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News Extraction
NSHS Newspaper Extractions: Code 0287 COLUMBUS DAILY TELEGRAM
Code Date (m/d/y) Pg Col SNDX Extraction 0287 09/23/1942 00 R200 RICE, CHARLES W.; WWII 0287 10/03/1942 00 R200 RICE, CHARLES W.; WWII 0287 09/18/1942 00 R536 RINDER, HARRY, JR.; WWII 0287 09/23/1942 00 S460 SOULLIERE, GERALD W.; WWII 0287 09/23/1942 00 S126 SPEICHER, JOHN MARTIN; WWII 0287 09/18/1942 00 S152 SPENCER, ROBERT M.; WWII 0287 09/23/1942 00 S134 SPIDLE, ARTHUR EDMUND; WWII 0287 09/23/1942 00 S400 SYLO, RAY ANTHONY; WWII 0287 09/23/1942 00 S240 SYSLO, RAY ANTHONY; WWII 0287 09/23/1942 00 T625 TORCZON, LEO F.; WWII 0287 09/18/1942 00 W160 WEBER, LYNN A.; WWII 0287 09/18/1942 00 W256 WEGNER, LEONARD R.; WWII 0287 09/23/1942 00 W510 WEMHOFF, LAWRENCE JOHN; WWII 0287 09/23/1942 00 W530 WENDT, FRANCIS HENRY; WWII 0287 09/23/1942 00 W420 WILKE, VICTOR LEROY; WWII 0287 09/23/1942 00 Z425 ZELASNEY, LOUIS THOMAS; WWII 0287 09/23/1942 00 Z565 ZIMMERMAN, PAUL WILFORD; WWII 0287 09/01/1987 1 01 F540 Finley, Paul; REACH (Drug Free): Columbus 0287 09/01/1987 1 01 S340 Saddle, Jenny; REACH: Columbus 0287 09/01/1987 1 01 B450 Behlen, Gina; REACH: Columbus 0287 09/02/1987 1 01 K654 Krumland, Carroll; Airport: Columbus Expansion 0287 09/01/1987 1 02 L321 Lotspeich, Pat L.; M: Columbus License 0287 09/01/1987 1 02 B625 Brezenski, Sandra L.; M: Columbus License 0287 09/01/1987 1 02 P360 Potter, Gary A.; M: Columbus License 0287 09/01/1987 1 02 D120 Dubas, Deborah J.; M: Columbus License 0287 09/01/1987 1 02 W420 Wells, Robert (inf. M); B: Columbus 0287 09/01/1987 1 02 S300 Stee, Larry (inf. M); B: Col. R#4 0287 09/01/1987 1 02 S615 Scriven, Todd (inf. M); B: Columbus 0287 09/01/1987 1 02 V612 Vrbicky, Thomas (inf. F); B: Schuyler 0287 09/01/1987 1 02 R200 Resh, Irvin Ike; D: Columbus Obit 0287 09/01/1987 1 02 D251 Desenbrock, Maurice; D: Omaha Obit 0287 09/03/1987 1 02 N630 Nearhood, Gerald E.; D: Columbus Obit, d. Laguna Hill CA 0287 09/03/1987 1 02 V455 Valmont Industries: Valley purchase of assets GE ballast products 0287 09/04/1987 1 02 J520 Jones, Rick: Ag Park Columbus racing, jockey suspended for cocaine use 0287 09/04/1987 1 03 G423 Gelsthorpe, Robert; in contempt: North Platte unapproved Christian school 0287 09/01/1987 1 05 O253 Osentowski, Ryan; blind stud. in Jr. HS: Kearney 0287 09/02/1987 1 05 H420 Halsey, Ben H.; Crime: David City held for murder 0287 09/06/1987 1 06 M262 McCarson, Jessie R.; Crime: Red Cloud arrested, growing marijuana 0287 09/06/1987 1 07 N550 Noonan, Danny; NFL: Columbus #1 Draft Dallas 0287 09/03/1987 1 13 M460 Miller, Bob; 50th Ann: Columbus 0287 09/03/1987 1 13 B200 Busch, Ralph; 50th Ann: Columbus 0287 09/03/1987 1 13 B200 Busch, Delores Yosten; 50th Ann: Columbus 0287 09/03/1987 1 13 F000 Faye, Walter; 60th Ann: Leigh 0287 09/03/1987 1 13 F000 Faye, Florence; 60th Ann: Leigh 0287 09/03/1987 1 13 S152 Spence, Lloyd; 50th Ann: Columbus 0287 09/03/1987 1 13 S152 Spence, Katherine Hansen; 50th Ann: Columbus 0287 09/03/1987 1 13 P362 Peterson, Edward; Ann: Platte Center 0287 09/04/1987 1 13 K362 Kotrous, Albert; 50th Ann: Newman Grove 0287 09/04/1987 1 13 K362 Kotrous, Helen Dvorak; 50th Ann: Newman Grove 0287 09/05/1987 1 13 K635 Kurtenbach, Vernon; 40th Ann: Newman Grove 0287 09/05/1987 1 13 K635 Kurtenbach, Arlene Lindhorst; 40th Ann: Newman Grove 0287 09/01/1987 1 16 B426 Bailey Crawford; Reunion: Columbus 0287 09/05/1987 1 16 S520 Shemck, Alois family; Move: Columbus Moved to Texas 0287 09/01/1987 1 02 P625 Pearson, Harold; Bio: Monroe Mayor of town 0287 09/05/1987 1 02 S416 Silver Creek Learning Center; Courses Offered: Silver Creek 0287 09/05/1987 1 02 S131 Sabata family; Reunion: David City
0287 09/05/1987 1 02 L525 Langan, Patrick & Lena Rahrmann; Reunion: Venango
0287 09/01/1987 2 02 O236 Ostrander, Carroll; D: Genoa Obit
0287 09/02/1987 2 02 S530 Smith, Pauline Major; D: Genoa Obit
0287 09/03/1987 2 02 K523 Knight, Oliver R.; D: Fremont Obit
0287 09/04/1987 2 02 K256 Kassmeir, Philomena; D: Dodge Obit
0287 09/01/1987 2 18 D550 Dohmen, Mary & Nick; Reunion: Shelby
0287 09/01/1987 3 02 T460 Taylor, Marvin J.; D: Columbus Obit
0287 09/01/1987 3 02 K160 Kovar, Rudolph; D: Wahoo Obit
0287 09/02/1987 3 02 L625 Larson, Anna Olive; D: Stromsburg Obit
0287 09/01/1987 3 05 R200 Rose, Mike; Museum: Franklin Boy trying to house burned down museum
0287 09/01/1987 3 10 D623 Drozd; fishing: Genoa 64 lb catfish caught in Loup Canal
0287 09/01/1987 4 01 C451 Columbus Ag Park: Columbus First Simul Cast
0287 09/02/1987 4 03 S365 Stearns, Cavid (inf. F); B: Columbus
0287 09/02/1987 4 03 W623 Wright, Charles (inf. F); B: Genoa
0287 09/01/1987 4 09 T625 Torczon, Laverne; Sport: Lincoln Inducted Ne Hall of Fame
0287 09/01/1987 4 11 C312 City of Columbus; Horseshoes: Columbus Host to State Tournament
0287 09/03/1987 6 01 K652 Krings, Ron; Bio: Humphrey Life of school custodian
0287 09/03/1987 6 01 C650 Cerny, John; Bio: Osceola
0287 09/01/1987 6 02 R400 Roelle, Laura; D: Columbus Obit
0287 09/01/1987 6 02 S536 Snyder, Nora H.; D: Albion Obit
0287 09/01/1987 6 02 T525 Thomsen, Randall; D: Columbus Obit
0287 09/02/1987 6 02 W200 Wise, Harold; D: Columbus Obit
0287 09/02/1987 6 02 C200 Cech, Denise; D: Omaha Obit
0287 09/02/1987 6 02 S113 Svoboda, Milo; D: Schuyler Obit
0287 09/03/1987 6 02 H634 Hartel, Gus; D: Osceola Obit
0287 09/03/1987 6 02 B653 Brandt, Paul; D: Columbus Obit
0287 09/01/1987 6 02 S536 Sander, Michael (inf. M); B: Rising City
0287 09/01/1987 6 02 M422 Molacek, Richard (inf. F); B: Columbus
0287 09/01/1987 6 03 T525 Thomsen, Randy; D Acc: Columbus bike rider killed by truck
0287 09/03/1987 6 18 W452 Williams, Suzanne; M: Columbus bride lives in Lincoln, attendants listed
0287 09/03/1987 6 18 J620 Jarecke, Jay; M: Columbus Groom lives in Lincoln
0287 09/03/1987 6 18 D616 Dierberger, Laurie; M: Grand Island Laurie of Phillips, attendants listed
0287 09/03/1987 6 18 A536 Andrews, Gary; M: Grand Island Gary of Grand Island
0287 09/04/1987 6 19 B200 Beck, Sandra; M: Columbus attendants listed
0287 09/04/1987 6 19 S113 Svoboda, Rod; M: Columbus
0287 09/01/1987 8 01 C650 Cerny, Channing Keri; B: Columbus d/o Julie & Roger Cerny of Richland
0287 09/01/1987 8 02 B356 Batenhorst, Debora; D: Columbus Obit
0287 09/01/1987 8 02 W200 Wise, Harold G.; D: Columbus Obit
0287 09/02/1987 8 02 K460 Keller, Eileen; D: Columbus Obit
0287 09/02/1987 8 02 C200 Cech, Dennis D.; D: Omaha Obit
0287 09/03/1987 8 02 F422 Fowlkes, Mayme Ruth; D: Fremont Obit
0287 09/03/1987 8 02 K600 Kerr, John; D: Grand Island funeral Fullerton
0287 09/04/1987 8 02 F536 Fendrich, Annie K.; D: Fremont Obit
0287 09/03/1987 8 03 F620 Frieze, Jerry; Crime: Columbus Pres, Crime Stoppers
0287 09/06/1987 8 03 F520 Finecy, Clark (inf. M); B: Columbus
0287 09/06/1987 8 03 M422 Molacek, Richard (inf. F); B: Columbus
0287 09/06/1987 8 03 G325 Goodeken, Roger (inf. F); B: Columbus
0287 09/06/1987 8 03 S240 Sokol, Jerry (inf. F); B: Columbus
0287 09/06/1987 8 03 A653 Arndt, Kevin (inf. M); B: Columbus
0287 09/03/1987 8 15 V512 Van Bush, Mr & Mrs; 65th Ann: Lincoln
0287 09/03/1987 8 15 S520 Shonka, Leonard & Rose; 50th Ann: Columbus
0287 09/05/1987 8 15 C425 Clausen, Henry R.; 50th Ann: Columbus
0287 09/05/1987 8 15 G140 Gobel, Norman & Karen; 25th Ann: Columbus
0287 09/01/1987 8 01 K400 Kelly, Bob; Named officer of year: Columbus Bob lives Loretto
0287 09/03/1987 8 04 P400 Pool; Reunion: Rising City
0287 09/01/1987 9 01 C451 Columbus City Council; water rate: Columbus cut in rate voted down
0287 09/03/1987 9 01 P432 Platte Co.; tax levy: Columbus decrease in levy
0287 09/01/1987 9 02 L600 LaRue, William Vernon; D: Grand Island Obit
0287 09/01/1987 9 02 E251 Eschenbacker, Shirley; D: Brainard Obit
0287 09/05/1987 9 02 C200 Cech, Tim (inf. M); B: Columbus
0287 09/05/1987 9 02 J523 Johnston, Francis E.; D: Grant Accidental death
0287 09/01/1987 10 01 M300 Mead, Lyman B.; D: Columbus Obit, d. MN
0287 09/01/1987 10 02 P162 Paprocki, Mac J.; D: Columbus Obit
0287 09/01/1987 10 02 J520 Jones, Henry B.; D: Rising City Obit
0287 09/01/1987 10 02 D120 Davis, Elizabeth Maye; D: Fullerton Obit, d. G.I.
0287 09/02/1987 10 02 D640 Droowal, Laurence L.; D: York Obit, lived Shelby
0287 09/01/1987 10 03 S350 Sutton, Charles (inf. M); B: Rising City
0287 09/01/1987 10 03 H536 Hendrickson, Michael (inf. F); B: Columbus
0287 09/02/1987 10 03 P250 Pekny, Charles (inf. F); B: Schuyler live at Clarkson
0287 09/02/1987 10 03 K512 Kampschneider, Paul (inf. M); B: Howells
0287 09/05/1987 10 05 T514 Town of Bellwood; Time Capsule: Bellwood
0287 09/06/1987 10 08 J525 Jensen, Loren; Horse Races: Columbus 1st place jockey
0287 09/02/1987 11 01 M265 McCormick, Michael S.; Crime: Columbus charged with vehicle homicide
0287 09/01/1987 11 01 B452 Behlen Co.; move: Columbus Moving branch from Hutchinson Ks to Col.
0287 09/01/1987 11 02 D362 Dietrich, Henry; D: Schuyler Obit
0287 09/02/1987 11 03 L200 Leick, Joseph (inf. M); B: Columbus lives in Humphrey
0287 09/01/1987 11 05 V200 Vasa, Frank; Steeplejacks: Indianola repairing St. Catherine's
0287 09/05/1987 11 05 P432 Platte College: Rising City offering courses in R.C.
0287 09/06/1987 11 11 C600 Curry, Jan; Sport: Columbus hole in one at Elks Country Club
0287 09/01/1987 13 01 C240 Cecil, Kristin; AFS: Columbus returned from Spain as an exchange student
0287 09/01/1987 13 02 F600 Fry, Rockland; D: Columbus Obit, d. in Las Vegas
0287 09/02/1987 13 03 T522 Tonniges, Steven (inf. F); B: Columbus from Osceola
0287 09/02/1987 13 02 K200 Koci, Longin; D: Schuyler Obit
0287 09/03/1987 13 03 L525 Langan, Keith (inf. M); B: Columbus from Platte Center
0287 09/04/1987 13 05 C625 Carson, Johnny; donation: Norfolk 650,000 to Lutheran Hosp in Norfolk
0287 09/01/1987 13 16 M426 Melcher, Henry; bio: Lindsay
0287 09/01/1987 13 17 W420 Wallick, Dick & Vonda; purchase business: Columbus purchased Mondo's frozen yogurt
0287 09/01/1987 13 17 J525 Jensen, Chuck & Deb; purchase business: Columbus purchased Mondo's frozen yogurt
0287 09/03/1987 13 17 C450 Callahan, John; move: Columbus moved chiropractor practice from Albion
0287 09/01/1987 13 24 G660 Grauer, Dennis Wade; M: Columbus m. in KS, attendant sister in Columbus
0287 09/01/1987 13 24 F520 Fink, Sharlyn A.; M: Columbus m. in KS, attendants in Columbus
0287 09/01/1987 13 24 J620 Jarecki, Dean; M: Columbus from Lindsay
0287 09/01/1987 13 24 P623 Preister, Christine C.; M: Columbus from Humphrey
0287 09/01/1987 13 24 R163 Roberts, Douglas James; M: Columbus m. in KS, attendants from Columbus
0287 09/01/1987 13 24 K122 Kupiszewski, Kim M.; M: Columbus m. in KS, attendants from Columbus
0287 09/01/1987 13 24 A536 Anderson, Chris; M: Bellwood from Littleton, CO
0287 09/01/1987 13 24 D424 Dolezal, Laurie; M: Bellwood lives in Littleton, CO
0287 09/04/1987 13 24 H651 Hernbloom, Anthony; M: Osceola lives Shelby
0287 09/04/1987 13 24 S300 Schott, Sarah A.; M: Osceola lives Osceola
0287 09/01/1987 14 02 D255 Duesman, Nora; D: Columbus Obit
0287 09/01/1987 14 02 O425 Olson, Leonard B.; D: Omaha funeral in Lindsay
0287 09/02/1987 14 02 B530 Bond, Nina; D: Osceola lived Osceola
0287 09/02/1987 14 02 C642 Carlson, Elfie; DN: York funeral Osceola, lived Stromsburg
0287 09/02/1987 14 02 P262 Pekarek, Roman A.; D: Brainard d. Minneapolis, funeral Brainard
0287 09/05/1987 14 02 R000 Riha, Deborah - Betzen, Kendall (inf. M); B: Schuyler from David City
0287 09/01/1987 14 05 P231 Post Office: Ne City Restoration of the old P.O.
0287 09/03/1987 14 11 M426 Melcher, Mr & Mrs Ervin; 50th Ann: Madison
0287 00/00/0000 00 000
0287 09/03/1987 14 11 W200 Weiss, George & Frances Prorok; 50th Ann: Platte Center
0287 09/04/1987 14 11 L352 Laudenklos, Harry & Sharon; 25th Ann: Monroe
0287 09/04/1987 14 11 L352 Laudenklos, Harold & Phyllis; 25th Ann: Monroe
0287 09/04/1987 15 02 W430 Wilde, Robert; DN: Columbus funeral S.D., no details
0287 09/04/1987 15 02 C642 Carlson, Elfie; D: Stromsburg Obit
0287 09/04/1987 15 02 B500 Bunney, Fannie May; D: Columbus Obit, d. Laguna Hill, CA, funeral Ogallala
0287 09/04/1987 15 02 S425 Schulzkump, Mildred Emma; D: West Point Obit
0287 09/04/1987 15 03 F620 Fricke, Jan Ulysses (inf. M); B: Columbus from Ulysses
0287 09/04/1987 15 03 O425 Olson, Jeff (inf. F); B: Columbus from Madison
0287 09/04/1987 15 03 S320 Sjuts, Robert (inf. M); B: Columbus from Stires Lake
0287 09/04/1987 15 03 B620 Berg, Gary (inf. M); B: Columbus RR #1
0287 09/01/1987 15 20 F220 Fuchs, Jim & Mary Ann Mausbach; 40th Ann: Platte Center
0287 09/01/1987 15 20 K416 Kluever; reunion: Platte Center
0287 09/01/1987 15 21 K250 Kocina, Marlin & Doris; adoption: Platte Center adopt Korean Ashley
0287 09/01/1987 15 21 O425 Olson, John & Marlene; adoption: Columbus adopt Korean Kelly
0287 09/01/1987 15 05 B653 Bernt, Alfred; birthday: Shelby 80th party
0287 09/05/1987 15 06 S240 Sokol, Mr & Mrs Ed; 55th Ann: Platte Center
0287 09/01/1987 16 01 C451 Columbus Telegram; computer problems: Columbus lightning bolt affected paper late
0287 09/01/1987 16 01 L260 Liquor: Columbus public hearing on closing hours and prices
0287 09/01/1987 16 02 S632 Shorts, Mark L.; DN: Columbus
0287 09/01/1987 16 02 F600 Fry, Rocklin; D: Columbus Obit, d. Las Vegas
0287 09/03/1987 16 02 F650 Forney, Matthew (inf. F); B: from Silver Creek
0287 09/03/1987 16 02 R200 Reeg, Brian (inf. F); B: Columbus RR #2
0287 09/01/1987 16 05 000 : Genoa Waste water treatment facility to be built
0287 09/04/1987 16 05 F623 First Congregational Church: Leigh Centennial
0287 09/03/1987 16 13 C200 Cech, Tim & Kathy (inf. M); B: Columbus
0287 09/04/1987 16 13 S450 Shalon, Marv & Susan (inf. M); B: Dodge Co.
0287 09/01/1987 17 02 S632 Shorts, Mark L.; D: Columbus Obit
0287 09/01/1987 17 02 K360 Kudera, Frank H.; D: Schuyler
0287 09/01/1987 17 02 E462 Ehlers, William H.; D: Stanton d. Stanton, from Leigh
0287 09/03/1987 17 02 P320 Peetzke, Clarence W. Sr; D: Lincoln Obit from Stromsburg
0287 09/03/1987 17 02 B650 Brown, James; D: Columbus d. Flagstaff, AZ, wife from Columbus
0287 09/01/1987 17 05 S530 Smith, Allen; homecoming: Shelby King of Homecoming
0287 09/01/1987 17 05 Z610 Zoerb, Kimm; homecoming: Shelby Queen of Homecoming
0287 09/01/1987 17 05 E242 Excel Corp.; Expansion: Schuyler 50 new jobs
0287 09/01/1987 17 05 C462 Claros, Aliana; Foreign Ex. student: Shelby home of Doug & Karen Zoerb
0287 09/01/1987 17 06 W445 Wilhelms, Willie; State bicycle competition: York 2nd price
0287 09/01/1987 17 06 K520 Kunes, David; State bicycle competition: York 1st prize trophy
0287 09/01/1987 17 10 L362 Leathers, Staci R.; Natl Merit Scholar semi finalist: Columbus
0287 09/01/1987 18 02 T250 Theiszen, Sacha L.; D Homicide: Henderson Sacha shot to death
0287 09/01/1987 18 02 T250 Theiszen, Sidney; Crime: Henderson brother of Sacha sought for crime
0287 09/02/1987 18 02 S260 Sexauer, Alma; DN: Albion
0287 09/02/1987 18 03 H520 Henke, Donn (inf. M); B: Columbus
0287 09/01/1987 20 02 L200 Lusche, Martha; DN: Columbus
0287 09/01/1987 20 02 T600 Terry, Maurice E.; D: Monroe d. Trustin, CA
0287 09/02/1987 20 02 M460 Miller, Beatrice; D: Omaha d. Omaha, from Genoa
0287 09/04/1987 20 02 W525 Wennekamp, Curtis (inf. M); B: Columbus from Wahoo
0287 09/04/1987 20 02 B432 Blatchford, Douglas (inf. F); B: Columbus
0287 09/03/1987 20 22 H310 Hotovy, Marcia; M: Omaha parents David City
0287 09/03/1987 20 22 W425 Wilson, Link S.; M: Omaha m. Omaha, parents David City
0287 09/05/1987 20 22 H500 Heaney, Rachel A.; M: Columbus m. Colorado, parents Columbus
0287 09/05/1987 20 22 D300 Dowd, Dennis D.; M: Columbus m. Colorado, parents Columbus
0287 09/04/1987 20 23 G652 Gehring, Janet; M: Columbus
0287 09/04/1987 20 23 W250 Wiesehan, Martin; M: Columbus
0287 09/04/1987 20 23 M214 McPhillips, Ronald Patrick; M: Columbus
0287 09/04/1987 20 23 K652 Kranz, Pamela; M: Columbus
0287 09/04/1987 20 23 D143 Devilder, Joseph Edward; M: Columbus from East Moline IL
0287 09/04/1987 20 23 S122 Shefcyk, Janet M.; M: Columbus from Davenport IA
0287 09/01/1987 20 24 A625 Arasmith, Cletus P.; M: Columbus
0287 09/01/1987 20 24 S130 Spuit, Sheila J.; M: Columbus
0287 09/01/1987 20 24 G360 Gauther, John Francis; M: Kearney from Kearney
0287 09/01/1987 20 24 E156 Ebner, Teresa; M: Kearney from Humphrey
0287 09/03/1987 20 24 B600 Baer, Wayne R.; M: David City
0287 09/03/1987 20 24 M630 Merritt, Susan M.; M: David City from Amana
0287 09/01/1987 21 02 L200 Lusche, Martha E.; D: Columbus Full Obit with pict.
0287 09/02/1987 21 02 M620 Marx, Louise (Lucy); D: David City Obit, from Columbus
0287 09/01/1987 21 02 R526 Ramaekers, Rosella; D: Albion Obit, d. Albion, from Lindsay
0287 09/02/1987 21 02 W450 Wallin, Thomas C.; D: Albion d. Albion, from Newman Grove
0287 09/01/1987 21 02 S564 Shimerla, Mary Ann; D: David City Obit, d. David City, from Abie
0287 09/02/1987 21 02 B236 Buechter, Bernard Ben; D: Albion d. Albion, from Cedar Rapids
0287 09/03/1987 21 02 L625 Larson, John Grant; DN: Columbus
0287 09/03/1987 21 02 S530 Smith, Nellie M.; D: Columbus d. Columbus, from St. Edward
0287 09/04/1987 21 02 C623 Christopher Molitor (inf. F); B: Columbus
0287 09/01/1987 21 03 T250 Thieszen, Sidney; Crime: York arrested for murder of sister
0287 09/02/1987 21 05 C650 Cerny, Kari; Homecoming Queen: Osceola
0287 09/02/1987 21 05 U615 Urban, Tony; Homecoming King: Osceola
0287 09/03/1987 21 11 G652 Gernstein, Lawrence; 40th Ann: Leigh
0287 09/03/1987 21 11 E156 Ebner, Mr & Mrs W. C.; 62nd Ann: Columbus
0287 09/04/1987 21 11 M460 Miller, Eugene & Evelyn Borneman; 25th Ann: Columbus
0287 09/04/1987 21 11 L520 Long, Alex & Mildred Harbottle; 50th Ann: Primrose
0287 09/01/1987 22 01 B426 Blaser, Ronald; Crime: Columbus sentenced for 3rd deg. assault of Robt Bender
0287 09/01/1987 22 02 B650 Brown, Howard H.; D: Columbus Obit
0287 09/02/1987 22 02 B653 Brandt, Paul Henry; D: Columbus Obit, d. Phoenix, was from Monroe
0287 09/03/1987 22 02 O300 Otte, Lonnie; DN: Norfolk d. Norfolk, from Lindsay
0287 09/04/1987 22 02 B615 Brevington, Patrick (inf. F); B: Columbus
0287 09/04/1987 22 02 B650 Bourn, Steve (inf. F); B: Schuyler
0287 09/01/1987 22 11 S120 Savage, Frank & Mary; family reunion: Columbus reunion held in Denver
0287 09/01/1987 22 01 K423 Klosterman, John C.; Received Ak agri. award: David City
0287 09/01/1987 23 02 B416 Belford, Phydella M.; D: Omaha formerly of Columbus
0287 09/06/1987 23 02 M624 Maricle, Keith (inf. F); B: Columbus
0287 09/01/1987 23 05 C536 Condreay, Martha; oldest active Avon represent.: St. Edward
0287 09/01/1987 23 13 W420 Welch, Charles & Mary Luchsinger; reunion: Columbus
0287 09/02/1987 23 13 H241 Hasselbrook, A.; reunion: Platte Center
0287 09/01/1987 24 02 K245 Kiesling, Alma B.; DN: Omaha d. Omaha, funeral at Albion, from rural Cedar Rapids
0287 09/01/1987 24 03 E152 Evans, Terry (inf. F); B: Columbus
0287 09/02/1987 24 03 T260 Tucker, John (inf. F); B: Schuyler
0287 09/03/1987 24 03 P613 Providence Medical Center: Wayne Facility to expand
0287 09/04/1987 24 05 K122 Kubicek, Steven C.; D acc: Central City article on acc.
0287 09/04/1987 24 05 H130 Hopwood, Darrin M.; D acc: Central City article on acc.
0287 09/01/1987 25 02 K122 Kubicek, Steven C.; D: Shelby Obit
0287 09/01/1987 25 02 H130 Hopwood, Darrin M.; D: Shelby Obit
0287 09/02/1987 25 02 A322 Adkisson, Oscar Gene; D: Columbus Obit
0287 09/02/1987 25 02 P400 Pohl, Dennis; D: Butler Co. Obit
0287 09/02/1987 25 02 K245 Kiesling, Alma B.; D: St. Edward Obit
0287 09/03/1987 25 02 M635 Martenson, Henry; D: York Obit
0287 09/01/1987 27 01 F426 Fleischer, Leonard; Collector of school and church bells: Columbus
0287 09/01/1987 27 02 B656 Brauner, Hulda; DN: Columbus
0287 09/02/1987 27 02 K222 Kozisek, Rose; D: David City Obit
0287 09/02/1987 27 02 O300 Otto, Lydia M.; DN: Columbus
0287 09/03/1987 27 02 B616 Barber, Bob L.; DN: Columbus from Rising City
0287 09/03/1987 27 03 C200 Cech, Gregory (inf. F); B: Columbus
0287 09/04/1987 27 03 F655 Freeman, Rey (inf. M); B: Columbus
0287 09/04/1987 27 03 G655 Gronenthal, patrick (inf. M); B: Columbus
0287 09/04/1987 27 03 D320 Deets, Ron (inf. M); B: Columbus from Madison
0287 09/03/1987 27 03 G654 Greenwall, Rick; Homecoming King: Col. Lakeview
0287 09/03/1987 27 03 H426 Hilger, Heidi; Homecoming Queen: Col. Lakeview
0287 09/05/1987 27 03 H650 Horne, Mike; Homecoming King: Col. Scotus
0287 09/05/1987 27 03 D650 Duren, Traci; Homecoming Queen: Col. Scotus
0287 09/01/1987 27 24 T425 Thalken, Kenneth John; M: Leigh from Lincoln
0287 09/01/1987 27 24 P625 Pearson, Laura M.; M: Leigh
0287 09/04/1987 27 24 P636 Porter, Gary; M: Columbus
0287 09/04/1987 27 24 D120 Dubas, Debbie; M: Columbus
0287 09/03/1987 27 24 N560 Neemeyer, Harold; reunion: Columbus
0287 09/04/1987 27 24 E462 Ehlers, Hans; descendants reunion: Leigh
0287 09/01/1987 28 02 B616 Barber, Bob L.; D: Columbus Obit, from Rising City
0287 09/02/1987 28 02 B656 Brauner, Hulda; D: Columbus Obit
0287 09/02/1987 28 02 G520 Ganskow, Brandon L.; DN: Omaha
0287 09/02/1987 28 02 M240 Machal, Godfrey A. Jr; D: Schuyler Obit
0287 09/03/1987 28 02 H320 Hiedik, Emil; D: Clarkson Obit
0287 09/04/1987 28 02 H632 Herdzina, Edward J.; D: Fullerton Obit
0287 09/06/1987 28 03 R350 Rutten, Marvin (inf. F); B: Columbus
0287 09/06/1987 28 03 W420 Wilke, Evan (inf. M); B: Columbus
0287 09/03/1987 28 11 K654 Krumland, Louis; 65th Ann: Monroe
0287 09/03/1987 28 11 S134 Spetle, James; 50th Ann: Columbus
0287 09/03/1987 28 11 S260 Schacher, Erwin; 50th Ann: Duncan
0287 09/04/1987 28 11 L352 Laudenklos, Harry; 25th Ann: Monroe
0287 09/04/1987 28 11 L352 Laudenklos, Harold; 25th Ann: Monroe
0287 09/01/1987 28 14 D621 Drog family; reunion: Columbus
0287 09/03/1987 29 01 P432 Platte Center Bank; robbery , pict.: Platte Center
0287 09/01/1987 29 02 S120 Speck, Elsa A.; D: Columbus Obit
0287 09/01/1987 29 02 G520 Ganskow, Brandon A.; D: Columbus Obit
0287 09/02/1987 29 02 H525 Hanson, Albert E.; D: Grand Island d. Grand Island, from Genoa
0287 09/03/1987 29 02 O300 Otto, Lonnie; D: Norfolk Obit, d. Norfolk, from Madison
0287 09/04/1987 29 02 R220 Ruzicka, Glen D.; D acc: Verdigre
0287 09/05/1987 29 02 I160 Ibarra, Miguel (inf. M); B: Columbus
0287 09/06/1987 29 05 K552 Konwinski, Dwayne (inf. F); B: Columbus lived RR #2
0287 09/05/1987 29 02 B600 Bayer, Leonard (inf. M); B: Schuyler from Dodge
0287 09/01/1987 29 05 E524 Engal, Don; King Homecoming St. Francis, Humphrey: Humphrey
0287 09/01/1987 29 05 H600 Haiar, Linda; Queen Homecoming St. Francis, Humphrey: Humphrey
0287 09/01/1987 29 05 K652 Krings, Felix & Faye; Good Neighbor award: Humphrey
0287 09/01/1987 29 05 W256 Wegener, Earl & Helen; Good Neighbor award from Ak-Sar-Ben: Humphrey
0287 09/01/1987 29 04 S352 Stankowski family; reunion: Genoa
0287 09/02/1987 29 04 O425 Olson, Bengt & Ingar; reunion: Lindsay
0287 09/01/1987 30 02 S425 Sellchnow, Ray E.; D: Columbus Obit
0287 09/01/1987 30 02 S120 Savage, Monica K. (Minnie); D: Omaha Obit
0287 09/01/1987 30 02 D200 Dickey, Thomas P.; D: Columbus d. San Diego, CA, formerly Columbus
0287 09/01/1987 30 02 B622 Brichacek, Emilie; D: Schuyler Obit
0287 09/02/1987 30 02 J125 Jepsen, Lowell (inf. M); B: Columbus lived R #5
0287 10/01/1987 1 02 C300 Cada, Dalla; D: Schuyler Obit
0287 10/01/1987 1 02 P662 Prorok, Ralph F.; DN: Boone Co. lived St. Edward
0287 10/01/1987 1 02 S340 Stuehl, Larry (inf. M); B: Schuyler
0287 10/01/1987 1 05 P362 Petersen, Brian; crime: Osceola Petersen from Superior, sentenced for Burglary
0287 10/02/1987 2 02 D420 D'Loughy, Stella; D: David City Obit
0287 10/01/1987 2 02 B623 Brochtrup, Lois M.; D: Omaha Obit
0287 10/02/1987 2 02 P662 Prorok, Ralph F.; D: Boone Co. Obit
0287 10/02/1987 2 02 J500 Jane, Lonnie E.; DN: Columbus from CA
0287 10/03/1987 2 02 C552 Cunningham, Ivan John; D: Fullerton
0287 10/01/1987 2 05 P500 Pinneo, Todd; Homecoming King , pict.: Rising City
0287 10/01/1987 2 05 B620 Braasch, Kerry; Homecoming Queen , pict.: Rising City
0287 10/03/1987 2 05 O425 Olson, Yvonne; Homecoming Queen , pict.: Newman Grove
0287 10/03/1987 2 05 J525 Johnson, Tom; Homecoming King , pict.: Newman Grove
0287 10/06/1987 2 02 R534 Randall, Michael F. (inf. F); B: Columbus reside Albion
0287 10/06/1987 2 02 F432 Foltz, James (inf. F); B: Columbus reside Humphrey
0287 10/06/1987 2 02 H621 Hirshbrunner, Bruce (inf. M); B: Columbus
0287 10/01/1987 4 02 K240 Koziol, Emil; D: Columbus Obit
0287 10/04/1987 4 02 K240 Koziol, Emil; D acc: article on accident
0287 10/01/1987 4 02 W550 Wyman, Janea; DN: Lincoln DN, d. Lincoln, lived Silver Creek
0287 10/04/1987 4 02 L625 Larson, Richard (inf. F); B: Columbus reside Creston
0287 10/04/1987 4 02 J212 Jacobs, John (inf. F); B: Columbus
0287 10/03/1987 4 15 H432 Holiday Store; Opening in Columbus: Columbus
0287 10/03/1987 4 22 C634 Cortel, Leonora D.; M: Columbus wedding in Philadelphia, home of the bride
0287 10/03/1987 4 22 T400 Tylle, John A.; M: Columbus wedding in Philadelphia, groom from Columbus
0287 10/05/1987 4 22 R320 Ritz, Neil; M: St. Paul groom from Creston
0287 10/05/1987 4 22 L222 Lukasiewicz, Mary; M: St. Paul bride from St. Paul
0287 10/03/1987 4 22 S530 Schmit, Nick; M: Omaha from Bellwood
0287 10/03/1987 4 22 N162 Navrkal, Cheryl; M: Omaha from Omaha, m. Omaha
0287 10/04/1987 4 23 L126 Lubischer, David Bryce; M: Humphrey
0287 10/04/1987 4 23 D525 Denkenger, Ronda S.; M: Humphrey
0287 10/04/1987 4 23 W416 Wellford, Alexander G.; M: Clarks from Sioux Falls
0287 10/04/1987 4 23 W510 Wemhoff, Jennifer M.; M: Clarks from Sioux Falls
0287 10/01/1987 4 24 L200 Liskio, Mary; M: Omaha from Omaha, parents Columbus
0287 10/01/1987 4 24 A621 Arkfeld, Joe M.; M: Omaha parents Columbus
0287 10/01/1987 4 24 W420 Wallick, Tom J.; M: Columbus
0287 10/01/1987 4 24 M460 Miller, Karen K.; M: Columbus
0287 10/03/1987 4 24 S620 Sayers, Alan M.; M: Clarkson from Clarkson, m. Clarkson
0287 10/03/1987 4 24 P162 Paprocki, Jacqueline A.; M: Clarkson from Clarkson, m. Clarkson
0287 10/05/1987 4 24 D142 DePaolis, Anna Marie; M: Columbus m. Palatine, IL
0287 10/05/1987 4 24 D200 Dickey, Robert C.; M: Columbus formerly of Columbus
0287 10/01/1987 5 02 M420 Mills, Bobby Sr.; D: Dillon Co. Obit, from Grand Island
0287 10/01/1987 5 02 B516 Bomberger, Rex; D: Columbus d. Tucson, AZ, grandson of Columbus people
0287 10/01/1987 5 02 A235 Austin, Delores; D: Omaha Obit, d. Omaha, home in Albion
0287 10/01/1987 5 02 H412 Hellbusch, Rudolph (Rudy); D: Boone Co. from Albion, funeral Albion
0287 10/02/1987 5 02 W550 Wyman, James S.; D: Lincoln resided Lincoln, funeral Silver Creek
0287 10/02/1987 5 02 S552 Simons, Robert S.; D acc: Petersburg accident in Missouri, from Petersburg
0287 10/03/1987 5 02 W340 Whitley, Daniel Lee; D: Lincoln from Geneva
0287 10/04/1987 5 03 M200 Miksch, Larry (inf. M); B: Columbus lived RR #3
0287 10/04/1987 5 03 M420 Mihulka, Keith (inf. M); B: Columbus lived RR #2
0287 10/03/1987 5 11 E140 Ebel, Everett C. & Carolyn M. Rigba; 50th Ann: Columbus
0287 10/03/1987 5 11 M426 Melcher, Mr & Mrs Ervin; 50th Ann: Madison
0287 10/03/1987 5 11 M241 McElfresh, Hanson & Emma; 50th Ann: Columbus
0287 10/04/1987 5 11 S312 Stopak, Clifford & Louise Lassek; 25th Ann: Columbus
0287 10/04/1987 5 11 G652 Gernstein, Lawrence & Mercina Pimpara; 40th Ann: Schuyler
0287 10/03/1987 6 01 O425 Olson, John M.; Crime: Columbus arrested for robbery of Amigos restaurant
0287 10/05/1987 6 02 K523 Knight, Clarence; D: Columbus Obit
0287 10/05/1987 6 02 C250 Cohagan, Don; D: Omaha from Shelby, d. Omaha
0287 10/06/1987 6 02 M420 Mills, Bobby Sr.; Funeral Notice
0287 10/05/1987 6 02 K420 Klug, Jeff (inf. F); B: Columbus
0287 10/05/1987 6 02 S315 Stephens, Bradley (inf. F); B: Columbus from St. Edward
0287 10/05/1987 6 02 P250 Pekny, Dean (inf. F); B: Schuyler from Clarkson
0287 10/01/1987 6 03 M220 Muzic, Janine; Academic excellence Scotus , pict.: Columbus
0287 10/01/1987 6 03 W450 Whalen, Wendy; Academic excellence Scotus , pict.: Columbus
0287 10/01/1987 6 03 M300 Mahatt, Tara; Academic excellence Scotus , pict.: Columbus
0287 10/01/1987 6 03 B620 Brooks, Jerri; Academic excellence Scotus , pict.: Columbus
0287 10/01/1987 6 03 P200 Peck, Marda; Academic excellence Scotus , pict.: Columbus
0287 10/01/1987 6 03 K420 Kolos, Brenda; Academic excellence Scotus , pict.: Columbus
0287 10/01/1987 6 03 S435 Sleddens, Julie; Academic excellence Scotus , pict.: Columbus
0287 10/01/1987 6 03 A452 Almquist, Kris; Academic excellence Scotus , pict.: Columbus
0287 10/01/1987 6 03 H255 Hegemann, Greg; Academic excellence Scotus , pict.: Columbus
0287 10/01/1987 6 03 K536 Knudron, Cary; Academic excellence Scotus , pict.: Columbus
0287 10/01/1987 6 11 H520 Heens, Jerry & Joyce; adoption: Silver Creek inf. named Natalie
0287 10/05/1987 6 11 F432 Foltz, Jim & Karla; B: Columbus first baby in Oct, pict.
0287 10/04/1987 7 02 C421 Col. H.S. band; award, pict.: Columbus
0287 10/05/1987 7 02 C623 Christensen, Brian (inf. M); B: Columbus
0287 10/05/1987 7 02 B260 Becker, Michael (inf. F); B: Columbus
0287 10/05/1987 7 02 D120 Davis, Alan (inf. F); B: Columbus
0287 10/05/1987 7 02 S530 Smith, James (inf. M); B: Columbus
0287 10/01/1987 7 05 K524 Konkoleski, Michael; D Acc: Petersburg carbon dioxide death near Bartlett
0287 10/05/1987 7 05 C516 Cemper, Ernie; arrested: David City drug charges
0287 10/05/1987 7 05 V520 Venus, Jimmy D.; arrested: David City drug charges
0287 10/05/1987 8 01 L165 Lieberman, Maxine; arrested: Columbus drugs
0287 10/05/1987 8 01 H625 Herchenbach, James; arrested: Columbus drugs
0287 10/05/1987 8 01 M236 McDermott, Michael L.; arrested: Columbus drugs
0287 10/05/1987 8 01 I100 Ivey, Randolph P.; arrested: Columbus drugs
0287 10/05/1987 8 01 S530 Sneed, Jerry L.; arrested: Columbus drugs
0287 10/01/1987 8 02 H200 Hoge, Otto A. (Sam); D: Columbus Obit
0287 10/02/1987 8 02 B350 Boden, Alvin O.; D: Columbus d. Grand Island, from Creston, former Col.
0287 10/02/1987 8 02 C250 Cohagan, Donald A.; D: Omaha Obit, d. Omaha, from Shelby
0287 10/01/1987 8 03 A425 Allsman, Kenneth (inf. M); B: Columbus
0287 10/01/1987 8 03 M520 Mimick, Ken (inf. F); B: Columbus
0287 10/05/1987 8 12 O520 OMcza, Mike; gardening, pict.: Columbus
0287 10/05/1987 8 12 R255 Rickman, Jacob; gardening, pict.: Columbus large gourd
0287 10/05/1987 8 12 R255 Rickman, Matthew; gardening, pict.: Columbus large gourd
0287 10/01/1987 9 02 N425 Nelson, Ollie Esther; D: Fullerton Obit
0287 10/01/1987 9 03 S425 Selichnow, James; crime: Columbus arrest for burglary
0287 10/05/1987 9 03 T450 Theilen, Rodney (inf. F); B: Columbus Lives Rt #1, Creston
0287 10/05/1987 9 03 R232 Richtig, Michael (inf. F); B: Columbus from Schuyler
0287 10/05/1987 9 03 W410 Wolfe, Jeffrey (inf. F); B: Columbus
0287 10/05/1987 9 03 K420 Klug, Jeff (inf. F); B: Columbus
0287 10/05/1987 9 03 B240 Boswell, John (inf. F); B: Schuyler
0287 10/01/1987 11 02 G423 Gilsdorf, Joseph; D-FN: Humphrey
0287 10/03/1987 11 20 S520 Skonka, Russell; M: Schuyler
0287 10/03/1987 11 20 H120 Haufek, Michelle; M: Schuyler
0287 10/05/1987 11 20 R400 Ruhl, Kimberly Sue; M: Columbus
0287 10/05/1987 11 20 P362 Podraze, Gary; M: Columbus
0287 10/01/1987 11 22 R350 Rutan, Lorie L.; M: Lindsay
0287 10/01/1987 11 22 C636 Carter, William J.; M: Lindsay from Columbus
0287 10/03/1987 11 22 E242 Eglseder, Ja Anne M.; M: Omaha
0287 10/03/1987 11 22 B655 Beiermann, Larry J.; M: Omaha from Columbus
0287 10/05/1987 11 22 S210 Soukup, Jean M.; M: Osceola
0287 10/05/1987 11 22 P362 Peterson, Tmothy; M: Osceola
0287 10/01/1987 12 02 M232 Mostek, Jacob; D: Columbus from Duncan
0287 10/01/1987 12 02 G423 Gilsdorf, Joseph; D acc car: Humphrey
0287 10/02/1987 12 02 T613 Turput, Jack Dr.; D: Pender from Genoa
0287 10/03/1987 12 02 K536 Kantor, Louie; D: Omaha from Springfield
0287 10/03/1987 12 02 B530 Bohnet, Steven (inf. M); B: Columbus
0287 10/03/1987 12 02 S160 Sueper, Timothy (inf. F); B: Columbus from Platte Center
0287 10/01/1987 12 14 B160 Bover, Roy (Mr. & Mrs.); 40th Ann: Monroe
0287 10/01/1987 12 14 D120 Dubas, Dan & Betsy Stevenson; 25th Ann: Columbus
0287 10/01/1987 12 14 F000 Feye, Walter (Mr. & Mrs.); 60th Ann: Columbus
0287 10/02/1987 12 14 H320 Houdek, Emil & Mayme; 50th Ann: Clarkson
0287 10/02/1987 12 14 K654 Krumland, Louis & Martha Sander; 50th Ann: Monroe
0287 10/03/1987 12 14 W526 Wingard, Richard & Judy; 25th Ann: Rising City
0287 10/01/1987 13 02 C100 Czuba, Kathryn K.; D: Columbus Obit
0287 10/02/1987 13 02 M260 Maguire, George; D-FN: Omaha Death notice
0287 10/02/1987 13 02 M232 Mostek, Jacob; D: Duncan Obit
0287 10/03/1987 13 02 A564 Amaral, John; D: Columbus d. Calif., funeral CA, formerly Columbus
0287 10/04/1987 13 02 B400 Bell, Michael (inf. M); B: Columbus
0287 10/04/1987 13 02 S160 Schaefer, James (inf. M); B: Columbus
0287 10/04/1987 13 02 H242 Hasselquist, Bruce (inf. F); B: Columbus from Schuyler
0287 10/04/1987 13 02 S300 Schuett, Dennis (inf. F); B: Columbus
0287 10/01/1987 13 05 W656 Warner, Amy; Homecoming Queen, pict: Albion
0287 10/01/1987 13 05 G626 Gragert, Bruce; Homecoming King, pict: Albion
0287 10/03/1987 13 05 S530 Schmidt, Bev; Homecoming Queen, pict: Humphrey
0287 10/03/1987 13 05 A165 Afrank, Jason; Homecoming King: Humphrey
0287 10/01/1987 14 01 M260 Maguire, George D.; President Columbus Steel Supply; D: Omaha d. Omaha, of Columbus
0287 10/01/1987 14 02 G320 Gettys, Ruth Elaine; D: David City
0287 10/03/1987 14 02 N140 Nebel, Lena; D-FN: Omaha from Cedar Rapids, d. Omaha
0287 10/01/1987 15 02 P350 Patton, George A.; D: Albion
0287 10/01/1987 15 02 A652 Armagost, Elizabeth M.; D: David City from Shelby, d. David City
0287 10/01/1987 15 02 N140 Nebel, Lena; D Obit: Omaha Obit from Cedar Rapids, d. Omaha
0287 10/04/1987 15 02 F260 Fischer, Douglas (inf. M); B: Columbus from Leigh
0287 10/04/1987 15 02 C540 Connelly, Micahel (inf. M); B: Columbus from Genoa
0287 10/05/1987 15 05 L535 Linden, Tracy; Homecoming royalty, pict: Genoa
0287 10/05/1987 15 05 R524 Rinkol, Terry; Homecoming royalty, pict: Genoa
0287 10/04/1987 16 02 B625 Brakenhoff, Ronald (inf. M); B: Columbus
0287 10/04/1987 16 02 M220 Micek, Joseph (inf. M); B: Columbus
0287 10/01/1987 16 02 T350 Tieden, Marguerite; D-FN: Columbus
0287 10/01/1987 16 02 L000 Lee, Minnie H.; D: Albion Obit
0287 10/02/1987 16 02 B625 Brogan, Kenneth Jim; D: David City Obit
0287 10/02/1987 16 02 S535 Sandin, Rudolph G.; D: Milford Obit, from Osceola
0287 10/03/1987 16 02 N634 Nordlund, Marian Josephine; D: Stromsburg Obit
0287 10/02/1987 16 05 R320 Rhoads, Ronald; Crime: Schuyler from Columbus, charged with vehicular homicide
0287 10/01/1987 18 02 T350 Tieden, Marguerite; D Obit: Columbus
0287 10/01/1987 18 02 D612 Drewbough, Fred T.; D: Omaha Obit, from Columbus, d. Omaha
0287 10/02/1987 18 02 C620 Carrig, Mary (Molly); D: Wood River Obit, formerly Columbus
0287 10/02/1987 18 02 B420 Bielke, Christina M.; D: Columbus FN, from Monroe
0287 10/03/1987 18 02 K600 Kerr, Leda Mae; D: Fullerton Obit
0287 10/01/1987 18 03 T520 Thomas, Mathew (inf. F); B: Columbus
0287 10/01/1987 18 03 M620 Meyers, Mark (inf. F); B: Columbus
0287 10/04/1987 18 14 G620 Garcia, Katie; made manager, Alco Store: Columbus
0287 10/01/1987 18 14 L552 Leininger, Grant, Rogers & Maul; moved office to 27th Ave.: Columbus
0287 10/01/1987 18 15 D650 Duren, David; made V.P., 1st Natl Bank: Columbus
0287 10/01/1987 18 15 S300 Scott, John; made V.P., 1st Natl Bank: Columbus
0287 10/01/1987 18 25 D120 Dubas, Eugene Joseph; M: Fullerton
0287 10/01/1987 18 25 C620 Crouse, Sherri L.; M: Fullerton
0287 10/03/1987 18 25 G613 Griffiths, Larry Dean; M: Columbus
0287 10/03/1987 18 25 K420 Kloke, Judith K.; M: Columbus
0287 10/05/1987 18 25 G250 Gocken, David Bruce; M: Columbus David from Sioux City, parents from Fremont
0287 10/05/1987 18 25 R362 Rodehurst, Linda K.; M: Columbus from Sioux City, parents from Columbus
0287 10/01/1987 18 28 S361 Sterup, Darin Lawrence; M: Silver Creek
0287 10/01/1987 18 28 C325 Cutson, Sheila R.; M: Silver Creek
0287 10/01/1987 18 28 H412 Hellbusch, Daniel David; M: Columbus from Leigh
0287 10/01/1987 18 28 A200 Asche, Michell R.; M: Columbus
0287 10/02/1987 18 28 B435 Baldwin, Joyce; M: formerly Columbus married Colorado, formerly Columbus
0287 10/01/1987 19 02 B260 Becher, Edgar F.; D N: Columbus
0287 10/01/1987 19 02 O235 Ogden, William F.; D: Columbus Obit, from Cedar Rapids
0287 10/01/1987 19 02 Z200 Zoucha, Leone; D N: Omaha from Columbus