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Speciality Newspapers of NebraskaReligious Newspapers
Church of Christ
Nebraska Christian News - Bethany, Lancaster County, NE
Christian Reporter - Bethany, Lancaster County, NESee also the newspapers for Cotner College.
Nebraska Christian Newsfilm (LANCASTER COUNTY) 205 1126 Nebraska Christian News. Bethany, Nebr., Est. , 1894-Jan., 1907// Monthly (Weekly, 1894-Jan.27, 1906). Dec.20, 1894 is vol.1,#45. TITLE CHANGES: The Christian News 1894-Jan.27, 1906. Nebraska Christian News Feb., 1906-Jan., 1907. Nebraska Christian News carries work in part of The Christian News but begins new volume numbering. Arrangements made by Nebraska Christian Missionary Society whereby the Nebraska Christian News will be discontinued and one copy of the Chris- tian Reporter sent to its subscribers each month until the subscribed for time expires.2 EDITORS & PUBLISHERS; H.A. Lemon (managing ed.), News Printing & Publishing Co. (pub.), C.W. Hemry (mgr.), Christian News Co. (pub.), -Sept.2, 1903. The Christian News Co. (pub.), --Sept.24, 1903. Wm. Sumpter (ed. & later magr.), " " " A.G. Smith (ed.), Sept.24, 1903-Nov.5, 1903. Myrtle G. King (assoc. ed.), " " " " A.G. Smith (ed.), Nov.12, 1903-Feb.18, 1904. H.E. Wetherell (ed.), Feb.25, l904-July , 1904. H.E. Wetherell (pub.), July 30, 1904-Jan.27, 1906. Myrtle G. King (assoc. ed.), " " " " " W.A. Baldwin & Willard Baldwin (eds.), Feb. , 1906-Jan. ' 1907. Calla Scott Grace E. Young, (assoc. ed.), REFERENCES: Ayer, N.W. & Son. N.W. Ayer & Son's Directory of newspapers and periodicals 1895 (est.1894). Nebraska State Gazetteer, 1894-95. There will be no Christian News printed during Christmas week. (In The Christian News Dec. 18, 1901, pg. 7:2). Sumpter, Wm. Our valedictory. (In The Christian News Sept.2,1903, pg. 1:1-2). Salutatory. (In The Christian News Sept.24, 1903, pg. 5:1). Introductory after a long but unavoidable delay .... our real first issue. (In The Christian News Sept.24, 1903, pg. 8:1-2). Miss Myrtle King disposed interest to A.G. Smith. (In The Christian News Nov.12, 1903) pg. 8;1). Wetherell, H.E. Valedictory. (In The Christian News Feb.25, 1904, pg. 4:1-2). Wetherell, H.E. & King, Myrtle G. Notice of partnership. (In The Christian News July 30, 1904, pg. 4:1).
film BETHANY (LANCASTER COUNTY) (sheet 2) 205 N26 Nebraska Christian News. Cont'd. REFERENCES CONTINUED. Wetherell, H.E. & King, Myrtle G. Discontinued. (In The Christian News Jan.27, 1906, pg. Baldwin, W.A. A word to News subscribers. (In The Christian News Jan.27, 1906, pg. )4:2). Baldwin, W.A.,Willard, Calla Scott & Young, Grace E. Greeting. (In Nebraska Christian News Feb., 1906, pg. The News suspends. (In Nebraska Christian News Jan. ' 1907, pg.4:2). The Nebraska Christian News the monthly paper of the missionary societies in the state, has been discontinued. (In The Nebraska Christian News January, 1907, Pg. 1:2). Nebraska Christian News to be discontinued and subscribers will receive one copy each month of the Christian Reporter. (In The Christian Reporter, Jan.18, 1907, pg. 9:1).2 N.S.H.S. HAS ON MICROFILM: Reel 1 Dec.20, 1894 (v.1,#45) 627 shots Oct.17, 1895 (v.2,#l2)-Dec.26, 1895 (v.2,#62) 1254 pgs. Jan.9, 1896 (v.2,#65) (#13,591) Feb.27, 1896 (v.3,#12)-Mar.19, 1896 (v.3,#5) Apr.2, 1896 (v.3,#7)-Apr.9, 1896 (v.3,#8) Apr.23, 1896 (v.3,#10)-Apr.30, 1896 (v.3,#11) Day 28, 1898 (v.3,#15) June 18, 1896 (v.3,#18) July 9, 1896 (v.3,#21) July 23, 1896 (v.3,#23) Aug.6, 1896 (v.3,#25)-Aug.13, 1896 (v.3,#26) Sept.24, 1896 (v.3,#32) Oct.8, 1896 (v.3,#34) Oct.22, 1896 v.3,#36) Nov.5, 1896 (v.3,#38)-Dec.17, 1896 (v.3,#44) Dec.31, 1896 (v.3,#46)-Jan.14, 1897 (v.3,448) Jan.28, 1897 (v.3,#5O) Feb.18, 1897 (v.4,#1) Mar.4, 1897 (v.4,#3) Apr.15, 1897 (v.4,#9) Apr.29, 1897 (v.4,#11)-June 24, 1897 (v.4,#19) July 8, 1897 (v.4,#21)-Aug.12, 1897 (v.4,#26) Aug.26, 1897 (v.4,#28) Sept.9, 1897 (v.4,#30)-Sept.16, 1897 (v.4,#3l) Sept.30, 1897 (v.4,#33)-Oct.14, 1897 (v.4,#35) Oct.28, 1897 (v.4,#37)-Nov.4, 1897 (v.4,#38) Nov.18, 1897 (v.4,#4O) Dec.2, 1897 (v.4,#42) Dec.30, 1897 (v.4,#46)-June 21, 1899 (v.6,#18) MUTILATIONS: May 6, 1897 (v.4,#12) Apr.6, 1898 (v.5,#8) July 20, 1898 (v.5,#23) Dec.28, 1898 (v.5,#46)
(Reverse of above sheet) Disposition of Original Files: Dec.20, 1894 (v.1,#45)-Dec.26, 1900 (v.7,#45) transferred to permanent collection of the Nebraska State Historical Society. 4-56, shelved with oversize papers (205 xN26) 4/18/57. Jan.2, 1901 (v.7,#46)-Jan., 1907 (v.13,#12) picked up by Mr. R.J. Peterson, Cotner School of Religion. Oct.8, 1956.
film BETHANY (LANCASTER COUNTY) 205 N26 Nebraska Christian News. Cont'd. Reel 2 June 28, 1899 (v.6,#19)-July 5, 1899 (v.6,#19)sic. 619 shots July 19, 1899 (v.6,#21)-Aug.21, 1901 (v.8,#27) 1238 pgs. Sept.4, 1901 (v.8,#29)-Jan.15, 1902 (v.8,#47) (#13,592) Jan.29, 1902 (v.8,#46)-Mar.12, 1902 (v.9,#3) Mar.26, 1902 (v.9,#5)-June 18, 1902 (v.9,#17) MUTILATIONS: May 8, 1901 (v.8,#12) NOTE: No Dec.25, 1901 issue printed during Christmas week. Reel 3 June 25, 1902 (v.9,#18) 675 shots July 9, 1902 (v.9,#20) 1350 pgs. July 23, 1902 (v.9,#22)-Oct.15, 1902 (v.9,#34) (#13,593) Oct.29, 1902 (v.9,#35)sic.-July 29, 1903 (v.10,#22)sic. Aug.12, 1903 (v.10,#23)-Sept.2, 1903 (v.10,#26) Sept.24, 1903 (v.1O,#28)-Nov.19, 1903 (v.10,#36) Dec.3, 1903 (v.10,#38) Dec.17, 1903 (v.10,#40)-Jan.28, 1904 (v.10,#46) Feb.11, 1903 (v.10,#47) Feb.25, 1904 (v.10,#38)-May 20, 1905 (v.12, #6) June 3, 1905 (v.12,#8)-Jan. , 1907 (v.13,#12) TRIMMED TOO CLOSE: Sept.24, 1903 (v.10,#28)-Oct.1, 1903 (v.10,#29) Oct.22, 1903 (v.10,#32) NOTE: Feb.4, 1904 not published. Reels #l-#3 positives rec'd 2/3/75
Christian Reporterfilm BETHANY, LANCASTER COUNTY, NEBRASKA 286.6 C46 Christian Reporter. Est. December 1906-July 17, 1936 // Weekly. "Published in the interest of Bethany Heights, the seat of Cotner University, and the Church of Christ in Nebraska." EDITORS & PUBLISHERS: DeForest Austin, Dec. ,1906-Nay 1,1908. H. Maxwell Hall, (ed. & mgr.), May 8,1908-Aug.28,1908. Jean A. Cobbey, (mgr.), Aug.28,1908- Jean A. Cobbey, (pub.), Sept.4,1908-Dec.25,1908 Charles R. Cobbey, (ed.), Jan.1,1909- W.Walt Ford, (mgr.), Jan.1,1909- REFERENCES: SALUTATORY. A Glance at the above lines will give to our readers the information that The Christian Reporter has changed management and a new hand will control the editorial pen... (The Christian Reporter May 8,1908, 2:1.) Farewell To Thee Dear Christian Reporter: We are sad that thou must go... (The Christian Reporter July 17, 1935, page 1.) NSHS HAS ON MICROFILM: Reel 1 Jan.4,1907 (v.1,#3)-Dec.5,1907 (v.1,#51) 985 shots Dec.20,1907 (v.2,#l)-Sept.25,1908 (v.2,#41) 1970 pges. Oct.9,1908 (v.2,#43)-Oct.j6,1908 (v.2,#44) #22,149 Nov.6,19O8 (v.2,#47)-Dec.3, 1909 (v.3,#50) Dec.17,1909 (v.3,#52)-Dec.24,1909 (v.4,#1) Jan.7,191O (v.4,#3)-May 13,1910 (v.4,#2) June 3,1910 (v.4,#24)-June 17, 1910 (v.4,#25) July 1,1910 (v.4,#27)-Oct.7,1910 (v.4,#41) Oct.28,1910 (v.4,#45)-Nov.11, 1910 (v.4,#46) Nov.25,191O (v.4,#48)-Dec.23,1910 (v.4,#52) Jan.6,1911 (v.5,#3)-Feb.3,1911 (v.5,#7) Feb.17,1911 (v.5,#9)-Mar.1O,1911 (v.5,#12) Mar.24,1911 (v.5,#14)-Aug.25,1911 (v.5,#36) NOTE: Nov.1,19O7 (v.1,#46) pges. 2 & 3 missed in initial filming. May 13,1910, pges. 1 & 2 camera problems. Both retakes spliced at End of Reel. NOTE: "The" added to title March 1, 1907. Reel 2 Sept.1,1911 (v.5,#37)-Nov.10,1911 (v.5,#47) 925 shots Nov.24,1911 (v.5,#49)-Feb.27,1914 (v.8,#12) 1850 pges. Mar.13,1914 (v.8,#14)-Mar.27,1914 (v.8,#16) #22,150 April 10,1914 (v.8,#18) May 1, 1914 (v.8,#21)-May 29,1914 (v.8,#16) sic Reel #2 cont. next sheet
sheet - 2 film BETHANY, LANCASTER COUNTY, NEBRASKA 286.6 C46 The Christian Reporter (cont.) Reel 2 cont. June 12,1914 (v.8,#18)-June 26,1914 (v.8,#20) July 10,1914 (v.8,#22)-Oct.26,1917 (v.11,#37) NOTE: Jan.26,1912, page numbering skips from 4 to 7. Reel 3 Nov.2,1917 (v.11,#38)-July 12,1918 (v.12,#21) 829 shots July 26, 1918 (v.12,#23)-Oct.13,1922 (v.16,#29) 1658 pges. Oct.27,1922 (v.16,#31)-May 17,1923 (v.17,#8) #22,151 June 1,1923 (v.17,#10)-July 13,1923 (v.18,#16) sic July 27,1923 (v.18,#18)-Dec.21,1923 (v.18,#38) Jan.4,1924 (v.18,#40)-Aug.15,1924 (v.18,#19)sic NOTE: December31, 1920 (v.14,#40) pages 10 & 11 missed during initial filming. Retake spliced at End of Reel NOTE: Missing issue target was not filmed after July 12, 1918 issue. Reel 4 Aug.22,1924 (v.18,#2O)-Sept.12,1924 (v.18,#23) 775 shots Sept.26,1924 (v.18,#23)-Oct.8,1926 (v.20,#24) 1550 pges. Oct.22,1926 (v.20,#26)-Dec.23,1927 (v.21,#51) #22,152 Jan.6,1928 (v.22,#1)-Feb.1O,1928 (v.22,#6) Feb.24,1928 (v.22,#8)-Sept.14,1928 (v.22,#37) Sept.28,1928 (v.22,#39)-Oct.3,1929 (v.23,#40) Oct. 17,1929 (v.23,#42)-Nov.8,1929 (v.23,#45) Nov.22,1929 (v.23,#47)-Oct.31,1930 (v.24,#44) Nov.14,1930 (v.24,#46)-Aug.7,1931 (v.25,#32) NOTE: July 1, 1927 (v.21,#26) place of publication, Lincoln, Nebraska Reel 5 August 14, 1931 (v.25,#33)-Oct.23,1931 (v.25,#43) 563 shots Nov.6,1931 (v.25,#45)-July 15,1932 (v.26,#29) 1126 pges. July 29,1932 (v.26,#31)-Sept.22, 1933 (v.27,#38) #22,153 Oct.6,1933 (v.27,#40)-July 17,1936 (v.30,#29) Reels 1-5 positive rec'd 12/8/87
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