 3 Z565 Zimmerman, Esther; M: Bladen Zimmerman-Peterson Reno, Nev. 0169 06/20/1941 3 4 K400 Kile, Jerry Wayne; B: Bladen 0169 06/20/1941 5 6 T665 Trauernicht Family; ORGANIZATION: Ayr 0169 06/27/1941 1 2 M260 Maquire, Mary Theresa; M: Blue Hill Maquire-McLeod Married @ Las Vegas, Nev. 0169 06/27/1941 1 2 M243 McLeod, Victor Ivan; M: Blue Hill Maquire-McLeod 0169 06/27/1941 1 4 B200 Bock, Madalynn; M: Hastings Bock-Muhleisen 0169 06/27/1941 1 4 M425 Mahleisen, LaVern; M: Hastings Bock-Muhleisen 0169 06/27/1941 1 6 B420 Block, Milan; M: Gothenburg Crouch-Block 0169 06/27/1941 1 6 C620 Crouch, Bernice; M: Gothenburg Crouch-Block 0169 06/27/1941 3 1 B634 Bartlett, Dorothy Adeline; D: Bladen Final Rites For Mrs. Addie Bartlett Murtle Cather 0169 06/27/1941 3 4 R223 Reichstein, Gloria; M: Bladen Reichstein-Surber Burley, Ida. 0169 06/27/1941 3 4 S616 Surber, Harold; M: Bladen Reichstein-Surber 0169 06/27/1941 3 5 P300 Petty, W. B. (Mrs.): Bladen 0169 06/27/1941 6 2 H146 Hibbler, Edna; M: Glenvil 0169 06/27/1941 6 2 H562 Hinrichs, Martin R.; M: Glenvil 0169 06/27/1941 6 5 G140 Goble, Maxine; M: Lincoln 0169 06/27/1941 6 5 H155 Hoffman, Newton; M: Linclon 0169 06/27/1941 6 6 D450 Dillon, Harriett; M: Ayr 0169 06/27/1941 6 6 J524 Jungle, James; M: Ayr 0169 06/27/1941 8 1 B634 Bartlett, Addie D.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 06/27/1941 1 2 M260 Maquire, Mary Theresa; M: Blue Hill Maquire-McLeod Married @ Las Vegas, Nev. 0169 06/27/1941 1 2 M243 McLeod, Victor Ivan; M: Blue Hill Maquire-McLeod 0169 06/27/1941 1 4 B200 Bock, Madalynn; M: Hastings Bock-Muhleisen 0169 06/27/1941 1 4 M425 Mahleisen, LaVern; M: Hastings Bock-Muhleisen 0169 06/27/1941 1 6 B420 Block, Milan; M: Gothenburg Crouch-Block 0169 06/27/1941 1 6 C620 Crouch, Bernice; M: Gothenburg Crouch-Block 0169 06/27/1941 3 1 B634 Bartlett, Dorothy Adeline; D: Bladen Final Rites For Mrs. Addie Bartlett Murtle Cather 0169 06/27/1941 3 4 R223 Reichstein, Gloria; M: Bladen Reichstein-Surber Burley, Ida. 0169 06/27/1941 3 4 S616 Surber, Harold; M: Bladen Reichstein-Surber 0169 06/27/1941 3 5 P300 Petty, W. B. (Mrs.): Bladen 0169 06/27/1941 6 2 H146 Hibbler, Edna; M: Glenvil 0169 06/27/1941 6 2 H562 Hinrichs, Martin R.; M: Glenvil 0169 06/27/1941 6 5 G140 Goble, Maxine; M: Lincoln 0169 06/27/1941 6 5 H155 Hoffman, Newton; M: Linclon 0169 06/27/1941 6 6 D450 Dillon, Harriett; M: Ayr 0169 06/27/1941 6 6 J524 Jungle, James; M: Ayr 0169 06/27/1941 8 1 B634 Bartlett, Addie D.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 07/04/1941 1 2 F600 Frey, Mildred; M: Lincoln Frey-Kaforke 0169 07/04/1941 1 2 H300 Heath, L. A.: Blue Hill 0169 07/04/1941 1 2 K162 Kaforke, Norman; M: Lincoln Frey-Kaforke 0169 07/04/1941 1 2 P362 Peterson, John (Infant, F); B: Red Cloud 0169 07/04/1941 1 5 B560 Boomer, Howard; M: Blue Hill Duke-Boomer Ore. 0169 07/04/1941 1 5 C200 Cook, Morris Acree; M: Blue Hill Evans-Cook City, Mo. 0169 07/04/1941 1 5 D250 Dieken, Leona; M: Blue Hill Dieken-Mitzelfelt 0169 07/04/1941 1 5 D200 Duke, Virginia; M: Blue Hill Duke-Boomer Salem, Ore. 0169 07/04/1941 1 5 E152 Evans, Lois; M: Blue Hill Evans-Cook Kanas City, Mo. 0169 07/04/1941 1 5 M324 Mitzelfelt, Ervin; M: Blue Hill Dieken-Mitzelfelt 0169 07/04/1941 3 5 J520 James, Janice Mae; B: Bladen 0169 07/04/1941 8 7 B400 Beal, J. I.; BD: Blue Hill 0169 07/04/1941 1 2 F600 Frey, Mildred; M: Lincoln Frey-Kaforke 0169 07/04/1941 1 2 H300 Heath, L. A.: Blue Hill 0169 07/04/1941 1 2 K162 Kaforke, Norman; M: Lincoln Frey-Kaforke 0169 07/04/1941 1 2 P362 Peterson, John (Infant, F); B: Red Cloud 0169 07/04/1941 1 5 B560 Boomer, Howard; M: Blue Hill Duke-Boomer Ore. 0169 07/04/1941 1 5 C200 Cook, Morris Acree; M: Blue Hill Evans-Cook City, Mo. 0169 07/04/1941 1 5 D250 Dieken, Leona; M: Blue Hill Dieken-Mitzelfelt 0169 07/04/1941 1 5 D200 Duke, Virginia; M: Blue Hill Duke-Boomer Salem, Ore. 0169 07/04/1941 1 5 E152 Evans, Lois; M: Blue Hill Evans-Cook Kanas City, Mo. 0169 07/04/1941 1 5 M324 Mitzelfelt, Ervin; M: Blue Hill Dieken-Mitzelfelt 0169 07/04/1941 3 5 J520 James, Janice Mae; B: Bladen 0169 07/04/1941 8 7 B400 Beal, J. I.; BD: Blue Hill 0169 07/11/1941 1 2 H255 Hickman, Gladys; M: Hastings 0169 07/11/1941 1 2 W420 Woolsey, William F.; M: Hastings 0169 07/11/1941 1 6 C200 Cook, Joe; CRIME & CRIMINALS: Blue Hill 1889 Visitors Recall Early Day, Robbery Murder. fatal 0169 07/11/1941 1 6 R400 Roll, Leonard; DN VIOLENT: Blue Hill 1889 Vistors Recall Early Day, Robbery Murder. 0169 07/11/1941 3 3 P415 Piel Family; ORGANIZATION: Bladen Family Reunion at Archie Piel Home 0169 07/11/1941 3 3 S634 Skrdlant Family; ORGANIZATION: Bladen Reunion at Joe Skrdlant Home 0169 07/11/1941 1 2 H255 Hickman, Gladys; M: Hastings 0169 07/11/1941 1 2 W420 Woolsey, William F.; M: Hastings 0169 07/11/1941 1 6 C200 Cook, Joe; CRIME & CRIMINALS: Blue Hill 1889 Visitors Recall Early Day, Robbery Murder. fatal 0169 07/11/1941 1 6 R400 Roll, Leonard; DN VIOLENT: Blue Hill 1889 Vistors Recall Early Day, Robbery Murder. 0169 07/11/1941 3 3 P415 Piel Family; ORGANIZATION: Bladen Family Reunion at Archie Piel Home 0169 07/11/1941 3 3 S634 Skrdlant Family; ORGANIZATION: Bladen Reunion at Joe Skrdlant Home 0169 07/18/1941 1 18 H635 Hartman, Dorthy; M: Prosser Hartman-Koepp Wedding at Prosser. 0169 07/18/1941 1 18 K100 Koepp, Erwin; M: Prosser Hartman-Koepp Wedding at Prosser. 0169 07/18/1941 3 1 S152 Spence, Frank; D: Bladen Death of Frank Spence listed 0169 07/18/1941 3 2 B623 Bright, C. H.; DN: Johnson Mrs. H. F. Sorenson's Father Dead 0169 07/18/1941 3 4 B653 Bryant, Betty; M: Hastings Glenn Chase Married 0169 07/18/1941 3 4 C200 Chase, Glenn; M: Hastings Glenn Chase Married 0169 07/18/1941 1 18 H635 Hartman, Dorthy; M: Prosser Hartman-Koepp Wedding at Prosser. 0169 07/18/1941 1 18 K100 Koepp, Erwin; M: Prosser Hartman-Koepp Wedding at Prosser. 0169 07/18/1941 3 1 S152 Spence, Frank; D: Bladen Death of Frank Spence listed 0169 07/18/1941 3 2 B623 Bright, C. H.; DN: Johnson Mrs. H. F. Sorenson's Father Dead 0169 07/18/1941 3 4 B653 Bryant, Betty; M: Hastings Glenn Chase Married 0169 07/18/1941 3 4 C200 Chase, Glenn; M: Hastings Glenn Chase Married 0169 07/25/1941 1 3 R200 Rose, John C.; D: Rosemount John C. Rose Passes Away in California 0169 07/25/1941 1 6 B650 Brown, Winnie; DN: Ayr 0169 07/25/1941 1 6 M324 Mitchell, Calvin; M: Ayr 0169 07/25/1941 1 6 N425 Nelson, Dorthy; M: Ayr 0169 07/25/1941 1 6 S640 Shirley, Edward; DN: Ayr 0169 07/25/1941 3 5 J520 Jones, Ramona Joy; B: Bladen 0169 07/25/1941 8 1 H364 Hydrolic Research Project; PHOTOS: Rosemont 0169 07/25/1941 1 3 R200 Rose, John C.; D: Rosemount John C. Rose Passes Away in California 0169 07/25/1941 1 6 B650 Brown, Winnie; DN: Ayr 0169 07/25/1941 1 6 M324 Mitchell, Calvin; M: Ayr 0169 07/25/1941 1 6 N425 Nelson, Dorthy; M: Ayr 0169 07/25/1941 1 6 S640 Shirley, Edward; DN: Ayr 0169 07/25/1941 3 5 J520 Jones, Ramona Joy; B: Bladen 0169 07/25/1941 8 1 H364 Hydrolic Research Project; PHOTOS: Rosemont 0169 08/01/1941 1 3 B532 Bentz, Sharon Louise; B: Blue Hill 0169 08/01/1941 1 6 G423 Gilsdorf, Henry; DN: Lawrence 0169 08/01/1941 3 2 K155 Kaufman, Janeice Elaine; B: Hastings Twins Born To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kaufman 0169 08/01/1941 3 2 K155 Kaufman, Jerry Dwaine; B: Hastings Twins Born To Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kaufman 0169 08/01/1941 8 7 F425 Flessner, Lyle Michael; B: Hastings 0169 08/01/1941 1 3 B532 Bentz, Sharon Louise; B: Blue Hill 0169 08/01/1941 1 6 G423 Gilsdorf, Henry; DN: Lawrence 0169 08/01/1941 3 2 K155 Kaufman, Janeice Elaine; B: Hastings Twins Born To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kaufman 0169 08/01/1941 3 2 K155 Kaufman, Jerry Dwaine; B: Hastings Twins Born To Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kaufman 0169 08/01/1941 8 7 F425 Flessner, Lyle Michael; B: Hastings 0169 08/08/1941 1 1 K621 Kirkbride, Mary Ethel; D: Lincoln Final Rites Held Sunday For Mrs. J. W. Kirkbride 0169 08/08/1941 1 2 C425 Classen, William; M: Blue Hill Krueger-Classen 0169 08/08/1941 1 2 K626 Krueger, Mildred; M: Blue Hill Krueger-Classen 0169 08/08/1941 1 3 S520 Samms, C. W.; BD: Bladen 0169 08/08/1941 1 3 W355 Wademan, Carl; FARM HARVEST PHOTO: Blue Hill 0169 08/08/1941 1 5 B242 Buckles, Audrey (Guy); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 08/08/1941 1 5 B242 Buckles, Guy (Audrey); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 08/08/1941 1 5 L516 Lamborn, Mary (William); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 08/08/1941 1 5 L516 Lamborn, William (Mary); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 08/08/1941 1 6 C500 Conway, Clarence Henry; D: Cowles Clarence Conway Passes Suddenly 0169 08/08/1941 1 7 B445 Blue Hill Homecoming & 4H Fair; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill Large Crowds Here for Homecoming 0169 08/08/1941 1 7 P100 Pope, Clarence Leslie; D: Blue Hill Death of Clarence Pope Garden City, Ga 0169 08/08/1941 3 3 S460 Saylor, Sylvester; DN: Western 0169 08/08/1941 6 3 B441 Blue Hill 4H Fair; PREMIUM LISTS: Blue Hill Blue Hill 4H Fair Winners 0169 08/08/1941 1 1 K621 Kirkbride, Mary Ethel; D: Lincoln Final Rites Held Sunday For Mrs. J. W. Kirkbride 0169 08/08/1941 1 2 C425 Classen, William; M: Blue Hill Krueger-Classen 0169 08/08/1941 1 2 K626 Krueger, Mildred; M: Blue Hill Krueger-Classen 0169 08/08/1941 1 3 S520 Samms, C. W.; BD: Bladen 0169 08/08/1941 1 3 W355 Wademan, Carl; FARM HARVEST PHOTO: Blue Hill 0169 08/08/1941 1 5 B242 Buckles, Audrey (Guy); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 08/08/1941 1 5 B242 Buckles, Guy (Audrey); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 08/08/1941 1 5 L516 Lamborn, Mary (William); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 08/08/1941 1 5 L516 Lamborn, William (Mary); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 08/08/1941 1 6 C500 Conway, Clarence Henry; D: Cowles Clarence Conway Passes Suddenly 0169 08/08/1941 1 7 B445 Blue Hill Homecoming & 4H Fair; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill Large Crowds Here for Homecoming 0169 08/08/1941 1 7 P100 Pope, Clarence Leslie; D: Blue Hill Death of Clarence Pope Garden City, Ga 0169 08/08/1941 3 3 S460 Saylor, Sylvester; DN: Western 0169 08/08/1941 6 3 B441 Blue Hill 4H Fair; PREMIUM LISTS: Blue Hill Blue Hill 4H Fair Winners 0169 08/15/1941 1 2 R200 Rose, John C; D: Blue Hill Obituary 0169 08/15/1941 1 3 K626 Krueger, Virgil E.; M: Lincoln Luella VanBoening Bride of Virgil Kruger 0169 08/15/1941 1 3 V515 VanBoening, Luella; M: Lincoln Luella VanBoening Bride of Virgil Krueger 0169 08/15/1941 6 5 Anderson, Merle; M; Hastings; Bride-Dorothy Kissinger. Father-G. F. Anderson 0169 08/15/1941 1 7 H300 Heath, L. A.; ANN: Blue Hill 0169 08/15/1941 3 3 C200 Cox, Jennie; D: Bladen 0169 08/15/1941 3 5 F632 Fort Kearney; HISTORY: KEARNEY 1860 Fort Kearney 0169 08/15/1941 6 5 K252 Kissinger, Dorthy; M: Hastings 0169 08/15/1941 6 6 B232 Bostock, John (Infant, F); B: Hastings 0169 08/15/1941 8 7 P415 Piel Family; ORGANIZATION: Hastings Attend Famliy Reunion @ Prospect Park in Hastings 0169 08/15/1941 1 2 R200 Rose, John C; D: Blue Hill Obituary 0169 08/15/1941 1 3 K626 Krueger, Virgil E.; M: Lincoln Luella VanBoening Bride of Virgil Kruger 0169 08/15/1941 1 3 V515 VanBoening, Luella; M: Lincoln Luella VanBoening Bride of Virgil Krueger 0169 08/15/1941 6 5 Anderson, Merle; M; Hastings; Bride-Dorothy Kissinger. Father-G. F. Anderson 0169 08/15/1941 1 7 H300 Heath, L. A.; ANN: Blue Hill 0169 08/15/1941 3 3 C200 Cox, Jennie; D: Bladen 0169 08/15/1941 3 5 F632 Fort Kearney; HISTORY: KEARNEY 1860 Fort Kearney 0169 08/15/1941 6 5 K252 Kissinger, Dorthy; M: Hastings 0169 08/15/1941 6 6 B232 Bostock, John (Infant, F); B: Hastings 0169 08/15/1941 8 7 P415 Piel Family; ORGANIZATION: Hastings Attend Famliy Reunion @ Prospect Park in Hastings 0169 08/22/1941 1 1 B520 Banks, Anna L.; D: Blue Hill Services Held Sunday for Mrs. Anna Banks 0169 08/22/1941 1 2 A450 Allen, Thomas; D: Stuart Thos. Allen Dies As Result of Heart Attack 0169 08/22/1941 1 3 J520 Jones, Pierce (Sr.); M: Blue Hill Walker-Jones 0169 08/22/1941 1 3 W426 Walker, June; M: Blue Hill Walker-Jones 0169 08/22/1941 3 1 L120 Lovejoy, Evans F.; DN: Blue Hill Evans Lovejoy Passes Away 0169 08/22/1941 3 3 B643 Brouliette Donald; M: Bladen Stoughton-Brouliette Married in St. Paul, Min. 0169 08/22/1941 3 3 D120 Davis, Bernard; M: Omaha James-Davis 0169 08/22/1941 3 3 J520 James, Irene; M: Omaha James-Davis 0169 08/22/1941 3 3 S323 Stoughton, Pauline; M: Bladen Stoughton-Brouliette @ St. Paul, Min. 0169 08/22/1941 4 7 C200 Cox, Jennie; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 08/22/1941 5 5 B441 Blue Hill Public School; PHOTO: Blue Hill 0169 08/22/1941 1 1 B520 Banks, Anna L.; D: Blue Hill Services Held Sunday for Mrs. Anna Banks 0169 08/22/1941 1 2 A450 Allen, Thomas; D: Stuart Thos. Allen Dies As Result of Heart Attack 0169 08/22/1941 1 3 J520 Jones, Pierce (Sr.); M: Blue Hill Walker-Jones 0169 08/22/1941 1 3 W426 Walker, June; M: Blue Hill Walker-Jones 0169 08/22/1941 3 1 L120 Lovejoy, Evans F.; DN: Blue Hill Evans Lovejoy Passes Away 0169 08/22/1941 3 3 B643 Brouliette Donald; M: Bladen Stoughton-Brouliette Married in St. Paul, Min. 0169 08/22/1941 3 3 D120 Davis, Bernard; M: Omaha James-Davis 0169 08/22/1941 3 3 J520 James, Irene; M: Omaha James-Davis 0169 08/22/1941 3 3 S323 Stoughton, Pauline; M: Bladen Stoughton-Brouliette @ St. Paul, Min. 0169 08/22/1941 4 7 C200 Cox, Jennie; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 08/22/1941 5 5 B441 Blue Hill Public School; PHOTO: Blue Hill 0169 08/25/1941 1 4 C200 Cook, Joe; CRIME & CRIMINALS: Blue Hill 1889 Murder Story Retold by Frank Watkins 0169 08/25/1941 1 4 C200 Cook, Joe; CRIME & CRIMINALS: Blue Hill 1889 Murder Story Retold by Frank Watkins 0169 08/29/1941 1 2 R200 Rose, John O.; D: Blue Hill Last Rite Held for John O. Rose listed 0169 08/29/1941 1 4 S352 Scheding, Clarence; M: Blue Hill Stumpenhorst-Scheiding 0169 08/29/1941 1 4 S351 Stumpenhorst, Dorothy; M: Blue Hill Stumpenhorst-Scheiding 0169 08/29/1941 1 5 R215 Rose Family; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill Rose Family Reunion @ Crystal Lake 0169 08/29/1941 1 6 A352 Adams, Ralph E.; CRIME & CRIMINALS: Red Cloud Ralph Adams Charged With Embezzling 0169 08/29/1941 1 7 K625 Kriegsmann, A. H. (Mrs.); BD: Blue Hill Honored on Birthday Anniversary 0169 08/29/1941 3 1 F200 Feis, Henry George; D: Bladen Henry Goerge Feis 0169 08/29/1941 3 2 F200 Feis, Betty; M: Omaha Feis-Paymal 0169 08/29/1941 3 2 P540 Paymal, Ronald; M: Omaha Feis-Paymal 0169 08/29/1941 3 3 A536 Andersen, Nelse Christian; D: Cambell Obituary listed. 0169 08/29/1941 3 4 W123 Webster County Fair; ORGANIZATION: Bladen Webster County Fair Well Attended 0169 08/29/1941 6 2 K252 Kissinger, Ivan: Pauline 0169 08/29/1941 6 3 F150 Faubion, Mabel E.; M: Hastings 0169 08/29/1941 6 3 H620 Harris, F. L.; M: Hastings 0169 08/29/1941 6 3 J520 Jones, Aaron: Pauline 0169 08/29/1941 6 5 C653 Crandall, John H.; DN: Ayr 0169 08/29/1941 6 7 H635 Hartman, Elmer (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill 0169 08/29/1941 8 3 C200 Cox, Marilyn Ulila; B: Blue Hill 0169 08/29/1941 1 2 R200 Rose, John O.; D: Blue Hill Last Rite Held for John O. Rose listed 0169 08/29/1941 1 4 S352 Scheding, Clarence; M: Blue Hill Stumpenhorst-Scheiding 0169 08/29/1941 1 4 S351 Stumpenhorst, Dorothy; M: Blue Hill Stumpenhorst-Scheiding 0169 08/29/1941 1 5 R215 Rose Family; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill Rose Family Reunion @ Crystal Lake 0169 08/29/1941 1 6 A352 Adams, Ralph E.; CRIME & CRIMINALS: Red Cloud Ralph Adams Charged With Embezzling 0169 08/29/1941 1 7 K625 Kriegsmann, A. H. (Mrs.); BD: Blue Hill Honored on Birthday Anniversary 0169 08/29/1941 3 1 F200 Feis, Henry George; D: Bladen Henry Goerge Feis 0169 08/29/1941 3 2 F200 Feis, Betty; M: Omaha Feis-Paymal 0169 08/29/1941 3 2 P540 Paymal, Ronald; M: Omaha Feis-Paymal 0169 08/29/1941 3 3 A536 Andersen, Nelse Christian; D: Cambell Obituary listed. 0169 08/29/1941 3 4 W123 Webster County Fair; ORGANIZATION: Bladen Webster County Fair Well Attended 0169 08/29/1941 6 2 K252 Kissinger, Ivan: Pauline 0169 08/29/1941 6 3 F150 Faubion, Mabel E.; M: Hastings 0169 08/29/1941 6 3 H620 Harris, F. L.; M: Hastings 0169 08/29/1941 6 3 J520 Jones, Aaron: Pauline 0169 08/29/1941 6 5 C653 Crandall, John H.; DN: Ayr 0169 08/29/1941 6 7 H635 Hartman, Elmer (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill 0169 08/29/1941 8 3 C200 Cox, Marilyn Ulila; B: Blue Hill 0169 09/05/1941 1 1 W123 Webster County Fair; PREMIUM LIST: Bladen 0169 09/05/1941 1 2 N425 Nelson, J. William; PHOTO: Blue Hill 0169 09/05/1941 1 4 L515 Lampmann, Sarella; M: Blue Hill Lampmann-Meents 0169 09/05/1941 1 4 M532 Meents, Woodrow B.; M: Blue Hill Lampmann-Meents 0169 09/05/1941 1 5 B532 Buntjer, Anneus; D: Blue Hill Anneus Buntjer Funeral To be Held Today-Friday 0169 09/05/1941 1 6 M246 McClure Family; ORGANIZATION: Hastings McClure Reunion 0169 09/05/1941 1 7 O432 Old Settlers Picnic; ORGANIZATION: Red Cloud 0169 09/05/1941 1 7 M436 Mulder, John; D: Rosemont Final Rites Held Tuesday For John Mulder 0169 09/05/1941 3 1 W123 Webster County Fair; PREMIUM LISTS: Bladen 0169 09/05/1941 3 1 H256 Hegemier, Ben (Mrs.); DN: Bladen 0169 09/05/1941 3 3 J525 Johnson, Haaken; DN: Inavale 0169 09/05/1941 6 4 R324 Ratcliff, Clyde; DN: Ayr 0169 09/05/1941 6 5 C200 Cox, Lynn; M: Omaha 0169 09/05/1941 6 5 S660 Sherer, Kay; M: Omaha 0169 09/05/1941 8 3 T653 Trinty School; CLASS ENROLLMENTS: Blue Hill 0169 09/05/1941 8 7 K500 Kuhn, Russsel (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill 0169 09/05/1941 1 1 W123 Webster County Fair; PREMIUM LIST: Bladen 0169 09/05/1941 1 2 N425 Nelson, J. William; PHOTO: Blue Hill 0169 09/05/1941 1 4 L515 Lampmann, Sarella; M: Blue Hill Lampmann-Meents 0169 09/05/1941 1 4 M532 Meents, Woodrow B.; M: Blue Hill Lampmann-Meents 0169 09/05/1941 1 5 B532 Buntjer, Anneus; D: Blue Hill Anneus Buntjer Funeral To be Held Today-Friday 0169 09/05/1941 1 6 M246 McClure Family; ORGANIZATION: Hastings McClure Reunion 0169 09/05/1941 1 7 O432 Old Settlers Picnic; ORGANIZATION: Red Cloud 0169 09/05/1941 1 7 M436 Mulder, John; D: Rosemont Final Rites Held Tuesday For John Mulder 0169 09/05/1941 3 1 W123 Webster County Fair; PREMIUM LISTS: Bladen 0169 09/05/1941 3 1 H256 Hegemier, Ben (Mrs.); DN: Bladen 0169 09/05/1941 3 3 J525 Johnson, Haaken; DN: Inavale 0169 09/05/1941 6 4 R324 Ratcliff, Clyde; DN: Ayr 0169 09/05/1941 6 5 C200 Cox, Lynn; M: Omaha 0169 09/05/1941 6 5 S660 Sherer, Kay; M: Omaha 0169 09/05/1941 8 3 T653 Trinty School; CLASS ENROLLMENTS: Blue Hill 0169 09/05/1941 8 7 K500 Kuhn, Russsel (Infant, F); B: Blue Hill 0169 09/12/1941 1 2 H200 Hayes, Mable; M: Blue Hill Hayes-Richeson Kimball, Wyo. 0169 09/12/1941 1 2 R225 Richeson, Donald; M: Blue Hill Hayes-Richeson Kimball, Wyo. 0169 09/12/1941 1 3 M635 Martin, Mary Hannah; D: Hastings Early Settler Gone. Resident 63 years 0169 09/12/1941 1 3 M460 Mueller, Howard; DN: Blue Hill 0169 09/12/1941 1 4 B200 Buss, Leona; M: Blue Hill Buss-Ruhs 0169 09/12/1941 1 4 R200 Ruhs, Ivan; M: Blue Hill Buss-Ruhs 0169 09/12/1941 1 5 W355 Wademan, David; D: Blue Hill Final Rites for David Wademan 0169 09/12/1941 1 6 H635 Hartman Family; ORGANIZATION: Beatrice Hartman Family Reunion in Beatrice Park 0169 09/12/1941 3 1 H256 Hegemeyer, Jennie Henrietta; D: Bladen Mrs. Ben Hegemeyer 0169 09/12/1941 3 5 A622 Ayr High School; SCHOOL ENROLLMENT: Ayr 0169 09/12/1941 6 7 H235 Hiestand, Berniece; M: Ayr 0169 09/12/1941 6 7 M216 McFarland, George W; M: Ayr 0169 09/12/1941 1 2 H200 Hayes, Mable; M: Blue Hill Hayes-Richeson Kimball, Wyo. 0169 09/12/1941 1 2 R225 Richeson, Donald; M: Blue Hill Hayes-Richeson Kimball, Wyo. 0169 09/12/1941 1 3 M635 Martin, Mary Hannah; D: Hastings Early Settler Gone. Resident 63 years 0169 09/12/1941 1 3 M460 Mueller, Howard; DN: Blue Hill 0169 09/12/1941 1 4 B200 Buss, Leona; M: Blue Hill Buss-Ruhs 0169 09/12/1941 1 4 R200 Ruhs, Ivan; M: Blue Hill Buss-Ruhs 0169 09/12/1941 1 5 W355 Wademan, David; D: Blue Hill Final Rites for David Wademan 0169 09/12/1941 1 6 H635 Hartman Family; ORGANIZATION: Beatrice Hartman Family Reunion in Beatrice Park 0169 09/12/1941 3 1 H256 Hegemeyer, Jennie Henrietta; D: Bladen Mrs. Ben Hegemeyer 0169 09/12/1941 3 5 A622 Ayr High School; SCHOOL ENROLLMENT: Ayr 0169 09/12/1941 6 7 H235 Hiestand, Berniece; M: Ayr 0169 09/12/1941 6 7 M216 McFarland, George W; M: Ayr 0169 09/19/1941 1 1 N200 Newhouse, Christina; DN: Rosemont 0169 09/19/1941 1 1 W364 Witrhlik, Rudolph; D: Hastings R. J. Witrhlik 44, Dies at Hastings 0169 09/19/1941 1 2 B623 Broughton, Evelyn; M: Red Cloud Broughton-Peirce 0169 09/19/1941 1 2 P620 Peirce, Norman; M: Red Cloud Broughton-Peirce 0169 09/19/1941 1 5 R200 Rose, Evelyn; M: Red Cloud Rose-Swanson 0169 09/19/1941 1 5 S525 Swanson, Vernon M.; M: Red Cloud Rose-Swanson 0169 09/19/1941 1 7 M532 Meents Family; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill Family Reunion @ George Arends Home 0169 09/19/1941 1 7 K626 Krueger, Albert (Mrs.); BD: Blue Hill Birthday Party 0169 09/19/1941 3 7 E524 Englelhart, Meredith Martin; B: Hastings 0169 09/19/1941 4 4 M635 Martin, Mary H.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 09/19/1941 8 3 K630 Kort, Edwin (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill 0169 09/19/1941 1 1 N200 Newhouse, Christina; DN: Rosemont 0169 09/19/1941 1 1 W364 Witrhlik, Rudolph; D: Hastings R. J. Witrhlik 44, Dies at Hastings 0169 09/19/1941 1 2 B623 Broughton, Evelyn; M: Red Cloud Broughton-Peirce 0169 09/19/1941 1 2 P620 Peirce, Norman; M: Red Cloud Broughton-Peirce 0169 09/19/1941 1 5 R200 Rose, Evelyn; M: Red Cloud Rose-Swanson 0169 09/19/1941 1 5 S525 Swanson, Vernon M.; M: Red Cloud Rose-Swanson 0169 09/19/1941 1 7 M532 Meents Family; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill Family Reunion @ George Arends Home 0169 09/19/1941 1 7 K626 Krueger, Albert (Mrs.); BD: Blue Hill Birthday Party 0169 09/19/1941 3 7 E524 Englelhart, Meredith Martin; B: Hastings 0169 09/19/1941 4 4 M635 Martin, Mary H.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 09/19/1941 8 3 K630 Kort, Edwin (Infant, M); B: Blue Hill 0169 09/26/1941 1 1 P320 Potts, Robert; DN: Blue Hill Robert Potts Dies @ Boardman, Oregon 0169 09/26/1941 1 2 G625 Garrison, Evelyn; M: Grand Island Philip Karr Weds Wood River Girl 0169 09/26/1941 1 2 K600 Karr, Philip; M: Grand Island Philip Karr Weds Wood River 0169 09/26/1941 1 4 D520 Dahms, Harold; M: Blue Hill Hartman-Dahms Boulder City, Nev. 0169 09/26/1941 1 4 H635 Hartman, Goldie; M: Blue Hill Hartman-Dahms Boulder City, Nev. 0169 09/26/1941 1 6 K626 Krueger, Paul; ANN: Biue Hill Paul Kruegers Celebrate Silver Wedding 0169 09/26/1941 1 7 B255 Bachman, Alvina Ernstine Lena; D: Blue Hill Mrs. Conrad Bachman Dies After Long Illness listed. 0169 09/26/1941 3 1 P400 Piel, Ella S.; D: Bladen Mrs. Archie Piel listed. 0169 09/26/1941 4 6 M600 Meyer, Mary F.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 09/26/1941 1 1 P320 Potts, Robert; DN: Blue Hill Robert Potts Dies @ Boardman, Oregon 0169 09/26/1941 1 2 G625 Garrison, Evelyn; M: Grand Island Philip Karr Weds Wood River Girl 0169 09/26/1941 1 2 K600 Karr, Philip; M: Grand Island Philip Karr Weds Wood River 0169 09/26/1941 1 4 D520 Dahms, Harold; M: Blue Hill Hartman-Dahms Boulder City, Nev. 0169 09/26/1941 1 4 H635 Hartman, Goldie; M: Blue Hill Hartman-Dahms Boulder City, Nev. 0169 09/26/1941 1 6 K626 Krueger, Paul; ANN: Biue Hill Paul Kruegers Celebrate Silver Wedding 0169 09/26/1941 1 7 B255 Bachman, Alvina Ernstine Lena; D: Blue Hill Mrs. Conrad Bachman Dies After Long Illness listed. 0169 09/26/1941 3 1 P400 Piel, Ella S.; D: Bladen Mrs. Archie Piel listed. 0169 09/26/1941 4 6 M600 Meyer, Mary F.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 10/02/1941 1 5 C416 Cloverton School; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill Cloverton Homecoming 0169 10/02/1941 1 5 C416 Cloverton School; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill Cloverton Homecoming 0169 10/03/1941 1 1 K400 Kailey, Willis; M: Ayr Robinson-Kailey 0169 10/03/1941 1 1 R152 Robinson, Avis; M: Ayr Robinson-Kailey 0169 10/03/1941 1 2 E242 Eggleston, Charles D.; D: Blue Hill Death of Charles D. Eggleston 0169 10/03/1941 1 2 K630 Kort, Warren Jean; D: Gering Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kort Dies 0169 10/03/1941 4 5 M635 Martin, George A.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 10/03/1941 1 1 K400 Kailey, Willis; M: Ayr Robinson-Kailey 0169 10/03/1941 1 1 R152 Robinson, Avis; M: Ayr Robinson-Kailey 0169 10/03/1941 1 2 E242 Eggleston, Charles D.; D: Blue Hill Death of Charles D. Eggleston 0169 10/03/1941 1 2 K630 Kort, Warren Jean; D: Gering Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kort Dies 0169 10/03/1941 4 5 M635 Martin, George A.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 10/10/1941 1 1 S561 Sommerfeld, Caroline Sophie; D: Blue Hill 0169 10/10/1941 1 4 Z246 Ziegler, LaVerne; M: Ogalala Zimmerman-Ziegler 0169 10/10/1941 1 4 Z565 Zimmerman, Gertrude; M: Ogalala Zimmerman-Ziegler 0169 10/10/1941 1 5 B432 Beltzer, Carl William; M: Oamaha Merten-Beltzer 0169 10/10/1941 1 5 M635 Merten, Vivian; M: Omaha Merten-Beltzer 0169 10/10/1941 1 5 Z565 Zimmerman, Gottlieb; D: Blue Hill G. Zimmerman Dies After Short Illness listed. 0169 10/10/1941 3 1 H525 Hansen, Norman H.; M: Lincoln Thomas-Hansen 0169 10/10/1941 3 1 T520 Thomas, Eileen; M: Lincoln Thomas-Hansen 0169 10/10/1941 1 1 S561 Sommerfeld, Caroline Sophie; D: Blue Hill 0169 10/10/1941 1 4 Z246 Ziegler, LaVerne; M: Ogalala Zimmerman-Ziegler 0169 10/10/1941 1 4 Z565 Zimmerman, Gertrude; M: Ogalala Zimmerman-Ziegler 0169 10/10/1941 1 5 B432 Beltzer, Carl William; M: Oamaha Merten-Beltzer 0169 10/10/1941 1 5 M635 Merten, Vivian; M: Omaha Merten-Beltzer 0169 10/10/1941 1 5 Z565 Zimmerman, Gottlieb; D: Blue Hill G. Zimmerman Dies After Short Illness listed. 0169 10/10/1941 3 1 H525 Hansen, Norman H.; M: Lincoln Thomas-Hansen 0169 10/10/1941 3 1 T520 Thomas, Eileen; M: Lincoln Thomas-Hansen 0169 10/17/1941 1 2 P220 Peacock, Eva Louise; M: Lincoln Peacock-VanBoening 0169 10/17/1941 1 2 V515 VanBoening, Edgar Ernest; M: Lincoln Peacock-VanBoening 0169 10/17/1941 1 5 L220 Lukas, Stella; M: Blue Hill Lukas-Witrhlik 0169 10/17/1941 1 5 W364 Witrhlik, Ed; M: Blue Hill Lukas-Witrhlik 0169 10/17/1941 1 6 M425 Muhleisen, Christina; BD: Blue Hill Mrs. Christina Muhleisen Celebrates 80th Birthday 0169 10/17/1941 1 7 B200 Bock, P. H. (Mrs.); BD: Blue Hill Observes 86th Birthday 0169 10/17/1941 3 3 G620 Greig, Charles; D: Atkinson 0169 10/17/1941 3 3 J525 Janssen, Frank (Mrs.); BD: Ayr 0169 10/17/1941 1 2 P220 Peacock, Eva Louise; M: Lincoln Peacock-VanBoening 0169 10/17/1941 1 2 V515 VanBoening, Edgar Ernest; M: Lincoln Peacock-VanBoening 0169 10/17/1941 1 5 L220 Lukas, Stella; M: Blue Hill Lukas-Witrhlik 0169 10/17/1941 1 5 W364 Witrhlik, Ed; M: Blue Hill Lukas-Witrhlik 0169 10/17/1941 1 6 M425 Muhleisen, Christina; BD: Blue Hill Mrs. Christina Muhleisen Celebrates 80th Birthday 0169 10/17/1941 1 7 B200 Bock, P. H. (Mrs.); BD: Blue Hill Observes 86th Birthday 0169 10/17/1941 3 3 G620 Greig, Charles; D: Atkinson 0169 10/17/1941 3 3 J525 Janssen, Frank (Mrs.); BD: Ayr 0169 10/24/1941 1 1 W365 Waterman, Katie; D: Blue Hill Final Rite Thursday for Mrs. Henry Waterman listed. 0169 10/24/1941 3 3 P362 Peterson, Carl; DN: Bladen Carl Peterson Dies Suddenly 0169 10/24/1941 6 7 Z565 Zimmerman, Gotlieb; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 10/24/1941 8 4 D450 Dillon, Lawrence (Mrs.); DN ACCIDENT: Central City 0169 10/24/1941 8 6 T235 Tjaden, P. H. (Infant, M); B: Hastings 0169 10/24/1941 1 1 W365 Waterman, Katie; D: Blue Hill Final Rite Thursday for Mrs. Henry Waterman listed. 0169 10/24/1941 3 3 P362 Peterson, Carl; DN: Bladen Carl Peterson Dies Suddenly 0169 10/24/1941 6 7 Z565 Zimmerman, Gotlieb; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud 0169 10/24/1941 8 4 D450 Dillon, Lawrence (Mrs.); DN ACCIDENT: Central City 0169 10/24/1941 8 6 T235 Tjaden, P. H. (Infant, M); B: Hastings 0169 10/31/1941 1 2 W146 Wiebeler, J. V.; D: Lawrence 0169 10/31/1941 1 3 R225 Richeson, Arlene; M: Hastings Richeson-Robinson 0169 10/31/1941 1 3 R152 Robinson, James; M: Hastings Richeson-Robinson 0169 10/31/1941 3 2 H243 Householder, Carol; M: Hastings Householder-Richendifer 0169 10/31/1941 3 2 R253 Richendifer, Cley R.; M: Hastings Householder-Richendifer 0169 10/31/1941 3 3 M245 McCallum, Jemima; BD: Bladen Mrs. Jemima McCullum 91 years old 0169 10/31/1941 6 4 B200 Beyke, Raymond; B: Pauline 0169 10/31/1941 8 3 E236 Easter, Scott; M: Ayr 0169 10/31/1941 8 3 J520 Jones, Ivora; M: Ayr 0169 10/31/1941 8 6 S362 Strasburg, Dale Lee; B: Blue Hill 0169 10/31/1941 1 2 W146 Wiebeler, J. V.; D: Lawrence 0169 10/31/1941 1 3 R225 Richeson, Arlene; M: Hastings Richeson-Robinson 0169 10/31/1941 1 3 R152 Robinson, James; M: Hastings Richeson-Robinson 0169 10/31/1941 3 2 H243 Householder, Carol; M: Hastings Householder-Richendifer 0169 10/31/1941 3 2 R253 Richendifer, Cley R.; M: Hastings Householder-Richendifer 0169 10/31/1941 3 3 M245 McCallum, Jemima; BD: Bladen Mrs. Jemima McCullum 91 years old 0169 10/31/1941 6 4 B200 Beyke, Raymond; B: Pauline 0169 10/31/1941 8 3 E236 Easter, Scott; M: Ayr 0169 10/31/1941 8 3 J520 Jones, Ivora; M: Ayr 0169 10/31/1941 8 6 S362 Strasburg, Dale Lee; B: Blue Hill 0169 11/07/1941 8 2 Wright, Wilbur; M; Scottsbluff; Bride-Annabelle Horne 0169 11/07/1941 8 2 Horne, Annabelle; M; Scottsbluff; Groom-Wilbur Wright. Mother-Mrs. H. C. Wright 0169 11/07/1941 8 7 Forest, Arthur (Infant, M); B; Hastings; Nov. 3 0169 11/07/1941 1 2 Reddon, Katheryn; M; Blue Hill; Reddon-Mummey; Groom-Bill M. Mummey Mother-Cecelia Reddon 0169 11/07/1941 1 2 Mummey, Bill M.; M; Blue Hill; Reddon-Mummey; Bride-Katheryn Reddon Mother-Myrtle Mummey 0169 11/07/1941 1 5 Krueger, Alice; M; Blue Hill; Krueger-Corner; Groom-James Corner. Father-Walter Krueger 0169 11/07/1941 1 5 Corner, James; M; Blue Hill; Krueger-Corner; Bride-Alice Krueger. Father-George Corner 0169 11/07/1941 3 2 Riggins, Alice; DN; Bladen; Mrs.J. L. Riggins Buried @ San Diiego, Calif.; Nee-Graves. Husband-J. L. Riggins 0169 11/07/1941 3 2 Yant, Fred (Mrs.); DN; Crete; Coach Yant's Mother Dies @ Crete; Son-Robert Yant 0169 11/07/1941 3 2 Hougan, Casper; Bladen; To Los Angeles, Calif. 0169 11/07/1941 3 7 Peters, Lizzie; DN; Blue Hill; Nee-Hubbard. Husband-Charles Peters Died in Enid,Okla. 0169 11/07/1941 4 3 Scottish Rite Masons; ORGANIZATION; Hastings; Scottish Rite Masons Attend Fall Reunion; Reunion 0169 11/07/1941 8 2 Banning, Edward (Infant, M); B; Lincoln; 0169 11/07/1941 8 2 Allender, Clara M.; DN; Hastings; Husband-Frank Allender. 0169 11/07/1941 8 2 Wright, Wilbur; M; Scottsbluff; Bride-Annabelle Horne 0169 11/07/1941 8 2 Horne, Annabelle; M; Scottsbluff; Groom-Wilbur Wright. Mother-Mrs. H. C. Wright 0169 11/07/1941 8 7 Forest, Arthur (Infant, M); B; Hastings; Nov. 3 0169 11/07/1941 1 2 Reddon, Katheryn; M; Blue Hill; Reddon-Mummey; Groom-Bill M. Mummey Mother-Cecelia Reddon 0169 11/07/1941 1 2 Mummey, Bill M.; M; Blue Hill; Reddon-Mummey; Bride-Katheryn Reddon Mother-Myrtle Mummey 0169 11/07/1941 1 5 Krueger, Alice; M; Blue Hill; Krueger-Corner; Groom-James Corner. Father-Walter Krueger 0169 11/07/1941 1 5 Corner, James; M; Blue Hill; Krueger-Corner; Bride-Alice Krueger. Father-George Corner 0169 11/07/1941 3 2 Riggins, Alice; DN; Bladen; Mrs.J. L. Riggins Buried @ San Diiego, Calif.; Nee-Graves. Husband-J. L. Riggins 0169 11/07/1941 3 2 Yant, Fred (Mrs.); DN; Crete; Coach Yant's Mother Dies @ Crete; Son-Robert Yant 0169 11/07/1941 3 2 Hougan, Casper; Bladen; To Los Angeles, Calif. 0169 11/07/1941 3 7 Peters, Lizzie; DN; Blue Hill; Nee-Hubbard. Husband-Charles Peters Died in Enid,Okla. 0169 11/07/1941 4 3 Scottish Rite Masons; ORGANIZATION; Hastings; Scottish Rite Masons Attend Fall Reunion; Reunion 0169 11/07/1941 8 2 Banning, Edward (Infant, M); B; Lincoln; 0169 11/07/1941 8 2 Allender, Clara M.; DN; Hastings; Husband-Frank Allender. 0169 11/14/1941 1 3 Peters, Charles H. (Mrs.); DN; Blue Hill; Rites For Mrs. Chas. Peters @ Enid, Okla.; Children & Siblings listed. Died @ Enid, Oklahoma 0169 11/14/1941 1 6 Kuhn, Edith; M; Blue Hill; Miss Edith Kuhn. Bride of Henry Weis; Groom-Raymond Weis Fr.-Emil Kuhn Married @ Afton, Ia 0169 11/14/1941 1 6 Weis, Raymond; M; Blue Hill; Miss Edith Kuhn. Bride of Henry Weis; Bride-Edith Kuhn Fr.-Henry Weis Married @ Afton, Ia 0169 11/14/1941 1 6 Newmeyer, Neoma (Harley); DIVORCE; Red Cloud; Ptlf. 0169 11/14/1941 1 6 Newmeyer, Harley (Neoma); DIVORCE; Red Cloud; Def. 0169 11/14/1941 1 7 Blue Hill Leader; BD; Blue Hill; 54 Years old 0169 11/14/1941 1 7 Lacey, Chub; Blue Hill; Lacey Family Moving to Lebanon, Kansas; To Lebanon, Kan. 0169 11/14/1941 3 5 Emel, W. H.; BD; Pauline; 78th 0169 11/14/1941 4 5 Buschow, Charles; ESTATE HEARING; Red Cloud; 0169 11/14/1941 8 6 Koepke, Allen Billie; B; Hastings; Father-Howard Koepke 0169 11/14/1941 1 3 Peters, Charles H. (Mrs.); DN; Blue Hill; Rites For Mrs. Chas. Peters @ Enid, Okla.; Children & Siblings listed. Died @ Enid, Oklahoma 0169 11/14/1941 1 6 Kuhn, Edith; M; Blue Hill; Miss Edith Kuhn. Bride of Henry Weis; Groom-Raymond Weis Fr.-Emil Kuhn Married @ Afton, Ia 0169 11/14/1941 1 6 Weis, Raymond; M; Blue Hill; Miss Edith Kuhn. Bride of Henry Weis; Bride-Edith Kuhn Fr.-Henry Weis Married @ Afton, Ia 0169 11/14/1941 1 6 Newmeyer, Neoma (Harley); DIVORCE; Red Cloud; Ptlf. 0169 11/14/1941 1 6 Newmeyer, Harley (Neoma); DIVORCE; Red Cloud; Def. 0169 11/14/1941 1 7 Blue Hill Leader; BD; Blue Hill; 54 Years old 0169 11/14/1941 1 7 Lacey, Chub; Blue Hill; Lacey Family Moving to Lebanon, Kansas; To Lebanon, Kan. 0169 11/14/1941 3 5 Emel, W. H.; BD; Pauline; 78th 0169 11/14/1941 4 5 Buschow, Charles; ESTATE HEARING; Red Cloud; 0169 11/14/1941 8 6 Koepke, Allen Billie; B; Hastings; Father-Howard Koepke 0169 11/21/1941 1 3 Dixon, Frank; M; Blue Hill; Miss Leona Powers Bride of Frank Dixon; Bride-Leona Powers 0169 11/21/1941 1 3 Powers, Leona; M; Blue Hill; Miss Leona Powers Bride of Frank Dixon; Groom-Frank Dixon 0169 11/21/1941 3 2 Kistler, Albert Eugene; DN; Bladen; Albert Eugene Kistler Dead; Father-Albert Kistler. Died in Filer, Idaho 0169 11/21/1941 3 6 Davis, Eldon (Infant, M); B; Hastings; Nov. 15 0169 11/21/1941 6 3 Evans, Harm (Mrs.); DN; Ayr; Died @ Twin Falls, Idaho. Children listed 0169 11/21/1941 6 4 Blue Hill School; PHOTO; Blue Hill; Annual Circus Event Children.; Group Photo & Names of Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd Grade 0169 11/21/1941 1 3 Dixon, Frank; M; Blue Hill; Miss Leona Powers Bride of Frank Dixon; Bride-Leona Powers 0169 11/21/1941 1 3 Powers, Leona; M; Blue Hill; Miss Leona Powers Bride of Frank Dixon; Groom-Frank Dixon 0169 11/21/1941 3 2 Kistler, Albert Eugene; DN; Bladen; Albert Eugene Kistler Dead; Father-Albert Kistler. Died in Filer, Idaho 0169 11/21/1941 3 6 Davis, Eldon (Infant, M); B; Hastings; Nov. 15 0169 11/21/1941 6 3 Evans, Harm (Mrs.); DN; Ayr; Died @ Twin Falls, Idaho. Children listed 0169 11/21/1941 6 4 Blue Hill School; PHOTO; Blue Hill; Annual Circus Event Children.; Group Photo & Names of Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd Grade 0169 11/28/1941 1 6 Niehaus, Florence; M; Lawrence; Niehaus-Strasburg; Groom-William Strasburg Father-George Niehaus 0169 11/28/1941 1 6 Strasburg, William; M; Lawrence; Niehaus-Strasburg; Bride-Florence Niehaus. Father-G. W. Strasburg 0169 11/28/1941 3 2 McCoy, Verna; M; Bladen; McCoy-Turner; Groom-Orville Turner. Father-W. J. McCoy 0169 11/28/1941 3 2 Turner, Orville; M; Bladen; McCoy-Turner; Bride-Verna McCoy. Father-Fred Turner 0169 11/28/1941 3 5 Turner, Margaret; M; Lincoln; Groom-Darold Barnum 0169 11/28/1941 3 5 Barnum, Darold; M; Lincoln; Bride-Margaret Turner 0169 11/28/1941 6 3 Evans, Harm (Mrs); DN; Hastings; 0169 11/28/1941 6 4 Churchill, George; BD; Ayr; 77th 0169 11/28/1941 6 4 Sanford, George; M; Ayr; @ Saratoga, Wyo.; Bride-Marjorie Buckman Father-Clayton Sanford Married 0169 11/28/1941 1 6 Niehaus, Florence; M; Lawrence; Niehaus-Strasburg; Groom-William Strasburg Father-George Niehaus 0169 11/28/1941 1 6 Strasburg, William; M; Lawrence; Niehaus-Strasburg; Bride-Florence Niehaus. Father-G. W. Strasburg 0169 11/28/1941 3 2 McCoy, Verna; M; Bladen; McCoy-Turner; Groom-Orville Turner. Father-W. J. McCoy 0169 11/28/1941 3 2 Turner, Orville; M; Bladen; McCoy-Turner; Bride-Verna McCoy. Father-Fred Turner 0169 11/28/1941 3 5 Turner, Margaret; M; Lincoln; Groom-Darold Barnum 0169 11/28/1941 3 5 Barnum, Darold; M; Lincoln; Bride-Margaret Turner 0169 11/28/1941 6 3 Evans, Harm (Mrs); DN; Hastings; 0169 11/28/1941 6 4 Churchill, George; BD; Ayr; 77th 0169 11/28/1941 6 4 Sanford, George; M; Ayr; @ Saratoga, Wyo.; Bride-Marjorie Buckman Father-Clayton Sanford Married 0169 12/05/1941 1 1 D400 Delehoy, Sarah J.; D: Blue Hill Rites Here For Mrs. Sarah Delehoy Died @ Chicago 0169 12/05/1941 1 2 S315 Stevens Family; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill Family Reuion @ Yuma, Colo. 0169 12/05/1941 1 3 K630 Kort, Chris; BD: Blue Hill Chris Kort Celebrates 82nd Birthday 0169 12/05/1941 1 7 P455 Pauline Methodist Church; METHODIST: Pauline Pauline Church Observes Fiftieth Anniversary 0169 12/05/1941 1 7 L200 Lewis, M. R.: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 3 1 C224 Chicago Lumber Co.; BULIDING SUPPLIES: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 3 1 B300 Boyd, George Wesley; D: Bladen George Wesley Boyd Died in St. Francis, Kan. 0169 12/05/1941 3 3 M320 Mattock, Gerald; M: Bladen Spence-Mattock 0169 12/05/1941 3 3 P236 Pfister, Adam; D: Western Attend Funeral of Brother 0169 12/05/1941 3 3 S152 Spence, Helen; M: Bladen Spence-Mattock 0169 12/05/1941 3 5 B643 Brouilette, Hector (Infant, M.); B: Hastings 0169 12/05/1941 3 6 B534 Bennett (W. L.) Grocery; GROCERY: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 3 6 G344 Goodell (O.L.); POULTRY & FEED: Bladen 0169 12/05/1941 3 6 T256 The Commerial Bank; BANK: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 4 1 V250 Vaughan, Byron B.; Blue Hill Leader; NEWSPAPER: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 5 1 B443 Blue Hill Drug Store; PHARMACY: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 5 1 K621 Kirkbride & Rose; INSURANCE: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 5 1 M635 Merten Brothers; FUNERAL DIRECTORS: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 5 1 F000 Foe, Howard S.; ATTORNEY: Red Cloud 0169 12/05/1941 5 1 O540 O'Neill, S. H.; PHYSICIAN & SURGEON: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 5 1 P412 Phillips, Clifford; ATTORNEY: Red Cloud 0169 12/05/1941 5 1 R223 Reichstein, W. C.; CONTRACTOR & BUILDER: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 5 1 S352 Scheiding, F. G.; JEWELER: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 6 6 A525 Amick and Amick; DENTISTS: Hastings 0169 12/05/1941 6 6 B442 Blue Hill Coffee Shop; RESTAURANT: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 6 6 C140 Copley, Chas. H.; INSURANCE: Red Cloud 0169 12/05/1941 6 7 M635 Martin, Roland E.; The Methodist Church; METHODIST: Bladen 0169 12/05/1941 8 1 M635 Martin (O. H.); GROCERY: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 8 3 M262 McCorkle, Charles; The Methodist Church; METHODIST: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 8 5 F250 Ficken, August; Trinity Lutheran Church; LUTHERAN: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 8 6 A562 American Legion Auxilliary; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 8 6 C636 Courtright's Food Market; GROCERY: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 8 6 K200 Koch, Mary Donnel; B: Hastings 0169 12/05/1941 8 6 P400 Peil, J.; St. Paul's Lutheran Church; LUTHERAN: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 8 7 S364 Sterling Theatre; MOVIE THEATRE: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 8 7 H400 Hawley, J.; DENTIST: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 1 1 D400 Delehoy, Sarah J.; D: Blue Hill Rites Here For Mrs. Sarah Delehoy Died @ Chicago 0169 12/05/1941 1 2 S315 Stevens Family; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill Family Reuion @ Yuma, Colo. 0169 12/05/1941 1 3 K630 Kort, Chris; BD: Blue Hill Chris Kort Celebrates 82nd Birthday 0169 12/05/1941 1 7 P455 Pauline Methodist Church; METHODIST: Pauline Pauline Church Observes Fiftieth Anniversary 0169 12/05/1941 1 7 L200 Lewis, M. R.: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 3 1 C224 Chicago Lumber Co.; BULIDING SUPPLIES: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 3 1 B300 Boyd, George Wesley; D: Bladen George Wesley Boyd Died in St. Francis, Kan. 0169 12/05/1941 3 3 M320 Mattock, Gerald; M: Bladen Spence-Mattock 0169 12/05/1941 3 3 P236 Pfister, Adam; D: Western Attend Funeral of Brother 0169 12/05/1941 3 3 S152 Spence, Helen; M: Bladen Spence-Mattock 0169 12/05/1941 3 5 B643 Brouilette, Hector (Infant, M.); B: Hastings 0169 12/05/1941 3 6 B534 Bennett (W. L.) Grocery; GROCERY: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 3 6 G344 Goodell (O.L.); POULTRY & FEED: Bladen 0169 12/05/1941 3 6 T256 The Commerial Bank; BANK: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 4 1 V250 Vaughan, Byron B.; Blue Hill Leader; NEWSPAPER: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 5 1 B443 Blue Hill Drug Store; PHARMACY: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 5 1 K621 Kirkbride & Rose; INSURANCE: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 5 1 M635 Merten Brothers; FUNERAL DIRECTORS: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 5 1 F000 Foe, Howard S.; ATTORNEY: Red Cloud 0169 12/05/1941 5 1 O540 O'Neill, S. H.; PHYSICIAN & SURGEON: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 5 1 P412 Phillips, Clifford; ATTORNEY: Red Cloud 0169 12/05/1941 5 1 R223 Reichstein, W. C.; CONTRACTOR & BUILDER: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 5 1 S352 Scheiding, F. G.; JEWELER: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 6 6 A525 Amick and Amick; DENTISTS: Hastings 0169 12/05/1941 6 6 B442 Blue Hill Coffee Shop; RESTAURANT: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 6 6 C140 Copley, Chas. H.; INSURANCE: Red Cloud 0169 12/05/1941 6 7 M635 Martin, Roland E.; The Methodist Church; METHODIST: Bladen 0169 12/05/1941 8 1 M635 Martin (O. H.); GROCERY: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 8 3 M262 McCorkle, Charles; The Methodist Church; METHODIST: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 8 5 F250 Ficken, August; Trinity Lutheran Church; LUTHERAN: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 8 6 A562 American Legion Auxilliary; ORGANIZATION: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 8 6 C636 Courtright's Food Market; GROCERY: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 8 6 K200 Koch, Mary Donnel; B: Hastings 0169 12/05/1941 8 6 P400 Peil, J.; St. Paul's Lutheran Church; LUTHERAN: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 8 7 S364 Sterling Theatre; MOVIE THEATRE: Blue Hill 0169 12/05/1941 8 7 H400 Hawley, J.; DENTIST: Blue Hill 0169 12/12/1941 1 2 K530 Kent, Evelyn; M: Bladen Kent-McMahon Rock, Ark. 0169 12/12/1941 1 2 M255 McMahon, Clark; M: Bladen Kent-McMahon Little Rock, Ark. 0169 12/12/1941 1 5 D250 Dickson, C. C.; D: Blue Hill C. C. Dickson Dies @ Cheyenne, Wyo. Cheyenne, Wyo. 0169 12/12/1941 1 5 T512 Thompson, Katherine J.; D: Blue Hill Mrs. Katherine J. Thompson Dies Suddenly 0169 12/12/1941 3 3 S152 Spence, Rachel Ann; D: Bladen Mrs. A. E. Spence Nee Armstrong 0169 12/12/1941 3 5 B163 Bovard, Ella; D: Ayr 0169 12/12/1941 3 5 K630 Kort, Marvin (Infant, F); B: Hastings 0169 12/12/1941 5 2 B442 Blue Hill High School; PHOTO: Blue Hill 0169 12/12/1941 1 2 K530 Kent, Evelyn; M: Bladen Kent-McMahon Rock, Ark. 0169 12/12/1941 1 2 M255 McMahon, Clark; M: Bladen Kent-McMahon Little Rock, Ark. 0169 12/12/1941 1 5 D250 Dickson, C. C.; D: Blue Hill C. C. Dickson Dies @ Cheyenne, Wyo. Cheyenne, Wyo. 0169 12/12/1941 1 5 T512 Thompson, Katherine J.; D: Blue Hill Mrs. Katherine J. Thompson Dies Suddenly 0169 12/12/1941 3 3 S152 Spence, Rachel Ann; D: Bladen Mrs. A. E. Spence Nee Armstrong 0169 12/12/1941 3 5 B163 Bovard, Ella; D: Ayr 0169 12/12/1941 3 5 K630 Kort, Marvin (Infant, F); B: Hastings 0169 12/12/1941 5 2 B442 Blue Hill High School; PHOTO: Blue Hill 0169 12/19/1941 1 4 A653 Arndt, Louis; M: Blue Hill Schunk-Arndt 0169 12/19/1941 1 4 S520 Schunk, Dorthy; M: Blue Hill Schunk-Arndt 0169 12/19/1941 1 5 T512 Thompson, Catherine Jane; D: Blue Hill Catherine Jane Thompson listed. 0169 12/19/1941 1 6 B240 Bagley, Edward; M: Blue Hill Laird-Bagley Nuptials Sunday 0169 12/19/1941 1 6 L630 Laird, Doris; M: Blue Hill Laird-Bagley Nuptials Sunday 0169 12/19/1941 1 7 B452 Blankenbaker, Lee (Louise); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 12/19/1941 1 7 B452 Blankenbaker, Louise (Lee); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 12/19/1941 8 2 B346 Beitler, Henry C. (Jr.); VETERANS-NEBRASKA: Cowles Cowles Boy Wounded in Hawaii 0169 12/19/1941 1 4 A653 Arndt, Louis; M: Blue Hill Schunk-Arndt 0169 12/19/1941 1 4 S520 Schunk, Dorthy; M: Blue Hill Schunk-Arndt 0169 12/19/1941 1 5 T512 Thompson, Catherine Jane; D: Blue Hill Catherine Jane Thompson listed. 0169 12/19/1941 1 6 B240 Bagley, Edward; M: Blue Hill Laird-Bagley Nuptials Sunday 0169 12/19/1941 1 6 L630 Laird, Doris; M: Blue Hill Laird-Bagley Nuptials Sunday 0169 12/19/1941 1 7 B452 Blankenbaker, Lee (Louise); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 12/19/1941 1 7 B452 Blankenbaker, Louise (Lee); DIVORCE: Red Cloud 0169 12/19/1941 8 2 B346 Beitler, Henry C. (Jr.); VETERANS-NEBRASKA: Cowles Cowles Boy Wounded in Hawaii 0169 12/26/1941 1 5 D242 Douglas, Elizabeth Story; D: Norman Mrs. Elizabeth Douglas listed. 0169 12/26/1941 8 3 L200 Lacey, Rex Earl; B: Nelson 0169 12/26/1941 1 5 D242 Douglas, Elizabeth Story; D: Norman Mrs. Elizabeth Douglas listed. 0169 12/26/1941 8 3 L200 Lacey, Rex Earl; B: Nelson