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rating expenses was instructed to call the names of all who refuse or fail to present their expense blanks, in the afternoon session immediately after it convenes.

   Question 25.--Question twenty-five, "Who are the Triers of Appeals?" was taken up. The Superintendents nominated E. T. George, Geo. H. Main, R. F. Shacklock, Wm. Boyers, M. S. Satchell, A. J. Clifton, L. H. Shumate, Wm. VanBuren, S. D. Hyde, W. L. Austin, and they were elected.

   Missionary Apportionments.--E. E. Hosman for the Superintendents read the amounts of the missionary askings for this conference and they were adopted. (See Missionary Apportionments.)

   Special Appointments.--E. E. Hosman, for the superintendents, read the list of special appointments and they were confirmed where necessary.

   Boards.--E. E. Hosman for the Superintendents, nominated the Conference Board of Home Missions and Church Extension, and the Conference Board of Foreign Missions and they were confirmed.

   Articles of Incorporation.--Thomas Bithell read the report of the committee on Articles of Incorporation. On motion of G. I. Wright the report was adopted. (See Report.)

   Reports.--H. H. Millard read a report for the conference commission on Crowell Home. On motion of J. W. Morris it was adopted. (See reports.)

   J. W. Embree read the report of Home Mission Survey Work and on his motion it was adapted. (See reports.)

   Reconsideration.--On motion of H. H. Millard the action referring the case of Oren F. Cheseboro to the Select Number was reconsidered and on his motion it wag referred back to the committee on conference relations.

   Change of Relation.--On recommendation of the committee on Conference Relations, H. B. Seymour was located at his own request, and E. D. Gideon was made effective.

   Transfer.--The Bishop announced the transfer of E. D. Gideon to the Northwest Nebraska Conference. E. L. Wolff was transferred to the Columbia River Conference, C. L. Dix to the Northwest Nebraska, H. J. Armitage to the Southern Illinois, and R. E. Gilpin to the East Ohio.

   Question 6.--Question six was resumed. H. H. Millard for the committee on conference relations moved that Bradford T. Fisk be continued on trial and elected to deacon's orders under the missionary rule.

   Conference Relations.--On motion of M. E. Gilbert it was ordered that the commitee (sic) on conference relations for next year's conference session be elected at this conference and that the superintendents



MINUTES, 1913 Session

report to it all changes of relation at least thirty days before the, session convenes.

   Committees and Commissions.--E. E. Hosman for the superintendents read the nominations for the committee on Education, the committee on Finance, the commitee (sic) on Social Service, the Epworth League Board of Directors, the Joint Commission on Bohemian work, and the Commission on Publication of the minutes, and on his motion they were confirmed. (See Boards, Societies and Committees.)

   Question 5.--Question five was resumed. The name of Frank Williams, properly recommended, was presented, the registrar announced his grades, and on recommendation of the committee on conference relations he was received on trial and placed in the studies of the third year.

   Conference Evangelists.--W. H. Wright read the report of the committee on conference evengelists (sic), and on motion of B. F. Gaither it was adopted. (See reports.)

   Hospital.--J. W. Morris reported for the committee from the conference commissioners on the Methodist Hospital and Deaconess Home that there can be no change this year in the Articles of Incorportation (sic) of the Nebraska Methodist Hospital and Deaconess Home because due notice of such change was not given to the association in time to bring the matter before this conference. On his motion the report was adopted.

   Historical Society.--On motion of W. B. Alexander, the historical society of the old Nebraska Conference was approved as the society of this conference, and the officers of that society were made the officers of the approved society.

   Committee on Conference Relation.--On motion of B. W. Marsh the present committee on conference relations was made the committee for next year.

   Collection.--On motion of B. W. Marsh a collection was taken to defray the expense of re-incorporation, amounting to $14.38; said money to pass through the minute fund.

   Deaconess Board.--On motion of Edward Hislop the Deaconess Boards of the old conferences were instructed to meet together and nominate a new Deaconess Board. J. I. McLaughlin was authorized to call the boards together.

   Archives.--On motion of B. F. Eberhart the archives of the old conferences were made the archives of the new.

   Question 26.--Question twenty-six, "What is the annual report of the conference board of Home Missions and Church Extension?" was taken up. (See report.)

   Question 27.--Question twenty-seven, "What is the annual report of the conference board of Foreign Missions?" was taken up. (See report.)




   Afternoon Session.--On motion it was ordered that when we adjourn we adjourn (sic) to meet at 1:30 p.m.

   Introductions.--C. B. Larrabee of the Upper Iowa Conference, agent at large for the Upper Iowa University; B. M. Long of the Second Presbyterian Church and M. A. Bullock of the Vine Congregational Church of the city, were introduced to the conference.

   Singing.--Four little girls, Beulah Lux, Vera Trueblood, Margie Kimbrough and Winona Bowery, from the Mother's Jewels' Home at York were introduced and sang two sweet songs for the conference. On motion of E. M. Furman, unanimously adopted, they were given the thanks of the conference. This action was followed by an enthusiastic silver shower.

   A quintette of Bohemian Methodists sang for the conference in their native tongue.

   The Bishop appointed G. I. Wright to preside at the afternoon session.

   Adjournment.--The announcements were made and the conference adjourned with the benediction by Thomas Bithell.


   At 1:30 G. I. Wright assumed the chair and G. W. Abbott led in prayer.

   Reports.--The chairman called for the reports in the order printed in the list of committees. The committee on Crowell Memorial Home reported and Wm. Esplin and T. H. Worley addressed the conference. The report was adopted. (See reports.)

   The secretary of the Board of Trustees of Crowell Memorial Home read his report and it was adopted. (See reports.)

   Delinquents.--The names of those who have failed to report on the prorating of expenses was called. On motion of W. H. Shoaf the treasurer of the committee on prorating was instructed to pay first those who came from the longest distance.

   Dissolution.--On motion of C. M. Shepherd a recess of ten minutes was taken.

   Reconvened.--The Conference reconvened.

   Reports.--The committees on District Conference Records and Epworth League reported and the reports were adopted. (See reports.)

   Articles of Incorporation.--On motion of Thomas Bithell the Articles of Incorporation of the conference were ordered printed in the minutes.

   Deaconesses.--The report of the conference Deaconess Board was


MINUTES, 1913 Session

presented and adopted, and the following persons were elected members of that board:
   Time Expires 1914--Edward Hislop, L. H. Shumate, Mrs. A. L. Johnson.
   Time Expires 1915--A. A. Randall, J. F. Poucher, Mrs. M. L. Stone.
   Time Expires 1916--J. B. Priest, Wm. Boyers, Mrs. J. I. McLaughlin.

   The Deaconess Board of nine presented the following deaconesses for the approval of the conference: Allie P. McLaughlin, Jennie L. Cavanaugh, Lulu M. Milliman, Ethel Glandon, Blanche Young, Marie M. Wilson, Elnora Hand, Effie Ryan, Ella Holmes, Mary Schiable. (See reports.)

   Speeches Limited.--On motion of O. W. Rummell speeches on the reports were limited to five minutes.

   Reports.--The following committees made their reports and they were adopted: Episcopal Fund, Home Missions and Church Extension, Methodist Brotherhood, Sabbath Observance, Temperance, Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, Woman's Home Missionary Society, American Bible Society, Freedman's Aid, and Non-Connectional Benevolences. The joint report of the committee on Education and the committee on Nebraska Wesleyan University was adopted with the exception of the clause relating to the appointment of the Board of Trustees.

   The committee on Church Federation made its report and on motion of A. C. Spencer, Dr. Wigton was invited to speak on the subject. On motion of W. B. Alexander the report was amended by striking out section 4, and adopted as amended. (See reports.)

   The committee on Methodist Hospital and Deaconess Home reported and the secretary read the annual report of the president of the Board of Trustees, and the reports were adopted. (See reports.)

   Resignations.--F. M. Sisson and W. G. Bishop presented their resignation as members of the Board of Trustees of the Nebraska Wesleyan University, and they were accepted on motion of T. W. Jeffrey.

   The committee on Church Federation nominated the members of the Board of Federation, and on motion of G. W. Isham they were elected. (See boards.)

   The committee on Conference Claimants Endowment Fund reported and the report was adopted. (See reports.)

   C. M. Shepherd read his report as Field Secretary of the Conference Claimants Endowment Society, and on motion of O. T. Moore it was approved and ordered printed in the minutes. (See reports.)

   The committee on Fire Insurance made its report recommending that the committee be continued as a committee of investigation to report at the next session of the conference. It was adopted.



   The commission on Bohemian Work read its report, and G. W. Isham, superintendent of that work, made his report, and they were approved. (See reports.)

   The report of the commission on the Mission to the Deaf was read and ordered filed.

   The report of the Conference Stewards was read by C. B. Lenfest and the conference ordered that the names and amounts of the beneficiaries be printed in the minutes.

   Relinquishment.--The following claimants relinquished their claims on the annuity fund: Bartley Blain, T. W. Owen, E. B. Crippen, F. W. Bross, M. A. Wimberley, J. W. McMillen, E. R. Leedom, A. L. Mickel, N. H. Miles, I. L. Lowe, J. P. Varner, Mrs. E. Hawes, Mrs. D. W. C. Huntington, Mrs. Miriam Kline, Hiram Burch and Jacob Adriance.

   Official Record.--On motion of A. A. Randall the printed minutes were made the official record of the conference.

   Apportionments.--On motion of Charles P. Lang it was ordered that the items in the reports which authorize an apportionment or collection shall be listed in one place in the minutes.

   Evening Session.--On motion of E. J. T. Connely it was ordered that when we adjourn we adjourn to meet at 7:30 p.m.

   Adjournment.--The announcements were made and the conference adjourned with the benediction by Richard Pearson.


   The conference convened at 7:30 with H. H. Millard in the chair. He announced hymn 208 beginning "I love Thy Kingdom, Lord," and L. V. Slocumb led in prayer.

   Journal.--The secretary read the Journal of the morning and afternoon sessions and it was corrected and approved.

   Presentation.--O. T. Moore presented the conference in behalf of the commission on publication of minutes bound volumes of the old Nebraska conference minutes covering dates from 1861 to 1912. On motion of D. K. Tindall they were accepted with thanks.

   Prorating Committee.--On motion of W. H. Shoaf a committee was appointed, consisting of one member from each district and one at large, who shall be chairman, to prorate the traveling expenses on a graduating scale so that each dollar in the cash salary shall bear its equitable share of the burden of the traveling expenses of the ministers from their charges to the seat of conference and rturn (sic), this prorating to be made before the session of the next conference. Following is the committee: W. H. Shoaf, chairman; J. A. Rousey, Howard P. Young, H. C. Seidel, W. S. Porter, V. C. Wright, R. H. Thompson, C. L. Myers, F. Williams, D. W. McGregor.


MINUTES, 1913 Session

   Abandoned Property. On motion of Allen Chamberlain the District Superintendents were requested to turn over to the conference Board of Trustees, for the purpose of administration, all the abandoned property within the bounds of the conference.

   Resolution.--J. B. Priest presented a resolution on Equal Suffrage, which was adopted. (See resolutions.)

   Photos and History of Churches.--On motion the "Commission on Photos and History of Churches" of the old Nebraska Conference, was invited to present a report of its work. The report was presented by A. E. Chadwick who turned over to the conference the results of the work of the commission. On motion of Joseph Tuma it was accepted.

   On motion of J. B. Priest this commission together with one member from each district was appointed to continue this work.

   Balances in Treasury.--On motion of T. H. Worley monies now reported as in the hands of A. C. Crosthwaite, treasurer of the old Nebraska Conference, are to be turned over to the treasurer of the conference board of stewards for use in cases of emergency.

   On motion of G. I. Wright it was ordered that funds left in the hands of the district superintendents of the old conferences be placed in the funds for Bohemian work if lawful so to do.

   Conference Relations.--On recommendation of the committee on conference relations Oren Cheseboro was continued in the supernumery relation and asked to locate. E. H. Kiefer was changed from supernumerary to effective.

   Reports.--The committees on periodicals, auditing, resolutions, and Epworth League read their reports and they were adopted. (See Reports.)

   Conference Claimants' Apportionment.--On motion of C. O. Trump the apportionment for the support of conference claimants was fixed at five per cent of the pastor's cash salary.

   Memorial Page.--On motion of K. W. G. Hiller the resolution at the head of the memorial page of the old North Nebraska Conference minutes was ordered printed at the head of the memorial page of this Nebraska Conference minutes.

   Collection.--A collection for the janitor was taken amounting to $19.33.

   Report of Conference Commissioners.--The report of the Conference commissioners for adjustments was read, and on motion of G. I. Wright that part of the report which refers to the conference claimants' society was adopted and ordered printed in the minutes.

   W. B. Alexander presented resolutions concerning the trustees of the Conference Claimants Endowment Fund of the Nebraska Conference, which were on his motion adopted. (See resolutions.)

   On motion of C. E. Ruch the report of the conference commissioners concerning the number of trustees of the Nebraska Wesleyan University was adopted.



   Nebraska Wesleyan Trustees.--On motion of J. B. Priest it was decided to elect the trustees of the Nebraska Wesleyan Univrsity (sic). I. B. Schreckengast presented nominations from the committee on education and on his motion they were elected. (See, Boards, Societies, and committees.)

   Committee on Memoirs.--On motion of A. J. Clifton it was ordered that a committee of one from each district be appointed on memoirs to continue their work through the year. (See committees.)

   Officers.--On motion of A. A. Randall the officers elected by the Conference Claimants Endowment Fund were approved, as follows: President, W. B. Alexander; Secretary,- W. S. Porter; Treasurer, A. C. Crosthwaite.

   The Bishop took the chair.

   Changes.--The District Superintendents were on motion authorized to make necessary changes in the conference boards and committees.

   Sale and Loan.--R. N. Orrill presented a check for $224.10, proceeds of the sale of the Ellison church, which was received. On his motion this money was loaned to the church at Tobias for five years without interest.

   Change.--The Bishop appointed E. C. Newland on the board of examiners in place of M. E. Gilbert.

   Location.--The committee on conference relations reported no recommendations in the case of N. A. Martin. On motion of R. P. Hammons, N. A. Martin was granted a location at his own request.

   Transfers.--The Bishop announced the transfer of G. M. McCarger to the Northwest Nebraska Conference, and the transfers of W. W. Gettys from the Oklahoma, and Titus Lowe from the Upper Iowa Conference.

   Question 31.--Question thirty-one, "What are the claims on the conference funds?" was asked and answered--$31,684.

   Question 32.--Question thirty-two, "What has been received on these claims and how has it been applied?" was asked and answered $17,254, applied by the conference stewards. (See their report.)

   Question 34.--Question thirty-four, "What amount has been apportioned to the pastoral charges within the conference to be raised for the support of conference claimants?" was called. Five percent of the pastor's cash salary.

   Journal.--The secretary read the journal of the evening session and it was approved.

   Closing.--N. A. Martin conducted the devotional services. The Bishop addressed the conference and read the list of appointments, pronounced the benediction and conference was adjourned.

           Secretary. spacerPresident.


MINUTES, 1913 Session


   Tuesday, September 16th, 1913.

   Opening. The Nebraska Annual Conference convened for its fifty-third sesison (sic) in Grace Church, Lincoln, Nebraska, Tuesday, September 16th, 1913.

   Bishop Frank M. Bristol, D. D., LL. D., called the Conference to order at 9 o'clock, a. m., and A. G. Forman conducted the devotional services, consisting of singing, the reading of the Thirteenth chapter of First Corinthians, and prayer.

   Roll Call   O. T. Moore, Secretary of the last session, called the roll and the following were present: Hiram Burch, F. M. Esterbrook, John Gallagher, Richard Pearson, Geo. A. Hobson, A. C. Crosthwaite, T. H. Worley, J. A. Nichols, J. G. Walker, M. C. Smith, G. M. Jones, G. M. Morey, J. E. Rippetoe, C. B. Lenfest, W. B. Alexander, Leander Morrison, J. M. Darby, C. M. Shepherd, P. C. Johnson, G. M. Gates, G. W. Isham, J. G. Stanard, C. E. Giwits, G. I. Wright, E. L. Barch, J. W. Embree, H. G. Wilcox, A. V. Wilson, R. N. Orrill, C. L. Myers, E. S. Burr, H. W. Cope, A. B. Grossman, A. E. Chadwick, U. G. Brown, O. T. Moore, B. W. Marsh, N. A. Martin, S. T. Walker, John Calvert, W. W. McGwire, E. M. Reed, C. E. Ruch, M. E. Gilbert, Geo. A. Wash, Charles Burns, W. W. Hull, W. L. Austin, M. S. Foutch, W. T. Taylor, Howard P. Young, E. M. Furman, Lawrence Yost, E. B. Maxcy, B. F. Hutchins, M. T. Stiffler, J. C. Street, B. N. Kunkel, H. C. Seidel, C. C. Culmer, F. O. Winslow, A. O. Hinson, E. N. Tompkins, W. H. Jackson, W. M. Brooks, W. H. Shoaf, A. G. Forman, J. D. M. Buckner, A. A. Kerber, J. H. Stitt, A. A. King, A. A. Randall, F. C. McVay, E. H. Gould, J. B. Priest, O. H. Albertson, G. R. Newkirk, Harry Royse, J. W. Waits, C. G. Goman, K. J. Sladek, O. J. Nave, J. A. Rousey, J. H. Fowler, H. F. Huntington, W. P. Slocum, L. R. DeWolf, J. W. Davis, 1. B. Schreckengast, J. D. Hollister, H. W. Wagner, O. L. Kendall, A. B. Shepard, T. C. Priestley, P.. F. Farley, Elmer Wilton, O. M. Keve, J. T. Rowan, J. A. Murray, J. W. Bair, G. E. McClure, A. M. Steele, W. L. Hadsell, G. F. Francombe, J. F. Boeye, J. P. Yost, A. B. Whitmer, S. D. Bartle, full members; and W. O. Harrell, Wm. Kilburn, M. Allen Keith, Geo. W. Hylton, Oscar W. Reynolds, E. L. Hollingsworth, Ralph Miller, Earl N. Littrell, probationers.

   The Bishop requested the Conference to stand while the Secretary called the names of the following, who have died during the year: Jeptha Marsh, D. C. Brannon, J. H. Beery, and C. A. Mastin; after which two verses of the Hymn beginning "Blest Be The Tie That Binds," were sung.

   Report of Commission.   A. A. Randall, Secretary of the Commission on the Union of Conferences, made an incomplete report.



   Rulings of the Bishop.   On a resolution presented by G. I. Wright the Bishop ruled that the new Conference is not yet incorporated as the resolution implies; that with the merging the Nebraska Conference loses its identity; that the new Conference cannot be bound by any action of the Conference held today, and that the session tomorrow shall be the first sesion (sic) of the new Conference. He therefore ruled the resolution out of order in its present form.

   Report of Commission Accepted.   On motion of P. C. Johnson, the report of the Secretary of the Commission was accepted.

   Resolution.   The following resolution of G. I. Wright, as amended by G. W. Isham, and W. B. Alexander, was adopted:

   Resolved, That we hereby recommend the acceptance of the Articles of Incorporation of the Nebraska Annual Conference as the Articles of Incorporation of the enlarged Conference until the same be lawfully amended or new ones adopted.
   That we ask the presiding Bishop of the enlarged Conference to appoint a committee of nine to prepare such amended or new Articles of Incorporation as they deem best, and to report the same to the Conference Session of 1914.

   Distribution of Funds.   On motion of Geo. I. Wright, funds now in the Treasurer's hands from a belated report, amounting to $226, were ordered sent to the Boards entitled to receive them, and proper credit is to be given to the contributing charge.

   Decision of the Bishop.   The Bishop ruled that all monies in the treasury of the Nebraska Conference are now the property of the new Conference and under its control.

   Endowment Fund.   A. E. Chadwick moved that we request the commission to present to us a plan for the distribution of the product of the Endowment Fund of the Nebraska Conference, amounting to $52,000, so that the claimants of the Nebraska Conference shall not receive a reduced allowance.

   On motion of W. B. Alexander the resolution was laid on the table.

   Nomination of Secretary.   The District Superintendents announced that at a joint meeting of the Superintendents of the three Conferences the office of Secretary was accorded to this Conference. On motion of O. T. Moore the Conference proceeded to the nomination of such Secretary.
   On motion of G. W. Isham, it was ordered that the nomination be made by ballot.
   N. A. Martin, for the Superintendents, presented the name of A. A. Randall, and John Gallagher that of E. M. Furman. The Bishop appointed U. G. Brown, B. F. Hutchins, W. P. Slocum, C. G. Gomon, and A. M. Steele as tellers. A ballot was taken and the tellers retired to count the ballot.


MINUTES, 1913 Session

   Transfers.   The Bishop announced the following as having been transferred since the last session: T. W. Jeffrey from the Iowa Conference; E. D. Hull from the Upper Iowa; E. G. Hibbens from the Illinois; W. C. Wasser from the Northwest Iowa; A. C. Spencer and 'D. W. Parker from the West Nebraska; A. G. Bennett to the Northwest Kansas; L. F. Townsend to the Upper Iowa; I. F. Roach to the West Wisconsin; A. J. Northrup to the Upper Iowa; W. F. Whitney to the New England, and T. J. Shrode to the Gulf Conference.

   Report of Ballot:   The Bishop announced that E. M. Furman had received a majority of the ninety-one votes and was the nominee of the Conference.

   Greetings.   Chaplain P. C. Johnson brought greetings from the Warden of the State Penitentiary and an invitation to visit the Institution.

   Report.   H. F. Huntington, treasurer of the Publishing Commission, presented a report, which on motion of J. D. M. Buckner was accepted.

   Request for Publication of Journal.   On motion of O. T. Moore the Secretary of the united Conference was requested to publish the journal of this sesion (sic) in the printed minutes.

   Closing.   Anouncements (sic) were made, the minutes were read, corrected and approved, and a motion of John Gallagher the Conference adjourned with devotional services led by P. C. Johnson and the benediction by the Bishop.

         Secretary. spacerPresident.


   The members of the said Corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of Nebraska in March 1910, being assembled at Grace Church, Lincoln, Nebraska, on September 22, 1913, George I. Wright as President of said Corporation called them to order and A. A. Randall was elected Secretary of said meeting. Thereupon Charles M. Shepherd moved the adoption of the following resolution to wit:

   Whereas the corporate members of the Nebraska Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopall (sic) Church incorporated under the laws of the State of Nebraska in March, 1910, are duly assembled here at Grace Church in Lincoln, Nebraska.

   And, Whereas there has been a new and enlarged Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church formed which includes the territory and membership of the said Corporation.



   Therefore, Be it resolved, That we hereby make the new incorporation (bearing the name of "The Nebraska Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church") our legal successor and do hereby give, grant and convey to the said new Corporation all and singular whatever property of every name, kind and description whether real, personal or mixed to us belonging, and

   That we hereby dissolve as an incorporation under the laws of the State of Nebraska.

   The said resolution was seconded and unanimously adopted.

   Thereupon meeting was adjourned without day (sic)

   In witness whereof we hereto sign our names as Chairman and Secretary of said meeting,

GEO. I. WRIGHT, Chairman,
A. A. RANDALL, Secretary.


   The North Nebraska Annual Conference convened in its thirty-second annual session in Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, Lincoln, Nebraska, Tuesday, September 16, 1913, Bishop Frank M. Bristol, presiding.

   Opening--F. M. Sisson conducted the devotions. The Bishop asked W. A. Rominger, Secretary of the last conference, to call the roll, and seventy-six full members and eleven probationers responded as follows: Jacob Adriance, E. T. Antrim, G. W. Abbott, Arthur Atack, W. A. Ahrendts, G. C. Albin, V. R. Beebe, E. E. Bowen, A. S. Buell, Wm. Boyers, J. J. Burke, Thomas Bithell, J. M. Bothwell, G. M. Bing, H. C. Capsey, G. M. Couffer, John Crews, E. J. T. Connely, C. N. Dawson, F. M. Druliner, W. L. Elliott, Wm. Esplin, Amos Bing, J. Q. A. Fleharty, E. T. George, John H. Haas, Edward Hislop, J. W. Henderson, K. W. G. Hiller, E. E. Hosman, J. W. Illsley, C. F. Innis, Gerriet Janssen, E. B. Koontz, A. L. Kellogg, W. C. Kelley, L. R. Keckler, J. W. Kirkpatrick, H. G. Langley, C. P. Lang, G. H. Main, C. W. McCaskill, J. H. McDonald, D. W. McGregor, J. A. Martin, R. J. McKenzie, G. F. Mead, H. H. Millard, Emmet Mitchell, C. H. Moore, B. H. Murten, A. L. Norfleet, J. F. Poucher, H. L. Powers, W. A. Rominger, C. W. Ray, O. W. Rummell, J. Stopford, R. F. Schacklock, J. G. Shick, F. M. Sisson, L. V. Slocumb, T. E. Smith, G. W. Snyder, E. E. Shafer, D. K. Tindall, H. A. Taylor, C. O. Trump, Thomas Truscott, W. H. Underwood, A. J. Warne, H. W. Wright, G. B. Warren, W. R. Warren, T. S. Watson, T. C. Webster, M. B. Williams.

   Probationers--H. G. Parker, A. F. Niemann, P. D. Cox, Wm. Gornall, W. O. Romick, W. L. Guest, W. S. Sanders, E. E. Pengelly, A. H. Eggleston, G. A. Bolas, T. W. Powell.

   Deceased.--The Conference stood while the secretary called the


MINUTES, 1913 Session

names of those who have died during the year, as follows: R. L. Robinson, J. H. Thomas, and the conference, joined in singing "When we asunder part," etc.

   Secretary--On motion of E. T. George, W. A. Rominger was elected Secretary and named as his assistants, G. B. Warren and J. W. Kirkpatrick, who were elected by the conference.

   Report of Commission.--On motion of E. E. Hosman A. A. Randall was invited to read the report of the Commission to consider matters necessary to the consolidation of the Conference, and he read the report.
   On motion of Wm. Esplin, representing the commission of the North Nebraska Conference, it was ordered that the report of the joint commisison (sic) be accepted and made the report of the North Nebraska Conference Commissioners.

   Articles of Incorporation.--On motion of E. E. Hosman, the Conference requests the enlarged conference which meets tomorrow to appoint a committee of one from each District Superintendent's District to draft Articles of Incorporation for the new Conference.

   Report of Stewards.--C. O. Trump, Treasurer of the Conference Board of Stewards, presented their report, which on motion was accepted, as follows: Cash on hand at last Conference, $54. Disbursements during the year, $10 to Mrs. R. J. Cocking and $44 to Mrs. Fleharty.

   Question II.--Who have been received by transfer?" T. B. Cave from the North Dakota, A. L. Norfleet from Northwest Iowa, J. W. Henderson from the West Nebraska, and Clinton Senneff from the St. Louis.

   Question V.--"Who have transferred and to what Conference?" E. E. Wilson to Porto Rico, J. A. Johnson to the Northwest Nebraska, H. H. St. Louis to the St. Louis and M. R. French to the New England Southern.

   Introductions.--Thomas Truscott and C. W. McCaskill, transferred during the year, were introduced.

   Greetings.--On motion of E. J. T. Connely, the Secretary was instructed to write greetings to Dr. J. W. Jennings and Dr. Wm. Gorst expressing our regret that they were unable to be present at the conference,

   Nominee.--On motion of E. E. Hosman the conference approved the action of the District Superintendents and nominated H. G. Langley as Treasurer for the new conference.

   Adjournment.--On motion of H. H. Millard it was ordered that after the reading of the minutes and approval of the same and devotions the conference stand adjourned

   The Bishop pronounced the benediction.

             Secretary. spacerPresident.




   At a meeting of the members of the Corporation known as "The North Nebraska Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church" held at Grace church, Lincoln, Nebraska, on September, 22nd, 1913, E. J. T. Connely called the meeting to order as President of said Corporation, and H. H. Millard was elected as Secretary.

   Thomas Bithell presented the following resolutions:

   Whereas, The corporate members of the North Nebraska Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church incorporated under the laws of the state of Nebraska, are duly assembled here at Grace Church, in Lincoln, Nebraska,

   And, Whereas, there has been a new and enlarged Annual Conference of said Church formed which includes the territory and membership of the said Corporation.

   Therefore, Be it Resolved: That we hereby make the new Corporation (bearing the name of "The Nebraska Annual Conference of the Methodist Church") our legal successor and do hereby give, grant, and convey to it whatever property of every name, kind and description, whether real, personal or mixed, to us belonging. And That we hereby dissolve as an incorporation under the laws of the State of Nebraska.

   On motion of F. M. Sisson the aforesaid resolutions were unanimously adopted. Thereupon the meeting adjourned.

   I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true statement and record of the proceedings of the meeting of the members of the North Nebraska Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which meeting I was Secretary.

   In witness whereof I hereto set my hand this 22nd day of September, 1913.



   The West Nebraska Conference met in session in Grace Church in Lincoln, Nebraska, at 3:30 P. M. Tuesday, Sept. 16, 1913, to close up its business as a separate Conference, with Bishop Frank M. Bristol presiding.

   After singing "A Charge to Keep I Have," Erastus Smith led in prayer. The Bishop led in singing 'There is a fountain filled with blood," after which J. W. Morris announced the severe illness of Chas. S. Hawley, Secretary of the Conference last year, and B. F. Eberhart, a former Secretary was chosen to call the roll, which


MINUTES, 1913 Session

showed sixty-two members -and probationers, present as follows: H. C. Barrett, O. R. Beebe, A. H. Brink, Allen D. Burress, M. B. Carman, Claus H. Chader, Alfred Chamberlain, Allen Chamberlain, J. J. Christner, Benj. A. Cram, Kent H. Clifton, B. F. Eberhart, Nathan English, R. M. Fagan, A. E. Fowler, Henry S. French, B. F. Gaither, Richard Gibbs, J. F. Hageman, R. P. Hammons, E. J. Hayes, Bryant Howe, Neal Johnson, D. A. Leeper, Jas. Leonard, L. E. Lewis, C. F. Luscher, C. M. M'Corkle, G. E. M'Carger, J. R. Martin, A. J. May, G. B. Mayfield, E. H. Maynard, Harold H. Miles, N. H. Miles, J. W. Morris, A. E. Murlless, E. C. Newland, C. A. Norlin, T. W. Owen, H. M. Pickney, W. S. Porter, Raymond Rush, M. S. Satchell, R. F. Scott, F. A. Shawkey, L. H. Shumate, Jas. R. Smith, Erastus Smith, R. H. Thompson, R. N. Throckmorton, R. S. True, A. L. Umpleby, C. C. Wilson, Henry Zinnecker.

      1st Year.
         Chas. E. Catlett, Henry F. Martens.
      2d Year.
         Harvey Anderson, John W. Christ, Lemuel R. Hansberry.
      3d Year.
         Edward L. Baker, John W. Paxton.

   The Conference stood while the names of those who had died during the year were called, namely: Morris Bamford, D. F. Rodabaugh, and W. C. Swartz, whereupon the Conference joined in singing "We're going home to die no more."

   After the Bishop stated that this session could not bind the new Conference but was largely informal H. S. French was elected Secretary and nominated as his assistants, B. F. Eberhart and W. S. Porter, and they were elected.

   Transfers.--Into the Conference,
      Edward O. Johnson, from Kansas Conference.
      Richard Gibbs, from Southern Illinois Conference.
      H. C. Burrows, Probationer, 3rd Year, Dakota Conference.
   Transfers.--Out of the Conference,
      J. W. Henderson, North Nebraska Conference.
      A. C. Spencer, Nebraska; W. C. Harper, M. M. Long, O. E. Richardson, Northwest Nebraska Conference.

   Moved by B. F. Gaither and carried, that Bro. Randall give the report of the commision (sic) of Merger, which was read, and on motion of R. P. Hammons was accepted.

   Resolution--Bro. R. P. Hammons presented the following resolution:

   Resolved, That we recommend to the Nebraska Conference which convenes tomorrow, that a committee of eight be appointed, one from each of the districts to be formed, to prepare and present at the 1914 session Articles of Incorporation for the Nebraska Conference.

   B. F. Gaither moved that we request the new conference to make



the minutes of this session part of the records of the new conference,


   Moved by M. B. Carman and carried that the Conference approve the action of the District Superintendents in nominating B. F. Eberhart as Statistician.

   Moved by C. C. Wilson and carried that we request a separate column in the Minutes for the Omaha Tornado Funds.

   Bro. L. E. Lewis brought greetings from Bro. C. S. Hawley, and Bro. Geo. E. M'Carger moved and it was carried that we wire our greetings and sympathy.

   C. F. Luscher receives honorable mention for making the highest grade this year in the Conference course of study.

   Moved by B. F. Gaither and carried that after the reading of the minutes and devotions we stand adjourned.

      H. S. FRENCH, spacerFRANK M. BRISTOL,
           Secretary spacerPresident.


   The Ministers' Wives of the Nebraska Annual Conference met in the lecture room of Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, Lincoln, September 20th, 1913, at 2:30 o'clock, Mrs. W. B. Alexander in the chair and Mrs. W. C. Wasser, secretary pro tem.

   Mrs. Bishop F. M. Bristol gave a helpful address.

   On motion the Ministers' Wives' Association of Nebraska Conference was organized. The constitution of the former Nebraska Conference was adopted with article four amended so as to include in the membership all ministers' wives and widows, and deaconesses living in the bounds of the conference.

   Mesdames Hyslop, Martin and Reynolds were appointed a committee on nomination of permanent officers.

   Mrs. Wasser presented the matter of securing a piano for the Mother's Jewels' Home at York. It was ordered that the members be asked to contribute one dollar more or less, to be used in purchasing piano for the Home, and that Mrs. Wasser be charged with secretarial responsibility for the same with full power to make the purchase when the funds are in hand.

   The report of the nominating committee was received and a ballot ordered for the officers of the Association. Result of the ballot: Mrs. B. F. Gaither, president: Mrs. J. F. Boeye, vice-president; Mrs. J. M. Bothwell, secretary; and Mrs. W. A. Albright, treasurer.

   The deaconesses and new officers were introduced to the Association.

   Mesdames Millard, Gates and Hageman were appointed a committee on resolutions. The following is their report:

   Whereas, during the past year our Heavenly Father has called


MINUTES, 1913 Session

from our circle Mrs. M. B. Carman. Mrs. Jesse J. FIeharty, and, Mrs. J. H. Beery,

   Resolved, That we, the sisters of the Nebraska parsonages, record our appreciation of their kindly spirit and consecration to the work of the church. We wish to express our deepest sympathy to the bereaved friends and commend them to our Heavenly Father for comfort.

   Resolved, That we hereby express to our hostesses of Grace church, our appreciation for the dainty refreshments and other courtesies extended to us.

By motion adjourned for the social hour.     

   Constitution of the Ministers' Wives' Association of the Nebraska
   Annual Conference


   The name of this Association shall be the Ministers' Wives' Association of the Nebraska Annual Conference.


   The object of this Association shall be the promotion of sociability among preachers' wives, and the exchange of ideas and plans helpful to ministers' wives in their work.


   The officers of this Association shall be, president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer, and they shall hold office for two years.


   All ministers' wives of the Nebraska Annual Conference, ministers' widows and deaconesses living within the bounds of the Conference shall be members of this Association.


   1. The meetings shall be held on Friday or Saturday of the Annual Conference session.

   2. Duties of Officers: The president shall preside at all meetings, call all special meetings, appoint committees and perform any other duties pertaining to her office. The vice-president shall act in the absence of the president. The secretary shall keep a record of all meetings and conduct all the correspondence. The treasurer shall receive all money, paying out same upon the order of the president and secretary.

   3. Amendments may be made to this Constitution and By-Laws by a majority vote of all the members of the Association present at the session of the Annual Conference.

   Flower: the white carnation.




   Whereas, The Nebraska Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church has a central governing body with spiritual jurisdiction extending over more than six counties within the State of Nebraska. And,

   Whereas, The said Annual Conference at its session held at Lincoln, Nebraska, in September, 1913, did on the 20th day of September, 1913, elect Geo. I. Wright, H. H. Millard, L. E. Lewis, C. M. Shepherd, and Thomas Bithell, as a Committee on Incorporation.

   And, Whereas, Bishop Frank M. Bristol, the presiding officer of said religious body, "The Nebraska Annual Conference" has called a meeting of said committee and of Chas. Strader and Elmer C. Hammond, lay members of Grace Methodist Episcopal Church of said Annual Conference to meet at Lincoln, Nebraska, on Monday, September 22nd, 1913, at nine o'clock, A. M. And, Whereas, there were present at said meeting the following persons, to wit, Bishop Frank M. Bristol, Thomas Bithell, H. H. Millard, L. E. Lewis, C. M. Shepherd, Chas. Strader, Elmer C. Hammond and Geo. I. Wright. Bishop Frank M. Bristol acted as president and Thomas Bithell as secretary of the meeting. Thereupon on motion of H. H. Millard the following were unanimously adopted, as "The Articles of Incorporation of the Nebraska Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church" towit:

   ARTICLE I.   The name of this corporation shall be "The Nebraska Annual Conference of The Methodist Episcopal Church."

   Article (sic) II.   The object of this corporation shall be to promote the Christian religion in accordance with the doctrines and discipline of said Methodist Episcopal Church as the same now are, or hereafter may be modified by the said Church and its General Conferences; and to acquire, hold and administer all property (whether real, personal or mixed) that may be obtained by gift, devise, bequest or grant for the use or benefit of said Corporation, the dependent members of said Corporation, their widows or children, or for the use or benefit of any educational, charitable, or other institution which now is or may hereafter be either partly or entirely under the control of said Corporation.

   ARTICLE III.   The principal place of business of this Corporation shall be at its annual conference session, wheresoever it may be held within said state of Nebraska, during the time of such sessions. Its location shall be at the city of Lincoln, Nebraska.

   ARTICLE IV.   The members of this Corporation shall be John Gallagher, Richard Pearson, P. C. Johnson, Wm. Esplin, Jesse W. Jennings, Wm. Gorst, O. R. Beebe, James Leonard, Geo. W. Isham, A L. Umpleby, and all others who are or hereafter may become members in full connection of said Nebraska Annual Conference so that the full membership of said Annual Conference and the membership of this


MINUTES, 1913 Session

Corporation shall be identical. And full membership in said Annual Conference shall be attained in the manner provided for in the Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

   ARTICLE V.   The officers of this Corporation shall be a President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Statistician, a Board of Stewards, a Board of Trustees and such other officers as may be provided for by the Discipline of said Church or the By-laws of said Annual Conference. And the business affairs of this Corporation shall be conducted by the officers aforesaid. The officers named and provided for by said Discipline shall be appointed or elected for the terms and in the manner provided for in said Discipline; provided, that where there is no disciplinary direction then the By-laws of said Annual Conference shall govern the election, terms of office and duties of said officers.

   The Board of Trustees shall be composed of fifteen persons, at least ten of whom shall be members of this Corporation, five of whom may be lay members of said Methodist Episcopal Church within the bounds of said Annual Conference.

   The Board of Trustees shall be composed as follows: M. B. Carman, C. W. De Lamatre, E. J. T. Connely, C. M. Shepherd, John M. Stewart, of Lincoln, until the close of the session of the said Annual Conference held in the year 1914; and Thomas Bithell, John N. Dryden of Kearney, M. E. Gilbert, Geo. M. Spurlock of York, and Geo. I Wright, until the close of the session of said Annual Conference held in the year of 1915; and Allen Chamberlain, G. H. Gray of Central City, H. H. Millard, R. N. Orrill, and Peter Van Fleet until the close of the session of said Annual Conference held in the year of 1916. Except to fill vacancies and as herein provided Trustees shall be elected at the annual session of said Annual Conference for the term of three years commencing with the close of the session of the Conference at which they were elected. Vacancies occurring during the interim of the Conference may be filled until the close of the next Annual Conference session by a majority of the said Board of Trustees or in a case of a lack thereof by the District Superintendents of said Annual Conference. Trustees may be removed by a majority vote of the members of this Corporation.

   ARTICLE VI.   The Board of Trustees shall choose from among their number a President, Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and an Auditor, whose terms of office shall be for the current conference year, and who shall each perform the duties incident to their respective offices.

   The annual meeting of said Board of Trustees shall be not later than Friday of the sessions of the said Annual Conference and at the city where such Conference is in session and at such other times to which they shall adjourn during said Conference session.

   Special meetings of said Board may be called by the President thereof or by any three Trustees by giving at least ten days' notice



in writing to each Trustee of the time and place for holding the same.

   A quorum shall consist of a majority of the members of the Board at the time of the meeting of the Board.

   The Board of Trustees shall have full power to acquire, receive, hold, manage, control, administer all property whether real, personal or mixed now belonging to or which may hereafter be acquired :by the said Corporation or the said Nebraska Annual Conference; and shall have full power to grant, bargain, incumber, sell or convey any or all of such property. All contracts of the Board of Trustees shall be executed in behalf of said Corporation by its President and Secretary.

   The Board of Trustees shall, through their President (not later than Saturday of their annual session), render to the said Annual Conference an account and written report of their doings, an inventory describing the property of every kind held by them, its nature, condition and estimated value, and an itemized account of their income, expenditures and funds on hand. The net income derived from the property unless otherwise directed by the donors of the property or funds shall be disposed of as directed by the said Annual Conference.

   The Treasurer of said Board shall give a bond to said Corporation for a sum equal to twice the money that will probably be in his hands during the year, to be approved by the President and Secretary.

   ARTICLE VII.   All the officers of this Corporation named in the Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church shall have such duties and be subject to such control as may be provided for by the said Discipline, and shall also be subject to such control and direction and perform such duties as the Bylaws of this Corporation may prescribe.

   ARTICLE VIII.   The existence of this Corporation shall commence upon the date of the filing of these Articles in the office of the County Clerk and shall continue for the term of one hundred years.

   ARTICLE IX.   This Corporation shall not contract or become liable for debts to exceed the amount of $100,000.

   ARTICLE X.   These Articles of Incorporation may be amended at any regular session of said Nebraska Annual Conference by a three-fifths vote of the members present, provided however, that the proposed amendment shall be submitted in writing and come before said Conference for consideration and amendment on at least two days of its session before the vote is taken.

         H. H. MILLARD. spacerL. E. LEWIS.
   Witness as to the eight signatures above, LOYD A. WINSHIP

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