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News Extraction Project

NSHS Newspaper Extractions: Unknown Newspaper

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Code Date (m/d/y) Pg Col SNDX Extraction

0000 08/07/0191 00 K450 Kline, Harmon; DN: Nora, Nuckolls County
0000 09/26/1882 003 02 L250 LOGAN,MATT; DN: BRAINARD
0000 01/25/1907 00 A654 Arnold, Andrew; Probate records: Red Cloud
0000 01/25/1907 00 W652 Warnke, Robert (infant F); BIRTH: Blue Hill

0000 02/01/1907 00 B263 Baker & Tobin; Clothing store: Cambridge
0000 02/01/1907 00 F656 Farmers Independent Business Association; Organization: Wilsonville
0000 02/01/1907 00 L524 Lincoln Land Company; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Bladen
0000 02/01/1907 00 N162 Nebraska Volunteer Firemans Assoc.; Organization: Grand Island
0000 02/01/1907 00 S332 State Checker Players Association; Organization: Utica

0000 02/01/1907 00 B625 Bergman, Frick O.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 02/01/1907 00 C136 Chivater, R. C.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Bladen
0000 02/01/1907 00 C200 Cook, Henry; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Red Cloud
0000 02/01/1907 00 D120 Davis, D. P.; DEATH: Bladen
0000 02/01/1907 00 D000 Dow, Fannie S.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Red Cloud

0000 02/01/1907 00 G364 Gaudreault, Arthur; Clothing store: Cambridge
0000 02/01/1907 00 H300 Heedt, William; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill
0000 02/01/1907 00 H620 Herrick, Caroline; DN: Shelton
0000 02/01/1907 00 H322 Hodges, Jessie W.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Guide Rock
0000 02/01/1907 00 H150 Hoppen, Harm; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County

0000 02/01/1907 00 J525 Johnson, William; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Rosemont
0000 02/01/1907 00 K626 Kruger, Louie; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill
0000 02/01/1907 00 L343 Lutholtz, (Mr.); D - Accident: Humboldt
0000 02/01/1907 00 L343 Lutholtz, Julius; D - Accident: Humboldt
0000 02/01/1907 00 M534 Mandelbaum, Adiline; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County

0000 02/01/1907 00 M246 McElroy, Thomas; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill
0000 02/01/1907 00 M236 Meester, Harm (infant F); BIRTH: Blue Hill
0000 02/01/1907 00 N242 Nichols, (Dr.); Land titles, registrations & transfers: Rosemont
0000 02/01/1907 00 O236 Osterbald, Louis B.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Guide Rock
0000 02/01/1907 00 R630 Rayworth, M. M. (Mrs.); DN: Blue Hill

0000 02/01/1907 00 R200 Rose, Harm; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill
0000 02/01/1907 00 R200 Ross, Katie E.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 02/01/1907 00 S423 Schlichtman, John; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill
0000 02/01/1907 00 S400 Sheeley, John A.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Guide Rock
0000 02/01/1907 00 S152 Spence, Charles; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Bladen

0000 02/01/1907 00 S152 Spence, Karl; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Bladen
0000 02/01/1907 00 W425 Willson, Ed (infant F); BIRTH: Blue Hill
0000 02/01/1907 00 W410 Wolf, Louis (infant M); BIRTH: Bladen
0000 02/01/1907 00 Y360 Yetter, Frank W.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Guide Rock
0000 02/08/1907 00 L524 Lincoln Land Co.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Bladen

0000 02/08/1907 00 A654 Arnold, Andrew; Probate proceedings: Red Cloud
0000 02/08/1907 00 A654 Arnold, C. E.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Rosemont
0000 02/08/1907 00 B435 Baldwin, Thomas A.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 02/08/1907 00 B435 Baldwin, Thomas W.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 02/08/1907 00 B463 Ballard, Elizabeth M.; MARRIAGE: Blue Hill

0000 02/08/1907 00 B550 Baumann, Peter; D - Accident: Grand Island
0000 02/08/1907 00 B540 Bunnell, William A.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 02/08/1907 00 C514 Campbell, Archie W.; Probate Proceedings: Red Cloud
0000 02/08/1907 00 C600 Carr, Stanley V.; MARRIAGE: Red Cloud
0000 02/08/1907 00 C650 Crum, William E.; MARRIAGE: Red Cloud

0000 02/08/1907 00 D120 Davis, D. P.; DN: Bladen
0000 02/08/1907 00 D450 Dillin, John C.; MARRIAGE: Red Cloud
0000 02/08/1907 00 D615 Durbin, Nettie; MARRIAGE: Red Cloud
0000 02/08/1907 00 F635 Ferdinand, Oscar; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 02/08/1907 00 G400 Goll, Henry; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Rosemont

0000 02/08/1907 00 G200 Goos, Ulrich; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Rosemont
0000 02/08/1907 00 G530 Gund, C. F.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill
0000 02/08/1907 00 H400 Hale, A. C.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 02/08/1907 00 H400 Hale, Procer B.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 02/08/1907 00 H460 Haller, Regena E.; MARRIAGE: Red Cloud

0000 02/08/1907 00 H420 Hallock, John L.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Red Cloud
0000 02/08/1907 00 K626 Kruger, Louis; ML: Blue Hill
0000 02/08/1907 00 M526 Manker, Nellie; ML: Guide Rock
0000 02/08/1907 00 M521 Manspeaker, Catherine E.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Red Cloud
0000 02/08/1907 00 M635 Martin, George (infant M); BIRTH: Blue Hill

0000 02/08/1907 00 M635 Martin, J. K.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill
0000 02/08/1907 00 M635 Martin, Jotham; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill
0000 02/08/1907 00 M265 McCormal, Henry; Probate Proceedings: Red Cloud
0000 02/08/1907 00 M252 McKenzie, K. W.; DN: Blue Hill
0000 02/08/1907 00 M626 Mercer, James; Probate proceedings: Red Cloud

0000 02/08/1907 00 M626 Mercer, James R.; Probate Proceedings: Red Cloud
0000 02/08/1907 00 M460 Miller, James E.; Probate proceedings: Red Cloud
0000 02/08/1907 00 M560 Miner, Hugo; Probate proceedings: Red Cloud
0000 02/08/1907 00 M563 Mineret, Charles; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Red Cloud
0000 02/08/1907 00 M563 Mineret, Julia M.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Red Cloud

0000 02/08/1907 00 M425 Muehleisen, Ann A.; ML: Blue Hill
0000 02/08/1907 00 O523 Onstot, Oscar; Probate Proceedings: Red Cloud
0000 02/08/1907 00 P526 Panzer, Will (infant M); BIRTH: Blue Hill
0000 02/08/1907 00 P362 Peterson, John; Probate proceedings: Red Cloud
0000 02/08/1907 00 P412 Phelps, Fannie S.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Bladen

0000 02/08/1907 00 P355 Putnam, Miles L.; ML: Cowles
0000 02/08/1907 00 R552 Reining, (Mr.); Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill
0000 02/08/1907 00 R163 Robertson, William M.; DEATH: Norfolk
0000 02/08/1907 00 R262 Rogers, Annie E.; Probate Proceedings: Red Cloud
0000 02/08/1907 00 S520 Schwanke, Herman; D - accident: Norfolk

0000 02/08/1907 00 S164 Sproul, John W.; MARRIAGE: Blue Hill
0000 02/08/1907 00 S360 Storey, Edith E.; ML: Cowles
0000 02/08/1907 00 S355 Sydenham, Moses H.; DEATH: Kearney
0000 02/08/1907 00 V520 Vance, Jerome; Probate Proceedings: Red Cloud
0000 02/08/1907 00 V536 VonderFecht, William; ML: Guide Rock

0000 02/08/1907 00 W355 Wademan, Louie; BD: Blue Hill
0000 02/08/1907 00 W230 West, Charles; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 02/08/1907 00 W230 West, Hattie; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 02/08/1907 00 W234 Whistler, (Mr.): Bladen
0000 02/08/1907 00 W425 Wilson, Charles G.; Probate Proceedings: Red Cloud

0000 02/08/1907 00 W330 Woodhead, Ben; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill
0000 02/08/1907 00 W640 Worley, Ida May; MARRIAGE: Red Cloud
0000 02/15/1907 00 G625 Garrison & Schmidt; Clothing: Blue Hill
0000 02/15/1907 00 B200 Bock, Fred: Blue Hill
0000 02/15/1907 00 B620 Bowers, John; Crime & criminals: Dix

0000 02/15/1907 00 B635 Britten, Peter; DN: Red Cloud
0000 02/15/1907 00 B650 Brown, Burt E.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill
0000 02/15/1907 00 B620 Burge, Art; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 02/15/1907 00 F600 Fry, J. S.; MARRIAGE: Blue Hill
0000 02/15/1907 00 H652 Harrington, Myrtle; MARRIAGE: Blue Hill

0000 02/15/1907 00 H300 Heedt, William; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill
0000 02/15/1907 00 K626 Kruger, Louis; MARRIAGE: Blue Hill
0000 02/15/1907 00 M425 Meihleisen, Annie; MARRIAGE: Blue Hill
0000 02/15/1907 00 O325 Otzen, Peter; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 02/15/1907 00 P600 Perry, Carl B.: Crete Crete man gets place

0000 02/15/1907 00 R262 Rogers, Anna E.; DN: Red Cloud
0000 02/15/1907 00 S512 Simpson, John; DN: Red Cloud
0000 02/15/1907 00 S363 Stratton, W. D.; D.N. - Homicide: Dix
0000 02/15/1907 00 U645 Uerling, Anthony; DEATH: Hastings
0000 02/15/1907 00 W425 Willson, George (infant F); BIRTH: Blue Hill

0000 02/22/1907 00 A352 Adamson, Amanda G.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 02/22/1907 00 A420 Ailes, Louisa; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 02/22/1907 00 B260 Baker, A. D.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill
0000 02/22/1907 00 B520 Bank, Fred; DEATH: Blue Hill
0000 02/22/1907 00 B612 Brubaker, Henry B.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County

0000 02/22/1907 00 B635 Burton, Eugene F.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Cowles
0000 02/22/1907 00 B200 Busk, William; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 02/22/1907 00 B252 Busking, Henry W.; ML: Red Cloud
0000 02/22/1907 00 C660 Carrier, Elezabeth; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Cowles
0000 02/22/1907 00 C416 Colburn, Henry; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Cowles

0000 02/22/1907 00 C512 Combs, Elmar: Rosemont
0000 02/22/1907 00 C200 Cook, Henry; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Red Cloud
0000 02/22/1907 00 D430 Delahoyde, Frank; BD: Blue Hill
0000 02/22/1907 00 D500 Denny, Robert S.; Probate proceedings: Red Cloud
0000 02/22/1907 00 D300 DeWitt, James L.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County

0000 02/22/1907 00 D635 Durdin, Edward; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill
0000 02/22/1907 00 F655 Farnham, Meloin; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 02/22/1907 00 F600 Fry, James S.; ML: Red Cloud
0000 02/22/1907 00 G140 Goble, Elias B.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 02/22/1907 00 G530 Gund, C. F.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill

0000 02/22/1907 00 H525 Hansen, Emma; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 02/22/1907 00 H525 Hanson, John; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill
0000 02/22/1907 00 H652 Harrington, Myrtle M.; ML: Red Cloud
0000 02/22/1907 00 H252 Haskins, Joseph S.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Guide Rock
0000 02/22/1907 00 H320 Hedge, Orin M.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County

0000 02/22/1907 00 H536 Hemmeter, George; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill
0000 02/22/1907 00 H436 Holdredge, Hazel D.; ML: Red Cloud
0000 02/22/1907 00 H452 Holmes, William H.; ML: Red Cloud
0000 02/22/1907 00 H000 Howe, William H.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 02/22/1907 00 H220 Hughes, John W.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County

0000 02/22/1907 00 K400 Kaley, David H.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 02/22/1907 00 K530 Kent, William A.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 02/22/1907 00 K530 Kind, John; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Guide Rock
0000 02/22/1907 00 L361 Lathrop, Albert; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 02/22/1907 00 L532 Lindquist, Svend; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County

0000 02/22/1907 00 M245 McCelland, Joseph; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 02/22/1907 00 M626 Mercer, James R.; Probate proceedings: Red Cloud
0000 02/22/1907 00 M636 Merter, Peter; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill
0000 02/22/1907 00 M560 Miner, Charles H.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Red Cloud
0000 02/22/1907 00 M560 Miner, Julia M.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Red Cloud

0000 02/22/1907 00 M525 Munson, B. A.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill
0000 02/22/1907 00 N425 Nelson, Orley; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 02/22/1907 00 P625 Person, Adline; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 02/22/1907 00 P362 Peters, Emanuel; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Red Cloud
0000 02/22/1907 00 R220 Raschke, Charles; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill

0000 02/22/1907 00 R300 Reed, Benjamin F.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 02/22/1907 00 R100 Reeve, Albertis; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 02/22/1907 00 R200 Reig, Jacob; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 02/22/1907 00 R200 Rieck, Adelherd; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill
0000 02/22/1907 00 S435 Saladen, Florence B.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County

0000 02/22/1907 00 S435 Saladen, John B.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 02/22/1907 00 S435 Saladen, Joseph A.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 02/22/1907 00 S530 Schmidt, Lizzie; ML: Red Cloud
0000 02/22/1907 00 S162 Spracher, Adam H.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Cowles
0000 02/22/1907 00 S552 Summons, Elmer; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County

0000 02/22/1907 00 T520 Thomas, Charlotte; Probate proceedings: Red Cloud
0000 02/22/1907 00 T150 Topham, William W.; ML: Red Cloud
0000 02/22/1907 00 V162 Vavrika, Frank; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 02/22/1907 00 V162 Vavrika, Maley; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 02/22/1907 00 W226 Wisecarver, Johnson B.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County

0000 02/22/1907 00 W410 Wolf, Charles S.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 02/22/1907 00 W623 Wright, Sarah B.; ML: Red Cloud
0000 03/01/1907 00 A536 Anderson, E. W.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/01/1907 00 A536 Anderson, E. W.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Red Cloud
0000 03/01/1907 00 A654 Arnold, Andrew; Probate proceedings: Red Cloud

0000 03/01/1907 00 A210 Ashby, W. S.: Blue Hill
0000 03/01/1907 00 B200 Bauk, Frederick; Probate proceedings: Red Cloud
0000 03/01/1907 00 B346 Beitler, Carrie; BD: Blue Hill
0000 03/01/1907 00 B452 Billings, James C.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Red Cloud
0000 03/01/1907 00 B452 Blanch, E. W.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County

0000 03/01/1907 00 B326 Boetcher, August; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Red Cloud
0000 03/01/1907 00 B326 Boetcher, Henry; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Red Cloud
0000 03/01/1907 00 B635 Britten, Peter; Probate proceedings: Red Cloud
0000 03/01/1907 00 B252 Busking, Henry; MARRIAGE: Rosemont
0000 03/01/1907 00 C514 Campbell, Archie W.; Probate proceedings: Red Cloud

0000 03/01/1907 00 C425 Clausson, Cora M.; ML: Red Cloud
0000 03/01/1907 00 C560 Comer, Martin B.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/01/1907 00 C650 Corwin, Charles W.; MARRIAGE: Guide Rock
0000 03/01/1907 00 C552 Cumming, W. A.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/01/1907 00 D400 Delahoy, J. J.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill

0000 03/01/1907 00 D300 DeWitt, James L.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/01/1907 00 E122 Epkes, Frank G.; ML: Red Cloud
0000 03/01/1907 00 F400 Fell, L. D.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill
0000 03/01/1907 00 F650 Frahm, W. C.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/01/1907 00 F245 Fusselman, Arthur A.; DN: Fremont

0000 03/01/1907 00 G635 Gardner, Della M.; ML: Red Cloud
0000 03/01/1907 00 G514 Gemble, H. L.; Mental health: Glenville
0000 03/01/1907 00 G632 Gerdes, W. H.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/01/1907 00 G632 Gerdes, William H.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/01/1907 00 G632 Gertsch, Albert; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County

0000 03/01/1907 00 G530 Gund, C. F.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill
0000 03/01/1907 00 G000 Guy, G. A.; DN - accident: Hastings
0000 03/01/1907 00 H230 Haskett, Charles C.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/01/1907 00 H252 Haskins, Ernest L.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/01/1907 00 H252 Higgins, W. W.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill

0000 03/01/1907 00 H145 Hublein, Andrew.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/01/1907 00 H325 Hudson, Oliver W.; ML: Red Cloud
0000 03/01/1907 00 J525 Johnson, Gracie; ML: Red Cloud
0000 03/01/1907 00 J525 Johnson, J. P.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Bladen
0000 03/01/1907 00 J525 Johnson, William; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County

0000 03/01/1907 00 J525 Johnson, William B.; DN - accident: Albion
0000 03/01/1907 00 K120 Kubick, Joseph; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/01/1907 00 L000 Lea, Frank O.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/01/1907 00 M532 Mandsville, F. R.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/01/1907 00 M246 McClure, Mammie; MARRIAGE: Blue Hill

0000 03/01/1907 00 M520 Means, Louis W.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/01/1907 00 M256 Meesner, William L.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/01/1907 00 N425 Nelson, John R.; ML: Red Cloud
0000 03/01/1907 00 N324 Nitzel, John (infant M); BIRTH: Blue Hill
0000 03/01/1907 00 P600 Perry, George S.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County

0000 03/01/1907 00 R200 Rose, Elso; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/01/1907 00 S530 Schmidt, Lizzie; MARRIAGE: Rosemont
0000 03/01/1907 00 S163 Schoffiret, Oliver A.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Red Cloud
0000 03/01/1907 00 S432 Schultz, Rudolf; Probate proceedings: Red Cloud
0000 03/01/1907 00 S512 Simpson, John; Probate proceedings: Red Cloud

0000 03/01/1907 00 S500 Skeen, Richard J.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/01/1907 00 S165 Springer, Ida F.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Red Cloud
0000 03/01/1907 00 S520 Sqence, Charles; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Bladen
0000 03/01/1907 00 S320 Stack, Harry; DN - accident: Kearney
0000 03/01/1907 00 T612 Travis, Emma P.; MARRIAGE: Guide Rock

0000 03/01/1907 00 W300 White, Alfred C..; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/01/1907 00 W300 Witt, James; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/01/1907 00 W410 Wolf, Charles S.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/01/1907 00 Z565 Zimmerman, Otto F.; MARRIAGE: Blue Hill
0000 03/08/1907 00 F600 Fire: Ragan

0000 03/08/1907 00 A210 Ashby, W. S.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Red Cloud
0000 03/08/1907 00 B415 Blobaum, Henry; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Rosemont
0000 03/08/1907 00 B532 Bounds, James H. (Mrs.); DN: Harvard
0000 03/08/1907 00 B555 Bowman (Mr.); Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill
0000 03/08/1907 00 B650 Brown, A. J.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill

0000 03/08/1907 00 B200 Buss, Jacob; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/08/1907 00 F000 Fay, (Mrs.); DN: Blue Hill
0000 03/08/1907 00 F460 Fuller, John D.; Blackman & Fuller; Groceries: Hastings
0000 03/08/1907 00 H514 Hanfeld (Mr.); Land titles, registrations & transfers: Rosemont
0000 03/08/1907 00 H525 Hanson, J. (infant M); BIRTH: Blue Hill

0000 03/08/1907 00 H400 Hill, Peter: Blue Hill
0000 03/08/1907 00 J525 Johnson, Ben; MARRIAGE: Blue Hill
0000 03/08/1907 00 J525 Johnson, Mary; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill
0000 03/08/1907 00 K435 Kletonic, Frank; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill
0000 03/08/1907 00 K532 Knutsen, Albert; Wolf & Beardslee; Inventions: Blue Hill

0000 03/08/1907 00 K630 Kort, Louie; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill
0000 03/08/1907 00 K332 Kottwitz, William: Blue Hill
0000 03/08/1907 00 L500 Lum, A. J.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill
0000 03/08/1907 00 O216 Osburn, Burl (infant F); BIRTH: Ayr
0000 03/08/1907 00 S432 Schultz, William: Blue Hill

0000 03/08/1907 00 S432 Schultz, William; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill
0000 03/08/1907 00 S300 Schutte, Heinrich; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Rosemont
0000 03/08/1907 00 S140 Shiviley, Charles A.; BD: Blue Hill
0000 03/08/1907 00 S561 Summerfeldt, Laura; MARRIAGE: Blue Hill
0000 03/08/1907 00 T160 Tabor, O. W.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Red Cloud

0000 03/08/1907 00 T125 Tapkins, George; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill
0000 03/08/1907 00 T651 Trimble, V. D.; Trimble & Blackman; Grocery: Hastings
0000 03/08/1907 00 T656 Turner, Ed: Blue Hill
0000 03/08/1907 00 W425 Walzen, Brunke; Mental health: Hildreth
0000 03/08/1907 00 W365 Waterman, A.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County

0000 03/08/1907 00 W255 Wegman, G. (Mrs.); BD: Blue Hill
0000 03/15/1907 00 A516 Anborhon, Louis; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 A536 Andreeson, H.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 A210 Ashby, Roy: Blue Hill
0000 03/15/1907 00 A210 Ashby, W. S.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill

0000 03/15/1907 00 B400 Bailey, Frank; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Guide Rock
0000 03/15/1907 00 B616 Barber, Benjamin F.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 B612 Barfknecht, Caroline; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 B246 Beachler, Hannah; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Guide Rock
0000 03/15/1907 00 B526 Benker, George J.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County

0000 03/15/1907 00 B526 Benker, Henry; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 B526 Benker, John (infant F); BIRTH: Blue Hill
0000 03/15/1907 00 B526 Benker, Matthews; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 B415 Blobaum, Henry; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 B445 Blolaum, Louis; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County

0000 03/15/1907 00 B560 Boomer, Wilber J.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 B635 Britten, Frank; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 B635 Britten, Henry; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 B635 Britten, Margaret; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 B635 Britten, Peter M.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County

0000 03/15/1907 00 B620 Brosch, August; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 B620 Burge, Art; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill
0000 03/15/1907 00 C514 Canfield, James; D - violent: Beaver City
0000 03/15/1907 00 C600 Cary, James J. & Hattie; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 C146 Chevalier, Mary C.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Bladen

0000 03/15/1907 00 C451 Columbia, Lee; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 C450 Colwin, Isaac B.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Guide Rock
0000 03/15/1907 00 C500 Conway, Patrick; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 C632 Cordes, Henry; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 C330 Coutehett, Stacy: Blue Hill

0000 03/15/1907 00 C623 Creighton, Mary S.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 C613 Crobett, William M.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 C640 Crowell, Wodda; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 D516 Danford, Maude Call; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 D263 Ducksworth, Joseph F.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County

0000 03/15/1907 00 D263 Duckworth, Joseph F.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 E400 Eily, Charles L.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Guide Rock
0000 03/15/1907 00 F655 Farnham, M. H.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 F460 Fuller, Sammel; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 G230 Gust, Carl; Probate proceedings: Red Cloud

0000 03/15/1907 00 H140 Haffele, George G.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 H543 Hamelton, C. H.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 H652 Harms, Carl.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 H652 Harrington, T. W.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 H230 Haskett, Charles C.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County

0000 03/15/1907 00 H230 Hoight, Elizabeth Ball; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 H452 Holingram, Effie J.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 H452 Holingram, Orville J.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 H435 Holton, Harry (infant F); BIRTH: Blue Hill
0000 03/15/1907 00 H120 Hopka, Fred; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County

0000 03/15/1907 00 H216 Hosebronk, Garrett H.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 H256 Hosmer, A. S.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Red Cloud
0000 03/15/1907 00 H435 Houlton, Lawrence; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 I510 Imhof, Daniel; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 J520 Jahnke, Paul; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County

0000 03/15/1907 00 J525 Johnson, Benhard L.; ML: Red Cloud
0000 03/15/1907 00 K500 Keeny, A. H.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 K520 King, Gilbert; DN: Swanton, NE
0000 03/15/1907 00 K246 Kochler, Henry; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 K332 Kottwitz, John; Probate proceedings: Red Cloud

0000 03/15/1907 00 K620 Krug, E. A.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 L532 Lindsey, Martha; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Red Cloud
0000 03/15/1907 00 L500 Lum, Olon J.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 M635 Martin, August; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill
0000 03/15/1907 00 M635 Martin, Bertha; ML: Red Cloud

0000 03/15/1907 00 M240 McCall, Agnes E.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 M240 McCall, Ralph B.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 M252 McKenzie, Ellis: Blue Hill
0000 03/15/1907 00 M300 Mead, L. M.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 M200 Meeske, Ledia; MARRIAGE: Beemer

0000 03/15/1907 00 M600 Meyer, James L.; ML: Red Cloud
0000 03/15/1907 00 M460 Miller, Dora; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 M460 Miller, F. W.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Guide Rock
0000 03/15/1907 00 N425 Nelson, Peter; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 N120 Novak, Karel; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County

0000 03/15/1907 00 O632 Ortzeg, Peter; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill
0000 03/15/1907 00 O236 Osterblad, Ludwig B.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Guide Rock
0000 03/15/1907 00 O322 Otzeg, Peter: Blue Hill
0000 03/15/1907 00 P626 Parker, Edmund O.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Guide Rock
0000 03/15/1907 00 P142 Pavelka, U.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Bladen

0000 03/15/1907 00 P350 Pitney, Orrin R.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 P320 Potts, Robert L.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 R552 Reining, Herman; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 R120 Robbis, William; MARRIAGE: Beemer
0000 03/15/1907 00 R163 Roberts, Ernest N.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County

0000 03/15/1907 00 R243 Roscelthe, Ayer; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Guide Rock
0000 03/15/1907 00 R200 Rose, Else; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 R200 Rose, Johann; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 R162 Ruffrecht, William; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 S656 Schermerhorn, Israel; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County

0000 03/15/1907 00 S636 Schroeder, Otto; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 S300 Schutte, Henrith; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 S400 Shelley, F. C.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 S310 Stoby, A. C.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Red Cloud
0000 03/15/1907 00 S351 Stumpenhorst, Henry; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County

0000 03/15/1907 00 S561 Summerfield, Laura B.; ML: Red Cloud
0000 03/15/1907 00 S200 Sweezy, Susan A. H.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 T160 Tabor, Orin W.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Blue Hill
0000 03/15/1907 00 T125 Topken, George; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 V520 Vance, Jerome; Probate proceedings: Red Cloud

0000 03/15/1907 00 W426 Walker, Adelbert T.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Red Cloud
0000 03/15/1907 00 W426 Walker, Juliet U.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Red Cloud
0000 03/15/1907 00 W255 Wegman, William M.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 W255 Wegmann, W. M.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 W326 Whitaker, Dacon R.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Red Cloud

0000 03/15/1907 00 W410 Wolf, William; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Red Cloud
0000 03/15/1907 00 W330 Woodhead, Benjamin F.; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/15/1907 00 Y520 Young, John; Land titles, registrations & transfers: Webster County
0000 03/22/1907 00 A210 Ashby, W. S.: Blue Hill
0000 03/22/1907 00 B400 Bailey, Harison; DN: Red Cloud

0000 03/22/1907 00 C512 Combs, Daniel S.; Probate: Red Cloud
0000 03/22/1907 00 E562 Emerick, Emanuel; DEATH: Blue Hill
0000 12/19/1913 00 S500 SNOW: Benkelman Worst Storm In 25 Years
0000 12/19/1913 00 G655 German Fire Insurance Co.; INSURANCE: Blue Hill
0000 12/19/1913 00 B530 Bennett, Charles C.; LAND TITLES, REGISTIONS & TRANSFERS: Webster County Real Estate Transfers

0000 12/19/1913 00 B530 Bennett, Magie J.; LAND TITLES, REGISTIONS & TRANSFERS: Webster County Real Estate Transfers
0000 12/19/1913 00 B530 Bennett, William; LAND TITLES, REGISTIONS & TRANSFERS: Webster County Real Estate Transfers
0000 12/19/1913 00 F436 Fulwider, Charles L.; LAND TITLES, REGISTIONS & TRANSFERS: Blue Hill Real Estate Transfers
0000 12/19/1913 00 H400 Hall, Porter B.; LAND TITLES, REGISTIONS & TRANSFERS: Webster County Real Estate Transfers
0000 12/19/1913 00 H230 Hogate, Joseph Raymond; LAND TITLES, REGISTIONS & TRANSFERS: Blue Hill Real Estate Transfers

0000 12/19/1913 00 K600 Karr, Ed: Blue Hill
0000 12/19/1913 00 M563 Maynard, Wallace A.; LAND TITLES, REGISTIONS & TRANSFERS: Webster County Real Estate Transfers
0000 12/19/1913 00 M460 Miller, J. N.; AN ACCIDENT: North Bend
0000 12/19/1913 00 P200 Paugh, Peter (Infant M); BIRTH: Blue Hill
0000 12/19/1913 00 R100 Reeve, Harry; LAND TITLES, REGISTIONS & TRANSFERS: Webster County Real Estate Transfers

0000 12/26/1913 00 W123 Webster Co. School District 68; PERFECT ATTENDANCE RECORDS: Blue Hill
0000 12/26/1913 00 C650 Carren, Carl; Primrose Bank; CRIME & CRIMINALS: Albion Bank Robbers Plead Guilty
0000 12/26/1913 00 C600 Crow, Wilham J.; DN: Pauline
0000 12/26/1913 00 R200 Rose, John O. (Infant F); BIRTH: Rosemont
0000 12/26/1913 00 S520 Sims, Hugh N.; Primrose Bank; CRIME & CRIMINALS: Albion Bank Robbers Plead Guilty

0000 01/02/1914 00 K523 Knights of Pythias; FIRE: Hastings
0000 01/02/1914 00 W123 Webster County School District 63; PERFECT ATTEUDANCE RECORDS: Blue Hill
0000 01/02/1914 00 B526 Benker, Christian; MARRIAGE: Rosemont
0000 01/02/1914 00 B550 Bonham, Guy; BD: Ayr
0000 01/02/1914 00 H635 Hartman, Louisa; MARRIAGE: Rosemont

0000 01/02/1914 00 O635 Ortman, William; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0000 01/02/1914 00 R200 Rose, Jan; DEATH: Rosemont Rosemont Pioneer Called By Death
0000 01/16/1914 00 M610 Murphy, (J. M.) Blacksmith Shop; FIRE: Thedford Gale from North Saved The Town
0000 01/16/1914 00 A653 Arends, Claus (Infant F); BIRTH: Rosemont
0000 01/16/1914 00 B600 Burr, Cora (Edward); DIVORCE: Hastings

0000 01/16/1914 00 B600 Burr, Edward (Julie); DIVORCE: Hastings
0000 01/16/1914 00 G530 Gund, C. F.; ICE HOUSE: Blue Hill
0000 01/16/1914 00 R350 Reddon,(City Marshall) (Infant F); BIRTH: Blue Hill
0000 01/16/1914 00 R530 Renaud, "Old" Man; DN: Oakland Dumas Character, Dies at Oakland
0000 01/16/1914 00 S520 Schinkie, Harvey; DN ACCIDENT: Pender Accidentally Killed By Brother

0000 01/16/1914 00 S316 Stoffreqen, Otto; ICE HOUSE: Blue Hill
0000 01/23/1914 00 B520 Bank, Gus F.; DEATH: Blue Hill
0000 01/23/1914 00 D535 Denton, Robert E.; DEATH: Bladen Former Blue Hill Man Dies At Bladen
0000 01/23/1914 00 D200 Doss, August: Blue Hill
0000 01/23/1914 00 G400 Goll, Jacob (Jr); Blue Hill Auto Co.; AUTO SALES: Blue Hill Jacob Goll Jr, Sells Interest In Auto Co.

0000 01/23/1914 00 H230 Hogate, J. R.; Blue Hill Auto Co.; AUTO SALES: Blue Hill Jacob Goll Jr, Sells Interest In Auto Co.
0000 01/23/1914 00 M252 McKenzie, K. W.; DEATH: Blue Hill Blue Hill Pioneer Dies in Washington
0000 01/30/1914 00 G641 Gerloff, William (Mrs); BD
0000 01/30/1914 00 K600 Karr, E.M.: Blue Hill
0000 01/30/1914 00 W000 Way, John; DN ACCIDENT: Fremont Met Death in Machinery

0000 02/06/1914 00 S432 School District 43; ATTENDANCE RECORD: Blue Hill
0000 02/06/1914 00 S432 School District 63; ATTEDANCE RECORD: Blue Hill
0000 02/06/1914 00 B520 Bank, Gustar F.W.; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0000 02/06/1914 00 H545 Haneline, Enoch (Infant F); BIRTH: Brock
0000 02/06/1914 00 J520 James, Minnie Dell; DEATH: Blue Hill Mrs Alvin James Called by Death

0000 02/06/1914 00 M600 Meyer, John; DEATH: Blue Hill Death came quickly to young John Meyer
0000 02/06/1914 00 T160 Toepfer, William; DEATH: Blue Hill Pioneer Settler Dies in old Home, Germany
0000 02/13/1914 00 H560 Henry, Albert; DN: Blue Hill Former Blue Hill Boy killed
0000 02/13/1914 00 K630 Kort, Hilda; BD: Blue Hill Her 21st Birthday
0000 02/20/1914 00 M534 Mandelbaum, Adeline; Estate Hearing: Red Cloud

0000 02/20/1914 00 M532 Montgomery, William E.; Land Titles, Reqistrations & Transfers: Webster County Real Estate Transfers
0000 02/27/1914 00 B426 BLIZZARD: Blue Hill
0000 02/27/1914 00 O625 ORGANIZATIONS: Blue Hill Coming Events (Nebr)
0000 02/27/1914 00 A215 Ashby (Mr & Mrs) Infant - M); BIRTH: Cowles
0000 02/27/1914 00 C200 Cook, J.H.; PHOTOGRAPHER: Blue Hill

0000 02/27/1914 00 L230 Lacey E.D; PHOTOGRAPHER: Blue Hill
0000 02/27/1914 00 M635 Martin, Clifford; MARRIAGE: Blue Hill Up to Clifford to Explain
0000 02/27/1914 00 N120 Novak, Lydia; MARRIAGE: Blue Hill Miss Lydia Novak Weds York Man
0000 02/27/1914 00 O300 Otto, Arthur; MARRIAGE: Blue Hill Miss Lydia Novak weds York man
0000 02/27/1914 00 W300 White, Florence; MARRIAGE: Blue Hill Up to Clifford to Explain

0000 03/06/1914 00 425 Wilson, Addie; MARRIAGE: Blue Hill Former Blue Hill Girl Married in, Colorado
0000 03/06/1914 00 C423 Colston Aubrey; MARRIAGE: Blue Hill Former Blue Hill Girl Married in, Colorado
0000 03/06/1914 00 D400 Delehoy, John; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0000 03/06/1914 00 K612 Krafka, Peter; DN ACCIDENT: Madison Died as RESULT of Injury
0000 04/07/1914 00 H635 Hartman, Ernest (Infant M); BIRTH: Blue Hill

0000 04/07/1914 00 M360 Motter, Billy (Infant M); BIRTH: Cowles
0000 04/07/1914 00 S420 Schulz, William; ESTATE HEARING: Red Cloud
0000 04/24/1914 00 M531 Mountford, William T.; LAND TITLES, REGISTRATIONS & TRANSFERS: Red Cloud Real Estate Transfers
0000 04/24/1914 00 P456 Palmer, Mary E.; LAND TITLES, REGISTRATIONS & TRANSFERS: Red Cloud Real Estate Transfers
0000 04/24/1914 00 R550 Reiman, Mary; MARRIAGE: Rosemont

0000 04/24/1914 00 R552 Reining, Joe; MARRIAGE: Rosemont
0000 04/24/1914 00 R500 Ryan, Ethel; DN ACCIDENT: Herman Scalped to Death By Separator
0000 05/01/1914 00 B442 Blue Hill Cigar Co.; CIGARS: Blue Hill
0000 05/01/1914 00 F623 First National Bank; BANK: Blue Hill
0000 05/01/1914 00 M635 Merten (Peter) & Son; GENERAL MERCHANDISE: Blue Hill

0000 05/01/1914 00 P621 Presbyterian Church; PRESBYTERIAN: Blue Hill
0000 05/01/1914 00 S432 Shields & Goll; CLOTHING: Blue Hill
0000 05/01/1914 00 T256 The Commercial Bank; BANK: Blue Hill
0000 05/01/1914 00 W123 Webster Co. School Dist. 5O; ATTENDANCE RECORDS: Blue Hill
0000 05/01/1914 00 A654 Arnoldy, M. M.; PAPER HANGING: Blue Hill

0000 05/01/1914 00 B532 Bentz, T.; LIVESTOCK BUYER: Blue Hill
0000 05/01/1914 00 B526 Binger, Charles; Binger Coal; COAL: Blue Hill
0000 05/01/1914 00 C434 Caldwell, Virgie; MARRIAGE: Blue Hill Caldwell - Thompson Nuptials
0000 05/01/1914 00 C462 Clark, G. V.; South Side Saloon; WINE, BEER & LIQUORS: Blue Hill
0000 05/01/1914 00 R200 Rose, John C.; REAL ESTATE: Blue Hill

0000 05/01/1914 00 S520 Schunk, Jacob; FARM IMPLEMENTS: Blue Hill


Newspaper Extraction Project

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