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Medical Fields


"One of my grandmas used to mix rock candy with whiskey and give it to me as a cough syrup. Back then I thought that was a waste of good rock candy, but it did slow down my cough. I've still got some of the rock candy but I think the whiskey's all gone." - name withheld!

excerpt from email of WO, Aug 1998 - I've been chuckling over an advertisement I found in an old Nebraska newspaper. It is entitled: END RHEUMATISM WITH RED PEPPER.
     It seems that when you suffer "with" rheumatism you should try the Red Pepper Rub for the "quickest relief known." Supposedly nothing has such concentrated, penetrating heat as red peppers. "Better than BenGay for Instant Relief." Why,"'just as soon as you apply Red Pepper Rub you feel the tingling heat." ... " In just three minutes it warms the sore spot through and through." It "frees" the blood circulation, breaks up the congestion -- thus making the ole rheumatism "torture" disappear.
     Apparently just any ole Red Pepper Rub won't do. It has a name: Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made from red peppers, "costs little at any drug store."
      If you don't have rheumatism, then use it for lumbago, neuritis, backache, stiff neck, sore muscles, colds in the chest for "almost" instant relief. "Be sure to get the genuine, with the name Rowles on each package."

Members of Medical Professions -

ARBUCKLE-FIX, Georgia - First female M.D. to graduate from UN Omaha Medical School, 1883.

Practiced in Omaha about three years, then went to Fort Sidney, NE. Took a homestead near what is now Minatare, NE. Married a patient, Nathaniel G. Fix.

BYERLY, W. H. - bio in Compendium of History, ... Western Nebraska, 1909

COFFMAN, Victor H.- from Omaha Illustrated, 1887-1888

CONKLIN, R. E. - bio in Compendium of History ... Western Nebraska, 1909

DENISE, Jacob C. - from Omaha Illustrated, 1887-1888

DINSMORR, Charles McKenzie, A. M., M. D - from Omaha Illustrated, 1887-1888

McKNIGHT, Harmon P. - bio in Compendium of History, ... Western Nebraska, 1909

MERCER, Samuel D. - from Omaha Illustrated, 1887-1888

RALPH, John B. - from Omaha Illustrated, 1887-1888

REED, Walter - As Captain, served 5 years at Ft. Robinson, later published studies on Yellow Fever

REMY, George O. - M. D., bio in "Compendium ... Western NE"

SEYMOUR, James H. - from Omaha Illustrated, 1887-1888

SMITH, Fay M.D. - (1909-1968) from "Bellwood, NE: The First 100 Years"

SMITH, Hal. C., M. D. - biography in "Compendium ... Western NE"

SUMNER, J. B. and ELLA - joint biography for husband & wife, both doctors, can be found in "Compendium ... Western NE"

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