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NSHS Newspaper Extractions: 0326  CRETE VIDETTE

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Code Date (m/d/y) Pg Col SNDX Extraction

0326 06/14/1888 3 01 K460 Keeler, Albert E.; marriage: Crete Ida L. Miller is bride
0326 06/14/1888 3 01 M460 Miller, Ida L.; marriage: Crete Albert E. Keeler is groom
0326 06/14/1888 3 03 A352 Adamek, Joseph; misc: Crete built picket fence around residence
0326 06/14/1888 3 03 K500 Kuhn, Peter; misc: Crete
0326 06/14/1888 3 04 C632 Crete High School; misc: Crete

0326 06/21/1888 3 01 B413 Belle of the Blue; misc: Crete
0326 06/21/1888 3 02 C251 Cosmopolitan Hotel; misc: Crete H. Code to retire, sold to E.D. Harvey
0326 06/21/1888 3 02 H610 Harvey, E.D.; misc: new proprietor of Cosmopolitan Hotel
0326 06/21/1888 3 03 D652 Daring; death notice: Crete
0326 06/26/1888 3 02 B625 Bryson, Mrs. John; misc: Crete was visiting friends and relatives in Iowa

0326 06/28/1888 3 01 B236 Baxter, L.M.; misc: Crete Bryson & Baxter, new pump and windmill business
0326 06/28/1888 3 01 B652 Behrens, Henry; marriage: Erna Segelke is bride, (correction in next issue)
0326 06/28/1888 3 01 B625 Bryson, John; misc: Crete Bryson & Baxter, new pump and windmill business
0326 06/28/1888 3 01 S242 Segelke, Erna; marriage: Henry Behrens is groom (correction in next issue)
0326 06/28/1888 3 02 H224 High School Commencement; misc: Crete

0326 06/28/1888 3 02 M515 Maine Avenue; misc: Crete
0326 07/05/1888 4 02 B652 Behrens, Henry; marriage: Elizabeth Wallman is bride
0326 07/05/1888 4 02 B526 Buenger, Emma; marriage: Crete Wm. Hollman is groom, this is a double wedding
0326 07/05/1888 4 02 B526 Buenger, T.P.; marriage: Crete Anna Klinge is bride, this was a double wedding
0326 07/05/1888 4 02 D620 Driscoe, Charles; marriage: Wilber Celestia C. Fry is bride

0326 07/05/1888 4 02 F652 Francl, Helen; marriage: Crete John B. Jenista is groom
0326 07/05/1888 4 02 F600 Fry, Celestia C.; marriage: Wilber Charles Driscoe is groom
0326 07/05/1888 4 02 H455 Hollman, Wm.; marriage: Crete Emma Buenger is bride, this is a double wedding
0326 07/05/1888 4 02 J523 Jenista, John B.; marriage: Crete Helen Francl is bride
0326 07/05/1888 4 02 J523 Johnston, J.R.; misc: Crete

0326 07/05/1888 4 02 K452 Klinge, Anna; marriage: Crete T.P. Buenger is groom, this was a double wedding
0326 07/05/1888 4 02 W455 Wallman, Elizabeth; marriage: Henry Behrens is groom
0326 07/05/1888 4 04 B623 Burket, Mr. & Mrs. D.E.; birth of son: Crete
0326 07/12/1888 3 01 C160 Cooper, Mrs. J.C.; death notice: Colorado
0326 07/12/1888 3 02 F652 French, Milo; marriage: Crete Laura Powers is bride

0326 07/12/1888 3 02 P620 Powers, Laura; marriage: Crete Milo French is groom
0326 07/12/1888 3 03 B410 Bowlby, C.J.; misc: Crete
0326 07/12/1888 3 03 F536 Fenter, Miss; marriage: Seward John Halle is groom
0326 07/12/1888 3 03 H400 Halle, John; marriage: Seward Miss Fenter is bride
0326 07/12/1888 3 03 H325 Hudson, Ike; misc: Crete

0326 07/12/1888 3 03 M620 Morris, Judge; misc: Crete
0326 07/19/1888 3 01 H142 Havlicek, Chas. W.; misc: Crete
0326 07/19/1888 3 02 C160 Cooper, Florence V.; obituary: Crete
0326 07/19/1888 3 02 F660 Ferrier, Earl; obituary: Crete son of Wm. Ferrier
0326 07/19/1888 3 04 K420 Kolouch, Thos.; misc: Crete

0326 07/26/1888 3 01 H625 Harrigan, Frank; marriage: Crete Lizzie Williams is bride
0326 07/26/1888 3 01 M460 Mallory, E.B.; death notice: Crete
0326 07/26/1888 3 01 W452 Williams, Lizzie; marriage: Crete Frank Harrigan is groom
0326 07/26/1888 3 02 H200 Hawes, R.K.; death notice: Crete
0326 07/26/1888 3 03 B200 Buck, John; misc: Crete building a barn

0326 07/26/1888 3 03 B450 Bulin, Mr. & Mrs. Frank; birth of son: Crete
0326 07/26/1888 3 03 H622 Horses; misc: Seward County
0326 07/26/1888 3 03 J525 Johnson, Frank; misc: Crete
0326 07/26/1888 3 03 L230 Lockwood; misc: Crete
0326 07/26/1888 3 04 B422 Blakeslee, Robert; misc: Crete

0326 07/26/1888 3 04 J523 Johnston, J.R.; misc: Crete
0326 07/26/1888 3 04 M620 Morris, Judge; misc: Crete
0326 08/02/1888 3 01 B435 Building Boom; misc: Crete
0326 08/02/1888 3 02 D450 Dillon, Mr. & Mrs. Jas.; birth of child: Crete
0326 08/02/1888 3 02 D450 Dillon, Mr. & Mrs. Jas.; death of child: Crete

0326 08/02/1888 3 02 D452 Dolansky, Joseph; misc: Crete
0326 08/02/1888 3 02 J522 Janecek, Mrs. Barbara; misc: Crete
0326 08/02/1888 3 02 M460 Miller, T.H.; misc: Crete
0326 08/09/1888 3 03 C220 Cookus, Chas.; marriage: Lincoln Lizzie Douglas is bride
0326 08/09/1888 3 03 D242 Douglas, Lizzie; marriage: Lincoln Chas. Cookus is groom

0326 08/09/1888 3 03 H550 Hamaan, Wm.; misc: Crete
0326 08/09/1888 3 03 J523 Johnston, J.R.; misc: Crete
0326 08/09/1888 3 03 M520 Menke, John; misc: Crete
0326 08/09/1888 3 03 M620 Morris, Judge; misc: Crete
0326 08/16/1888 3 01 M500 Moon, Mr. & Mrs. Chas.; birth of daughter: Crete

0326 08/16/1888 3 02 B500 Bowen, Miss M.; death notice: Crete
0326 08/16/1888 3 02 B612 Brabec, Joe; misc: Crete home painted by Ernest Francel
0326 08/16/1888 3 02 B435 Building Boom; misc: Crete
0326 08/16/1888 3 02 D200 Desh, J.A.; misc: Crete
0326 08/16/1888 3 02 H100 Hovey, Mr. & Mrs. C.D.; death of daughter: Crete

0326 08/16/1888 3 02 R300 Reed, D.J.F.; misc: Crete
0326 08/16/1888 3 03 B535 Benton, E.E.; marriage: Achsah Mathews is bride, Rev. L.P. Mathews is her dad
0326 08/16/1888 3 03 M320 Mathews, Achsah; marriage: E.E. Benton is groom, Rev. L.P. Mathews is father
0326 08/23/1888 3 01 B600 Bore, Ann; marriage: Middle Creek precinct Conrad Busboom is groom
0326 08/23/1888 3 01 B215 Busboom, Conrad; marriage: Middle Creek precinct Anna Bore is bride

0326 08/23/1888 3 02 B532 Band's Opera House; misc: Crete redecorated by Kuhn & Shepherd
0326 08/23/1888 3 04 C160 Cooper, Mrs. J.C.; misc: memorial article by W.C.T.U.
0326 08/23/1888 3 04 G656 Grenier Circus; misc: Crete
0326 08/23/1888 3 04 M245 McIlnay, George; death of daughter: Crete
0326 08/30/1888 2 02 D526 Democratic County Convention; misc: Saline County

0326 08/30/1888 3 01 B532 Band's Opera House; misc: Crete interior redecorated
0326 08/30/1888 3 01 P622 Prochaska, Jas.; misc: Crete will retouch scenery at Band's Opera House
0326 08/30/1888 3 03 G350 Goodin, Judge & Mrs. I.; anniversary: Crete golden anniversary
0326 08/30/1888 3 04 C600 Corey, S.T.; misc: Crete
0326 08/30/1888 3 04 H350 Haden, Theo.; misc: Crete

0326 08/30/1888 3 04 H632 Hartegan, F.A.; misc: Crete
0326 08/30/1888 3 04 H252 Haskins, Rev. & Mrs.; death of daughter: Crete
0326 09/06/1888 5 02 L166 Library; misc: Crete
0326 09/06/1888 5 02 O235 Ogden, Mrs. John; death notice: Crete
0326 09/06/1888 5 03 B626 Barragar, Capt. C.R.; obituary: Crete

0326 09/06/1888 5 03 D524 Doane College; misc: Crete conservatory of music
0326 09/13/1888 5 01 B530 Bennett, Mary L.; death notice: Logan County, CO died in Crete, buried in Iowa
0326 09/13/1888 5 01 E121 Episcopal Church; misc: Crete
0326 09/13/1888 5 03 D200 Desh, J.A.; misc: Crete
0326 09/13/1888 5 03 G426 Gallagher, Mrs. B.E.; marriage: Crete I.E. Pattison is groom

0326 09/13/1888 5 03 O235 Ogden, Alice; death notice: Crete daughter of John and Martha Ogden
0326 09/13/1888 5 03 P325 Pattison, I.E.; marriage: Crete Mrs. B.E. Gallagher is bride
0326 09/20/1888 5 01 C654 Cornwell, J. Cecil; marriage: Queenie Gilson is bride
0326 09/20/1888 5 01 E413 Elevators, Grain; misc: Crete
0326 09/20/1888 5 01 G425 Gilson, Queenie; marriage: J. Cecil Cornwell is groom

0326 09/20/1888 5 02 H200 Houck, W.B.; misc: Crete
0326 09/20/1888 5 02 W252 Wickencamp, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 09/27/1888 5 01 C632 Crete High School; misc: Crete
0326 09/27/1888 5 03 A650 Aron, Chas.; misc: Crete moved into new building - tailoring business
0326 09/27/1888 5 03 H550 Hamman, Wm.; misc: Crete

0326 09/27/1888 5 03 H100 Hovey, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 09/27/1888 5 03 K132 Kopetsky, Havlicek & Smith; misc: Crete
0326 09/27/1888 5 03 M520 Menke, John; misc: Crete
0326 09/27/1888 5 03 M620 Morris, Judge; misc: Crete
0326 10/04/1888 5 01 H400 Hall, Charlie; death notice: Pleasant Hill son of J.E. Hall

0326 10/04/1888 5 01 H400 Hall, J.E.; death of daughter: Pleasant Hill R.V. Mabel was daughter
0326 10/04/1888 5 01 K132 Kopetsky, Jos.; misc: Crete fire
0326 10/04/1888 5 01 M140 Mabel, R.V.; death notice: Pleasant Hill daughter of J.E. Hall
0326 10/11/1888 5 01 B652 Brong, E.; misc: Crete
0326 10/11/1888 5 03 M520 Menke, John; misc: Crete

0326 10/18/1888 5 01 D620 Drasky, Bessie; marriage: Crete Anton Dredla is groom
0326 10/18/1888 5 01 D634 Dredla, Anton; marriage: Crete Bessie Drasky is bride
0326 10/18/1888 5 01 E423 Electricity; misc: Crete
0326 10/18/1888 5 01 M300 Mead, Elizabeth F.; obituary: Crete
0326 10/18/1888 5 02 L630 Lord, Arthur; obituary: Crete

0326 10/25/1888 5 01 B652 Barnes, T.F.; marriage: Crete Miss A.L. Harvey is bride
0326 10/25/1888 5 01 H610 Harvey, Miss A.L.; marriage: Crete T.F. Barnes is groom
0326 10/25/1888 5 01 O416 Oliver, J.; misc: Crete
0326 10/25/1888 5 02 M261 Missouri Pacific Railroad; misc: Crete first track arrives
0326 10/25/1888 5 03 K500 Kuhn, Mr. & Mrs. P.P.; birth of daughter: Crete

0326 11/01/1888 5 01 G655 German Congregational Church; misc: Crete
0326 11/01/1888 5 01 M251 McOmber, Frankie; death notice: Crete son of Wm. McOmber
0326 11/01/1888 5 01 P200 Page, E.F.; misc: Crete
0326 11/01/1888 5 02 C452 Collins, Mrs. Mary; misc: Crete divorced husband, sent to poorhouse
0326 11/01/1888 5 02 D552 Dunning, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel; birth of daughter: Pleasant Hill

0326 11/01/1888 5 02 G640 Grewell, R.; misc: Pleasant Hill
0326 11/01/1888 5 02 K512 Kempkes, Mr. & Mrs. A.; birth of son: Crete
0326 11/01/1888 5 02 M245 McClain, Manford; misc: Pleasant Hill
0326 11/08/1888 5 02 B625 Bryson, John; misc: Crete expanding business
0326 11/08/1888 5 02 M261 Missouri Pacific Railroad; misc: Crete first train

0326 11/15/1888 5 01 B624 Barkley, Frank; misc: Crete
0326 11/15/1888 5 01 H346 Hettler, O.P.; birth of son: Crete
0326 11/15/1888 5 01 J523 Johnston, J.R.; misc: Crete
0326 11/15/1888 5 01 S530 Smith, O.H.; misc: Crete
0326 11/15/1888 5 03 I645 Ireland, Mr. & Mrs. Jacob; death of son: Crete

0326 11/15/1888 5 03 M261 Missouri Pacific Railroad; misc: Crete
0326 11/22/1888 5 01 B530 Band, Dr.; misc: Crete
0326 11/22/1888 5 01 B520 Bones; misc: Crete skeleton found on Jos. Muff farm
0326 11/22/1888 5 01 B346 Butler, Emma; marriage: South Bend M.A. Daugherty is groom
0326 11/22/1888 5 01 D263 Daugherty, M.A.; marriage: South Bend Emma Butler is bride

0326 11/22/1888 5 01 D200 Dawes, Mrs. Jas. W.; misc: Crete
0326 11/22/1888 5 01 D460 Diller, John; misc: Crete found a skeleton while drilling well on Jos. Muff farm
0326 11/22/1888 5 01 H400 Halle, Wm.; marriage: Crete Mary L. Kind is bride
0326 11/22/1888 5 01 K530 Kind, Mary L.; marriage: Crete Wm. Halle is groom
0326 11/22/1888 5 02 C632 Crete High School; misc: Crete

0326 11/22/1888 5 02 G640 Grewell, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel; birth of daughter: Pleasant Hill
0326 11/22/1888 5 03 D524 Doane College; description: Crete
0326 11/29/1888 5 00 H235 Hastings, George; birth of son: Crete
0326 11/29/1888 5 01 D634 Dredla, Frank; marriage: Crete Emma Jelinek is bride
0326 11/29/1888 5 01 J452 Jelinek, Emma; marriage: Crete Frank Dredla is groom

0326 12/06/1888 5 01 C632 Crete High School; misc: Crete
0326 12/06/1888 5 01 C631 Crete Vidette; misc: Crete
0326 12/06/1888 5 01 P200 Page, Mrs. E.F.; death notice: Brooklyn, NY
0326 12/06/1888 5 03 G640 Grewell, T.D.; misc: Pleasant Hill
0326 12/06/1888 5 03 K420 Kolouch, Helen; death notice: Pleasant Hill daughter of Thomas Kolouch

0326 12/06/1888 5 03 K420 Kolouch, Mr. & Mrs Thos.; death of daughter: Pleasant Hill daughter is Helen Kolouch
0326 12/06/1888 5 03 M620 Morris, Judge; misc: Crete
0326 12/13/1888 7 01 C434 Caldwell, Maggie; marriage: Crete Fred Fuhrer is groom
0326 12/13/1888 7 01 F660 Fuhrer, Fred; marriage: Crete Maggie Caldwell is bride
0326 12/13/1888 7 01 H416 Hulverson, Mrs. Sarah; marriage: Wilber Chas. McVey is groom

0326 12/13/1888 7 01 M210 McVey, Chas.; marriage: Wilber Mrs. Sarah Hulverson is bride
0326 12/13/1888 7 04 B246 Bigler, Jake; misc: Crete moved to one of Theo. Haden's houses
0326 12/20/1888 4 00 M635 Martin, Emily; death notice: Pleasant Hill wife of J.W. Martin
0326 12/20/1888 5 01 G655 German Congregational Church; misc: Crete
0326 12/20/1888 5 01 K514 Kimball, Charles E.; marriage: Crete Carrie Norton is bride

0326 12/20/1888 5 01 N635 Norton, Carrie; marriage: Crete Charles E. Kimball is groom
0326 12/20/1888 5 03 M261 Missouri Pacific Railroad; misc: Crete discussion of new towns along route
0326 12/20/1888 5 04 H300 Hathaway, Rev. D.E.; death notice: Crete
0326 12/27/1888 5 01 F652 Francl, Ernest; birth of daughter: Crete
0326 12/27/1888 5 02 D200 Desh, Mr. & Mrs.; misc: Crete

0326 12/27/1888 5 02 J525 Johnson, Aquilla; marriage: Crete Mrs. Parsons is bride
0326 12/27/1888 5 02 P625 Parsons, Mrs.; marriage: Crete Aquilla Johnson is groom
0326 12/27/1888 5 04 H160 Hoover, Adam; misc: Crete
0326 12/27/1888 5 04 M242 McGillick, Thomas; death notice: Pleasant Hill
0326 12/27/1888 5 04 M325 Medizin, Mr. E.; marriage: West Blue Miss T. Meyer is bride

0326 12/27/1888 5 04 M600 Meyer, Miss T.; marriage: West Blue Mr. E. Medizin is groom
0326 01/03/1889 5 01 B236 Baxter, G.E.; marriage: Maggie Goodwin is bride
0326 01/03/1889 5 01 G350 Goodwin, Maggie; marriage: G.E. Baxter is groom
0326 01/03/1889 5 02 B620 Brock, W.E.; marriage: Crete Gertrude Code is bride
0326 01/03/1889 5 02 C300 Code, Gertrude; marriage: Crete W.E. Brock is groom

0326 01/03/1889 5 03 J525 Jenkins, William; birth of son: Pleasant Hill
0326 01/03/1889 5 04 G125 Gibson, Thomas; birth of son: Friend
0326 01/10/1889 5 01 B532 Band's Opera House; misc: Crete north store room to be remodeled
0326 01/10/1889 5 02 B236 Baxter, G.E.; marriage: Maggie Goodwin is bride
0326 01/10/1889 5 02 G350 Goodwin, Maggie; marriage: G.E. Baxter is groom

0326 01/10/1889 5 03 H200 Houck, W.B.; misc: Crete moving to Thomas County, Kansas
0326 01/10/1889 5 03 M200 Muchow, Wm.; birth of son: Crete
0326 01/17/1889 5 01 B215 Busboom, Ben; misc: Milford
0326 01/17/1889 5 02 N635 Norton, Archie; death notice: Crete
0326 01/17/1889 5 03 B653 Barnett, Mr. & Mrs. Pat; death of daughter: Friend

0326 01/19/1889 1 04 C620 Crick, Chas.; birth of daughter: Dorchester
0326 01/31/1889 5 03 B260 Baker, Charles; marriage: Friend Susin Grayes is bride, son of William Baker
0326 01/31/1889 5 03 B210 Bishop, Mr.; death notice: Friend
0326 01/31/1889 5 03 G620 Grayes, Susin; marriage: Friend Charles Baker is groom
0326 01/31/1889 5 04 B215 Busboom, Ben; misc: Milford farm sale

0326 01/31/1889 5 04 K620 Krug, Anna; death notice: Crete
0326 02/07/1889 5 02 M261 Missouri Pacific Railroad; misc: Crete
0326 02/07/1889 5 03 J523 Johnston, John R.; misc: Crete
0326 02/07/1889 5 03 S315 Stevens, Geo. D.; misc: Crete
0326 02/14/1889 5 01 B200 Boice, J.S.; obituary: Crete

0326 02/14/1889 5 01 I200 Ice; misc: Crete
0326 02/14/1889 5 02 M261 Missouri Pacific Railroad; description of depot: Crete
0326 02/14/1889 5 03 H256 Haigemeier, H.; death notice: Crete
0326 02/14/1889 5 04 L535 Lindenburger, Chas.; marriage: West Blue Mary Mika is bride
0326 02/14/1889 5 04 M200 Mika, Mary; marriage: West Blue Chas. Lindenburger is groom

0326 02/21/1889 1 03 L523 Lemster, Mrs. A.; death notice: Milford
0326 02/21/1889 5 01 B215 Busboom, "Pony"; birth of daughter: Crete
0326 02/21/1889 5 01 C623 Creighton, Clara; marriage: Crete Jno. M. Daugherty to be groom
0326 02/21/1889 5 01 D263 Daugherty, Jno. M.; marriage: Clara Creighton to be bride
0326 02/21/1889 5 01 H256 Haigemeier, H.; death notice: Crete

0326 02/21/1889 5 03 B200 Boice, James Shields, M.D.; obituary: Crete
0326 02/21/1889 5 04 F653 Friend Hotel; misc: Friend
0326 02/21/1889 5 04 S530 Schmidt, H.P.; misc: Friend
0326 02/28/1889 5 01 B360 Bader, C.M.; birth of daughter: Crete
0326 02/28/1889 5 01 B420 Belka, Joseph; death of son: Crete

0326 02/28/1889 5 01 H550 Heimann, H.; misc: Crete
0326 02/28/1889 5 01 I120 Ives, J.K.; birth of daughter: Crete
0326 02/28/1889 5 02 D452 Dolansky, Joseph; birth of son: Crete
0326 02/28/1889 5 03 D610 Derby, H.H.; death of son: Friend
0326 02/28/1889 5 03 D540 Donally, Patrick; death notice: Crete

0326 02/28/1889 5 03 O165 O'Brien, Michael; death notice: Crete
0326 02/28/1889 5 04 D325 Dodson, C.P.; birth of son: Pleasant Hill
0326 03/07/1889 1 01 C623 Creighton, Clara; marriage: Crete John Daugherty is groom
0326 03/07/1889 1 01 D263 Daugherty, John; marriage: Clara Creighton is bride
0326 03/07/1889 5 01 H412 Halvason, Endra; death notice: Denton

0326 03/07/1889 5 03 B634 Bertwell, J.A.; birth of son: Crete
0326 03/07/1889 5 03 B652 Brunk, Henry; misc: Crete
0326 03/14/1889 5 01 H623 Horse Thief; misc: Crete
0326 03/14/1889 5 01 K620 Kruse, Geo.; misc: Crete
0326 03/14/1889 5 04 D200 Desh, Mr.; misc: Crete

0326 03/14/1889 5 04 D452 Dolansky, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 03/21/1889 5 01 A253 Axamit, W.; misc: Crete building new house
0326 03/21/1889 5 02 A330 Atwood, J.S.; birth of daughter: Crete
0326 03/21/1889 5 02 B215 Busboom, Aggie; obituary: Crete wife of O.B. Busboom, daughter of Frank Busboom
0326 03/28/1889 5 03 B465 Billhorn, Charley; misc: Crete building new residence

0326 03/28/1889 5 04 H200 Houck, W.B.; obituary: Crete
0326 04/04/1889 5 02 G524 Gonzales, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 04/11/1889 5 02 C632 Crete High School; misc: Crete
0326 04/11/1889 5 02 M100 Muff, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph; birth of son: Crete
0326 04/11/1889 5 03 K512 Kempkes, Albert; misc: Crete

0326 05/02/1889 4 02 C635 Crete Improvement Co.; misc: Crete
0326 05/02/1889 4 02 J523 Johnston, J.R.; misc: Crete
0326 05/02/1889 4 02 S315 Stevens, Geo. D.; misc: Crete
0326 05/02/1889 4 04 F653 Friend Hotel; misc: Friend
0326 05/02/1889 4 04 S530 Schmidt, Mr.; misc: Friend

0326 05/02/1889 5 01 F652 French, Dr. A.D.; misc: Crete from Potomac, IL
0326 05/02/1889 5 02 C635 Crete Nurseries; misc: Crete
0326 05/02/1889 5 03 G626 Gregory, Mr. & Mrs. James; birth of daughter: Pleasant Hill
0326 05/02/1889 5 03 N630 Nerud, James; misc: Pleasant Hill
0326 05/23/1889 4 03 K656 Kramer; misc: Kramer

0326 05/30/1889 00 B530 Band, Chas.; advertisement: Crete State Bank of NE board of directors, on last page
0326 05/30/1889 4 01 H625 Horse Market; misc: Crete
0326 05/30/1889 4 04 C531 County Fair; misc: Crete
0326 05/30/1889 5 02 C632 Crete High School; misc: Crete
0326 06/06/1889 5 01 F655 Foreman, Thomas; misc: Crete

0326 06/06/1889 5 03 B240 Boekel, Fred; marriage: Seward Tina Radies is bride
0326 06/06/1889 5 03 R320 Radies, Tina; marriage: Seward Fred Boekel is groom
0326 06/06/1889 5 04 N425 Nelson, Mr. A.J.; misc: Friend
0326 06/06/1889 5 04 N300 Nute, Mrs.; death notice: Friend
0326 06/13/1889 5 01 L553 Loan and Building Assn.; misc: Crete

0326 06/13/1889 5 02 H453 Holland Building; misc: Crete
0326 06/13/1889 5 02 H213 Hospital; misc: Crete
0326 06/13/1889 5 02 V536 Vondres, Fred; misc: Crete
0326 06/13/1889 5 03 B460 Blair, Frank; misc: Crete
0326 06/13/1889 5 03 G260 Gasser, Oscar; death notice: Crete

0326 06/13/1889 5 03 L536 Laundry; misc: Crete
0326 06/13/1889 5 03 L230 Lockwood, Mrs.; misc: Crete
0326 06/13/1889 5 04 F000 Fay, M.G.H. "Howard"; marriage: Mattie Walker Striblen is bride
0326 06/13/1889 5 04 S361 Striblen, Mattie Walker; marriage: M.G.H. "Howard" Fay is groom, Capt. Wm. Striblen = dad
0326 06/20/1889 4 02 B645 Burlington & Missouri Railroad; editorial: Crete

0326 06/20/1889 5 02 H550 Heimann, H.; misc: Crete
0326 06/20/1889 5 02 H346 Hettler, O.P.; misc: Crete
0326 06/20/1889 5 02 N600 Neher, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 06/20/1889 5 03 P456 Palmer, Mrs. Abner; death notice: Friend
0326 07/04/1889 5 01 F425 Flax Mill; misc: Crete

0326 07/04/1889 5 02 J354 Jute Mill; misc: Crete
0326 07/04/1889 5 04 B500 Boehm, Mr. & Mrs. S.; death of son
0326 07/04/1889 5 04 C630 Crete; description: Crete
0326 07/11/1889 1 01 A536 Andrews, I.F.; advertisement: Crete barber and hairdresser
0326 07/11/1889 5 04 F655 Foreman, Mr.; misc: Crete

0326 07/18/1889 5 01 B400 Bell, Maud; marriage: I.D. "Ike" Moore is groom, H.W.W. Bell is father
0326 07/18/1889 5 01 M600 Moore, I.D. "Ike"; marriage: Maud Bell is bride
0326 07/18/1889 5 02 F655 Foreman, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 07/25/1889 4 02 B520 Banks, Crete; misc: Crete
0326 07/25/1889 5 01 H630 Harrod, Sanford; obituary: Wilber

0326 07/25/1889 5 02 B420 Bolsh, Mr.; death notice: Wilber
0326 07/25/1889 5 02 C450 Calhoun, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 07/25/1889 5 02 M635 Martin, L.B.; misc: Crete
0326 07/25/1889 5 02 N600 Neher, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 07/25/1889 5 03 N623 Norris & White; misc: Crete

0326 08/01/1889 5 01 B620 Barrows, Boy; death notice: son of Mr. & Mrs. J.E. Arrows, to be buried in St. Joe
0326 08/01/1889 5 01 G363 Goddard, Ernest; marriage: Lena Haennie is bride
0326 08/01/1889 5 01 H500 Haennie, Lena; marriage: Ernest Goddard is groom
0326 08/01/1889 7 01 H220 Houses; misc: Crete
0326 08/01/1889 8 01 C630 Crete; misc: Crete

0326 08/08/1889 5 01 B234 Bechtle, John; misc: Crete sold farm and moving to town, bought lots from J. Neill
0326 08/08/1889 5 02 L550 Lanham, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 08/08/1889 5 03 F420 Flax; misc: Saline County
0326 08/08/1889 5 03 L230 Lockwood, Mrs.; misc: Crete
0326 08/15/1889 5 03 F430 Flood; misc: Crete

0326 08/15/1889 5 04 B400 Ball, J.; misc: Crete sick child
0326 08/22/1889 1 06 B241 Boswell Observatory; misc: Crete
0326 08/22/1889 4 02 L630 Laird, James; obituary: Crete
0326 08/22/1889 4 03 C653 Cornet Band; misc: Crete
0326 08/22/1889 5 03 J523 Johnston, J.R.; misc: Crete

0326 08/29/1889 3 01 H636 Hairdressing; misc: Crete
0326 08/29/1889 5 02 H400 Hall, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 08/29/1889 5 02 M160 Mooberry, H.; birth of son: Crete
0326 08/29/1889 5 02 M160 Mooberry, H.; death of son: Crete
0326 08/29/1889 5 02 N620 Norris, Mayor; misc: Crete

0326 09/05/1889 1 06 C525 Commissioner's Proceedings; misc: Crete
0326 09/05/1889 5 01 H235 Hastings, George; misc: Crete
0326 09/05/1889 5 03 B200 Beck, J.F.; marriage: Ida Smith is bride
0326 09/05/1889 5 03 S530 Smith, Ida; marriage: J.F. Beck is groom
0326 09/12/1889 4 01 H235 Hastings, George; misc: Crete

0326 09/12/1889 5 01 B320 Bates, Rev. Henry; obituary: Crete
0326 09/12/1889 5 01 C631 Crete Band; misc: won contest in Omaha
0326 09/12/1889 5 02 B600 Bear, T.F.; death of son: Wymore
0326 09/12/1889 5 02 C635 Crete Nursery; misc: Crete
0326 09/12/1889 5 02 J523 Johnston, Myrtle; misc: Crete

0326 09/12/1889 5 02 M620 Maresh, Frank; misc: Crete
0326 09/12/1889 5 02 N400 Neill, J.R.; misc: Crete
0326 09/12/1889 5 02 W416 Welber, Charles; misc: Crete moving to Washington territory
0326 09/12/1889 5 03 F652 Francl, E.; misc: Crete
0326 09/19/1889 5 02 D200 Desh, Mrs. J.; misc: Crete

0326 09/19/1889 5 02 K120 Kupke, Mr. & Mrs. Joe; birth of son: Crete
0326 09/26/1889 5 02 C452 Collinsworth, Susan A.; death of mother: Crete Harriet Megrew is mother
0326 09/26/1889 5 02 M260 Megrew, Mrs. Harriet; obituary: Crete wife of B.F. Megrew
0326 11/07/1889 5 01 G350 Goodin, Chas. J.; marriage: Crete May Keasey is bride
0326 11/07/1889 5 01 G525 Gymnasium; misc: Crete

0326 11/07/1889 5 01 K200 Keasey, May; marriage: Crete Chas. J. Goodin is groom
0326 11/07/1889 5 02 C635 Crete Nursery; misc: Crete
0326 11/07/1889 5 02 S315 Stephens, E.F.; misc: Crete
0326 11/14/1889 1 04 M500 Mann, Harry; death notice: Wilber
0326 11/14/1889 4 02 G415 Globe newspaper; misc: Crete

0326 11/14/1889 5 01 C632 Crete Creamery; misc: Crete
0326 11/14/1889 5 01 M515 Moneypenny, Asa; misc: Pleasant Hill
0326 11/14/1889 5 02 B525 Benjamen, I.T.; misc: Crete
0326 11/14/1889 5 02 J523 Johnston, Mr. & Mrs. J.R.; misc: Crete
0326 11/14/1889 5 02 J635 Jordan, Mrs. James; death notice: Arapahoe

0326 11/14/1889 5 02 L360 Lader, Fred; misc: Crete
0326 11/14/1889 5 02 M261 Missouri Pacific Railroad; misc: Crete
0326 11/14/1889 5 04 D200 Desh, J.A.; misc: Crete residence for sale
0326 11/21/1889 5 01 M251 McOmber, W.O.; misc: Crete
0326 11/21/1889 5 02 B410 Bowlby, C.J.; misc: Crete making improvements to office building

0326 11/21/1889 5 02 F200 Fisk, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 11/21/1889 5 02 F655 Foreman, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 11/21/1889 5 02 K625 Kersenbrock, Wm.; misc: Crete
0326 11/21/1889 5 02 K514 Kimball, J.H.; misc: Crete
0326 11/21/1889 5 02 L160 Lauber, Mr.; misc: Crete

0326 11/28/1889 5 01 E121 Episcopal Church; misc: Crete
0326 11/28/1889 5 01 M400 Mill; misc: Crete
0326 11/28/1889 5 01 W300 White, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 11/28/1889 5 04 D263 Daugherty, Mr. & Mrs. M.A.; birth of daughter: Keith County, NE
0326 12/05/1889 1 05 L625 Larson, Stanley; misc: Tobias

0326 12/05/1889 4 03 M261 Missouri Pacific Railroad; misc: Crete
0326 12/05/1889 4 04 B645 Burlington & Missouri Railroad; misc: Crete
0326 12/12/1889 1 05 H453 Holland, Elizabeth; death notice: Western
0326 12/12/1889 1 05 J525 Johnson, Chas.; misc: Dorchester
0326 12/12/1889 1 05 O600 Orr, Mrs. J.W.; death notice: Alexandria, NE

0326 12/12/1889 4 01 M252 Masonic Hall; description: DeWitt
0326 12/12/1889 4 02 M620 Morris, Mr. & Mrs. W.H.; anniversary: Crete 25th wedding anniversary
0326 12/12/1889 4 03 G433 Glade & White; misc: Crete
0326 12/12/1889 5 01 F655 Fairmont Water Reservoir; misc
0326 12/12/1889 5 02 C532 County Jail; misc: Crete

0326 12/12/1889 5 03 J523 Johnston, Mrs. J.R.; misc: Crete
0326 12/19/1889 1 05 K100 Kaup, Clara; death notice: Western
0326 12/19/1889 7 01 G425 Gilson, Mrs.; death notice: Ashland mother of Mrs. J.C. Cornwall of Crete
0326 12/19/1889 7 01 M262 McCarger, Hugh; death of brother: Council Bluffs, IA Thomas W. McCarger is brother
0326 12/19/1889 7 01 M262 McCarger, Thomas W.; death notice: Council Bluffs, IA

0326 12/19/1889 7 02 M520 Munchow, Wm.; misc: Crete
0326 12/19/1889 7 02 N340 Nedela, Frank; misc: Crete
0326 12/26/1889 5 01 D200 Dawes, W.J.; misc: Crete
0326 12/26/1889 5 02 C632 Crete High School; misc: Crete
0326 12/26/1889 5 02 C632 Crete Ice Factory; misc: Crete

0326 01/09/1890 5 01 H400 Hill, Hugh; death notice: Chase County
0326 01/09/1890 5 01 K120 Kupka, Joseph; misc: Crete
0326 01/09/1890 5 02 G100 Gouff, John; death notice: Wilber
0326 01/16/1890 5 01 D520 Deems, Louisa A.; obituary: Frontier Co., NE
0326 01/16/1890 5 01 M620 Morris, W.H.; misc: Crete

0326 01/16/1890 5 02 H650 Harney, Arthur; misc: Crete
0326 01/23/1890 5 01 L550 Lanham, John; misc: Crete
0326 01/23/1890 5 01 M100 Muff, Joseph; misc: Crete
0326 01/23/1890 5 02 A226 Ashcraft, Ab; misc: Crete
0326 01/23/1890 5 02 B623 Barkdol, John; misc: Crete

0326 01/23/1890 5 02 K625 Kersenbrock & Johnson; misc: Crete
0326 01/30/1890 1 04 A400 Alley, Mrs.; death: Kansas daughter of Mr. & Mrs. H.E. Christie of Wilber
0326 01/30/1890 5 01 J452 Jelinek, Vit; obituary: Crete
0326 01/30/1890 5 02 H632 Hartigan, Mr. & Mrs. F.E.; birth of son: Crete
0326 01/30/1890 5 02 M256 Misner, Mr.; misc: Crete

0326 01/30/1890 5 03 C626 Creager, David; obituary: McCook father of Mrs. J.O. Goodwin of Crete
0326 01/30/1890 5 03 H200 Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. A.P.; marriage of daughter: Ridgeway, MO
0326 01/30/1890 5 03 H453 Holland, J.T.; misc: Crete
0326 01/30/1890 5 03 N400 Neill, Mr. & Mrs. J.R.; misc: Crete moving to Oregon
0326 02/06/1890 5 01 D000 Day, Wm.; death notice: Wymore

0326 02/13/1890 1 05 D500 Dunn, Mr. & Mrs. T.J.; birth of son: DeWitt
0326 02/13/1890 1 05 L200 Lake, Mr.; death of daughter: Wilber
0326 02/13/1890 1 05 M614 Marble, Mrs. Frank; death notice: Tobias
0326 02/13/1890 1 05 M232 McDougall, Mr. & Mrs. Ezra; birth of daughter: Friend
0326 02/13/1890 1 05 M460 Miller, Conrad; death notice: Swanton

0326 02/13/1890 1 05 M460 Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel L.; birth of daughter: DeWitt
0326 02/13/1890 1 05 N430 Nolty, Mr. & Mrs. John; birth of son: Tobias
0326 02/13/1890 5 03 G620 George, Wm.; death notice: Lincoln formerly of Crete
0326 02/13/1890 5 04 C635 Crete Military Band; misc: Crete
0326 02/13/1890 5 04 J523 Johnston, J.R.; misc: Crete

0326 02/20/1890 1 05 K652 Krainik, Rosa; death notice: Wilber
0326 02/20/1890 1 06 B250 Baughn, B.F.; misc: Tobias building new residence
0326 02/20/1890 4 02 C620 Church, Miss A.; marriage: Wilber Geo. Freece is groom
0326 02/20/1890 4 02 C160 Cooper, Mrs.; misc: Crete
0326 02/20/1890 4 02 F620 Freece, Geo.; marriage: Wilber Miss A. Church is bride

0326 02/20/1890 4 02 I510 Imhoff, Mrs.; misc: Crete left for Osyka, Mississippi
0326 02/20/1890 4 03 M414 Melville, David; misc: Crete real estate transfer
0326 02/20/1890 4 03 W430 Wild, G. Jacob; misc: Crete real estate transfer
0326 02/20/1890 5 01 F630 Friday, Mr.; death notice: Pleasant Hill
0326 02/20/1890 5 01 H125 Hopkins, Mr. & Mrs. H.M.; birth of son: Crete

0326 02/20/1890 5 03 D620 Diersk, Anton; death notice: Crete
0326 03/06/1890 1 05 G210 Gyspie, Samuel; marriage: Western Gussie Wheeler is bride
0326 03/06/1890 1 05 W460 Wheeler, Gussie; marriage: Western Samuel Gyspie is groom
0326 03/06/1890 1 06 B400 Ball, Mrs. J.; misc: returned from visit to Illinois
0326 03/06/1890 1 06 B645 Burlington & Missouri Railroad; misc: Crete proposed line between Crete and Milford criticized

0326 03/06/1890 4 01 H524 Hengle, David; marriage: Crete Mary Rine is bride
0326 03/06/1890 4 01 R500 Rine, Mary; marriage: Crete David Hengle is groom, M.P. Rine is father
0326 03/06/1890 5 01 B645 Burlington & Missouri Railroad; misc: Crete problem with property owner Robert Dick
0326 03/06/1890 5 01 D500 Doane, Mr. & Mrs. Howard; birth of son: Crete
0326 03/06/1890 5 01 F652 French, Dr. & Mrs.; birth of son

0326 03/06/1890 5 01 L550 Lanham, John; misc: Crete
0326 03/06/1890 5 02 B215 Busboom, Poney; misc: Crete
0326 03/06/1890 5 02 C500 Cohn, Henry; misc: Crete
0326 03/06/1890 5 02 M610 Murphy, Mr.; misc: Crete from LaSalle County, IL
0326 03/06/1890 5 02 N623 Norris & White; misc: Crete

0326 03/13/1890 4 03 E423 Electric Lights; misc: Crete
0326 03/13/1890 5 01 E640 Earl, W.W.; obituary: Dorchester
0326 03/13/1890 5 01 F260 Fisher, Mrs. G.L.; death notice: Crete
0326 03/13/1890 5 01 K532 Kindgergarten; misc: Crete at St. James
0326 03/13/1890 5 03 I645 Ireland, Wm.; misc: Crete

0326 03/20/1890 1 05 F655 Fairmont Creamery; misc: Tobias
0326 03/20/1890 1 06 D300 Dado, Lena; marriage: Wilber Wm. C. Hulse is groom
0326 03/20/1890 1 06 D100 Duffy, Violet; marriage: Wilber Samuel Hathaway is groom
0326 03/20/1890 1 06 E423 Elston, Howard; marriage: Wilber Jennie Foster is bride
0326 03/20/1890 1 06 F236 Foster, Jennie; marriage: Wilber Howard Elston is groom

0326 03/20/1890 1 06 H300 Hathaway, Samuel; marriage: Wilber Violet Duffy is bride
0326 03/20/1890 1 06 H420 Hulse, Wm. C.; marriage: Wilber Lena Dado is bride
0326 03/20/1890 4 01 A536 Andrews, S.L.; misc: Crete appointed postmaster
0326 03/20/1890 4 02 B400 Ball, J.; misc: Julia Meadville is teaching in his district
0326 03/20/1890 4 02 E121 Episcopal School; misc: Crete

0326 03/20/1890 4 02 M314 Meadville, Julia; misc: teaching in J. Ball's district
0326 03/20/1890 5 01 I645 Ireland, William; misc: Crete
0326 03/20/1890 5 01 K563 Kamarad, Leon; death notice: Crete son of John and Barbara Kamarad
0326 03/20/1890 5 02 C452 Collingsworth; misc: Crete
0326 03/20/1890 5 02 D450 Dillon, Mrs.; misc: Crete

0326 03/20/1890 5 02 J250 Jackson; misc: Crete
0326 03/27/1890 4 02 M100 Muff, Joseph L.; misc: Crete
0326 03/27/1890 4 04 B623 Barstow, W.H.; misc: Crete
0326 03/27/1890 4 04 E423 Electric Plant Controversy; misc: Crete
0326 03/27/1890 5 02 G655 German Fire Insurance Co.; misc: West Blue, Saline Co.

0326 03/27/1890 5 02 W231 West Blue Farmers Fire Ins. Co.; misc: West Blue, Saline Co.
0326 04/03/1890 4 02 B650 Brown, Prof.; misc: Crete
0326 04/03/1890 4 02 C546 Chmelir, W.S.; misc: Crete
0326 04/03/1890 4 02 D525 Denison, L.H.; misc: Crete
0326 04/03/1890 4 02 E423 Election; misc: Crete

0326 04/03/1890 4 02 G350 Goodwin, Capt.; misc: Crete
0326 04/03/1890 4 02 G621 Grosscup, J.A.; misc: Crete
0326 04/03/1890 4 02 M100 Muff, Jos.; misc: Crete
0326 04/03/1890 4 02 N620 Norris, Lu; misc: Crete
0326 04/03/1890 4 02 S315 Stevens, Geo. D.; misc: Crete

0326 04/03/1890 4 02 W300 White, C.C.; misc: Crete
0326 04/03/1890 4 02 W452 Williams, Frank; misc: Crete
0326 04/03/1890 4 03 B236 Baxter, Edward; obituary
0326 04/03/1890 5 02 F655 Foreman, Thos.; misc: Crete
0326 04/03/1890 5 02 M100 Muff, Jos.; misc: Crete

0326 04/10/1890 4 02 B645 Burlington & Missouri Railroad; misc: Crete plans to bridge river at Crete and lay track to Milford
0326 04/10/1890 4 03 L130 Lovett, Mr.; misc: Pleasant Hill
0326 04/10/1890 4 03 M260 Moshier, Mr. & Mrs.; birth of daughter: Pleasant Hill
0326 04/10/1890 5 01 C563 Conrad, Dr. & Mrs.; birth of son: Crete
0326 04/10/1890 5 02 J523 Johnston, Mr. & Mrs. J.R.; misc: Crete

0326 04/10/1890 5 03 C563 Conrad, Henry; death notice: Highland Precinct, Lancaster Co. son of I.T. Conrad
0326 04/10/1890 5 03 C635 Crete Nurseries; misc: Crete
0326 04/17/1890 1 05 B536 Beender, A.; misc: West Blue
0326 04/17/1890 1 05 K635 Karten, F.; misc: West Blue
0326 04/17/1890 5 02 I645 Ireland Building; misc: Crete

0326 04/17/1890 5 02 L535 Lindenburg, Mr. & Mrs. Charles; birth of daughter: Crete
0326 04/17/1890 5 02 M620 Morris, Judge; misc: Crete
0326 04/24/1890 5 02 L550 Lanham, John; misc: Crete
0326 05/01/1890 5 01 H322 Hitchcock, Ralph; death notice: Omaha son of Hugh Hitchcock, nephew of John P. Clarey
0326 05/01/1890 5 01 J523 Johnston, J.R.; misc: Crete sold waterworks

0326 05/01/1890 5 02 B652 Behrens, Henry; misc: Crete
0326 05/01/1890 5 02 H200 Hayes, Dr.; misc: Crete
0326 05/01/1890 5 02 H630 Howard, "Grandma"; misc: Pleasant Hill
0326 05/01/1890 5 03 B255 Buchanan, Harry and Eugene Harrington; misc: Crete grading their lots
0326 05/01/1890 5 03 H652 Harrington, Eugene and Harry Buchanan; misc: Crete grading their lots

0326 05/08/1890 1 05 F265 Fougeron, Bessie; marriage: West Blue Harry Jacobson is groom, Geo. H. Fougeron is father
0326 05/08/1890 1 05 J212 Jacobson, Harry; marriage: West Blue Bessie Fougeron is bride
0326 05/08/1890 4 02 C630 Crete; misc: Crete
0326 05/08/1890 5 01 C623 Creighton, Dr. (Rev.); misc: Crete new Methodist minister
0326 05/08/1890 5 01 F623 First National Bank; misc: Crete

0326 05/08/1890 5 01 G600 Gray, Milton; marriage: Crete Cora Streeter is bride


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