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News Extraction
NSHS Newspaper Extractions: Code 0169-Blue Hill Leader
Newspaper Code Date (m/d/y) Pg Col SNDX Extraction 0169 01/07/1959 1 3 P362 Peterson, Clara; D: Doniphan Nee: Lepin; Husband: Andrew J. Peterson; siblings listed 0169 01/07/1959 1 3 G526 Gingrich, Albert U.; D: Adams County Wife: Clio Gingrich; Son: John; siblings listed 0169 01/07/1959 1 5 S300 Schutte, Marjorie; M: Rosemont Groom: Jerry Martin; Father: Alfred Schutte 0169 01/07/1959 1 5 M635 Martin, Jerry E.; M: Rosemont Bride: Marjorie Schutte; Father: M.E. Martin 0169 01/07/1959 1 6 G200 Goos, Henry A.; D: Hastings Wife: Freida Goos; siblings listed 0169 01/07/1959 1 7 A652 Ahrens, Henry J.; D: Red Cloud Wife: Lenna; Son: Kenneth 0169 01/07/1959 3 1 J520 Jans, Henry; Ann: Bladen 59th 0169 01/07/1959 3 3 F240 Fishel, Mary Ellen ; B: Hastings January 3. Father: John Fishel 0169 01/07/1959 3 5 M530 Monte, Delores Lyn; B: Red Cloud December 28. Father: Duane Monte 0169 01/07/1959 3 5 J160 Jeffery, Rebecca Ann; B: Red Cloud January 1. Father: Maurice W. Jeffery 0169 01/07/1959 3 5 S361 Strobl, Kathey Ann; B: Red Cloud January 3. Father: Donald E. Strobl 0169 01/07/1959 4 4 B650 Brown, Edward H.; D: Hastings Wife: Catherine Brown; siblings listed 0169 01/07/1959 1 3 P362 Peterson, Clara; D: Doniphan Nee: Lepin; Husband: Andrew J. Peterson; siblings listed 0169 01/07/1959 1 3 G526 Gingrich, Albert U.; D: Adams County Wife: Clio Gingrich; Son: John; siblings listed 0169 01/07/1959 1 5 S300 Schutte, Marjorie; M: Rosemont Groom: Jerry Martin; Father: Alfred Schutte 0169 01/07/1959 1 5 M635 Martin, Jerry E.; M: Rosemont Bride: Marjorie Schutte; Father: M.E. Martin 0169 01/07/1959 1 6 G200 Goos, Henry A.; D: Hastings Wife: Freida Goos; siblings listed 0169 01/07/1959 1 7 A652 Ahrens, Henry J.; D: Red Cloud Wife: Lenna; Son: Kenneth 0169 01/07/1959 3 1 J520 Jans, Henry; Ann: Bladen 59th 0169 01/07/1959 3 3 F240 Fishel, Mary Ellen ; B: Hastings January 3. Father: John Fishel 0169 01/07/1959 3 5 M530 Monte, Delores Lyn; B: Red Cloud December 28. Father: Duane Monte 0169 01/07/1959 3 5 J160 Jeffery, Rebecca Ann; B: Red Cloud January 1. Father: Maurice W. Jeffery 0169 01/07/1959 3 5 S361 Strobl, Kathey Ann; B: Red Cloud January 3. Father: Donald E. Strobl 0169 01/07/1959 4 4 B650 Brown, Edward H.; D: Hastings Wife: Catherine Brown; siblings listed 0169 01/14/1959 1 3 S142 Spilker, Edward; Ann: Blue Hill 25th 0169 01/14/1959 1 3 L515 Lampman, Emil (Infant F); D: Hastings Siblings and grandparents listed 0169 01/14/1959 1 3 H416 Helberg, Todd Quinton; B: Red Cloud January 10. Father: Gordon Helberg 0169 01/14/1959 1 4 R223 Reichstein, Will; Bd: Blue Hill 88th 0169 01/14/1959 3 2 H524 Henzl, Agnes Frances; D: Sidney Nee: Zitek; Husbands, children, and brother listed 0169 01/14/1959 3 7 T143 Theobald, Donald Eugene; B: Red Cloud January 7. Father: Dwight Eugene Theobald 0169 01/14/1959 3 7 H416 Helberg. Todd Quinton; B: Red Cloud January 10. Father: Gordon Helberg 0169 01/14/1959 2 3 P400 Paul, Melvin: Lincoln Column 0169 01/14/1959 5 2 E135 Evadne: Blue Hill Column 0169 01/14/1959 5 4 W323 Woodside, Cora Davis: Column 0169 01/14/1959 6 1 A212 Aeschbacher, W.D.: Lincoln Column 0169 01/14/1959 6 3 F200 Fox, John: Blue Hill Column 0169 01/14/1959 1 3 S142 Spilker, Edward; Ann: Blue Hill 25th 0169 01/14/1959 1 3 L515 Lampman, Emil (Infant F); D: Hastings Siblings and grandparents listed 0169 01/14/1959 1 3 H416 Helberg, Todd Quinton; B: Red Cloud January 10. Father: Gordon Helberg 0169 01/14/1959 1 4 R223 Reichstein, Will; Bd: Blue Hill 88th 0169 01/14/1959 3 2 H524 Henzl, Agnes Frances; D: Sidney Nee: Zitek; Husbands, children, and brother listed 0169 01/14/1959 3 7 T143 Theobald, Donald Eugene; B: Red Cloud January 7. Father: Dwight Eugene Theobald 0169 01/14/1959 3 7 H416 Helberg. Todd Quinton; B: Red Cloud January 10. Father: Gordon Helberg 0169 01/14/1959 2 3 P400 Paul, Melvin: Lincoln Column 0169 01/14/1959 5 2 E135 Evadne: Blue Hill Column 0169 01/14/1959 5 4 W323 Woodside, Cora Davis: Column 0169 01/14/1959 6 1 A212 Aeschbacher, W.D.: Lincoln Column 0169 01/14/1959 6 3 F200 Fox, John: Blue Hill Column 0169 01/21/1959 1 3 F550 Faimon, John W.; Dn: Blue Hill Children listed 0169 01/21/1959 3 5 E363 Etherton, Gerald Wayne; B: Red Cloud January 12. Father: Wayne R. Etherton 0169 01/21/1959 3 5 A416 Alber, Daniel Edward; B: Red Cloud January 14. Father: Edgar P. Alber 0169 01/21/1959 3 5 S552 Simmons, Bickie Lee; B: Red Cloud January 16. Father: Clarence J. Simmons 0169 01/21/1959 8 6 V250 Vaughan, William: Blue Hill To Hastings 0169 01/21/1959 1 3 F550 Faimon, John W.; Dn: Blue Hill Children listed 0169 01/21/1959 3 5 E363 Etherton, Gerald Wayne; B: Red Cloud January 12. Father: Wayne R. Etherton 0169 01/21/1959 3 5 A416 Alber, Daniel Edward; B: Red Cloud January 14. Father: Edgar P. Alber 0169 01/21/1959 3 5 S552 Simmons, Bickie Lee; B: Red Cloud January 16. Father: Clarence J. Simmons 0169 01/21/1959 8 6 V250 Vaughan, William: Blue Hill To Hastings 0169 01/28/1959 1 2 F650 Frahm, William C.; D : Red Cloud Wife: Letha Walters Frahm; children and siblings listed 0169 01/28/1959 1 4 B660 Buerer, Barbara Jean; B: Clay Center January 22. Father: James Buerer 0169 01/28/1959 1 5 P400 Peil, Larry Lee; D Accident: Blue Hill Father: Jack Peil; siblings listed; died near Chesterfield, Illinois 0169 01/28/1959 1 6 L526 Lanckriet, Edmund; D: Blue Hill Wife: Arline Bangert Lanckriet; children listed; died at Julesburg, Colorado 0169 01/28/1959 4 2 J520 Jones, Cheryl Lynne; B: Lincoln January 24. Father: Gale Jones 0169 01/28/1959 4 6 W652 Wernecke, Debra Kay; B: Red Cloud January 20. Father: Lloyd W. Wernecke 0169 01/28/1959 4 6 P625 Pearson, Ellen Mae; B: Red Cloud January 23. Father Glen D. Pearson 0169 01/28/1959 4 6 B652 Bronson, Sandra Kay; B: Red Cloud January 24. Father: Merton L. Bronson 0169 01/28/1959 4 6 H612 Herbek, J. (Infant M); B: Red Cloud January 25. 0169 01/28/1959 4 6 P620 Peirce, Russel C. (Infant M); B: Red Cloud January 25. 0169 01/28/1959 4 7 K400 Kelly, Linda Ann; B: Red Cloud January 25. Father: Donald J. Kelly 0169 01/28/1959 4 7 R230 Roesti, Mitzi Jean; B: Red Cloud January 26. Father: Dennis L. Roesti 0169 01/28/1959 1 2 F650 Frahm, William C.; D : Red Cloud Wife: Letha Walters Frahm; children and siblings listed 0169 01/28/1959 1 4 B660 Buerer, Barbara Jean; B: Clay Center January 22. Father: James Buerer 0169 01/28/1959 1 5 P400 Peil, Larry Lee; D Accident: Blue Hill Father: Jack Peil; siblings listed; died near Chesterfield, Illinois 0169 01/28/1959 1 6 L526 Lanckriet, Edmund; D: Blue Hill Wife: Arline Bangert Lanckriet; children listed; died at Julesburg, Colorado 0169 01/28/1959 4 2 J520 Jones, Cheryl Lynne; B: Lincoln January 24. Father: Gale Jones 0169 01/28/1959 4 6 W652 Wernecke, Debra Kay; B: Red Cloud January 20. Father: Lloyd W. Wernecke 0169 01/28/1959 4 6 P625 Pearson, Ellen Mae; B: Red Cloud January 23. Father Glen D. Pearson 0169 01/28/1959 4 6 B652 Bronson, Sandra Kay; B: Red Cloud January 24. Father: Merton L. Bronson 0169 01/28/1959 4 6 H612 Herbek, J. (Infant M); B: Red Cloud January 25. 0169 01/28/1959 4 6 P620 Peirce, Russel C. (Infant M); B: Red Cloud January 25. 0169 01/28/1959 4 7 K400 Kelly, Linda Ann; B: Red Cloud January 25. Father: Donald J. Kelly 0169 01/28/1959 4 7 R230 Roesti, Mitzi Jean; B: Red Cloud January 26. Father: Dennis L. Roesti 0169 02/04/1959 1 3 B620 Borwege, Donna; M: Blue Hill Groom: Norman Rose; Father: Vernon Borwege 0169 02/04/1959 1 3 R200 Rose, Norman; M: Blue Hill Bride: Donna Borwege; Father: Dick Rose 0169 02/04/1959 1 5 L520 Lemke, Andy; D: Red Cloud Wife: Thresa Lemke; children and siblings listed 0169 02/04/1959 2 7 F650 Frahm, William C.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 02/04/1959 1 3 B620 Borwege, Donna; M: Blue Hill Groom: Norman Rose; Father: Vernon Borwege 0169 02/04/1959 1 3 R200 Rose, Norman; M: Blue Hill Bride: Donna Borwege; Father: Dick Rose 0169 02/04/1959 1 5 L520 Lemke, Andy; D: Red Cloud Wife: Thresa Lemke; children and siblings listed 0169 02/04/1959 2 7 F650 Frahm, William C.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 02/11/1959 1 2 B526 Benker, Fred; D: Hastings Wife: Anna Benker; children listed 0169 02/11/1959 1 3 H255 Hesman, Sherry; M: Pauline Groom: Richard R. Berns; Father: Stanley Hesman 0169 02/11/1959 1 3 B652 Berns, Richard R.; M: Pauline Bride: Sherry Hesman; Father: Henry Berns 0169 02/11/1959 1 4 R200 Rose, Barbara; M: Rosemont Groom: Alan Gustafson; Father; Henry Rose; photo 0169 02/11/1959 1 4 G231 Gustafson, Alan; M: Rosemont Bride: Barbara Rose; Father: George Goldenstein 0169 02/11/1959 1 5 K120 Koepke, William; Ann: Hastings 50th; guests listed 0169 02/11/1959 1 5 R350 Reddon, James; Dn: Blue Hill Mother: Cecelia Reddon; siblings listed; died in Los Angeles, California 0169 02/11/1959 6 2 P500 Poen, Bennet John; D: Pauline Wife: Mary Brader Poen; Son: Lloyd 0169 02/11/1959 6 3 R525 Ronnekamp, Oscar; Ann: Holstein 50th 0169 02/11/1959 8 1 A450 Allen, Mary Ann; B: Red Cloud February 5. Father: Donald W. Allen 0169 02/11/1959 8 1 M530 Montey, Paul LaVern; B: Red Cloud February 6. Father: Vernon E. Montey 0169 02/11/1959 8 1 F252 Figgins, Cecil R. (Infant F); B: Red Cloud February 7. 0169 02/11/1959 8 1 R262 Rogers, Jerry Lyle; B: Red Cloud February 3. Father: Milton V. Rogers 0169 02/11/1959 8 1 B652 Bornson, Gwendolyn Kay; B: Red Cloud February 4. Father: Darrel A. Bornson 0169 02/11/1959 8 1 D400 Dilley, Harold G. (Infant M); B: Red Cloud February 5. 0169 02/11/1959 8 1 P362 Peterson, Robert L. (Infant F); B: Red Cloud February 5. 0169 02/11/1959 8 1 G400 Goll, Charles (Mrs.); Bd: Blue Hill 88th 0169 02/11/1959 8 2 W425 Wilson, Edwin (Mrs.); Dn: Blue Hill Children and siblings listed 0169 02/11/1959 1 2 B526 Benker, Fred; D: Hastings Wife: Anna Benker; children listed 0169 02/11/1959 1 3 H255 Hesman, Sherry; M: Pauline Groom: Richard R. Berns; Father: Stanley Hesman 0169 02/11/1959 1 3 B652 Berns, Richard R.; M: Pauline Bride: Sherry Hesman; Father: Henry Berns 0169 02/11/1959 1 4 R200 Rose, Barbara; M: Rosemont Groom: Alan Gustafson; Father; Henry Rose; photo 0169 02/11/1959 1 4 G231 Gustafson, Alan; M: Rosemont Bride: Barbara Rose; Father: George Goldenstein 0169 02/11/1959 1 5 K120 Koepke, William; Ann: Hastings 50th; guests listed 0169 02/11/1959 1 5 R350 Reddon, James; Dn: Blue Hill Mother: Cecelia Reddon; siblings listed; died in Los Angeles, California 0169 02/11/1959 6 2 P500 Poen, Bennet John; D: Pauline Wife: Mary Brader Poen; Son: Lloyd 0169 02/11/1959 6 3 R525 Ronnekamp, Oscar; Ann: Holstein 50th 0169 02/11/1959 8 1 A450 Allen, Mary Ann; B: Red Cloud February 5. Father: Donald W. Allen 0169 02/11/1959 8 1 M530 Montey, Paul LaVern; B: Red Cloud February 6. Father: Vernon E. Montey 0169 02/11/1959 8 1 F252 Figgins, Cecil R. (Infant F); B: Red Cloud February 7. 0169 02/11/1959 8 1 R262 Rogers, Jerry Lyle; B: Red Cloud February 3. Father: Milton V. Rogers 0169 02/11/1959 8 1 B652 Bornson, Gwendolyn Kay; B: Red Cloud February 4. Father: Darrel A. Bornson 0169 02/11/1959 8 1 D400 Dilley, Harold G. (Infant M); B: Red Cloud February 5. 0169 02/11/1959 8 1 P362 Peterson, Robert L. (Infant F); B: Red Cloud February 5. 0169 02/11/1959 8 1 G400 Goll, Charles (Mrs.); Bd: Blue Hill 88th 0169 02/11/1959 8 2 W425 Wilson, Edwin (Mrs.); Dn: Blue Hill Children and siblings listed 0169 02/18/1959 1 2 S323 Stoughton, Tom; Ann: Bladen 50th; guests listed 0169 02/18/1959 1 5 M216 McBride, Frances Elizabeth; M: Blue Hill Groom: Carl E. Heydman; Mother: Eva McBride; photo 0169 02/18/1959 1 5 H355 Heydman, Carl Edwin; M: Blue Hill Bride: Elizabeth F. McBride; Father: Carl Heydman 0169 02/18/1959 1 7 K612 Krebsbach, Jerome J.; Dn Accident: Blue Hill Father: Steve Krebsbach; siblings listed; died in California 0169 02/18/1959 4 6 M000 May, Edgar; Ann: St. Paul 50th 0169 02/18/1959 6 3 B526 Benker, Frederick J.; D: Hastings Wife: Anna Frederika Spilker Benker; children listed 0169 02/18/1959 1 2 S323 Stoughton, Tom; Ann: Bladen 50th; guests listed 0169 02/18/1959 1 5 M216 McBride, Frances Elizabeth; M: Blue Hill Groom: Carl E. Heydman; Mother: Eva McBride; photo 0169 02/18/1959 1 5 H355 Heydman, Carl Edwin; M: Blue Hill Bride: Elizabeth F. McBride; Father: Carl Heydman 0169 02/18/1959 1 7 K612 Krebsbach, Jerome J.; Dn Accident: Blue Hill Father: Steve Krebsbach; siblings listed; died in California 0169 02/18/1959 4 6 M000 May, Edgar; Ann: St. Paul 50th 0169 02/18/1959 6 3 B526 Benker, Frederick J.; D: Hastings Wife: Anna Frederika Spilker Benker; children listed 0169 02/25/1959 1 1 Z163 Zubrod, Anna; Dn: Hastings Children listed 0169 02/25/1959 1 5 S530 Smith, Noble; Dn: Bladen Wife: Hazel Mitchell Smith; children listed; died in Alameda, California 0169 02/25/1959 1 6 N550 Newman, Dorothy Jane; M: Blue Hill Groom: Robert D. Alber; Mother: Frieda Newman; photo 0169 02/25/1959 1 6 A416 Alber, Robert D.; M: Blue Hill 0169 02/25/1959 1 6 H620 Herrick, Tandi Rae; B: Red Cloud February 14. Father: Lynn Herrick 0169 02/25/1959 1 6 H620 Herrick, Tawni Gae; B: Red Cloud February 14. Father: Lynn Herrick 0169 02/25/1959 1 6 M620 Myers, Michele Ann; B: Red Cloud February 15. Father: Gary Myers 0169 02/25/1959 1 7 M420 Mahloch, Madeline; D: Hastings Nee: Heinrich; Husband: Arnold Mahloch; daughter, parents, and siblings listed 0169 02/25/1959 6 4 W240 Weigel, Edward (Mrs.); Dn: Blue Hill Died in Oregon City, Oregon 0169 02/25/1959 6 5 F246 Fassler, Chris; Dn: Blue Hill Wife: Jessie Fassler; died in Sheridan, Wyoming 0169 02/25/1959 1 1 Z163 Zubrod, Anna; Dn: Hastings Children listed 0169 02/25/1959 1 5 S530 Smith, Noble; Dn: Bladen Wife: Hazel Mitchell Smith; children listed; died in Alameda, California 0169 02/25/1959 1 6 N550 Newman, Dorothy Jane; M: Blue Hill Groom: Robert D. Alber; Mother: Frieda Newman; photo 0169 02/25/1959 1 6 A416 Alber, Robert D.; M: Blue Hill 0169 02/25/1959 1 6 H620 Herrick, Tandi Rae; B: Red Cloud February 14. Father: Lynn Herrick 0169 02/25/1959 1 6 H620 Herrick, Tawni Gae; B: Red Cloud February 14. Father: Lynn Herrick 0169 02/25/1959 1 6 M620 Myers, Michele Ann; B: Red Cloud February 15. Father: Gary Myers 0169 02/25/1959 1 7 M420 Mahloch, Madeline; D: Hastings Nee: Heinrich; Husband: Arnold Mahloch; daughter, parents, and siblings listed 0169 02/25/1959 6 4 W240 Weigel, Edward (Mrs.); Dn: Blue Hill Died in Oregon City, Oregon 0169 02/25/1959 6 5 F246 Fassler, Chris; Dn: Blue Hill Wife: Jessie Fassler; died in Sheridan, Wyoming 0169 03/04/1959 1 3 L326 Lidgard, James; Ann: Bladen 60th 0169 03/04/1959 1 3 K612 Krebsbach, Jerome John; D Accident: Blue Hill Father: Steve Krebsbach; died in El Centro, California 0169 03/04/1959 1 4 W355 Wademan, John; Ann: Blue Hill 50th 0169 03/04/1959 5 4 B526 Binger, Augusta; D: Blue Hill Husband: Charles F. Binger; children and siblings listed; died in Norton, Kansas 0169 03/04/1959 7 5 H562 Hinrichs, John ; Ann: Glenvil 59th 0169 03/04/1959 7 5 H562 Hinrichs, John; Bd: Glenvil 83rd 0169 03/04/1959 7 6 R535 Rendinger, Dwight (Infant F); B: Hastings February 27. 0169 03/04/1959 7 6 P362 Peterson, Andy; Bd: Pauline 86th 0169 03/04/1959 7 7 B360 Bauder, C.W.; Ann: Hastings 50th 0169 03/04/1959 8 3 O425 Olson, Lee Ann; B: Axtell March 1. Father: John Olson 0169 03/04/1959 1 3 L326 Lidgard, James; Ann: Bladen 60th 0169 03/04/1959 1 3 K612 Krebsbach, Jerome John; D Accident: Blue Hill Father: Steve Krebsbach; died in El Centro, California 0169 03/04/1959 1 4 W355 Wademan, John; Ann: Blue Hill 50th 0169 03/04/1959 5 4 B526 Binger, Augusta; D: Blue Hill Husband: Charles F. Binger; children and siblings listed; died in Norton, Kansas 0169 03/04/1959 7 5 H562 Hinrichs, John ; Ann: Glenvil 59th 0169 03/04/1959 7 5 H562 Hinrichs, John; Bd: Glenvil 83rd 0169 03/04/1959 7 6 R535 Rendinger, Dwight (Infant F); B: Hastings February 27. 0169 03/04/1959 7 6 P362 Peterson, Andy; Bd: Pauline 86th 0169 03/04/1959 7 7 B360 Bauder, C.W.; Ann: Hastings 50th 0169 03/04/1959 8 3 O425 Olson, Lee Ann; B: Axtell March 1. Father: John Olson 0169 03/11/1959 1 2 B525 Bencken, Elizabeth Marie; D: Kearney Husband: John Bencken; children and siblings listed 0169 03/11/1959 1 3 K630 Kort, Clarence; Ann: Blue Hill 25th 0169 03/11/1959 1 5 S561 Sommerfeld, Mary Sue; D: Hastings Father: Paul Sommerfeld; siblings listed 0169 03/11/1959 1 5 C654 Cornelius, LaVern (Infant F, Infant F); B: Omaha March 10. 0169 03/11/1959 1 6 M426 Malesker, Kathy Eileen; B: Red Cloud March 2. Father: Ed Malesker 0169 03/11/1959 2 6 W423 Walstad, Otto A.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 03/11/1959 3 6 S322 Stokes, Dale Robert; B: Red Cloud March 3. Father: Chester Stokes 0169 03/11/1959 8 3 K640 Kral, Peggy Louise; B: Red Cloud March 5. Father: Joe Kral 0169 03/11/1959 8 6 P362 Peterson, Robert Alfred; B: Blue Hill March 7. Father: Robert Peterson 0169 03/11/1959 1 2 B525 Bencken, Elizabeth Marie; D: Kearney Husband: John Bencken; children and siblings listed 0169 03/11/1959 1 3 K630 Kort, Clarence; Ann: Blue Hill 25th 0169 03/11/1959 1 5 S561 Sommerfeld, Mary Sue; D: Hastings Father: Paul Sommerfeld; siblings listed 0169 03/11/1959 1 5 C654 Cornelius, LaVern (Infant F, Infant F); B: Omaha March 10. 0169 03/11/1959 1 6 M426 Malesker, Kathy Eileen; B: Red Cloud March 2. Father: Ed Malesker 0169 03/11/1959 2 6 W423 Walstad, Otto A.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 03/11/1959 3 6 S322 Stokes, Dale Robert; B: Red Cloud March 3. Father: Chester Stokes 0169 03/11/1959 8 3 K640 Kral, Peggy Louise; B: Red Cloud March 5. Father: Joe Kral 0169 03/11/1959 8 6 P362 Peterson, Robert Alfred; B: Blue Hill March 7. Father: Robert Peterson 0169 03/18/1959 1 1 I524 Inselmann, H.C.; Dn: Bellevue Daughter: Ruth Inselmann 0169 03/18/1959 1 2 T160 Toepfer, Frank; D: Hastings Wife: Sarah Toepfer; children and siblings listed 0169 03/18/1959 1 4 K652 Karmazin, Debra Kay; D: Hastings Father: Jerome Karmazin; Brother: Kenneth 0169 03/18/1959 3 1 R252 Riggins, Bertha; D: Bladen Husband: Thomas Riggins; parents and children listed; died at Golden, Colorado 0169 03/18/1959 3 6 B500 Boom, Dora; D: Bladen Children and siblings listed; died at Iowa City, Iowa 0169 03/18/1959 6 5 C616 Carper, Orval; Dn: Blue Hill Wife: Velma Ford Carper 0169 03/18/1959 8 4 B450 Boehlen, George; Ann: Glenvil 25th 0169 03/18/1959 1 1 I524 Inselmann, H.C.; Dn: Bellevue Daughter: Ruth Inselmann 0169 03/18/1959 1 2 T160 Toepfer, Frank; D: Hastings Wife: Sarah Toepfer; children and siblings listed 0169 03/18/1959 1 4 K652 Karmazin, Debra Kay; D: Hastings Father: Jerome Karmazin; Brother: Kenneth 0169 03/18/1959 3 1 R252 Riggins, Bertha; D: Bladen Husband: Thomas Riggins; parents and children listed; died at Golden, Colorado 0169 03/18/1959 3 6 B500 Boom, Dora; D: Bladen Children and siblings listed; died at Iowa City, Iowa 0169 03/18/1959 6 5 C616 Carper, Orval; Dn: Blue Hill Wife: Velma Ford Carper 0169 03/18/1959 8 4 B450 Boehlen, George; Ann: Glenvil 25th 0169 03/25/1959 1 1 K630 Kort, Gus; Bd: Blue Hill 80th 0169 03/25/1959 1 5 H262 Hagers, Art; Ann: Pauline 25th 0169 03/25/1959 1 6 B532 Bentz, Theo (Mrs.); Bd: Blue Hill 91st 0169 03/25/1959 5 2 K640 Kral, Timothy; B: Red Cloud March 15. Father: Paul Kral 0169 03/25/1959 5 3 K600 Karr, Pamela; B: Bladen March 14. Father: Norman Karr 0169 03/25/1959 5 6 R152 Robinson, Minnie; Dn: Ayr Father, children and siblings listed; died at Gresham, Oregon 0169 03/25/1959 5 7 G260 Giger, Marlys Kay; B: Red Cloud March 9. Father: Allen Giger 0169 03/25/1959 6 4 P362 Petersen, Phillip; B: Minden March 19. Father: Gordon Petersen 0169 03/25/1959 6 4 P362 Petersen, Jill; B: Minden March 19. Father: Gordon Petersen 0169 03/25/1959 8 2 E625 Earson, David; B: Holdrege March 21. Father: Richard Earson 0169 03/25/1959 1 1 K630 Kort, Gus; Bd: Blue Hill 80th 0169 03/25/1959 1 5 H262 Hagers, Art; Ann: Pauline 25th 0169 03/25/1959 1 6 B532 Bentz, Theo (Mrs.); Bd: Blue Hill 91st 0169 03/25/1959 5 2 K640 Kral, Timothy; B: Red Cloud March 15. Father: Paul Kral 0169 03/25/1959 5 3 K600 Karr, Pamela; B: Bladen March 14. Father: Norman Karr 0169 03/25/1959 5 6 R152 Robinson, Minnie; Dn: Ayr Father, children and siblings listed; died at Gresham, Oregon 0169 03/25/1959 5 7 G260 Giger, Marlys Kay; B: Red Cloud March 9. Father: Allen Giger 0169 03/25/1959 6 4 P362 Petersen, Phillip; B: Minden March 19. Father: Gordon Petersen 0169 03/25/1959 6 4 P362 Petersen, Jill; B: Minden March 19. Father: Gordon Petersen 0169 03/25/1959 8 2 E625 Earson, David; B: Holdrege March 21. Father: Richard Earson 0169 04/01/1959 1 2 C654 Cornelius, Helena Augusta; D: Blue Hill Nee: Meyer: Husband: Carl Cornelius; parents, children and siblings listed 0169 04/01/1959 4 3 R225 Richison, Robert; Ann: Bladen 50th; guests listed 0169 04/01/1959 1 4 V515 Van Boening, Lester (Mrs.); Dn: Blue Hill Children and siblings listed; died in Kansas City 0169 04/01/1959 1 2 C654 Cornelius, Helena Augusta; D: Blue Hill Nee: Meyer: Husband: Carl Cornelius; parents, children and siblings listed 0169 04/01/1959 4 3 R225 Richison, Robert; Ann: Bladen 50th; guests listed 0169 04/01/1959 1 4 V515 Van Boening, Lester (Mrs.); Dn: Blue Hill Children and siblings listed; died in Kansas City 0169 04/08/1959 8 5 K630 Kort, Larry Wayne; B: Sidney March 16. Father: Wayne Kort 0169 04/08/1959 1 4 J520 Jones, Cynthia Louise; B: Omaha April 2. Father: Jerry Jones 0169 04/08/1959 1 7 G320 Gates, Byron Lee; B: Red Cloud April 3. Father: Richard Gates 0169 04/08/1959 1 7 B600 Baer, Starlene June; B: Red Cloud April 4. Father: John E. Baer 0169 04/08/1959 1 7 Y520 Yung, Michella Marie; B: Red Cloud April 7. Father: Wendell L. Yung 0169 04/08/1959 1 7 S362 Strickland, Janet Lynn; B: Red Cloud April 7. Father: Floyd L. Strickland 0169 04/08/1959 3 1 C252 Cousins, Grace; Dn: Lincoln Nee: Hicks; Husband: Warde Cousins; Brother: Clifford Hicks 0169 04/08/1959 3 4 K540 Kinley, John David; B: Hastings March 25. Father: Elmer Kinley 0169 04/08/1959 4 6 C654 Cornelius, Helena A.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 04/08/1959 6 5 K630 Kort, Douglas: Ayr To California 0169 04/08/1959 8 5 K630 Kort, Larry Wayne; B: Sidney March 16. Father: Wayne Kort 0169 04/08/1959 1 4 J520 Jones, Cynthia Louise; B: Omaha April 2. Father: Jerry Jones 0169 04/08/1959 1 7 G320 Gates, Byron Lee; B: Red Cloud April 3. Father: Richard Gates 0169 04/08/1959 1 7 B600 Baer, Starlene June; B: Red Cloud April 4. Father: John E. Baer 0169 04/08/1959 1 7 Y520 Yung, Michella Marie; B: Red Cloud April 7. Father: Wendell L. Yung 0169 04/08/1959 1 7 S362 Strickland, Janet Lynn; B: Red Cloud April 7. Father: Floyd L. Strickland 0169 04/08/1959 3 1 C252 Cousins, Grace; Dn: Lincoln Nee: Hicks; Husband: Warde Cousins; Brother: Clifford Hicks 0169 04/08/1959 3 4 K540 Kinley, John David; B: Hastings March 25. Father: Elmer Kinley 0169 04/08/1959 4 6 C654 Cornelius, Helena A.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 04/08/1959 6 5 K630 Kort, Douglas: Ayr To California 0169 04/15/1959 1 3 S300 Scott, Alice Lillian; Dn: Blue Hill Children listed; died at Santa Ana, California 0169 04/15/1959 1 6 S660 Schroer, Lena; D: Lawrence Nee: Bentle; children and sister listed 0169 04/15/1959 3 1 S536 Snyder, Ida M.; Dn: Hastings Children listed 0169 04/15/1959 3 4 K500 Kuhn, Bernard A.; D: Hastings Children listed 0169 04/15/1959 1 2 K120 Koepke, Oscar; Ann: Blue Hill 25th; in Boulder, Colorado 0169 04/15/1959 8 5 K523 Knight, Litza; B: Red Cloud April 11. Father: Wylie L. Knight 0169 04/15/1959 8 5 P635 Portenier, Kathleen Beth; B: Red Cloud April 12. Father: Gary N. Portenier 0169 04/15/1959 1 3 S300 Scott, Alice Lillian; Dn: Blue Hill Children listed; died at Santa Ana, California 0169 04/15/1959 1 6 S660 Schroer, Lena; D: Lawrence Nee: Bentle; children and sister listed 0169 04/15/1959 3 1 S536 Snyder, Ida M.; Dn: Hastings Children listed 0169 04/15/1959 3 4 K500 Kuhn, Bernard A.; D: Hastings Children listed 0169 04/15/1959 1 2 K120 Koepke, Oscar; Ann: Blue Hill 25th; in Boulder, Colorado 0169 04/15/1959 8 5 K523 Knight, Litza; B: Red Cloud April 11. Father: Wylie L. Knight 0169 04/15/1959 8 5 P635 Portenier, Kathleen Beth; B: Red Cloud April 12. Father: Gary N. Portenier 0169 04/22/1959 1 2 V330 Vitato, Raymond D.; Dn: Blue Hill Wife: Pauline Vitato; Father: W.T. Vitato; siblings listed; died at Salem, Orego 0169 04/22/1959 1 3 B626 Borcherding, Amelia Minna; D: Hastings Nee: Buschow; Husband: Louis Borcherding; children listed 0169 04/22/1959 1 5 M324 Mitzelfelt, Glenda; M: Blue Hill Groom: Richard Hubl; Father: Ray Mitzelfelt 0169 04/22/1959 1 5 H140 Hubl, Richard; M: Blue Hill Bride: Glenda Mitzelfelt; Father: J.T. Hubl 0169 04/22/1959 1 7 H525 Hansen, Terry Lee; B: Red Cloud April 14. Father: Ole H. Hansen 0169 04/22/1959 1 7 H525 Hansen, Larry Lee; B: Red Cloud April 14. Father: Ole H. Hansen 0169 04/22/1959 1 7 B632 Bartcher, Jane Belle; B: Red Cloud Aapril 18. Father: Rudolph Bartcher 0169 04/22/1959 3 2 K652 Karnes, Kenneth; D: Bladen Children and siblings listed; died at Sioux City, Iowa 0169 04/22/1959 1 2 V330 Vitato, Raymond D.; Dn: Blue Hill Wife: Pauline Vitato; Father: W.T. Vitato; siblings listed; died at Salem, Orego 0169 04/22/1959 1 3 B626 Borcherding, Amelia Minna; D: Hastings Nee: Buschow; Husband: Louis Borcherding; children listed 0169 04/22/1959 1 5 M324 Mitzelfelt, Glenda; M: Blue Hill Groom: Richard Hubl; Father: Ray Mitzelfelt 0169 04/22/1959 1 5 H140 Hubl, Richard; M: Blue Hill Bride: Glenda Mitzelfelt; Father: J.T. Hubl 0169 04/22/1959 1 7 H525 Hansen, Terry Lee; B: Red Cloud April 14. Father: Ole H. Hansen 0169 04/22/1959 1 7 H525 Hansen, Larry Lee; B: Red Cloud April 14. Father: Ole H. Hansen 0169 04/22/1959 1 7 B632 Bartcher, Jane Belle; B: Red Cloud Aapril 18. Father: Rudolph Bartcher 0169 04/22/1959 3 2 K652 Karnes, Kenneth; D: Bladen Children and siblings listed; died at Sioux City, Iowa 0169 04/29/1959 1 1 M324 Mitchell, Timothy James; B: Red Cloud April 24. Father: David B. Mitchell 0169 04/29/1959 1 1 L510 Lamb, Melodie Ann; B: Red Cloud April 25. Father: Elwin Lamb 0169 04/29/1959 1 1 K400 Kile, Darrell Lynn; B: Red Cloud April 26. Father: Dean C. Kile 0169 04/29/1959 1 1 W536 Wentworth, Merlin Lloyd; B: Red Cloud April 27. Father: L. Neal Wentworth 0169 04/29/1959 1 3 P635 Portenier, Albie; D: Guide Rock Nee: Siblo; Husband: Jacob Portenier; children and sibling listed 0169 04/29/1959 3 3 J500 Jahn, Henry; Bd: Bladen 90th 0169 04/29/1959 1 1 M324 Mitchell, Timothy James; B: Red Cloud April 24. Father: David B. Mitchell 0169 04/29/1959 1 1 L510 Lamb, Melodie Ann; B: Red Cloud April 25. Father: Elwin Lamb 0169 04/29/1959 1 1 K400 Kile, Darrell Lynn; B: Red Cloud April 26. Father: Dean C. Kile 0169 04/29/1959 1 1 W536 Wentworth, Merlin Lloyd; B: Red Cloud April 27. Father: L. Neal Wentworth 0169 04/29/1959 1 3 P635 Portenier, Albie; D: Guide Rock Nee: Siblo; Husband: Jacob Portenier; children and sibling listed 0169 04/29/1959 3 3 J500 Jahn, Henry; Bd: Bladen 90th 0169 05/06/1959 1 1 B500 Boon, Roy; Dn: Scottsbluff Wife: Mary Oberle Boon 0169 05/06/1959 1 5 H435 Heltenberg, Fred; Dn: Ayr Parents, children and siblings listed; died in Denver, Colorado 0169 05/06/1959 2 1 V250 Vaughan, Byron B.; Blue Hill Leader; Newspaper: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 2 1 L400 Lull, C.C.; Eye doctor: Red Cloud Ad 0169 05/06/1959 2 1 F656 Farmers Union Co-op Association; Farm organization: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 2 4 B443 Blue Hill Auto; Auto dealer: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 2 5 M635 Merten-Butler Funeral Home; Morticians: Blue Hill Ad; also ambulance services 0169 05/06/1959 2 6 G653 Grand Island Rendering Co.; Rendering plant: Grand Island Ad 0169 05/06/1959 2 7 F000 Foe, Howard S.; Attorney-at-law: Red Cloud Ad 0169 05/06/1959 2 7 W123 Webster County Abstract Co.; Abstracter: Red Cloud Ad 0169 05/06/1959 2 7 O425 Olson Auction Co.; Consignment auctions: Hastings Ad 0169 05/06/1959 3 1 K620 Kirk, L.C.; Osteopathic Physician: Hastings Ad 0169 05/06/1959 3 1 C514 Campbell Funeral Home; Mortician: Campbell Ad; also ambulance services 0169 05/06/1959 3 1 L220 Lucas, Thomas; Blue Hill Clinic; Medical clinic: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 3 1 K500 Kamm, Frank; Blue Hill Clinic; Medical clinic: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 3 1 S352 Scheidings Appliances; Appliances and paints: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 3 2 S352 Scheiding, F.G.; Jeweler: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 3 3 B532 Bentz (H.H.) Implement Co.; Farm supplies : Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 3 5 B652 Barnason's IGA Super Market; Grocery: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 4 1 B532 Bentz Hilltop Floristry; Florist: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 4 1 R200 Rose, Menno; Seed corn dealer: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 4 1 D521 Dean's Produce; Seed corn dealer: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 4 1 W256 Wagner Service; Seed corn dealer: Bladen Ad 0169 05/06/1959 4 1 C332 C & D Hatchery; Hatchery: Red Cloud Ad 0169 05/06/1959 4 2 L632 Laird's ; Garden supplies: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 4 2 M600 Meyer, Robert J.; Insurance: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 4 2 B640 Berlie, L.M.; The Golden Key; Fishing supplies: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 4 2 H416 Helberg, Gordon; Methodist Church; Methodist: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 4 3 C224 Chicago Lumber Co.; Building supplies: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 4 4 A562 American Legion Post No. 176; Organization: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 4 5 S351 Stumpenhorst, Charles; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 05/06/1959 4 5 A523 Amos Hatchery; Hatchery: Hastings Ad 0169 05/06/1959 4 6 S162 Siebrass, Harlan; Seed corn dealer: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 4 6 T156 The Van Horn Co.; Motels: Lincoln Ad 0169 05/06/1959 4 6 C656 Corner's Service; Auto services: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 5 1 P160 Phifer, Garnet; Blue Hill Sales Co.; Auction sales: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 5 1 W453 Wieland, D.R.; Dentist: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 5 1 S200 Sack, Lloyd; Seed corn dealer: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 5 1 M242 McIllece, R.M.; Seed corn dealer: Bladen Ad 0169 05/06/1959 5 1 K252 Kosmacek, Joe; Seed corn dealer: Glenvil Ad 0169 05/06/1959 5 1 C000 Co-op Grain and Supply; Insecticides: Roseland Ad 0169 05/06/1959 5 1 A626 Ayr Grain Co.; Insecticides: Ayr Ad 0169 05/06/1959 5 4 P160 Peper, Eldon; Trucker: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 5 4 K630 Kort, William; Real Estate: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 5 5 B530 Bunde, Howard; Plant spraying: Bladen Ad 0169 05/06/1959 5 6 S354 Stanley, Bill; Pauline Elevator; Crop insurance: Pauline Ad 0169 05/06/1959 5 7 R216 Rasberry, Gordon L.; Veterinarian: Red Cloud Ad 0169 05/06/1959 6 1 C225 Chuck's Conoco Service; Auto service: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 6 1 T256 The Commercial Bank; Bank: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 6 4 C636 Courtright's Food Market; Grocery: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 6 7 H155 Hofman, Martin F.; Trinity Lutheran Church; Lutheran: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 6 7 H200 Hesse, D.D.; Calvary Lutheran Church; Lutheran: Rosemont Ad 0169 05/06/1959 1 1 B500 Boon, Roy; Dn: Scottsbluff Wife: Mary Oberle Boon 0169 05/06/1959 1 5 H435 Heltenberg, Fred; Dn: Ayr Parents, children and siblings listed; died in Denver, Colorado 0169 05/06/1959 2 1 V250 Vaughan, Byron B.; Blue Hill Leader; Newspaper: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 2 1 L400 Lull, C.C.; Eye doctor: Red Cloud Ad 0169 05/06/1959 2 1 F656 Farmers Union Co-op Association; Farm organization: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 2 4 B443 Blue Hill Auto; Auto dealer: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 2 5 M635 Merten-Butler Funeral Home; Morticians: Blue Hill Ad; also ambulance services 0169 05/06/1959 2 6 G653 Grand Island Rendering Co.; Rendering plant: Grand Island Ad 0169 05/06/1959 2 7 F000 Foe, Howard S.; Attorney-at-law: Red Cloud Ad 0169 05/06/1959 2 7 W123 Webster County Abstract Co.; Abstracter: Red Cloud Ad 0169 05/06/1959 2 7 O425 Olson Auction Co.; Consignment auctions: Hastings Ad 0169 05/06/1959 3 1 K620 Kirk, L.C.; Osteopathic Physician: Hastings Ad 0169 05/06/1959 3 1 C514 Campbell Funeral Home; Mortician: Campbell Ad; also ambulance services 0169 05/06/1959 3 1 L220 Lucas, Thomas; Blue Hill Clinic; Medical clinic: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 3 1 K500 Kamm, Frank; Blue Hill Clinic; Medical clinic: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 3 1 S352 Scheidings Appliances; Appliances and paints: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 3 2 S352 Scheiding, F.G.; Jeweler: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 3 3 B532 Bentz (H.H.) Implement Co.; Farm supplies : Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 3 5 B652 Barnason's IGA Super Market; Grocery: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 4 1 B532 Bentz Hilltop Floristry; Florist: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 4 1 R200 Rose, Menno; Seed corn dealer: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 4 1 D521 Dean's Produce; Seed corn dealer: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 4 1 W256 Wagner Service; Seed corn dealer: Bladen Ad 0169 05/06/1959 4 1 C332 C & D Hatchery; Hatchery: Red Cloud Ad 0169 05/06/1959 4 2 L632 Laird's ; Garden supplies: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 4 2 M600 Meyer, Robert J.; Insurance: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 4 2 B640 Berlie, L.M.; The Golden Key; Fishing supplies: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 4 2 H416 Helberg, Gordon; Methodist Church; Methodist: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 4 3 C224 Chicago Lumber Co.; Building supplies: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 4 4 A562 American Legion Post No. 176; Organization: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 4 5 S351 Stumpenhorst, Charles; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 05/06/1959 4 5 A523 Amos Hatchery; Hatchery: Hastings Ad 0169 05/06/1959 4 6 S162 Siebrass, Harlan; Seed corn dealer: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 4 6 T156 The Van Horn Co.; Motels: Lincoln Ad 0169 05/06/1959 4 6 C656 Corner's Service; Auto services: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 5 1 P160 Phifer, Garnet; Blue Hill Sales Co.; Auction sales: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 5 1 W453 Wieland, D.R.; Dentist: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 5 1 S200 Sack, Lloyd; Seed corn dealer: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 5 1 M242 McIllece, R.M.; Seed corn dealer: Bladen Ad 0169 05/06/1959 5 1 K252 Kosmacek, Joe; Seed corn dealer: Glenvil Ad 0169 05/06/1959 5 1 C000 Co-op Grain and Supply; Insecticides: Roseland Ad 0169 05/06/1959 5 1 A626 Ayr Grain Co.; Insecticides: Ayr Ad 0169 05/06/1959 5 4 P160 Peper, Eldon; Trucker: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 5 4 K630 Kort, William; Real Estate: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 5 5 B530 Bunde, Howard; Plant spraying: Bladen Ad 0169 05/06/1959 5 6 S354 Stanley, Bill; Pauline Elevator; Crop insurance: Pauline Ad 0169 05/06/1959 5 7 R216 Rasberry, Gordon L.; Veterinarian: Red Cloud Ad 0169 05/06/1959 6 1 C225 Chuck's Conoco Service; Auto service: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 6 1 T256 The Commercial Bank; Bank: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 6 4 C636 Courtright's Food Market; Grocery: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 6 7 H155 Hofman, Martin F.; Trinity Lutheran Church; Lutheran: Blue Hill Ad 0169 05/06/1959 6 7 H200 Hesse, D.D.; Calvary Lutheran Church; Lutheran: Rosemont Ad 0169 05/13/1959 1 4 O243 Oswald, Peter A..; Dn: Blue Hill Wife: Mary M. Colgan Oswald; children listed; died in North Hollywood, Californi 0169 05/13/1959 1 5 B530 Bundy, Barbara June; M: Ashland Groom: Wayne K. Strasburg; Father: Eugene Bundy 0169 05/13/1959 1 5 S362 Strasburg, Wayne K.; M: Ashland Bride: Barbara June Bundy; Father: Godfrey Strasburg 0169 05/13/1959 1 7 D162 Dvoracek, Joseph W.; Dn: Blue Hill Parents and siblings listed; died in Madison, California 0169 05/13/1959 1 7 P456 Pohlmeier, Steve; D: Lincoln Wife: Katie Pohlmeier; siblings listed 0169 05/13/1959 8 1 S520 Samek, Frank; Ann: Pauline 25th 0169 05/13/1959 1 4 O243 Oswald, Peter A..; Dn: Blue Hill Wife: Mary M. Colgan Oswald; children listed; died in North Hollywood, Californi 0169 05/13/1959 1 5 B530 Bundy, Barbara June; M: Ashland Groom: Wayne K. Strasburg; Father: Eugene Bundy 0169 05/13/1959 1 5 S362 Strasburg, Wayne K.; M: Ashland Bride: Barbara June Bundy; Father: Godfrey Strasburg 0169 05/13/1959 1 7 D162 Dvoracek, Joseph W.; Dn: Blue Hill Parents and siblings listed; died in Madison, California 0169 05/13/1959 1 7 P456 Pohlmeier, Steve; D: Lincoln Wife: Katie Pohlmeier; siblings listed 0169 05/13/1959 8 1 S520 Samek, Frank; Ann: Pauline 25th 0169 05/20/1959 4 3 B435 Bladen High School; High school graduates: Bladen With pictures 0169 05/20/1959 5 2 B442 Blue Hill High School; High school graduates: Blue Hill With pictures 0169 05/20/1959 6 3 B215 Busboom, Carl; Ann: Ayr 50th 0169 05/20/1959 4 3 B435 Bladen High School; High school graduates: Bladen With pictures 0169 05/20/1959 5 2 B442 Blue Hill High School; High school graduates: Blue Hill With pictures 0169 05/20/1959 6 3 B215 Busboom, Carl; Ann: Ayr 50th 0169 05/27/1959 1 3 K400 Kile, Will; Ann: Franklin 60th 0169 05/27/1959 1 4 P636 Porter, Lloyd (Infant F); B: Sumner May 20. 0169 05/27/1959 1 6 M600 Moore, Mary; D: Hastings Husband: Hiram Moore; children and siblings listed 0169 05/27/1959 1 7 B500 Boon, Mino; Ann: Bladen 50th; guests listed 0169 05/27/1959 3 4 B435 Boulton, Ed; Ann: Juniata 60th 0169 05/27/1959 4 4 B600 Baehr, Warren Daniel; B: Hastings Father: Karl Baehr 0169 05/27/1959 6 7 M520 Menke, Daniel Adrian; B: Red Cloud May 21. Father: Adrian G. Menke 0169 05/27/1959 1 3 K400 Kile, Will; Ann: Franklin 60th 0169 05/27/1959 1 4 P636 Porter, Lloyd (Infant F); B: Sumner May 20. 0169 05/27/1959 1 6 M600 Moore, Mary; D: Hastings Husband: Hiram Moore; children and siblings listed 0169 05/27/1959 1 7 B500 Boon, Mino; Ann: Bladen 50th; guests listed 0169 05/27/1959 3 4 B435 Boulton, Ed; Ann: Juniata 60th 0169 05/27/1959 4 4 B600 Baehr, Warren Daniel; B: Hastings Father: Karl Baehr 0169 05/27/1959 6 7 M520 Menke, Daniel Adrian; B: Red Cloud May 21. Father: Adrian G. Menke 0169 06/03/1959 1 2 A620 Ayers, Lois; D Accident: Silver Creek Nee: Jones; Husband: Gordon Ayers; parents, children and siblings listed 0169 06/03/1959 1 2 A620 Ayers, Gordon; D Accident: Silver Creek Wife: Lois Ayers; children listed 0169 06/03/1959 1 5 K200 Koch, John; Ann: Blue Hill 50th; guests listed 0169 06/03/1959 3 4 K640 Kral, George J.; Dn: Bladen Wife: Rosa Kral; children and siblings listed; died in Phoenix, Arizona 0169 06/03/1959 8 2 M320 Mathews, Steven Lee; B: Lincoln May 29. Father: Keith Mathews 0169 06/03/1959 8 3 L100 LaVoie, Larry Lee; B: Red Cloud May 29. Father: Gary LaVoie 0169 06/03/1959 1 2 A620 Ayers, Lois; D Accident: Silver Creek Nee: Jones; Husband: Gordon Ayers; parents, children and siblings listed 0169 06/03/1959 1 2 A620 Ayers, Gordon; D Accident: Silver Creek Wife: Lois Ayers; children listed 0169 06/03/1959 1 5 K200 Koch, John; Ann: Blue Hill 50th; guests listed 0169 06/03/1959 3 4 K640 Kral, George J.; Dn: Bladen Wife: Rosa Kral; children and siblings listed; died in Phoenix, Arizona 0169 06/03/1959 8 2 M320 Mathews, Steven Lee; B: Lincoln May 29. Father: Keith Mathews 0169 06/03/1959 8 3 L100 LaVoie, Larry Lee; B: Red Cloud May 29. Father: Gary LaVoie 0169 06/10/1959 1 3 H435 Helton, Virtus (Mrs.); Dn: Holdrege Children and siblings listed 0169 06/10/1959 1 5 S365 Strine, O.R.(Mrs.); Dn: Hastings Children and siblings listed 0169 06/10/1959 1 7 W525 Wenzinger, Byron; Dn: Hastings Father: Mark Wenzinger; siblings listed 0169 06/10/1959 4 3 H255 Hesman Family; Organization: Glenvil Annual family reunion; guests listed 0169 06/10/1959 6 1 B260 Booker, Lara Victoria; D: Blue Hill Husband: Richard H. Booker; Children & siblings listed; died at Bostwick, KS 0169 06/10/1959 1 3 H435 Helton, Virtus (Mrs.); Dn: Holdrege Children and siblings listed 0169 06/10/1959 1 5 S365 Strine, O.R.(Mrs.); Dn: Hastings Children and siblings listed 0169 06/10/1959 1 7 W525 Wenzinger, Byron; Dn: Hastings Father: Mark Wenzinger; siblings listed 0169 06/10/1959 4 3 H255 Hesman Family; Organization: Glenvil Annual family reunion; guests listed 0169 06/10/1959 6 1 B260 Booker, Lara Victoria; D: Blue Hill Husband: Richard H. Booker; Children & siblings listed; died at Bostwick, KS 0169 06/17/1959 1 3 S550 Seeman, Augusta Alma; D: Blue Hill NeeKnehans Husband: Christopher Seeman; Parents, children & siblings listed 0169 06/17/1959 1 3 E162 Everson, Ray: Blue Hill To Pheonix, AZ 0169 06/17/1959 1 3 H324 Hadsel, Barry Hugh; B: Lincoln June 9, Father: Richard Hadsel 0169 06/17/1959 1 5 M600 Meyer, Carl William; D: Hastings Children and siblings listed 0169 06/17/1959 1 6 A416 Alber, Julie Elaine; B: Red Cloud June 10, Father: Lester Alber 0169 06/17/1959 3 1 R300 Reed, Clare; D: Bladen Wife: Eva Oberg Reed; Parents, children & siblings listed; Dies at Albequerque, 0169 06/17/1959 3 1 H220 Hughes, Michelle Lanette; B: Imperial June 6, Father: Hubert Hughes 0169 06/17/1959 1 3 S550 Seeman, Augusta Alma; D: Blue Hill NeeKnehans Husband: Christopher Seeman; Parents, children & siblings listed 0169 06/17/1959 1 3 E162 Everson, Ray: Blue Hill To Pheonix, AZ 0169 06/17/1959 1 3 H324 Hadsel, Barry Hugh; B: Lincoln June 9, Father: Richard Hadsel 0169 06/17/1959 1 5 M600 Meyer, Carl William; D: Hastings Children and siblings listed 0169 06/17/1959 1 6 A416 Alber, Julie Elaine; B: Red Cloud June 10, Father: Lester Alber 0169 06/17/1959 3 1 R300 Reed, Clare; D: Bladen Wife: Eva Oberg Reed; Parents, children & siblings listed; Dies at Albequerque, 0169 06/17/1959 3 1 H220 Hughes, Michelle Lanette; B: Imperial June 6, Father: Hubert Hughes 0169 06/24/1959 1 2 A263 Acridge, Dorothy; M: Blue Hill Groom: Irvin Reiber, Father: Vern Acridge, Photo 0169 06/24/1959 1 2 R160 Rieber, Irvin; M: Blue Hill Bride: Dorothy Acridge, Father: Rueben Reiber 0169 06/24/1959 1 3 O000 Oye, Lena; D: Bladen Children and siblings listed 0169 06/24/1959 1 5 R163 Roberts, Margaret Joan; M: Blue Hill Groom: William Lynn Armstrong, Father: A. L. Roberts, Photo 0169 06/24/1959 1 5 A652 Armstrong, William Lynn; M: Blue Hill Bride: Margaret Joan Roberts, Father: Ted Armstrong 0169 06/24/1959 1 6 L516 Lamborn, William E.; D: Hastings Wife: Reka Lamborn, children & siblings listed 0169 06/24/1959 1 6 R200 Rose, Frank; Ann: Rosemont 25th 0169 06/24/1959 2 6 T160 Toepfer, Frank; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 06/24/1959 2 7 M600 Meyer, Carl William; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 06/24/1959 4 5 D626 Drueker, Amanda; D: Hastings Children and Siblings listed 0169 06/24/1959 1 2 A263 Acridge, Dorothy; M: Blue Hill Groom: Irvin Reiber, Father: Vern Acridge, Photo 0169 06/24/1959 1 2 R160 Rieber, Irvin; M: Blue Hill Bride: Dorothy Acridge, Father: Rueben Reiber 0169 06/24/1959 1 3 O000 Oye, Lena; D: Bladen Children and siblings listed 0169 06/24/1959 1 5 R163 Roberts, Margaret Joan; M: Blue Hill Groom: William Lynn Armstrong, Father: A. L. Roberts, Photo 0169 06/24/1959 1 5 A652 Armstrong, William Lynn; M: Blue Hill Bride: Margaret Joan Roberts, Father: Ted Armstrong 0169 06/24/1959 1 6 L516 Lamborn, William E.; D: Hastings Wife: Reka Lamborn, children & siblings listed 0169 06/24/1959 1 6 R200 Rose, Frank; Ann: Rosemont 25th 0169 06/24/1959 2 6 T160 Toepfer, Frank; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 06/24/1959 2 7 M600 Meyer, Carl William; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 06/24/1959 4 5 D626 Drueker, Amanda; D: Hastings Children and Siblings listed 0169 07/01/1959 1 3 S354 Stanley, William; Ann: Kearney 25th 0169 07/01/1959 1 6 G620 Goerig, Bruno; D: Blue Hill Siblings Listed 0169 07/01/1959 1 7 C253 Cosand, Vona Jean; B: Red Cloud June 6, Father: Gary C. Cosand 0169 07/01/1959 1 7 B223 Buschkoetter, Sharon Rose; B: Red Cloud June 8, Father: Leroy E. Buschkoetter 0169 07/01/1959 1 7 P420 Pallas, Gary Allen; B: Red Cloud June 10, Father: Stanley J. Pallas 0169 07/01/1959 1 7 A416 Alber, Julie Elaine; B: Red Cloud June 10, Father: Lester P. Alber 0169 07/01/1959 1 7 K260 Kucera, Michael John; B: Red Cloud June 10, Father: Edmund T. Kucera 0169 07/01/1959 1 7 W300 White, Denise Marcelline; B: Red Cloud June 19, Father: Roy S. White 0169 07/01/1959 1 7 Y360 Yetter, Tammi Sue; B: Red Cloud June 19, Father: Wayne A. Yetter 0169 07/01/1959 1 7 W536 Wondersheck, Daniel George; B: Red Cloud June 24, Father: Joseph D. Wondersheck 0169 07/01/1959 1 7 G615 Garvin, Thomas Edward; B: Red Cloud June 24, Father: Eugene E. Garvin 0169 07/01/1959 1 7 M216 McBride, Colleen Marie; B: Red Cloud June 25, Father: E. J. McBride 0169 07/01/1959 1 7 H524 Henkle, Nancy June; B: Red Cloud June 25, Father: Winston F. Henkle 0169 07/01/1959 1 7 O165 Overmiller, Linda Kay; B: Red Cloud June 26, Father: Robert Overmiller 0169 07/01/1959 1 7 S530 Schmidt, Norma; D: Red Cloud Nee-Niles, Husband: Leslie Schmidt, parents, children & siblings listed 0169 07/01/1959 2 7 M600 Meyer, Carl W.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 07/01/1959 3 5 S220 Soucek, Holly Lynn; B: Hastings June 28, Father: James Soucek 0169 07/01/1959 6 2 K451 Klein Family; Organization: Hastings Family Reunion, Guests listed 0169 07/01/1959 1 3 S354 Stanley, William; Ann: Kearney 25th 0169 07/01/1959 1 6 G620 Goerig, Bruno; D: Blue Hill Siblings Listed 0169 07/01/1959 1 7 C253 Cosand, Vona Jean; B: Red Cloud June 6, Father: Gary C. Cosand 0169 07/01/1959 1 7 B223 Buschkoetter, Sharon Rose; B: Red Cloud June 8, Father: Leroy E. Buschkoetter 0169 07/01/1959 1 7 P420 Pallas, Gary Allen; B: Red Cloud June 10, Father: Stanley J. Pallas 0169 07/01/1959 1 7 A416 Alber, Julie Elaine; B: Red Cloud June 10, Father: Lester P. Alber 0169 07/01/1959 1 7 K260 Kucera, Michael John; B: Red Cloud June 10, Father: Edmund T. Kucera 0169 07/01/1959 1 7 W300 White, Denise Marcelline; B: Red Cloud June 19, Father: Roy S. White 0169 07/01/1959 1 7 Y360 Yetter, Tammi Sue; B: Red Cloud June 19, Father: Wayne A. Yetter 0169 07/01/1959 1 7 W536 Wondersheck, Daniel George; B: Red Cloud June 24, Father: Joseph D. Wondersheck 0169 07/01/1959 1 7 G615 Garvin, Thomas Edward; B: Red Cloud June 24, Father: Eugene E. Garvin 0169 07/01/1959 1 7 M216 McBride, Colleen Marie; B: Red Cloud June 25, Father: E. J. McBride 0169 07/01/1959 1 7 H524 Henkle, Nancy June; B: Red Cloud June 25, Father: Winston F. Henkle 0169 07/01/1959 1 7 O165 Overmiller, Linda Kay; B: Red Cloud June 26, Father: Robert Overmiller 0169 07/01/1959 1 7 S530 Schmidt, Norma; D: Red Cloud Nee-Niles, Husband: Leslie Schmidt, parents, children & siblings listed 0169 07/01/1959 2 7 M600 Meyer, Carl W.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 07/01/1959 3 5 S220 Soucek, Holly Lynn; B: Hastings June 28, Father: James Soucek 0169 07/01/1959 6 2 K451 Klein Family; Organization: Hastings Family Reunion, Guests listed 0169 07/08/1959 1 2 W520 Wonka, Florrine; M: Blue Hill Groom: Byron Van Winkle, Father: F. E. Wonka, Married at Denver, CO 0169 07/08/1959 1 2 V552 Van Winkle, Byron; M: Blue Hill Bride: Florrine Wonka, Mother: Emma Van Winkle, Maried at Denver, CO 0169 07/08/1959 1 4 R163 Robertson, Millie C. ; D: Blue Hill Nee Jahn, Husband: Eli Hue C. Robertson, Parents and children listed 0169 07/08/1959 1 6 K626 Krueger, Mary Ellen; M: Blue Hill Groom: Gary Hongsermeier, Father: Ernest Krueger, Photo 0169 07/08/1959 1 6 H526 Hongsermeier, Gary; M: Blue Hill Bride: Mary Ellen Krueger, Father: Albert Hongsermeier 0169 07/08/1959 1 6 B450 Blum, Eugene (Infant F); B: Hastings 39996 0169 07/08/1959 4 4 M252 Mckenzie, M. D.; Dn: Pauline Died in Chicago, IL 0169 07/08/1959 6 3 S365 Steuhrenberg, Stanley; B: Hastings 39997 0169 07/08/1959 6 4 W453 Wilmot, Roger Lee; B: Hastings July 2, Father: Mason Wilmot 0169 07/08/1959 1 2 W520 Wonka, Florrine; M: Blue Hill Groom: Byron Van Winkle, Father: F. E. Wonka, Married at Denver, CO 0169 07/08/1959 1 2 V552 Van Winkle, Byron; M: Blue Hill Bride: Florrine Wonka, Mother: Emma Van Winkle, Maried at Denver, CO 0169 07/08/1959 1 4 R163 Robertson, Millie C. ; D: Blue Hill Nee Jahn, Husband: Eli Hue C. Robertson, Parents and children listed 0169 07/08/1959 1 6 K626 Krueger, Mary Ellen; M: Blue Hill Groom: Gary Hongsermeier, Father: Ernest Krueger, Photo 0169 07/08/1959 1 6 H526 Hongsermeier, Gary; M: Blue Hill Bride: Mary Ellen Krueger, Father: Albert Hongsermeier 0169 07/08/1959 1 6 B450 Blum, Eugene (Infant F); B: Hastings 39996 0169 07/08/1959 4 4 M252 Mckenzie, M. D.; Dn: Pauline Died in Chicago, IL 0169 07/08/1959 6 3 S365 Steuhrenberg, Stanley; B: Hastings 39997 0169 07/08/1959 6 4 W453 Wilmot, Roger Lee; B: Hastings July 2, Father: Mason Wilmot 0169 07/15/1959 1 4 G616 Garber, Daniel; Dn: Lincoln Children listed 0169 07/15/1959 1 5 N200 Nass, Robert; D Accident: Lexington Parents, son and siblings are listed 0169 07/15/1959 1 6 S521 Schnase Family; Organization: Kearney Family Reunion, Guests listed 0169 07/15/1959 3 1 H163 Hubert, Paul; D Accident: Norman Auto Accident, Wife: Evon Hubert, children and siblings are listed 0169 07/15/1959 3 3 B526 Bunger Family; Organization: Bladen Family Reunion, Guests listed 0169 07/15/1959 3 3 B526 Bunger, John; Ann: Bladen 62nd 0169 07/15/1959 4 5 G620 Goerig, Bruno B.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 07/15/1959 1 4 G616 Garber, Daniel; Dn: Lincoln Children listed 0169 07/15/1959 1 5 N200 Nass, Robert; D Accident: Lexington Parents, son and siblings are listed 0169 07/15/1959 1 6 S521 Schnase Family; Organization: Kearney Family Reunion, Guests listed 0169 07/15/1959 3 1 H163 Hubert, Paul; D Accident: Norman Auto Accident, Wife: Evon Hubert, children and siblings are listed 0169 07/15/1959 3 3 B526 Bunger Family; Organization: Bladen Family Reunion, Guests listed 0169 07/15/1959 3 3 B526 Bunger, John; Ann: Bladen 62nd 0169 07/15/1959 4 5 G620 Goerig, Bruno B.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 07/22/1959 1 3 B200 Buschow, Ardis Ann; M: Blue Hill Groom: Robert L. Wagner, Married in Kansas City 0169 07/22/1959 1 3 W256 Wagner, Robert L.; M: Blue Hill Bride: Ardis Ann Buschow, Married in Kansas City 0169 07/22/1959 1 4 V515 Van Boening, Simon; D: Hastings Wife: Rosa Van Boening, children and siblings listed 0169 07/22/1959 1 4 H152 Hoppens, Dale E.; D Accident: Franklin Wife: Marlene Hoppens, Parents, children and siblings listed 0169 07/22/1959 1 4 P420 Phillis, Dorothy; M: Rosemont Groom: Fred Sundermeier 0169 07/22/1959 1 4 S536 Sundermeier, Fred; M: Rosemont Bride: Dorothy Phillis 0169 07/22/1959 1 5 H155 Hoffman, Barbara Lorae; M: Lincoln Groom: James P. Murphy, Father: William Hoffman 0169 07/22/1959 1 5 M610 Murphy, James P.; M: Lincoln Bride: Barbara Lorae Hoffman, Father: Edward Murphy 0169 07/22/1959 1 6 C452 Collins, Patricia; M: Blue Hill Groom: George Brayton, Married in York, SC 0169 07/22/1959 1 6 B635 Brayton, George; M: Blue Hill Bride: Patricia Collins, Married in York, SC 0169 07/22/1959 1 7 R552 Reining, Susan Josephine; B: Red Cloud July 18, Father: Aloys Reining 0169 07/22/1959 1 7 G000 Guy, Jean Ann; B: Red Cloud July 16, Father: Nathan Guy 0169 07/22/1959 4 3 S655 Sherman, Cynthia Lynn; B: Hastings July 14, Father: Glen Sherman 0169 07/22/1959 1 3 B200 Buschow, Ardis Ann; M: Blue Hill Groom: Robert L. Wagner, Married in Kansas City 0169 07/22/1959 1 3 W256 Wagner, Robert L.; M: Blue Hill Bride: Ardis Ann Buschow, Married in Kansas City 0169 07/22/1959 1 4 V515 Van Boening, Simon; D: Hastings Wife: Rosa Van Boening, children and siblings listed 0169 07/22/1959 1 4 H152 Hoppens, Dale E.; D Accident: Franklin Wife: Marlene Hoppens, Parents, children and siblings listed 0169 07/22/1959 1 4 P420 Phillis, Dorothy; M: Rosemont Groom: Fred Sundermeier 0169 07/22/1959 1 4 S536 Sundermeier, Fred; M: Rosemont Bride: Dorothy Phillis 0169 07/22/1959 1 5 H155 Hoffman, Barbara Lorae; M: Lincoln Groom: James P. Murphy, Father: William Hoffman 0169 07/22/1959 1 5 M610 Murphy, James P.; M: Lincoln Bride: Barbara Lorae Hoffman, Father: Edward Murphy 0169 07/22/1959 1 6 C452 Collins, Patricia; M: Blue Hill Groom: George Brayton, Married in York, SC 0169 07/22/1959 1 6 B635 Brayton, George; M: Blue Hill Bride: Patricia Collins, Married in York, SC 0169 07/22/1959 1 7 R552 Reining, Susan Josephine; B: Red Cloud July 18, Father: Aloys Reining 0169 07/22/1959 1 7 G000 Guy, Jean Ann; B: Red Cloud July 16, Father: Nathan Guy 0169 07/22/1959 4 3 S655 Sherman, Cynthia Lynn; B: Hastings July 14, Father: Glen Sherman 0169 07/29/1959 1 2 A545 Annual Homecoming and 4-H Fair; Organization: Blue Hill With Premium Lists 0169 07/29/1959 1 4 M625 Marxen, John N.; D: Columbus Wife: Emma Baade Marxen 0169 07/29/1959 4 3 H100 Haba, Leonard Laudie; B: Hastings July 22, Father: Laudie Haba 0169 07/29/1959 6 5 K630 Kort, Larry (Infant M); B: Red Cloud 40015 0169 07/29/1959 6 6 B621 Burge Family; Organization: Ayr Family Reunion, Guests listed 0169 07/29/1959 8 2 J212 Jacobs, Ed; Ann: Blue Hill 25th 0169 07/29/1959 8 3 B442 Blue Hill High School-Class 1949; Organization: Blue Hill Class Reunion Guests Listed 0169 07/29/1959 1 2 A545 Annual Homecoming and 4-H Fair; Organization: Blue Hill With Premium Lists 0169 07/29/1959 1 4 M625 Marxen, John N.; D: Columbus Wife: Emma Baade Marxen 0169 07/29/1959 4 3 H100 Haba, Leonard Laudie; B: Hastings July 22, Father: Laudie Haba 0169 07/29/1959 6 5 K630 Kort, Larry (Infant M); B: Red Cloud 40015 0169 07/29/1959 6 6 B621 Burge Family; Organization: Ayr Family Reunion, Guests listed 0169 07/29/1959 8 2 J212 Jacobs, Ed; Ann: Blue Hill 25th 0169 07/29/1959 8 3 B442 Blue Hill High School-Class 1949; Organization: Blue Hill Class Reunion Guests Listed 0169 08/05/1959 1 1 W123 Webster County Fair; Organization: Bladen 0169 08/05/1959 1 3 S532 Schwentker, Ed; Dn: Blue Hill Wife: Gertude Schwentker, Died at Boulder, CO 0169 08/05/1959 1 3 B442 Blue Hill High School-Class of 1934; Organization: Blue Hill Class Reunion with photo 0169 08/05/1959 1 3 B442 Blue Hill High School Class of 1939; Organization: Blue Hill Class Reunion with photo 0169 08/05/1959 1 4 M325 Mietzners, Don: Blue Hill To Watson, MO 0169 08/05/1959 1 6 F320 Fitz, Bertha Frederika; D: Blue Hill Nee Klah, Husband: George Fitz, Died at Woodland, CA 0169 08/05/1959 2 7 W600 Weyer, Verena; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 08/05/1959 3 3 C600 Crowe, Hope Christine; B: Red Cloud July 29, Father: Raymond Crowe 0169 08/05/1959 3 4 H614 Harrifeld, Marvin (Infant M); B: Red Cloud 40024 0169 08/05/1959 6 3 M246 McClure Family; Organization: Hastings Family Reunion, Guests Listed 0169 08/05/1959 6 3 W655 Worman, Peggy Ellen; B: Red Cloud July 26, Father: Eldon Worman 0169 08/05/1959 6 3 K500 Keeney, Cinthia Sue; B: Red Cloud August 1, Father: John Keeney 0169 08/05/1959 6 3 L120 Lovejoy, David Jay; B: Red Cloud August 3, Fahter: Kenneth Lovejoy 0169 08/05/1959 1 1 W123 Webster County Fair; Organization: Bladen 0169 08/05/1959 1 3 S532 Schwentker, Ed; Dn: Blue Hill Wife: Gertude Schwentker, Died at Boulder, CO 0169 08/05/1959 1 3 B442 Blue Hill High School-Class of 1934; Organization: Blue Hill Class Reunion with photo 0169 08/05/1959 1 3 B442 Blue Hill High School Class of 1939; Organization: Blue Hill Class Reunion with photo 0169 08/05/1959 1 4 M325 Mietzners, Don: Blue Hill To Watson, MO 0169 08/05/1959 1 6 F320 Fitz, Bertha Frederika; D: Blue Hill Nee Klah, Husband: George Fitz, Died at Woodland, CA 0169 08/05/1959 2 7 W600 Weyer, Verena; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 08/05/1959 3 3 C600 Crowe, Hope Christine; B: Red Cloud July 29, Father: Raymond Crowe 0169 08/05/1959 3 4 H614 Harrifeld, Marvin (Infant M); B: Red Cloud 40024 0169 08/05/1959 6 3 M246 McClure Family; Organization: Hastings Family Reunion, Guests Listed 0169 08/05/1959 6 3 W655 Worman, Peggy Ellen; B: Red Cloud July 26, Father: Eldon Worman 0169 08/05/1959 6 3 K500 Keeney, Cinthia Sue; B: Red Cloud August 1, Father: John Keeney 0169 08/05/1959 6 3 L120 Lovejoy, David Jay; B: Red Cloud August 3, Fahter: Kenneth Lovejoy 0169 08/12/1959 1 3 B526 Bangert, June Loraine; M: Rosemont Groom: Ronald Keith, Bowen, Father: Gerhard Bangert, photo 0169 08/12/1959 1 3 B500 Bowen, Ronald Keith; M: Rosemont Bride: June Lorraine Bangert, Father: Earl Bowen 0169 08/12/1959 1 4 E263 Eckhardt, Carl; Dn: Campbell Children Listed 0169 08/12/1959 1 4 R143 Rayfield, Lori Jo; B: Red Cloud August 6, Father: Mac Rayfield 0169 08/12/1959 1 5 H562 Heinrich Family; Organization: Hastings Family Reunion, Guests Listed 0169 08/12/1959 1 5 S512 Simpson, James Joseph; Dn: Blue Hill Parents: Catherine and Frank Simpson 0169 08/12/1959 1 6 D635 Durdin, George; Dn: Grand Island Children Listed 0169 08/12/1959 3 1 M623 Market, Albert Harrison; D: Omaha Parents and Siblings Listed 0169 08/12/1959 4 6 K246 Kugler, Verona June; B: Red Cloud August 11, Father: Billie Joe Kugler 0169 08/12/1959 6 1 W123 Webster County 4-H Fair; Organization: Bladen Premium Lists 0169 08/12/1959 6 7 L200 Lewis, Ronald Lee; B: Hildreth July 18, Father: Robert Lewis 0169 08/12/1959 1 3 B526 Bangert, June Loraine; M: Rosemont Groom: Ronald Keith, Bowen, Father: Gerhard Bangert, photo 0169 08/12/1959 1 3 B500 Bowen, Ronald Keith; M: Rosemont Bride: June Lorraine Bangert, Father: Earl Bowen 0169 08/12/1959 1 4 E263 Eckhardt, Carl; Dn: Campbell Children Listed 0169 08/12/1959 1 4 R143 Rayfield, Lori Jo; B: Red Cloud August 6, Father: Mac Rayfield 0169 08/12/1959 1 5 H562 Heinrich Family; Organization: Hastings Family Reunion, Guests Listed 0169 08/12/1959 1 5 S512 Simpson, James Joseph; Dn: Blue Hill Parents: Catherine and Frank Simpson 0169 08/12/1959 1 6 D635 Durdin, George; Dn: Grand Island Children Listed 0169 08/12/1959 3 1 M623 Market, Albert Harrison; D: Omaha Parents and Siblings Listed 0169 08/12/1959 4 6 K246 Kugler, Verona June; B: Red Cloud August 11, Father: Billie Joe Kugler 0169 08/12/1959 6 1 W123 Webster County 4-H Fair; Organization: Bladen Premium Lists 0169 08/12/1959 6 7 L200 Lewis, Ronald Lee; B: Hildreth July 18, Father: Robert Lewis 0169 08/19/1959 1 1 A416 Alber, Duane Ray; B: Red Cloud August 17, Father Roy O. Alber 0169 08/19/1959 1 1 W242 Wessels, Garry Len; B: Red Cloud August 18, Father: Elden Wessels 0169 08/19/1959 1 2 S512 Simpson, Walter W.; D: Blue Hill Wife-Etta E. Brown Simpson, Parents and Children listed, died in Eugene, OR 0169 08/19/1959 1 2 W256 Wagner, Myra Rose; B: Hastings August 17, Father: Harold Wagner 0169 08/19/1959 1 4 M624 Marshall, Judith A. ; M: Ayr Groom: Kenneth Mefford, Father: William Marshall, Married in Florence NJ 0169 08/19/1959 1 4 M163 Mefford, Kenneth A.; M: Ayr Bride: Judith A. Marshall, Father: Carl Mefford, Married in Florence NJ 0169 08/19/1959 1 5 J525 Johnson, Vonda; M: Lincoln Groom: Fay Kapke, Father: Norman Johnson 0169 08/19/1959 1 5 K120 Kapke, Fay; M: Lincoln Bride: Vonda Johnson, Grandmother: Bessie Overturf 0169 08/19/1959 2 4 W600 Weyer, Verena; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 08/19/1959 2 4 V515 Van Boening, Simon; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 08/19/1959 4 3 A622 Ayr High School; Organization: Hastings 9th Annual Reunion, Guests Listed 0169 08/19/1959 1 1 A416 Alber, Duane Ray; B: Red Cloud August 17, Father Roy O. Alber 0169 08/19/1959 1 1 W242 Wessels, Garry Len; B: Red Cloud August 18, Father: Elden Wessels 0169 08/19/1959 1 2 S512 Simpson, Walter W.; D: Blue Hill Wife-Etta E. Brown Simpson, Parents and Children listed, died in Eugene, OR 0169 08/19/1959 1 2 W256 Wagner, Myra Rose; B: Hastings August 17, Father: Harold Wagner 0169 08/19/1959 1 4 M624 Marshall, Judith A. ; M: Ayr Groom: Kenneth Mefford, Father: William Marshall, Married in Florence NJ 0169 08/19/1959 1 4 M163 Mefford, Kenneth A.; M: Ayr Bride: Judith A. Marshall, Father: Carl Mefford, Married in Florence NJ 0169 08/19/1959 1 5 J525 Johnson, Vonda; M: Lincoln Groom: Fay Kapke, Father: Norman Johnson 0169 08/19/1959 1 5 K120 Kapke, Fay; M: Lincoln Bride: Vonda Johnson, Grandmother: Bessie Overturf 0169 08/19/1959 2 4 W600 Weyer, Verena; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 08/19/1959 2 4 V515 Van Boening, Simon; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 08/19/1959 4 3 A622 Ayr High School; Organization: Hastings 9th Annual Reunion, Guests Listed 0169 08/26/1959 1 3 A652 Ahrens, Henry J.; Dn: Rosemont Wife: Charlotte Ahrens, Children listed, died in Osage IA 0169 08/26/1959 1 5 W536 Wonderly, Zelma; D: Auburn 0169 08/26/1959 1 6 F626 Frazier Family; Organization: McCook Guests Listed 0169 08/26/1959 1 6 L623 Louriston Family; Organization: McCook Guests Listed 0169 08/26/1959 4 7 B441 Blue Hill Public Schools; Portrait: Blue Hill Photos of all Teachers 0169 08/26/1959 6 3 M615 Meyer Family; Organization: Hastings Famliy Reunion, guests listed 0169 08/26/1959 1 3 A652 Ahrens, Henry J.; Dn: Rosemont Wife: Charlotte Ahrens, Children listed, died in Osage IA 0169 08/26/1959 1 5 W536 Wonderly, Zelma; D: Auburn 0169 08/26/1959 1 6 F626 Frazier Family; Organization: McCook Guests Listed 0169 08/26/1959 1 6 L623 Louriston Family; Organization: McCook Guests Listed 0169 08/26/1959 4 7 B441 Blue Hill Public Schools; Portrait: Blue Hill Photos of all Teachers 0169 08/26/1959 6 3 M615 Meyer Family; Organization: Hastings Famliy Reunion, guests listed 0169 09/02/1959 1 7 L000 Leo, Dennis E.; M: Blue Hill Bride: Gail E. Pixler, Mother: Mrs. Emil Wagoner, Married in Visalia, CA 0169 09/02/1959 1 7 P246 Pixler, Gail Elaine; M: Blue Hill Groom: Dennis E. Leo, Father: G. V. Pixler, married at Visalia, CA 0169 09/02/1959 2 6 P420 Place, W. S. ; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 09/02/1959 3 2 V520 Vance, James Milo; D Accident: Bladen Wife: Lillie Saylor Vance, Children and Siblings listed 0169 09/02/1959 3 2 D600 Derr, Steven Ray; B: Hastings August 27, Father Leland Derr 0169 09/02/1959 3 3 T521 Thomas Family; Organization: Red Cloud Family Reunion, gusts listed 0169 09/02/1959 3 7 L200 Lewis, Dianne Marie; B: Grand Island August 30, Father: Donald Lewis 0169 09/02/1959 4 3 A652 Armstrong Family; Organization: Ayr Family Reunion, gusts listed 0169 09/02/1959 6 2 B200 Buschow, Ardis Ann; M: Blue Hill Groom: Robert L. Wagner, Father: Alex Buschow, Married in Kansas City, KS 0169 09/02/1959 6 2 W256 Wagner, Robert L.; M: Blue Hill Bride: Ardis Ann Buschow, Mother: Matilda Wagner, married in Kansas City, KS 0169 09/02/1959 6 3 V515 Van Boening, Thomas Edward; B: Blue Hill August 29, Father: Charles Van Boening 0169 09/02/1959 6 7 V536 Van Matre Family; Organization: Holdrege Family Reunion, gusts listed 0169 09/02/1959 1 7 L000 Leo, Dennis E.; M: Blue Hill Bride: Gail E. Pixler, Mother: Mrs. Emil Wagoner, Married in Visalia, CA 0169 09/02/1959 1 7 P246 Pixler, Gail Elaine; M: Blue Hill Groom: Dennis E. Leo, Father: G. V. Pixler, married at Visalia, CA 0169 09/02/1959 2 6 P420 Place, W. S. ; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 09/02/1959 3 2 V520 Vance, James Milo; D Accident: Bladen Wife: Lillie Saylor Vance, Children and Siblings listed 0169 09/02/1959 3 2 D600 Derr, Steven Ray; B: Hastings August 27, Father Leland Derr 0169 09/02/1959 3 3 T521 Thomas Family; Organization: Red Cloud Family Reunion, gusts listed 0169 09/02/1959 3 7 L200 Lewis, Dianne Marie; B: Grand Island August 30, Father: Donald Lewis 0169 09/02/1959 4 3 A652 Armstrong Family; Organization: Ayr Family Reunion, gusts listed 0169 09/02/1959 6 2 B200 Buschow, Ardis Ann; M: Blue Hill Groom: Robert L. Wagner, Father: Alex Buschow, Married in Kansas City, KS 0169 09/02/1959 6 2 W256 Wagner, Robert L.; M: Blue Hill Bride: Ardis Ann Buschow, Mother: Matilda Wagner, married in Kansas City, KS 0169 09/02/1959 6 3 V515 Van Boening, Thomas Edward; B: Blue Hill August 29, Father: Charles Van Boening 0169 09/02/1959 6 7 V536 Van Matre Family; Organization: Holdrege Family Reunion, gusts listed 0169 09/09/1959 1 1 H450 Hohlen, Fred (Mrs); Dn: Hastings children and siblings listed 0169 09/09/1959 1 1 W320 Woods, Dawn Jonella; B: Hastings September 4, Father: Howard Woods 0169 09/09/1959 1 2 T653 Trinity Lutheran School; Attendance List: Hastings 0169 09/09/1959 1 4 O432 Old Settlers Reunion; Organization: Cowles 0169 09/09/1959 1 4 P630 Peratt, Jack; Dn Accident: Guide Rock 0169 09/09/1959 1 5 F651 Frahm Family; Organization: Blue Hill Family Reunion, guests listed 0169 09/09/1959 1 7 W362 Widdersheim, Mara; Dn: Hastings Sister- Mrs. Lee James 0169 09/09/1959 4 4 B441 Blue Hill Public Schools; Attendance List: Blue Hill 0169 09/09/1959 1 1 H450 Hohlen, Fred (Mrs); Dn: Hastings children and siblings listed 0169 09/09/1959 1 1 W320 Woods, Dawn Jonella; B: Hastings September 4, Father: Howard Woods 0169 09/09/1959 1 2 T653 Trinity Lutheran School; Attendance List: Hastings 0169 09/09/1959 1 4 O432 Old Settlers Reunion; Organization: Cowles 0169 09/09/1959 1 4 P630 Peratt, Jack; Dn Accident: Guide Rock 0169 09/09/1959 1 5 F651 Frahm Family; Organization: Blue Hill Family Reunion, guests listed 0169 09/09/1959 1 7 W362 Widdersheim, Mara; Dn: Hastings Sister- Mrs. Lee James 0169 09/09/1959 4 4 B441 Blue Hill Public Schools; Attendance List: Blue Hill 0169 09/16/1959 1 2 W520 Wonka, Jodi Rae; B: Red Cloud June 9, Father Jack Wonka 0169 09/16/1959 1 4 W300 Wade, Melvin C.; M: Red Cloud Bride: Mrs. Jessie Meyer, Mother: Ethel Wade 0169 09/16/1959 1 4 M600 Meyer, Jessie (Mrs.); M: Red Cloud Groom: Melvin C. Wade, Father: John A. Koch 0169 09/16/1959 1 5 S341 Sidlo Family; Organization: Hastings Family reunion, guests listed 0169 09/16/1959 1 6 L520 Lemke, Joseph Albert; D: Superior Siblings listed 0169 09/16/1959 1 7 H635 Hartman Family; Organization: Hastings Family reunion, guests listed 0169 09/16/1959 2 6 F650 Frahm, William C.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 09/16/1959 4 5 G660 Greer, Ottis M.; Dn: Ashland Died at San Jose, CA 0169 09/16/1959 1 2 W520 Wonka, Jodi Rae; B: Red Cloud June 9, Father Jack Wonka 0169 09/16/1959 1 4 W300 Wade, Melvin C.; M: Red Cloud Bride: Mrs. Jessie Meyer, Mother: Ethel Wade 0169 09/16/1959 1 4 M600 Meyer, Jessie (Mrs.); M: Red Cloud Groom: Melvin C. Wade, Father: John A. Koch 0169 09/16/1959 1 5 S341 Sidlo Family; Organization: Hastings Family reunion, guests listed 0169 09/16/1959 1 6 L520 Lemke, Joseph Albert; D: Superior Siblings listed 0169 09/16/1959 1 7 H635 Hartman Family; Organization: Hastings Family reunion, guests listed 0169 09/16/1959 2 6 F650 Frahm, William C.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 09/16/1959 4 5 G660 Greer, Ottis M.; Dn: Ashland Died at San Jose, CA 0169 09/23/1959 1 1 K626 Krueger, Kent David; B: Kearney September 21, Father: Glen Krueger 0169 09/23/1959 1 2 B420 Black, Geraldine Elaine; M: Grand Island Groom: Kenneth Harold Koepke, photo 0169 09/23/1959 1 2 K120 Koepke, Kenneth Harold; M: Grand Island Bride: Geraldine Elaine Black, Father: Harold Koepke 0169 09/23/1959 1 3 J212 Jacobs, Florentine Frances; D: Blue Hill Husband: Ed Jacobs, Parents children and siblings listed 0169 09/23/1959 1 5 K626 Krueger, Kathryn; m: Blue Hill Groom: Corey Dealey, Father: Ernest Krueger 0169 09/23/1959 1 5 D400 Dealey, Carey; M: Blue Hill Bride: Kathryn Krueger. Father: J. G. Dealey 0169 09/23/1959 3 6 A536 Andrews, Bradley Robert; B: Hastings September 13, Father: Niel Andrews 0169 09/23/1959 6 2 W452 Willems, Carol Kay; B: Red Cloud September 17, Father Russell Willems 0169 09/23/1959 6 7 F632 Fritz, Bertha; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 09/23/1959 8 3 M655 Meeryman, Maria Kay; B: Red Cloud September 5, Father Glen Meeryman 0169 09/23/1959 8 3 M655 Meeryman, Carla Rae; B: Red Cloud September 5, Father Glen Meeryman 0169 09/23/1959 8 3 S352 Steinkrueger, Lori Jane; B: Red Cloud September 9, Father Wallace Steinkrueger 0169 09/23/1959 8 3 D000 Day, David Floyd; B: Red Cloud Septekber 9, Father Wendall Day 0169 09/23/1959 8 3 W520 Wonka, Jodi Rae; B: Red Cloud September 9, Father Donald D.Wonka 0169 09/23/1959 8 3 W300 White, Gwenda Rae; B: Red Cloud September 13, Father Doyle D. White 0169 09/23/1959 8 3 T640 Terrill, Dewey Wayne; B: Red Cloud September 14, Father Curtis W. Terrill 0169 09/23/1959 8 3 C652 Carnes, Kathryn Marie; B: Red Cloud September 14, Father James C. Carnes 0169 09/23/1959 8 3 B460 Boller, Timothy Wayne; B: Red Cloud September 14, Father Bernard C. Boller 0169 09/23/1959 8 3 C436 Childers, Ernest Ervin; B: Red Cloud September 15, Father Dorse E. Childers 0169 09/23/1959 8 3 F425 Falgione, Susan Eileen; B: Red Cloud September 16, Father Eugene Falgione 0169 09/23/1959 8 3 W452 Willems, Carol Kay; B: Red Cloud September 17, Father Russell Williams 0169 09/23/1959 8 3 G620 George, Sharon Jean; B: Red Cloud September 20, Father Eldon W. George 0169 09/23/1959 8 3 H200 Hays, Brian Kelly; B: Red Cloud September 21, Father Gerald E. Hays 0169 09/23/1959 8 5 S220 Soucek, Jeanne Renee; B: Hastings September 7, Father John Soucek, Jr. 0169 09/23/1959 1 1 K626 Krueger, Kent David; B: Kearney September 21, Father: Glen Krueger 0169 09/23/1959 1 2 B420 Black, Geraldine Elaine; M: Grand Island Groom: Kenneth Harold Koepke, photo 0169 09/23/1959 1 2 K120 Koepke, Kenneth Harold; M: Grand Island Bride: Geraldine Elaine Black, Father: Harold Koepke 0169 09/23/1959 1 3 J212 Jacobs, Florentine Frances; D: Blue Hill Husband: Ed Jacobs, Parents children and siblings listed 0169 09/23/1959 1 5 K626 Krueger, Kathryn; m: Blue Hill Groom: Corey Dealey, Father: Ernest Krueger 0169 09/23/1959 1 5 D400 Dealey, Carey; M: Blue Hill Bride: Kathryn Krueger. Father: J. G. Dealey 0169 09/23/1959 3 6 A536 Andrews, Bradley Robert; B: Hastings September 13, Father: Niel Andrews 0169 09/23/1959 6 2 W452 Willems, Carol Kay; B: Red Cloud September 17, Father Russell Willems 0169 09/23/1959 6 7 F632 Fritz, Bertha; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 09/23/1959 8 3 M655 Meeryman, Maria Kay; B: Red Cloud September 5, Father Glen Meeryman 0169 09/23/1959 8 3 M655 Meeryman, Carla Rae; B: Red Cloud September 5, Father Glen Meeryman 0169 09/23/1959 8 3 S352 Steinkrueger, Lori Jane; B: Red Cloud September 9, Father Wallace Steinkrueger 0169 09/23/1959 8 3 D000 Day, David Floyd; B: Red Cloud Septekber 9, Father Wendall Day 0169 09/23/1959 8 3 W520 Wonka, Jodi Rae; B: Red Cloud September 9, Father Donald D.Wonka 0169 09/23/1959 8 3 W300 White, Gwenda Rae; B: Red Cloud September 13, Father Doyle D. White 0169 09/23/1959 8 3 T640 Terrill, Dewey Wayne; B: Red Cloud September 14, Father Curtis W. Terrill 0169 09/23/1959 8 3 C652 Carnes, Kathryn Marie; B: Red Cloud September 14, Father James C. Carnes 0169 09/23/1959 8 3 B460 Boller, Timothy Wayne; B: Red Cloud September 14, Father Bernard C. Boller 0169 09/23/1959 8 3 C436 Childers, Ernest Ervin; B: Red Cloud September 15, Father Dorse E. Childers 0169 09/23/1959 8 3 F425 Falgione, Susan Eileen; B: Red Cloud September 16, Father Eugene Falgione 0169 09/23/1959 8 3 W452 Willems, Carol Kay; B: Red Cloud September 17, Father Russell Williams 0169 09/23/1959 8 3 G620 George, Sharon Jean; B: Red Cloud September 20, Father Eldon W. George 0169 09/23/1959 8 3 H200 Hays, Brian Kelly; B: Red Cloud September 21, Father Gerald E. Hays 0169 09/23/1959 8 5 S220 Soucek, Jeanne Renee; B: Hastings September 7, Father John Soucek, Jr. 0169 09/30/1959 1 3 S163 Shubert, Belle; M: Grand Island Groom: Eldor Arends 0169 09/30/1959 1 3 A653 Arends, Eldor; M: Grand Island Bride: Belle Shubert 0169 09/30/1959 1 3 H324 Hadsell, Hugh B.(Mrs.); Dn: Geneva Son: Richard Hadsell 0169 09/30/1959 1 5 D132 Davidson-Brinkman Families; Organization: Nebraska City Family Reunion Guests Listed 0169 09/30/1959 4 5 G200 Gash, Frank(Mrs.); Dn: Hastings Daughter: Mrs. Chester Anderson 0169 09/30/1959 1 3 S163 Shubert, Belle; M: Grand Island Groom: Eldor Arends 0169 09/30/1959 1 3 A653 Arends, Eldor; M: Grand Island Bride: Belle Shubert 0169 09/30/1959 1 3 H324 Hadsell, Hugh B.(Mrs.); Dn: Geneva Son: Richard Hadsell 0169 09/30/1959 1 5 D132 Davidson-Brinkman Families; Organization: Nebraska City Family Reunion Guests Listed 0169 09/30/1959 4 5 G200 Gash, Frank(Mrs.); Dn: Hastings Daughter: Mrs. Chester Anderson 0169 10/07/1959 1 3 W230 Wiest, Julie Jo; B: Red Cloud October 2, Father Melvin Wiest 0169 10/07/1959 1 4 S000 Schaa, Roelf; Bd: Bladen 104th Party Guests Listed 0169 10/07/1959 1 5 H650 Harm, Linda; M: Lincoln Groom: Byron C. Kort, Father: Wayne D. Harm 0169 10/07/1959 1 5 K630 Kort, Byron C.; M: Lincoln Bride: Linda Harm, Father: Gilbert Kort 0169 10/07/1959 1 6 B652 Barnason, James Duane; B: Red Cloud October 6, Father Duane Barnason 0169 10/07/1959 1 3 W230 Wiest, Julie Jo; B: Red Cloud October 2, Father Melvin Wiest 0169 10/07/1959 1 4 S000 Schaa, Roelf; Bd: Bladen 104th Party Guests Listed 0169 10/07/1959 1 5 H650 Harm, Linda; M: Lincoln Groom: Byron C. Kort, Father: Wayne D. Harm 0169 10/07/1959 1 5 K630 Kort, Byron C.; M: Lincoln Bride: Linda Harm, Father: Gilbert Kort 0169 10/07/1959 1 6 B652 Barnason, James Duane; B: Red Cloud October 6, Father Duane Barnason 0169 10/14/1959 1 2 S000 Shay, Debra Jane; B: Hastings October 10, Father Melvin Shay 0169 10/14/1959 1 4 S315 Stabenow, Brian Keith; B: Statton October 11, Father 0169 10/14/1959 1 5 R263 Rickard, Dwight P.; Dn: Hastings Wife Fern Rickard, son and siblings listed 0169 10/14/1959 1 5 H635 Hartman, Ernest; Ann: Blue Hill 25th 0169 10/14/1959 1 6 M236 Meester, Henry H.; D: Hastings Wife Elizabeth Weyenberg Meester, parents and children listed 0169 10/14/1959 1 7 K630 Korth, Pamela Susan; B: Hastings October 5, Father R.W. Korth 0169 10/14/1959 6 4 M245 McLance, Annie; D: North Platte Nee Cunningham, Husband Ward McLance, parents and children listed 0169 10/14/1959 8 1 S520 Shenk, Joe; Bd: Franklin 80th 0169 10/14/1959 1 2 S000 Shay, Debra Jane; B: Hastings October 10, Father Melvin Shay 0169 10/14/1959 1 4 S315 Stabenow, Brian Keith; B: Statton October 11, Father 0169 10/14/1959 1 5 R263 Rickard, Dwight P.; Dn: Hastings Wife Fern Rickard, son and siblings listed 0169 10/14/1959 1 5 H635 Hartman, Ernest; Ann: Blue Hill 25th 0169 10/14/1959 1 6 M236 Meester, Henry H.; D: Hastings Wife Elizabeth Weyenberg Meester, parents and children listed 0169 10/14/1959 1 7 K630 Korth, Pamela Susan; B: Hastings October 5, Father R.W. Korth 0169 10/14/1959 6 4 M245 McLance, Annie; D: North Platte Nee Cunningham, Husband Ward McLance, parents and children listed 0169 10/14/1959 8 1 S520 Shenk, Joe; Bd: Franklin 80th 0169 10/21/1959 1 1 A416 Alber, Paul(Mrs.); Dn: Red Cloud Children listed 0169 10/21/1959 1 3 A653 Ayr Methodist Church; Methodist: Ayr 75th Anniversary 0169 10/21/1959 1 4 J525 Johnson, Verna; M: Bladen Groom Edward Kaufman, Father Norman Johnson 0169 10/21/1959 1 4 K155 Kaufman, Edward; M: Bladen Bride Verna Johnson, Father Frank Kaufman 0169 10/21/1959 1 5 S300 Scott, Leona; D: Hastings Nee Hammer, Husban Rupert Scott, father children and siblings listed 0169 10/21/1959 1 6 B652 Barnason, James Duane; B: Red Cloud October 6, Father Duane E. Barnason 0169 10/21/1959 1 6 S512 Simpson, Randal Lee; B: Red Cloud October 9, Father Ivan Simpson 0169 10/21/1959 1 6 D120 Davis, Vaden Alan; B: Red Cloud October 12, Father Vaden Davis Jr. 0169 10/21/1959 1 6 C400 Cahill, Michelle Elaine; B: Red Cloud October 12, Father Berdon Cahill 0169 10/21/1959 1 6 K530 Kennedy, Cheri Ann; B: Red Cloud October 13, Father Rex D. Kennedy 0169 10/21/1959 1 7 K526 Konneker, Mary Jo; M: Rosemont Groom Edward Oye 0169 10/21/1959 1 7 O000 Oye, Edward; M: Rosemont Bride Mary Jo Konneker, Father A.W.Oye 0169 10/21/1959 1 1 A416 Alber, Paul(Mrs.); Dn: Red Cloud Children listed 0169 10/21/1959 1 3 A653 Ayr Methodist Church; Methodist: Ayr 75th Anniversary 0169 10/21/1959 1 4 J525 Johnson, Verna; M: Bladen Groom Edward Kaufman, Father Norman Johnson 0169 10/21/1959 1 4 K155 Kaufman, Edward; M: Bladen Bride Verna Johnson, Father Frank Kaufman 0169 10/21/1959 1 5 S300 Scott, Leona; D: Hastings Nee Hammer, Husban Rupert Scott, father children and siblings listed 0169 10/21/1959 1 6 B652 Barnason, James Duane; B: Red Cloud October 6, Father Duane E. Barnason 0169 10/21/1959 1 6 S512 Simpson, Randal Lee; B: Red Cloud October 9, Father Ivan Simpson 0169 10/21/1959 1 6 D120 Davis, Vaden Alan; B: Red Cloud October 12, Father Vaden Davis Jr. 0169 10/21/1959 1 6 C400 Cahill, Michelle Elaine; B: Red Cloud October 12, Father Berdon Cahill 0169 10/21/1959 1 6 K530 Kennedy, Cheri Ann; B: Red Cloud October 13, Father Rex D. Kennedy 0169 10/21/1959 1 7 K526 Konneker, Mary Jo; M: Rosemont Groom Edward Oye 0169 10/21/1959 1 7 O000 Oye, Edward; M: Rosemont Bride Mary Jo Konneker, Father A.W.Oye 0169 10/28/1959 1 3 K635 Koertner, Eugene(Infant M); B: Red Cloud 40113 0169 10/28/1959 1 3 E400 Ely, S.E; Ann: Naponee 54th 0169 10/28/1959 1 4 S365 Stromer, Marilyn Kay; M: Glenvil Groom Robert L. Fitzke, Father Paul E, Stromer 0169 10/28/1959 1 4 F320 Fitzke, Robert L.; M: Glenvil Bride Marilyn Kay Stromer, Father Orville Fitzke 0169 10/28/1959 1 5 H635 Hartman, Ernest; Ann: Blue Hill 50th, Guests listed, PHOTO 0169 10/28/1959 1 5 C150 Chaffin, C.C.; Dn: Blue Hill Wife Bess Chaffin, sons and siblings listed, died at San Diego CA 0169 10/28/1959 6 2 M000 May, Frank W.; Dn: Hastings Children and siblings listed 0169 10/28/1959 6 2 A416 Alber, Paul; Ann: Pauline 60th 0169 10/28/1959 1 3 K635 Koertner, Eugene(Infant M); B: Red Cloud 40113 0169 10/28/1959 1 3 E400 Ely, S.E; Ann: Naponee 54th 0169 10/28/1959 1 4 S365 Stromer, Marilyn Kay; M: Glenvil Groom Robert L. Fitzke, Father Paul E, Stromer 0169 10/28/1959 1 4 F320 Fitzke, Robert L.; M: Glenvil Bride Marilyn Kay Stromer, Father Orville Fitzke 0169 10/28/1959 1 5 H635 Hartman, Ernest; Ann: Blue Hill 50th, Guests listed, PHOTO 0169 10/28/1959 1 5 C150 Chaffin, C.C.; Dn: Blue Hill Wife Bess Chaffin, sons and siblings listed, died at San Diego CA 0169 10/28/1959 6 2 M000 May, Frank W.; Dn: Hastings Children and siblings listed 0169 10/28/1959 6 2 A416 Alber, Paul; Ann: Pauline 60th 0169 11/04/1959 1 2 S126 Spicer, Bertha; Dn: Blue Hill Husband Frank Spicer, children listed, died at Eugene OR 0169 11/04/1959 1 2 R525 Rheingans, William; D: Blue Hill Son Kenneth, died at Paradise CA 0169 11/04/1959 1 5 W242 Wessels, Judith; M: Bladen Groom Phil M Vance, Father Otto Wessels, PHOTO 0169 11/04/1959 1 5 V520 Vance, Phil M.; M: Bladen Bride Judith Wessels, Father Maynard Vance 0169 11/04/1959 1 5 K635 Koertner, Roger Lynn; B: Red Cloud October 28, Father Eugene Koertner 0169 11/04/1959 1 2 S126 Spicer, Bertha; Dn: Blue Hill Husband Frank Spicer, children listed, died at Eugene OR 0169 11/04/1959 1 2 R525 Rheingans, William; D: Blue Hill Son Kenneth, died at Paradise CA 0169 11/04/1959 1 5 W242 Wessels, Judith; M: Bladen Groom Phil M Vance, Father Otto Wessels, PHOTO 0169 11/04/1959 1 5 V520 Vance, Phil M.; M: Bladen Bride Judith Wessels, Father Maynard Vance 0169 11/04/1959 1 5 K635 Koertner, Roger Lynn; B: Red Cloud October 28, Father Eugene Koertner 0169 11/11/1959 1 3 S126 Spicer, Frank; Dn: Blue Hill Wife Bertha Simpson Spice, died at Eugene OR 0169 11/11/1959 1 5 S162 Siebrass, Charles; Ann: Blue Hill 65th 0169 11/11/1959 1 6 J525 Johnson, Henry Frederick; D: Hastings Wife Pauline Kahler Johnson, parents and siblings listed 0169 11/11/1959 1 6 J520 Jones, Arthur Carl; Dn: Bladen Died at Decatur IL 0169 11/11/1959 1 7 M625 Morrison, Norman; Dn: Red Cloud Died at Phoenix AZ, siblings listed 0169 11/11/1959 5 7 R500 Ronne, DeAnne; M: Lushton Groom Kenneth Teaford 0169 11/11/1959 5 7 T163 Teaford, Kenneth; M: Lushton Bride DeAnne Ronne, Father Ollen Teaford 0169 11/11/1959 7 2 B500 Bahn, Leonard; D(accident): Norfolk Drowning victim 0169 11/11/1959 7 2 B500 Bahn, Leonard(Mrs.); D(accident): Norfolk Drowning victim 0169 11/11/1959 1 3 S126 Spicer, Frank; Dn: Blue Hill Wife Bertha Simpson Spice, died at Eugene OR 0169 11/11/1959 1 5 S162 Siebrass, Charles; Ann: Blue Hill 65th 0169 11/11/1959 1 6 J525 Johnson, Henry Frederick; D: Hastings Wife Pauline Kahler Johnson, parents and siblings listed 0169 11/11/1959 1 6 J520 Jones, Arthur Carl; Dn: Bladen Died at Decatur IL 0169 11/11/1959 1 7 M625 Morrison, Norman; Dn: Red Cloud Died at Phoenix AZ, siblings listed 0169 11/11/1959 5 7 R500 Ronne, DeAnne; M: Lushton Groom Kenneth Teaford 0169 11/11/1959 5 7 T163 Teaford, Kenneth; M: Lushton Bride DeAnne Ronne, Father Ollen Teaford 0169 11/11/1959 7 2 B500 Bahn, Leonard; D(accident): Norfolk Drowning victim 0169 11/11/1959 7 2 B500 Bahn, Leonard(Mrs.); D(accident): Norfolk Drowning victim 0169 11/18/1959 1 5 A653 Ayr Methodist Church; Methodist: Ayr Celebrates 75th Anniversary 0169 11/18/1959 1 5 B260 Baker, Merten; Ann: Blue Hill 25th 0169 11/18/1959 1 6 S352 Scheiding, Margaret Marie Charlotte; D: Blue Hill Nee Lomker, Husband Fred Scheiding, parents and children listed 0169 11/18/1959 1 6 C210 Cecava, Frank; D: Hastings Wife Janet Buschow Cecava, parents and children listed 0169 11/18/1959 1 6 H635 Hartman, Cindy Ann; B: Hastings November 4, Father George Hartman 0169 11/18/1959 1 7 F435 Felton, Thomas Eugene; B: Red Cloud November 7, Father Jack Felton 0169 11/18/1959 1 7 S432 Scholtz, Bradley Joe; B: Red Cloud November 11, Father Darold D. Scholtz 0169 11/18/1959 3 2 P656 Pruner, Marvel Ann; B: Red Cloud November 13, Father Rex Pruner 0169 11/18/1959 3 2 H163 Hubert, Richard; Ann: Ansley 25th 0169 11/18/1959 4 2 W325 Whitcomb, Levi; D: Pauline Wife Julia Whitcomb, children listed 0169 11/18/1959 4 2 B650 Bourn, Sudie; D: Hastings Husband Robert Bourn, children listed 0169 11/18/1959 6 1 S352 Scheiding, Marie; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 11/18/1959 1 5 A653 Ayr Methodist Church; Methodist: Ayr Celebrates 75th Anniversary 0169 11/18/1959 1 5 B260 Baker, Merten; Ann: Blue Hill 25th 0169 11/18/1959 1 6 S352 Scheiding, Margaret Marie Charlotte; D: Blue Hill Nee Lomker, Husband Fred Scheiding, parents and children listed 0169 11/18/1959 1 6 C210 Cecava, Frank; D: Hastings Wife Janet Buschow Cecava, parents and children listed 0169 11/18/1959 1 6 H635 Hartman, Cindy Ann; B: Hastings November 4, Father George Hartman 0169 11/18/1959 1 7 F435 Felton, Thomas Eugene; B: Red Cloud November 7, Father Jack Felton 0169 11/18/1959 1 7 S432 Scholtz, Bradley Joe; B: Red Cloud November 11, Father Darold D. Scholtz 0169 11/18/1959 3 2 P656 Pruner, Marvel Ann; B: Red Cloud November 13, Father Rex Pruner 0169 11/18/1959 3 2 H163 Hubert, Richard; Ann: Ansley 25th 0169 11/18/1959 4 2 W325 Whitcomb, Levi; D: Pauline Wife Julia Whitcomb, children listed 0169 11/18/1959 4 2 B650 Bourn, Sudie; D: Hastings Husband Robert Bourn, children listed 0169 11/18/1959 6 1 S352 Scheiding, Marie; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 11/25/1959 1 2 S162 Siebrass, Charles; Ann: Blue Hill 65th 0169 11/25/1959 1 2 M532 Meents, Martin; D: Hastings Wives and children listed 0169 11/25/1959 1 2 G641 Gerloff, Herman Y,; Dn: Hastings 0169 11/25/1959 1 3 H146 Hibler, Fred C.; Dn: Hastings Wife Edith Hibler, children listed 0169 11/25/1959 1 3 W623 Wright, Aaron Lynn; B: Blue Hill November 2, adopted, Father George Wright 0169 11/25/1959 3 1 K540 Kinley, Jerrold Lee; B: Red Cloud November 16, Father Lloyd Kinley 0169 11/25/1959 1 2 S162 Siebrass, Charles; Ann: Blue Hill 65th 0169 11/25/1959 1 2 M532 Meents, Martin; D: Hastings Wives and children listed 0169 11/25/1959 1 2 G641 Gerloff, Herman Y,; Dn: Hastings 0169 11/25/1959 1 3 H146 Hibler, Fred C.; Dn: Hastings Wife Edith Hibler, children listed 0169 11/25/1959 1 3 W623 Wright, Aaron Lynn; B: Blue Hill November 2, adopted, Father George Wright 0169 11/25/1959 3 1 K540 Kinley, Jerrold Lee; B: Red Cloud November 16, Father Lloyd Kinley 0169 12/02/1959 1 1 B443 Blue Hill Leader; Newspaper: Blue Hill Paper and printing business sold 0169 12/02/1959 1 1 G650 Graham, Elmer; Ann: Blue Hill 25th 0169 12/02/1959 2 1 W453 Wieland, D.R.; Dentist: Blue Hill ad 0169 12/02/1959 2 1 O425 Olson Auction Co.; Auctions: Hastings ad 0169 12/02/1959 2 1 G620 Grose, Sherrill; Farmers Union Co-op Association; Farm supplies : Blue Hill ad 0169 12/02/1959 2 2 K630 Kort, William; Real Estate: Blue Hill ad 0169 12/02/1959 2 4 P160 Peper, Eldon; Trucking: Blue Hill ad 0169 12/02/1959 3 1 K640 Kral, Agnes; M: Hastings Groom Robert Flowers, Father Louis Kral 0169 12/02/1959 3 1 F462 Flowers, Robert; M: Hastings Bride Agnes Kral, Mother Mrs. Walter Whitney 0169 12/02/1959 3 1 B532 Bentz (H.H.) Implement Co.; Farm supplies : Blue Hill ad 0169 12/02/1959 1 1 B443 Blue Hill Leader; Newspaper: Blue Hill Paper and printing business sold 0169 12/02/1959 1 1 G650 Graham, Elmer; Ann: Blue Hill 25th 0169 12/02/1959 2 1 W453 Wieland, D.R.; Dentist: Blue Hill ad 0169 12/02/1959 2 1 O425 Olson Auction Co.; Auctions: Hastings ad 0169 12/02/1959 2 1 G620 Grose, Sherrill; Farmers Union Co-op Association; Farm supplies : Blue Hill ad 0169 12/02/1959 2 2 K630 Kort, William; Real Estate: Blue Hill ad 0169 12/02/1959 2 4 P160 Peper, Eldon; Trucking: Blue Hill ad 0169 12/02/1959 3 1 K640 Kral, Agnes; M: Hastings Groom Robert Flowers, Father Louis Kral 0169 12/02/1959 3 1 F462 Flowers, Robert; M: Hastings Bride Agnes Kral, Mother Mrs. Walter Whitney 0169 12/02/1959 3 1 B532 Bentz (H.H.) Implement Co.; Farm supplies : Blue Hill ad-also Toys&Home Appliances 0169 12/02/1959 3 4 S260 Seger, (Rev); Bladen Methodist Church; Methodist: Bladen ad 0169 12/02/1959 3 4 C514 Campbell Funeral Home; Mortician: Campbell ad 0169 12/02/1959 3 5 B652 Barnason's IGA Super Market; Grocery: Blue Hill ad 0169 12/02/1959 4 1 V250 Vaughn, Byron B.; Blue Hill Leader; Newspaper: Blue Hill ad 0169 12/02/1959 4 1 T261 The Service Center; Home Appliances: Blue Hill ad 0169 12/02/1959 4 5 B441 Blue Hill Furniture; Home Furnishings: Blue Hill ad 0169 12/02/1959 5 1 S352 Scheidings Appliances; Home Appliances: Blue Hill ad 0169 12/02/1959 5 1 C225 Chuck's Conoco Service; Auto Service: Blue Hill ad 0169 12/02/1959 5 3 D521 Dean's Produce; Veterinary Products: Blue Hill ad-also cream & eggs 0169 12/02/1959 5 3 V252 Vaughn's Printers; Printing: Blue Hill ad 0169 12/02/1959 5 4 C636 Courtright's Food Market; Grocery: Blue Hill ad-also small appliances 0169 12/02/1959 6 1 C224 Chicago Lumber Co.; Building supplies: Blue Hill ad 0169 12/02/1959 6 2 S365 Strong, J.; Presbyterian Church; Presbyterian: Rosemont ad 0169 12/02/1959 6 2 S314 St. Paul's Lutheran Church; Lutheran: Blue Hill ad 0169 12/02/1959 6 6 S352 Scheiding, F.G.; Jeweler: Blue Hill ad 0169 12/02/1959 7 1 M635 Merten-Butler Funeral Chapel; Morticians: Blue Hill ad-also ambulance service 0169 12/02/1959 7 1 C656 Corner's Service; Auto Service: Blue Hill ad 0169 12/02/1959 7 2 R216 Rasberry, Gordon L.; Veterinarian: Red Cloud ad 0169 12/02/1959 7 2 B400 Bailie, Wayne E.; Veterinarian: Red Cloud ad 0169 12/02/1959 7 4 W123 Webster County Abstract Co.; Abstractors: Red Cloud ad 0169 12/02/1959 7 4 A562 American Legion Post No. 176; Organization: Blue Hill ad 0169 12/02/1959 7 4 L400 Lull, C.C.; Eye exans & eye glasses: Red Cloud ad 0169 12/02/1959 7 5 K620 Kirk, L.C.; Osteopathic Physician: Hastings ad 0169 12/02/1959 7 6 P160 Phifer, Garnet; Blue Hill Sales Co.; Auctions: Blue Hill ad 0169 12/02/1959 7 7 G622 George's Office Machine Co.; Office Equipment: Hastings ad 0169 12/02/1959 8 1 B600 Boyer, Lawrence D.; The Methodist Church; Methodist: Blue Hill ad 0169 12/02/1959 8 1 T256 The Commercial Bank; Band: Blue Hill ad 0169 12/02/1959 8 7 H155 Hoffman, Martin F.; Trinity Lutheran Church; Lutheran: Blue Hill ad 0169 12/09/1959 1 3 L510 Lamb, Raymond Alfred Lee; D: Red Cloud Wife Leona Richards Lamb, children and siblings listed 0169 12/09/1959 3 3 K400 Kile, Roxann; B: Minden December 3, Father Eldon Kile 0169 12/09/1959 3 7 W242 Wessels, Mark Alan; B: Red Cloud November 24, Father Rayburn Wessels 0169 12/09/1959 6 5 P320 Potts, Gerald; Ann: Blue Hill 25th 0169 12/16/1959 1 1 E524 Ensley, William; Dn : Blue Hill Wife Edna Courtright Ensley, Son William, died in Helena CA 0169 12/16/1959 1 5 S000 Shaw, Colleen Mae; B: Red Cloud December 2, Father Daniel T. Shaw 0169 12/16/1959 1 5 A536 Anderson, Billy Perle; B: Red Cloud December 4, Father Robert Anderson 0169 12/16/1959 1 5 B653 Briand, Wendell Ray; B: Red Cloud December 6, Father Sol Briand 0169 12/16/1959 1 5 G655 Garman, DeVee Lou Ann; B: Red Cloud December 9, Father James Garman 0169 12/16/1959 1 5 B223 Buschkoetter, Beverly Ann; B: Red Cloud December 11, Father Robert Buschkoetter 0169 12/16/1959 1 5 H416 Hulbert, Lorus (Infant M); B: Red Cloud 40158 0169 12/16/1959 1 5 S140 Shively, Peter (Infant M); B: Red Cloud 12-Dec 0169 12/16/1959 1 5 B253 Buckendahl, Judy; M: Pierce Groom Verle Ostrander 0169 12/16/1959 1 5 O236 Ostrander, Verle; M: Pierce Bride Judy Buckendahl 0169 12/16/1959 1 6 A652 Armstrong, Charles; D: Hastings Wife May Armstrong, children and siblings listed 0169 12/16/1959 2 7 S351 Stonebreaker, Ella A.; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 12/16/1959 3 4 W300 Witte, Ronald (Infant F); B: Hastings 40153 0169 12/23/1959 1 1 J525 Johnson, Leonard T.; Ann: Aurora 50th 0169 12/23/1959 1 4 F246 Fassler, Frank; D: Blue Hill Wife Clara Fassler, parents children and siblings listed 0169 12/23/1959 1 6 T612 Triebwasser, Jeannette; M: Columbus Groom Richard Kamm 0169 12/23/1959 1 6 K500 Kamm, Richard; M: Columbus Bride Jeanette Triebwasser 0169 12/23/1959 5 1 F200 Feis, Mattie V. Thomas; D: Hastings Husband Henry C. Feis, Nee Loud y. children and siblings listed 0169 12/23/1959 5 4 S100 Skupa, Dawn Janelle; B: Lincoln December 14, Father Dale Skupa 0169 12/23/1959 5 4 B526 Bunger, John; Bd: Bladen 86th 0169 12/23/1959 8 3 B630 Barth, Barbara Ann; B: Hastings December 12, Father Ray Barth 0169 12/30/1959 1 5 K626 Krueger, Polly Anna; B: Red Cloud December 23, Father Glenmore Krueger 0169 12/30/1959 1 6 W264 Wackerla, Tracy Scott; B: Red Cloud December 20, Father Thomas F. Wackerla 0169 12/30/1959 3 2 V536 Vonderfecht, William; Bd: Hastings 93rd 0169 01/07/1960 1 3 S162 Siebrass, Ida; D: Blue Hill Nee Zimmerman, Husband John C. Siebrass, parents children and siblings listed 0169 01/07/1960 3 2 J500 Jahn, Henry; Ann: Bladen 60th, Guests listed 0169 01/07/1960 4 4 V563 Von Nordheim, Tene; Dn: Pauline Nee Harrenstein, Died at San Jose CA 0169 01/07/1960 6 5 A416 Alber, Harold (Infant F); B: Red Cloud 39815 0169 01/14/1960 1 2 R152 Robinson, Wanda; M: Lawrence Groom Charles R. Griffith, Father Ray Robinson, Married at Bethesda MD 0169 01/14/1960 1 2 G613 Griffith, Charles Russel; M: Lawrence Bride Wanda Robinson, Mother Mrs. Alice Griffith, Married at Bethesda MD 0169 01/14/1960 1 3 H513 Hampton, Henry; Dn: Blair 0169 01/14/1960 1 4 W450 Whelan, Gerald T.; Bio: Hastings Running for Congress, Photo 0169 01/14/1960 1 6 K455 Kuhlman, William (Mrs.); Dn: Campbell Nee Markwardt, children and siblings listed 0169 01/14/1960 8 2 W363 Woodard, Frank; Dn: Pauline Sister Mrs. Carl Jones, Died in Torrence CA 0169 01/21/1960 1 6 H140 Hubl, Al (Infant M); B: Red Cloud 15-Jan 0169 01/21/1960 1 6 B530 Bennett, Harold (Infant M); B: Red Cloud 39827 0169 01/21/1960 1 6 B652 Berns, Kenneth (Infant F); B: Red Cloud 39827 0169 01/21/1960 1 6 G236 Gestring, Ronald (Infant F); B: Red Cloud 16-Jan 0169 01/21/1960 1 6 A636 Arterburn, Gilbert, (Infant F); B: Red Cloud 39829 0169 01/21/1960 1 7 R546 Reinmiller, Conrad; Dn: Schuyler children listed 0169 01/28/1960 1 2 M630 Merritt, Orville Frederick; Dn: Blue Hill Wife Louisa Merritt, children and siblings listed, died at Englewood CA 0169 01/28/1960 1 6 L200 Lacy, Elmer Dean; D: Grand Island Wife Inez Lacy, children and siblings listed 0169 01/28/1960 3 1 H230 Hogate, Carrie; D: Bladen Husband J.R. Hogate, children listed, died at Lomita CA 0169 01/28/1960 4 5 L510 Lamb, Raymond Alfred Lee; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 01/28/1960 4 7 S162 Siebrass, Ida; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 02/04/1960 1 2 M242 McIllece, Ray B.; D: Lawrence Wife Blanch McIllece, children and siblings listed, Died at Weslaco TX 0169 02/04/1960 1 4 B240 Beezley, James Ray; B: Blue Hill January 27, Father William Beezley 0169 02/04/1960 1 5 K500 Kuhn, Marilyn J.; M: Bladen Groom Henry D. Berns, Father Russell Kuhn 0169 02/04/1960 1 5 B652 Berns, Henry D.; M: Bladen Bride Marilyn J. Kuhn, Father Henry P.F. Berns 0169 02/04/1960 1 6 E152 Evans, Walter A.; Dn: Blue Hill Wife Martha L. Thompson Evans, children listed, died near Wittier CA 0169 02/04/1960 3 1 H216 Hasebrook, Garrett H.; D: Hastings Children listed 0169 02/04/1960 4 3 S550 Seeman, Don (Infant M); B: Hastings 1-Feb 0169 02/04/1960 4 6 S100 Skupa, Steven Mark; B: Red Cloud January 27, Father Francis Skupa 0169 02/04/1960 4 6 B420 Bowles, Katherine Sue; B: Red Cloud January 27, Father Leonard G. Bowles 0169 02/04/1960 4 6 I526 Ingram, Roger (Infant F); B: Red Cloud 39842 0169 02/04/1960 4 7 S351 Stumpff, Hal (Infant M); B: Red Cloud 39842 0169 02/04/1960 4 7 L316 Leadabrand, Raymond (Infant F); B: Red Cloud 1-Feb 0169 02/04/1960 6 6 K626 Krueger, David William; B: Lincoln January 30, Father Dale Krueger 0169 02/11/1960 1 2 H140 Hubl, Richard(Mrs.); D: Hastings Parents, son and siblings listed 0169 02/11/1960 3 1 A536 Anderson, Sall W.; D: Grand Island Wife Zena Shaa Anderson, siblings listed 0169 02/11/1960 5 5 W236 Waechter, Owen (Infant M); B: Hastings 39849 0169 02/11/1960 6 4 A350 Auten, Randy; Dn: Grand Island Father Bill Auten 0169 02/11/1960 8 7 G400 Goll, Charles (Mrs.); Bd: Blue Hill 89th 0169 02/18/1960 1 3 A416 Albers, Adolph; Ann: Blue Hill 25th, guests listed 0169 02/18/1960 1 5 M425 Muhleisen, Shirley; M: Omaha Groom Gary R. Ragoss, Father Clarence Muhleisen 0169 02/18/1960 1 5 R220 Ragoss, Gary R.; M: Omaha Bride Shirley Muhleisen, Father Gilbert Ragoss 0169 02/18/1960 2 5 L510 Lamb, Raymond Alfred Lee; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 02/18/1960 3 3 F240 Fishel, John (Infant M); B: Hastings 39856 0169 02/18/1960 4 2 W425 Wilson, Con(Mrs.); Dn: Red Cloud Daughter Mrs. Milton Lutz 0169 02/18/1960 6 4 W536 Wintermute, Merlin(Mrs.); Dn: Hastings children listed 0169 02/25/1960 1 1 C562 Commercial Bank; Photo: Blue Hill Remodeled quarters 0169 02/25/1960 1 4 B200 Bock, Gary Richard; B: Omaha February 3, Father Donald Bock 0169 02/25/1960 1 6 S315 Stevens, Charlotte; Dn: Imperial children listed 0169 02/25/1960 2 5 A536 Anderson, Sall William; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 03/03/1960 1 3 K626 Krueger, Elizabeth; D: Red Cloud Nee Van Boening, Husband Paul Krueger, children and siblings listed 0169 03/03/1960 1 4 M250 McCain, Mary Ann; M: Hastings Groom LeRoy L. Hubl, Father Monroe McCain 0169 03/03/1960 1 4 H140 Hubl, LeRoy L.; M: Hastings Bride Elizabeth McCain, Father Albert Hubl 0169 03/03/1960 1 4 R200 Rose, Henry; Ann: Blue Hill 25th, guests listed 0169 03/03/1960 3 1 L532 Lindgren, Carrie; D: Bladen Nee Cather, Husband Oscar L. Lindgren, parents children and siblings listed 0169 03/03/1960 3 3 E236 Easterly, Amalie; D: Hastings Husband C.A. Easterly, children and siblings listed 0169 03/03/1960 3 4 V520 Vance, Cody Lynn; B: Red Cloud February 26, Father Larry Vance 0169 03/03/1960 8 4 B255 Bachman, Christen Daniel; B: Hastings February 26, Father Merlin Bachman 0169 03/10/1960 1 1 F000 Foe, Howard; Dn: Red Cloud 0169 03/10/1960 1 2 K455 Kuhlman, Michael William; B: Red Cloud February 26, Father Orville Kuhlman 0169 03/10/1960 1 4 J520 James, Craig Steven; B: Red Cloud March 2, Father Victor James 0169 03/10/1960 1 4 K355 Kathman, Carol Jean; B: Red Cloud March 2, Father Ralph Kathman 0169 03/10/1960 1 4 K626 Krueger, Sheryl Lynn; B: Red Cloud March 4, Father Alan Krueger 0169 03/10/1960 1 5 J520 Jones, Ernest C.; D: Hastings Children and siblings listed 0169 03/10/1960 1 6 K626 Krueger, Emil; D: Blue Hill Wife Hulda Krueger, children and siblings listed, died at Amherst CO 0169 03/10/1960 1 7 W426 Walker, Jake D.; D: Sidney Wife Mary Wibben Walker, parents children and siblings listed 0169 03/10/1960 3 3 S634 Skrdlant, Jerry Lee; B: Hastings March 3, Father Edward Skrdlant 0169 03/10/1960 4 4 B600 Buhr, Louis; Ann: Hanover 50th 0169 03/10/1960 4 4 F652 Franklin, Nellie; Dn: Hastings Husband Isaac Franklin, children listed 0169 03/10/1960 6 3 S300 Scott, Grant (Mrs.); Dn: Cortland 0169 03/17/1960 1 2 F246 Fassler, Clara Pauline; D: Blue Hill children and siblings listed 0169 03/17/1960 1 3 M600 Meyer, Orville (Infant M); B: Hastings 39886 0169 03/17/1960 1 4 D120 Davis, Mary Sue; B: Grand Island March 5, Father Marvin Davis 0169 03/24/1960 1 2 H246 Hasselroad, Lesa Grace; Adopted: Ayr Father, Lou Hasselroad 0169 03/24/1960 1 2 S516 Sanford, Merlin (Infant F); B: Ayr 39891 0169 03/24/1960 1 4 S360 Stroh, Jeffery William; B: Lincoln March 16, Father Leonard Stroh 0169 03/24/1960 1 5 B532 Bounds, Bernice; M: Blue Hill Groom Henry Krueger Jr., Father Wiley Bounds 0169 03/24/1960 1 5 K626 Krueger, Henry (Jr.); M: Blue Hill Bride Bernice Bounds, Father Henry Krueger 0169 03/24/1960 3 2 F600 Fehr, James; B: Sutton March 13, Father Milton Fehr 0169 03/24/1960 3 7 M635 Martin, Jerry (Infant F); B: Red Cloud 39887 0169 03/24/1960 3 7 L652 Lorence, Garold (Infant F); B: Red Cloud 39888 0169 03/24/1960 3 7 L625 Larkin, Perry O.(Infant M); B: Red Cloud 39890 0169 03/24/1960 4 4 F246 Fassler, Clara Broughton; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 03/24/1960 6 1 S365 Stromer, Larry (Infant M); B: Hastings 20-Mar 0169 03/31/1960 1 3 B532 Bentz, Theodore (Mrs.); Bd: Blue Hill 90th 0169 03/31/1960 1 3 M532 Meents, Robert (Infant F); B: Hastings 27-Mar 0169 03/31/1960 1 4 H000 Howe, Roseann; D: Blue Hill Nee Walker, Husband Edward Howe, died in Colorado Spring CO 0169 03/31/1960 3 1 R225 Richison, Robert; Ann: Bladen 60th 0169 03/31/1960 8 7 K626 Krueger, Kenneth (Infant M); B: Hastings 39900 0169 04/07/1960 1 4 P222 Pechoucek, Joseph J.; D: Blue Hill Wife Anna Vetrovic Pechoucek, children listed 0169 04/07/1960 1 4 G620 Goerig, LaVern; D: Juniata Wife Iren Goerig, mother children and siblings listed 0169 04/07/1960 1 6 L630 Laird, Helen E.; D: Lawrence Mother Mary Laird, siblings listed, died at Weiser Flats ID 0169 04/14/1960 1 2 G620 Goerig, Emma; D: Hastings Husband Walter Goerig, children and siblings listed 0169 04/14/1960 1 3 O160 Overy, Owen (Mrs.); Dn: Hastings Children listed 0169 04/14/1960 1 5 M240 Maxwell, Anna ; Bd: Holstein 90th 0169 04/14/1960 3 4 B350 Boden, Pamela; M: Bladen Groom James W. Ewart, Father Alvin Boden, Married at Smith Center KS 0169 04/14/1960 3 4 E630 Ewart, James W.; M: Bladen Bride Pamela Boden, Father Walter Ewart, Married at Smith Center KS 0169 04/21/1960 1 4 K340 Kittle, Leota; Dn: Blue Hill Nee Merritt, Husband Harley Kittle, siblings listed, died at Riverton WY 0169 04/28/1960 1 1 D400 Dealey, Sandra Jo; B: Hastings April 20, Father Carey Dealey 0169 04/28/1960 1 3 L510 Lamb, Helen Anna; Dn: Hastings Nee Krueger, Husband Eldon Lamb, children listed, died at Powell WY 0169 04/28/1960 1 4 L515 Lampman, Fred ; Bd: Blue Hill 86th 0169 04/28/1960 1 6 E552 Enninga, Jennie; Dn: Hastings children and siblings listed 0169 04/28/1960 1 6 J500 Jahn, Henry; Bd: Pauline 91st 0169 04/28/1960 1 6 H543 Hamilton, Devere (Mrs.); Dn: Grand Island siblings listed 0169 04/28/1960 1 7 H552 Henning, Diane; M: Ayr Groom Neale N. Peil, Married at Joliet IL 0169 04/28/1960 1 7 P400 Peil, Neale N.; M: Ayr Bride Diane Henning, Married at Joliet IL 0169 04/28/1960 4 2 S300 Schutte, Janet; M: Rosemont Groom Dee Schambaugh 0169 04/28/1960 4 2 S512 Schambaugh, Dee; M: Rosemont Bride Janet Schutte 0169 04/28/1960 4 2 M455 Mohlman, Albert: Blue Hill to Harvard NE 0169 04/28/1960 1 5 J525 Johnson, Emily; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 05/04/1960 1 3 T150 Topham, George U.; Dn: Blue Hill Wife Bertha Moede Topham, childred and siblings listed, Died at Cartersville GA 0169 05/04/1960 1 3 D520 Dennis, Jack; Ann: Grand Island 50th 0169 05/04/1960 1 5 M600 Meyer, Etta Mary; D: Red Cloud Nee Boom, Husband Irving Meyer, parents children and siblings listed 0169 05/04/1960 3 4 K630 Kort, William; Real Estate: Blue Hill ad 0169 05/04/1960 3 5 W453 Wieland, D.R.; Dentist: Blue Hill ad 0169 05/04/1960 3 5 S352 Scheidings Appliances; Home Appliances: Blue Hill ad 0169 05/04/1960 3 7 M635 Merten-Butler Funeral Chapel; Morticians: Blue Hill ad also Ambulance Services 0169 05/04/1960 4 1 O232 Ostdiek, Leland; Blue Hill Leader; Newspaper: Blue Hill ad 0169 05/04/1960 4 4 A562 American Legion Post No. 176; Organization: Blue Hill ad 0169 05/04/1960 4 5 A523 Amos Hatchery; Hatchery: Hastings ad 0169 05/04/1960 4 5 C656 Corner's Service; Auto Sales: Blue Hill ad 0169 05/04/1960 4 6 S200 Sack, Lloyd; Seeds Dealer: Blue Hill ad 0169 05/04/1960 4 6 M242 McIllece, R.M.; Seeds Dealer: Blue Hill ad 0169 05/04/1960 4 6 K252 Kosmacek, Joe; Seeds Dealer: Bladen ad 0169 05/04/1960 6 1 R260 Ricker, Paul; Seeds Dealer: Bladen ad 0169 05/04/1960 6 1 R255 Rosemont Presbyterian Church; Preesbyteruan: Rosemont ad 0169 05/04/1960 6 2 K120 Koepke, Melvin; Seeds Dealer: Blue Hill ad 0169 05/04/1960 6 3 A536 Anderson, Merle; Seeds Dealer: Ayr ad 0169 05/04/1960 6 3 M600 Meyer, Robert J.; Crop Insurance: Blue Hill ad 0169 05/04/1960 6 4 C656 Cramer, Cynthia Marie; B: Hastings April 30, Father Glenn Cramer 0169 05/04/1960 6 4 S314 St. Paul's Lutheran Church; Lutheran: Blue Hill ad 0169 05/04/1960 6 5 H155 Hoffman, Martin F.; Trinity Lutheran Church; Lutheran: Blue Hill ad 0169 05/04/1960 6 5 B600 Boyer, Lawrence D.; Methodist Church; Methodist: Blue Hill ad 0169 05/04/1960 6 6 B532 Bentz, Florists; Florists: Blue Hill ad 0169 05/04/1960 6 7 R200 Rose, Menno; Seeds Dealer: Blue Hill ad 0169 05/04/1960 6 5 F656 Farmers Union Co-op Association; Farm supplies : Blue Hill ad 0169 05/04/1960 7 3 O425 Olson Auction Co.; Auctioneer: Hastings ad 0169 05/04/1960 7 4 K620 Kirk, L.C.; Osteopathic Physician: Hastings ad 0169 05/04/1960 7 4 L400 Lull, C.C.; Eye Care: Red Cloud ad 0169 05/04/1960 7 5 B442 Blue Hill Sales Co.; Auctioneers: Blue Hill ad 0169 05/04/1960 7 5 T261 The Service Center; Home Appliances: Blue Hill ad 0169 05/04/1960 7 7 S352 Scheiding, F.G.; Jeweler: Blue Hill ad 0169 05/04/1960 8 1 W123 Webster County Abstract Co.; Abstractors: Red Cloud ad 0169 05/04/1960 10 1 T256 The Commercial Bank; Bank: Blue Hill ad 0169 05/04/1960 10 4 C636 Courtright's Food Market; Grocery: Blue Hill ad 0169 05/12/1960 1 2 W123 Webster County; Election Returns: Red Cloud 0169 05/12/1960 3 3 H452 Helmcamp, Steven; D (Accident): Hallam Father Dale Helmcamp 0169 05/12/1960 5 7 C230 Choquette, Brian Jon; B: Red Cloud May 2, Father Francis Choquette 0169 05/12/1960 5 7 W360 Wittwer, Goldie Louise; B: Red Cloud May 3, Father George Wittwer 0169 05/12/1960 8 5 T160 Toepfer, Kevin; B: Red Cloud April 28, Father Wilfred Toepfer 0169 05/19/1960 1 3 A416 Alber, Mary Lou; B: Red Cloud May 8, Father Edgar Alber 0169 05/19/1960 1 3 W160 Webber, Mary Jan; B: Red Cloud May 15, Father Charles Webber 0169 05/19/1960 1 4 B532 Boentje, Helen; D: Blue Hill siblings listed, Died at Salem OR 0169 05/19/1960 1 6 M600 Meyer, Donna Kay; M: Blue Hill Groom Richard Hartman, Father Harold J. Meyer 0169 05/19/1960 1 6 H635 Hartman, Richard Dean; M: Blue Hill Bride Donna Kay Meyer, Father Elmer Hartman 0169 05/19/1960 1 7 L520 Lemke, Theresa; Dn: Blue Hill children listed 0169 05/19/1960 3 1 W450 Whelan, Emma; D: Deshler Nee Flavinger, children listed 0169 05/19/1960 4 4 D520 Dennis, Jack; Ann: Grand Island 50th, guests listed 0169 05/19/1960 6 2 D400 Daily, Jesse; Dn: Ayr sister Mary Wellington 0169 05/19/1960 6 2 A624 Ayr School; 8th Grade Graduates: Ayr 0169 05/26/1960 1 3 B435 Bladen High School; High school graduates: Bladen with photos 0169 05/26/1960 1 2 K155 Kaufman, Cindy Jo; B: Hastings May 18, Father Edward Kaufman 0169 05/26/1960 4 5 S530 Schmidt, William; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 05/26/1960 5 1 B442 Blue Hill High School; High school graduates: Blue Hill with photos 0169 05/26/1960 6 3 K630 Kort, Sharon; M: Hastings Groom Ted Shriver 0169 05/26/1960 6 3 S616 Shriver, Ted; M: Hastings Bride Sharon Kort 0169 05/26/1960 8 2 W355 Wademan, Dennis; B: Harbine May 21, Father LaVell Wademan 0169 06/02/1960 1 2 B442 Blue Hill High School Class of 1940; Organization: Hastings class reunion, guests listed 0169 06/02/1960 1 3 B442 Blue Hill High School; Organization: Blue Hill Alumni banquet, guests listed 0169 06/02/1960 1 3 S162 Siebrass, Nancy Marie; B: Red Cloud May 17, Father Harlan Siebrass 0169 06/02/1960 1 4 K650 Kranau, Anna Emma; D: Hastings Nee Buss, Husband Gustav Kranau, children and siblings listed 0169 06/02/1960 1 6 T635 Trautman, Charles; D: Red Cloud Wife Nellie Eggleston Trautman, parents and children listed 0169 06/09/1960 1 3 G620 Greig, Bertha M.; D: Maywood Nee Kimmel, Husband George J. Greig, children and siblings listed 0169 06/09/1960 1 3 K650 Kranau, Katherine Sue; B: Gothenburg May 27, Father Gerald Kranau 0169 06/09/1960 1 4 L500 Lyon, Beverly; M: Hastings Groom Richard Gillaspie, Father Ray Lyon 0169 06/09/1960 1 4 G421 Gillaspie, Richard; M: Hastings Bride Beverly Lyon, Father H.E. Gillaspie 0169 06/09/1960 3 1 J520 Janicke, Mildred Jane; M: Hastings Groom Verlin Darrell Rose, Father Milton Janicke 0169 06/09/1960 3 1 R200 Rose, Verlin Darrell; M: Hastings Bride Mildred Jane Janicke, Father Peter Rose 0169 06/09/1960 3 6 W640 Worley, Keith Lee; B: Franklin May 20, Father Leslie Worley 0169 06/16/1960 1 1 P400 Peil, Neale N.; D (Accident): Blue Hill Wife Diane Peil, parents and siblings listed, died at Anderson IN 0169 06/16/1960 1 5 W355 Wademan, Minnie A.; D: Blue Hill Nee Brune, Husband John Wademan, parents and siblings listed 0169 06/16/1960 1 6 K500 Kuhn, Joeline; M: Blue Hill Groom Richard Hartman, Father Russell Kohn 0169 06/16/1960 1 6 H635 Hartman, Richard ; M: Blue Hill Bride Joeline Hartman, Father Albert Hartman 0169 06/16/1960 1 7 W320 Woods, Kathryn Ann; M: Hastings Groom Robert W. Carlson, Father Lesterd D. Woods 0169 06/16/1960 1 7 C642 Carlson, Robert W.; M: Hastings Bride Kathryn Ann Woods, Father Harold Carlson 0169 06/16/1960 3 3 B240 Buzzell, Nelva; M: Culbertson Groom Alvin Hinz 0169 06/16/1960 3 3 H520 Hinz, Alvin; M: Culbertson Bride Nelva Buzzell 0169 06/16/1960 3 4 H350 Hathan, Ruby; M: Bladen Groom Tom Kaufman, married at Council Bluffs IA 0169 06/16/1960 3 4 K155 Kaufman, Tom; M: Bladen Bride Ruby Hathan, Father Frederick Kaufman, married at Council Bluffs IA 0169 06/16/1960 3 5 S620 Sears, Ada; Dn: Hastings Husband Oscar Sears 0169 06/16/1960 6 2 K234 Kistler, Irvin W.; Dn: Holdrege Sister Mrs. Kim Robinson 0169 06/16/1960 6 2 T300 Thaut, Shirley; M: Hastings Groom Evart Barton 0169 06/16/1960 6 2 B635 Barton, Evart; M: Hastings Bride Shirley Thaut 0169 06/16/1960 7 1 B520 Banks, Ira C.; D: Red Cloud Wife Winnie C. McHale Banks, parents and children listed 0169 06/16/1960 7 1 W361 Waterbury, Sarah J.; D: Blue Hill Husband Charles Waterbury, son Burrell, died at Alberta UT 0169 06/23/1960 1 2 M600 Moore, William M.; D: Pauline Wife Ruby Moore, children and siblings listed 0169 06/23/1960 1 5 J520 Jones, Aaron Marion; D: Hastings Children listed 0169 06/23/1960 5 2 W323 Woodside, Gilbert; Ann: Lincoln 55th 0169 06/23/1960 6 5 K620 Kress, Guy; Dn: Pauline Died at Vashon Island WA 0169 06/23/1960 6 5 G650 Gurney, Gale (Infant F); B: Hastings 39978 0169 06/23/1960 7 5 L515 Lampman, Robert Lee; B: Deweese June 8, Father Emil Lampman 0169 06/30/1960 1 2 G653 Grant, Sylvia Kay; M: Blue Hill Groom Norman Alber, Father Wilson M. Grant, married at Powell WY 0169 06/30/1960 1 2 A416 Alber, Norman; M: Blue Hill Bride Sylvia Kay Grant, Father Adolph Alber, married at Powell WY 0169 06/30/1960 1 5 O235 Osten, Lois; M: Omaha Groom Donley D. Hesse, Father Raymond Osten 0169 06/30/1960 1 5 H200 Hesse, Donley D; M: Omaha Bride Lois Osten, Father Lawrence Hesse 0169 06/30/1960 1 6 E264 Eggerling Barbara; M: Blue Hill Groom Eugene Teske, Father Reinhard Eggerling, married at Duluth KS 0169 06/30/1960 1 6 T200 Teske, Eugene; M: Blue Hill Bride Barbara Eggerling, Father Arthur L. Teske, married at Duluth KS 0169 06/30/1960 1 7 J622 Jarosik, Theodore (Sr.); Dn: Superior Wife Josephine Jarosik, children and siblings listed 0169 06/30/1960 2 6 L520 Lemke, Theresa; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud 0169 06/30/1960 3 2 B435 Bladen High School; Reunion: Bladen Reunion of graduates held in Long Beach CA, guests listed 0169 07/07/1960 1 5 F645 Fruhling, Larry D.; St. Paul's Lutheran Church; Lutheran: Blue Hill new pastor 0169 07/07/1960 1 5 M532 Meents, Ollie; Dn: Chadron Husband Martin Meents 0169 07/07/1960 3 1 S220 Soucek, Susan LaVon; B: Omaha June 2, Father Alfred Soucek 0169 00/08/1970 6 5 W320 Woods, O. S.; ANN: Ayr 0169 00/05/1994 8 3 F250 Ficken, August; Trinity Luthern Church; LUTHERAN: Blue Hill 0169 00/05/1994 8 4 W300 White, O. W.: Blue Hill 0169 00/05/1994 8 3 F250 Ficken, August; Trinity Luthern Church; LUTHERAN: Blue Hill 0169 00/05/1994 8 4 W300 White, O. W.: Blue Hill 0169 01/23/1994 8 4 Heeren, H.W.; Cowles; To Wood River Nebr.