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   We find the accounts of the Presiding Elders and the Secretary correct.
spacerJ. B. PRIEST,


   WHEREAS, The Bible proclaims the only plan of human redemption and salvation and is the infallible guide to morality and spiritual life; therefore every person ought to possess a BIBLE; and
   WHEREAS, The American Bible Society is endeavoring to accomplish this object. Therefore
   Resolved, That we renew our pledge of loyalty to this Society.
                                Signed: H. W. Conley, D. C. Worts, J. Q. A. Fleharty, W. A. Wilson.


   In view of the splendid dividend, $125,000, issued by our Book Concern this year to worn out preachers, $745 of which comes to our Conference, and in view of the fact that the Book Concern promises to become more and more a veritable benevolent institution,
    Resolved, That as preachers of the North Nebraska Conference we will present such facts as these to our people as a motive to prompt them to patronize our own publishing house. Realizing the necessity of our Methodist publications to the Christian culture of our people and to their intelligent loyalty to all the interests of the church,
    Resolved, That we will do our best to circulate our church papers and books among our people. Inasmuch as some of the members of this Conference have accounts with the Book Concern long past due, incurring extra expense and needless trouble in collecting, we urge all members of this Conference to promptness in paying their book accounts.
                  Signed:spacerA. V. Wilson, Sec.; G. H. Main, Chm.;
spacer            R. N. Throckmorton, H. H. St. Louis.


   WHEREAS, The Board of Church Extension is ever helpful in securing houses of worship for our people, granting donations to the amount of $26,125, and loans to the extent of $37,650 to our own Conference; indeed,



the 136 church buildings now in our Conference territory, all received aid except nine; and
   WHEREAS, The constituency of those churches have been asked to contribute annually about eight and one-half cents per member to the Church Extension fund, and it appears according to our minute record that about four and one-fourth cents per member has been given; while sixteen charges gave nothing, sixteen others gave one dollar only. Therefore
   Resolved, As pastors and people, that we will encourage Christianity in the communities where we reside by assisting the Board of Church Extension to carry out its generous proposition to give $3.50 for every dollar that we contribute; and be it
   Resolved, That we will use the best methods possible to inform our people, and aid the Board in collecting the fifty-eight loans granted in our Conference, $32,000 of which are now due. And further we believe in the messenger Christianity in Earnest which comes so full or suggestions for our work, and that Dr. M. S. Hard, by his presence and business-like presentation of the subject has been very helpful and cheering to our Conference. Therefore we devoutly pray the Lord to help us make this prospective hard year one of the best in collections for this Society.
spacerSigned: C. N. Dawson, Chm., J. B. Leedom, Sec., F. W. Bross, W. M. Worley.


   The subject of Christian education is one in which our church has always maintained a most lively interest and one which she has cherished with the greatest loyalty, and wherein she has had an abundant measure of success. Our large number of schools in this country, and in foreign lands, where tens of thousands are being trained for the Church and the State, are a standing testimony to our abiding faith in the principle that the education of head and heart together is the only way to produce the highest type of the individual and of society. Toward these ends our Schools are making heroic and successful efforts, and we are inspired to believe that sometime the faith of Jesus will sanctify, illuminate and glorify all human knowledge. We are grateful, therefore, to know that the Board of Education of the Methodist Episcopal Church under the able leadership of Dr. Charles H. Payne has had another year of great usefulness, and we pledge ourselves to its hearty support -- particularly in a careful and earnest observance of Children's Day in all of our charges.
   We also record our high appreciation of the excellent work being done by our Divinity Schools in Boston Evanston and Denver.
   No man can expect to succeed in the work of our ministry without a thorough training; and we would therefore most earnestly call the attention of brethren preparing for this work to these schools, and urgently request our Conference visitors to be present at their commencements and report to this Conference at its next session.



   We rejoice in the fact that a great National University has not only been planned for at Washington, but that under the wise guidance of Bishop Hurst and others large bequests are being made to it, buildings are soon to be erected, and the day seems not far distant when our great central real university will be an accomplished fact.
   But while we are interested in all the schools of our Church the Nebraska Wesleyan University stands first in our affections and is the special object of our care. We are more than ever certain that the plan of Unification is right and that a great Methodist University is being built up under its provisions.
   We find much reason for rejoicing, and for faith in the future in the following facts, viz:
   1st. That last year was one of unprecedented success in the large number of students which attended both at University Place and at Orleans; the harmony that prevailed throughout all departments of the school; the sanctifying truths of the gospel which came to nearly every student and the thorough work in their various lines done by the faculty.
   2d. That our tremendously oppressive debt of $50,000 a year ago has been entirely covered by subscriptions, or which about $20,000 in cash and notes have already been paid in; besides several thousand dollars more have been subscribed toward meeting such debts as have accrued during the year. And, here we record our highest appreciation of the faithful, courageous and eminently successful labors of Dr. T. C. Clendening -- through whose efforts joined with those of Chancellor Crook and of our own, indomitable general, Bishop Newman, who led the forces on the 11th day of June, this financial miracle has been wrought. We thank God and take courage. We also recognize the liberal, intelligent and faithful loyalty of our laymen of Nebraska to this great cause.
   3d. We record our appreciation of the tireless labors of the Board of Trustees whose business sagacity and wise policy inspires our confidence in the speedy coming of perfect day. We also remember at this point that a noble and good man has fallen, in the death of that honored and useful member of the Board, C. C. White. May God, bless the bereaved loved ones and raise up other wise and liberal friends for Nebraska Wesleyan University.
   4th. We recognize in Dr. Isaac Crook not only "a brother beloved in the Lord," but a great educator and typical chancellor -- so familiar with all the details of his office, so skillful in the accomplishment of his work and so beautiful in his deportment as a gentleman and a Christian that all the interests of our school and our children under his care are safe and secure. And we are not surprised that the present year opens with more students by far than ever before.
   Our recommendations are: That the Trustees press the collection of all subscriptions either in cash or notes just as rapidly as possible, so that by the first of January, 1896, all our subscriptions shall be in cash or interest



bearing notes; that the Bishop be requested to appoint Dr. Clendening to the Financial Agency and that every pastor in the Conference is also appointed an assistant financial agent for the University; that last year's apportionment to the charges be the basis for our collections this year; that though our charges have about all been canvassed we will nevertheless most cordially welcome Chancellor Crook and Dr. Clendening to them at any time; that being the first to be canvassed, we see to it that our Conference be the first to pay up all its subscriptions, and that the second Sunday in June be set apart for taking the collection for the University.
   We nominate A. M. Weller, of Omaha, trustee of the Board in place of J. W. Robinson, who has been transferred out of our bounds. We also nominate Dr. A. Hodgetts to be his own successor as trustee.
   We also nominate the following as Conference visitors. (See list).


   We find the records of the Neligh and the Grand Island Districts correct. No records received from the other districts.
                                Signed: B. Blain.


   We recognize the Epworth League as a child of Providence and the handmaid of the Church. It has proved its right to live. The Epworth and Junior Leagues are already of great value to the Church and to the Pastor, but in order to attain the best results, there should be the closest connection, the greatest harmony and cooperation between the Pastor and Officers of the League. We would recommend all our Pastors to push the League work. We consider the Epworth Herald the very best paper for our young people that is published. We nominate H. H. Millard Director for the Board of Control of the tenth General Conference District. Also, we recommend that a committee be appointed, consisting of one from each district, to organize an Annual Conference League.
                              Signed: J. Charles, B. Blain, J. T. Crooks, H. Trezona.


   Whereas, In the Epworth League Convention work there seems to be a direct tendency to confine ourselves to the territory of Presiding Elders, Districts and Annual Conferences, and
   Whereas, We believe that it would be a great advantage to the young laymen of this Conference to have the privilege of meeting once a year in convention, giving them an opportunity to become acquainted, and thus enlarge and strengthen the hands of Christian brotherhood and denominational life; therefore, we hereby make the following nominations for the officers of the North Nebraska Conference Epworth League and request them to meet as soon as possible to perfect the organization and to take



such steps as may be necessary in order to hold an Annual Convention next May or June. It is also our earnest desire that the best efforts of this society be put forth to make our first Convention a splendid success. We nominate for President, H. H. Millard; First Vice President, N. A. Martin; Second Vice President, Leroy Lucas; Third Vice President, F. M. Wright; Fourth Vice President, E. T. George; for Secretary, Frank W. Bross, and for Treasurer, Fletcher W. Young.
                            Signed: C. N. Dawson, William Gorst, D. C. Winship, N. A. Martin, J. Crews.


   Our Chief Superintendents are ever in labors more abundant, doubtless being the hardest workers of the Church; therefore,
   Resolved, 1st, That we recognize in their office an indispensable agency of the Church. 2d, That we will do our best to raise the amount of our apportionments for their support.
                           Signed: John Crews, R. C. McReynolds, Thos. Bithel.


   WHEREAS, The Methodist Hospital and Deaconess Home at Omaha is greatly in need of enlarged facilities to meet the pressing demands of its work, and the present building is inadequate to accommodate the applicants, many patients having to be turned away, at the average rate of two a day, and that it is in unfavorable contrast to other institutions of the kind in the city;
   Resolved, That we commit ourselves anew to all its interests, that we will inform the public, co-operate with its representatives, and assist them in presenting the cause to our congregations. We request that visiting Deaconesses be authorized to visit every charge in the Conference to present the work and needs of the institution: That we recommend immediate and heroic action by the Board of Trustees to secure suitable grounds and erect commodious buildings at the earliest possible date, and that the Home be separate and apart from the Hospital, to afford our Deaconesses a quiet retreat from the constant proximity to the wards of the patients. We recommend the election of the following persons as directors for the ensuing year: Frank Crane, D. K. Tindall, John Dale, L. H. Rogers, T. C. Webster, Mrs. D. Cole, Mrs. Frank Cotton, Mrs. W. P. Murray, J. B. Priest.
                          Signed: T. W. Mathews, C. F. Heywood, E. E. Hunt, Cyrus P. Cheeseman, Committee.




   In our Missionary Society we recognize a most potent agency which is girdling the world with the golden belt of Christianity. Its heralds are publishing the glad tidings of peace to every land. The hallelujahs of its victories ring from the islands of the sea. Our souls exult in the success which the Heavenly Father has bestowed upon the labors of our beloved Bishop, William Taylor, in the field of darkest Africa, and we hail the day of its emancipation from darkness and its induction into the glorious light of the Gospel of our Christ.
   We rejoice in the labors of Bishop Thoburn in India and believe that concerning its teeming millions, the morning star tokens the coming day of Israel.
   China, Japan, Corea, Mexico, South America and many other fields tell of mighty victories for the Lord. But the door is wide open and the opportunities boundless. May God baptize our hearts with a new power and liberality, that we may take the world for Christ right speedily. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to this Society for the aid it has given to our pastors at home, thereby enabling many to stay on drouth stricken and barren fields. For all these things and for all she can do and shall do, we say God bless our Missionary Society. Therefore, be it
   Resolved, 1. We will make greater efforts in the Coming year to see that there is an advance all along the line, and that our motto shall be the coming year, "One and one-half millions for Missions." 2. We will devote one entire day during the year to this cause separate from our other benevolences. 3. That our Sunday-schools be organized into Missionary societies and stimulated to a lively zeal for the cause. 4. We believe that the lives sacrificed, talents consecrated, the money spent and the labors given are not in vain. God treasures them all in his garner and gives the plentitude of fruitage in untold blessing of souls. With unwavering faith we consecrate our lives and our all to the Master's service and look for the promised day when the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, shall fill the earth as the waters cover the sea.
                     Signed: C. O. Larrison, Wm. Worley, E. W. Erickson, R. J. Cocking.


   We believe that the press is increasing in its influence over the minds of the people, and in the formation of character, and
   WHEREAS, Our Church periodicals are faithful in assisting our ministry in saving souls, and in properly educating them in spiritual and ecclesiastical knowledge, therefore be it Resolved, That we record our high appreciation of their worth and merits, and declare our intention to make persistent effort to have them more fully circulated among our people. Resolved, That we hereby reaffirm our loyalty to our official paper, the Omaha Christian Advocate, that we recognize its peculiar worth to Ne-



braska Methodism, and give it the right-of-way to the homes of our people, recommending our pastors to make special canvass in its behalf. Furthermore, be it Resolved, That we join our sister Conferences in instructing our delegates to the General Conference, to memorialize that body to not only retain the present official relations of the Omaha Christian Advocate, but to make it a Book Concern publication, believing that such action would increase its power for good, and soon make it a profitable financial investment. We also desire to call attention to the general offer made by the publishers of our Western Advocates, including the Omaha Christian Advocate, to send until January, 1896, for only 25 cents, and urge our pastors to take advantage of this opportunity by trying to place one in every family connected with our work. That we record our appreciation of the special value of our Methodist Review, and believe that none of our preachers can afford to do without it. That we recognize the Epworth Herald as the best paper published in this country for our Methodist young people, and recommend that it be as widely circulated as possible.
                           J. H. Wilcox, Pres., Chas. C. Snavely, Sec.


   1. We return our grateful thanks to our Heavenly Father for His kind care over us through the vicissitudes of the past inclement year. 2. We remember with grateful hearts the kindness of our friends in more favored regions, who have contributed of their earthly substance for the relief or our preachers and people in their distress. 3. We appreciate the Christian character, scholarship and executive ability of our beloved Bishop, John P. Newman. We record our thanks to him for his instructive and helpful morning lectures, and we are especially grateful for his untiring efforts and generous contributions for the relief of needy preachers in our conference. Our thanks are due to our genial brother, F. M. Sisson, for his efficient provision for our entertainment. We kindly thank our brethren of Fremont for the liberal hospitality and warm welcome, which they have extended to us. We commend the faithful and efficient labors of our Secretary, Treasurer and Statistical Secretary, and their assistants.
   WHEREAS, The Rev. D. W. McGregor has decided, for the present, to join the evangelistic army, therefore
   Resolved, that we endorse his action and recommend him to the public as a true, devoted, energetic and faithful minister of the Gospel of Christ. Resolved, further, that knowing something of the eminently successful Bible readings and the general good results of the Rev. H. L. Powers' work as an evangelist, we continue to lend him our support and pray God's blessing upon him and his labors, that he may be even more successful in the future than in the past.
   WHEREAS, in providing for the work in this and adjoining conferences, the Bishop has found it advisable to transfer from us, Brothers J. W.



Robinson, G. H. McAdam, Wm. Van Buren, Chas. Snavely, G. W. Norris and W. M. Worley, out of this conference.
   Resolved, that we assure them of our abiding Christian fellowship and sincere prayers, and if in the Providence of God they shall in the future desire to return to us, we will most heartily welcome them.
                           Signed: H. C. Myers, A. L. Kellogg, A. L. Gray.


   Report of Committee to whom was referred the report of Rev. Dr. D. W. C. Huntington, D. D., Treasurer and consignee of the Nebraska Relief Commission of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
   We find that to June 12, 1895, there had been received, cash and goods, to the amount of $65,336.34. That all of said cash and goods have been disbursed except the sum of $147.63. That this Conference express to Dr. Huntington its very high appreciation of his great work so well done, and to the several railroad lines for their generous services in the free billing of goods. We further recommend that said balance of $147.63, or so much as may now remain in the hands of said Treasurer and consignee, be turned over to the Treasurer of the Methodist State Relief Commission.


   One year ago, to the watchers on the vantage ground of Western heights, from the darkling valley came up the intense inquiry: "Watchman! what of the night?" and the answer came in facts emphasized by cold and hunger that could not be gainsaid: "The night cometh," and faith only could add, "The morning also." Even then the church had her "Song in the night," and heard the number of the redeemed, as more than one thousand souls during the year had been added to the hosts of our Zion. To-day the same inquiry to the watcher on the mountain top, "Watchman, what of the night?" is answered as by a voice from heaven, "The morning cometh." The western peaks already reflect the rays of the coming glory. The little one is rapidly becoming a thousand; while the four thousand one hundred redeemed ones converted at her altars in the North Nebraska Conference during the year herald the approach of the coming day. Your committee deem it germane to a report upon the State of the Church, to record gratefully the cheering fact that during the material destitution of the past year, scarcely a pastor forsook his people but all remained faithful at their post, cheered by the sympathy of the laity, who had little else to give, and who out of their poverty and necessity, in many cases even beyond their power, ministered to the pastor and his family. While of the thousands of dollars in cash, clothing, food and fuel so



lavishly poured into our State by the beneficence of churches and individuals, more than sixty-five per cent, or nearly two-thirds of the whole was given by the Methodist Episcopal Church, who by the grace of God was made sufficient for the emergency. With gratitude would we record "Truly our sufficiency is of God."
   Resolved, That while assured that not shall fail one of the glorious things spoken of Zion, the city of God, yet we cannot but express our grave concern and the need for prayerful watchfulness over the spirit of unrest apparent in the church as in the state as indicated by certain resolutions presented by the Rev. G. C. Bacon, partly endorsed by a convention of laymen, said resolutions and endorsement you have referred to this committee, said resolutions reading as follows:
   "1st. Resolved, That we favor the admission of laymen to the Annual Conference in such proportion as shall hereafter be determined.
   2d. Resolved, That we favor the election of Presiding Elders by the Annual Conference.
   3d. Resolved, That we favor giving co-ordinate power to the Presiding Elders in the cabinet." With reference to which we report that the object sought by said resolutions cannot be obtained in the way indicated, but rather in the proper administration of the discipline as it is. Further more, we consider the said Bacon resolutions as revolutionary in their character, and so far from Americanizing the Methodist Episcopal Church, might more properly be designated as democracy run mad; a scheme never dreamed of by the most ardent disciple of Jacksonian democracy, that a President should not be allowed the privilege of selecting his cabinet advisors. We believe further that the resolution giving to the Presiding Elder in the Cabinet co-ordinate power with the Bishop, tends to render the episcopal office contemptible in order that it may more easily be destroyed.
   In short, while we are deeply pained that such sentiments should emanate from a body of ministers whom we love and revere, yet we are convinced that they proceed from an ebulition of feeling rather than the conclusions of a calm, sanctified judgment.
   Resolved, That we cannot ignore the question of a Diocesan Episcopacy which for some time has agitated the many men of many minds; a question upon which so many good men hold divergent views, therefore we would record our convictions that the proposed change from the present system of a general episcopacy to that of a diocesan, by districting the Bishops, would affect the organic law of the church, therefore can be reached only by concurrent action of the Annual Conferences with the General Conference, according to the law in such cases made and provided.
                          Signed: John P. Roe, H. H. Millard, J. H. Wilcox, L. R. DeWolf.




   WHEREAS, the growth of the Sunday-school work in connection with our Church in the United States has been marvelous, representing as it does 29,862 schools with 348,625 officers and teachers and 2,510,539 scholars, thus indicating the immense influence our church exerts in moulding the character of its future members in Christian intelligence and in preparing them for the duties of citizenship, therefore
   Resolved, That we earnestly urge upon our Ministers and Superintendents the momentous importance of selecting with great care for teachers, men and women who are earnest in their religious experience, intelligent, apt to teach, and Godly in their lives. That we also urge the importance of organizing wherever practicable, normal classes for the better training of teachers. And we further urge the use of our own lesson helps, the periodicals and library books published by the Methodist Book Concern, as the best published, especially for Methodist Sunday-schools. We. further urge the importance of parents and guardians requiring their children to study the lessons at home during the week in order to secure the best possible results, and earnestly recommend that both teachers and scholars leave the lesson helps at home and use the Bible alone in the classes. Our Sunday-school Union has been of incalculable value in helping during the past year, more than 3,000 schools of our church and we urge all our preachers to take the collections for this cause inasmuch as this society depends altogether on these contributions to carry on its work. The appropriation to our Conference for the current year is $210 and we recommend that the Presiding Elders divide this amount pro rata among the charges, and that it be raised during the coming year.
                         Geo. W. Martin, Chairman; F. H. G. Perry, Secretary.


   Resolved. (1) That we do more earnestly urge all Christians to keep the Lord's day holy, and to use their influence for the same; (2) That we urge the enforcement of the Slocumb law of the State of Nebraska, that all saloons shall be closed on the Lord's day; (3) That we use our influence against all railroad travel on Sunday, except in cases of necessity, and furthermore, that we preach earnestly against the running of Sunday excursion trains; (4) That greater care should be given by Christian parents in the training of their children, to reverence and keep the Lord's day holy. We recommend that each Pastor preach one or more sermons during the year against Sabbath desecration and for the preservation of its sanctity.
                        Signed: G. A. Luce, F. Ellis.


   WHEREAS, Intemperance is one of the chief vices of modern life, destruc-

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