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NSHS Newspaper Extractions: Code 0975  OMAHA WORLD HERALD-MORN.,
            0989  FRONTIER, 0999  ORD QUIZ

(for instructions go here)

Code Date (m/d/y) Pg Col SNDX Extraction

0975 05/13/1990 2B 02 S436 SLATTERY, NORMA A.; DEATH
0975 05/13/1990 2B 02 S315 STEPHENS, GEORGE; DEATH
0975 05/13/1990 2B 02 U420 UHLIK, FRED A.; DEATH
0975 05/14/1990 10 01 E156 EBENER, PAUL M.; DEATH
0975 05/14/1990 10 01 F320 FIDDOCK, MILDRED H.; DEATH

0975 05/14/1990 10 01 F634 FRIEDLANDER, MORTON L.; DEATH
0975 05/14/1990 10 01 H200 HAGGE, EMMA J.; DEATH
0975 05/14/1990 10 02 J212 JACOBSEN, IDA MARIE; DEATH
0975 05/14/1990 10 02 K610 KROF, FRANK, JR.; DEATH
0975 05/14/1990 10 02 P456 PALMER, WILLIAM A.; DEATH

0975 05/14/1990 10 02 P516 PIMPER, ALAIS A.; DEATH
0975 05/14/1990 10 02 P455 PULLMAN, BERNICE J.; DEATH
0975 05/14/1990 10 03 W300 WHITE, HELEN B.; DEATH
0975 05/15/1990 10 01 A536 ANDERSON, OLIVE; DEATH
0975 05/15/1990 10 01 C450 CALLAN, DAVID L.; DEATH

0975 05/15/1990 10 01 C432 CHILDS, FLORENCE L.; DEATH
0975 05/15/1990 10 01 C200 COOK, MICHAEL; DEATH
0975 05/15/1990 10 01 D455 DAHLMAN, JOHN F.; DEATH
0975 05/15/1990 10 01 G430 GOLDA, ANN; DEATH
0975 05/15/1990 10 01 H322 HOTCHKISS, PERRY L.; DEATH

0975 05/15/1990 10 01 J525 JOHNSON, SHIRLEY A.; DEATH
0975 05/15/1990 10 01 M564 MAMARIL, MIQUEL F.; DEATH
0975 05/15/1990 10 02 M220 MYSZKOWSKI, ROMAN P., SR.; DEATH
0975 05/15/1990 10 02 P362 PETERSON, ELREY GUNNAR; DEATH
0975 05/15/1990 10 02 R200 RECKEWEY, REX K.; DEATH

0975 05/15/1990 10 02 Z650 ZORN, MABEL; DEATH
0975 05/16/1990 18 01 B346 BUTLER-RITCHIE, SHERESA SHAQUA; DEATH
0975 05/16/1990 18 01 C455 COLEMAN, JAMES J.; DEATH
0975 05/16/1990 18 01 M220 MAJEWIEZ, JOSEPH A.; DEATH
0975 05/16/1990 18 01 M200 MEEK, JIM L.; DEATH

0975 05/16/1990 18 01 M460 MILLER, HAZEL J.; DEATH
0975 05/16/1990 18 01 N000 NOE, DONALD E.; DEATH
0975 05/16/1990 18 02 P622 PROCHAZKA, KARLA; DEATH
0975 05/16/1990 18 02 P455 PULLMAN, BERNICE J.; DEATH
0975 05/16/1990 18 02 R326 RODGERS, ROBERT S.; DEATH

0975 05/16/1990 18 02 R323 ROITSTEIN, BERTHA; DEATH
0975 05/16/1990 18 02 S532 SCHWENTKER, MARGARET; DEATH
0975 05/16/1990 18 02 S640 SEARLE, HARRY A.; DEATH
0975 05/16/1990 18 02 S542 SMELSON, CHARLEY A.; DEATH
0975 05/16/1990 18 03 S652 SORENSON, RICHARD T.; DEATH

0975 05/16/1990 18 03 V435 VELDMAN, RICHARD L.; DEATH
0975 05/16/1990 18 03 W340 WEDEL, MARY W.; DEATH
0975 05/16/1990 18 03 W352 WETTENGEL, JOSEPH M.; DEATH
0975 05/17/1990 14 01 B536 BEINDORFF, MARGARET MINERVA; DEATH
0975 05/17/1990 14 01 B200 BOOKEY, MARVIN A.; DEATH

0975 05/17/1990 14 01 D120 DAVIS, EVA F.; DEATH
0975 05/17/1990 14 01 H620 HARRIS, M. K.; DEATH
0975 05/17/1990 14 01 H340 HEADLEY, ERNA; DEATH
0975 05/17/1990 14 01 L200 LUCKE, GEORGE W.; DEATH
0975 05/17/1990 14 01 L200 LUCKE, RICHARD E.; DEATH

0975 05/17/1990 14 01 M200 MACY, PATRICIA J.; DEATH
0975 05/17/1990 14 01 M250 MAGINN, LEONA R.; DEATH
0975 05/17/1990 14 02 P620 PARRISH, EVA; DEATH
0975 05/17/1990 14 02 S140 SHIPLEY, ROYAL D.; DEATH
0975 05/17/1990 14 03 S165 SPRINKEL, NINA R.; DEATH

0975 05/17/1990 14 03 W255 WISEMAN, ABBIE G.; DEATH
0975 05/18/1990 18 01 A653 ARINTON, ELAINE; DEATH
0975 05/18/1990 18 01 B530 BENDA, JOSEPH M.; DEATH
0975 05/18/1990 18 01 B656 BERNARD, PATRICIA A.; DEATH
0975 05/18/1990 18 01 B423 BLECIT, C. W.; DEATH

0975 05/18/1990 18 01 B640 BURRELL-BROWN, ANNETTE; DEATH
0975 05/18/1990 18 01 C316 CUTHBERTSON, R. DOYLE; DEATH
0975 05/18/1990 18 01 J525 JENSEN, HARLAN D.; DEATH
0975 05/18/1990 18 02 J525 JOHNSON, THEODORE M.; DEATH
0975 05/18/1990 18 02 K100 KUBIE, IRENE J.; DEATH

0975 05/18/1990 18 02 M263 MCCARTHY, J. IRENE; DEATH
0975 05/18/1990 18 02 M242 MICHAELS, DOROTHY H.; DEATH
0975 05/18/1990 18 02 M322 MOTYKOWSKI, EDWARD N.; DEATH
0975 05/18/1990 18 02 O425 OLSON, WILLA E.; DEATH
0975 05/18/1990 18 02 P452 POLINSKI, JOHN A.; DEATH

0975 05/18/1990 18 03 R252 REISING, THOMAS L.; DEATH
0975 05/19/1990 60 01 B626 BERGER, RODNEY C.; DEATH
0975 05/19/1990 60 01 C650 CARNEY, SHAWN C.; DEATH
0975 05/19/1990 60 01 G325 GOTCHANOUR, LELAND E.; DEATH
0975 05/19/1990 60 01 G652 GRIMSLEY, RANDALL GENE; DEATH

0975 05/19/1990 60 01 G625 GROGAN, STELLA M.; DEATH
0975 05/19/1990 60 02 H350 HEATON, HAROLD H.; DEATH
0975 05/19/1990 60 02 H655 HERNANDES, BETTY J.; DEATH
0975 05/19/1990 60 02 M243 MCCLOUD, JOSEPH L., SR.; DEATH
0975 05/19/1990 60 02 O520 OWENS, JOHN J., SR.; DEATH

0975 05/19/1990 60 03 S512 SEMPECK, MARTHA M.; DEATH
0975 05/20/1990 2B 01 A416 ALBERTSON, DUANE R.; DEATH
0975 05/20/1990 2B 01 B624 BRAZEAL, DONNIE D.; DEATH
0975 05/20/1990 2B 01 C636 CARTER, REV. WILBERT L.; DEATH
0975 05/20/1990 2B 01 C462 CLARK, GREGORY J.; DEATH

0975 05/20/1990 2B 01 F400 FIALA, DOROTHY M.; DEATH
0975 05/20/1990 2B 01 F260 FISCHER, TERESA C.; DEATH
0975 05/20/1990 2B 01 G635 GORDON, ROBERT; DEATH
0975 05/20/1990 2B 01 G324 GOTSCHALL, GERALD E.; DEATH
0975 05/20/1990 2B 02 L625 LARSON, ALVIN G.; DEATH

0975 05/20/1990 2B 02 L563 LENHART, BERNICE L.; DEATH
0975 05/20/1990 2B 02 M340 MOTTL, VERNA M.; DEATH
0975 05/20/1990 2B 02 P452 POLONCIC, ANTHONY F.; DEATH
0975 05/20/1990 2B 02 P120 POPPS, PEARLENA; DEATH
0975 05/20/1990 2B 03 S600 SKAR, ARNOLD S.; DEATH

0975 05/20/1990 2B 03 W235 WESTIN, EDITH E.; DEATH
0975 05/21/1990 10 01 C650 CHERION, CAROLINE; DEATH
0975 05/21/1990 10 01 D120 DAVIS, ELLA P.; DEATH
0975 05/21/1990 10 01 D200 DIGGS, CLARICE; DEATH
0975 05/21/1990 10 01 L625 LARSON, ANNA E.; DEATH

0975 05/21/1990 10 02 M620 MYERS, MARY; DEATH
0975 05/21/1990 10 02 N240 NICOLA, MERLE J.; DEATH
0975 05/21/1990 10 02 O425 OLSON, HELEN C.; DEATH
0975 05/21/1990 10 02 Q240 QUIGLEY, HAROLD; DEATH
0975 05/21/1990 10 03 R252 RASMUSSEN, JAMES A.; DEATH

0975 05/21/1990 10 03 R522 ROMSHEK, GEORGE L.; DEATH
0975 05/21/1990 10 03 S420 SCHOLZ, GEORGE W.; DEATH
0975 05/21/1990 10 03 S455 SOLOMON, ROBERT L.; DEATH
0975 05/22/1990 10 01 B652 BARNES, DR. EDWIN H.; DEATH
0975 05/22/1990 10 01 B210 BISHOP, LUCILLE K.; DEATH

0975 05/22/1990 10 01 B625 BRUGENKEMKE, EDITH R.; DEATH
0975 05/22/1990 10 01 C650 CHARRON, GEORGE A.; DEATH
0975 05/22/1990 10 01 H543 HAMILTON, MARION L.; DEATH
0975 05/22/1990 10 01 J624 JERSLIN, MARY; DEATH
0975 05/22/1990 10 02 M242 MCLAUGHLIN, DR. CHARLES W.; DEATH

0975 05/22/1990 10 02 N140 NEPPL, WILBUR J.; DEATH
0975 05/22/1990 10 02 O520 OWENS, NELSON E.; DEATH
0975 05/22/1990 10 02 P362 PETERSON, RAYMOND C.; DEATH
0975 05/22/1990 10 02 R000 REA, WILLIAM J.; DEATH
0975 05/22/1990 10 03 R340 ROETTELE, JOHN F.; DEATH

0975 05/22/1990 10 03 S550 SEAMAN, VERNON H.; DEATH
0975 05/22/1990 10 03 T610 TRIPP, CLARA V.; DEATH
0975 05/22/1990 10 03 W160 WEVER, GENE A.; DEATH
0975 05/22/1990 10 03 W300 WHITE, JERRY E.; DEATH
0975 05/23/1990 12 01 A425 ALEXANDER, EVANGLEE; DEATH

0975 05/23/1990 12 01 A456 ALMER, DR. LENNART E.; DEATH
0975 05/23/1990 12 01 A536 ANDERSON, HARRY R.; DEATH
0975 05/23/1990 12 01 B640 BURRIELL, FLORIE; DEATH
0975 05/23/1990 12 01 C650 CAIRNEY, ROBERT; DEATH
0975 05/23/1990 12 01 C622 CHRISWISSER, ROY M.; DEATH

0975 05/23/1990 12 01 D450 DOLAN, ROBERT L.; DEATH
0975 05/23/1990 12 01 F400 FOLEY, CHARLES J.; DEATH
0975 05/23/1990 12 01 H525 HANSEN, C. W.; DEATH
0975 05/23/1990 12 02 H300 HIATT, GOLDIE M.; DEATH
0975 05/23/1990 12 02 N425 NELSON, ROBERT LEE; DEATH

0975 05/23/1990 12 02 S530 SINNOTT, DAVID V.; DEATH
0975 05/23/1990 12 02 S315 STEPANEK, J. MAURINE; DEATH
0975 05/23/1990 12 02 S354 STIMMEL, EVERETT W.; DEATH
0975 05/23/1990 12 02 T520 TONGE, DOROTHY; DEATH
0975 05/23/1990 12 03 T400 TOOLEY-HAYES, DELORES M.; DEATH

0975 05/23/1990 12 03 W630 WARD, IRVIN E.; DEATH
0975 05/23/1990 12 03 W300 WHITE, BOB; DEATH
0975 05/23/1990 12 03 W300 WHITE, JAMES L.; DEATH
0975 05/23/1990 12 03 W452 WILLIAMS, HENRY C.; DEATH
0975 05/24/1990 16 01 B522 BANKES, MARGARET M.; DEATH

0975 05/24/1990 16 01 C200 CASE, HELEN M.; DEATH
0975 05/24/1990 16 01 G432 GOLDSTEN, HERBERT; DEATH
0975 05/24/1990 16 02 H620 HARRIS, DORIS W.; DEATH
0975 05/24/1990 16 02 J525 JOHNSON, JOSEPH D.; DEATH
0975 05/24/1990 16 02 K400 KELLY, ELIZABETH W.; DEATH

0975 05/24/1990 16 02 M626 MERCURIO, NATE F.; DEATH
0975 05/24/1990 16 02 O263 OGAARD, C. SHIRLEY; DEATH
0975 05/24/1990 16 02 P426 PLEUGER, CAROLINE M.; DEATH
0975 05/24/1990 16 03 V525 VINSON, BEULAH J.; DEATH
0975 05/24/1990 16 03 W452 WILLIAMS, HAROLD W.; DEATH

0975 05/24/1990 16 03 W452 WILLIAMS, VIRGIL A.; DEATH
0975 05/25/1990 16 01 A536 ANDERSON, RAYMOND D., SR.; DEATH
0975 05/25/1990 16 01 B624 BARCLAY, BILLY F.; DEATH
0975 05/25/1990 16 01 B350 BEAUDIN, RALPH W.; DEATH
0975 05/25/1990 16 01 C650 CHERION, JOHN; DEATH

0975 05/25/1990 16 01 F500 FEENEY, MARY BETH; DEATH
0975 05/25/1990 16 01 F430 FLOOD, LAWRENCE E.; DEATH
0975 05/25/1990 16 01 H450 HOLM, E. RICHARD; DEATH
0975 05/25/1990 16 01 J200 JASA, GEORGE J.; DEATH
0975 05/25/1990 16 01 K120 KAPPIUS, CHARLES H.; DEATH

0975 05/25/1990 16 02 K426 KILKER, JARED F.; DEATH
0975 05/25/1990 16 02 L524 LINCOLN, KAREN W.; DEATH
0975 05/25/1990 16 02 P362 PETERS, THOMAS A.; DEATH
0975 05/25/1990 16 02 P400 PYLE, JACK A.; DEATH
0975 05/25/1990 16 02 R360 ROETHER, EMILLE; DEATH

0975 05/25/1990 16 03 S163 SEIVERT, HELEN; DEATH
0975 05/25/1990 16 03 V525 VAN HOUSEN, FRED S.; DEATH
0975 05/25/1990 16 03 V525 VINSON, BEULAH J.; DEATH
0975 05/25/1990 16 03 W355 WIEDEMAN, WILLIAM C.; DEATH
0975 05/26/1990 34 01 B626 BARKHURST, ARTEMER W.; DEATH

0975 05/26/1990 34 01 D120 DE BUSE, FELIX V.; DEATH
0975 05/26/1990 34 01 G500 GANN, KEITH A.; DEATH
0975 05/26/1990 34 01 G200 GOSCH, FRED C.; DEATH
0975 05/26/1990 34 02 G641 GRAALFS, RAYMOND L.; DEATH
0975 05/26/1990 34 02 M635 MARTIN, MARYON R.; DEATH

0975 05/26/1990 34 02 M624 MERKLEY, DER, SR.; DEATH
0975 05/26/1990 34 02 O540 O'NEAL, KARLIN J.; DEATH
0975 05/26/1990 34 02 T616 TRAPEUR, SEAN D.; DEATH
0975 05/27/1990 2B 01 B435 BALDWIN, DARRALL; DEATH
0975 05/27/1990 2B 01 B624 BRAZELTON, C. J.; DEATH

0975 05/27/1990 2B 01 D140 DUPLE, CHARLES H.; DEATH
0975 05/27/1990 2B 01 F462 FLORES, LES LYNN; DEATH
0975 05/27/1990 2B 01 F630 FRADY, JOHN RANDLE; DEATH
0975 05/27/1990 2B 01 H420 HILLS, LEON CORNING; DEATH
0975 05/27/1990 2B 01 H625 HOURIGAN, ROSE L.; DEATH

0975 05/27/1990 2B 01 H434 HUELTELMAIER, EVELYN; DEATH
0975 05/27/1990 2B 01 L535 LINDMEIR, WALTER OL; DEATH
0975 05/27/1990 2B 01 L250 LOCKIN, JEAN CALDWELL; DEATH
0975 05/27/1990 2B 01 M460 MILLER, HAROLD A.; DEATH
0975 05/27/1990 2B 01 O416 OLIVER, HUGH A., SR.; DEATH

0975 05/27/1990 2B 02 O650 ORME, HILDA E.; DEATH
0975 05/27/1990 2B 02 P130 PEABODY, DORIS R.; DEATH
0975 05/27/1990 2B 02 R534 RANDALL, FRANCIS; DEATH
0975 05/27/1990 2B 02 R000 REEH, ALFRED; DEATH
0975 05/27/1990 2B 02 S655 SHERMAN, AVERILL; DEATH

0975 05/27/1990 2B 02 S552 SIMMONS, DOROTHY H.; DEATH
0975 05/27/1990 2B 02 S165 SPRINGER, RICHARD A.; DEATH
0975 05/28/1990 10 01 C500 CHENEY, CHRISTOPHER C.; DEATH
0975 05/28/1990 10 01 C420 CLOUSE, MARY C.; DEATH
0975 05/28/1990 10 01 E262 EGGERS, ROSE C.; DEATH

0975 05/28/1990 10 01 G653 GARNETT, HUBERT E.; DEATH
0975 05/28/1990 10 01 G456 GILMOUR, LOIS; DEATH
0975 05/28/1990 10 02 K623 KERSTEN, MARY ELLEN; DEATH
0975 05/28/1990 10 02 K160 KOPERA, BILL L.; DEATH
0975 05/28/1990 10 02 M256 MAIZNER, CLAUS J.; DEATH

0975 05/28/1990 10 02 N242 NICHOLS, JOHN P.; DEATH
0975 05/28/1990 10 03 P620 PRICE, HILDA P.; DEATH
0975 05/28/1990 10 03 R262 ROGERS, DERALD D.; DEATH
0975 05/28/1990 10 03 S514 SCHOENFELDT, DOROTHY L.; DEATH
0975 05/28/1990 10 03 T400 TOELLE, LOUIS H.; DEATH

0975 05/29/1990 10 01 D164 DEBRULER, FORREST ALDEN; DEATH
0975 05/29/1990 10 01 G142 GAVILSKY, EVE A.; DEATH
0975 05/29/1990 10 01 G536 GUNDERSON, ETHEL; DEATH
0975 05/29/1990 10 01 K410 KOLB, ROBERT O.; DEATH
0975 05/29/1990 10 02 T616 TREIBER, ERMA G.; DEATH

0975 05/29/1990 10 03 W252 WIGGINS, ROBERT B.; DEATH
0975 05/29/1990 10 03 W526 WINGER, INEZ B.; DEATH
0975 05/30/1990 12 01 B400 BEAL, FLORENCE B.; DEATH
0975 05/30/1990 12 01 B623 BURRIGHT, FERN; DEATH
0975 05/30/1990 12 01 C340 CAUDILL, HAROLD F.; DEATH

0975 05/30/1990 12 01 C425 CLAUSEN, GORDON D.; DEATH
0975 05/30/1990 12 01 C512 COMBS, JOSEPH C.; DEATH
0975 05/30/1990 12 01 K620 KIERSCH, EDNA; DEATH
0975 05/30/1990 12 01 L520 LANG, JIM; DEATH
0975 05/30/1990 12 01 M235 MACDONALD, RUDOLPH E.; DEATH

0975 05/30/1990 12 02 P655 PEARMAN, DONALD KEITH; DEATH
0975 05/30/1990 12 02 S636 SCHROEDER, RODGER P.; DEATH
0975 05/30/1990 12 02 W622 WORACEK, KATHLEEN ANN; DEATH
0975 05/31/1990 18 01 A450 ALLEN, ALFRED T.; DEATH
0975 05/31/1990 18 01 B232 BEZDEK, BARBARA; DEATH

0975 05/31/1990 18 01 C120 CAPPS, HOLDEN FRANCIS; DEATH
0975 05/31/1990 18 01 C655 CRONIN, LARRY J.; DEATH
0975 05/31/1990 18 01 D620 DORRIS, WILLIE; DEATH
0975 05/31/1990 18 01 F623 FORREST, DR. RUSSELL A.; DEATH
0975 05/31/1990 18 01 H415 HALPENNY, RICHARD J.; DEATH

0975 05/31/1990 18 02 H565 HANRAHAN, FR. JOSEPH B.; DEATH
0975 06/08/1990 18 02 W000 WIE-SEL, HAROLD F.; DEATH
0975 06/08/1990 18 02 W240 WIESEL, HAROLD F.; DEATH
0975 06/27/1990 16 01 A425 ALESSANDRO, FRANCES; DEATH
0975 06/27/1990 16 01 A425 ALEXANDER, FRANCES; DEATH

0975 02/20/1993 Watson, Richard Barnum; DN; Omaha; Age 78
0975 02/20/1993 Blodgett, Thomas; DN; Omaha; Age 89 Coescent, IA
0975 02/20/1993 Buttice, Louis; DN; Bellevue; Age 71 Wife- Dorothy
0975 02/20/1993 Byrn, Jack S.; DN; Omaha; Age 79 Wife- Mildred
0975 02/20/1993 Carfield, Jason Michael; DN; Omaha; Age 1 Parents- Jeff and Caroline

0975 02/20/1993 Miller, Robert G.; DN; Omaha; Age 97
0975 02/20/1993 Pistillo, Shirley; DN; Omaha; Age 58 Husband- Dominic
0975 02/20/1993 Prill, Libbie; DN; Omaha; Age 73 Husband- Bernard
0975 02/20/1993 Reider, Claudia K.; DN; Omaha; Age 41 Husband- Darwin
0975 02/20/1993 Satterfield, Ruth E.; DN; Douglas; Age 74

0975 02/20/1993 Schneider, Helen C.; DN; Gretna; Age 67 Husband- Harold
0975 02/20/1993 Schoville, Jack T.; DN; Bellevue; Age 48
0975 02/20/1993 Trumble, Margaret (McGonigal); DN; Omaha; Age 88
0975 02/20/1993 Weist, Eunice Marie (East); DN; Omaha; Age 78 Husband- Leonard
0975 02/21/1993 Aldrich, George V.; DN; Omaha; Age 57

0975 02/21/1993 Austin, Phyllis C.; DN; Omaha; Age 69 Husband- Edgar
0975 02/21/1993 Beck, Emma L.; DN; Omaha; Age 90
0975 02/21/1993 Brandenburgh, Richard O.; DN; Fremount; Age 69 Wife- Marienes
0975 02/21/1993 Buttice, Louis; DN; Bellevue; Age 71 Wife- Dorothy
0975 02/21/1993 Conti, Stella; DN; Omaha; Age 88 Husband- Viscardo

0975 02/21/1993 Cummings, Rudolph H. (Rudy); DN; Omaha; Age 66 Wife- Marie
0975 02/21/1993 Dedinas, Bruno J.; DN; Omaha; Age 74 Wife- Jane
0975 02/21/1993 Dietze, Gladys M.; DN; Gretna; Age 87
0975 02/21/1993 Dixon, Trauis E.; DN; Omaha; Age 83
0975 02/21/1993 Emanuel, Barbara G.; DN; North Bend; Age 89

0975 02/21/1993 Granger, Ann B.; DN; Omaha; Age 71
0975 02/21/1993 Hineline, Mary; DN; Schuyler; Age 91
0975 02/21/1993 Johnson, Agnes; DN; Pender; Age 78
0975 02/22/1993 Lloyd, Naomi Irene; DN; Omaha; Age 58 Husband- Milton Oak Ridge, TN
0975 02/22/1993 Marsicek, Clara; DN; Omaha; Age 83

0975 02/22/1993 Mead, Gertrude; DN; Omaha; Age 87 Glenwood, IA
0975 02/22/1993 Metcalf, Margaret A.; DN; Omaha; Age ? of LaMesa, CA Husband- Maylon
0975 02/22/1993 Morris, Floyd D.; DN; Omaha; Age 67 Wife- Bertie Lou
0975 02/22/1993 Ostrander, Minnie Pearle; DN; Omaha; Age 79 Husband- Parker
0975 02/22/1993 Postill, Larry E.; DN; Omaha; Age 51 Wife- Denise

0975 02/22/1993 Rea, George (Pat); DN; Omaha; Age 56 Carter Lake, IA
0975 02/22/1993 Siemers, Jeanette I.; DN; Omaha; Age 43
0975 02/22/1993 Townsend, Wilbur B.; DN; Omaha; Age 64 Council Bluffs, IA
0975 02/22/1993 Vinal, Richard P.; DN; Omaha; Age 74 Wife- Dorothy
0975 02/22/1993 Carlberg, Sharon (Mrs.Don); DN; Omaha; Age 54 Glenwood, IA

0975 02/22/1993 Czerwinski, John C.; DN; Omaha; Age 81 Wife- Helen
0975 02/22/1993 Duncan- Easter, Darlene; DN; Scribner; Age 56
0975 02/23/1993 Epstein, Morris; DN; Omaha; Age 102
0975 02/21/1993 Neilsen, Harold J.; DN; Omaha; Age 76 Council Bluffs, IA
0975 02/21/1993 Packard, Randall E.; DN; Omaha; Age 75 Wife- Margaret

0975 02/21/1993 Tarbox, Agatha C.; DN; Omaha; Age 77
0975 02/21/1993 Votava, Mary; DN; Valparaiso; Age 95
0975 02/21/1993 Weber, Helen C.; DN; Omaha; Age 76
0975 02/22/1993 Caskey, Herman D.; DN; Omaha; Age 86
0975 02/22/1993 Conine, Edwin S.; DN; Omaha; Age 62 Wife- Susan

0975 02/22/1993 Douglas, Ellen C.; DN; Omaha; Age ? Husband- John
0975 02/22/1993 Doyel, Gary; DN; Omaha; Age 46 Glenwood, IA
0975 02/22/1993 Epstein, Morris; DN; Omaha; Age 102
0975 02/22/1993 Gardner, Robert D. Sr.; DN; Omaha; Age 55 Wife- Betty Council Bluffs, IA
0975 02/22/1993 Hansen, Laura Drucilla; DN; Omaha; Age 89

0975 02/22/1993 Howman, Cleo M.; DN; Tekamah; Age 87 Husband- Harold
0975 02/22/1993 Hughes, Floyd J.; DN; Omaha; Age 90 Wife- Elizabeth
0975 02/22/1993 Langhorst, Henry C.; DN; Howells; Age 96
0975 02/25/1993 Murray, Michael Melvin; DN; Omaha; Age 45 THurman, IA
0975 02/25/1993 Otterberg, Marian H.; DN; Omaha; Age 75

0975 02/26/1993 Bouer, Iva M.; DN; Fremount; Age 86
0975 02/26/1993 Brothers, Betty A.; DN; Omaha; Age 67 Missouri Valley, IA
0975 02/26/1993 Digilio, Anthony (Tony); DN; Omaha; Age 83
0975 02/26/1993 Donehoo, Mayme K.; DN; Omaha; Age 80
0975 02/26/1993 Ellsworth, Arthur; DN; Franklin; Age 83 Wife- Lois

0975 02/26/1993 Essink, Judith Y.; DN; Omaha; Age 43 Husband- Dick
0975 02/26/1993 Harrison, Marguritte; DN; Omaha; Age 84
0975 02/26/1993 Jetter, Howard H.; DN; Omaha; Age 73 Wife- Alice
0975 02/26/1993 Salavec, Johnny; DN; Omaha; Age 71 San Diego, CA
0975 02/26/1993 Sempek Mary E. (Sinnott); DN; Omaha; Age 83

0975 02/26/1993 Strasheim, Lorraine Annette; DN; Lincoln; Age 63
0975 02/26/1993 Tornkvist, Dora L.; DN; Omaha; Age 88 Modale, IA
0975 02/26/1993 Wagner, Emil J.; DN; Dodge; Age 98
0975 02/26/1993 Wells, Doris J.; DN; Lincoln; Age 80
0975 02/27/1993 Bruhn, Anna; DN; Omaha; Age 92

0975 02/27/1993 Colligan, Leo W.; DN; Omaha; Age 85 Chicago
0975 02/27/1993 Edman, Hazel; DN; Omaha; Age 98
0975 02/27/1993 Grooms, Max W.; DN; Omaha; Age 61
0975 02/27/1993 Gruhn, James E. Jr.; DN; Omaha; Age 21
0975 02/27/1993 Hahn, Ruth; DN; Omaha; Age 90

0975 02/27/1993 Hope, Hattie (Laux); DN; Omaha; Age 96
0975 02/27/1993 Mains, Harold D.; DN; Omaha; Age 62 Gold Beach, OR
0975 02/27/1993 Miller, Kentner A.; DN; North Platte; Age 64
0975 02/27/1993 Moody, Clyde F.; DN; Omaha; Age 86
0975 02/27/1993 Reisis, Emma; DN; Omaha; Age 89

0975 02/27/1993 Zaniboni, Robert J.; DN; Papillion; Age 51
0975 02/28/1993 Berger, Genevieve M.; DN; Omaha; Age 84
0975 02/28/1993 Burchard, Marguerite Bickler; DN; Omaha; Age ?
0975 05/07/1993 Joseph, Lois; DN; Omaha; Age 71
0975 05/07/1993 Rodenburg, Elnora K.; DN; Omaha; Age 90

0975 05/07/1993 Swanson, Charles G.; DN; Omaha; Age 83
0975 05/08/1993 Alvarez, Jose Joel; DN; Omaha; Age 39
0975 05/08/1993 Chism, Daisy I.; DN; Papillion; Age 86
0975 05/08/1993 Costello, Donald E. (Ed); DN; Omaha; Age 59
0975 05/08/1993 Dietz, Eugene Ike; DN; Blair; Age 83

0975 05/08/1993 Hardegen, Delores L.; DN; Omaha; Age 69
0975 05/08/1993 Huibregtse, Sarah M.; DN; Omaha; Age 92
0975 05/08/1993 Kennedy, Edna Ann; DN; Omaha; Age ? of Fairfax, VA
0975 05/08/1993 McDowell, Percy T.; DN; Omaha; Age ?
0975 05/08/1993 Noah, Jack C.; DN; Omaha; Age 18

0975 05/08/1993 Nolan, Page E.; DN; Omaha; Age 68
0975 05/08/1993 Policky, James; DN; Omaha; Age 85
0975 05/09/1993 Axt, Marvin L.; DN; Plattsmouth; Age 62
0975 05/09/1993 Cannella, Thomas C.; DN; Omaha; Age 73
0975 05/09/1993 Cremeens, Robert P.; DN; Omaha; Age 63

0975 05/09/1993 Ervin, Shirley J.; DN; Omaha; Age 49
0975 05/09/1993 Filbert, Sarah L.; DN; Omaha; Age 90
0975 05/09/1993 Goss, Darrell L. (Lee); DN; Omaha; Age 41 Council Bluffs, IA
0975 05/09/1993 Hudson, Billy H.; DN; Omaha; Age 32
0975 02/09/1993 Jones, John W.; DN; Omaha; Age 96

0975 05/09/1993 Karmann, James W.; DN; Decatur; Age 73
0975 05/09/1993 Lee, Clara M.; DN; Omaha; Age 64
0975 05/09/1993 Mclaughlin, Cheryl (Uland); DN; Elmwood; Age 31
0975 05/09/1993 Negrete, Peter; DN; Omaha; Age 65
0975 05/09/1993 Parks, Mary C. (Neal); DN; Omaha; Age 84

0975 05/09/1993 Towey, Tharen P.; DN; Omaha; Age 67
0975 05/09/1993 Westmore, Lesta M.; DN; Lincoln; Age 57
0975 02/09/1993 Conboy, Thomas P.; DN; Omaha; Age 30
0975 05/06/1993 Sutton, Michael G.; DN; Omaha; Age 38 of Houston, TX
0975 05/06/1993 Waechter, Theodor Richard; DN; Omaha; Age 68

0975 05/06/1993 Widener, Howard B.; DN; Tekaimah; Age 85
0975 05/06/1993 Wilaus, Howard; DN; Ithaca; Age 95
0975 05/07/1993 Arigo, August J.; DN; Omaha; Age 55 Council Bluffs, IA
0975 05/07/1993 Carneys Harold S.; DN; Grand Island; Age 83
0975 05/07/1993 Clark, Marlene Elora; DN; Omaha; Age 47 of Boring, OR

0975 05/07/1993 Collier, Clamaal Lae Juan; DN; Omaha; Age 1 month
0975 05/07/1993 Dufek, Frank C.; DN; Omaha; Age 77
0975 05/07/1993 Ellis, Helen; DN; Valley; Age 91
0975 05/07/1993 Graham, Robert L.; DN; Omaha; Age 74 Glenwood, IA
0975 05/07/1993 Gray, Edward J.; DN; Bennington; Age 53 of Palmdale, CA

0975 05/07/1993 Huibregtse, Sarah M.; DN; Omaha; Age 93
0975 05/07/1993 Hunt, Harriet Newton; DN; Omaha; Age 89
0975 05/07/1993 Johnson, Ed S.; DN; Omaha; Age 59
0975 05/05/1993 Jackson, George W.; DN; Omaha; Age 85 Council Bluffs, IA
0975 05/05/1993 Norton, Wauneta; DN; Omaha; Age 77 Marieta, GA

0975 05/05/1993 Pidwirnyi, Stefan; DN; Omaha; Age 72
0975 05/05/1993 Schaale, Richard D.; DN; Omaha; Age 67
0975 05/05/1993 Sokol, Michael (Ben); DN; Omaha; Age 69 St. Petersburg, FL
0975 02/05/1993 Stock, Arlo R.; DN; Murdock; Age 68
0975 05/06/1993 Acuff, Carl E.; DN; Omaha; Age 80 Council Bluffs, IA

0975 02/06/1993 Carlin, Vincent E.; DN; Omaha; Age 70
0975 05/06/1993 Greer, Alma M. (John); DN; Omaha; Age 74
0975 02/06/1993 Hradsky, Stanley J.; DN; Omaha; Age 69
0975 05/06/1993 Lenczowski, Mary D.; DN; Omaha; Age 78
0975 05/06/1993 Miller, Edward W.; DN; Omaha; Age 70

0975 05/06/1993 Olson, Margie M.; DN; Omaha; Age 68
0975 05/06/1993 Ranslem, Betty J.; DN; Omaha; Age 75
0975 05/06/1993 Smith, Ethel W.; DN; Omaha; Age 77
0975 02/03/1993 Drexel, Antoinette; DN; Omaha; Age 90
0975 05/03/1993 0 Fickler, Fred; DN; Plattsmounth; Age 87

0975 05/03/1993 Fleishman, Dr. Max; DN; Omaha; Age ?
0975 05/03/1993 0 Jahn, Gloria A.; DN; Omaha; Age 66
0975 02/03/1993 Jones, Eddie Lee; DN; Omaha; Age 65
0975 05/03/1993 Noah, Jessica Ann; DN; Elkhorn; Age 6 months Parents- Jerry and Crystal
0975 05/03/1993 Shellenbarger, Michael E.; DN; Omaha; Age 55 Eugene, OR

0975 05/03/1993 Yates, Rodney; DN; Omaha; Age 24 Council Bluffs, IA
0975 05/04/1993 Andre, Thelma E.; DN; Omaha; Age 90 Titusville, FL
0975 05/04/1993 Bercaw, Mary L.; DN; Omaha; Age 80
0975 05/04/1993 Blessie, Antoinette (Toni); DN; Omaha; Age 89
0975 05/04/1993 Nordhues, Francis A. (Frank); DN; Omaha; Age 72

0975 05/04/1993 0 Siemek, Daniel C.; DN; Omaha; Age 64
0975 05/05/1993 Bartels, Magdalene P.; DN; Omaha; Age 90
0975 05/05/1993 Brown, Jannie Mae; DN; Omaha; Age 46
0975 03/01/1993 Smith, Loretta M. (Liebentrim); DN; Omaha; Age 78
0975 03/01/1993 Todd, Emma; DN; Waterloo; Age 94

0975 03/01/1993 Wichert, Frederick F.; DN; Omaha; Age 69
0975 03/02/1993 Bird, Frances Marcello; DN; Omaha; Age 74
0975 03/02/1993 Conner, Muriel B.; DN; Omaha; Age 83
0975 03/02/1993 Gamblin, Gale G.; DN; Omaha; Age 68
0975 03/02/1993 Gochenour, Willard J.; DN; Plattsmouth; Age 60

0975 03/02/1993 Gooch, G. Amsden; DN; Lincoln; Age 87 of Baltimore, MD
0975 03/02/1993 Javorsky, Mary C.; DN; Omaha; Age 83
0975 03/02/1993 Lecuona, Fernando Jr.; DN; Omaha; Age 65
0975 03/02/1993 Masloski, Dorathea R.; DN; Omaha; Age 81
0975 03/02/1993 Nabel, Otto E.; DN; Omaha; Age 85

0975 03/02/1993 Wiggans, Barbara E.; DN; Ralston; Age 62
0975 03/03/1993 Circo, Sebastina R.; DN; Omaha; Age 76
0975 03/03/1993 Conner, Muriel B.; DN; Omaha; Age 83
0975 03/02/1993 Rugeley, Daniel L.; DN; Omaha; Age 46
0975 03/02/1993 Shannon, Elaine; DN; Omaha; Age 72

0975 03/02/1993 Taute, Sidney L.; DN; Cedar Creek; Age 61
0975 05/02/1993 Wiegand, Ronald L.; DN; Petersburg; Age 51
0975 03/02/1993 Woodcook, Frederick J.; DN; Omaha; Age 80 Topeka, KS
0975 03/03/1993 Cornelius, Pearl M.; DN; Omaha; Age 93
0975 05/03/1993 Dowty, Jesse A.; DN; La Vista; Age 71

0975 03/03/1993 Jablonski, Chester; DN; Omaha; Age 70
0975 03/03/1993 Johnson, Robert C.; DN; Omaha; Age 76
0975 03/02/1993 Larimore, Bertha P.; DN; Plattsmouth; Age 93
0975 02/28/1993 0 Sorenson, Twila I.; DN; Omaha; Age 64
0975 02/28/1993 Stickney, Lowell F. (Bud); DN; Omaha; Age 66

0975 02/28/1993 Thoamas, Lois L.; DN; Omaha; Age 41 Husband- Michael
0975 02/28/1993 Uhl, Mary C.; DN; Omaha; Age 92
0975 02/28/1993 Wiggans, Barbara E.; DN; Ralston; Age 62
0975 03/01/1993 Cook, Beatrice E.; DN; Omaha; Age 75
0975 03/01/1993 Donahue, Philowena; DN; Omaha; Age 89

0975 03/01/1993 Findley, Jean; DN; Valley; Age 80
0975 03/01/1993 Halgard, Kathryn C. (Fritz); DN; Omaha; Age 80
0975 03/01/1993 Krupa, Sophia M.; DN; Omaha; Age ?
0975 03/01/1993 McDermott, Sr. Mary Theresa Marie; DN; Omaha; Age ?
0975 03/01/1993 Monahana, Blanche A.; DN; Omaha; Age 67

0975 03/01/1993 Murphy, John P.; DN; Omaha; Age 77
0975 03/01/1993 Peters, Charles R.; DN; Omaha; Age 78 Council Bluffs, IA
0975 03/01/1993 Simmons, Fred Jr.; DN; Omaha; Age 72
0975 02/28/1993 Clark, Jack; DN; Seward; Age 77 Wife- Henritetta
0975 02/28/1993 Gregg, Bernard George; DN; Belleuve; Age 83

0975 03/28/1993 Hansen, Dagmar; DN; Omaha; Age 91
0975 03/28/1993 Hansen, Dorothy A.; DN; Omaha; Age 68
0975 03/28/1993 Hoover, Allan L.; DN; Omaha; Age 78
0975 02/28/1993 Hoover, Allan L.; DN; Omaha; Age 78
0975 02/28/1993 Johnson, Louise F.; DN; Omaha; Age 81 Husband- Elmer

0975 02/28/1993 Joranson, Dr. Robert E.; DN; Omaha; Age 74
0975 02/28/1993 Kadavy, John J.; DN; Omaha; Age 75
0975 02/28/1993 Sabatka, Gabriela M.; DN; Omaha; Age 98
0975 02/28/1993 Schamp, Nora; DN; Omaha; Age 77
0975 02/28/1993 Kilker, Carl J.; DN; Omaha; Age 92

0975 02/28/1993 Marguiss, Johanna A.; DN; Omaha; Age 52
0975 02/28/1993 McGonigle, Roberta D.; DN; Omaha; Age 71
0975 02/28/1993 Peloguin, Mike; DN; Omaha; Age 39
0975 02/28/1993 Rogers, Kathryn B.; DN; Columbus; Age 86
0975 05/03/1993 Matcha, Arthur (Sonny); DN; Omaha; Age 57

0975 05/10/1993 Filbert, Sarah L.; DN; Omaha; Age 90
0975 05/10/1993 Goss, Darrell L. (Lee); DN; Omaha; Age 41 Council Bluffs, IA
0975 05/10/1993 Hannum, Clement E.; DN; Omaha; Age 88
0975 05/10/1993 Hudson, Billy H.; DN; Omaha; Age 32
0975 05/10/1993 James, Lloyd (Red); DN; Bellevue; Age 77

0975 05/10/1993 Jones, John W.; DN; Omaha; Age 96
0975 05/10/1993 Lee, Clara M.; DN; Omaha; Age 64
0975 05/10/1993 Parks, Mary C. (Neal); DN; Omaha; Age 84
0975 05/10/1993 Pestal, Melville J.; DN; Wahoo; Age 90
0975 05/10/1993 Pierson, Charles Lynne; DN; Omaha; Age 85 Rio Rancho, NM

0975 05/11/1993 Armstrong, Elizabeth Combs; DN; Omaha; Age 86
0975 05/11/1993 Benson, Howard H.; DN; Omaha; Age 81
0975 05/11/1993 Edson, Grayce M.; DN; Omaha; Age 79
0975 05/11/1993 Ervin, Shirley J.; DN; Omaha; Age 49
0975 05/11/1993 Garrett, Virgil De Shawn; DN; Omaha; Age 2

0975 05/11/1993 Hansen, Gerald H.; DN; Omaha; Age 62 of Council Bluffs
0975 05/11/1993 Jones, Maurice D.; DN; Omaha; Age 21
0975 05/11/1993 Leas, Paul J.; DN; Omaha; Age 75
0975 05/11/1993 Nelson, E. Clyne; DN; Omaha; Age 84
0975 05/11/1993 Pellican, Marie; DN; Omaha; Age 82

0975 05/11/1993 Roach, Janaah L.; DN; Omaha; Age 68
0975 05/11/1993 Sengal, Rose; DN; Omaha; Age ? died in N.Y.
0975 05/11/1993 Biermann, Alberta (Leone); DN; Omaha; Age 87
0975 05/12/1993 Knott, Floyd H. Jr.; DN; Omaha; Age 66
0975 05/12/1993 Rief, David Phillip; DN; Omaha; Age 40

0975 05/12/1993 Tobin, John J.; DN; Tekamah; Age 89
0975 05/12/1993 Williams, Nathaniel C.; DN; Omaha; Age 58
0975 05/12/1993 Wright, Joseph Sr.; DN; Omaha; Age 69
0975 05/13/1993 Berghahn, Marie A.; DN; Omaha; Age 56
0975 05/13/1993 Candy, Walter E.; DN; Omaha; Age 84

0975 05/13/1993 Godbey, Gladys M.; DN; Omaha; Age 86
0975 05/13/1993 Gottschalk, William J.; DN; Ralston; Age 87
0975 05/13/1993 Wager, Joseph A.; DN; Ralston; Age 78
0975 05/14/1993 Baker, John J.; DN; Omaha; Age 73
0975 05/14/1993 Beck, Orville L.; DN; Omaha; Age 84

0975 05/14/1993 Bottrell, Kenneth G.; DN; Omaha; Age 69
0975 05/14/1993 Burbrige, Gail E.; DN; Omaha; Age 83 Woodbine, IA
0975 05/14/1993 Chase, Jane; DN; Fremont; Age 72
0975 05/14/1993 Eden, Agnes; DN; Bellevue; Age 89
0975 05/14/1993 Fichna, Henry D. Sr.; DN; Scottsbluff; Age ?

0975 05/14/1993 Foley, John B.; DN; Omaha; Age 71
0975 05/14/1993 Garvey, Sr. Mary Rosalie; DN; Omaha; Age 88
0975 05/14/1993 Gubalke, John B.; DN; Omaha; Age 68
0975 05/14/1993 Hamel, LeRoy M. (Leo); DN; Omaha; Age 72
0975 05/14/1993 Jensen, James F.; DN; Omaha; Age 78

0975 05/14/1993 Kilbane, Edith A.; DN; Omaha; Age 92
0975 05/14/1993 Krantz, Ruth (Somberg); DN; Omaha; Age 72
0975 05/14/1993 Leuck, Patrick J.; DN; Omaha; Age 60
0975 05/14/1993 Lint, Donald C.; DN; Omaha; Age 65
0975 05/14/1993 Madsen, Agnes; DN; Omaha; Age 87

0975 05/14/1993 Meylor, Virginia (Saner); DN; Omaha; Age ? of Long Beach, CA
0975 05/14/1993 Minturn, William J.; DN; Omaha; Age 64
0975 05/14/1993 Pettengill, Clifford (Bud); DN; Omaha; Age 68
0975 05/14/1993 Pullum, Loren A.; DN; Omaha; Age 72
0975 05/14/1993 Rerucha, Richard T.; DN; Omaha; Age 62

0975 05/14/1993 Schaber, Eugene; DN; Omaha; Age 79
0975 05/14/1993 Schallock, Hattio Marie; DN; Omaha; Age 91
0975 05/14/1993 Schmidt, John; DN; Omaha; Age 97
0975 05/14/1993 Stangl, Jane F.; DN; Omaha; Age 54 Neola, IA
0975 05/14/1993 Tobin, John J.; DN; Tekamah; Age 89

0975 05/14/1993 Townley, Floyd D.; DN; Omaha; Age 75
0975 05/14/1993 Turdik, Timothy C.; DN; Omaha; Age 81
0975 05/14/1993 Wiese, Agnes M.; DN; Omaha; Age 84
0975 05/14/1993 Wright, Joseph Sr. (Moon); DN; Omaha; Age 69
0975 05/15/1993 Antis, Clifford C. Sr.; DN; Omaha; Age 73

0975 05/15/1993 Baily, Mae O.; DN; Lincoln; Age 95
0975 05/15/1993 Guild, Caroline Ann; DN; Omaha; Age 40
0975 05/15/1993 Johnson, Willie (Slim); DN; Omaha; Age 65
0975 05/15/1993 Jungquist, John A.; DN; Omaha; Age 86 Council Bluffs, IA
0975 05/15/1993 Katusin, Michael T. (Mike); DN; Omaha; Age 61

0975 05/15/1993 Roberts, Jane; DN; Omaha; Age 52
0975 05/15/1993 Marcelonis, Alice; DN; Omaha; Age 68
0975 05/15/1993 Schneidewind, Kenneth J.; DN; Omaha; Age 78
0975 05/16/1993 Bridges, Esther Smith; DN; Omaha; Age 87
0975 05/16/1993 Danielson, Mary H.; DN; Omaha; Age 85

0975 05/16/1993 Fettes, Juanita S.; DN; Omaha; Age 71
0975 05/16/1993 Gillingwater, Darrell M.; DN; Omaha; Age 80
0975 05/16/1993 Hammilton, Ella S.; DN; Omaha; Age 80
0975 05/16/1993 Hansard, Walter L.; DN; Omaha; Age 68
0975 05/16/1993 Jorgensen, Marvel B.; DN; Omaha; Age ?

0975 05/16/1993 Letovsky, Lillian K. (Billie); DN; Omaha; Age 87
0975 05/16/1993 Marr, Arlene; DN; Omaha; Age 68 Council Bluffs
0975 05/16/1993 McElligott, Madeleine M.; DN; Omaha; Age 91
0975 05/16/1993 McMichael, Raymond; DN; Omaha; Age 73
0975 05/16/1993 Morrison, Marilyn J.; DN; Omaha; Age 53

0975 05/16/1993 Olsen, Irving J.; DN; Omaha; Age 85
0975 05/16/1993 Ort, Anton J.; DN; Omaha; Age 87
0975 05/16/1993 Sautter, George C.; DN; Syracuse; Age 88
0975 05/16/1993 Sides, Shirley L.; DN; Omaha; Age 46
0975 05/16/1993 Thomas, Darrel L.; DN; Omaha; Age 53

0975 05/16/1993 Trauthen, Nellie E.; DN; Omaha; Age 77
0975 05/16/1993 Tuffley, Madeline Ann (Conrad); DN; Omaha; Age 86
0975 05/17/1993 Catterson, James L. Sr.; DN; Omaha; Age 63
0975 05/17/1993 Cudd, George; DN; Omaha; Age 56
0975 05/17/1993 Dawes, Maggie F.; DN; Louisville; Age 94

0975 05/17/1993 Goodell, Donald L.; DN; Omaha; Age 58
0975 05/17/1993 Hamilton, Ella S.; DN; Omaha; Age 80
0975 05/17/1993 Henry, Betty D.; DN; Omaha; Age 79
0975 05/17/1993 Parker, Kelcy; DN; Omaha; Age 87 Glenwood, IA
0975 05/17/1993 Rounds, Robert Sr.; DN; Omaha; Age 72 Elk Horn, IA

0975 05/17/1993 Williams, DaVrell R.C.; DN; Omaha; Age 5 months
0975 05/19/1993 Knowlton, Rachel; DN; Omaha; Age 80
0975 05/19/1993 Peterson, Wilbur G. (Pete); DN; Omaha; Age 73
0975 05/19/1993 Prieto, John A.; DN; Omaha; Age 56
0975 05/26/1996 Osweiler, Phyllis; DN; Omaha; Age 64

0975 05/26/1993 Wilson, LeeRoy G.; DN; Omaha; Age 75
0975 05/27/1993 Ashcraft, Arthur R.; DN; Omaha; Age 72
0975 05/27/1993 Boeding, Edgar L. (Rusty); DN; Omaha; Age 70
0975 05/27/1993 Caron, Archie J.; DN; Omaha; Age 68
0975 05/27/1993 Feser, William J.; DN; Omaha; Age 67

0975 05/27/1993 Henderson, Charles J.; DN; Omaha; Age 74
0975 05/27/1993 Heyle, Wayne E.; DN; Omaha; Age 63
0975 05/27/1993 Jacob, Sherri K.; DN; Omaha; Age 36
0975 05/27/1993 Janda, Dr. Michael L.; DN; Grand Island; Age 45
0975 05/27/1993 Kocsis, George M.; DN; Omaha; Age 56

0975 05/27/1993 Minarink, Bernard J.; DN; Omaha; Age 69
0975 05/27/1993 Mogol, Lewis; DN; Omaha; Age 96
0975 05/27/1993 Pettigrew, Lloyd N.; DN; Elmwood; Age 75
0975 05/27/1993 Szarke, Antone J.; DN; Omaha; Age 73
0975 05/25/1993 Carlson, Carl D.; DN; Omaha; Age 64

0975 05/25/1993 Castiglia, Sam R.; DN; Omaha; Age 75
0975 05/25/1993 Cornwell, James V.; DN; Belgrade; Age 64
0975 05/25/1993 Dorr, Lynn A.; DN; Omaha; Age 52
0975 05/25/1993 Drawbrige, Pete H.; DN; Omaha; Age 79
0975 05/25/1993 Green, Delbert (Brady); DN; Herman; Age 66

9075 05/25/1993 Grove, Lucia M.; DN; Omaha; Age 94
0975 05/25/1993 Kahn, Ruby; DN; Omaha; Age 86
0975 05/25/1993 Kenkel, Dorothy Ann; DN; Omaha; Age 64
0975 05/25/1993 Montmorency, Arthur F.; DN; Omaha; Age 70
0975 05/25/1993 Smith, Jack R.; DN; Wymore; Age 78

0975 05/26/1993 Briley, Jacqueline L.; DN; Omaha; Age 67
0975 05/26/1993 Byers, John F.; DN; Omaha; Age 65
0975 05/26/1993 Griess, Thelma E.; DN; Omaha; Age 77
0975 05/26/1993 Kessler, Velma D.; DN; Omaha; Age 71
0975 05/23/1993 Harland, Earl B. (Ben); DN; Omaha; Age 43

0975 05/23/1993 Julich, Thaddius C.; DN; Omaha; Age 25
0975 05/23/1993 Nelson, Viola M.; DN; Omaha; Age 100
0975 05/23/1993 Paasch, Wilber; DN; Omaha; Age 71
0975 05/23/1993 Pike, Richard R.; DN; Omaha; Age 12
0975 05/23/1993 Pilling, Jeffrey Joseph; DN; Omaha; Age 49

0975 05/23/1993 Sabin, Edna W.; DN; Omaha; Age 100
0975 05/23/1993 Woods, Mary; DN; Omaha; Age 83
0975 05/24/1993 Doyle, Myra M.; DN; Columbus; Age 90
0975 05/24/1993 Harwan, Marilyn J.; DN; Omaha; Age 59
0975 05/24/1993 Heller, Jesse E. (Gene); DN; Omaha; Age 61

0975 05/24/1993 Palmer, Gary B.; DN; Omaha; Age 50
0975 05/24/1993 Wolfe, Grant; DN; Fremont; Age 93
0975 05/25/1993 Anderson, Edna; DN; Ashland; Age 77
0975 05/25/1993 Bolton, Shirley Ann; DN; Plattsmouth; Age 57
0975 05/04/1993 Way, Lawrence; DN; Omaha; Age 71

0975 05/21/1993 Morrissey, Helen; DN; Meade; Age 81
0975 05/21/1993 Ogram, Mary T.; DN; Omaha; Age 87
0975 05/21/1993 Rydberg, Linda L.; DN; Omaha; Age 49
0975 05/21/1993 Sleage, Doris; DN; Omaha; Age 68
0975 05/21/1993 Southworth, William D.; DN; Omaha; Age 60

0975 05/21/1993 Southworth, William D.; DN; Omaha; Age 60
0975 05/21/1993 Steenson, Bettyrose J.; DN; Lincoln; Age 66
0975 05/22/1993 Coffey, Timothy A.; DN; Omaha; Age 86
0975 05/22/1993 Kessler, Velma D.; DN; Omaha; Age 71
0975 05/22/1993 0 Martinson, Earl M.; DN; Omaha; Age 68

0975 05/22/1993 McElroy, Gretchen Y.; DN; Plattsmouth; Age 80
0975 05/22/1993 Smith, Harley H.; DN; Omaha; Age 93
0975 05/22/1993 Ternant, Nancy E. (Wilson); DN; Omaha; Age 52
0975 05/23/1993 Wright, Elaine B.; DN; Omaha; Age 68 of London, England
0975 05/23/1993 Campagna, Joseph Francis (Chicken); DN; Omaha; Age 71

0975 05/23/1993 Costello, Thomas E.; DN; Omaha; Age 54
0975 05/19/1993 Randall, Janet (Knowlton); DN; Omaha; Age 52
0975 05/19/1993 Zarp, Esther; DN; Omaha; Age 92
0975 05/20/1993 Hellman, Richard L.; DN; Omaha; Age 58
0975 05/20/1993 Janicek, Jarmila; DN; Omaha; Age 86

0975 05/20/1993 Luenenborg, Margaret S.; DN; Omaha; Age 95
0975 05/20/1993 Porter, Cora E. (Golden); DN; Omaha; Age 87
0975 05/20/1993 Seitz, Raymond M.; DN; Omaha; Age 78
0975 05/20/1993 Wade, Darrell E. (Ed); DN; La Vista; Age 52
0975 05/20/1993 Wallace, Walter; DN; Omaha; Age 84

0975 05/20/1993 Wittmersehouse, Merlin C.; DN; Fremont; Age 76
0975 05/21/1993 Farka, Laddie J.; DN; Omaha; Age 71
0975 05/21/1993 Frey, Helga M.; DN; Omaha; Age 62
0975 05/21/1993 Hasiak, Mitchel J.; DN; Omaha; Age 74
0975 05/21/1993 0 Kalcik, Emma; DN; Omaha; Age 80

0975 05/21/1993 Keatley, Ella M.; DN; Omaha; Age 91
0975 05/29/1993 Eller, William; DN; David City; Age 76
0975 05/29/1993 Hineline, Roland (John); DN; Blair; Age 75
0975 05/29/1993 Jensen, Elsie M.; DN; Omaha; Age 80
0975 05/29/1993 Larson, Lloyd C.; DN; Louisville; Age 91

0975 05/29/1993 Mapp, Pastor Vera Lee; DN; Omaha; Age 69
0975 05/29/1993 McMahon, Helen A. (Fonfara); DN; Omaha; Age ?
0975 05/29/1993 Nogg, Ernie (I-GO); DN; Omaha; Age 78
0975 05/29/1993 O'briaen Mary E.; DN; Omaha; Age 80
0975 05/29/1993 Redman, Dorothy G.; DN; Omaha; Age ?

0975 05/29/1993 Sederavicius, Agusta; DN; Omaha; Age ?
0975 05/29/1993 Sidiropoulos, Theresa L.; DN; Omaha; Age 31
0975 05/29/1993 Stoll, Helen Barbara; DN; Omaha; Age 70 Harlam, IA
0975 05/30/1993 Bua, Laura L.; DN; Omaha; Age 79
0975 05/30/1993 Dale, Mary E.; DN; Omaha; Age 67

0975 05/30/1993 Ficke, Douglas P.; DN; Omaha; Age 27
0975 05/30/1993 Hollaway, Viola; DN; Omaha; Age ?
0975 05/30/1993 Lettner, John J.; DN; Omaha; Age 82
0975 05/30/1993 Meyo, Daniel M.; DN; Omaha; Age Infant son of Douglas and Michle
0975 05/30/1993 Nigro, Clara M.; DN; Omaha; Age 66

0975 05/30/1993 0 Rasmussen, Paul; DN; Omaha; Age 80
0975 05/30/1993 Wheeler, Georgia; DN; Omaha; Age 75
0975 05/31/1993 Detmer, Eva G.; DN; Omaha; Age 90
0975 05/31/1993 Higgins, Agnes T.; DN; Omaha; Age 87
0975 05/31/1993 Hull, Jerry; DN; Omaha; Age 64 Woodbine, IA

0975 05/31/1993 Phillips, Betty S.; DN; Omaha; Age 64
0975 05/31/1993 Pribramsky, Albert; DN; Omaha; Age 81
0975 05/31/1993 Reynolds, Estella; DN; Cozad; Age 94
0975 05/31/1993 Watkins, Dorothy L.; DN; Omaha; Age 91
0975 05/28/1993 Anderson, Mildred; DN; Omaha; Age 90

0975 05/28/1993 Boggess, Robert J.; DN; Omaha; Age 52
0975 05/28/1993 Chafa, Ray E.; DN; Omaha; Age 68
0975 05/28/1993 Gray, Lizzie Mae; DN; Omaha; Age 71
0975 05/28/1993 Harrop, Russell W.; DN; Omaha; Age 61
0975 05/28/1993 0 Hull, Bill L.; DN; Omaha; Age 70

0975 05/28/1993 Hurlbut, Ronald L.; DN; Ashland; Age 38
0975 05/28/1993 Otte, Robert E.; DN; South Sioux City; Age 61
0975 05/28/1993 Peters, Jeanne; DN; Omaha; Age 68
0975 05/28/1993 Peterson, Loraine; DN; Blair; Age 79
0975 05/28/1993 0 Stoll, Helen Barbara; DN; Omaha; Age 70 Harlan, IA

0975 05/28/1993 Thompson, Gertrude E.; DN; Blair; Age 69
0975 05/29/1993 Adams, Verne M.; DN; Omaha; Age 98
0975 05/29/1993 Anderson, Lilly J.; DN; Blair; Age 85
0975 05/29/1993 Eacker, Clarence C.; DN; Bellevue; Age 80
0975 05/25/1925 Goodfellow, John Q.; abit; Omaha; Age 68 St. Mary Cen.

0975 05/23/1925 Devany, James B.; abit; Council Bluffs, IA; Age 68 St. Mary Cen. Omaha
0975 05/23/1925 Roberts, William A.; abit; Omaha; Age 66 Furial Keepart, Lee
0975 05/23/1925 Lyons, P. Guy; abit; Omaha; Age 49 West Lawn Cem.
0975 05/23/1925 Monica, Rosaris; abit; Omaha; Father= Fred Monica; Age 19 months Holy Sepulebre
0975 05/23/1925 Kramer, Baltaz; abit; Omaha; Age 74 Praspect Hill Cen.

0975 05/23/1925 Hunt, Jacob H.; abit; Omaha; Age 38 West Lawn Cen.
0975 02/23/1925 Brown, Phebe P.; abit; Omaha; Age 82 Mt. Hope Cemetary
0975 10/04/1925 Burns, William R.; Abit; Omaha; Wife Hulu; Age 43 Forese Lawn
0975 05/21/1925 0 Edwards, Pressley; Obit; Blair; Wife Fern; Age 34 St. Francis Catholic Burial Blair
0975 05/21/1925 Wilkinson, Mrs. Lucy; Obit; Blair; Age 85 Blair Cem.

0975 05/21/1925 Beste, John F.; Obit; Vermillion S.D.; Age 73 Heafey and Heafey
0975 05/21/1925 Eshelson, John; Obit; Omaha; Age 55 Forest Lawn
0975 05/21/1925 Bogar, Mr. Margaret; Orbit; Lincoln; Age 72 Hoffman- Crosby
0975 05/21/1925 Blaetus, Rita; Orbit; Omaha; Age Infant Parents- Mr. and Mrs. James Holy Sepulcher
0975 10/23/1933 Teets, Martin H.; Obit; Omaha; Age 71 Forest Lawn

0975 10/23/1933 Vassell, Maybel Hortense; Obit; Omaha; Age 38 Husband Fred Forest Lawn
0975 02/26/1925 Dowling, Jennie E.; Obit; Omaha; Age 50 Husband John Holy Sepulcher
0975 02/25/1925 McVeg, Joseph; Obit; Plattsmouth; Age 72 St. John Church-Plattsmouth
0975 02/25/1925 Gossard, Infant Son; Obit; Omaha; Parents M/M O.J. Gossard Forest Lawn
0975 05/04/1925 Gardipee, Mrs. Mary; Obit; Omaha; Age 83 West Lawn Cem.

0975 05/04/1925 Weeden, Franklin P.; Obit; Omaha; Age 72 Wife- Etta Forest Lawn
0975 05/04/1925 Busey, Harvey E.; Obit; Omaha; Age 62 Forest Lawn
0975 05/04/1925 Morley, Charles A.; Obit; Omaha; Mother Elizabeth Luethje Forest Lawn
0975 05/04/1925 Crew, J.D.; Obit; Omaha; Age 57 West Lawn
0975 05/04/1925 Brown, Mrs. Lulu K.; Obit; Omaha; First Cong. Church Burket Chapel

0975 05/04/1925 Jensen, Charles H.J.; Obit; Brooklyn N.Y.; Sent to New York from Burket Chapel
0975 06/01/1925 Dougherty, Mary; Obit; Omaha; Age 50 Husband B.A. Forest Lawn
0975 06/01/1925 Juckniess, Daniel; Obit; Omaha; Age 80 Graceland Park Cem.
0975 06/01/1925 Daugherty, Mrs. Clara; Obit; Omaha; Age 49 Forest Lawn
0975 10/14/1925 Wolf, Catherine; Obit; North Bord NE; Leslie O. Moare Funeral Home

0975 10/14/1925 Upton, George; Obit; Omaha; Lesliem O. Moare Funeral Home
0975 05/09/1925 Mair, Gracel; Obit; Omaha; Mrs. James A.; Leslie O. Moare Funeral Home Buried Logan, Down
0975 05/09/1925 Guthride, George F.; Obit; Waterville KS; West Lawn Cem. Omaha
0975 10/09/1925 Fucinaro, Rosario, Mrs.; Obit; Ralston, NE; Age 38 St. Mary Cem.
0975 01/24/1925 Koenig, A.H., Dr.; Obit; Omaha; Age 44 Forest Lawn

0975 01/24/1925 Skinner, Belle; Obit; Omaha; Mrs. Ches. E. Age 53 Forest Lawn
0975 01/24/1925 Batterton, Thomas; Obit; Omaha; Age 72 Prospect Hill Cem.
0975 01/24/1925 Congdon, Isaac E.; Obit; Omaha; Age 68 Burket Chapel
0975 01/23/1925 Ferrell, Fannie Jane; Eastern Star, Dna Chapter; Obit; Polson, Mount.; Mt. Hope Cem. Omaha
0975 01/23/1925 Klossner, Justine, Mrs.; Obit; Omaha; Age 69 Holy Sepulcbre

0975 01/23/1925 Reum, Ida J.; Obit; Omaha; Age 79 Burial: Forest Lawn
0975 01/23/1925 Reinhardt, Mollie; Obit; Omaha; Age 59 Forest Lawn
0975 01/19/1925 Valentine, Ralph C.; Obit; Omaha; Forest Lawn
0975 01/19/1925 Foley, Johanne, Mrs.; Obit; Omaha; Age 73 St. Mary Cem.
0975 01/19/1925 Walters, Loist,; Obit; Omaha; Age 84 Forest Lawn Cem.

0975 01/19/1925 Mallett, Loretta Marie; Obit; Omaha; Lau of Beryl W. Mallett; Age 9 months Cale- McKay Mortuery
0975 01/16/1925 Alback, Andrew; Obit; Waterloo; Forest Lawn Cem.
0975 01/09/1925 Pauley, Frilida; Ruth Rebekah Lodge # 1; Obit; Omaha; Mrs. Vincent; Age 52 Springwell Cem.
0975 01/09/1925 Rimmerman, Calvino; Obit; Omaha; Age 34 Forest Lawn
0975 01/09/1925 Spoerri, Robert J.; Obit; Omaha; Age 60 Forest Lawn

0975 01/09/1925 Swartz, Marguret, Mrs.; Obit; Omaha; Mrs. M. J.; Age 54 Holy Sepulchre
0975 01/09/1925 Kunold, Loe, Mrs.; Obit; Omaha; Graceland Park Cem.
0975 01/09/1925 Macmacken, Frances, Mrs.; Obit; Lingie, WYO.; Forest Lawn Cem. Omaha
0975 01/07/1925 Slaven, Charlatte Cecilia; Obit; Omaha; Daughter of Richelieu; Omaha Funeral Home
0975 01/07/1925 Bailey, Gertrude; Obit; Omaha; Age 45 Burial: Blair, NE

0975 01/07/1925 Peterson, Dorothea; Aksarben Lodge # 173; Obit; Omaha;
0975 01/07/1925 Reavio, Mary; Obit; Omaha; Age 20 Forest Lawn Cem.
0975 01/06/1925 Peterson, Darothea, Mrs.; Obit; Council Bluffs, IA; Age 78 Forest Lawn Cem.
0975 01/06/1925 Leary, Mary, Mrs.; Obit; Omaha; Mrs. Jeremiah; St. Mary Cemetery
0975 01/06/1925 Stewart, Mary, Mrs.; Obit; Omaha; Mrs. L.B.; Burial Burlington, Iowa

0975 01/06/1925 Sutton, Goerge, Mrs.; Obit; Omaha; Holy Sepulcbre Cem.
0975 01/05/1925 Johnson, J.P., Mrs.; Obit; Nebraska City, NE; Mrs. J.P.; Springwell Cem, Omaha
0975 01/05/1925 Vandercoy, Mary, Mrs.; Obit; Omaha; Age 65 Holy Sepulcbre
0975 01/05/1925 Herngrew, Mathilda; Obit; Omaha; Age 68 Cole- McKay Maiturary
0975 01/02/1925 Hansen, Andrew; Danish Brotherhood Lodge # 1; Obit; Omaha; Age 80 Forest Lawn Cem.

0975 01/02/1925 Pond, Frank M.; Scottish Rite; Obit; Omaha; Age 51 Cale- McKay Mortuary
0975 11/20/1925 Gerke, Roy; Obit; Council Bluffs, IA; West Lawn Cem. , Omaha
0975 11/20/1925 William, Major Hobert; Obit; omaha; Age 85 Burial, Albion, NY
0975 11/20/1925 Burke, Edmund J.; Obit; Omaha; Age 52 Burial Pender, NE
0975 11/21/1925 Lowe, Huldah E.; Obit; Omaha; Age 80 Mt. Hope Cemetary

0975 11/21/1925 Deerline, Margaret Mrs.; Obit; Papillion; Age 57 Fairview Cem., Papillion
0975 11/21/1925 Rohlff, Henry; Obit; Omaha; Evergreen Cem.
0975 11/19/1925 King, Sarah C. Mrs.; Obit; Council Bluffs, IA;
0975 11/19/1925 Wolf, John P.; Obit; Omaha; Age 45 Graceland Park Cem.
0975 11/19/1925 D'Agosta, Ursala Mrs.; Obit; Omaha; Mrs. Ferno; Age 28 Holy Sepulelre

0975 11/19/1925 Blades, Louise, Mrs.; Obit; Omaha; Mrs. Frank; Age 55 Prospect Hill Cem.
0975 11/19/1925 Belden, Charles C.; Obit; Omaha; Age 76 Cole- McKay Mortuary
0975 11/19/1925 Agnew, Dunamerl; Obit; Omaha; Age 70 Burial: Lusk, WYO.
0975 11/19/1925 Topsted, Ole; Obit; Omaha; Age 60 Graceland Park Cem.
0975 11/19/1925 Usry, John; Obit; Omaha; Son of Calvin; Age 5 Burial Grand Junction, Iowa

0975 11/19/1925 Burke, Edmund J.; Obit; Omaha; Burket Chapel
0975 04/04/1925 De Pasquali, Madam Bernice; Obit; Omaha; Burial: Half,Mass.
0975 04/11/1925 Sauer. William F.; Obit; Omaha; Age 72 West Lawn Cem.
0975 04/11/1925 Hunt, William F.; Obit; Omaha; Age 69 Burial: Charles City, IA
0975 05/25/1925 Baker, Henrietta; Obit; Omaha; Mrs. Henry H.; Age 79 Forest Lawn Cem.

0975 05/25/1925 D'Amato, Antonio; Obit; Omaha; Age 79 Holy Sepulclire
0975 05/25/1925 Wells, Tilder, Mrs.; Obit; Omaha; Mrs. Hesekiah; Age 70 Forest Lawn
0975 05/25/1925 Nelson, Viola Lovon; Obit; Tekamah, NE; Daughter of C.O. Nelson; Age 10 monthes Burial Tekemah
0975 05/25/1925 Maher, Nura. Miss; Obit; Greenwood, NE; Age 55 Burial: Lincoln, NE
0975 10/05/1925 Sullivan, John P.; Obit; Omaha; Son of Lawrence Sullivan; Age 5 St. Mary Cemetiry

0975 10/05/1925 Blanchard, Emma; Obit; Omaha; Mrs. H.D.; West Lawn Cem.
0975 10/05/1925 Schuelzky, Minnie T.; Obit; Omaha; Mrs. Charles A.; Age 59 Forest Lawn
0975 10/05/1925 Prusia, Eugene E.; Obit; Omaha; Age 73 Forest Lawn
0975 10/08/1925 Manganro, Rosario; Obit; Omaha; Age 47 Holy Sepulabre Cem.
0975 10/08/1925 Steyer, Lawrence; Obit; Omaha; Age 20 Forest Lawn

0975 10/08/1925 Klindt, Peter, Mrs.; Obit; Fort Calhoun, NE; Age 94
0975 10/08/1925 Nelson, Agnes M.; Obit; Lakeview Farm, North Omaha; Age 33 Forest Lawn
0975 10/10/1925 Schaefer, Clara, Mrs.; Obit; Omaha; Mrs. Anton; Age 75 Mt. Hope Cem.
0975 10/10/1925 Nemec, Anton; Obit; Omaha; Age 73 St. Mary Cem.
0975 10/06/1925 Avery, Hiram R.; Obit; Omaha; Age 69 Plesat Hill Cem.

0975 10/06/1925 Bramon, Marcus D. SR.; Obit; Omaha; Age 78 Forest Lawn
0975 10/06/1925 Smead, Rosanne; Obit; Omaha; West Lawn
0975 10/02/1925 Mass, Henry C.; Obit; Omaha; Age 71 Forest Lawn
0975 10/02/1925 Howard, Frank; Obit; Omaha; Father: Thomas Howard; Age 12 Holy Sepulebre
0975 10/02/1925 Roach, Mable, Miss; Obit; Omaha; Forest Lawn

0975 10/04/1925 McQueen, Harry T.; Obit; Omaha; Age 32 Forest Lawn
0975 10/04/1925 Bosco, Alfio; Obit; Omaha; Age 43 Holy Sepulcher
0975 10/04/1925 Slaughter, Ada Dorsey; Obit; Philadelphia, PA; Forest Lawn
0975 10/04/1925 Hall, Stella, Mrs.; Obit; Omaha; Age 56 Graceland Park Cem.
0975 10/04/1925 Dyball, Goerge B.; Obit; Omaha; Forest Lawn

0975 10/04/1925 Gallivan, John; Obit; Omaha; Age 45 Holy Sepulebre
0975 10/04/1925 Dille, Abija L.; Obit; Omaha; Age 68 Forest Lawn
0975 10/04/1925 Cohn, Louis M.; Obit; Omaha; Age 60 Cole- Mckay Mortuary
0975 10/14/1925 Peters, Eva L.; Obit; Omaha; Mrs. Ben L.; Rogers, NE Cem.

0975 10/14/1925 Venuto, Cavalier Antonio; Obit; Omaha; Age 83 Holy Sepulckre
0975 10/14/1925 Baker, Harold A.; Obit; Omaha; Age 19 Forest City, MO Cem.
0975 10/14/1925 Vincent, Martin L.; Obit; Omaha; Age 47 West Lawn Cem.
0975 10/14/1925 Mittermeier, Bernard J.; Obit; Omaha; Age 15 months St. Mary Magdalene

0989 09/21/1905 1 01 M252 MCNICHOLS, PATRICK H.; DEATH
0989 10/30/1930 1 04 M252 MCNICHOLS, JOHN P.; DEATH
0989 11/13/1930 4 03 M252 MCNICHOLS, STEPHAN F.; DEATH
0989 05/14/1942 00 P620 PRICE, STEVE; WWII
0989 07/20/1942 00 Y520 YOUNG, WILLIAM WALTER; WWII

0989 07/30/1942 00 R200 REES, WILLIAM; WWII
0989 07/30/1942 00 S210 SOUKUP, FRANCIS J.; WWII
0989 07/30/1942 00 S152 SPENCE, RICHARD GEORGE; WWII
0989 07/30/1942 00 S356 STANARD, CLARENCE D.; WWII
0989 07/30/1942 00 S332 STUTZ, JOSEPH EDMUND; WWII

0989 08/06/1942 00 W630 WARD, HARRY; WWII
0999 04/27/1882 00 D150 DIVINE, LILLIE; DEATH: ORD
0999 04/27/1882 00 S500 SHINN, THEODORE; PROBATE: ORD
0999 05/25/1882 00 F420 FALES, ZACK (BABY); DEATH: ORD
0999 05/25/1882 00 F453 FLINT, JAMES A; ESTATE: ORD

0999 02/08/1883 00 A260 ACREE, AGNES G.; ESTATE: ORD
0999 02/08/1883 00 L200 LEWIS, SUSIE SCOTT; DEATH: ORD
0999 02/22/1883 00 B500 BOEHN, GEORGE; DEATH: ORD
0999 03/15/1883 00 F625 FIRKINS, L.E. (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD
0999 03/15/1883 00 N425 NELSON, H.W. (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD

0999 03/15/1883 00 T651 TRUMBLE, SOLOMON; MARRIAGE
0999 03/29/1883 00 H240 HASKELL, O.S. & CO.: ORD
0999 03/29/1883 00 S364 SATTERLEE HOUSE
0999 03/29/1883 00 W160 WEAVER, (F.W.) & CO.: ORD
0999 03/29/1883 00 B400 BELL, D.C.: ORD

0999 03/29/1883 00 C216 CHEESEBROUGH, E.D.: ORD
0999 03/29/1883 00 C552 CUMMINS, A.O.: ORD
0999 03/29/1883 00 H636 HARTER, E.S.: ORD
0999 03/29/1883 00 H300 HEWETT, F.E.: ORD
0999 03/29/1883 00 J420 JOLLS, B.E.: ORD

0999 03/29/1883 00 O235 OGDEN, W.D.: ORD
0999 03/29/1883 00 P263 PICKARD, HENRY: ORD
0999 03/29/1883 00 R152 ROBINSON, A.D.: ORD
0999 03/29/1883 00 S162 SEVERSON, OLE
0999 03/29/1883 00 S316 STOVER, G.W.

0999 03/29/1883 00 W300 WHITE, B.C.: ORD
0999 03/29/1883 00 W300 WITTE, F.A.: ORD
0999 08/10/1883 00 B162 BEAVERS, W.J. (F. INFANT); BIRTH: ORD
0999 08/10/1883 00 B650 BROWN, J.P. (INFANTS); BIRTH: ORD
0999 08/10/1883 00 H240 HASKELL, ELTIE; BD: ORD

0999 08/10/1883 00 O630 ORD, E.O.C.; DEATH: ORD
0999 08/10/1883 00 R315 RATHBUN, JAMES (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD
0999 08/10/1883 00 W231 WESTOVER, H. (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD
0999 08/23/1883 00 T512 THOMPSON, SAMUEL (INFANT, F); BIRTH
0999 08/24/1883 00 W300 WHITE, B.C. (INFANT); DEATH: ORD

0999 09/07/1883 00 A426 ALGER, VERNON (INFANT); BIRTH: ORD
0999 09/07/1883 00 B400 BELL, LUCRETIA; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 09/07/1883 00 D630 DARETT, ELI (INFANT MALE); BIRTH: ORD
0999 09/07/1883 00 F655 FREEMAN, L.M. (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD
0999 09/07/1883 00 L516 LAMBERTON, ANNA; MARRIAGE: ORD

0999 09/07/1883 00 S120 SAVAGE, ANNA B.; DEATH
0999 09/07/1883 00 W140 WHIPPLE, CHAUNCEY F. (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD
0999 09/07/1883 00 W300 WITTE, OTTO; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 09/07/1883 00 W410 WOLF, C.C.; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 09/28/1883 00 C450 CULEN, MARY; DEATH: ORD

0999 09/28/1883 00 N360 NETHERY, THOS. (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD
0999 09/28/1883 00 R500 ROWAN, NELLIE; DEATH
0999 09/28/1883 00 W635 WORTMAN, JOHN (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD
0999 11/30/1883 00 M640 MARLOW, JOHN R.; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 11/30/1883 00 P362 PETERS, ANNA; MARRIAGE: ORD

0999 11/30/1883 00 T552 TIMMONS, SADIE; MARRIAGE
0999 11/30/1883 00 W600 WEARE, BURNEY (INFANT, M); BIRTH
0999 11/30/1883 00 W452 WILLIAMS, WILL; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 12/14/1883 00 M632 MARTZ, D.J. (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD

0999 12/14/1883 00 W426 WALKER, H.A. (INFANT, F); BIRTH
0999 12/28/1883 00 A352 ADAMS, TAYLOR (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD
0999 12/28/1883 00 H621 HARSHBERGER, A.J. (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD
0999 12/28/1883 00 J255 JACKSON (MR.); DEATH: ORD
0999 12/28/1883 00 R300 REDD, JAMES G.; MARRIAGE: ORD

0999 12/28/1883 00 R320 RHODES, MARY DILLIE; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 12/28/1883 00 R163 ROBERTS, J. B. (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD
0999 12/28/1883 00 W514 WAMPOLE, (INFANT, F); DEATH
0999 12/28/1883 1 00 B632 BURDICK, CHARLEY; DEATH: ORD
0999 01/11/1884 00 A152 AVINS, AMOS (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD

0999 01/11/1884 00 C414 CLEVELAND, F.W.; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 01/11/1884 00 H520 HANKS, ETTA; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 01/11/1884 00 T455 TOLON (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD
0999 01/11/1884 00 V525 VINCENT, HORACE (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD
0999 02/22/1884 00 C435 CLAYTON, ROBERT LEE; BIRTH: ORD

0999 02/22/1884 00 C615 CORBIN, ELIZABETH; DEATH: ORD
0999 02/22/1884 00 G653 GRIMIT, JOHN & EMILY: ORD
0999 02/22/1884 00 M263 MCCORD, MARIAH SMITH; DEATH: ORD
0999 02/22/1884 00 S160 SEIVER, ELIZABETH CORBAN; DEATH: ORD
0999 02/22/1884 00 S530 SMITH, MARIAH; DEATH: ORD

0999 03/21/1884 00 C632 CURTISS, BERTHA J.; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 03/21/1884 00 H250 HAZEN, F.A.; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 03/21/1884 00 M000 MAY, JAMES (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD
0999 03/28/1884 00 C500 COON, W.D.; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 03/28/1884 00 D620 DRAKE, (MRS); DEATH: ORD

0999 03/28/1884 00 F652 FRENCH, DAVID; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 03/28/1884 00 W452 WILLIAMS, ELIZABETH (MRS); MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 03/28/1884 00 W425 WILSON, DORA A.; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 04/04/1884 00 C150 COFFIN, M.J. (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD
0999 04/04/1884 00 M340 MATTLEY, MARY E.; DEATH: ORD

0999 04/04/1884 00 S413 SLOBODNY, JOSEPH (CHILD); DEATH: ORD
0999 04/18/1884 00 E562 EMERSON, HORACE A. & NETTIE: ORD
0999 04/18/1884 00 H263 HUGHARD, DELNORA & ELZA: ORD
0999 04/18/1884 00 M250 MASON, WALTER C. & MYRTLE E.: ORD
0999 04/18/1884 00 P456 PALMER, MINERVA E & WM. F.: ORD

0999 04/18/1884 00 P230 POST, NANCY E & A.G.: ORD
0999 05/09/1884 00 H621 HARSHBERGER, CYNTHIA J.; DEATH: ORD
0999 05/09/1884 00 H240 HASKELL, A. (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD
0999 05/23/1884 00 F230 FOGT, E.J. (INFANT, F); DEATH: ORD
0999 05/23/1884 00 H621 HARSHBERGER, ETHEL; DEATH: ORD

0999 05/23/1884 00 H535 HINDEMAN, W.H. (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD
0999 05/23/1884 00 V640 VERLEY, W.D. (MRS); DEATH: ORD
0999 05/23/1884 00 V216 VESPER (INFANT, M); DEATH: ORD
0999 05/23/1884 00 V526 VINECURE, R.C. (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD
0999 05/30/1884 00 T623 TRESTER, GEORGE; DEATH: ORD

0999 05/30/1884 00 V216 VESPER, EMERY; DEATH: ORD
0999 05/30/1884 00 V526 VINECORE, CHESTER; DEATH: ORD
0999 06/06/1884 00 J100 JOB, IRVING; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 06/06/1884 00 S530 SMITH, ANNA; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 06/20/1884 00 D645 DARLING, BEN (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD

0999 06/20/1884 00 H452 HELMICK, HATTIE I & DAVID J.: ORD
0999 07/11/1884 00 B623 BRISTOL, NANCY H.; DEATH: ORD
0999 07/11/1884 00 C455 COLEMAN, BENJAMIN W.; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 07/11/1884 00 F424 FLAGLER, J.Z.; BD: ORD
0999 07/11/1884 00 M500 MANN, ROSELLE; MARRIAGE: ORD

0999 07/11/1884 00 W656 WARNER, NANCY H.; DEATH: ORD
0999 07/18/1884 00 O500 OWEN, R.H.; DEATH: ORD
0999 07/25/1884 00 E236 EASTERBROOK, ED (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD
0999 07/25/1884 00 H240 HASKELL, ZELPHA LEONA; DEATH: ORD
0999 07/25/1884 00 M416 MILFORD, R.F. (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD

0999 07/28/1884 00 A436 ALDERMAN, MARY; DEATH: ORD
0999 08/08/1884 00 N265 NYGREEN (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD
0999 08/15/1884 00 B650 BROWN, HARRY W.; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 08/22/1884 00 D200 DIES, AL (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD
0999 08/22/1884 00 H240 HASKELL, W.W. (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD

0999 08/22/1884 00 J250 JACKSON, F.C.; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 08/22/1884 00 P623 PRESTON, ALENA; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 08/22/1884 00 W300 WHITE, B.C. (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD
0999 08/29/1884 00 F635 FRADENBURG, LEONA; DEATH: ORD
0999 08/29/1884 00 M525 MUNSON, BEATRIX; DEATH: ORD

0999 09/05/1884 00 B400 BOLEY, THOMAS J; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 09/05/1884 00 C640 CARLO, EMMA; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 09/05/1884 00 N425 NELSON, H.W. (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD
0999 09/12/1884 00 C120 CHUBBUCK, FRANK (INFANT, F); DEATH: ORD
0999 09/12/1884 00 D645 DARLING, B.; MARRIAGE: ORD

0999 09/12/1884 00 F200 FISK, EDDIE; DEATH: ORD
0999 09/12/1884 00 L325 LETSINIZER, NELLIE; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 09/12/1884 00 M416 MILFORD, ALBERT; DEATH: ORD
0999 09/12/1884 00 P360 POTTER, E.B. (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD
0999 09/19/1884 00 A426 ALGER, M.O. (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD

0999 09/19/1884 00 B500 BOWEN, D.L. (MRS); DEATH: ORD
0999 09/19/1884 00 G421 GILLESPIE, J.B. (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD
0999 09/26/1884 00 M500 MAIN, HANNAH H. (MRS); DEATH: ORD
0999 10/10/1884 00 B653 BRANDBURY,(CHILD); DEATH: ORD

0999 10/10/1884 00 C263 CAGERTY, JAMES; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 10/10/1884 00 E430 ELLWOOD, ROBERT; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 10/10/1884 00 M320 MATTHEWS, MARY; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 10/10/1884 00 T120 TOBIAS, VIDA; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 10/24/1884 00 L200 LEWIS, MAUDIE MAY; DEATH: ORD

0999 10/31/1884 00 F540 FINLEY, GEORGE R.; DEATH: ORD
0999 11/07/1884 00 R200 RICE, M.V.; PROBATE: ORD
0999 11/14/1884 00 C632 CURTIS, D.F.; DEATH: ORD
0999 01/09/1885 00 G100 GIPE, AMOS (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD
0999 01/30/1885 00 L523 LEMASTER, JACOB (CHILD); DEATH: ORD

0999 02/06/1885 00 C150 COFFIN, M., SR.; BD: ORD
0999 02/20/1885 00 M614 MERRIFIELD, (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD
0999 03/06/1885 00 B654 BROWNELL, J. S. (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD
0999 03/13/1885 00 B650 BROWN, WILLIAM; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 03/13/1885 00 J525 JOHNSON, W. B. (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD

0999 03/13/1885 00 L521 LONSBURY, G.H. (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD
0999 03/13/1885 00 M500 MAINE, S.L.R (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD
0999 03/13/1885 00 M635 MORTIMORE, LAURA; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 03/13/1885 00 M525 MUNSON, J.L. (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD
0999 03/13/1885 00 P630 PRATT, A.A. (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD

0999 03/13/1885 00 W630 WORTH, G.W. (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD
0999 04/10/1885 00 S363 STEWART, WILLIAM H.: ORD
0999 04/17/1885 00 H100 HOFF, ADSON L.; DEATH: ORD
0999 05/01/1885 00 C656 CRAMER, J.E. (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD
0999 05/01/1885 00 M324 MITCHELL, ROBERT (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD

0999 07/17/1885 00 F450 FLYNN, RICHARD: ORD
0999 09/02/1885 00 S162 SEVERSON, OLE (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD
0999 09/17/1885 00 M245 MCCLIMINS, THOMAS S.; DEATH: ORD
0999 09/18/1885 00 B132 BAPTIST CHURCH; FIRE: ORD
0999 09/18/1885 00 B652 BARNES, HALL: ORD

0999 09/18/1885 00 H620 HARRIS, C.L. (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD
0999 09/22/1885 00 M460 MILLER, CLARK (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD
0999 09/23/1885 00 C435 CLAYTON, R.H. (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD
0999 10/02/1885 00 H620 HARRIS, FRED L. (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD
0999 10/03/1885 00 B652 BURNS, JOANNA; DEATH: ORD

0999 10/03/1885 00 W410 WOLF, BURNET (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD
0999 10/10/1885 00 M235 MCDONOUGH, J.L. (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD
0999 10/11/1885 00 H100 HOFF, HANNAH; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 10/11/1885 00 J520 JONES,THOMAS; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 10/18/1885 00 B420 BLISS, MARION P.; MARRIAGE: ORD

0999 10/18/1885 00 W422 WILCOX, JOSEPHINE; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 10/20/1885 00 D120 DAVIS, JOHN; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 10/20/1885 00 H325 HUTCHINS, ALICE; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 11/22/1885 00 E322 ETCHISON, JOHN; DEATH: ORD
0999 12/22/1885 00 C200 CASS, EVA; MARRIAGE: ORD

0999 12/22/1885 00 P230 PICKETT, WARREN; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 12/30/1885 00 P630 PRATT, J. W. (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD
0999 01/02/1886 00 H400 HILL, ALPHA; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 01/02/1886 00 M263 MCCORD, SARELDA; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 01/16/1886 00 C652 CRONK, J. (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD

0999 01/20/1886 00 P615 PROVINS, (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD
0999 01/20/1886 00 T600 TRUE, C.R. (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD
0999 01/26/1886 00 P230 POST, C.W. (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD
0999 02/01/1886 00 C425 CLAUSEN, N. (MR); DEATH: ORD
0999 02/02/1886 00 V526 VINECORE, R.C. (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD

0999 02/08/1886 00 R200 RICE, ADDIE L.; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 02/12/1886 00 C414 CLEVELAND, FRED (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD
0999 02/16/1886 00 B400 BELL, MARY J.; MARRIAGE: ORD

0999 02/17/1886 00 A654 ARNOLD, S.D. (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD
0999 02/21/1886 00 F612 FORBES, ADDIE; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 02/24/1886 00 B400 BUEL, ALVINA; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 02/24/1886 00 S640 SHIRLEY, THOMAS F.; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 03/07/1886 00 F456 FILLMORE, MYRAN; DEATH: CALAMUS

0999 03/11/1886 00 C455 COLEMAN, SARAH M; DEATH: ORD
0999 03/16/1886 00 O420 OLLIS, J.A. (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD
0999 03/18/1886 00 A436 ALDERMAN, J. R. (INFANT, M); DEATH: ORD
0999 03/21/1886 00 G216 GOSPER, W.A. (DAU.); DEATH: SPRINGDALE
0999 03/23/1886 00 W452 WILLIAMS, W.G.(INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD

0999 03/26/1886 00 H146 HIBLER, WILBUR; DEATH: ORD
0999 03/31/1886 00 A252 ASMUS, WILLIAM (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD
0999 03/31/1886 00 C200 COX, C.E. (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD
0999 04/20/1886 00 W425 WILSON, J.D. (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD
0999 04/22/1886 00 D400 DAHL, MARY; MARRIAGE: ORD

0999 04/22/1886 00 S652 SORENSON, THOMAS; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 04/29/1886 00 D610 DURBY, DAVID S.; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 05/07/1886 00 Q251 QUACKENBUSH, D. W. (DAU.); DEATH: ORD
0999 05/13/1886 00 B620 BREESE, ALLEN G.; MARRIAGE: ELM CREEK
0999 05/13/1886 00 N425 NELSON, H.W. (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD

0999 05/13/1886 00 S160 SEIVER, ATHA MAY; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 05/18/1886 00 Q251 QUACKENBUSH, MAY ELLA; DEATH: ORD
0999 05/23/1886 00 N360 NETHERY, T.J. (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD
0999 05/25/1886 00 Z143 ZABLOUDIL, J. (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD
0999 05/26/1886 00 M524 MINCHELL, GEORGE (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD

0999 05/27/1886 00 H000 HOWE, H.S. (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD
0999 05/29/1886 00 M560 MUNROE, JOHN B. (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD
0999 06/30/1886 00 L522 LANCASTER, W. R. (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD
0999 07/02/1886 00 W300 WHITE, B.C.; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 07/07/1886 00 D360 DUTRO, S.B. (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD

0999 07/11/1886 00 B600 BARR, W.H. (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD
0999 07/14/1886 00 J525 JOHNSON, J.G. (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD
0999 07/18/1886 00 H256 HAGEMIER, BERTHA; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 07/19/1886 00 B240 BISSELL, CHARLES; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 07/19/1886 00 C462 CLARK, FANNIE; MARRIAGE: ORD

0999 07/20/1886 00 H500 HOON, WILLIAM; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 08/01/1886 00 B240 BUSSELL, HARRY (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD
0999 08/07/1886 00 P325 PATTISON, E.R. (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD
0999 08/09/1886 00 S320 STACY, A.T. (INFANT F); BIRTH: ORD
0999 08/16/1886 00 C636 CARTER, A. (INFANT, F); BIRTH: ORD

0999 08/16/1886 00 H463 HEOLLWARTH, T.; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 08/16/1886 00 R262 ROGERS, BERTIE; MARRIAGE: ORD
0999 08/23/1886 00 M263 MCCORD, CHARLES (INFANT); DEATH: ORD
0999 08/23/1886 00 R262 ROGERS, J.F. (INFANT, M); BIRTH: ORD
0999 08/26/1886 00 W536 WINTERS, CLARENCE; DEATH: ORD

0999 08/27/1886 00 C514 CAMPBELL, WILL (SON); DEATH: ORD


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