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NSHS Newspaper Extractions: Code 1502 PALMER JOURNAL

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Code Date (m/d/y) Pg Col SNDX Extraction 1502 01/00/1915 00 M250 McCann, Robert C.: Palmer d. 14 Jan. Age 70. b. Sparta, IL 1502 00/00/1916 00 C462 Clarke, John: St. Paul d. following surgery. Funeral at St. Paul, NE 1502 01/13/1916 00 C400 Cole, A. B.: Loup Valley d. Wed. Funeral Fri. at Meth. Church 1502 01/00/1916 00 F236 Foster, Julia Grace: Lincoln, NE d. 22 Jan. Age 19. b 1896 Palmer, NE 1502 02/02/1916 00 B630 Baird, David: Cedar Rapids, IA d. 27 Feb. Age 59. Formerly of Central City. 1502 02/10/1916 00 L120 Luebke, M/M William: Palmer Golden Wedding celebrated. 1502 02/17/1916 00 P200 Peck, Grace (d of M/M C.B.): Central City m. Wed. to Lee Stouter. Res: Palmer. 1502 02/17/1916 00 S336 Stouter, Lee (son of M/M Miles): Central City m. Wed. to Grace Peck. Res: Palmer. 1502 02/17/1916 00 C416 Colborn, Susie (dau of M/M John): Palmer m. Sat at parents home, to George Gee. 1502 02/17/1916 00 G000 Gee, George (son of M/M T.A.): Palmer m. Sat to Susie Colborn. 1502 02/24/1916 00 C514 Campbell, M/M John: Palmer Golden Anniversary celebrated 1502 02/24/1916 00 D150 Deveny, Wesley: Kingsland, AR m. 2 Feb to Corr__ Haney. Prev. of Palmer? 1502 02/24/1916 00 H500 Haney, Corr__: Kingsland, AR m. 2 Feb to Wesley Deveny. 1502 02/00/1916 00 P362 Patterson, John Jr.: Central City d. 28 Feb. Age 34. Lawyer (diptheria) 1502 03/00/1916 00 C432 Coolidge, Chelsey Herbert: Laird, CO d. 18 Mar. Age 61. Bur. Rose Hill Cem., Palmer. 1502 04/27/1916 00 M532 Montgomery, Anna B. : Lincoln m. Tues to Marvin Perry. Dau of Mrs. Stella, Palmer. 1502 04/27/1916 00 P600 Perry, Marvin: Lincoln m. Tues to Anna B. Montgomery. Res: Stapleton. 1502 04/00/1916 00 H625 Horgan, Mrs. Joseph: Palmer d. 26 Apr. Age 87. b. Ireland. Bur: Rapid City, SD 1502 04/00/1916 00 J525 Johnson, Vernon : Glenwood d. 13 Apr. Age 3y 7m. Son of M/M John Johnson. 1502 04/00/1916 00 G420 Glause, Minnie (d of M/M Philipp): nr St. Libory m. 4 Apr at her parent's home, to Frank Fechtner. 1502 04/00/1916 00 F235 Fechtner, Frank: nr St. Libory m. 4 Apr to Minnie Glause. Res: near Palmer? 1502 05/04/1916 00 L516 Lambert, Mrs. C. T.: Omaha d. Sunday, following surgery. 1502 05/10/1916 00 R200 Ross, Rev. T. T.: Mervin, MO d. 8 May. Father of O.P. Ross & Mrs. Knute Peterson. 1502 05/11/1916 00 S362 St. Ores, M/M Calvin: Thompson, IL 60th Wedding celebrated. Dau: Mrs. T.R. Lambert of Palmer 1502 05/00/1916 00 D120 Davis, M/M John L: Palmer Golden Anniv. Mar 24 May 1866 nr Reinersville, OH 1502 05/00/1916 00 D120 Davis, Mrs. (Hazeltine E. Posten): Palmer m. 1866 to John L. Davis. 1502 05/00/1916 00 P235 Posten, Hazeltine Eleanor: Palmer m. 1866 at Reinersville, OH to John L. Davis 1502 06/01/1916 00 S552 Simonson, S. H.: Prairie Crk. Twp. d. "last night". Funeral Sat. Bur. Worms Cem. 1502 06/15/1916 00 C420 Chiles, Estella (dau of M/M L.W.): Broken Bow m. 6 Jun to Charles G. Tidd. Res: Calloway. 1502 06/15/1916 00 T300 Tidd, Charles G. (s of M/M C.B.): Broken Bow m. 6 Jun to Estella Chiles. Res: Central City. 1502 06/22/1916 00 W436 Walthers, Mr. & Mrs Albert H.: Omaha, NE Secretly married 27 Dec 1915. Res: Palmer. 1502 06/22/1916 00 D150 Deveny, Dau of Wesley (given name?): Omaha, NE Secretly married 27 Dec 1915 to Albert Walthers. 1502 06/22/1916 00 W436 Walthers, Albert Herman: Palmer d. Tues. Age 29. b. Worms. Bur: Palmer 1502 06/22/1916 00 W220 Wages, Harry: Fairfield m. 15 Jun to Florence L. Monismith. Res: Palmer. 1502 06/22/1916 00 M525 Monismith, Florence LaVisa: Fairfield m. 15 Jun at home of her Mother, to Harry Wages. 1502 06/28/1916 00 N242 Nicholas, Alva: Central City m. Wed. to Margaret E. Whitescarver. Res: St. Paul. 1502 06/28/1916 00 W326 Whitecarver, Margaret Elsie: Central City m. Wed. to Alva Nicholas. Teacher. Res: Palmer. 1502 06/00/1916 00 B324 Badgley, Calvin Absolom: Richland Cntr., WI d. 8 Jun. Age 61. Bur: Palmer 1502 06/00/1916 00 L536 Linderman, Mae (dau of Jacob): St. Paul m. 7 Jun to Bennie Hiett. Res: Scotia. 1502 06/00/1916 00 H300 Hiett, Bennie (son of M/M Geo.): St. Paul m. 7 Jun to Mae Linderman. Res: Scotia. 1502 07/06/1916 00 D523 Dinsdale, Mrs. T. G.: Omaha d. Tues in hospital. 1502 07/13/1916 00 W326 Wadsworth, Mrs. Chas.: Palmer d. Tues. Funeral today at Meth. Church 1502 07/20/1916 00 P636 Porter, Mrs. Mary: Central City d. Thurs. Age 101 last Nov. 1502 07/00/1916 00 M524 Minshell, Mary Emily : Omaha d. 4 Jul. Age 34. b. Litchfield, NE (Mrs. TG Dinsdale) 1502 07/00/1916 00 D523 Dinsdale, Mrs. T. G. (ME Minshell): Omaha d. 4 Jul. Age 34. Bur: Palmer 1502 07/00/1916 00 O600 O'Hara, Mary Ellen (Mrs. Wadsworth): Palmer d. 11 Jul. Age 48. (Mrs. Chas. Wadsworth) 1502 07/00/1916 00 W326 Wadsworth, Mrs. Chas. (ME O'Hara): Palmer d. 11 Jul. Age 48. (heart disease) 1502 07/00/1916 00 H426 Helser, Erma (d of M/M John): St. Paul m. Fri. to Alfred Zahler. Res nr. Palmer 1502 07/00/1916 00 Z460 Zahler, Alfred: St. Paul m. Fri. to Erma Helser. Res: Rising City. 1502 08/03/1916 00 A535 Anthony, M/M Joseph: St. Paul Golden Wedding celebrated. 1502 08/07/1916 00 S363 Stratton, Gladys Fay (d of M/M G.H.): Kearney? m. recently to Raoul Van Kleer. Res: near Cairo. 1502 08/07/1916 00 V524 Van Kleer, Raoul: Kearney? m. recently to Gladys F. Stratton. Res: Kearney. 1502 08/10/1916 00 P652 Prince, Harry C. (s of Mrs. E.M.): Grand Island m. Mon. to Anna E. Helzer. Res: Palmer. 1502 08/10/1916 00 H426 Helzer, Anna Elizabeth: Grand Island m. Mon. to Harry C. Prince. Dau of M/M John. 1502 08/00/1916 00 M256 McMurrin, Benjamin Donald: Howard Co. d. 17 Aug. Age 33. b. Hampton, NE. Bur: St. Paul. 1502 08/00/1916 00 G436 Golterman, Henry: Palmer d. 13 Aug. Prev. of Otoe & Dawson Cos. Bur: Worms 1502 08/00/1916 00 K510 Knapp, John C.: Palmer d. 6 Aug. Age 82. Funeral at Central City 1502 09/15/1916 00 W452 Williamsen, Albert: York m. Thur to Luella Wells. Res: York. 1502 09/15/1916 00 W420 Wells, Luella (dau of Mrs. Mary): York m. Thur to Albert Williamsen. Teacher. Res: Palmer. 1502 09/00/1916 00 W436 Walthers, Louise: Palmer m. 14 Sep to John Kruse. 1502 09/00/1916 00 K620 Kruse, John: Palmer m. 14 Sept to Louise Walthers. 1502 10/12/1916 00 B650 Brown, Ben: Fairfield m. Sunday to Inez Gates. Res: Palmer. 1502 10/12/1916 00 G320 Gates, Inez: Fairfield m. Sunday to Ben Brown. Res: Fairfield. 1502 10/19/1916 00 R534 Randall, Byrdie: Grand Island m. to Frank Knapp. 1502 10/19/1916 00 K510 Knapp, Frank: Grand Island m. to Byrdie Randall. 1502 10/00/1916 00 K520 King, Delbert S.: Glenwood d. 13 Oct. Age 28. Thrown by runaway horse. 1502 11/02/1916 00 B630 Barth, Clara: Palmer? m. 25 Oct at home of her parents to Bernard Buddecke. 1502 11/02/1916 00 B320 Buddecke, Bernard (son of M/M Wm): Palmer? m. 25 Oct to Clara Barth. Res: St. Libory. 1502 11/09/1916 00 Z516 Zimprich, Hattie (Dempsey/Dickout): Whitman b. 1879, WI. Mar 1909 to Chas. H. Dempsey 1502 11/09/1916 00 D230 Dickout, Mrs. Fredrick C. : Whitman b. 1879, WI. Prev. married to CH Dempsey. (nee H Zimprick) 1502 11/00/1916 00 W423 Wolcott, Asa: Palmer d. 26 Nov. Age 62. b. WI 1502 02/00/1916 00 D400 Dooley, M/M Henry: Palmer 18th Wedding Anniversary celebrated. 1502 00/00/1917 00 H532 Hentz, Augusta (dau of M/M Carl): Central City m. Monday to Henry Hobbs. Res: Palmer. 1502 00/00/1917 00 H120 Hobbs, Henry (s of M/M C.F.): Central City m. Monday to Augusta Hentz. Res: Fullerton. 1502 01/11/1917 00 C524 Conklin, E. T.: Palmer? d. "last Sunday". Funeral at Episcopal Church. 1502 01/11/1917 00 C514 Campbell, M/M W. F.: Palmer 55th Wedding Anniversary. on New Years Day. 1502 01/00/1917 00 H263 Haggart, Cora Isabelle : Palmer d. 15 Jan. Age 25. b. St. Libory (Mrs. CL Stockham) 1502 01/00/1917 00 S325 Stockham, Mrs. Charles L. : Palmer d. 15 Jan. Age 25 . Bur: Palmer (nee CI Haggart) 1502 01/00/1917 00 C524 Conklin, Edward T.: Palmer d. 7 Jan. b. 1865 in Prarieburg, IA. Prev: Pasadena, CA 1502 02/22/1917 00 B525 Bahnsen, Norval: Palmer d. Mon. Age 4m. Son of M/M Fred Bahnsen 1502 02/00/1917 00 B200 Beach, Alma (dau of Herbert): Central City m. 14 Feb to Clarence S. Smith. Res: Palmer. 1502 02/00/1917 00 S530 Smith, Clarence S. : Central City m. 14 Feb at Central City to Alma Beach. Res: Palmer. 1502 03/03/1917 00 S235 Schickedantz, Harry: St. Paul d. "last Thursday ... of stroke of paralysis" 1502 03/15/1917 00 P200 Peck, M/M Z.E.: nr Palmer 50th Wedding Anniversary. 1502 03/15/1917 00 H426 Helser, Frank (son of M/M John): Central City m. yesterday to Ruth Marie Gammon. 1502 03/15/1917 00 G550 Gammon, Ruth Marie (d of M/M L.J.): Central City m. yesterday to Frank Helser. 1502 03/22/1917 00 H100 Huff, E. W. : Central City d. 19 Mar. Suicide after attempt to murder his ex-wife. 1502 03/22/1917 00 H100 Huff, Mrs. E.W.: Central City Hosp. in Grand Island after ex-husband shot her. 2 ch. 1502 03/00/1917 00 H245 Hacklander, Elsie (Mrs. LN Robinson): Palmer d. 4 Mar. Age 26. b. Patterson, NJ. 1502 03/00/1917 00 R152 Robinson, Mrs. Lloyd N.: Palmer d. 4 Mar. Age 26. Bur: Palmer Cem. (nee E Hacklander) 1502 03/00/1917 00 J420 Jolls, Bell (Mrs. John Colborn): Palmer d. 12 Mar. Age 56. b. NY; to MI, then NE with parents. 1502 03/00/1917 00 C416 Colborn, Mrs. John M. (nee Jolls): Palmer d. 12 Mar. Age 56. Bur: Rose Hill Cem., Palmer 1502 03/00/1917 00 H242 Hesselgesser, Hazel: Palmer d. 27 Mar. Age 1y 7m 17d. Dau of M/M Frank. 1502 04/05/1917 00 K563 Kamard, Louis: Mira Valley Escaped prisoner, shot 14 mi SW of Ord. 1502 04/05/1917 00 P626 Parker, Edwin: St. Paul Age 18. Fd with Bernice Berck, both deceased. 1502 04/05/1917 00 B620 Berck, Bernice: St. Paul Age 16. Fd with Edwin Parker, both deceased. 1502 04/19/1917 00 S552 Simonson, Berte (d of Mrs. S. H.): Worms m. 12 Apr at German Luth Ch. to Albert Dammann. 1502 04/19/1917 00 D550 Dammann, Albert: Worms m. 12 Apr at German Luth Ch. to Berte Simonson. 1502 04/19/1917 00 G000 Gee, John W. (son of T.A.): Central City m. Sat. to Edna L. Montgomery. Res: Glenwood. 1502 04/19/1917 00 M532 Montgomery, Edna L.: Central City m. Sat to John W. Gee. Dau of Mrs. Stella. Res: nr Palmer 1502 04/00/1917 00 G650 Green, Cynthia C. (Mrs. H.C. Wells): Palmer d. 14 Apr. Age 81. b. Williamstown, NY 1502 04/00/1917 00 W420 Wells, Mrs. Henry C. (nee Green): Palmer d. 14 Apr. Age 81. Funeral at M.E. Church 1502 04/00/1917 00 B324 Badgley, Edward August: Thomas Co. d. 17 Apr. Age 34. Burial: Palmer. Son of Calvin. 1502 04/00/1917 00 B324 Badgley, Calvin: d. less than one year ago. No place given in son's obit. 1502 04/00/1917 00 H400 Hall, James: St. Paul d. 27 Apr. Sold farm N of St. Libory 2 wks ago. 1502 04/00/1917 00 H426 Helzer, Pauline (d of M/M Louis): Palmer m. 11 Apr at parent's home to Andrew Simpson. 1502 04/00/1917 00 S512 Simpson, Andrew: Palmer m. 11 Apr to Pauline Helzer. Farms 6 mi SW of Palmer. 1502 05/00/1917 00 F260 Fisher, Adelia (Hadlock/Earl): Palmer? d. 24 May. 1st husb: Samuel Hadlock (d.Civil War). 1502 05/00/1917 00 E640 Earl, Mrs. David A. (nee Fisher): Palmer? d. 24 May. Age 84. b. 1833 near Lyons, NY 1502 05/00/1917 00 Z600 Zehr, Lydia: nr Palmer m. 8 May at parent's home, 9 mi N of Palmer to Riley St 1502 05/00/1917 00 S315 Stevens, Riley: nr Palmer m. 8 May to Lydia Zehr. Native of Taylor. Res: Sumner. 1502 05/00/1917 00 M600 Moyer, Goldie (dau of M/M John): Columbus m. 30 Apr to Wm. Stearman. Res: Palmer. 1502 05/00/1917 00 S365 Stearman, William: Columbus m. 30 Apr to Goldie Moyer. Res: Palmer. 1502 06/07/1917 00 A536 Anderson, Ina E. (d of M/M A. E.): Palmer m. Sun at home of bride's parents to Ray E. Shull. 1502 06/07/1917 00 S400 Shull, Ray E. (son of M/M Irvin): Palmer m. Sun to Ina E. Anderson. Res: near Palmer 1502 06/07/1917 00 C452 Collins, Grace (d of Mrs. Margaret): St Paul m. 31 May at Mother's home to Ralph M. Reynolds. 1502 06/07/1917 00 R543 Reynolds, Ralph Myron: St Paul m. 31 May to Grace Collins. Son of Mrs. Jennie Reynold 1502 07/05/1917 00 K516 Kamper, Mrs. August (nee Bruns): Palmer d. "this morning". Funeral at Palmer, Saturday. 1502 07/05/1917 00 A352 Adams, John: Palmer? 75th Birthday celebration. 1502 07/12/1917 00 T616 Traver, Isaac: Merrick Co. Funeral last Tues. 1502 07/12/1917 00 M620 Marsh, Wm.: Merrick Co. Funeral last Tues. 1502 07/00/1917 00 B652 Bruns, Anna Caroline W. B.: Palmer d. 5 Jul. Age 46. b. Okanville, IL (Mrs. August Kamper). 1502 07/00/1917 00 L520 Long, Jacob: Palmer d. 8 Jul. Age 71. b. Austria. Bur: Palmer 1502 07/00/1917 00 M450 Mallen, Robert M.: Palmer d. 26 Jul. Age 70. b. Chicago, IL. 1502 07/00/1917 00 P630 Prowett, Ernest Charles: Shanghai, China d. 29 Jul. Age 23. Son of Wm. Ferdinand Prowett. 1502 07/00/1917 00 P630 Prowett, Wm. Ferdinand: Glenwood d. 4 yrs ago. (see obit of son Ernest Charles) 1502 08/04/1917 00 M620 Meyers, Wilhelmine Sophie: Worms b/d. 2 Aug. Dau of M/M Herman. 1502 08/09/1917 00 M253 McKendry, M/M Elijah: Archer Golden Wedding Anniversary, 8 Aug. 1502 08/23/1917 00 B640 Berley, Mrs. Sarah (nee Alspaugh): Oak Harbor, OH d. 14 Aug. Res Merrick Co 1872-1887. Husb: John 1502 08/23/1917 00 A421 Alspaugh Berley, Mrs. Sarah: Oak Harbor, OH d. 14 Aug. Prev. res. Merrick Co, NE. 1502 09/06/1917 00 E236 Eckstrom, M/M Geo.: Palmer? 11th wedding anniversary on Aug 29 1502 09/13/1917 00 P652 Prince, Vern Clifton: Palmer? Infant son of M/M Harry. Funeral Sat. 1502 09/13/1917 00 M250 McCann, Mary E. (Mrs. L. Campbell): Palmer d. 4 Sep. Age 47. b. Sparta, IL 1502 09/13/1917 00 C514 Campbell, Mrs. Leander (nee McCann): Palmer d. 4 Sep. Age 47. Burial: Palmer 1502 09/13/1917 00 E640 Earl, Ruth May (dau of M/M Geo.): Central City m. 29 Aug to John M. Spilger. Res: Palmer. 1502 09/13/1917 00 S142 Spilger, John Martin: Central City m. 29 Aug to Ruth May Earl. Son of M/M Geo, Palmer. 1502 09/20/1917 00 W326 Wadsworth, Mrs. H. N.: Palmer? 90th Birthday celebration. 1502 10/10/1917 00 T552 Timmons, Stephen: Palmer d. Thurs, section hand killed by train. Res: Horace, NE. 1502 10/11/1917 00 M532 Montgomery, Violet (d of M/M H.A.): Grand Island m. 26 Sep to Leslie Meston. Res: Palmer. 1502 10/11/1917 00 M235 Meston, Leslie (son of M/M Wm): Grand Island m. 26 Sep to Violet Montgomery. Res: St. Paul. 1502 10/25/1917 00 R200 Rice, Bob: Ontario, Canada m. 18 Oct to Edna Watterworth. Res: Central City 1502 10/25/1917 00 W366 Watterworth, Edna: Ontario, Canada m. 18 Oct to Bob Rice. 1502 11/24/1917 00 P350 Patton, M/M W.E.: Palmer Newlyweds feted at O.A. Kelso home 1502 11/00/1917 00 P516 Pemberton, Charles C.: Palmer? d. 2 Nov. Age 75. b. Lake Co., OH 1502 11/00/1917 00 P516 Pemberton, Sarah (nee Goodwin): California d. Jan 1907 (see obit of husband Charles C.) 1502 11/00/1917 00 M216 McFarlin, Mabel Hazel: Fullerton m. 3 Nov to Emil Rapenne. Dau of Mrs. Frank Green, Glenwood. 1502 11/00/1917 00 R150 Rapenne, Emil: Fullerton m. 3 Nov to Mabel Hazel McFarlin. Res: Walnut, IA. 1502 12/27/1917 00 G000 Gee, LaVanchie (dau of M/M Al): Grand Island m. 21 Dec to Dolph Whitlow. Res: Howard Co. 1502 12/27/1917 00 W340 Whitlow, Dolph: Grand Island m. 21 Dec at Grand Island to LaVanchie Gee. Farmer at Oakdale. 1502 00/00/1918 00 P626 Peregrine, Mrs.: Fullerton d. 1918. Dau: Mrs. Truman Gee. 1502 04/00/1918 00 K600 Kerr, V. E.: Manilla, P.I. d. Brother-in-law: J. H. McGonagle 1502 06/00/1918 00 D520 DeMoss, Peter: Palmer? d. 2 Jun 1918. Age 75. Home of dau: Mrs. C.E. Hudnall 1502 06/00/1918 00 C416 Colborn, John Melborn: Palmer? d. 22 Jun 1918. 1502 10/00/1918 00 G600 Grey, Mrs. Wm.: near Palmer d.19 Oct 1918. Age 24. Res: S of Palmer 1502 11/16/1918 00 L163 Liberty, Arthur: Central City m. Tues to Ella Gee. Res: Palmer. 1502 11/16/1918 00 G000 Gee, Ella (d of M/M T. A.): Central City m. Tues to Arthur Liberty. Res: Palmer. 1502 11/00/1918 00 L516 Lambert, Norton: Loup City d. Nov 1918 (influenza) 1502 12/00/1918 00 H420 Hills, Ephriam M.: Palmer? d. 16 Dec 1918. 1502 00/00/1920 00 L300 Leed, H. C.: Palmer? d. of erysipelas. 1502 00/00/1920 00 V514 Van Pelt, Jno. : Sioux City m. to Mrs. Calvin Bartholomew. Res: Palmer. 1502 00/00/1920 00 B634 Bartholomew, Mrs. Calvin: Sioux City m. to Jno. Van Pelt. (dau of M/M J.A. Newlon). 1502 02/00/1920 00 R341 Rodolf, Alma (dau of Mrs. Gus): Archer? m. 26 Feb at home of bride's mother to Louis Sauter. 1502 02/00/1920 00 S360 Sauter, Louis: Archer? m. 26 Feb to Alma Rodolf. Farms near Scotia. 1502 02/00/1920 00 H631 Hartford, Edna Agnes (d of M/M John): St. Paul m. 21 Feb to Kenneth Stone. Res: Gage Valley. 1502 02/00/1920 00 S350 Stone, Kenneth (s of M/M Geo.): St. Paul m. 21 Feb to Edna Agnes Hartford. Res: Gage Valley. 1502 02/00/1920 00 R263 Richardson, Marguerite: Tekamah? m. 18 Feb at Dave Richarson home, to Herman Goltermann. 1502 02/00/1920 00 G436 Goltermann, Herman: Tekamah? m. 18 Feb to Marguerite Richardson. Res: Palmer. 1502 03/00/1920 00 M162 Moberg, Carrie (dau of M/M A.): Central City m. 6 Mar to John W. Semple. Res: Palmer. 1502 03/00/1920 00 S514 Semple, John W. (s of M/M D.J.): Central City m. 6 Mar to Carrie Moberg. Res: Palmer. 1502 03/00/1920 00 R200 Reece, M/M Andrew: Palmer 10 March, Golden Wedding celebrated. m. at Warsaw, IN 1502 04/00/1920 00 N450 Newlon, Florence Lillian: Gage Valley m. 14 Apr at home of Mrs. M.J. Newlon to L. J. Campbell 1502 04/00/1920 00 C514 Campbell, Leander. J.: Gage Valley m. 14 Apr to Florence L. Newlon. Farm W of Palmer. 1502 05/00/1920 00 G610 Gorby, Clifford (s of M/M W. B.): Palmer m. 5 May at his parent's home to Dorthy Wadsworth. 1502 05/00/1920 00 W326 Wadsworth, Dorthy (dau of Chas.): Palmer m. 5 May to Clifford Gorby. Res: Gage Valley 1502 05/00/1920 00 G656 Grammer, Beatrice (d of M/M C.H.): Palmer m. 19 May at home of parents to Harold Jackson. 1502 05/00/1920 00 J250 Jackson, Harold: Palmer m. 19 May to Beatrice Grammer. Res: Ericson. 1502 05/00/1920 00 W436 Walters, Mabel Eletha: Grand Island m. 4 May to Edward L. Misner. Dau. of M/M J.R., Gage V 1502 05/00/1920 00 M256 Misner, Edward L. (s of E.R.): Grand Island m. 4 May to Mabel E. Walters. Res: Omaha. 1502 06/00/1920 00 S616 Scarborough, Lottie (d of M/M Chas): Gage Valley ERROR in prev. ed., she is sister of the bride Viola. 1502 06/00/1920 00 S616 Scarborough, Viola (d of M/M Chas): Grand Island m. 9 Jun to Lloyd Weber. Res: Gage Valley 1502 06/00/1920 00 W160 Weber, Lloyd (s of M/M H.L.): Grand Island m. 9 Jun to Viola Scarborough. Res: Palmer. 1502 06/00/1920 00 C462 Clark, Ethelyn (d of M/M W.W.): Palmer m. 16 Jun at parent's home, to Stanley Maddox. 1502 06/00/1920 00 M320 Maddox, Stanley (s of M/M Harvey): Palmer m. 16 Jun to Ethelyn Clark. Farms W of Palmer. 1502 06/00/1920 00 S616 Scarborough, Newman: Grand Island m. 23 Jun to Sathena Mickelsen. Res: Comstock. 1502 06/00/1920 00 M242 Mickelsen, Sathena: Grand Island m. 23 Jun to Newman Scarborough. Res: Howard Co. 1502 06/00/1920 00 M250 McCann, Theda (d of M/M A.J.): Palmer m. 3 Jun at parent's home to Floyd Newlon. 1502 06/00/1920 00 N450 Newlon, Floyd (s of M/M Frank): Palmer m. 3 Jun to Theda McCann. Farm 2 mi SW of Palmer. 1502 06/00/1920 00 M250 McCann, Athol: Omaha m. 2 Jun to Nettie Smead. Res: Palmer. 1502 06/00/1920 00 S530 Smead, Nettie: Omaha m. 2 Jun to Athol McCann. Res: Omaha. 1502 06/00/1920 00 F620 Ferris, Edith (dau of M/M A.J.): Central City m. 2 Jun to Ira Scarborough. Res: Palmer. 1502 06/00/1920 00 S616 Scarborough, Ira (s of M/M Thos.): Central City m. 2 Jun to Edith Ferris. Res: Comstock. 1502 07/00/1920 00 W623 Wright, Oliver: Giltner m. 4 Jul at his parent's home to Inez Jemison. Res: Palmer. 1502 07/00/1920 00 J525 Jemison, Inez: Giltner m. 4 Jul to Oliver Wright. Res: Aurora. 1502 11/00/1920 00 G000 Gee, Lura: Hastings m. 5 Nov to Arthur R. Wilson. Res: Palmer. 1502 11/00/1920 00 W425 Wilson, Arthur R. : Hastings m. 5 Nov to Lura Gee. Res: Palmer, KS. 1502 11/00/1920 00 W216 Washburn, Judge L. C.: Twin Falls, ID m. 16 Nov to Mary E. Belville. Res: Buhl, ID. Prev. Merrick Co. 1502 11/00/1920 00 B414 Belville, Mary E.: Twin Falls, ID m. 16 Nov to L. C. Washburn. Res: McMinville, OR 1502 02/00/1920 00 H300 Hiett, Sarah Elizabeth: St. Paul m. 21 Jan to Frank Vincek. Dau of M/M Geo, Gage Valley 1502 02/00/1920 00 V522 Vincek, Frank: St. Paul m. 21 Jan to Sarah E. Hiett. Farmer in Gage Valley. 1502 03/00/1920 00 M244 McLellan, Earl (s of Mrs. Parrott): Grand Island m. 25 Feb to Mary Hunt. Res: near Palmer. 1502 03/00/1920 00 H530 Hunt, Mary (d of M/M _. H.: Grand Island m. 25 Feb to Earl McLellan. Res: near Palmer. 1502 07/00/1920 00 M210 McVey, Mary : Central City m. 28 Jun to John Stone. Res: Palmer. 1502 07/00/1920 00 S350 Stone, John: Central City m. 28 Jun to Mary McVey. Res: Central City. 1502 08/00/1920 00 Q500 Quinn, Mary Veronica: Omaha m. Tues. to Frank Moran. Prev. taught in Palmer, now Spaulding. 1502 08/00/1920 00 M650 Moran, Frank: Omaha m. Tues to Mary V. Quinn. Prev. of Leo Valley, now Spaulding. 1502 00/00/1922 00 G616 Gruber, Fredrick: d. Funeral Wed. at Glenwood. 1502 00/00/1922 00 M600 Mayer, Unk: d. Struck by auto while working on telephone lines. 1502 00/00/1922 00 M216 McFarland, Perry: Hastings d. Former res. Bur: Palmer 1502 00/00/1922 00 D120 Davis, Colver F.: Grand Island d. "last Monday". b 1848. Age 74. Burial: Palmer. 1502 00/00/1922 00 G420 Glause, Wm: Halsey d. Tues. Funeral: Palmer. 1502 01/19/1922 00 B645 Burlingame, Mrs. G. M. (nee Ferris): Palmer d. Sunday. b. 1844, NY. Married in IL. 1502 01/19/1922 00 F620 Ferris, Julia A. : Palmer d. Sunday. Res 1872-1903, returned 1921. (Mrs. GM Burlingame). 1502 01/00/1922 00 M520 Minnich, Thomas: Omaha d. 23 Jan (suicide). Raised in Palmer, NE 1502 01/00/1922 00 B245 Bosselman, Florence: Worms m. 29 Jan to John W. Bader. Dau of M/M Chas., St. Libory). 1502 01/00/1922 00 B360 Bader, John W. (s of M/M John L.): Worms m. 29 Jan to Florence Bosselman. Res: Palmer. 1502 02/09/1922 00 L352 Lautenschlager, Minnie May Hilda: Rochester, MN d. in hosp. b. 19 Jun 1914. Dau of John (dec) & Mary. 1502 03/22/1922 00 D400 Daily, John: Merrick Co. d. 20 Mar. Age 64. Prev. of Madison Co., NE 1502 03/30/1922 00 T132 Tibbetts, E. C.: Palmer? d. Tues (suicide). Burial Glenwood (Nance Co.) 1502 03/00/1922 00 T132 Tibbetts, Edwin Charles: Palmer d. 28 Mar. Age 64. b. England, immigr. 1882. 1502 03/00/1922 00 C145 Copeland, Wm. J. (Judge): Merrick Co. d. 3 Mar. Age 90. b. London, England. Res: Loup Twp. 1502 03/00/1922 00 C145 Copeland, W. J.: Palmer d. 3 Mar. Resident almost 50 yrs. 1502 03/00/1922 00 D120 Davis, Mary Caroline : Taylor d. 30 Mar. Age 66. Prev. of Palmer, NE. (Mrs. John Cole). 1502 03/00/1922 00 C400 Cole, Mrs. John (nee MC Davis): Taylor d. 30 Mar. Age 66. Married 5 Oct 1875 at Palmer. 1502 03/00/1922 00 L120 Luebke, Anna: Palmer m. 11 Mar to Thorval Simonson. Dau of M/M Herman. 1502 03/00/1922 00 S552 Simonson, Thorval: Palmer m. 11 Mar to Anna Luebke. Son of M/M Simon. 1502 03/00/1922 00 H200 Heck, Grace (dau of M/M A.F.): Long Beach, CA m. 19 Mar at to Fredrick McClure Smith. Res: Palmer. 1502 03/00/1922 00 S530 Smith, Fredrick McClure: Long Beach, CA m. 19 Mar at to Grace Heck. Res: Los Angeles, CA. Prev. of Lincoln. 1502 04/13/1922 00 B626 Berger, Ethel (dau of M/M Newell): Grand Island m. 5 Apr to Byron McDonald. Res Palmer? 1502 04/13/1922 00 M235 McDonald, Byron: Grand Island m. 5 Apr to Ether Berger. Res: Boelus 1502 04/00/1922 00 S312 Stubbs, Caroline Elizabeth: Palmer d. 4 Apr. b. 1857 in WI (Mrs. TH Fidler) 1502 04/00/1922 00 F346 Fidler, Mrs. Thomas H. (nee Stubbs): Palmer d. 4 Apr. b. 1857 in Evansville, WI 1502 04/00/1922 00 M215 McFayen, Catherine J.: nr Palmer d. 20 Apr at home of dau, Mrs. Penfield. Age 66. Prev. Boone Co. 1502 04/00/1922 00 M532 Montgomery, Harry Arthur: Merrick Co. d. 11 Apr. Age 55. b. Mason Co., IL 1502 04/00/1922 00 G616 Gruber, Fredrick: Palmer? d. 17 Apr. Age 72. Wife: Lunvindi Moore. 1502 04/00/1922 00 N242 Nicholas, Alexander Stephen: Palmer d. 12 Apr. b. 1839 OH. To WI c1847. 1502 05/11/1922 00 A352 Adams, Jessie: Palmer? m. Sunday at Harrie Adams home, to Marion Cresse. 1502 05/11/1922 00 C620 Cresse, Marion: Palmer? m. Sunday to Miss Jessie Adams. Res: Yoeman, IN. 1502 05/00/1922 00 B620 Burge, Selina (Mrs. S.A. Nicholas): nr Palmer d. 22 May. Age 93. b. England. I mmigr: c 1845 to WI 1502 05/00/1922 00 N242 Nicholas, Mrs. Stephen A.: nr Palmer d. 22 May. Age 93. nee Selina Burge. 1502 05/00/1922 00 C623 Carstensen, Christena: Palmer d. 5 May. Age 78. b. Masbul, Germany (Mrs. J. Bahnsen). 1502 05/00/1922 00 B525 Bahnsen, Mrs. Johann: Palmer d. 5 May. Age 78. Bur: Palmer (nee C Carstensen) 1502 05/00/1922 00 B525 Bahnsen, John: Palmer d. 12 May. Age 75. Wife died few days prev. 1502 05/00/1922 00 B620 Burge, Selina : Palmer d. 22 May. Age 93. b. England (Mrs. Stephen Nicholas) 1502 05/00/1922 00 N242 Nicholas, Mrs. Stephen (nee Burge): Palmer d. 22 May. Age 93. Husb recently died. 1502 05/00/1922 00 F620 Ferris, Albert John: Palmer d. 7 May. Age 64. Had lived in Wheatland, WY. 1502 05/00/1922 00 B625 Burkman, Grace: Palmer m. 28 May to Ralph Ferris. Dau of M/M Frank. 1502 05/00/1922 00 F620 Ferris, Ralph: nr Boelus m. 28 May to Grace Berkman. 1502 06/01/1922 00 F620 Ferris, Ethel: near Murray m. "yesterday" to Ethel Ferris. Res: Plattsmouth. 1502 06/01/1922 00 D400 Dooley, Carl (son of M/M Henry): near Murray m. "yesterday" to Carl Dooley. Res: Plattsmouth. 1502 06/22/1922 00 T514 Templin, A. M.: Loup Valley Contributor - "Early Settlers" of Loup Valley. 1502 06/29/1922 00 W452 Williams, Mrs. J. B. : Grand Island d. Mon. Res w/dau: Mrs. CW Holm in Palmer. (nee A. Eastbrook). 1502 06/29/1922 00 E236 Easterbrooks, Annis: Grand Island d. Mon. b. 1847. Bur: Spring Creek Cem, Howard Co. (Mrs. J. B. Williams). 1502 06/00/1922 00 K450 Killian, Mrs. J. R.: El Paso, TX Letter to editor, prev. of NE & Silver City, NM 1502 07/08/1922 00 M265 McCormick, C. G.: Might write abt history of Gage Valley 1502 07/00/1922 00 A142 Applegate, Clyde: Palmer d. 17 Jul. Age 41. "Spent most of life here." 1502 07/00/1922 00 W350 Wheaton, Mary Ada (Mrs. OC Tupper): Lincoln d. 10 Jul. Age 64. Prev. resided in Palmer. 1502 07/00/1922 00 T160 Tupper, Mrs. Orson C. (nee Wheaton): Lincoln d. 10 Jul. Age 64, at home of son Orvus Tupper. 1502 08/00/1922 00 D200 Daich, Mary M. (Mrs. Jos. Bahensky): Gage Valley d. 11 Aug. Age 81. b near Prague, Bohemia. 1502 08/00/1922 00 B520 Bahensky, Mrs. Joseph (nee Daich): Gage Valley d. 11 Aug. Age 81. Prev. res Crete, NE. 1502 08/00/1922 00 M620 Meyers, Wm.: Omaha d. 2 Aug following surgery. Burial: Fullerton 1502 09/27/1922 00 S356 Stoner, Mrs. Margaret: Central City m. 27 Sep Geo. Burlingame. Prev: Scottsbluff. 1502 09/27/1922 00 B645 Burlingame, George: Central City m. 27 Sep Mrs. Margaret Stoner. Pres: Palmer 1502 09/00/1922 00 D120 Davis, Alfred J.: Palmer? d. Vet of WW I. b. in Gage Valley. Bur: Palmer. 1502 09/00/1922 00 F653 Frandsen, son of Wm.: St. Libory d. last Sat., suicide. Age 18. 1502 09/00/1922 00 M600 Moyer, Gladys: Wolbach m. Wm. Cartwright. Dau of M/M John. 1502 09/00/1922 00 C636 Cartwright, William: Wolbach m. to Gladys Moyer. 1502 09/00/1922 00 S120 Speace, A. T.: Central City m. 23 Sep to Jessie Quackenbush. Res: Palmer. 1502 09/00/1922 00 Q251 Quackenbush, Jessie: Central City m. 23 Sep to A.T. Speace. Res: Irwin, MO 1502 10/00/1922 00 B645 Burlingame, George Morrow (photo): Palmer d. 10 Oct. Age 78. Had recently remarried. 1502 11/02/1922 00 D120 Davis, Ellsworth M.: Palmer d. 27 Oct. b. 1878 at Williamsburg, IA 1502 11/23/1922 00 C432 Coolidge, Charles L.: Palmer Funeral 20 Nov at Palmer. Bur: Central City 1502 11/23/1922 00 C432 Coolidge, Ernest: Omaha d. 18 Jun 1892 while at school (see obit of father, Charles L.). 1502 11/23/1922 00 C432 Coolidge, Myrtle: Palmer d. 14 Feb 1900 (see obit of Father, Charles L.) 1502 11/00/1922 00 Z520 Zamzow, Albert: Archer d. 29 Nov. Age 80. 1502 11/00/1922 00 N450 Newlon, Flora Lillian: Palmer? d. 2 Nov. b. 1873, WV (Mrs. LJ Campbell) 1502 11/00/1922 00 C514 Campbell, Mrs. Leander J. : Palmer? d. 2 Nov. Came to NE in 1908. (nee FL Newlon) 1502 11/00/1922 00 S616 Scarborough, Clarence: Grand Island m. 25 Nov to Ethel Stone. Son of M/M Thomas, Gage Valley. 1502 11/00/1922 00 S350 Stone, Ethel: Grand Island m 25 Nov Clarence Scarborough. Dau of M/M Alva, Gage Valley. 1502 11/00/1922 00 N450 Newlon, Flora LIllian: Palmer d. 2 Nov. b. 19 Mar 1873 in WV. mar. Leander Campbell. 1502 11/00/1922 00 C514 Campbell, Mrs. Leander (nee Newlon): Palmer d. 2 Nov. nee Florence Lillian Newlon 1502 11/00/1922 00 G420 Glause, William J.: Grand Island d. 25 Nov. Age 65. b. NY. Funeral at Archer. 1502 12/28/1922 00 C516 Chambers, Clara Alice: Merrick Co. d. 22 Dec. Age 56. (Mrs. JA Parker) First husb: Geo. B. Harter. 1502 12/28/1922 00 P626 Parker, Mrs. James A. : Merrick Co. d. 22 Dec. Age 56. Burial at York, NE. (nee CA Chambers). 1502 12/28/1922 00 P420 Paulus, Prof. A. A. : Palmer? m. Sat. to Grace Hettrick. Teacher at Cockville School 1502 12/28/1922 00 H362 Hettrick, Grace: Palmer? m. Sat. to Prof. AA Paulus. Teacher at Palmer. 1502 11/00/1922 00 L600 Lehr, Mrs. D.J.: Naches, WA d. after 80th birthday in Oct. Mother of EW Lehr. 1502 00/00/1927 00 T514 Templin, M/M H. J.: Palmer Announce engagment of dau, Gwendolyn to Dr. EN Deppen. 1502 00/00/1927 00 W256 Wegner, M/M Raymond: Palmer Charivari. 1502 00/00/1927 00 N242 Nicholas, Serena: Grand Island m. Tues to Geo. Andrew Damgard. 1502 00/00/1927 00 D526 Damgard, George Andrew: Grand Island m. Tues to Serena Nicholas. 1502 01/00/1927 00 J525 Johnson, Walter L.: St. Paul, NE d. 30 Jan. Age 52. b. Darke Co., OH. Father died 1889 1502 02/14/1927 00 K450 Klein, Mrs. Frederika: Palmer d. 10 Feb. Age 67. No maiden name given. (Mrs. P Fuehrer). 1502 02/14/1927 00 F660 Fuehrer, Mrs. Philipp: Palmer d. 10 Feb. Age 67. b. Rohrbach, Russia. (prev. Mrs. K 1502 02/00/1927 00 G420 Glause, Myrtle Alice: Grand Island d. 2 Feb. Age abt 4 mo. Bur: Palmer 1502 02/00/1927 00 W256 Wegner, Hazel (d of M/M August): Fullerton m. 10 Feb to Fay Burke. Res: Chapman. 1502 02/00/1927 00 B620 Burke, Fay: Fullerton m. 10 Feb to Hazel Wegner. Res: Glenwood. 1502 03/00/1927 00 P362 Peters, Marie (Mrs. Henry): Palmer/Worms d. 24 Mar. b. 23 Nov 1857, Lindern, Germany. 1502 03/00/1927 00 C624 Cargill, Oliver Marion: Idaho d. 29 Mar. Age 37. b. in Howard Co., NE, to ID in 1906. 1502 04/11/1927 00 J525 Johnson, Alice (d of M/M/ A.E.): Palmer? m. 6 Apr to Arthur Wiser. Res: Palmer. 1502 04/11/1927 00 W260 Wiser, Arthur: Palmer? m. 6 Apr to Alice Johnson. Res: Chapman. 1502 04/00/1927 00 M320 Maddox, Mrs. Jane: St. Paul, NE Age 90. From TN to Howard Co. in 1879. 1502 04/00/1927 00 G000 Gee, Lucille (dau of A.W.): Winner, SD m. 2 Apr to Lester Kendall. Res: Palmer. 1502 04/00/1927 00 K534 Kendall, Lester: Winner, SD m. 2 Apr to Lucille Gee. Road Contractor. 1502 04/00/1927 00 R200 Reece, Lois (dau of M/M Elmer): Aurora m. 6 Apr to Elmer Smith. Res: Palmer 1502 04/00/1927 00 S530 Smith, Elmer: Aurora m. 6 Apr to Lois Reece. Res: Phillippsburg, KS 1502 05/00/1927 00 L516 Lambert, Evelyn (dau of M/M Clem): Holyoke, CO m. 18 May to Chas. Softley. Res: Parnell, nr Horace. 1502 05/00/1927 00 S134 Softley, Chas. : Holyoke, CO m. 18 May at Holyoke, CO to Evelyn Lambert. Res: Madrid. 1502 06/30/1927 00 S155 Shipman, Pearle Evelyn: York m. 29 Jun to Howard Wells. Dau of M/M Harry E. of York, NE. 1502 06/30/1927 00 W420 Wells, Howard: York m. 29 Jun to Pearle E. Shipman. Son of Mrs. Mary. 1502 06/00/1927 00 M600 Moore, C.O. : Aurora d. 28 Jun. Age 80. Res. Archer 1502 06/00/1927 00 R200 Reece, Fannie Mae: Omaha m. 1 Jun to Lee Patton. Dau of M/M Elmer, nr Palmer 1502 06/00/1927 00 P350 Patton, Lee: Omaha m. 1 Jun to Fannie Mae Reece. Res: nr Fullerton 1502 06/00/1927 00 A516 Ambrose, Mary: St. Paul m. 21 Jun to Leo Mulligan. Res: Midway 1502 06/00/1927 00 M425 Mulligan, Leo: St. Paul m. 21 Jun to Mary Ambrose. Res: Palmer. 1502 06/00/1927 00 V514 Van Pelt, Viola : Palmer m. Sun. to Lyle Newlon. Dau of M/M Milo. 1502 06/00/1927 00 N450 Newlon, Lyle: Palmer m. Sun. to Viola Van Pelt. Son of M/M Clarence. 1502 06/00/1927 00 B550 Beeman, Mabel (d of M/M Willard): Aurora m. 15 Jun to Michael Lopresti. Res: Palmer. 1502 06/00/1927 00 L162 Lopresti, Michael : Aurora m. 15 Jun to Mabel Beeman. Res: Palmer. 1502 06/00/1927 00 H631 Hartford, Mrs. Con: Palmer Birthday celebration. 1502 06/00/1927 00 L520 LeMoss, M/M Carl: Palmer Charivari. 1502 07/00/1927 00 T300 Thede, John: nr Palmer m. Sun to Esther Leuthaseuser. Son of M/M Henry. 1502 07/00/1927 00 L322 Leuthaseuser, Esther: St. Libory m. Sun to John Thede. Dau of M/M Albert. 1502 08/00/1927 00 A523 Annextad. Marjory: Lincoln m. 13 Aug to Ralph Holmberg. Prev of Palmer, now MN 1502 08/00/1927 00 H451 Holmberg, Ralph: Lincoln m. 13 Aug to Marjory Annextad. Res: Hastings. 1502 08/00/1927 00 T514 Templin, Gwendolyn: Lincoln m. Wed. to Dr. Earl N. Deppen. Dau of H.J. of Palmer. 1502 08/00/1927 00 D150 Deppen, Dr. Earl N.: Lincoln m. Wed. to Gwendolyn Templin. Res: Lincoln 1502 09/08/1927 00 G550 Gammon, Ora: Omaha m. 1 Sep to Alice Holden. Res: Palmer 1502 09/08/1927 00 H435 Holden, Alice: Omaha m. 1 Sep to Ora Gammon . Prev res. of Albion, now IA. 1502 01/00/1928 00 D300 Dodd, Jim: no location given d. Bro. of Mrs. W. H. Hunt. Prev. of Canada Hill. 1502 04/00/1928 00 H120 Hobbs, Cyrus F.: Palmer? d. Apr. Age 74. 1502 05/00/1928 00 L162 Lubbers, Otto: Palmer d. 1 May 1928 at home in Palmer. 1502 06/00/1928 00 S620 Sears, Mrs. G. B.: nr Palmer d. 13 Jun 1928. Age 70. Res: SW of Palmer 1502 07/00/1928 00 W256 Wagner, Albert E.: Palmer? d. 5 Jul 1928. Age 73. 1502 07/00/1928 00 A536 Anderson, Axel E.: Palmer? d. 7 Jul 1928. Age 63. 1502 07/00/1928 00 R560 Reimer, Richard: Loup River d. Jul. Age 11. Son of M/M Wm. (drowned) 1502 07/00/1928 00 W256 Wagner, Mrs. PE (A. Buchfinck): Worms d. 3 Dec 1924 (husband's obit) 1502 07/00/1928 00 B215 Buchfinck, Antonia (Mrs. PE Wagner): Worms d. 3 Dec 1924 (husband's obit) 1502 09/29/1928 00 G550 Gammon, M/M L. J.: Palmer 50th Wedding Anniversary. Mar. in Sidney, IA 1502 10/00/1928 00 W420 Welch, Mary Lou: Palmer? d. Oct 1928. Dau of M/M Wm. Welch. 1502 10/00/1928 00 W340 Whitley, Mrs. Wm.: Gregory, SD d. Oct 1928 1502 11/00/1928 00 M250 McCann, Albert James: Rising City d. 12 Nov 1928 at home of son, Athol. 1502 11/00/1928 00 C552 Cummins, George: Omaha d. Nov 1928. Age 29. Univ. Hosp. (brain tumor) 1502 12/00/1928 00 O600 O'Hare, Thomas Francis: Palmer? d. 11 Dec 1928. Age 2. (pneumonia) 1502 12/00/1928 00 R341 Rudolf, Phillipine: nr Archer d. 6 Dec 1928. Age 88. 1502 12/00/1928 00 A352 Adams, Mrs. George: Palmer? d. Dec 1928 at home of son, Harry. 1502 01/03/1929 00 J525 Johnson, Milton: St. Joseph, MO d. of flu & pneumonia. Bur: Central City. Son of A.E. 1502 01/03/1929 00 E625 Ehrsman, Louis: Lincoln m. Maymie Steeple. Res: Lincoln 1502 01/03/1929 00 S314 Steeple, Maymie (dau of M/M Joe): Lincoln m. Louis Ehrsman. Res: Palmer 1502 01/31/1929 00 M235 Meston, James: Cotesfield d. Sunday. Age 81. Dau: Mrs. Wm. Lint. 1502 01/31/1929 00 V514 Van Pelt, John: Archer d. Tues. Funeral at Archer Meth. Church. 1502 01/31/1929 00 B650 Brown, Mrs. Alf Sr.: Palmer Celebrates 83rd birthday. 1502 01/00/1929 00 J525 Johnson, Milton Raymond: St. Joseph, MO d. 31 Dec 1928. Age 24. b. Central City to M/M A.E. 1502 01/00/1929 00 M253 McIntyre, Josephine: Worms m. 27 Jan to Edward Baumeister. 1502 01/00/1929 00 B523 Baumeister, Edward: Worms m. 27 Jan to Josephine McIntyre. 1502 02/14/1929 00 H426 Helser, Alfred D.: Greeley Co. d. 4 Feb. b 1870 in Lena, IL. Burial at Palmer. 1502 02/21/1929 00 H426 Helser, Fred : Greeley Co. d. 4 Feb. Shot accidentally by Albert Emery? Case to jury. 1502 02/21/1929 00 M450 Mullen, Mrs. R. M.: Briggsdale, CO d. Tues. Funeral today at Meth. Church. Prev. of Palmer. 1502 02/21/1929 00 R256 Rickner, Solomon: near Palmer 107th birthday was Monday. Dau: Mrs. Cora Corbett 1502 02/00/1929 00 G615 Griffin, Mary Alice: Palmer d. 20 Feb. Age 76. Bur: Palmer. (Mrs. CB McCormick) 1502 02/00/1929 00 M265 McCormick, Mrs. Custis B.: Palmer d. 20 Feb. Age 76. b.1852, Muscatine, IA. (nee MA Griffin). 1502 02/00/1929 00 P625 Parsons, Augusta Belle: Briggsdale, CO d. 19 Feb. Age 79. (Mrs. R. M. Mallen) 1st husb: John Simmons. 1502 02/00/1929 00 M450 Mallen, Mrs. R. M. (nee Parsons): Briggsdale, CO d. 19 Feb. Age 79. Dau of Criston Parsons. 1502 02/00/1929 00 S552 Simmons, John: d. abt 53 yrs ago. See obit of A.B. Parsons. 1502 02/00/1929 00 M450 Mallen, R. M.: d. July 1917. See obit of Mrs. RM Mallen. 1502 02/00/1929 00 Z420 Zuehlke, Mary (dau of M/M Geo.): St. Libory m. 12 Feb to Joseph Ziller. Res: nr Palmer 1502 02/00/1929 00 Z460 Ziller, Joseph (son of August): St. Libory m. 12 Feb at to Mary Zuehlke. Immigr 4 yrs ago. Res: Hastings. 1502 02/00/1929 00 N425 Nelson, Wilbur (s of M/M V. L.): Central City m. 14 Feb to Louise Travis. Res: Palmer. 1502 02/00/1929 00 T612 Travis, Louise (d of M/M G. L.): Central City m. 14 Feb to Wilbur Nelson. Res: Palmer. 1502 03/07/1929 00 H300 Hiett, Nelly (d of Mrs. Elizabeth): Aurora m. 28 Feb to Theodore Rutten. Res: nr St. Paul 1502 03/07/1929 00 R350 Rutten, Theodore (s of M/M. Wm): Aurora m. 28 Feb to Nelly Hiett. Res: Hastings. 1502 03/14/1929 00 S514 Semple, Danniel James: Palmer d. 7 Mar. b. 1859 Carroll Co., OH. Bur: Palmer 1502 03/00/1929 00 N550 Newman, Ivey Sophia : Palmer d. 24 Mar. Age 33. (Mrs. John Van Pelt) 1st husb: Clarence Bartholomew. 1502 03/00/1929 00 V514 Van Pelt, Mrs. John (nee Newman): Palmer d. 24 Mar. Age 33. Dau of Jarvis. A. Newman. 1502 03/00/1929 00 B634 Bartholomew, Clarence: Bridgeport d. Oct 1918, RR accident (see Ivey S. Newman obit) 1502 03/00/1929 00 D120 Davis, Mrs. J. L.: Palmer Celebrates 84th birthday 1502 04/04/1929 00 D300 Dodd, son of Peter: near Fullerton Age 9. Struck by car. Funeral: Fullerton Meth. Ch. 1502 04/11/1929 00 L320 Lahowetz, Esther: Maryville, MO m. 10 Apr to Louis Geineau. Res: Palmer 1502 04/11/1929 00 G500 Geineau, Louis: Maryville, MO m. 10 Apr to Esther Lahowetz. Res: Dalton 1502 04/00/1929 00 S552 Simonson, Lewis: Erison d. 10 Apr. Age 85. b. 1844, Norway. Bur: Palmer 1502 05/23/1929 00 U626 Urquhart, Agnes (dau of M/M Geo.): Clay Center m. 18 May to H. W. Blum. Res: Palmer 1502 05/23/1929 00 B450 Blum, H. W. : Clay Center m. 18 May to Agnes Urquhart. Res: Hastings. 1502 05/30/1929 00 H255 Hagemann, Harold Henry: Palmer? d. 23 May. Age 1y 3m 8d. Son of Henry & Alma. 1502 05/00/1929 00 C514 Campbell, Gertrude (d of M/M John): Lexington m. 24 May to Mark E. Mallet. Res: Palmer 1502 05/00/1929 00 M430 Mallet, Mark E. : Lexington m. 24 May to Gertrude Campbell. Res: Cozad 1502 06/20/1929 00 M245 McLain, Helen (dau of M/M Ray): York m. Sat to Fred Hobbs. Res: Wolbach. 1502 06/20/1929 00 H120 Hobbs, Fred (son of Mrs. Jessie): York m. Sat to Helen McLain. Res: Palmer 1502 06/27/1929 00 C435 Clayton, Harry: Central City Postmaster. Suicide. 1502 06/27/1929 00 B623 Bergsten, Fred: Norman Struck by train. Bro-in-law of Mrs. A.E. Anderson. 1502 06/00/1929 00 N242 Nicholas, Beatrice Lillian: Palmer m. 4 Jun to W. Floyd Kuykendall. Dau of M/M J. E. 1502 06/00/1929 00 K253 Kuykendall, W. Floyd: Palmer m. 4 Jun to Beatrice Lillian Nicholas. Presby. pastor 1502 06/00/1929 00 C514 Campbell, M/M D. K. (photo): Palmer Golden Wedding Anniversary 3 Jun. Both b Scotland. 1502 06/00/1929 00 P652 Prince, Marie (dau of M/M E. J.): Regent, ND m. 27 Jun to Henry D. Johnson . Formerly of Palmer. 1502 06/00/1929 00 J525 Johnson, Henry D.: Regent, ND m. 27 Jun to Marie Prince. 1502 07/11/1929 00 B255 Baughman, Mary A. (Mrs. GW Taylor): Clarks d. at home of son Olin. Funeral at Clarks. 1502 07/11/1929 00 T460 Taylor, Mrs. George W.: Clarks b. 24 Mar 1859 at Pike Co., IL (nee MA Baughman) 1502 07/11/1929 00 T460 Taylor, George W.: Clarks? d. 9 yrs ago (see obit of wife) 1502 07/00/1929 00 B650 Brown, Mildred: Fullerton m. 8 Jun to Ray Meston. Dau of M/M Ben, Palmer. 1502 07/00/1929 00 M235 Meston, Ray: Fullerton m. 8 Jun to Mildred Brown. Son of M/M Wm, St. Paul. 1502 08/01/1929 00 A436 Alder, Stanley: Merrick Co? Drowned in Loup River. Age 17. Res: Burwell. 1502 08/05/1929 00 K420 Kellogg, Isaac N.: Alspaugh, CA d. yesterday. Dau: Mrs. Edith Robinson of Palmer. 1502 08/00/1929 00 L600 Lehr, Edwin Wesley: Archer? d. 2 Aug. Age 74. Bur: Prairie Creek Baptist Cem. 1502 08/00/1929 00 L600 Lehr, Charles: Archer? d. 2 years ago. Son of Edwin Wesley Lehr. (his obit) 1502 08/00/1929 00 J520 Jones, Mrs. B.F. (nee Lehr): Yakimo, WA d. 3 yrs ago. Sister of EW Lehr (see his obit) 1502 09/19/1929 00 W420 Wills, Dolene: Callaway? m. 1 Sep to Warren M. Price. Res: Calloway? 1502 09/19/1929 00 P620 Price, Warren M.: Callaway? m. 1 Sep to Dolene Wills. Res: St Paul, last year. 1502 09/26/1929 00 B215 Buchfinck, Harry: Newgut, WY UPRR accident. Son of M/M Chris. Funeral: Pocatella, ID. 1502 09/00/1929 00 B215 Buchfink, Harrison Jacob: Nugget, WY d. 23 Sep. Age 40. Burial at Palmer. 1502 09/00/1929 00 F425 Folsom, Elma Elizabeth: Grand Island d. 18 Sep. at hospital. b. 1859 WI (Mrs. WC Burkman) 1502 09/00/1929 00 B625 Burkman, Mrs. W. C. (nee EE Folsom): Grand Island d. 18 Sep. Res: farm NE of Palmer since 1877. 1502 09/00/1929 00 W452 Williams, Evelyn : Chadron m. 14 Sep to Dale Applegate. Res: Scotts Bluff. 1502 09/00/1929 00 A142 Applegate, Dale: Chadron m. 14 Sep to Evelyn Williams. Res: Scotts Bluff. 1502 10/12/1929 00 R543 Reynolds, Dr. Clyde: California Killed Fri in auto accident in CA. Bros. res Gage Valley. 1502 10/17/1929 00 F321 Fitzpatrick, Grace (d of M/M C.E.): Palmer m. Wed. to Merrill G. Koser. Teaching at Fairbury. 1502 10/17/1929 00 K260 Koser, Merrill G.: Palmer m. Wed to Grace Fitzpatrick. Grad of NE Wesleyan Univ. 1502 10/20/1929 00 B650 Brown, Alf Sr.: Palmer 88th Birthday celebration. 1502 10/24/1929 00 H242 Hesselgesser, M/M John: Palmer 50th Anniversary celebration (actual anniv: 18 Nov.) 1502 10/24/1929 00 H246 Hagler, Effie May (d of M/M J.W.): near Atkinson m. Mon, 20 mi N of Atkinson to Frederick Bruns. 1502 10/24/1929 00 B652 Bruns, Frederick (s of H.J.): near Atkinson m. Mon, 20 mi N of Atkinson to Effie May Hagler. 1502 10/31/1929 00 T300 Tidd, C.G. "Charley": Long Beach, CA m. dau of Judge Patrick Sweeney in CA. 1502 10/00/1929 00 P235 Paxton, Mrs. John C. (nee Cameron): nr Fruitland, ID d. 27 Oct. Age 90. Bur: near Omaha. 1502 10/00/1929 00 C565 Cameron, Jemima. (Mrs. JC Paxton): nr Fruitland, ID d. 27 Oct at home of son: Dr. CC Paxton. Age 90. 1502 11/20/1929 00 W340 Whitley, Albert: Gregory, SD Age 12. Funeral today. Son of Wm Whitley. 1502 11/00/1929 00 M242 Michalski, Mrs. Mike : Loup City d. 27 Nov. Age 73. Burial: St. Josephat's Cem. (nee V. Damratowski). 1502 11/00/1929 00 D563 Damratowski, Victoria : Loup City d. 27 Nov. Age 73. Dau: L. Dembowski of Palmer. (Mrs.Michalski) 1502 11/00/1929 00 M242 Michalski, Anna (Mrs. Zolowski): Sargent? d. before her mother, see obit of Mrs. Michalski. 1502 11/00/1929 00 M242 Michalski, Katie (Mrs. Kozak): Fullerton? d. before her mother, see obit of Mrs. Michalski. 1502 11/00/1929 00 Z420 Zolowski, Mrs. Anna (nee Michalski): Sargent? d. before her mother, see obit of Mrs. Michalski. 1502 11/00/1929 00 K220 Kozak, Mrs. Katie (nee Michalski): Fullerton? d. before her mother, see obit of Mrs. Michalski. 1502 12/00/1929 00 H525 Hansen, Helen (dau of M/M Emil): Archer m. 8 Dec to Raymond Earhart. 1502 12/00/1929 00 E663 Earhart, Raymond (s of M/M Thos.): Archer m. 8 Dec to Helen Hanse. Res: Kearney 1502 12/00/1929 00 C462 Clark, Maude L. (d of M/M Geo. C.): Creston, IA m. 16 Dec at parent's home to Frank B. Davis. Res: Creston, IA. 1502 12/00/1929 00 D120 Davis, Frank B. (son of M/M Ben): Creston, IA m. 16 Dec to Maude L. Clark. Res: Palmer 1502 09/00/1929 00 E560 Emery, Albert: Not guilty of murdering Fred Helser. 1502 00/00/1930 00 E363 Edwards, Mrs. J. B. (no giv. name): Corona, CA Bur: Sunny Cem. Prev res: Palmer 1502 01/02/1930 00 W260 Wisser, C. G.: Palmer d. Fri. Bridge foreman for Burlington RR. Res: Cushing. 1502 01/06/1930 00 C514 Campbell, D. K.: Palmer? d. Mon. suddenly at hotel, obit next week 1502 01/23/1930 00 L120 Luebke, Wm.: Palmer d. 20 Jan. Age 86. Bur: Worms Cem. 1502 01/23/1930 00 L120 Luebke, Mrs. Wm. (nee WC Kamper): Palmer d. 18 Jan. Age 82. Bur: Worms Cem. 1502 01/23/1930 00 K516 Kamper, Wilhelmina Catherine: Palmer d. 18 Jan. Age 82. Mar: abt 64 yrs. (Mrs. W Luebke) 1502 01/00/1930 00 M235 Meston, Lora Lou: Sunrise, WY Child died after house fire. Bur: Sunrise Cem. 1502 01/00/1930 00 M235 Meston, Mrs. (nee Violet Montgomery): Sunrise, WY House fire. Bur: Sunrise Cem. Husb: Leslie Meston. 1502 01/00/1930 00 M235 Meston, Peggy: Sunrise, WY Child burned, recovery hoped. 1502 01/00/1930 00 M532 Montgomery, Violet (Mrs. L. Meston): Sunrise, WY House fire. Bur: Sunrise Cem. 1502 01/00/1930 00 M235 Meston, Leslie: Sunrise, WY House fire. Burned, will recover. Husb of Violet. 1502 01/00/1930 00 W460 Weller, Herman Ernest: Archer-Palmer d. 27 Jan. Age 69. Farmed bet. Archer & Palmer. 1502 01/00/1930 00 W460 Weller, Mrs. Herman (nee A Meyer): Archer-Palmer d. 7 Jun 1925. See obit of husband. 1502 01/00/1930 00 M600 Meyer, Anna (Mrs. HE Weller): Archer-Palmer d. 7 Jun 1925. See obit of husband. 1502 01/00/1930 00 C514 Campbell, Donald Kerr: Palmer d. 6 Jan. Age 73. b. Scotland. Bur: Central City. 1502 01/00/1930 00 J552 Jennings, William H.: Palmer d. 23 Jan. Age 74. Res for abt 5 years. 1502 02/06/1930 00 S314 Steubel, Mrs. Wm.: Wichita, KS d. Known in Palmer as Mrs. Euvene (sic) Washburn. 1502 02/00/1930 00 A536 Anderson, Clara Grahn : Palmer d. 6 Feb. Age 64. (Mrs. AE Anderson) 1502 02/00/1930 00 A536 Anderson, Mrs. Axel E. (CG Anderson): Palmer d. 6 Feb. Age 64. Burial: Palmer 1502 02/00/1930 00 S432 Shieldstrom, Charles Victor: Palmer d. 4 Feb. Age 77. Bur: Central City w/parents. 1502 02/00/1930 00 K200 Kyes, John Henry: Midland Twp. d. 15 Feb. b. 1876. Bur: Central City 1502 02/00/1930 00 S120 Savage, Ethel Jane: Palmer d. 20 Feb. Age 28. Dau of Charley. (Mrs. Chris Jensen). 1502 02/00/1930 00 J525 Jensen, Mrs. Chris (nee EJ Savage): Palmer d. 20 Feb. Age 28. Bur: Wolbach Cem. 1502 02/00/1930 00 S120 Savage, Mrs. Charley: d. "less than a year ago". (see obit of dau: Ethel Jane 1502 02/00/1930 00 P350 Patton, Alva Darrel: Archer d. 15 Feb. 14 days. Grandson of OA Kelso of Fullerton 1502 02/00/1930 00 A325 Adisson, Anna Louise: Wichita, KS d. 1 Feb. Age 62. (Mrs. Wm Strebel) 1st husb: Elgene Washburn). 1502 02/00/1930 00 S361 Strebel, Mrs. Wm (nee AL Adisson): Wichita, KS d. 1 Feb. Age 62. Res: Butler & Howard Cos. 1502 02/00/1930 00 G550 Gammon, Mrs. L.J. (nee DB Matthews): Palmer d. 8 Feb. b. 1855 in OH. Bur: Palmer 1502 02/00/1930 00 M320 Matthews, Dora Belle : Palmer d. 8 Feb. b. 1855 in OH. (Mrs. LJ Gammon) 1502 04/00/1930 00 S600 Shirey, Nancy: Council Bluffs, IA m. John Burch, 8 Apr. Res: Palmer. 1502 04/00/1930 00 B620 Burch, John: Council Bluffs, IA m. Nancy Shirey, 8 Apr. Res: Schuyler. 1502 04/00/1930 00 S452 Salling, James M.: Merrick strip d. 10 Apr. b.1864, Denmark. Bur: Rock Creek Cem. 1502 07/00/1930 00 C200 Cox, Henry M.: Denver, CO d. 26 Jul. Age82. b Carrolltown, OH. Bur: Palmer. 1502 07/00/1930 00 C624 Cargill, Anna Tosh: Palmer d. 16 Jul. Age 90. m1: Wm Young. m2: James Fowlie. 1502 07/00/1930 00 C624 Cargill, Mrs. Robert (Anna Tosh): Palmer d. 16 Jul. Age. 90. b. Fraesburg, Scotland 1502 09/04/1930 00 C620 Crouch, James: near Hampton Killed Sun. in auto accident. 1502 09/04/1930 00 C620 Crouch, Mrs. James: near Hampton Injured in auto accident. Res: St. Paul. 1502 09/00/1930 00 C462 Clark, Roseda Josephine : Orafino d. 21 Sep. Age 55. b. Anita, IA in 1875. (Mrs. JF Shirey). 1502 09/00/1930 00 S600 Shirey, Mrs. Joseph F. (nee Clark): Orafino d. 21 Sep. Age 55. Bur: Rose Hill Cem, Palmer. 1502 09/00/1930 00 R100 Rippey, Mary Minerva: Burwell d. 2 Sep. Age 90. Husb: W.J. Copeland 1502 09/00/1930 00 C145 Copeland, Mrs. W. J. (Mary): Burwell d. 2 Sep Age. 90. (nee MM Rippey b. St. Louis, MO) 1502 09/00/1930 00 T300 Tidd, Charles G.: Palmer d. 9 Sep. Age 62. Bur: Long Beach, CA w/1st wife. 1502 09/00/1930 00 S535 Santin, Bessie: Palmer d. 10 Sep. Age 50. Husb: John Janda 1502 09/00/1930 00 S535 Santin, Frank: Palmer? d. 28 yrs ago (see obit of dau: Bessie Santin) 1502 09/00/1930 00 S535 Santin, Annie: Palmer? d. 38 yrs ago (see obit of sis: Bessie Santin) 1502 09/00/1930 00 J530 Janda, Mrs. John (Bessie Santin): Palmer d. 10 Sep. Age 50. b. Bohemia to M/M Frank Santin. 1502 10/16/1930 00 C462 Clark, Mrs. C.C.: Columbia, MO d. 16 Oct at hosp. Born Palmer, to: M/M J.M. Kyle. 1502 10/00/1930 00 S146 Shepler, Mrs. Benjamin: Valley d. 28 Oct. Age 84. Dau: Mrs. CD Newlon. Bur: Palmer. 1502 10/00/1930 00 S146 Shepler, Mrs. Elizabeth R.: Valley d. 28 Oct. Age 84. b. WV. No maiden name given. 1502 11/00/1930 00 D400 Dooley, Mary Viola: Palmer d. 27 Nov. Age 17. Dau of M/M I.T. Dooley. 1502 12/00/1930 00 O650 O'Hern, Mary Alice (infant): near Palmer d. 29 Dec. b 30 Oct 1929. Dau of M/M Bernard O'Hern. 1502 12/00/1930 00 H631 Hartford, Edna Agnes: Palmer d. 17 Dec. Age 28. Husb: Kenneth Stone 1502 12/00/1930 00 S350 Stone, Mrs. Kenneth: Palmer d. 17 Dec. Age 28 (nee E.A. Hartford) 1502 01/01/1931 00 C462 Clark, Ernest: Former Merrick Sheriff. Death notice to Gilbert Rose, Nephew. 1502 01/00/1931 00 S552 Simonson, Mrs. Simon (nee A Jensen): near Worms d. 23 Jan. Bur: Norwegian Cem, NW of Worms. 1502 01/00/1931 00 J525 Jensen, Anna (Mrs. S. Simonson): near Worms d. 23 Jan. b. Mendel, Norway 1502 02/00/1931 00 M600 Moyer, Matilda: Clarinda, IA d. 1 Feb. Age: 64. Bur: Rose Hill Cem, Palmer. 1502 04/01/1931 00 T455 Tallman, Mrs. Wilbur: Clarion, IA d. Wed. (nee Starrett) Prev. res: Palmer. 1502 04/01/1931 00 S363 Starrett, Lottie (Mrs. W. Tallman): Clarion, IA d. Wed. Dau of M/M J.S. Starrett 1502 04/23/1931 00 V546 Van Leer, John: Fullerton d. Sat. Funeral Mon at Fullerton. Civil War vet. 1502 04/00/1931 00 M252 McGonagle, Charles: Cheyenne, WY? d. suddenly. Notice to bro: Joe McGonagle. 1502 06/00/1931 00 B536 Binderup, Dean: Kimball m. Ruth Clifton. Res: Carpenter, WY 1502 06/00/1931 00 W352 White Way (2 mi S of town): Palmer Grading. 2nd article on 15 Oct, drainage is bad. 1502 06/00/1931 00 C413 Clifton, Ruth: Kimball m. Dean Binderup. Res: Carpenter, WY 1502 07/00/1931 00 D120 Davis, Sarah E (Mrs. C Buchfinck): Howard Co. d. 15 Jul. Age 67. Dau of Wm & Mahalia Davis, Butler Co. 1502 07/00/1931 00 B215 Buchfinck, Mrs. Christian: Howard Co. d. 15 Jul Age 67. Farm near Palmer. (nee Davis) 1502 08/04/1931 00 H340 Hadley, Will: Fullerton d. Tues. Age 49. (influenza & stroke) 1502 08/00/1931 00 B650 Brown, Green P.: Burwell d. 14 Aug. Age 79. Prev. of Glenwood.


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