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MINUTES, 1913 Session


of the

Conference Claimants Endowment Fund of the Nebraska Conference
of the Methodist Episcopal Church

(Amended at the Annual Meeting of the Society, 1913)


   The name and location of this corporation shall be the Trustees of the Conference Claimants Endowment Fund of the Nebraska Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church; and the principal place of transacting business shall be the City of Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska.


   The general nature of the business to be transacted by this corporation shall be for the relief of the retired Preachers and Ministers of the Nebraska Annual Conference, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, their Wives and Dependent Children, and their Widows and Orphans; to raise funds and accumulate property for said purposes, in such ways as may be determined from time to time, by the Nebraska Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church.


   There shall be no capital Stock of this corporation, but the Funds raised for the purposes herein named shall constiute (sic) the fund for the purposes of this corporation, and the same may be accumulated to an amount not to exceed Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand ($250,000.) Dollars.


   The time of commencement of this corporation shall be the First Day of December, Nineteen Hundred and Three, and its termination shall be November Thirtieth, Nineteen Hundred and Thirty-Three.


   The Board of Trustees of this corporation shall consist of not less than nine nor more than twelve members, who shall be members of the Conference Claimants Endowment Society, of the Nebraska Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. These Trustees may be elected, one half from the ministers and one half from the laymen, who are members of the said Conference Claimants Society.


   The membership of the Conference Claimants Endowment Society shall be constituted by membership in the Nebraska Annual Conference, or laymen may secure a Life membership by the payment of One Hundred ($100.00.) Dollars, or its equivalent value in notes or other security, to any fund of the Board. Each member shall have one vote at the meetings of the Society, and any member shall be eligible to hold any office to which the Society may elect.




   The Annual Meeting of the Society shall be held at the seat of the Annual Conference, and at an hour designated by the President of the Board of Trustees of the Conference Claimants Endowment Fund. The Annual Meeting shall on nomination of the Board of Trustees, elect a Field Secretary, and four Trustees, and also to fill any other vacancies that may exist in the said board. The Annual Meeting shall also vote on any changes to the constitution that may be referred to it by the board of trustees, under article Twelve of this Constitution, and transact any other business that may come before it not in conflict with the articles of incorporation of the Board of Trustees.


   The Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Conference Claimants Endowment Fund shall be held in the City of Lincoln, Nebraska, on the First Tuesday in September at Ten o'clock, A.M., at such place as may be designated by the President. The Annual Meeting shall hear the report of the Field Secretary, the Treasurer, and other officers and committees; it shall appoint an Auditing committee whose duty it shall be to audit the accounts of the Treasurer and Field Secretary and make report on same, and also make a duplicate report to the next Annual Meeting of the Society. The Board shall at this meeting make nominations; for Trustees and Field Secretary, and take action on any changes in its constitution that may be referred to it, sending the same to the next Annual Meeting of the Society for its adoption or rejection as provided for in article Twelve of this constitution. The Board shall provide ample bond for its Treasurer and Field Secretary, in a sum double the amount that may be in their possession at any time during their incumbency in office. The Annual Meeting of the Board shall elect a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer, and these officers together with the Field Secretary shall constitute an Executive Committee, who shall carry on the work of the board during the interim of the meetings of the board. The President shall call a special meeting of the board on the written request of two-thirds of the members thereof. Five members shall constitute a quorum.


   The Board shall provide for all the obligations incurred, including the executive expense of the Board, the traveling expenses and support of the Field Secretary. The Board shall have power to receive, take, hold, own, purchase, use, sell, invest and convey, any article of property or value that may come to it by devise, gift, donation or purchase, and use the same for the purposes herein set forth. The Funds of this Corporation shall be maintained and administered as 'Prescribed in Articles X and XI, of this Constitution, and these Funds shall be held inviolate forever. The actual indebtedness of the Board shall never exceed Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars.


MINUTES, 1913 Session


   There shall be Four principal Funds of this Corporation, to-wit: First, The General Fund; Second, The Loan Fund; Third, The Cottage Fund; Fourth, The Annuity Fund. All gifts made to either of these funds shall be invested in the fund to which it was given, and no change in the gifts from one Fund to another can over be made except by request of the donors, or their legal representatives. It is provided, however, that the executive and running expenses, or, that portion that may be needed therefor, shall be deducted from the several Funds in proportion to the amount collected in each Fund, in the year in which such expenses are incurred. The General Fund shall be formed for the purpose of defraying the executive expenses of the Society and Board, including the support of the Field Secretary and shall consist of all moneys paid by Pastors and others for the support of Field Secretary and all gifts made for this purpose, also any amount that may be set out of the other Funds for executive expenses, and all gifts of whatever character that may be otherwise directed. The Board shall have power to use any surplus in this Fund in the other Funds, provided the amount so used shall be applied to permanent endowment. The Loan Fund shall be formed for the purpose of endowment, and shall be invested in bonds of the United States, State, County, Municipal or School bonds that are registered and of standard value, also in Real Estate Securities, within the bounds of the Nebraska Conference, First Mortgages, for not more than half the cash values of the property on which such loan is made. This Fund shall be maintained by gifts made to this Fund for this purpose, and the principal shall be maintained a perpetual endowment, but the interest shall be annually distributed as the Annual Conference may direct. The Cottage Fund shall be formed for the purpose of building Cottages within the bounds of the Nebraska Conference, for the benefit of the Claimants of said Conference, the Fund shall be maintained by gifts of money or property made to this Fund or this purpose, and the principal thereof shall remain a perpetual endowment, but the interest and rental income shall be annually distributed, as the Annual Conference may direct. The Annuity Fund shall be formed for the purpose of paying annuities on grants or gifts of property, real or personal, that may be offered to the Board wherein the donor retains a life annuity in the same. The Board of Trustees shall have the authority to receive property and guarantee the Donors a stated Annuity as may be agreed upon by the parties at interest. This Fund shall be mainatined (sic) by gifts made to this Fund for this. purpose, and only so much of the principal and interest as shall be needed to maintain the annuity contracts of the Board shall be used therefor; and any interest not needed for such uses may be annually distributed as the Annual Conference may direct. But at no time shall the Board appropriate money from the other funds to maintain this Fund.




   The Board of Trustees shall adopt such rules and by-laws as are needed to properly care for the business of the Corporation.


   This Constitution being duly adopted as amended at the Annual Meeting of the Conference Claimants Endowment Society of the Nebraska Conference in Nineteen Hundred and Thirteen, (1913), it shall hereafter be required that amendments to the same shall first be submitted in writing to the Annual Meeting of the Conference Claimants Endowment Society, and by that meeting referred to the Board of Trustees, and if the Board of Trustees concur in the amendment it shall be referred back to the next ensuing meeting of the Society, and if passed by a two-third majority of those present and voting, it shall be adopted. Provided, that neither the Board nor the Society shall have authority to change any act or contract that may have been entered into by the corporation prior to such amendment. Any by-law of the Board may be suspended or repealed by the same process by which an amendment is adopted.


   The Funds of the Corporation shall be held by the Treasurer thereof, and shall be paid out only on warrants drawn and signed by the President and Secretary of the Board, and all warrants shall have first been ordered by the Board, or the Executive Committee. The payment of the Interest Fund to the Conference Treasurer shall be a sufficient discharge of that Fund.


   Section I.--The Board of Trustees hereby authorize the building of a Cottage, under the provisions of the Cottage Fund, in any good residence town within the bounds of the Nebraska Conference, on the following conditions, to-wit: A grant of one-half of the cost of such cottage will be made from the Fund, in towns where the Methodist Episcopal Church has a membership of less: than Four Hundred, and the church will donate a suitable building site, and pay one-half of the cost. And in towns where the membership is Four Hundred and under Six Hundred the Board will consider an application, but will not agree to guarantee any amount. In churches with a membership of Six Hundred or more, the Board will not extend aid, but invite such churches to build cottages and present them to the Board.


MINUTES, 1913 Session



   This Organization shall be called The Nebraska Conference Epworth League, and it shall be auxiliary to the Epworth League of the Methodist Episcopal church.


   The object of the Nebraska Conference Epworth League shall be: to promote Intelligence, Piety, and Loyalty among the young people of the church; to lead them to the attainment of purity of heart and life, and to constant growth in grace, and aid them in preparation for the highest efficiency in world evangelism, Christian culture, and social service.


   The membership of the Nebraska Conference Epworth League shall consist of all the district superintendents, all the pastors actually in charge, all preachers appointed by the Bishops, and all members of the Epworth and Junior Leagues of the Nebraska Annual Conference; and also, all the district superintendents, pastors and members of Epworth and Junior Leagues of the German and Swedish Methodist Episcopal churches, and of any other Methodist Episcopal churches within the bounds of the Nebraska Annual Conference.


   Section I.--The officers of the Nebraska Conference Epworth League shall be a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, auditor, Junior League superintendent, secretary of Missions, secretary of Christian Citizenship, and one director from each district superintendent's district in the Nebraska Annual Conference, and one from each of the districts of the German and Swedish churches within the bounds of the Nebraska Annual Conference.

   Sec. 2.--All officers except directors shall be elected by the Annual Convention by ballot, and a majority of all the votes cast shall be necessary to constitute an election.

   Sec. 3.--Any member of the Methodist Episcopal church who is in good standing and is a member of the Epworth League within the bounds of the Nebraska Annual Conference, shall be eligible to any office except as herein otherwise provided.

   Sec. 4.--The directors shall be appointed by the several Conferences included in the League, and their term of office shall begin with their appointment annually; Provided that in case the Conference shall fail to appoint, the district superintendents shall make the appointments as soon as possible after the Conference shall have adjourned.


   Section I.--The Nebraska Conference Epworth League shall hold an Annual Convention at such time and place as shall be designated



by the board of control, and this convention shall be the official session of the Nebraska Conference Epworth League, and shall be authorized to transact all business of the League except such as may be otherwise provided for.

   Sec. 2.--The Annual Convention shall be composed of all the officers of the Nebraska Conference Epworth League, all the district superintendents, and all the pastors actually in charge and all other preachers appointed by the Bishops within the bounds of the Nebraska Conference Epworth League, and the delegates elected by the local chapters of the Nebraska Conference Epworth League.

   See. 3.--At the Annual Convention the president, secretary, treasurer, auditor, Junior League superintendent, executive committee, and secretaries of departments shall present written reports for the year, or fraction of year, immediately preceding the Convention; and the secretary shall if possible secure a report from every chapter in the League.

   Sec. 4.--Each local chapter of the Nebraska Conference Epworth League shall be entitled to representation in the annual convention as follows: Each local chapter having one hundred members or less, shall be entitled to two delegates; and each local chapter having more than one hundred members shall be entitled to an additional delegate. Each Junior League shall be entitled to one delegate who shall be either the superintendent or assistant.

   Sec. 5.--When a delegation from a local chapter is not complete the delegates present at the convention from that chapter may fill any existing vacancies with other members of the chapter who may be present. 

   Sec. 6.--Special Conventions may be called by the Board of Control when desired, and they shall be constituted in the same manner as the annual convention. Special Conventions shall not elect officers, except to fill vacancies, nor shall they change the Constitution.


   Section 1.--The Board of Control shall consist of all the officers of the Nebraska Conference Epworth League, including the Conference directors.

   Sec. 2.--During the intervals between the annual conventions the board of control shall have charge of all matters pertaining to the League not assigned to special committees. It shall designate the time and place for holding the annual convention, and have supervision of all arrangements for the same. It shall arrange for an Assembly annually, elect officers and prepare programs therefor. It shall elect an executive committee of three of its own members, and shall have power to fill vacancies in the League offices.

   Sec. 3.--The members of the board of control shall meet at the call of the president, or any three of its members, to prepare programs for the annual convention and to transact such other business as may,


MINUTES, 1913 Session

come before it. The expenses of all special meetings shall-be paid by the treasurer of the Nebraska Conference Epworth League on the order of the board of control.


   Section 1.--The Nebraska Conference Epworth League shall be an incorporated body under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and shall have power to acquire property, and to perform such other acts as are consistent with its constitution and articles of incorporation.

   Sec. 2.--The Board of Control shall provide ample bonds for the treasurer of the Nebraska Conference Epworth League, and for other financial officers of the League as it may judge necessary.
   Any funds in the hands of the treasurer at any time available for investment shall on being invested, be secured by real estate first mortgage, state, municipal, or school bonds, at the discretion of the board of control.


   Section 1.--The Constitution may be amended by a three fourths vote of the members present and voting at any annual convention; Provided that the proposed amendment shall he submitted in writing to the convention and shall lie over till a succeeding session, and shall state the section to be amended, the amendment proposed, and the reading the section as it would be if amended: Provided also that on the demand of the delegates of twelve local chapters in an annual convention, any proposed amendment to the Constitution shall be submitted to the local chapters of the League for their decision, and it shall require a two-thirds vote of all the local chapters to adopt the amendment. The Junior* Leagues, shall not vote under this referendum.

   Sec. 2.--It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Nebraska Conference Epworth League to carry out the provisions of this section whenever it shall become necessary. He shall submit the amendment to the local chapters for their action, he shall receive the report of the vote, and present the same to the next session of the Conference Epworth League.





   God has been good to us this year. No fatal sickness has visited our parsonage homes, but Father Jeptha Marsh, our saintly veteran, has been called to his reward.
   Pulpit Changes.--The year has been marked by an unusual number of mid-year changes in the pastorate.
   At Ceresco J. M. McDonald was excused. O. R. Ellmaker served the charge three months and H. C. Tittemore has finished the work of the year.
   At Emerald H. L. Williams was excused after a few weeks and 0. W. Low has served the charge to the end of the year.
   Clyde Keegan broke down in health early in the year and R. M. Lehew has been on the Roca-Hickman charge since he left.
   J. D. Hollister was changed from Ithaca to Elm Park and H. L. Case has had charge at the former place during the summer.
   S. E. Cozad broke down in health at Jamaica and the charge has been served by R. R. Miller and Foster Beek.
   From Elm Park, W. F. Whitney was retransferred to New England from whence he came a year ago, and J. D. Hollister has been in charge since June 1st.
   I. F. Roach was transferred by the Bishop to Madison, Wisconsin, and T. W. Jeffrey of Ottumwa, Iowa, was transferred in to take his place at St. Paul's church.
   A. J. Northrup was transferred to the Upper Iowa Conference by the Bishop, and E. D. Hull, of Waterloo, Iowa, was transferred in to take his place at Trinity.
   At Malcolm O. R. Ellmaker was excused and G. M. Gates has served the charge the entire year.
   Morse Bluff, left to be supplied, has been served the latter half of the year by J. A. Brox.
   L. L. Hanthorne resigned at Normal the first of August and we have supplied the pulpit since.
   At Pleasant Dale, A. J. Gumm quit and James Leonard has endeavored to save the day on that afflicted charge.
   From Pairie (sic) Home J. A. Brox was transferred to Morse Bluff and R. R. Miller has held that work to the year's end.
   I. B. Schreckengast, of University Place First church, was called to the vice-chancellorship of Wesleyan University, May 1st, and Professor E. S. Brightman has filled that pulpit until Conference.


MINUTES, 1913 Session

   J. M. Wilson moved from Waco to Texas in the spring, and M. A. Madson, a Garrett Biblical Institute student, was secured for the charge during the summer.
   Special Meetings.--Two pastors' retreats have been held, one at University Place and one at David City.
   A "Get together" meeting of all the official members of the churches comprising the Lincoln City Evangelization Union was held at St. Paul's church.
   The Annual Dinner of the "Union" was served by the ladies of Trinity church. Bishop Bristol was guest of honor and the inspiring orator of the occasion.
   Our District united with the East, South, and West Districts in holding an old Nebraska Conference Ministers' Meeting. Dr. H. F. Rall, of "Iliff," was our guest and teacher.
   The Annual Convention of the Epworth League was held at David City, and the fruit of that meeting was the adoption of Rex Moe as our district missionary, for whose support we are to be responsible.
   At a banquet served by ladies of Grace church, a City Epworth League Union was organized.
   The Woman's Foreign Missionary Society held its annual meeting at Grace church.
   The Assembly was greater than ever, if that is possible. Bishops Bristol and Stuntz were both present through the entire time.
   Our University has made a great and altogether creditable record this year. She has everything she needs except money and that which money will buy. We must see to it that money in more abundant measure flows into her treasury. The selection of I. B. Schreckengast to be Vice-Chancellor and to have charge of the finances of the institution will, I am sure, meet the approval of the Methodists of the state.
   The stern decision of the trustees to discontinue the building of a debt will doubtless provoke a hearty "amen" in the hearts of a multitude of Nebraska Methodists.
   The Lincoln City Evangelization Union is becoming increasingly a power for good. This conference is her guest and she gives you a royal welcome to her homes and churches. She will bring to you a recommendation that you request the appointment of a Special Pastor to State University Students; and she stands ready to help in every way possible in this and every other good work.
   Church Building-Look around you! This beautiful temple was dedicated and every cent of the cost of its construction was provided for by good subscriptions of generous men and women June 1st. Bishop Bristol was the preacher and J. F. Boeye, the pastor, was the successful money getter.
   At the corner of 15th and U streets stands another house of



worship, not so large but not less beautiful and convenient. It is Emmanuel, dedicated early in the year, Carroll, the pastor, being assisted by Drs. Iliff and Fifer. The price of this church is also provided for by good and ample subscriptions.
   Over at the corner of 29th and Dudley they are doing things now, Epworth, led by Gomon, is trying to make room for the people who throng there to worship.
   Elm Park, at 29th and Randolph, is putting in a basement, and Valparaiso has done that same thing.
   St. James' church has purchased the leased lot on which her building stands and is getting ambitious.
   St Paul, like the "King's Daughters," is "all glorious within" because of a thorough rejuvenation recently completed.
   Trinity still shines in newness, though her completion was chronicled last year.
   Immediate Prospects.--Lake View plans to build a tabernacle to accomodate (sic) the work in that part of town.
   Warren church, University Place, has become altogether too big and active for her old tabernacle and she expects to arise and build next spring.
   Martel will build this fall. Whether the building will be dedicated Methodist or Union, is not yet sure, but at all events we will occupy it.
   Cedar Bluffs will build a new parsonage as soon as they can sell the old one.
   The same is true of Waco.
   At Lincoln Heights they will build a boys' club room on a lot near the church. This room will also accomodate (sic) a part of their growing Sunday school.
   Abandoned Property.--An abandoned country church on the Leshara charge has been exchanged with the Biptists (sic) for a church which we occupy at Jamaica. Dr. Embree, of the East District, assisted in bringing about this happy settlement.
   The old Mead church property has been sold, and the net proceeds, after paying off the Church Extension donation, is $318.76. I hand this over to the Conference and recommend that it be loaned to the Leshara charge for five years without interest, for the purpose of improvements upon their property.
   We are not able to do anything at Goehner and I judge we should endeavor to make advantageous disposal of our church property there.
   The same is true of Ruby.
   We have no organization at Brainard but have been able to maintain services and Sunday school there regularly through the year.
   Departments.--The Sunday School work flourishes. The graded work is being very generaly (sic) introduced. There are very few schools in which it is not used at least in the lower grades.


MINUTES, 1913 Session

   The Epworth League is rejuvenescent and has forty-three living chapters. The splendid leadership of our new general officers is being responded to all along the line.
   The Junior League does' not thrive. There are only twelve chapters and some of these are hardly more than a name. Trouble--lack of leaders.
   Forty-three Ladies Aid Societies on the district are vigorously pressing every good work.
   Seventeen Woman's Foreign and eighteen Woman's Home Missionary Societies are faithfully gleaning the fields for wheat that they may scatter it beside all waters.
   The Brotherhood, while not fulfilling the expectations we earlier cherished, is doing good work in some of the fourteen chapters which exist upon the district.
   Finances.--Nearly if not all, the preachers' claims will be paid in full. This means also that the Bishops, District Superintendent and retired preachers will be paid in full, as we insist upon the pro rata. All other current expenses of the church are well in hand.
   I have not the data upon which to make statement regarding the benevolences. There has been quite a little resistance to the new apportionments, largely because of misunderstandings, which I have tried to dispel. I think there will be gathered for these sacred causes at least as much as last year in spite of misunderstandings and west winds.
   The new financial plans have been discussed in all our quarterly conferences. They have been received quite favorably and many of the churches will adopt them next year.
   Church Papers--Most of our pastors have pushed the canvass for new subscribers to the church papers. A large increase in the number taken upon the district has been made. This church, in whose house we are convened, holds the banner as having done the best of any in this direction.
   The Work--Souls have been converted at our altars, though not at all of them. The saints have been comforted and upbuilt in our services, and additions have been made to our membership. Here and there Glory Gates have opened and triumphant warriors have gone to their crowning. Some have departed from us because they were not of us, and we have bidden them God speed. Our preachers have been faithful proclaimers of the great Gospel. I hear no complaints which suggest any exception. The seed has fallen everywhere of course, but we believe much has found lodgment upon good ground. The sowers have sometimes wept, as they went forth, but we are with confidence awaiting the harvest.





Dear Bishop, Fathers and Brethren:
   "This is the third time I am coming to You." Friendly and Christian greetings to you from the East District. God's providential care and guidance have been evident throughout the year. Strength and grace have been given sufficient for the strenuous demands which have been upon us. It is with profound gratitude to God and in the spirit of humility that we bring the report of our year's work.
   At the close of Conference a year ago, there were eleven charges on the district "to be supplied." Within ten days, we had seven of these supplied: With G. E. Mason, a supernumerary member of the Southwest Kansas Conference at Filley and Virginia; with A. C. Spencer, transferred from the West Nebraska Conference and located as pastor of the Federated church at Palmyra; H. W. Haynes, coming to us from the Congregationalists, and located at Stella; with M. W. Pickerel at Shubert and attending our state normal at Peru; Mylo Dale at Talmage; E. H. Gould changed from Louisville to Mynard; and with the consent of the Bishop for J. D. Hammel to remain at Lewiston. A few days later J. M. McDonald was appointed to supply at Eagle and J. Q. Helm to supply DuBois and Bethel.
   In December, Elmer Wilton, a supernumerary member of our own conference, was secured to supply Louisville. About the middle of the year, H. W. Haynes resigned his charge at Stella, went to the Presbyterians, and was appointed by them to be pastor of our Federated church at Union. We then employed O. R. Beebe, a supernumerary member of the West Nebraska Conference, to serve the remainder of the year at Stella. A little later in the year we secured J. W. Williams to supply Rulo. This completed the list, there being a pastor in every charge in the district. In August, however, L. F. Townsend of Weeping Water was transferred to the Upper Iowa Conference and appointed the University Pastor at Iowa City. The pulpit at Weeping Water was supplied by different pastors for the balance of the year.
   District Gatherings.--The annual convention of the Woman's Home Missionary Society was held in our church at Humboldt, April 10-11, 1913, and the Woman's' Foreign Missionary Society of the district met in the same church on April 12-13, immediately following. The attendance was good, the program most excellent and the interest intense. The work accomplished by these two Women's Missionary Societies on the district deserves more extended comment.
   On May 1-2, the pastors of the district met at St. Pauls church in Lincoln, together with the pastors of the other districts of the old Nebraska Conference. Dr. H. F. Rall of Denver was the principal speaker and proved himself a master on the social and religious topics which he discussed. Chancellor Fulmer, vice-chancellor Schreckengast, Drs. McLaughlin, Shepherd, Wigton, and others were on the program.


MINUTES, 1913 Session

   The entire program was most important and helpful but the attendance was not satisfactory. Less than half of the pastors from any one district were present. There is no excuse for a district meeting unless the preachers attend. It may be that with such large districts it will be necessary to hold small district group meetings.
   The Twenty-First Annual Convention of the East District Epworth League opened at Falls City on the evening of June 24, and continued over until noon of the 26th. The splendid program was made up of important topics discussed by various members of the various League chapters of the district, and proved to be very beneficial. Drs. Jeffrey and Schreckengast were the evening speakers. They acquitted themselves with great credit, and won many friends among the young people of the district.
   The East District was well represented at our Nebraska Epworth Assembly. Large delegations from the various towns of the District were camped on the grounds throughout the Assembly. There were some thirty-five from the village of Brock, and twenty or more from Cook. Space forbids the mention of others, but the interest and support of the Assembly by the young people of our church within the bounds of the district, were commendable. We maintained a headquarters tent on the grounds And the attendance this year means a larger number next year.
   Genealogy, Matrimony and Necrology.--During the year, there were boy babies born to Rev. J. H. Bounds and wife, Rev. C. S. Cole and wife, and Rev. L. F. Townsend and wife. A daughter was born to Rev. and Mrs. W. D. Shike.
   On Thursday noon, August 21, 1913, Rev. Elmer Wilton our pastor at Louisville, was marreid (sic) to Miss Etta Scott of Labetta, Kansas. Mrs. Wilton was a school teacher and is well adapted to preside in the parsonage home.
   In the fall of 1870, J. H. Beery entered the Ohio Conference, where he spent twelve years in the ministry. In 1889, he was transferred to the Nebraska Conference. Some time later he retired on account of ill halth (sic), and located in Humboldt, Nebraska. In 1906, he moved with his family to Washington, where he died on April 2, 1913, at the age of sixty-nine years, eleven months and nine days. Mrs. Laura J. Beery, his wife, passed away on February 5, 1913, just two months and seventeen days before her husband.
   Buildings and Improvements.--Our church building at Table Rock has been entirely rebuilt and was dedicated by Dr. T. C. Iliff of Denver on December 8, last, at a cost of over $6,000. The church is now a beautiful and commodious modern building. The burden was heavy and the sacrifice great for our people at this point, but to them it seemed a great pleasure and their work on the day of dedication was most heroic.
   The church at Brock was also rebuilt during the year at a cost



of over $9,000, and was dedicated by Dr. Iliff. Here the burden was greater but the people were some better able to perform the heavy task. This charge three years ago was paying but $400 for half time. For the last two years she has been paying $800 for full time, and estimates the salary for the next year at $900.
   More or less extensive improvements have been made on the churches of Auburn, Bennet, Burchard, Crab Orchard, DuBois, Lewiston, Salem, Stella and Tecumseh, at a total cost of over $5,000. At Falls City, the city paved the street west of our church at a cost to the church of about $700. The churches at Cook and Unadilla have both been raised, enlarged, and cement basements put in at a cost of about $1,500 each. Improvements have also been made on the parsonages at Johnson, Maynard and Nehawka.
   An old debt of $500 has been paid off the church at Rulo, the old parsonage has been sold and negotiations are in progress for a new property. Indebtedness on church property has been reduced at Bennet, DuBois, Humboldt, Nebraska City, Peru, Sterling, Syracuse, Tecumseh, and Weeping Water.
   Church Periodicals.--The Methodist literature is taken in part or entire in all our Sunday schools. There are only a few cases where anything else is used. There are five hundred forty-six Central Christian Advocates taken on the district. This is an increase of three hundred seven. Thirty-one charges doubled or more than doubled their subscriptions. Only one charge shows no Advocates taken and only one shows a loss. Extraordinary increases were shown on several of the charges.
   Benevolent Offerings.--Not withstanding the short crops, the benevolences will show a splendid increase this year. Our pastors make a mistake when they put off the appeal for benevolence until late in the year. We must take collections early.
   Revivals, Conversions and Membership.--There have been more and better revivals with a larger number of conversions and additions to the churches on the district this year than either of the last three years. Among those to be mentioned having the largest results are: Adams, Ashland, Auburn, Avenue, Bookwalter and Armour, Brock, Brownville, Douglas and Burr, Humboldt, Pawnee City, Plattsmouth, Syracuse, Table Rock, Tecumseh, Unadilla and Weeping Water. Good meetings with less results were held at Alvo, Elk Creek, Elmwood, Filley, Graf, Louisville, Nemaha, Palmyra, Shubert, Sterling and Talmage. We tried for a net increase of ten per cent in the membership. While the work on the district will show increases in every line, we have not realized the full measure of our desire. We purpose to give ourselves to greater diligence, and a deeper and more complete consecration to the work of the Master.


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