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     Bellwood--W. J. Puetz,
     Kearney--B. H. Patterson.
     Brayton--L. A. Lenneman.
     Beaver City--Edward J. Lambe, Eymett Alexander.
     Heartwell--James Filbin, James Hoban, Jack Meisenbach, Louis Horan.
     Lawrence--F. E. Pierce.
     Fremont--J. Howard Heine.
     Maywood--S. M. Hall, M. J. Higgins, E. P. Burke.
     Herndon, Kans.--J. R. Kirchner.
     Eldorado, Kans.--F. E. Brooks.

Financial Report of Laymen's Retreat--1925


Balance on hand from 1924
$ 40.33
Appropriated by State Council, K. of C., 1926
Contributions made by retreatants
Proceeds of sale of cigars, etc
$ 766.43


Father Kuhlman
$ 200.00
Sisters (extra expense)
Blankets, rental
Cigars, etc.
Advertisement, log-book
Postage, mailing photos
Mailing report and names
Miscellaneous expense of office
$ 754.19
Balance on hand
$ 766.43

WM. M. WHELAN, Chairman.

     At this time it was announced that the very Rev. W. J. Grace, S. J., President of Creighton University, had entered the auditorium. State Deputy Whelan appointed a committee to escort the distinguished guest to the rostrum, where he addressed the convention and was given an ovation.

     District Deputy Wm. McCormack of Omaha, chairman of the Committee on Resolutions, submitted the following report:\


Report of Committee on Resolutions

Nebraska State Council of Knights of Columbus, held at Columbus,
Nebraska, on May 10 and 11, 1926.

     We, the undersigned Committee on Resolutions of the Twenty-second Annual State Council Meeting of the Nebraska State Council, Knights of Columbus, do respectfully report and recommend as follows:

     1. WHEREAS, we have learned with deep sorrow of the untimely death of our beloved Brother Sebastian Feiling, Grand Knight of Madison Council and for many years a member of the State Council; and
     WHEREAS, Brother Feiling has not only given freely of his time and energy in the promotion of the good of the Order in his community and the state, but has by the Christian nobility of his life been exemplar of the virtues of true Knighthood; therefore,
     BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the State Council of Nebraska, truly resigned to the Will of God, but nevertheless sorrowing in our bereavement, extend our heartfelt sympathy to his family and to the Brothers of Madison Council; and that we direct our State Deputy to arrange to have said a Novena of nine Masses celebrated for the eternal repose of his soul.

     2. Past State Deputy, Wm. J. McNichols, Hollywood, California.
     While the sad news of the death of your daughter, Mary Helen, has reached us individually, we desire as a body in convention assembled to express to you and your family our deepest sympathy.
     In times of sorrow and bereavement we turn to our faith which we as Brother Knights of Columbus hold in common and which is our only unfailing source of comfort.
     We have no doubt that the new friendships you have formed have supplied this consolation, but Nebraska Knights are ever mindful of your welfare.
      RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be spread on the records and a copy sent to Brother McNichols and to his Council at Hollywood, California.

     3. BE IT RESOLVED, that this State Council extend its thanks to the members and officers of Columbus Council No, 938 and their ladies for the splendid entertainment and many thoughtful courtesies extended to the delegates and others attending this State Council Meeting while their guests during the State Convention; and to Rev. Anton Link, Rev. J. F. Hennessy and Rev. Peter Crumbly, and other clergymen assisting, we wish to express our grateful appreciation for the impressive church services and ceremonies arranged for our edification and inspiration and which constituted such an appropriate introduction and addition to this convention,

     4. BE IT RESOLVED, that the State Council extend to the authorities of the City of Columbus, to the American Legion and to other civic organizations of said city, our sincere thanks and appreciation for the courtesies extended to us while convening here. We further extend our thanks and appreciation to all who have so kindly


and generously given of their time and effort to make our stay pleasant and who have provided amusement and entertainment for the visiting delegates.
     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we express our sincere gratitude and deep appreciation to Edgar Howard, Z. H. Loomis and the Columbus Telegram for the splendid and generous publicity which they have given to this Convention and its proceedings.

     5. BE IT RESOLVED, that we sincerely regret to note the absence of our worthy State Chaplain from this convention, which has been brought about by years of sickness; that we keenly miss him from our deliberations and sympathize with him in his sufferings; that our worthy State Secretary be instructed to send greetings and felicitations of this convention to our worthy State Chaplain and express to him our regret at his inability to be with us.

     6. WHEREAS, since our last Convention, Past State Deputy Francis P. Matthews of Nebraska has again been elected a member of the Supreme Board of Directors of the Knights of Columbus, and we rejoice in the honor which has come to him and to us by such election; therefore,
     BE IT RESOLVED, that this Convention extend congratulations to Supreme Director Matthews and assure him of our continued esteem and of our belief that he will fully measure up to the requirements of the high office to which he has been chosen.

     7. BE IT RESOLVED, that the True Voice be designated as the official paper of the Nebraska State Council of Knights of Columbus and that all members of our Order in this jurisdiction be urged to subscribe for same. And that we express our appreciation of the generous action of this paper in placing at our disposal a special column in which items of interest to Knights of Columbus may be printed each week. We heartily approve the action of our State Deputy in recommending that each subordinate council appoint a correspondent who shall furnish to the True Voice not later than Tuesday of each week such items of interest to Knights of Columbus as may come to his attention.

     8. WHEREAS, the American Hierarchy has established a department of Lay Activities as one of the five departments of the National Catholic Welfare Conference and has created the National Catholic Council of men as the men's branch of this department; therefore,
     BE IT RESOLVED, that this convention indorses (sic) the work in which the National Council of Catholic Men is now engaged and urges all councils of the Knights of Columbus in the State of Nebraska to affiliate in every way possible and thereby assist in promoting and protecting the interests of the Catholic Church and of the Catholic citizens of the United States.

     9. THAT, WHEREAS, the Knights of Columbus, serving as sailors in the Pacific Fleet, have requested the help of this convention in securing for San Pedro Council No. 1740 of California and Bremerton Council No. 1379 of Washington, the assistance of the Supreme Council in enabling the above named councils to equip and maintain club


houses with proper accommodations for the entertainment of the sailors in the Pacific Fleet; therefore,
     BE IT RESOLVED, that our delegates to the National Convention be requested to investigate the above request and if in their opinion the request is worthy to support such a measure if brought before the National Convention.

     10. WHEREAS, it is provided by the Constitution of Nebraska that no religious test or qualifications shall be required of any teacher in the public schools of this state; and,
     WHEREAS, any discrimination in the selection of public school teachers based upon religious faith is both unwise and unlawful; therefore,
     BE IT RESOLVED, that we, as Knights of Columbus and as American citizens, deplore the tendency and policy of some public school officials to set up religious tests for teachers seeking employment in our public schools.
     AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the State Deputy be instructed to appoint a committee to make investigation and study of these conditions as they may arise with authority to take such action as they may deem necessary.

Committee on Resolutions.

     All the above resolutions, except No. 9, were adopted as read. On motion it was voted that resolution No. 9 be referred for further investigation to a committee to be appointed by the State Deputy with power.

     Brother Wm. McCormick at this time, on behalf of the Resolutions Committee, submitted the following resolutions of the Financial Secretaries' Association without recommendation:

Resolutions Submitted at Request of Financial Secretaries' Association
by Committee on Resolutions

To the State Deputy, Officers and Members of the Twenty-third Annual Nebraska State Convention:
     The Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Nebraska State Financial Secretaries' Association in meeting assembled extend to the officers and members of the State Council greetings and assurances of support and of our desire to continue to serve the interests of the Order in the state.
     We respectfully submit for your consideration the following resolutions:


     Whereas, the interests of the councils of the state require a varied program of entertainments at meetings and initiations; and
     Whereas, the lecturers of the state find it a task to provide continued programs at meetings and initiations; therefore


     Be It Resolved, that the State Deputy be and is hereby empowered to appoint a State Lecturer, whose duty it shall be to devise a varied schedule of entertainments for council meetings and functions and that any and all reasonable expense involved be paid by the State Council on the approval of the State Deputy.


     Whereas, it is the desire of all councils in the state to increase their present membership, thus strenthening (sic) the numerical and financial position of the individual and State Council; therefore,
     Be It Resolved, that a campaign for new members, particularly insurance members, reinstatements, transfers from Associate to Insurance class he inaugurated during the coming year under the direction of the State Deputy and State Officers and that this campaign be promoted by all councils of the state at a time to be appointed by the State Deputy and State Officers.


     Whereas, it has been the custom in past years, through the pleasure of the State Council, to permit the State Financial Secretaries' Association to suggest the name of one of its members to the State Council as an Insurance Delegate to the Supreme Council meeting; therefore,
     Be It Resolved, that the custom of permitting the State Financial Secretaries to have one of their number elected an Insurance Delegate to the Supreme Council meeting be continued, and we respectfully submit for your consideration the name of Brother H. J. Welding, Albion, Nebr., as the unanimous choice of the Secretaries as said delegate.
     Respectfully submitted by the Nebraska State Financial Secretaries' Association.


     On motion of Brother Chas. J. Thielen of Humphrey the first resolution was adopted. The second resolution was adopted on motion of Dr. Devine. Brother Dugan of Chadron moved the adoption of the third resolution. A motion to table was lost. A substitute motion by Supreme Director Francis P. Matthews that the rules be suspended and Brother Welding be elected an insurance delegate was interpreted by the State Deputy as recommending the election of Brother Welding during the proper order of business. After a prolonged debate, Brother Dugan's motion to adopt carried.

     The following communication from the Supreme Secretary was read:

New Haven, Conn., April 16, 1926.

Worthy State Secretary:
     At the annual meeting of the Supreme Council held in the city of Duluth, Minnesota, on August 46, 1925, the Committee on Laws and Resolutions reported upon proposed amendment to the Laws and Rules of the Order which would provide for the appointment of Financial Secretaries of subordinate councils by the Trustees and the Grand Knight of the council, they to have also power of removal, the term of office to he for one year, beginning October 1.


     There was considerable discussion upon this resolution, with the result that it was voted that action on this resolution be deferred until the next meeting of the Supreme Council, and that the Supreme Secretary bring the matter to the attention of the State Deputies and State Secretaries prior to the next annual meeting of State Councils.
     Pursuant to action taken by the Supreme Council, I am bringing the matter to your attention at this time.

Fraternally yours,
Supreme Secretary.

     District Deputy John Guthrie of Alliance moved that our delegation to the Supreme Council be instructed to vote for the proposed change in the by-laws. Dr. M. J. Healy of Omaha moved to amend by adding the words "Deputy Grand Knight" to the four officers named in the Supreme Secretary's communication. The motion as amended carried by rising vote.

     The report of the Committee on Boy Guidance was submitted by Supreme Director Francis P. Matthews, and on motion of Rev. Father Tohera of Norfolk, who discussed the report at length, was adopted as read:

Report of Committee on Boy Guidance

Worthy State Deputy and Members of the Nebraska State Council:
     On behalf of the committee appointed to consider the part to be taken by the Nebraska State Council and subordinate councils of the state in the development of the Boy Guidance Work provided by the Order, your committee respectfully reports that this matter has been given careful consideration at the meeting of the Supreme Council in Duluth last August, and impressive exemplification sponsored by the Order, was presented for the edification of the delegates attending the Supreme Council meeting.
      The first circle of the Columbian Squires was instituted there, at Duluth, and the work of the junior order of our organization was launched. However, that was the pioneer step in the development of this activity of the Order, and it yet remains to be seen how successful the undertaking will prove. The expense involved in instituting the junior organization in a jurisdiction is considerable. There are imperfections in connection with the boy organization which will have to be corrected. Mistakes will be made in the beginning, and your committee feels that the best interest of that particular activity in this state will be served by proceeding slowly in the matter of instituting the Columbian Squires in Nebraska. We feel that we can well afford to profit by the experience of councils in other jurisdictions, who are inaugurating the work, and who will learn from experience where the imperfections exist and how they can be remedied.
     We recommend that no action be taken at this time with a view of making any expenditure in this jurisdiction, either for the institution of circles of the Columbian Squires or for the training in Boy Guidance, provided by the Order at the University of Notre Dame. In order to equalize the benefits to be derived from availing ourselves of the latter, it would be necessary for the Nebraska State Council to provide three scholarships in the post-graduate course referred to. The expense of so doing would amount to between three and four


thousand dollars per year, and in our opinion the financial condition of the local councils is not such that they can well submit to that added burden.
     We therefore recommend that the matter be taken under advisement for the ensuing year and that the State Deputy make such recommendation as he may see fit to the State Council meeting in 1927.
     All of which is respectfully submitted.


     The State Deputy announced the next order of business to be the election of officers. For the office of State Deputy, Wm. M. Whelan of Hastings was nominated to succeed himself by M. B. Griffin of Omaha. A motion of Brother Griffin that the rules be suspended and the State Secretary be instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of the State Council for Brother Whelan for State Deputy was carried by unanimous vote.

     Brother Rudolph Brazda of West Point moved that the rules be suspended and that the State Deputy be instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of the State Council for Dr. E. G. Zimmerer as State Secretary, for J. Howard Heine as State Treasurer, for John Gross as State Advocate, and for Dr. J. C. Tighe as State Warden. The motion carried.

     Nominations for representatives at the Supreme Council were made as follows:
     H. J. Riordan of O'Neill nominated J. M. Liewer of Emerson as insurance delegate.
     Dr. Devine of Grand Island nominated Frank Kelly of Broken Bow as insurance delegate.
     Brother Carrigan of Fremont nominated J. Howard Heine of Fremont as insurance delegate.
     Dr. M. J. Healey of Omaha nominated Joe O'Malley of Greeley as associate delegate.
     Tom Reed of Lexington nominated Albert Kjar of Lexington as insurance delegate.
     John W. Guthrie of Alliance nominated Jos. F. O'Connor of Alliance as insurance delegate.
     Chas. J. Theilen of Humphrey nominated Herman J. Welding of Albion as insurance delegate.
     Dr. J. C. Tighe of Madison nominated John Gross of West Point as insurance delegate.
     E. O. Dugan of Chadron nominated Rev. Father Tohers of Norfolk as associate delegate.
     Colonel F. A. Kidwell of Lincoln nominated Ole N. Miller of York as associate delegate.
     Wm. McCormack of Omaha nominated John Hopkins of Omaha as associate delegate.
     Maurice B. Griffin of Omaha nominated B. H. Patterson of Kearney as insurance delegate.
     Dr. Henry Farrell of Kearney nominated R. J. Frey of Hastings as insurance delegate.


     Rev. Father Hennessy of Wymore nominated Geo. E. Coffee of Wymore as insurance delegate.
     Brother Lynch of St. Paul nominated J. F. Zochol of St. Paul as associate delegate.

     The ballot was by roll call of delegates as called by the State Secretary and resulted as follows:

Father Tohers

     The State Deputy announced the result of the election as follows:
     Insurance Representatives--Herman Welding, Albion; B. H. Patterson, Kearney.
     Associate Representatives--Rev. Father Tohers, Norfolk; John Hopkins, Omaha; Jos. O'Malley, Greeley; Geo. Coffee, Wymore.

     On motion of Supreme Director Francis P. Matthews, alternates were elected by acclamation, as follows:

     To the State Deputy--J. M. Liewer, Emerson. To the Past State Deputy--Rev. P. J. Moran of Omaha. To Brother Welding--Albert J. Kjar of Lexington. To Brother Patterson--J. Howard Heine of Fremont. To Father Tohers--H. J. Frey of Hastings. To Brother Hopkins--Frank Kelley of Broken Bow. To Brother O'Malley--J. F. Zochol of St. Paul. To Brother Coffee--Jos. O'Connor of Alliance.

     At this time Special Supreme Agent T. P. Downs, Past State Deputy of Kansas, addressed the convention.

     State Deputy Wm. M. Whelan expressed his personal appreciation of the hospitality of the Columbus Council and the citizens of Columbus, especially to Grand Knight Miller and Mark Burke, chairman of the Committee of Arrangements.

     Mark Burke was called for and addressed the convention.

     The next order of business was a selection of the place for the next convention. The invitation of Omaha Council was extended by Grand Knight Dr. M. J. Healey of Omaha and an invitation to hold the next convention at McCook was voiced by Brother Chas. Skalla of McCook. A motion to accept the invitation of Omaha Council by Brother E. O. Dugan of Chadron was seconded by Brother Skalla, who withdrew his invitation in view of the fact that Omaha Council desired the State Council to be present at the dedication of their new home next spring. The motion was carried.


     The final prayer was said by the Rev. Anton Link, Acting State Chaplain, and the twenty-second convention of the State Council adjourned sine die at 5:30 p. m.

     Following the business session the delegates to the State Council were guests of the Columbus Council at a bounteous banquet.

State Secretary.

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